Terrorism Awareness
Terrorism Awareness
Terrorism Awareness
Ser 0210
12 Dec 05
From: Director
To: Marine Corps Institute Student
1. Purpose. The subject course provides instruction on terrorism awareness for all Marines.
2. Scope. This course gives an overview on terrorism and provides guidance to individual
Marines on terrorism and its effects.
3. Applicability. This course is designed for the Marine, private through general officer, in all
By direction
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Table of Contents
Contents ............................................................................................................................ i
Study Guide....................................................................................................................... v
Study Unit 4 Protective Measures for the Home and Office.............................. 4-1
Study Hours 7
Course Text
Reserve 2
Credits (RRC)
Assistance For administrative assistance, have your training officer or NCO log on to the
MCI home page at www.mci.usmc.mil. Marines CONUS may call toll free
1-800-MCI-USMC. Marines worldwide may call commercial (202) 685-
7596 or DSN 325-7596.
Your Personal • YOU ARE PROPERLY MOTIVATED. You have made a positive
Characteristics decision to get training on your own. Self- motivation is perhaps the most
important force in learning or achieving anything. Doing whatever is
necessary to learn is motivation. You have it!
Beginning Your Before you actually begin this course of study, read the student information
Course page. If you find any course materials missing, notify your training officer or
training NCO. If you have all the required materials, you are ready to begin.
To begin your course of study, familiarize yourself with the structure of the
course text. One way to do this is to read the table of contents. Notice the
table of contents covers specific areas of study and the order in which they are
presented. You will find the text divided into several study units. Each study
unit is comprised of two or more lessons and lesson exercises.
Leafing Leaf through the text and look at the course. Read a few lesson exercise
Through the questions to get an idea of the type of material in the course. If the course has
Text additional study aids, such as a handbook or plotting board, familiarize
yourself with them.
The First Study Turn to the first page of study unit 1. On this page, you will find an
Unit introduction to the study unit and generally the first study unit lesson. Study
unit lessons contain learning objectives, lesson text, and exercises.
Reading the Learning objectives describe in concise terms what the successful learner,
Learning you, will be able to do as a result of mastering the content of the lesson text.
Objectives Read the objectives for each lesson and then read the lesson text. As you read
the lesson text, make notes on the points you feel are important.
Completing the To determine your mastery of the learning objectives and text, complete the
Exercises exercises developed for you. Exercises are located at the end of each lesson,
and at the end of each study unit. Without referring to the text, complete the
exercise questions and then check your responses against those provided.
Continuing to Continue on to the next lesson, repeating the above process until you have
March completed all lessons in the study unit. Follow the same procedures for each
study unit in the course.
Preparing for To prepare for your final exam, you must review what you learned in the
the Final Exam course. The following suggestions will help make the review interesting and
Tackling the When you have completed your study of the course material and are confident
Final Exam with the results attained on your study unit exercises, take the sealed envelope
marked “FINAL EXAM” to your unit training NCO or training officer.
Your training NCO or officer will administer the final examination and return
the examination and the answer sheet to MCI for grading. Before taking your
final examination, read the directions on the DP-37 answer sheet carefully.
Completing The sooner you complete your course, the sooner you can better yourself by
Your Course applying what you’ve learned! HOWEVER--you do have 2 years from the
date of enrollment to complete this course.
Semper Fidelis!
Scope September 11, 2001 is a day that will redefine history. The terrorist attacks
that were launched on that day claimed victims from some 88 nations. For
many countries, including the United States, the horrors of September 11
claimed the most lives of any terrorist incident in their history.
The attacks may have been conceived as a blow against America, but in
reality they were attacks against all of humanity and civilization itself. The
war we are waging will be a long struggle with many dimensions. The
United States has entered a new age of terrorism that targets both civilians
and Armed Forces in a war with no rules and no clear ending. There has been
a steady progression towards this point by such events as the
Although the means and ends have evolved throughout history, the central
elements of terrorism – fear, panic, violence, and disruption – have changed
little. As the world enters the 21st century, terrorism remains a vexing
problem. With training and an increase in knowledge and awareness of
terrorist activities, perhaps these attacks can be prevented in the future.
Scope As a Marine, you are more likely to witness or experience terrorist acts. In
this lesson, you will learn multiple factors that will establish a foundation
needed to help you counteract terrorism.
• Violence
• Fear
• Intimidation
• All terrorist acts are criminal and intolerable. Whatever their motivation
is, they should be condemned.
• The United States will support all lawful measures to prevent terrorism
and bring those responsible to justice.
• When Americans are abducted overseas, the United States will look to the
host government to exercise its responsibility to protect all persons within
its territories, to include achieving the safe release of hostages.
• The United States will maintain close and continuous contact with the
host government during the incident and will continue to develop
international cooperation to combat terrorism.
In this global campaign, the United States welcomes the help of any country
or party that is genuinely prepared to work with us, but we will not relax our
standards and we will continue to advance our fundamental interests in
establishing a world of democracy, opportunity, and stability. This is a world
in which terrorism cannot thrive.
Characteristics A terrorist is one who advocates, creates, or practices the use of terror for a
means of coercion. The characteristics and traits of each terrorist may vary
and it is difficult to generalize about a terrorist’s profile; however, terrorists
typically are intelligent, obsessed with initiating changes, reared in middle
class or wealthy families, and are in their early to mid-twenties.
Planning For Terrorism is a criminal act that influences an audience beyond the immediate
Response victim. The strategy of terrorists is to commit acts of violence that draw the
attention of the local populace, the government, and the world to their cause.
A successful attack for a terrorist is one that gains the greatest publicity. A
terrorist becomes more effective with a larger reaction from the public or
View of It is important to realize that there are different views when it comes to a
Incident terrorist incident. Those involved may all share a different view of what took
place. There are three perspectives of a terrorist incident:
• Terrorist’s perspective
• Victim’s perspective
• General public’s perspective
Terrorists will view their actions as heroic, and worthy of praise. The victim
of course will see otherwise. The general public’s perspective is possible of
being swayed in both directions.
Perception A common phrase “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” is
often the view a terrorist takes on and accepts. Terrorists do not see
themselves as evil; they believe they are legitimate combatants, fighting for
what they believe in, by whatever means possible.
Victim A victim of a terrorist act sees the terrorist as a criminal with no regard for
human life.
General Public The general public’s view of a terrorist incident is the most unstable view of
the three. Terrorists take great pains to portray a “Robin Hood” image in
hopes of swaying the general public’s point of view toward their cause. If a
terrorist group were to win the views of the people then their cause would be
aided immensely.
Other Outlooks George Washington served in the British Army before serving in the
Continental Army. British subjects viewed him as a traitor and colonists
viewed him as a patriot. The same can be said concerning many areas of the
world today. Elements that are perceived as menaces to our way of life can
be viewed as saviors by others. It is important to take this into account when
dealing with foreign cultures, and realize that not everyone thinks the same
Government A terrorist group’s selection of targets and tactics is also a function of the
Affiliation group’s governmental affiliation. Terrorist groups are categorized by their
operational category and governmental affiliation. This enables security
personnel and planners to anticipate terrorist targets and determine the
sophistication of a terrorist group’s intelligence and weaponry.
Today’s Threat Many areas of the world are experiencing great political, economic, and social
unrest. The reasons for this unrest can be seen in conflicts with neighboring
states, internal strife, dissatisfaction with governments in power,
unconstrained population growth, declining resources, and ethnic and
religious hatreds.
This unrest has spawned numerous groups that lack the means to have their
grievances solved by their own governments through the normal political
processes. Sometimes these groups resort to terrorism to achieve their aims.
Directions Complete items 1 through 6 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 2 The strategy of terrorists is to commit acts of violence that draws attention of
the local populace, the __________________, and the world to their cause.
a. government
b. children
c. media
d. church
Item 4 Through Matching: For items 4 through 6, match the type of terrorist group in column
Item 6 1 to its description in column 2. Place your responses in the spaces provided.
Column 1 Column 2
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Different Terrorists are constantly coming up with new ideas and methods to
Motivation accomplish their goals. The motivation for these goals will fall within one of
the following four categories:
• Political Ideologies
• Nationalism
• Religion
• Special Interests
Political Political ideologies range from the far left to the far right.
Left-wing terrorists are out to destroy capitalism and replace it with a
communist or socialist regime. Because they see most civilians as suffering
from capitalist exploitation, left-wing terrorists sometimes have limited their
use of violence to avoid hurting the victims they say they want to save. Left-
wing terrorists sometimes focus instead on such tactics as kidnapping tycoons
or bombing monuments.
Right-wing terrorists are among the least organized terrorists, often associated
with neo-Nazi street rioting in Western Europe, especially in the early 1980s.
These groups, often dominated by skinheads, seek to do away with liberal
democratic governments and create fascist states in their place. Neo-fascist
terrorists frequently attack immigrants and refugees from the developing
world and are both racist and anti-Semitic.
Examples of nationalism were seen with the war in Iraq. Former regime
officials, or former Ba’ath party members (mostly all Sunni Muslims), were
behind the majority of insurgent attacks. They felt they stood the most to lose
if a democratic government were established in Iraq. If Iraq evolves into a
democratic Shiite ruled government, Sunnis felt they would have zero power
in the decision- making process.
Religion Religion has driven many of the violent acts in recorded history. Religious
extremists often reject the authority of secular governments and view legal
systems that are not based on their beliefs as illegitimate. They often view
modernization efforts as corrupting influences on traditional culture. Two of
the most influential religious terrorist groups in the past decades have been
the Al Qaeda network in Afghanistan and the Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Al Qae da Al Qaeda has been responsible for some of the most notable terrorist attacks
within the past 15 years. Their attacks have targeted Americans and other
Western interests, as well as Jewish and Muslim governments it deems
corrupt. These attacks include
Hezbollah The Hezbollah (meaning “party of God”) has been linked to a number of
terrorist attacks against America, Israel, and other Western targets. These
attacks include
Special Interest Special interest groups include people on the radical fringe of many
legitimate causes such as antiabortion views, animal rights, and radical
environmentalism. Although many of the groups may have some valid
arguments, their approaches to expressing their concerns may not be. These
groups believe that violence is morally justifiable to achieve their goals. As a
result, such groups are labeled as terrorist groups.
Achievement Rarely does one act of terrorism achieve a group’s long-term objectives.
Each act usually achieves a specific objective. This objective may satisfy an
immediate concern or may be a step in achieving a long-term objective. The
following are all immediate objectives of terrorism:
• Recognition
• Overreaction by the government
• Harassment, weakening, or embarrassment of government security forces
• Theft or extortion of money or equipment
• Destruction
• Discouraging foreign investment or assistance programs
• Influencing government decisions
• Freeing prisoners
• Satisfying vengeance
• Turning the tide in guerilla warfare
Recognition Terrorists seek to obtain worldwide, national, or local recognition for their
cause. This vital publicity advertises the movement, bringing national and
international attention to their grievances. It attracts money, international
sponsorship, and recruits to their cause.
The largest ransom ever paid for a single individual is $14.2 million. It was
paid by the Exxon Corporation for the release of Victor Samuelson, a
company executive who was working in Argentina in 1974. In 1975, a
German industrialist for the release of his two sons paid $60 million to the
Montonero Peronist Movement.
Destruction Often the public views the destruction of a building or disruption of lines of
communication as the final goal of terrorism; this is not the case. By
destroying facilities or disrupting lines of communication, terrorists can
isolate entire segments of the population, thereby hindering the government’s
ability to control the violence. Once isolated, the terrorists can move into the
area, spread propaganda, and serve as the sole support element to the isolated
Discouraging Terrorist attacks against foreign businesses often end with the business
Foreign pulling out and departing the host country for a safer area. When this occurs,
Investments thousands of local nationals instantly become unemployed causing
tremendous strain upon the government to provide assistance; which in many
cases it cannot. The local populace, with no means of feeding themselves or
their families, become hostile towards the existing government, and become
susceptible to recruitment by the terrorist organization.
Influencing The sole purpose of this objective is to find a way to persuade a government
Government or legislation to support the cause of the terrorist. There is little doubt that the
Decisions bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut influenced our government to
eventually withdraw the Marines.
Satisfying The most brutal acts of terrorism are reserved for informants or other traitors.
