Permissibility of Raqs, Wajd
Permissibility of Raqs, Wajd
Permissibility of Raqs, Wajd
Hadrat Ali (ra) said: I went to the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) with Jafar (RA) and Zayd (ra), The Prophet (saw) said to Zayd: You are my freedman (anta Mawlay), AT THIS ZAYD BEGAN TO HOP ON ONE LEG (HAJALA) AROUND THE PROPHET then the Prophet (saw) said to Jafar (ra): You resemble me in my creation and my manners, at this Jafar also began to hop behind Zayd, then the Prophet (saw) said to Ali (ra): You are from me and I am from you, at this he also started to hop behind Jafar. [Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal 1:537 #857] They were not looking to dance actually.But they were jubilant.The reason they were jubilant can be understood from the following hadith It is narrated by Anas (R.A) that the Habashis were presenting their art in front of the Prophet ( ) and THEY WERE DANCING (Yarqasun) while saying: Muhammadun Abdun Salih (i.e. Muhammad the righteous slave). The Prophet ( ) asked: What are they saying? They said: Muhammadun Abdun Salih [Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Volume No.3, Page no. 152] The reason they were dancing is because they found out that syeddina rasulullah salellahualaihiwasalam is indeed a prophet of Allah, on top of that they are muslims, on top of that they are following him(salellahualaihiwasalam),they are so much bestowed that indeed they even got to see the prophet of allah salellahualaihiwasalam, they were much more jublient reaching to such state when syeddina rasulullah salellahualaihiwasalam saw their intention through their movement and said you resemble me. This cause them to dance or rather hop on one leg.They were practicing Muslims , the ones who fear Allah and the day of judgment.Not today's so called muslims who look for the permissibility to dance with women.