BCC-IEP Newsletter January 2
BCC-IEP Newsletter January 2
BCC-IEP Newsletter January 2
Jan% 1$ E 'eachers8 Day C+oliday offD Jan% 1. E (CC )al* for +ealth
Childrens Day
To all teachers: On Friday, January 10th there will be Childrens Day Activities from 1:00 !:00, only for students in "rades 1#$% &aturday, January 11th is Childrens Day, but &aturday classes will run as scheduled% 'hursday, January 1$th is 'eachers Day, which is a holiday off% 'he (CC )al* for +ealth is scheduled to be,in at -:00 am on &unday, January 1.th at /um0ini 1ar*% 'his event is not mandatory% From Teacher Montira )elcome bac*, everyone% 2 ho0e everyone has en3oyed their holidays, and 2 wish the best for everyone for the new year that is ahead, and also for the remainder of Academic 4ear 5001!#5016% Childrens Day 'hailand 7ational Children8s Day is celebrated on the second &aturday in January% 9nown as :)an De*; in 'hailand, Childrens Day is celebrated to ,ive children the o00ortunity to have fun and to create awareness about their si,nificant role towards the develo0ment of the country% <sually, +is =a3esty the 9in, ,ives advice addressin, the children while the &u0reme =onarch 1atriarch of 'hailand ,ives a moral teachin,% 'he 1rime =inister also usually ,ives each Children8s Day a theme and a slo,an% =any or,ani>ations from both ,overnment and commercial sectors have celebration activities for children% Children can enter >oos or ride buses for free% 'here is a 'hai sayin, that states, ?Children are the future of the nation, if the children are intelli,ent, the country will be 0ros0erous%? Teachers Day 2n many countries, 'eachers8 Day is intended to be a s0ecial day of a00reciation for teachers% 'he date on which 'eachers8 Day is celebrated varies from country to country% )orld 'eachers8 Day is officially celebrated across the world on October @% 'he first 'eachers8 Day was held in 1.@-% January 1$ mar*s the enactment of the 'eachers Act, (uddhist Ara 56BB C1.6@D% =ost 'hai schools closed for the day to ,ive their teachers a brea* durin, the second term%