Vengeance Some terrorist groups can be extremely brutal when it comes to punishing its
members. Mutilation, beheadings, and torture tactics are commonplace when
achieving this immediate objective.
Staying the As a Marine you should be well- versed in observing what terrorists are
Course hoping to accomplish. It is imperative that you are able to distinguish
between immediate objectives and long-term objectives. Identifying
immediate objectives will assist you in preventing long-term objectives.
Long-term objectives fit into at least one of the following categories:
• Revolutionary
• Sub-revolutionary
• Establishme nt
Revolutionary A terrorist’s objective is revolutionary when their intent is to help bring about
the complete overthrow of an incumbent government. The threat may come
from within a country, or from outside. Some terrorists are anarchists. Their
purpose is to use violence to achieve world revolution and to eliminate all
Directions Complete items 1 through 14 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 2 Through For items 2 through 14, place either an “I” for an immediate objective, or “L”
Item 14 for a long-term objective next to the item.
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
After completing this study unit, you should be able to determine how a
terrorist operates, and you will be able to identify ways to establish yourself
as a hard target.
Scope Terrorist operations are usually well thought out and executed by specially
trained and organized clandestine elements. Strict security techniques are
followed once a target is selected, and team members are not brought together
until the final rehearsal phase. In this lesson, you will learn the definition and
details of each phase of a terrorist operation, and the types of operations
commonly associated with terrorism.
Definition A terrorist operation is defined as any criminal act carried out by a person or
group to gain attention for a cause, by using terror-causing tactics to raise
capital or obtain equipment for future operations.
When other terrorist groups identify an effective operation, they may copy the
techniques employed and use them for their own operations.
Five Phases Terrorist operations are broken down into five phases:
• Pre-incident
• Initiation
• Negotiation
• Climax
• Post-incident
Understanding each of these phases will assist you in detecting and ultimately
preventing terrorist operations.
Pre -Incident During this phase, activities by terrorist groups are meticulously conceived
and prepared by command elements. You will learn more about command
elements later in the course. Activities include reconnaissance missions,
lengthy periods of training, and rehearsals. Small, special units conduct target
and area reconnaissance missions. Different elements of the group will work
independent of the other without knowing members of either team until just
before the operation takes place.
Initiation This is the movement to target phase, and when the actual action takes place.
Movement to the target is covert. Individual terrorists leave for the target
singly or in pairs along separate routes. When necessary, they use false
passports and names. Weapons and other items are sent separately to
prearranged locations where they are given to terrorists involved in the
operation. Countries sympathetic to terrorist causes have allowed items to be
carried in diplomatic pouches with agents taking them from the embassy to a
prearranged site.
Climax The climax phase immediately follows the initiation phase if there is no
negotiation phase. The climax phase signals the end of the incident as far as
the terrorists are concerned. The terrorists retreat from the incident and
attempt to return to a staging point to begin the post incident phase.
Post-Incident During the post-incident phase, the terrorist members regroup, critique, and
criticize the operation. This is considered to be a very important part of the
operation. During this phase, the terrorists learn from and share their
successes and failures. The lessons learned are often shared with other
groups to improve their operational skills.
Commonly Terrorist operations consist of the same types of criminal activities you see
Associated daily on the news. Not every incident is the result of terrorism, but the
Operations possibility should never be discounted. As you know, terrorist attacks are
well planned and rehearsed. All terrorists groups, no matter how they are
categorized or what their goal may be, carry out similar operations. The
following are operations conducted by terrorists:
Bombings Bombings are the most common type of terrorist operation. Typically,
improvised explosive devices (IED) are inexpensive and easy to make.
Modern devices are getting smaller and harder to detect, yet they continue to
increase in destructive capabilities. Terrorists can also use materials readily
available to the average consumer to construct a bomb.
During Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, IED attacks were
the most effective against coalition forces.
Arson and Fire Incendiary devices are cheap and easy to hide. Arson and fire bombings are
Bombings easily conducted by terrorist groups that may not be as well organized,
equipped, or trained as a major terrorist organization. Arsons or fire
bombings against utilities, hotels, government buildings or industrial centers
are common tactics used by terrorists to portray an image that the ruling
government is incapable of maintaining order.
Vehicle The ft Stolen vehicles provide terrorists with a means of delivering explosives that
can and most likely will be traced back to the original car owner and not to
the terrorist organization.
Skyjacking and Skyjacking provides terrorists with hostages and draws media attention. An
Aircraft Theft aircraft theft provides terrorists with a tool for conducting kamikaze attacks.
Aircraft mobility and distance make retaliation difficult. Skyjacking also
provides an opportunity for terrorists to relocate the aircraft to a country that
supports their cause.
Images of 9/11 The below graphics depict the horrific attacks on the World Trade Center
Attacks Towers in New York City, and at the Pentagon in Washington D.C.
Marjacking Marjacking (also known as maritime theft) provides terrorists with a unique
method of intimidating international travelers. Due to a ship’s size and ability
to endure long periods of isolation, marjacking presents a variety of benefits
to terrorists and risks to legal authorities. While occurrences of marjackings
are infrequent, the possibility should not be underestimated.
Hostage-Taking Hostage-taking involves the seizure of a facility or location and the taking of
hostages. Unlike a kidnapping, hostage-taking provokes a confrontation with
authorities. It forces authorities to either make dramatic decisions or to
comply with the terrorists’ demands. Hostage-taking is overt and designed to
attract and hold media attention. The terrorists’ intended target is the
audience emotional impact by the hostage’s confinement, not the hostage
International Drug activities are a major financial source for some terrorist groups.
Narcotics Providing security for narcotics networks in exchange for financial support is
Support a common occurrence.
Robbery and Robbery and extortion is another source of fund raising for terrorist
Extortion operations. These methods are unnecessary when terrorists receive funding
and support from nations sympathetic to their cause.
Nuclear, Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) attacks have been almost non-
Biological, and existent in the past. Due to the extremely high number of casualties that NBC
Chemical weapons produce, they are also referred to as weapons of mass destruction
Attack (WMD). The increase in development of WMD also increases the potential
for terrorist groups to gain access to WMD. It is believed that in the future,
terrorists will have greater access to WMD due to unstable nations failing to
safeguard their stockpiles from accidental losses, illicit sales, or outright theft
or seizure.
Determined terrorist groups can also gain access to WMD through covert
independent research efforts or by hiring technically skilled professionals to
construct them. Although an explosive nuclear device is believed to be
beyond the scope or capabilities of most terrorist groups, chemical, biological
or radiological dispersion weapons that use nuclear contaminants are not.
Fear of these biological agents can create as much terrorist value as their
actual employment.
Raids or Raids or attacks on facilities are usually undertaken for one of three purposes:
Attacks on
Facilities • To gain access to radio or television broadcast capabilities to make a
Hoaxes Any terrorist group that has established credibility can employ a hoax with
considerable success. A threat against a person’s life causes that person and
those associated with that individual to devote time and effort to security
measures. A bomb threat can close a commercial building, reduce operations,
or delay an aircraft flight at no cost to the terrorist. These types of threats
also can increase threat conditions on military installations causing delays and
confusion at entry and exit points.
False alarms dull the analytical and operational efficiency of key security
personnel, thus degrading readiness.
Ecological This tactic proved extremely effective during Operation Iraqi Freedom when
Terrorism, insurgents continually attacked oil fields and power plants in hopes of
continued disrupting the rebuilding efforts of the coalition forces. The insurgents
attempted to destroy not only the economy in Iraq, but also the image of
coalition forces with the Iraqi citizens.
Directions Complete items 1 through 16 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 2 Through Matching: For items 2 though 6, match the phase of terrorist operations in
Item 6 column 1 to its description in column 2. Place your responses in the spaces
Column 1 Column 2
Item 7 Through For items 7 through 16, identify the operations commonly associated with
Item 16 terrorism by placing either a Y for yes if the operation is associated with
terrorism, or N if the operation is not.
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Scope Terrorists prefer a soft target, or one that involves little risk and a high
probability of success. In this lesson, you will learn the different categories
of terrorist targets, and you will learn ways to establish yourself as a hard
Different Terrorist targets are broken down into four basic categories. Within each
Targets category there are a number of different installations or facility types.
Knowing what is contained in each category will make you more efficient in
deciding if your installation, base, or place of employment may be considered
for a terrorist attack. The different categories are
Engineering Engineering and energy systems are vital to the survival of economies. If
and Energy these structures are attacked, the host government takes on the added pressure
Systems of providing relief for those affected. These systems include the following:
• Hydroelectric plants
• Offshore oil rigs
• Nuclear facility sites
• Gas pipelines
• Electric power lines
Communication Communication and supply lines can be extremely effective targets for
and Supplies terrorists. Interrupting these can damage progression throughout societies.
This category includes the following:
Transportation In recent years, transportation has been the category of choice for terrorist
attacks. Terrorists use vehicles and aircraft as methods for delivering bombs
and inflicting mass casualties. Public transportation is also a prime source for
mass casualties. This category includes the following:
• Vehicles
• Rail lines
• Bus depots
• Airports and aircraft
• Trucking facilities
• Shipyards
Human Under this category are the individuals that are historically targeted more
often than any other. Although you may not fall under one of the groups
listed in this category, there is always the possibility that you could be an
innocent bystander at the time of an attack. This category includes the
Becoming A You can become a victim of terrorism in any of the following ways:
• Victim by location – Being at a certain location when an attack occurs, or
a victim of circumstance.
Determination As stated before, terrorists prefer a target that involves little risk and a high
probability of success. Terrorists evaluate a target’s security profile,
predictability, and value. The target’s value is determined by its importance
and possible benefits gained. Once a target has been evaluated, the target is
labeled in the terrorist’s mind as either a soft or hard target.
• Heightened awareness – The target continually uses and adjusts the level
of individual protective measures and does not become complacent.
Always show a constant state of alertness.
A terrorist will not attack a hard target unless there are specific orders to do
so. In most cases an easier target will be selected.
Avoid Routine One of the best ways to establish yourself as a hard target is to avoid forming
routines in your daily life.
Avoid Routine, • Routines at work – Constantly traveling the same route to and from
continued work, arriving and departing at a set time, parking in the same spots,
going to the same place for lunch, these are all examples of routines we
set at work. By being in the military some of these rout ines may be hard
to avoid, however you must do your best to add variations throughout the
work week.
• Other routines
Other Becoming a hard target also takes into account another consideration; what
Considerations and how much value can the terrorists expect to gain from attacking you?
• Importance – How important are you? What publicity will the terrorists
gain for their cause?
• Free comrades – If the terrorists take you hostage, will the demands for
the release of their comrades be met?
• Safe escort – Can the terrorists obtain safe passage? If all else fails, or in
addition to their other demands, the terrorists will demand safe passage to
an area of their choice.
Whether you become a hard target or a soft target is entirely up to you. Try to
create an amount of risk and work so high, with the probability of success so
low, that the terrorists will leave you alone and select another target.
Directions Complete items 1 through 4 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
a. weapons sites
b. factories
c. engineering and energy systems
d. military headquarters
Item 4 What is one of the best ways to establish yourself as a hard target?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
• Unarmed
• Minimal chance of confrontation with
• Accessible
• Predictable
• Unaware
3 Any three of the following: 2-21
• Armed
• Hardened/Escort vehicles
• Hardened residence
• Heightened awareness
• Unpredictable
4 One of the best ways to establish yourself as a 2-21
hard target is to avoid forming routines in your
daily life.
Scope Regardless of the final objective, terrorist organizations act on the same
principles. In this lesson, you will learn how terrorist groups are organized as
well as the common characteristics associated with terrorist groups.
Structure Due to the clandestine nature of terrorist groups, a great deal is unknown
about their internal organization. Many groups today have adopted the
cellular structure brought about by the Tupamoro Organization that was
active in Uruguay in the early 1970s. In this organization, the basic
operational unit of the terrorist group was known as a cell. The number and
size of the cells will depend on the following factors:
Function of the Terrorist cells are task organized for specific missions. A cell whose purpose
Cell is solely to construct explosive devices may only consist of one or two
specifically trained individuals. They do not plant the devices they construct
nor do they determine targets or participate in any other function of the
organization. Conversely, a group that is planning a kidnapping will require a
large number of cells with different missions, all supporting the final
objective. Sometimes cells have no knowledge of the operation of any other
element in the group. The size of the cell will vary depending on the
operation; however, a working figure of 3 to 5 people per cell is normally
Security When governments employ strict security measures, this becomes a factor
Measures when determining the size of the terrorist cell. Strict measures usually require
Employed the terrorist organization to operate with smaller, easier to control cells. It is
by the much more difficult to track down and break a small cell with a decentralized
Government command and control than a group with a large and often cumbersome
centralized command and control.
