Berklee In the Pocket Essential Songwriter Jimmy Kachulis and Jonathan Feist Part I Power Progressions Press ESC to cancel sound. Check out for more lessons just like this one. 2005 Berklee College of Music licensed to the public under verify at Berklee is offering free music lessons online designed to expand educational opportunities for musicians around the globe. The music lessons are available for free download from the Web site and via a growing network of partner Web sites. These free music lessons are also available on digital file sharing networks. We encourage people to share our lessons with other musicians. While Berklee strongly disapproves of stealing copyrighted music online, we believe that file sharing offers new opportunities for musicians to learn, and to promote and distribute their work. I. 2MAH 2HCHAIIEI Most hit songs aie based on one of the following choid piogiessions. These piogiessions have a natuial balance and giavity to them. They make songs feel soundly ciafted, and cieate a sense of inevitabilitythat they aie the "iight" way foi the choids to follow each othei, and foi the songs to piogiess. We call them FMAH FHCHAIIEI because they do have powei. They have been at the heait of countless songs, in all diffeient styles of music, acioss many cultuies and musical eias. These aie the essential choid piogiessions that have iocked the woild foi as long as music has been based on haimony. By customizing these piogiessions to diffeient keys, giooves, haimonic ihythms, and othei vaiia- tions mentioned in pait II of this handbook, you can use them to cieate an infinite numbei of songs. Each key coloi has its own powei piogiessions. To use one of these piogiessions in youi songwiiting, choose the one that seems to best suit youi lyiics oi melody, and then apply it to a key. Chaits aie shown with each type of key, indicating which choids go with which scale degiees, so you can use these piogiessions in any key. The tiiads aie the essential choids, sevenths, indicated in paientheses, can be added, foi extia coloi. The chaits include suggested fietboaid diagiams foi guitaiists and notated seventh choids foi keyboaid playeis. The actual voicing you choose will depend on the piogiession, youi melody, and youi lyiic stoiy. Once you have a piogiession and a key, gioove on them, and use the ideas thioughout this book to customize the piogiession to youi lyiics. Powei piogiessions aie just the staiting point foi youi giooves. Use youi imagination to giow them into something unique. I. Pover Progresslons # Pocket Songwriter4.qxd 12/30/03 10:07 AM Page 5 Learn More Online Courses and Certificates from Berkleemusic Learn More Books and DVDs from Berklee Press Guitar. Performance. Production. Songwriting & Arranging. Music Business. Theory, Harmony & Ear Training. Study with the world-renowned professors of Berklee College of Music, on your own time, from anywhere in the world. Lyric Writing: Tools and Strategies Generate better ideas, find the right words to express those ideas, and organize rhythms and rhymes into compelling verses, choruses and bridges. Songwriting Workshop: Hit Songs Forms Move your listeners and express yourself more effectively by crafting your songs the way hit writers do.
Arranging 1 Essential learning for anyone interested in arranging music for a band, Arranging 1 explores all aspects of writing and arranging for the rhythm section.. Songwriter's Workshop: Melody Learn the fundamental techniques behind today's hit songs, together with easy-to-follow exercises, so you can apply these tools to your own art. Quit wrestling with writer's block. Master Certificate in Songwriting Become a master in the art of songwriting and lyric writing with our Master Songwriting certificate. This extensive program arms you with all the tools needed to develop your ideas into complete, engaging, effective songs. Songwriting: Essential Guide to Rhyming Rhyme is one of the most crucial areas of lyric writing, and this guide will provide you with all the information necessary to develop your skills. Make rhyme work for you and your writing will greatly improve. Finale: An Easy Guide to Music Notation, Second Edition Designed for both novice and experienced Finale users, the step-by-step instructions will help you master all of Finale's capabilities. This detailed guide is your shortcut to getting Finale working for you. Songwriter's Workshop: Harmony Learn how harmony can help you express your songwriting ideasusing chords and chord structures the way that professional songwriters do.