Gummen Pool
Gummen Pool
Gummen Pool
H-Parameter Model
A model used to analyze linear BJT circuits. H-parameter is based on input current and output voltage as independent variables, rather than input and output voltages, which is related to the hybrid-pi model. This two-port network is particularly suited to BJTs as it lends itself easily to the analysis of circuit behaviour, and may be used to develop further accurate models.
H-parameter model of NPN BJT
Hybrid-pi model
The hybrid-pi model is a popular circuit model used for analyzing the small signal behavior of BJT and FET. The model can be quite accurate for low-frequency circuits. Hybrid-pi model can also be adapted for higher frequency circuits with the addition of appropriate interelectrode capacitances and other parasitic elements.
EbersMoll Model
The classic mathematical model for the bipolar junction transistor is the Ebers-Moll model formulated by J. J. Ebers and J. L. Moll from Bell Laboratories in the early 1954. Ebers-Moll model also known as Coupled Diode Model The Ebers-Moll model provides an alternative view or representation of the voltage-current equation model. Model includes configurationally series resistances, depletion capacitances and the charge carrier effects.
IC = -N IN ICO (e VC / VT 1)
Subscript N to indicates that we are using transistor in a normal manner. When we interchange the role of emitter and collector we operate transistor in a inverted function. In such case current and junction voltage relationship for transistor is given by
IE = - I IC IEO (e vE / VT 1)
Subscript I to indicates that we are using transistor in a inverted manner, I is the inverted common base current Gain.
IEO: The emitter junction reverse saturation current. VE : The voltage drop from p side to N side at the emitter junction.
Where IES represents the reverse saturation current of the base-emitter diode.
Equation (2)
Forward common-base current gain F represents the fraction of the emitter current that crosses the base and appears in the collector terminal.
The new parameter ICS represents the reverse saturation current of the base-emitter diode. The emitter current can be rewritten in terms of ICS as (equation-4)
Equation (4)
The reverse common-base current gain R represents the fraction of the collector current that crosses the base from the emitter terminal.
Equation (5)
This model contains four parameters, IES, ICS, F , and R. From the definitions of IES and ICS, we can obtain the important auxiliary relation
Equation (6) which shows that there are only three independent parameters in the Ebers-Moll model, just as in the transport formulation. The base current, given by iB = iE iC, is
Equation (7)
Fig.1a: physical situation for a bipolar transistor, neglecting the parasitic pnp transistor.
Fig.1(c) AC small signal schematic of the bipolar transistor NOTE: XCJC effect neglected.
Base Resistor
ILC = ISCexpf(vBC/NCVt)
QB = (1 + vBC/VAF + vBE/VAR ) { + [ + (BFIBF/IKF + BRIBR/IKR)]1/2 }
vBC + + vBE RE