Sophistication The level of experience that a group has perpetrating terrorist acts will
of the Group increase its level of sophistication. A more sophisticated terrorist group will
have an intricate clandestine communication system in place. This minimizes
the need for face-to- face communication, and enhances the covert nature of
their intended operation. A less sophisticated or experienced group will not
have such a communication system in place; however, over time these
systems are sure to develop.
Category of Whether large or small, terrorist groups are all composed of the following
Cells Within a cells:
Group • Command cell
• Operational and Clandestine cell
• Intelligence cell
• Support cell
• Reconnaissance cell
• Assault cell
Each of these cells performs its own specific role or function based on the
mission of the terrorist group.
Command Cell The command cell provides the command and control element and oversees
all decisions of the terrorist group. The command cell is responsible for the
structure and security of the terrorist group. All plans are carried out
according to the plans and orders laid out by this cell.
Operational The Operational and Clandestine (O&C) cell is the building block for which
and all groups are formed. This cell is the action arm of the terrorist group. In
Clandestine sophisticated groups, this cell may be highly specialized. In new or less
Cell sophisticated groups, the O&C cell may have to conduct a wider range of
activities. Under the control of the O&C cell are the intelligence cell, the
support cell, the reconnaissance cell, and the assault cell.
Intelligence The intelligence cell collects and processes information on potential targets
Cell and develops specific intelligence relevant to targeted facilities, installations,
and personnel including their security. This information is given to the group
leaders for operational planning. The intelligence cell is highly
compartmentalized and follows very strict security procedures. Because of
the important role these persons play in the organization, they are often
protected from exposure during an actual operation. Members of the
intelligence cell often possess a greater knowledge of the inner workings and
structure of the organization.
Support Cell The support cell is also known as the auxiliary cell. The support cell is
responsible for fundraising, gathering sympathizers, screening recruits, and
distributing propaganda. This cell usually performs logistical functions for
the group. It is often made up of professionals, such as doctors, lawyers,
bankers, and others who may be dedicated to the ideals of the movement, but
not to the extent that they are willing to sacrifice their professional status.
Reconnaissance The reconnaissance cell provides pre-strike, eyes-on information about the
Cell intended target. Information such as the target’s home layout, types of
vehicles, route studies, and any other personal or professional information
necessary to access the target. This cell works hand in hand with the
intelligence cell in building operational plans.
Assault Cell The assault cell is the cell that actually carries out the mission. The assault
cell is further broken down into three teams:
• Security team – The security team provides security for the assault
team’s training site. A security team may be in the background when an
operation is taking place to ensure nothing prevents the assault team from
successfully completing the mission.
General Regardless of the final objective, terrorist groups all have certain common
Terrorist characteristics. Terrorist groups all:
• Promote fear – Terrorist groups seek to intimidate populations by
promoting and spreading fear.
• Are militarily weaker – Even though some groups have achieved a high
level of sophistication and are heavily armed, they remain weaker than the
governments they fight. This means that they must resort to hit-and-run,
guerilla tactics and will be reluctant to take up a static defensive posture
against a stronger enemy unless they possess a “bargaining chip” such as
hostages. When a group loses militarily, it also loses the image of
invincibility and power it strives to foster. They are offensive by nature,
not defensive.
• Are usually urban based and highly mobile – Being urban based
affords the terrorists all the benefits of modern society; communication,
mass transportation, money laundering, and international contacts who
may have access to documents needed to travel frequently to other cities
and countries in search of safe havens and support.
Directions Complete items 1 through 9 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 3 Through For items 3 through 8, identify the six cells of a terrorist group, by filling in
Item 8 the chart below.
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Scope Terrorist operations are paramilitary in nature so it is not surprising that there
are many similarities in the training of terrorists and in the training of Special
Operations Forces of the United States. In this lesson, you will learn the
different types of terrorist training as well as the aspects of a terrorist training
Orientation Terrorist training missions, being paramilitary in nature, are oriented to the
mission, area of operation, and the security environment in which the
operation will take place. Most of the training is standardized. Historically,
works such as the “Mini-manual for the Urban Guerilla,” by Brazilian
terrorist Carlos Marighella, and the writings of revolutionary leaders Mao
Tse-tung, Che Guevara, and Fidel Castro are used as instructional texts and
indoctrination material. Discipline is strictly enforced and trainees are closely
monitored for signs of weakness in their ability or ideological commitment.
• Internal training
• External training
Internal Internal training is conducted at the cellular level by members of the group
within the target country usually in a clandestine fashion. Internal training is
similar to squad or fire team level training in the U.S. military in that one
person possesses a particular expertise and trains the remainder of the unit
locally. If secure areas are available, permanent facilities will be constructed.
If no secure environment can be found within the operational area, training
will be conducted in safe-houses, in a clandestine manner.
External Non-group members outside of the operational area conduct external training.
External training can take on two different forms.
Typical As stated earlier, terrorist training is similar to the types of training the United
Training States Special Operations Forces receive. Terrorists are known to capitalize
on the open nature of our society and our willingness to publish potentially
damaging material. Material such as the “Anarchists Cook Book,” “Poor
Man’s James Bond,” and versions of special forces operation manuals are
examples of damaging material. This material instruct individuals on how to
build bombs, how to counterfeit money, perform different types of fraud, and
so on. If anyone can order these books through open sources, we must
assume that terrorists have also bought and used them. A typical training
regimen consists of the following items:
Physical and Physical conditioning is used to ensure that the terrorist is able to withstand
Mental the rigors of anticipated activity to complete the mission. Mental
Conditioning conditioning is used to put the terrorist in the proper mindset when placed in
stressful situations or even to resist interrogations if captured.
Weapons and Weapons’ training is a basic factor for all terrorists. Terrorists need to know
Explosives how to employ a variety of weapons in a split second. Employment of
conventional and improvised explosives has become a method of choice for
terrorist attacks.
Political This is intended to plant or reinforce the ideals of the group within the
Indoctrination individual member. Basic seminars on ideology and advanced theoretical
classes for the leadership can be expected.
General/Specific General tactics and combat techniques learned from military manuals
Tactics and enhance the effectiveness of the group. A group planning on conducting a
Combat hostage barricade will certainly want to know how to employ their weapons
effectively, what techniques the authorities may use against them, and how
they can best counteract those techniques.
Psychological Psychological warfare enables the terrorist to select his exact audience.
Warfare Learning how to deal with different types of people will aid in the
effectiveness of the operation. Terrorists develop ways to instill fear in
groups of people and elicit sympathy from others.
Survival Survival is not always associated with hardships that must be endured in deep
jungles or searing desert heat. It also pertains to operations within towns or
villages within the targeted country. Terrorists may have points of contact
and safe-havens in the local populace and not stand out and risk compromise.
Directions Complete items 1 through 4 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 1 What is the difference between internal and external terrorist training?
Answers The table below provides the ans wers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Scope Terrorist attacks are normally meticulously planned, allowing for the greatest
chance of success and safe escape for the terrorists.
• What surveillance is
• The different methods of surveillance
• The phases of surveillance
• Techniques employed to detect surveillance
After completing this study unit, you will be able to identify methods used to
detect surveillance.
Scope Reducing your vulnerability and enhancing personal security is vital to your
efforts to deter terrorist attacks. In most cases, the target that terrorists select
to attack is based on lengthy surveillance. In this lesson, you will learn what
surveillance is, the different methods of surveillance and how those methods
are employed.
Surveillance is more than just the simple act of following or trailing someone.
Through surveillance, terrorists hope to learn about your habits and assess
where and when you are most vulnerable.
Objective Simply put, the objective of surveillance is to gather all information possible
on a particular subject so that the data can be utilized in a plan of action. This
greatly enhances the likelihood of a successful operation.
General Items Overall there are general items of information that terrorists hope to gather
during surveillance, preferably information on the subject’s
Residence or Statistics show that most terrorist attacks occur near the residence or worksite.
Worksite Therefore, it is very difficult for the subject to remain unpredictable near
these locations. Terrorists need to gather as much information as possible in
order for them to be intimately familiar with the areas surrounding these
locations. Planning will be quite different if the subject resides in a rural area
rather than an urban area. Terrorist must take into account all the variables
that are likely to affect their tactical planning.
Routes To and An in-depth knowledge of routes the subject uses to travel to and from work
From Work or to other static locations that the subject frequents on a recurring basis is
very helpful to a terrorist. The planning will be quite different if the subject
uses rural or isolated routes rather than on major highways and urban areas.
Routine The aspect of the subject’s everyday routine will have the strongest impact on
Behavior whether or not the sub ject will become a target. Without a doubt, the more
predictable the subject is, the easier it will be for the terrorists to accomplish
their operation.
Places Information about places the subject frequently visits will come into play
Frequented when determining the method of surveillance that will be used. This
information is also necessary to figure out possible disguises or the type of
ruse that may be needed to accomplish the mission.
Types of The type of protective measures used is absolutely critical information for the
Protective terrorists’ planning. This includes information on security systems employed
Measures Used at the subject’s residence and at the workplace (guards, roving patrols, closed-
circuit TV, dogs, etc.).
Security Forces The location, reaction time, and type of police or security forces that could
in the Area respond to an attack on the subject are of vital importance to the terrorist.
This will affect the entire planning process to include weapons used, defense
tactics, escape routes, and time hacks. If security is extremely high, the
terrorists will not take the risk.
Common Stationary or fixed surveillance is the most common method employed by the
terrorist organization. Many terrorist attacks take place near the residence of
the intended target because that is the part of the daily routine that is the least
varied. People are more vulnerable in the mornings when departing for work,
and departure times are more predictable than evening arrivals.
Fixed Hotel rooms, apartments, houses, offices, and businesses – Although these are
seldom easy to acquire, fixed locations provide the surveillants the best
defense against detection. However, acquisition of a fixed location usually
leaves a paper trail to the terrorist.
Stationary Vans, utility vehicles, and automobiles – Terrorist organizations will use
stationary ve hicles to conduct their surveillance. Vans with windows that
allow outside observation make good surveillance platforms. When vans are
used, more than likely there will be some sort of business logo attached to
provide a reason for being in the area.
Utilizing Ruses When conducting surveillance, terrorists must have a plausible reason for
being in the area. This ruse or cover for action is only limited to the
imagination of the terrorist. Commonly used ruses include:
• On foot
• In a vehicle
Foot One or more individuals may undertake foot surveillance. Surveillants must
remain relatively close to the subject. This makes one-person surveillance
fairly easy to detect. Surveillance by two or more people is more complicated
to accomplish, and although it provides greater flexibility, it also requires
more training. The organization of a foot team usually requires at least three
but no more than eight operators, with five or six being ideal.
Vehicle Vehicle surveillance is more commonly used against Americans than foot
surveillance primarily because as Americans we are more likely to travel by
vehicle than on foot. Like foot surveillance, one or more vehicles may
undertake vehicle surveillance. Vehicle surveillance requires a high degree of
sophistication and training.
• Five or six vehicles are ideal with two or more operators in each vehicle.
• The vehicles used are generally common to the area and have no
distinguishing marks.
Leading In leading surveillance, the surveillants travel in front of the subject while the
observer watches for turns. When the subject turns, the observer makes a
note of the turn. The next time the subject is surveyed, the surveillants make
a turn where the subject previously made the turn. Over a period of time the
surveillants will discover the entire route.
Progressive There are two methods that can be used to cond uct progressive surveillance.
In the first method, individuals are placed at key intersections along the
probable route of the subject. When the subject turns, it is noted, and the
positions of the surveillants are adjusted on subsequent occasions. This
method, while more secure from the surveillants’ point of view, is time
consuming and very manpower intensive.
Both methods will eventually uncover the entire route, but they also maintain
a minimal chance of compromise. That is why it is important to vary your
routes on a regular basis.
Technology With the advances in technology, terrorists have readily available to them
numerous devices to assist their surveillance efforts. These include, but are
not limited to
What to Expect In a terrorist environment, you can expect to have a combination of all the
surveillance techniques employed against you. Stationary surveillance at
your residence, vehicular surveillance while you are moving, and electronic
surveillance recording all of your activity.
Target The first phase in terrorist surveillance is known as the Target Assessment/
Assessment/ Selection phase. During this phase the terrorist group will compile a list of
Selection potential targets based on the group’s objectives and capabilities. The group
will then determine who is the most vulnerable to attack, and when. If the list
of potential targets is large, the group may have to resort to outside assistance
in order to obtain the information the group needs to make the final target
selection. This phase of surveillance is the weakest link in the operational
planning primarily because of two factors:
• The necessity for the terrorist group to go outside the cadre for assistance
in obtaining the necessary information usually results in newer, less
experienced surveillance personnel. They may or may not know the
reason for the surveillance and are usually selected for their ability to pass
a police inspection.
Directions Complete items 1 through 4 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Stationary When attempting to detect surveillance from a stationary location, you must
keep in mind that terrorist surveillance personnel will do everything in their
power to blend in with their surroundings in order to protect their anonymity.
Rules to The following are rules to remember to assist you in detecting surveillance:
• Never assume that your surveillants are men. Terrorism is not a
phenomenon of only the male gender, nor are terrorists recognizable by
any features that only they would display. They could very easily be
women or children
Common The following are common passive mane uvers used on foot or while driving:
Maneuvers When on foot:
Common Remember, you are trying to force the surveillants to make a statement.
Passive While taking these actions, watch for people who are taken by surprise, react
Maneuvers , inappropriately, suddenly change direction, or give a signal to someone else.
continued Because of the surveillants’ fear of discovery, normally they will not look
directly at you, but they may do so if they are surprised or unaware that you
are observing them.
While driving:
− Alternately slow down and speed up
− Signal for turns and then continue straight ahead
− Make a U-turn where it is safe to do so
− Stop on the shoulder of the road just beyond a curve or hilltop
− Circle the block using a series of right-hand turns
− Go through a traffic light just as it is turning red
Route Survey Become intimately familiar with the routes that you will travel. Conducting a
thorough route survey for each route taken. At a minimum these surveys
should include:
• Route description – Note the starting point, the finishing point, the
general direction, and the total distance.
• Road surface/condition – Note whether the road is concrete, gravel, dirt,
excessive potholes, etc.
• Effects of weather – Note any changes that will affect or alter driving
• Construction – Note the starting and ending points of the construction.
Any alterations to the route must be noted.
• Traffic patterns – Note the driving times at different times of the day.
• Chokepoints – Such as:
− Traffic control points − Traffic circles
− Toll booths − Narrow bridges
− One way streets − Entrance and exit ramps
• Potential danger areas – Such as:
− Public gathering areas
− Universities/schools
− Political headquarters
− Poverty areas
Route Survey, • Safe areas – Note locations where you can go in the event of danger:
− U.S. or other allied − Military facilities
diplomatic facilities − Church/mosque/sites of worship
− Police/fire stations
− Hospitals
Indicators Some indicators of possible sur veillance to be aware of are vehicles that
If possible, maintain a daily log of activities. Record anything that seems out
of the ordinary or suspicious throughout your day. If you determine that there
are any reoccurring suspic ious people, vehicles, or situations along different
routes, then ensure that the proper authorities are notified and an investigation
is started.
If you feel you are under surveillance, never confront the surveillance
personnel. If you feel threatened, immediately go to a safe area. As soon as
possible make a complete and detailed report.
Perception Our ability to perceive depends upon our ability, experience, and training in
relation to our environment, for you to perceive a means to see and
understand. As an example, before you bought your car you probably did not
see many of that kind of car on the road, but after purchasing it, you saw quite
a few. Why? Because you were consciously looking for them.
Accurate observation requires the mental effort necessary to recognize,
analyze, and relate the essential parts of our surroundings and to interpret the
patterns present. The problem is that we usually perceive or comprehend
only that which interests us or is capable of being understood with minimum
effort. A person untrained in observation usually perceives another person as
a whole and not as a grouping of particular physical characteristics. We meet
people everyday, but these meetings do nothing to enhance our ability to
describe features of a person. You must purposely practice and train your
mind to develop this skill.
Definition Description can be defined as the technique of factually reporting one’s own
observations of an experience. The purpose of a description is to present an
accurate picture, in words, of an experience.
− Sex
− Race
− Age
− Height
− Weight
− Build
− Hair style/color
− Glasses/eye color
− Clothes
Vehicle When describing a vehicle, use the same basic format used to describe people.
Honing Your It is important for each individual to increase his/her powers of observation
Skills and then be able to describe or “paint” that word picture based on those
observations. With these skills, detecting surveillance and preventing
terrorist attacks will become much easier. The following are a couple of
exercises that can assist you in sharpening your skills:
• Conduct your route survey. After conducting the survey, have another
individual drive your route while you are blindfolded. While en route,
describe where you are based on your perceptions.
Directions Complete items 1 through 5 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 3 What are the four rules that help you remember to maintain a heightened
sense of awareness and assist you in detecting surveillance?
Item 4 State three of the five ways to train yourself to make accurate observations.
Item 5 What are the three types of characteristics that should be included in an
accurate description?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Study unit 3 taught you what surveillance is and how to detect it. The
majority of surveillance is going to be conducted at places easy to access the
intended target. Throughout this study unit, you will learn ways to increase
the security of your residence and your place of work.
Scope For most people, over half of their time during the day is spent in or around
their residence. Based on this, you should make your residence as secure as
possible. In this lesson, you will learn measures that should be taken to
ensure residential security.
• Identify how to create the appearance of occupancy when you are away
from the residence.
Choosing A Site When selecting a site for your residence there are many things to consider.
Safety, different routes, neighborhood patterns, even your landlord and
neighbors must be considered. Your best bet is to look at things from a
terrorist’s viewpoint. If you were to attack someone, who or what would be
your easiest target? When possible, compare all available options before
deciding on a place.
Options for The following are options to consider when determining where to live:
• On-base or off-base housing are typically the safest for military personnel.
• A single family home might be the least desirable. This will require a high
degree of security, and thereby give you a high profile. Living in an area
where there are other Americans or friendly foreign nationals might
provide a higher degree of safety witho ut causing a great deal of attention
to be focused on you.
• Apartments can offer the benefit of close neighbors and limited entries and
exits, but they also offer easy access to the lobby and building.
• If possible, avoid homes that have limited routes of ingress and egress.
Avoid homes on dead-end streets or cul-de-sacs. Selecting a residence
that has several roads nearby will offer you more escape routes in the
event of an attack.
Examine the When determining if a neighborhood is a safe environment to live in, you
Neighborhood want to consider the following aspects:
• How reliable are the police and rescue systems? Not only do you have
to think about the reliability, but the proximity of these facilities. Are
these facilities close to your home? The distance can work both ways for
you. If you are in close proximity to a police station this could deter a
terrorist from attacking due to fear of a quick response. On the other hand,
these facilities may be targets themselves and your home may be
dangerously close to the actual targets.
• Is there anything else that might affect the safety of your home and
family? Possibly a neighborhood watch program, security patrols, etc.
Introduction There are many options available to you when it comes to increasing security
on the exterior of your residence. You must understand that there are very
few security systems that will keep you completely safe. They will provide
you with more time and warning in the event of an attack, and more
importantly, they may motivate the terrorists to attack a less security
conscious target. Let us look at some of your options.
High Walls and Walls and fences will limit the view of your residence, preventing terrorists
Fences from having easy access to surveillance. These barriers may also protect you
from drive-by attacks. If the laws allow, consider placing barbed wire or
broken glass on the tops of the wall. All items such as tree branches, poles,
and trash cans, should be removed so they can not be used as a tool to gain
access to your residence. All gates should be sturdy, in good working
condition, and locked when not in use.
Trees and Tall trees and shrubs serve as a screen to anyone trying to observe the
Shrubs grounds of the residence. Shrubbery inside the perimeter should be trimmed
so intruders cannot be concealed.
Dogs The size of the dog is of little importance. Trained guard dogs may cause fear
in many intruders; however, an animal will pose little problem to a
determined professional. Use a dog primarily as an alarm. A loud and alert
dog is much more effective than an intimidating dog.
Warning Signs Signs on your fence and house advertising the presence of an alarm system or
a dog, may cause terrorists to choose another target.
Lighting Exterior lighting is one of the most effective deterrents to entry. Security
lighting should be designed to expose low-contrast targets that may be visible
for only a few seconds. Lighting should be installed so that the loss of one
lamp will not leave an area totally dark.
Introduction Never restrict security measures to just the exterior of your residence. There
are a multitude of options to increase the interior of your residence as well.
The following are all considerations for extra protection.
Doors Consider the strength of each door when it is opened and when it is closed. If
possible, a steel door without windows would be the best choice. It is
recommended that you change the existing locks in your new residence unless
you can positively determine that you have the only available keys. At a
minimum, each door should
• Be equipped with heavy duty hinges
• Have one dead bolt lock
• Have a push button lock on the doorknob, allowing you to activate the
lock quickly if an emergency occurs.
When secured, evaluate the effort required to force entry.
Windows Windows should always be properly secured. They are likely to be the
weakest link in your home security. Mylar film coating should be considered
for all surfaces. This will prevent the shattering of glass and reinforce the
strength of the windows. For the most part, intruders will avoid breaking
glass unless absolutely necessary. This leaves the intruder no choice but to
defeat the windows locking device. The following methods can be used to
upgrade window security:
• Sash and frame pin – This method involves the drilling of a hole through
the sash and frame and inserting a pin or nail to prevent the window from
• Key locks – A key lock can either be installed as a part of the window by
replacing the standard window lock, or it can be used to secure the frame,
blocking the raising or sliding of the window.
Alarms An alarm system should be considered for doors, windows, and other possible
entry points into the house. An effective alarm system should
• Allow ingress and egress to all primary entrances through the use of
timing devices.
• Have external horns, sirens, and bells loud enough to alert the neighbors.
• Have audio and visual indicators inside the residence to awaken or notify
the residents. (Exceptions include duress systems (silent alarms) which
should be connected to a police station or private security station.)
Cameras, If cameras and closed circuit TV (CCTV) are available, use them. If not,
Optical consider using dummy CCTV cameras as a deterrent.
Viewers, and
Intercoms Using optical viewers (peepholes) and intercoms will allow you to identify
who is outside your door without exposing you directly to the person.
Always exercise care when using an optical viewer. When your eye is placed
close to the viewer, the light behind you is blocked, and the attacker may
suspect that you are in front of the door. At this point, the attacker can shoot
through the door, or possibly detonate an explosive device. Instead of
standing in front of the door, approach it from the side. Raise a book in front
of the viewer and ask who is at the door. Exercise the same precautions with
an intercom system. Run the intercom wires so that the speaker boxes are
placed on opposite sides of the door. If the terrorist shoots through the
intercom box on his side of the doorway, you will not get hit.
Weapons If guns are kept inside the residence, they should be loaded and kept in a safe
place. They must be accessible to those who need them, without endangering
children or those untrained in their use. If it is inadvisable to keep a gun in
the house because of laws or personal reasons, consider using a stun gun,
mace, or clubs. Ensure you are proficient in the use of whatever weapons you
use. What is more important is making sure you have the proper mindset. If
you are not willing to use the weapon to save the lives of yourself or those
you love, then the weapon will become a danger to you. If you are unwilling
to use the weapon, do not pick it up.
Education In addition to having the proper equipment necessary to increase the security
of your residence, it is also very important to educate yourself and your
family members about personal security and safety measures to be aware of.
You should cultivate interest and participation from all family members.
There are certain behavioral aspects concerning family members that you
should take into account:
• Know where your family members are at all times. In the event of an
attack, you will be in a better frame of mind to deal with the situation.
Escape Routes Always establish a primary and an alternate escape route out of your
residence leading to a rally point. Rehearse these routes at various times of
the day, tracking the different amounts of time and hazards along the way. If
you live on the second floor or higher levels, plan secure ways to exit.
Portable ladders and ropes are useful in these cases.
Safe Havens In the event of any attack, establish a safe haven you can go to until
reinforcements arrive. Safe havens should have more than one entrance and
exit, with the openings being strong and locking systems sturdy. Stock the
room with emergency items such as water, food, flashlights, candles,
blankets, first aid supplies, required medicines, weapons, and ammunition.
There should also be a communication system and the ability to contact
security forces and activate any exterior alarms from inside the room. Ensure
the room has a fire extinguisher and proper ventilation in case a fire was to
break out.
Communication Each phone should post emergency telephone numbers, such as the police, fire
department, and rescue services. Always be cautious of phone conversations
and be aware that the phone could be tapped. Be sure to locate a public phone
or a neighbor’s phone near the house, and advise your family members of its
location for emergency use. If you happen to get suspicious calls, try to
record the conversations and ensure the proper authorities are notified.
Two Way If your home is equipped with a two-way radio, each member of the family
must know how to use it. Children should be taught how to use the radio, as
it is often ignored in serious incidents and could possibly signal a warning.
Create the If you are away from your residence for extended periods of time, there are
Appearance of multiple things you can do to create the appearance of someone occupying
Occupancy your home:
Hiring There are many precautions that must be taken if you are considering to hire
Considerations servants, especially in a foreign nation. Often times, servants will be
provided for you at the discretion of the host nation. These are the
individuals you should be most cautious about.
Telephone Many servants are trained to answer the telephone with the family name.
Security Brief your servants against this procedure and inform them not to give any
information over the phone until the caller has been identified.
Mail Security Instruct servants not to accept any suspicious mail at home. If possible have
your mail, especially packages, routed through the embassy. The mail staff is
specially trained to recognize suspicious packages. If an unexpected package
arrives, have the deliverer open the package at a safe distance away from your
residence, but at a point where you can still observe.
Directions Complete items 1 through 6 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 1 What are the four things to consider when determining if a neighborhood is
right for you?
Item 2 Name four methods used when it comes to increasing security on the exterior
of your residence.
Item 3 At a minimum, what should every door in your residence be equipped with?
Item 4 Identify three methods used to increase the strength of your windows.
Item 6 Identify three methods used to create an appearance of occupancy when you
are away from your residence.
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
• High walls/fences
• Trees and shrubs
• Dogs
• Warning Signs
• Lighting
• Night watchmen/security patrols
3 • Be equipped with heavy duty hinges 4-8
• Have one dead bolt lock
• Have a push button lock on the doorknob
4 • Sash and frame pin 4-8
• Key locks
• Steel bars, mesh, or grillwork
5 primary, alternate 4-11
6 Any three of the following: 4-12
Scope As stated earlier, a majority of your time is spent in your residence. Another
large chunk of time is spent at the workplace. It is vital that you do not
discount the office as a terrorist target.
Responsibility Recently there has been an increase in the number of U.S. facilities and
embassies being targeted for terrorist attacks. The overall security of the
building may be someone else’s responsibility, but you are a vital link in that
security. Always identify and report suspicious activity, vehicles, and
personnel. You are not only protecting yourself but others as well.
Counter- Day to day activities within an office can help establish an environment in
measures which it is more or less difficult for terrorists to gain the knowledge they need
to successfully attack personnel. The following countermeasures should be
taken to make intelligence collection and targeting by terrorists more difficult,
forcing them to spend more time collecting information. This in turn causes
them to spend more time exposed and visible for detection:
Visitor Control Access to the office should be strictly limited. During periods of increased
Procedures threat, access to additional offices, shops, laboratories, and other areas within
the installation should be controlled.
• There should only be one visitor entrance and exit to restricted areas.
• A receptionist should clear all visitors before they enter inner offices.
• Restrict the use of message and sign in-out boards to general statements of
availability. Do not list publicly local travel itineraries or phone numbers
where visitors have easy access to such information.
General • Avoid carrying attaché cases, brief cases, or othe r courier bags unless
Working absolutely necessary. These cases have become symbols of power and
Procedures prominence in many cultures. Individuals carrying such items are often
assumed to be important. Use satchels or book bags instead.
• Do not carry items that bear markings that identify the owner by
rank or title, even within the office environment. A visitor sent to
gather intelligence on potential targets may see coffee mugs labeled
“Top,” “Intel,” or “The LT” in use, thus aiding his effort.
• Offices should be locked when vacant for any lengthy period of time.
Also lock all unoccupied utility areas and rest rooms. This will prevent
anyone from hiding or placing a bomb in these areas.
Bomb Threat
Handling Designate an area and a specially trained person to handle incoming mail and
packages. Set aside an area to store unusual deliveries until the Explosive
Ordnance Disposal (EOD) can be notified. The holding area should not be a
closet or a safe, as this increases the effectiveness of the explosive by
increasing its pressure. If possible, use a large drum filled with sawdust or
similar material. Mail representatives should be trained in bomb-detection
What to Look Always observe caution whe n handling mail. In particular, be on the lookout
For for letters or packages that exhibit the following features:
• No return address – Leaving the return address off of the mail may be an
attempt by the terrorists to reduce the amount of evidence on an envelope.
Also, rather than using a return address that may be determined erroneous
by postal authorities, the terrorists may leave the information off, hoping
to avoid suspicion.
What to Look • Inconsistency between the return address and postmark – For
For, continued example, the return address may indicate a place in California, whereas
the postmark may prove the package was actually mailed from France.
• Odd smell – The item may have an odd smell, such as shoe polish, or
substances such as marzipan (a sweet almond paste used to mask the
smell). Heavily perfumed packages or letters may also indicate the
presence of a device.
Devices The characteristics listed above are very helpful in identifying dangerous
packages. There are a number of manufactured devices designed to detect
abnormalities within envelopes, as well as x-ray and other machines used for
scanning suspicious packages. These devices provide accurate detection, and
increased search efficiency.
Examples of The following image depicts the possible features of a suspicious package:
Examples of The following images are actual envelopes that were mailed out containing
Suspicious Anthrax:
Badly written / No
return address
Badly written /
Possible oil stain
Directions Complete items 1 through 3 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 1 List the five countermeasures taken to make intelligence collection and
targeting by terrorists more difficult.
Item 2 Which general working procedure facilitates easier observation of objects that
are out of place or removed?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Scope Throughout study unit 4 you were taught methods to increase security at your
residence as well as your office. These are the places where most of your
time is spent. However, often times individuals let their guard down while
traveling and become an easy target for terrorists.
Study unit 5 will teach you protective measures to be used while you travel,
whether you are on foot, in the air, driving your vehicle, or staying in hotels.
There are many precautions to be taken while away from home in order to
remain a hard target.
Scope Pedestrians are extremely vulnerable to assaults at all times. In this lesson,
you will learn protective measures that will minimize your vulnerability to an
Get Briefed Before you deve lop a plan for responding to a crisis, ensure you receive a
detailed briefing from the Force Protection Officer or your Intelligence
section on the cities and areas you plan to visit. The briefing should include
the known threat in the area, the safest routes to use, safe havens, areas to
avoid, points of contact, and anything else pertaining to the mission and your
Routes A good response plan establishes alternate routes from each starting point to
each destination. Make sure at least one person you work with or someone in
your family is aware of these routes and the approximate time it takes you to
travel these routes.
Language If you are not familiar with the language, ensure you have a phrase card with
common greetings and methods of asking for assistance in the local language.
Being able to communicate in a time of crisis may determine whether you
survive or not.
Phones Know how to use the public phone system and carry the proper currency with
you to make a phone call. Calling cards can be used in many countries also.
Learn the names and phone numbers of persons to contact at your destination.
Learn emergency numbers.
Safe Havens Know where safe havens are such as police and fire stations, military posts,
embassies, and checkpoints that you can get to if need be.
Emergencies Know how to contact emergency personnel and where the nearest medical
facilities are located.
Train Yourself As with other types of protective measures, while traveling you want to avo id
routines and use more than one route if possible. When traveling as a
pedestrian, there are multiple protective measures you can train yourself to use
to reduce the vulnerability of being attacked. These measures include the
Remaining on Always travel on the main thoroughfares and stay alert to the events occurring
the Main Roads around you. If you are not familiar with the city, do not wander off until you
become more comfortable with the area. In some areas, it is never a good idea
to wander off regardless of your comfort level.
Walk Facing Train yourself to walk facing traffic. If terrorists try to attack you, they will
Traffic either have to approach you as you are looking at them or attack you with
traffic passing between you and them. When walking along a sidewalk, stay
toward the center so that it will be more difficult for someone to push you into
traffic. This will also give you a better chance of spotting someone hiding
between cars or waiting in an alley.
Maintaining a If you have to stop, make sure you stop with your back facing a wall. When
Cautious crossing an intersection, try to cross with groups and be very alert to
Attitude approaching vehicles. A keen sense of awareness will always be your best
Applying If you feel you are being targeted, apply the surveillance detection methods you
Surveillance were taught in study unit 3. Use reflective surfaces such as windows or mirrors
Detection to see persons who may be following you. A route that goes from high-density
Methods to low-density will aid you in identifying surveillance. You can easily spot a
person who moves with you.
Walking In Attempt to walk in areas that are well lit. This not only allows you to see
Well-Lighted better, it also allows others to see you in the case of an attack.
Walking with Walk in areas where there are other pedestrians present, but avoid large crowds
Others of people. Demonstrations, whether hostile or not, provide for easy targeting
by terrorists. Mass casualties with little effort equates to success for a terrorist.
Avoid areas where noise will drown out your calls for assistance. You may
have to alter your route if dangerous conditions are present.
Directions Complete items 1 through 3 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 1 What two sources can you use to receive a detailed briefing on the areas you
plan to visit?
Item 3 What are the six measures used to reduce the vulnerability of being attacked
as a pedestrian?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
• Identify the signs that indicate a vehicle has been tampered with.
Vehicle There are many elements to consider when you are trying to keep your
Specifications vehicle as secure as possible. Some elements include:
• Look at the car itself. Make sure you are driving an innocuous vehicle.
This will make it difficult for terrorists to identify you and will also make
it more difficult for a surveillance team to locate and follow your vehicle.
• Equip the vehicle to handle a crisis situation. Ensure you check the
entire vehicle over for weaknesses. The following are ways to upgrading
security of your vehicle.
Armor You can purchase a fully armored vehicle from a
manufacturer for a cost ranging from $80,000 - $200,000.
These vehicles are capable of sustaining an attack from
large caliber rifles and heavy weapons. If that price tag is
a little too steep, you can also equip your own vehicle
with 200 pounds of armor for around $800 - $1000. This
will provide considerable protection from handguns and
small explosives.
Tires Tires are an important yet often neglected item. When
selecting tires, choose a radial tire instead of a bias ply.
Choose a tire that can sustain high temperatures and that
will maintain excellent traction in the area and climate in
which you will be traveling. Tires that are not rated for
high temperatures may blow out at high speeds. The
system of rating tire quality uses the letters A, B, and C
to indicate temperature and traction of the tire. The
ONLY acceptable rating is A. The system for rating the
speed of a tire is the letter S, H, or V, which are all
acceptable. You also want to consider the tread life, self-
sealing capabilities, and the terrain they will be required
to function on.
Horsepower Ensure that the vehicle has an engine with sufficient
power to quickly accelerate out of a crisis situation.
Mirrors Install oversized outside mirrors on both sides of the
vehicle. This will allow for better vision on the sides of
the vehicle.
Radios Install a two-way communication system in the vehicle.
Vehicle Tinted windows Tinted windows make it difficult for someone on the
Specifications , outside to look into the interior of the vehicle.
continued However, be aware that tinted windows make it more
difficult for you to perform a car bomb search.
Control your keys at all times. When leaving your car with an
attendant or mechanic, leave only the ignition/valet key. Be conscious
of house keys, office keys, etc.
Evaluate Your If you are planning on hiring a driver, ensure the driver has the training
Driver needed to meet your demands. Advanced driving schools will teach drivers
techniques vital to surviving a crisis situation.
• The driver should remain alert at all times and focus his full attention on
operating the vehicle. When a crisis develops, the decisions of the driver
will directly affect the lives of the passengers.
• The driver should be trained to respond to any situation. His primary
responsibility is to drive the vehicle. Until the vehicle is brought to a halt
the driver should not be concerned with using a weapon, a radio, or any
other device.
• While driving, the driver should visualize two or three blocks ahead. He
should constantly be thinking of scenarios during the entire drive.
Basic Rules for If chauffeurs are to be used, check out the prospects with the embassy or
Employing association they are affiliated with. There are four basic rules to follow when
Chauffeurs employing chauffeurs:
(1) Have the chauffeur remain with the vehicle at all times.
If the chauffeur is not at the vehicle when you approach, do not enter it.
(2) Prearrange a signal with the chauffeur showing that it is safe to
(Such as the chauffeur taking off his hat or placing a pack of cigarettes
on the dash). Be aware of the great potential for this method to fail if
the terrorists have managed to blackmail the chauffeur or coerce him to
their side.
(3) Never give your itinerary or exact travel information to the
Be extremely caut ious about giving out schedules. Give the chauffeur a
general idea of when to show up; e.g., 0600, even though you do not
plan on leaving until 0630 or 0700. Inform the chauffeur of your
destinations after the car has been started and you are on your way.
(4) Never enter the vehicle with a substitute driver until you have
checked his credentials with the appropriate authority.
During a crisis, will the chauffeur be more concerned with saving his
own life or yours? Determine whether your driving capabilities are as
good or better than your chauffeur’s. If they are, dismiss him, and take
responsibility of your life into your hands.
CONUS While driving throughout the United States there are general precautions you
should always take.
• Stay mentally alert at all times, especially as a passenger. This is not
the time to review reports or to eat breakfast. The driver will be occupied
with operating the vehicle. Use the extra set of eyes to spot unusual
• Constantly vary your routes and routines. Try to have at least three
different routes to and from work to home.
• Drive in the far left lane when feasible. This will not allow your vehicle
to be forced to the curb. At traffic lights and stop signs, stay in a lane that
will allow maneuverability out of a crisis situation. Allow at least 8-10
feet between your vehicle and the one in front of you.
• Drive with the doors locked. Do not allow someone to pull you from a
vehicle and attack you because the doors were unlocked. Always fasten
your seatbelt.
CONUS In addition to the precautions above, if you are driving in a foreign country
you must take extra precautions:
• Be aware of ruses. Terrorists will use schemes such as fake roadblocks
or staged traffic accidents in order to get you to stop your vehicle. If a
roadblock is set up, quickly determine if the roadblock is official. Take
notice of the uniforms and vehicles being used. If they are not official,
the chances are the roadblock is a ploy. If you suspect a ploy, leave the
scene and drive directly to the United States embassy or military base. At
no time should you allow yourself to be boxed in without the possibility
of escape. Report the incident and any involvement you had to the police
as soon as possible.
• If police halt you, do not get out of the car. Keep your engine running
and roll down the window just enough to allow voice communication and
the passing of documents. Stay alert for unusual actions. Should the
situation warrant a sudden exit, proceed to the embassy or military base
and immediately report it.
Employ any other techniques that might prevent a terrorist from choosing you
as a target.
Bomb Search A large number of terrorist attacks take place in or around a vehicle, typically
by some sort of explosive device. Bombs are easy to make and plant on
unattended vehicles. It is imperative for you to learn how to search a vehicle
for tampering and to recognize danger signs. By routinely inspecting your
vehicle, you give the impression of being a hard target. If terrorists try to
place a bomb in or on your vehicle, they will have to conceal it very well,
thus adding unwanted time to their operation.
Recommended An efficient bomb search should take 5 to 15 minutes. If it takes longer, most
Time people will find excuses not to conduct a search. If possible, a two- man
buddy team is preferred for the search. The team will decrease the amount of
time needed for the search and will also increase the effectiveness of the
search. Familiarity with every part of your vehicle is paramount to an
efficient search.
What to Look While searching, look for telltale signs of tampering: pieces of tape,
For discarded wires, grease marks, or foreign materials on or around the vehicle.
To quickly recognize the signs of tampering, allow a layer of dust to settle on
the outside of the vehicle. This will aid you in seeing handprints, or signs of
disturbance around the vehicle.
Conducting a To conduct the search, you will need some basic tools: a small mirror
Search mounted on a telescoping handle and a flashlight. The tools are shown in the
graphic below.
Perimeter Observe the vehicle and the area immediately surrounding it (about 10 to 15
meters) for signs of tampering, bomb litter, etc.
Exterior • Once you have completed your perimeter search, move to the front of the
vehicle and visually divide it in half, lengthwise.
• Inspect the grill for wires or any material placed behind it. Also look
closely into the hood area, and check for signs of forced entry.
Exterior, • Using a mirror, look underneath and behind the front bumper.
• Move to the side of the vehicle and observe the bottom of the tires where
they make contact with the ground. Look for any pressure devices placed
behind or in front of the tires.
Exterior, • Inspect the underside of the wheel well for a bomb. Many times, magnets
continued are used to attach devices to the underside of the wheel well. Inspect
behind the top of the tire and the coil springs.
• Continue moving around the side of the vehicle while inspecting the side,
the underside, rear tires, and rear wheel well.
Exterior, • Examine the windows and the weather stripping for any signs of forced
continued entry. Check to see if the paint or molding shows any signs of a coat
hanger or a slim-jim being used to unlock the vehicle. Look inside the
vehicle for hidden intruders or obvious signs of intrusion.
• Inspect the gas cap for tampering. This should be the first time you touch
the vehicle during the search. Be extremely cautious opening up the cap
Exterior, • Next, inspect the rear of the vehicle. Check the trunk for signs of forced
continued entry.
• Check the opening of the exhaust pipe for signs of a device. Make an
extra effort to check the bottom and sides of the gas tank as well.
Exterior, Continue to the unsearched side of the vehicle, and follow the same
continued procedures listed above.
As you inspect the side and rear of the vehicle, also examine the entire
exhaust pipe, the muffler, and the drive shaft for devices. When you return to
the front of the vehicle, inspect the other side of the front grill and the
Interior The following are guidelines for entering the vehicle and inspecting the
• First, check the door locks. If the vehicle was locked when you left it and
unlocked when you returned, do not get inside. Look inside and visually
inspect the vehicle, do not lean on or touch the vehicle until you see
nothing is wrong. Closely inspect the door, look for wires or objects
attached to the door from the inside.
• Next, open the door slightly. Using your mirror and flashlight, continue
to inspect the seam until the door is open completely.
Interior, • Inspect the rearview mirror and headrests to ensure they have not been
continued interfered with. Also inspect the sun visors. Whenever you leave the
vehicle, make sure the visors are in the down position so that no device can
be emplaced and hidden from your view during inspection.
• To aid in your searching efforts, leave the glove compartment open and
empty, as well as ashtrays. Limit the availability of hiding spots for a
terrorist to place a bomb.
Interior, • Next, look underneath the steering column and dashboard. You more
continued than likely will not be able to identify every wire, but you should know
the general features and what appears to be out of place. If possible, tape
or flex band as many wires together as you can.
Use the same procedures for opening the other doors, and inspect the rear
seat. Keep your vehicle interior clean and free of debris to limit the ease of
hiding a device in your vehicle.
Engine • Your next step will be to inspect under the hood of the vehicle. Most late
model vehicles have a hood release in the interior. Before you actually
release the hood, have a second person hold down or apply some sort of
weight to the hood to prevent it from snapping upward before the second
latch engages. This jolt is often enough to trigger a tremor switch or allow
a pressure-release trigger to fire. Once the hood is released, slowly raise it
and check the seam just as you did with the doors. Look for anything
unusual in the engine compartment. Concentrate on the battery, clutch,
accelerator, air filter, spark plugs, distributor, and the firewall.
Trunk Before opening the trunk, inspect the seam. Hold the trunk down as you turn
the key to prevent an initial spring. Crouch down so that you can look into
the trunk and see any wires or IEDs. Following the same procedures you did
for the hood, open the trunk. Many vehicles have deep wells by the rear
quarter panels that make excellent spaces for IEDs. You must also carefully
inspect the spare tire area. Check the partition separating the trunk from the
rear passenger seat.
Completion After the trunk is cleared, your inspection is complete. Once you feel the
vehicle is safe, you can start the vehicle. Let it run for two minutes before
you proceed. The vehicle search has been tried and tested in training and in
real-world scenarios. While the search may not turn up a device, it may be an
effective deterrent to the potential bomber or terrorist surveilling you.
Directions Complete items 1 through 6 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 2 What are the acceptable ratings for tires when it comes to temperature,
traction, and speed?
Item 3 What are the four basic rules to follow when employing chauffeurs?
Item 4 Why should you drive in the far left lane of traffic?
Item 6 When conducting a vehicle search, what telltale signs of tampering are you
looking for?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Scope The attacks on September 11, 2001 completely changed the spectrum of
terrorist incidents involving aircraft. Terrorists skyjacked commercial planes
with a plan to use them as massive flying bombs. After this attack, airport
security regulations have stiffened immensely making the airways a safer
option to travel; however, the threat still remains as terrorists devise more
ways to interrupt the lives of the innocent.
In this lesson, you will learn protective measures to be taken when traveling
by air.
Purchasing Purchase your airline ticket through a travel agency or online rather than at a
Your Ticket ticket counter. If possible, select your seat and get your boarding pass from
the agency. Airline ticket counters offer a wide selection of targets to a
terrorist group that is unable to breach the security of an airline itself. Plan
your arrival at the airport to allow quick movement through the processing
lines. Once at the airport, spend as little time as possible in unsecured areas.
Check your luggage in at the curb, if possible, and move through the security
checkpoint right away.
Choosing Your We as military members often times have little control over our travel
Itinerary itinerary, but we should avoid flying on an airline or flight route that has been
targeted by terrorists. Studying the history of the local terrorist groups along
your route will aid in your efforts. Select an airline that has a sound security
record. The stricter the security the less likely a terrorist will be able to pull
off a successful airline attack. Do not select an airline that has scheduled
stops in high-risk areas.
Seat Selection When choosing your seat, select one in an area not readily accessible to a
terrorist, preferably a window seat positioned in the middle rear of the
aircraft. The seat should also be close to an emergency exit. Terrorists will
position themselves where they have the best advantage to control the
situation; historically this has been in the front or rear of the aircraft. The
figure below indicates the areas where and where not to sit.
Stay Alert Always watch for any suspicious or unusual activities. Look for nervous
travelers that maintain eye contact with others from a distance. Observe what
people are carrying. Note behavior not consistent with that of others in the
area. If you become suspicious or if you see anything unusual, evacuate the
area, then report the incident. If you are already on board, attempt to notify
the flight attendant discretely so he/she can notify the pilot. Such
precautionary action may save your life and the lives of those around you.
Watch What Remember that anything you say or do may be used against you. Do not
You Say associate with other passengers or conduct yourself in a manner that will
identify you as a Marine. If terrorists are surveilling the area, you could be
picked as a target. If another passenger recalls your identity and essential
facts about you, he might use that knowledge to lessen his own pain and
discomfort during an interrogation.
Avoid Symbols When traveling, avoid carrying luggage or briefcases with identifying
symbols on it (e.g. eagle, globe and anchors, Semper FI stickers, nametapes).
Whenever possible, avoid traveling in uniform. Terrorists will obviously
realize the exploitation value of an American service member in uniform and
are likely to take advantage of you.
Reaction Historically, the takeover of a plane occurs 15 to 60 minutes into the flight. If
a skyjacking takes place, remain in your seat with your seatbelt fastened. At
the first opportunity, place your important documents and any military
identification in a secure hiding place, one of the best being inside the
airsickness bag. Placing articles inside a magazine or under the seat is not the
most effective method of concealing them, but these should be considered if
caught unprepared.
Be aware that all skyjackers may not reveal themselves at the same time. A
lone skyjacker may be used to draw out security personnel for neutralization
by other skyjackers. Discretely observe your captors and memorize their
physical descriptions. Include voice patterns and language distinctions, as
well as clothing and unique physical characteristics.
When asked to produce identification, show civilian identification (tourist
passport/driver’s license). Never volunteer information about your
involvement with the military, but do not lie if directly asked about it. If
questioned about your job or travel plans, give a civilian equivalency and
innocent circumstances that led to your being on the plane. At this point, no
false statements should have been made. If confronted with evidence of DoD
employment, provide minimal information.
Firearms If you are authorized to carry a firearm, place it in your checked baggage.
Chances are highly unlikely that you would be successful in an attempt to
overtake the terrorists. Drastic actions on your part could cause the terrorists
to kill you, passengers, and the crew. In the event of a firefight, a window or
critical juncture of the aircraft may be hit, creating an emergency situation
from which escape would be extremely difficult. If you have a weapon when
the takeover begins, hide it, as well as the holster.
Rescue During a skyjacking the plane will most likely land somewhere. At this time,
authorities may initiate a rescue attempt. Statistically, rescue attempts are the
most dangerous time for passengers. Take these actio ns into account when
you are being rescued:
• Find cover - At the first indication of a rescue attempt, use all available
cover around you. If you are in your seat, assume the classic crash
position (arms into your sides/head on your knees). Pick your feet up so
that no rounds or fragments will strike your legs, and keep your eyes on
the closest terrorist watching to make sure he does not try to kill you.
Directions Complete items 1 through 3 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 2 What are the four protective measures to remember when traveling by air?
Item 3 What actions should be taken in the event of a skyjacking rescue attempt?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Scope While traveling for extended periods of time, staying in a hotel is more than
likely unavoidable. Hotels create a difficult security problem, but there are
precautions you can always take to maintain a safe posture. In this lesson,
you will learn what these measures are.
Options Depending on where you are traveling, there are multiple options to consider
when deciding which hotel you should stay.
• If these facilities are not available, choose a hotel that employs security
measures. Find out if the hotel has security guards, and if employed, what
is their level of expertise. Familiarize yourself with their uniforms and
equipment. Also know the proper procedures for obtaining their services.
The use of cameras to monitor hallways and elevators, and visitor control
procedures are also signs of a security-conscious establishment.
• If you are traveling overseas, be sure to check with the embassy staff and
find out if they have a certain hotel that they have a good rapport with.
• Avoid hotels that are in a bad area of town. Saving a few dollars a night
is not worth putting yourself in jeopardy.
Choose the After you find a hotel, ensure you get the right room.
Right Room
• Avoid street level rooms. Ask for a room between the second and eighth
floors. This puts you high enough to avoid easy access from the outside,
bomb attacks, and drive by shootings, yet still low enough fo r local fire
equipment to reach you in case of an emergency.
• Do not reserve specific rooms. If a hotel room has been reserved for you
prior to checking in, request another room. Do not give your room
number to strangers.
Staying Inside While in your room, keep the door locked and use the security chain. If you
feel the threat is extremely high, you can enhance the existing locking system.
There are a number of portable locks on the market that will provide
substantial protection.
Place the DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door and do not admit any
strangers to your room, and refuse all unexpected deliveries.
Leaving the • Before leaving the room, make sure to keep everything in a neat and
Room orderly fashion. Leave shower curtains and closets open whenever you
leave the room. This will help you recognize evidence of tampering or
strange, out of place objects.
• Leave the lights, television or radio on when you are out of the room to
give the impression that someone is still there.
• Lock your doors and windows when you exit the room. Also consider
securing any valuables in the hotel safe.
• When entering or exiting rooms, halls, lobbies, or public areas, be alert for
anyone loitering or carrying objects that could conceal weapons. Avoid
loitering in lobbies or public areas such as rest rooms. Terrorists favor
these locations for placing bombs.
• Change your routine when leaving the room. Use different hotel
entrances, elevators, and stairwells.
Hotel Paging Hotel paging is an easy way for a terrorist to gain a positive identification of
his target. It can be used as a baiting tool for an attack. If you are ever paged
over the hotel’s public address system, do not respond. If you are expecting a
visitor, enter the lobby, without identifying yourself to the desk clerk. Look
around for your party and check to see if the caller was whom you are waiting
for. If you do not see anyone you recognize, call the front desk first and
inquire about the paging.
Directions Complete items 1 through 3 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 2 When obtaining a hotel room, what floor should you ask for? Why?
Item 3 What should you do in the event you receive a hotel page?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Scope Throughout this course, you have learned how to avoid becoming a victim of
a terrorist attack. Sometimes, events unfold in ways that are beyond your
control. Regardless of your actions, you suddenly become a hostage. In this
study unit, you will learn the different types of detention, the different types
of hostage takers, and your responsibilities as a hostage in relation to the
Code of Conduct, how to adjust to being in captivity, and how to survive
during a hostage situation.
Scope The chances of you being taken hostage are extremely remote. Should it
happen, your knowledge and personal conduct could influence your treatment
and chance of survival in captivity. In this lesson, you will learn about the
different types of detention and the different categories of hostage takers.
Peacetime Peacetime detention refers to being held against your will during a time when
armed conflict does not exist or the United States is not directly involved.
Peacetime detention brings with it requirements associated with the Code of
Conduct, which differ slightly from the requirements of being a prisoner of
war. There are three general types of hostile peacetime detention:
• Hostile government
• Hostile government-sponsored terrorist
• Independent terrorist group
The two categories that pose the most likely threat to U.S. personnel are
• Political extremists
• Religious extremists
Political Political extremists represent the most danger to military personnel because of
Extremists their political ideology and our value as symbolic targets. These hostage
takers often operate within a military like structure. This control factor may
hold violence within planned limits, however, within the group there may be
one or more terrorists whose propensity for cruelty makes them more
dangerous. They may be held in check by their group leadership, but it is
important to identify these individuals early in the event and spend extra
effort to avoid a confrontation.
• The average age of most political terrorists ranges between 19 and 35.
This youth factor heightens their fanaticism; blinds them to reasonable
thinking; and insulates them to appeals based on morals, decency, or fear
of their own safety.
• While political extremists are often prepared to die for their cause, they
are not necessarily suicidal. When the chances for success in the
operation dwindle, their primary concern often changes towards escape.
• Political extremists generally only take hostages when they have some
control over the ge neral terrain where the event takes place.
Cults Cults are religions without political power. Cults do not present as significant
a threat as more conventional and widely known religious extremist groups,
but they do contain the potential for violent confrontations and hostage
Religious Loner While these individuals are not often encountered, they could present the
gravest threat. These individuals are more detached from reality and less
rational than the ones belonging to a group. A religious loner believes
himself to be operating on direct divine orders, making him the most
dangerous and least susceptible to reason.
Strategy There are specific strategies, as well as some general rules of behavior, a
hostage should consider if he/she can identify the category of his/her hostage
• Determine the area of particular sensitivity, such as politics or religion, and
avoid conversation in these subjects. If confronted, become an active
listener, and adapt to, rather than adopt, the hostage taker’s value system.
• Religious hostage takers are very touchy and defensive about their religion;
do not make assumptions about it that will upset the terrorist.
Directions Complete items 1 through 4 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 2 What are persons he ld under an independent terrorist group known as?
Item 3 What are the two categories of hostage takers that pose the most likely threat
to U.S. personnel?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Military DoD Instruction 1300.21 emphasizes that regardless of the type of detention
Bearing or captivity, or harshness of treatment, U.S. military personnel shall maintain
their military bearing. Make every effort to remain calm and courteous and to
project personal dignity. This is particularly important during the early stages
of internment when the captors may be uncertain of their control over the
captives. Unruly behavior seldom serves the long-term interest of the
hostage. It often results in unnecessary punishment that serves no useful
Foreign Laws While in custody in a foreign country, remember the civil laws of that country
apply. Detainees shall maintain their military bearing and should avoid
aggressive, combative, or illegal behavior. Any behavior otherwise may
complicate the situation and make any effort to negotiate a rapid release more
Photos If photographs are being taken, do not attempt to hide your face. This will
provide for positive identification should the photos be released.
Geneva Since the detainers’ goals may be maximum political exploitation, U.S.
Convention military personnel must be extremely cautious of the captors in everything
they say or do. Detainees should only provide the following:
• Name
• Rank
• Social security number
• Date of birth
• Innocent circumstances leading to detention
Further discussion should be limited to and revolve around health and welfare
matters, conditions of their fellow detainees, and going home.
Group In- group detention or hostage situations, military detainees should organize to
Detention the fullest extent possible, in a military manner under the senior military
member present and eligible to command.
Release Detainees are not likely to earn their release by cooperation. The military
member may gain release by doing his or her best to resist exploitation,
thereby reducing his or her value to a detainer, and thus prompting a hostile
group to negotiate seriously. You should not refuse to accept release unless
doing so requires you to compromise your honor or cause damage to the U.S.
government or its allies.
Directions Complete items 1 and 2 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Scope As a hostage, you must adapt to captivity. You must forget about any
mistakes you may have made up to this point and concentrate on and accent
the positive. In this lesson, you will learn ways to adapt to your surroundings
as well as methods used to combat stress in order to maintain a positive
mental attitude.
Living One of the best ways to measure what living conditions may be like in a
Conditions captive situation in a foreign country is to look at the living conditions of the
local people on the lowest level of subsistence. A hostage may be maintained
on an even lower level. The types of living conditions vary from incident to
incident. Hostages may be held for days on a bus, airliner, or train where heat
and lack of adequate water, food, and toilet facilities can be almost
unbearable. In some situations the hostages are locked in separate rooms, or
may be in the same room with other hostages blindfolded, gagged, and tied
Hygiene Hostages should bathe whenever possible. If this is not possible, try to keep
your hands and face clean. Keep your hair and any facial hair well groomed.
Always keep your fingernails clean. One of the most prevalent health-care
problems that occur during extended periods of captivity is that of oral
hygiene. If a toothbrush is not available, attempt to fabricate one by materials
available to you. Emphasis should be placed on massaging the gums.
Fitness Develop and maintain a daily physical fitness program. Exercise may be
Program difficult due to cramped space or physical restraints on the arms and legs. If
possible, run in place, do push- ups and crunches. Ensure your caloric
expenditure does not exceed your caloric intake. Staying physically fit might
be the deciding factor should an escape opportunity present itself.
Illness A side effect of captivity for some hostages is weight loss. Although this loss
may be considerable, it generally does not cause health problems. Weight
loss may occur even with adequate food supply, since captives often lose their
appetite. In some cases hostages may suffer gastrointestinal upset, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. Although these symptoms may be
debilitating, they usually are not life threatening. Since the terrorists are
primarily concerned with keeping their hostages alive and well, do not
hesitate to complain and ask for medication. Terrorists want their hostages
alive and are not likely to take chances by provid ing the wrong medicine. In
a number of cases, terrorists have provided medical care for hostages who
were suffering from illness or injury.
In contrast to this, a hostage who has given up and has no interaction with
others and is only concerned with his own well-being, will certainly stand out
in a negative way. The pessimist or introvert will find these times much more
difficult. His ability to maintain dignity and self-respect will be weakened,
even though self-respect and dignity may be the keys to retaining status as a
human being in the eyes of the terrorists.
Fear Terrorists use fear to control, intimidate, and wear down the hostages and the
negotiators. They may induce fear by loading and unloading weapons in the
presence of the hostages, displaying excessive fits of anger, resorting to
physical abuse, and staging mock executions. The fear of death is the greatest
during the first few hours of captivity. As the initial fear subsides, the victim
may begin to feel he owes his life to his captor. As additional time passes,
feelings of fear may be transferred from the terrorist to the authorities.
Time The passage of time without rescue or release can be depressing, but it does
work to the hostage’s advantage. The longer a hostage is held in captivity,
the greater the chance of survival. Time is a factor in the development of the
Stockholm syndrome (discussed further in Lesson 4) and in rapport-building
efforts. You should avoid setting anticipated release dates or allowing your
captor to establish these milestones for you. You are setting yourself up for
an emotional fall if you think you will be home by the holidays or on a
specified date and those expectations are not met.
Boredom Boredom is the one companion a hostage will have in captivity. You must
aggressively face the challenge of captivity by engaging in creative mental
and physical activities. As stated earlier in Lesson 3, you should develop a
daily physical fitness program. You should also engage in creative mental
activities, such as reading, writing, or daydreaming. Ask for reading and
writing materials and request permission to listen to a radio or watch
television. Such requests may be granted.
Boredom, Other ways to keep active are to use deliberate and slow methods for simple
continued tasks such as, taking your time while brushing your teeth, taking an hour to
make the bed, or studying the activities of ants coming in and out of the cell.
Imagine different members of your family and friends coming to visit with
you for a day, or walk through a church service in your head. There are
countless activities you can take part in or imagine to keep you busy.
Limiting Stress There are several ways of exerting control to influence our physiological
reaction and limit harmful stress. They are
Limiting Stress, • Take care of any family matters – Fix what would cause you to worry
continued prior to be captured, accept what you cannot change because of captivity.
Defense When a hostage experiences a great deal of stress, his mind seeks a means of
Mechanisms survival. One avenue it may take is the use of defense mechanisms. These
are essential unconscious psychological adjustments made in the presence of
danger. Three of the most common defense mechanisms are
Coping Coping is an ongoing, active process used to meet the task requirements of
adapting to a relatively difficult situation. Coping involves innovative rather
than routine behaviors. It differs from defense mechanisms in that it is not
restricted to unconscious psychological mechanisms, but also involves
conscious, deliberate behavior as well. Coping, if used properly, is a good
device for employing rapport-building techniques. It does have a drawback in
that many people, including terrorist, do not like to be patronized.
Directions Complete items 1 through 4 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 2 What is the difference between social isolation and perceptual isolation?
Item 3 Name five ways to exert control to influence reactions and limit harmful
Item 4 What are the most common defense mechanisms hostages use to survive?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
Scope If you do end up in a hostage situation, there are many things you can do to
help aid your survival effort. Actions you take during captivity, relationships
you may build with your captors and other hostages, and even timing all play
vital roles in your survival. In this lesson, you will learn when and how to
resist, the effects of the Stockholm Syndrome, and the best options
concerning escapes.
Struggling Even though terrorists may use blindfolds, gags, drugs, and weapons at the
time of abduction, you should keep in mind the fact that the terrorists want
you alive. Do not be alarmed or resist excessively. Struggling with the
captors will likely result in even more severe measures by the captors.
Terrorists may use drugs on you to physically control you, put you to sleep, or
keep you pacified. “Truth serum” drugs have an effect similar to that of
alcohol. Since you have no choice in drug application, do not physically
resist. Terrorists may use blindfolds or hoods to prevent you from knowing
where you are being taken or to prevent you from identifying them. Do not
remove the blindfold, even if an opportunity to do so should arise, as this
could leave the terrorists no alternative but to kill you.
Stay Alert Always stay alert even if you are blindfolded and gagged during a transport.
If you are deprived of certain senses, use your othe r senses to obtain
information and help control your fear and panic. Occupy your mind by
noting sounds, direction of movement, passage of time, and terrorist
conversation. Any information you can acquire could be useful for later
reference. Another consideration is to find surfaces where you can leave full
fingerprints on to assist law enforcement authorities in your recovery.
Being The most important time to resist your captors is during interrogations. If you
Interrogated consistently make it harder for your captors to pull information out of you, the
more likely they are to move on to someone else. The following are simple
methods to use while being interrogated:
• Maintain your bearing – Be polite and keep your temper at all times.
Do not lose control of your emotions and escalate the situation to the
point of extreme danger.
Remember, your goal is to survive with honor through the incident. If there
comes a time when you feel your life is in danger, but the information you
hold could endanger the lives of others if given up, you must decide which
path you want to take.
Definition The stress induced when taken hostage has a significant psychological impact
and may lead the hostage to alter his behavior. An unexpected behavior
displayed by a hostage is that of aligning himself with the hostage taker. This
unusual phenomenon has been termed the “Stockholm Syndrome.”
Background The Stockholm Syndrome first came about as a result of a bank robbery that
turned into a hostage-barricade situation in Sweden in 1973. The takeover of
the bank in Stockholm lasted for 131 hours, and permanently affected the
lives of four young hostages. A 32-year-old prison escapee and his 26- year-
old former cellmate held three females and one male, ranging in ages from 21
to 31, in an 11 x 47 foot carpeted bank vault. During their captivity, a
startling discovery was made. Contrary to what had been expected, the
victims feared the police more than they feared their captors. Media attention
was attracted when hostage statements such as “The robbers are protecting us
from the police” were released. A scientific investigation after the event as to
why the hostages felt emotionally indebted to the bank robbers led to the
discovery of the phenomenon.
This phenomenon, can affect both the hostage and the hostage taker. In the
high stress environment, an emotional bond forms and leads to the
development of an “it is us against them” philosophy.
Any member of the armed services who provides assistance to the hostage
taker may be seen as a collaborator. Such action could be punishable under
the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Positive Aspect While the negative aspects of the Stockholm Syndrome have been pointed
out, there is also a positive aspect. The hostage is not the only one
susceptible to the Stockholm Syndrome. The hostage holder can also be
affected, which could contribute to the enhanced survivability of the hostage.
(1) Positive contact – Positive contact with the captors is generated by a lack
of negative experiences. It appears that positive contact is reinforced to a
greater degree if there were negative experiences (beatings, rapes, and
murder) early in the event, followed by positive contact.
(2) Sensing and identifying with the human qualities of the captors – The
hostages may relate to their captors. The terrorists may talk about their
own mental and physical suffering, their perceptions of being victims of
circumstance rather than aggressors. The hostages may then transfer anger
from the hostage takers to the society or the situation that created the
dilemma in which they are now victims. The hostages may feel the
terrorists are entitled to their protection and care, possibly even their help
and support.
(3) Willingness to tolerate situations beyond the logical limits – The third
common experience of victims deals with preconceived levels of tolerance
and expectations of actions. Before a situation develops, most individuals
anticipate a limit to the extent they will allow themselves to be pushed or
abused. That extent is the logical limit. Because the need to survive is
strong, hostages rationalize an extension of their preconceived limits far
beyond what they expected.
Make the The hostages should make every attempt to establish rapport with the
Effort terrorists. This might be the deciding factor that saves his or her life when it
comes time for the terrorists to carry out their threat of execution if their
demands are not met.
Conversation In a hostage situation, small talk is better than no talk, but you must be careful
with what you talk about and focus your efforts to establishing yourself as a
human and not a faceless symbol. Hostages may discuss no substantive
topics to convey their human qualities and build rapport. Hostages should
• Use your name – Use your name as often as possible in order to give
yourself a sense of identity.
• Show an interest – If the terrorists want to talk about their cause, show
an interest even if you are not sincere. Explain that you may not agree
with the captors, but you are interested in their point of view.
Conversation You must accept the hostage takers for who they are according to their
beliefs. This is a common courtesy. You should accept your captor’s culture
in a gracious manner, yet not degrade your own. Disregard the political or
religious differences between you and your captors and search for the
common ground between yourself and them.
Always eat the food. Many Americans are afraid to eat the common dishes of
other countries simply because they do not look or smell appetizing. Nothing
could be more disrespectful than refusing to eat the same food that the
terrorist himself may be eating.
Last Resort Although escape is considered a last resort, it may be necessary if conditions
deteriorate to the point that the risks associated with escape are less than the
risk of remaining captive. These risks include:
• Torture
• Death of hostages due to treatment by the detainers
• Credible threat of death or torture of the hostages by the detainers
Elements Hostages and kidnap victims should begin planning for an escape as soon as
possible after coming under the control of terrorists to improve the chances of
escape, should an attempt be required. Planning should include the passive
collection of information on the following elements:
• Strengths and weaknesses of the facility – Locate the weak points in the
facility that would be best for escape. Note areas to stay clear of due to
heavy traffic or difficult barriers.
• Items and materials used for support – Locate any tools, maps, food,
etc. that may be useful in an escape attempt.
Making the The decision to escape should be based on the careful consideration of the
Decision unique circumstances of the terrorist situation. Make an assessment of the
current hostage conditions, potential for success, risk of violence during the
escape attempt, and the potential reprisals if recaptured. Once you have
determined the best course of action, it is time to make a decision and stick to
Rescue During a rescue attempt, both the hostage and the rescue force are in extreme
Attempts danger. Most hostages who die are killed during rescue attempts. You must
be especially alert, cautious, and obedient to instructions if an attempt is
imminent or occurring. Often times the first hostage execution will serve as a
green light for rescue forces.
Your safest response is to drop to the floor immediately, lie as flat as possible,
do not move, do not say anything, and do not attempt to pick up a weapon or
help the rescuers. Rescue forces have no idea whether you are friend or foe.
Any movement you make could result in injury or death to you or your fellow
After the rescue forces have restored order, the hostages may be handled
roughly. Be prepared to be handcuffed, searched, and possibly gagged and/or
blindfolded until everyone is positively identified. This is a common
procedure for the rescue forces that must separate the hostages from the
terrorists. Some of the terrorists may have thrown away their weapons and
masks in an attempt to disguise themselves as hostages.
Release Statistically the odds favor the hostages being released. The moment of
release, like the moment of capture, is dangerous. The terrorists are losing
their bargaining chip. The rules are simple:
• Pay close attention to the instructions the terrorists are giving when the
release is taking place.
Aftermath Mentally you must now begin to prepare yourself for the aftermath of a
hostage ordeal. You will be debriefed by government and military personnel,
remember to cooperate fully with them, especially if others are still being
held. Once you are released from captivity, write down everything you can
remember about the incident: the location of guards, the description and
placement of weapons, explosives, and any other information that might be
valuable to the authorities. Keep in mind that although the information you
provide the authorities with might seem insignificant, it could aid in the
release or rescue of other hostages who remain in captivity or assist in
bringing the captors to trial.
Aftermath, Media may be the first challenge encountered after the release or rescue.
continued They will want an interview immediately, and you will be in no condition to
provide intelligent, accurate responses. Ask for an official military media
spokesperson, such as a public affairs officer (PAO). This individual will
provide guidance and act as a media buffer. If you are confronted by the
media and choose to respond without a PAO, say nothing that might be
harmful to your fellow hostages who are still in captivity. Keep your
comments as short as possible and limit them to statements such as “I am
thankful to be home” or “…alive” or “…out of captivity.” You must say
nothing that is sympathetic to the terrorist cause or that might gain support for
Emotional Many victims experience a feeling of guilt for not having conducted
Turmoil themselves in a heroic manner. A hostage may suffer defeats in captivity, and
once released, may need professional help to sort through the feelings and
Hostages may also emerge from the ordeal with hostile feelings toward their
government. They may feel that the ir government should have been more
active in their release. Remember that a government’s unwillingness to make
concessions to terrorists discourages future acts of terrorism and sends a
message to all terrorists worldwide. When governments have paid ransoms
for captives of terrorists, these payments have been used by terrorists to
increase their status and capability to continue terrorist acts. It does not mean
that your life had no value.
U.S. Policy It is the policy of the United States when Americans are abducted overseas,
the United States will cultivate international cooperation to combat terrorism
and secure the safe release of the hostages. The United States will not
bargain or make any concessions to terrorist blackmail.
Directions Complete items 1 through 7 by performing the action required. Check your
answers against those listed at the end of this lesson.
Item 3 What are common experiences associated with victims of the Stockholm
Item 4 List five methods used to establish rapport with your captors.
Item 5 What are the elements of information that should be included when planning
an escape?
Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any
questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item.
• Introduce commonalities
• Use your name
• Introduce benign topics at critical times
• Avoid being singled out
• Avoid escalating tensions
• Show photographs
• Show an interest
5 • The captors 6-32
• Strengths and weaknesses of the facility
• Surrounding areas
• Items and materials used for support
6 Drop to the floor immediately, lie as flat as 6-33
possible, do not move, do not say anything, and do
not attempt to pick up a weapon or help the
7 It is the policy of the United States that when 6-34
Americans are abducted overseas, the United
States will cultivate international cooperation to
combat terrorism and secure the safe release of the
hostages. The United States will not bargain or
make any concessions to terrorist blackmail.
Introduction The purpose of the review lesson examination is to prepare you for your final
examination. We recommend that you try to complete your review lesson
examination without referring to the text. However, those items (questions)
you are unsure of, restudy the text. When you finish your review lesson and
are satisfied with your responses, check your responses against the answers
provided at the end of this review lesson examination.
Directions Select the ONE answer that BEST completes the statement or that answers
the item. For multiple choice items, circle your response. For matching
items, place the letter of your response in the space provided.
Item 2 The strategy of terrorists is to commit acts of violence that draw the attention
of the _____________, the government, and the world to their cause.
a. media
b. leadership
c. local populace
d. church
Item 4 The three perspectives of terrorism are, the terrorist’s perspective, the
____________ perspective, and the general public’s perspective.
a. victim’s
b. government’s
c. family’s
d. media’s
Item 5 Terrorists believe they are _____________, fighting for what they believe in,
by whatever means possible.
a. freedom fighters
b. heroes
c. martyrs
d. legitimate combatants
Item 6 The general public’s view of a terrorist incident is the ____________ view of
the three.
a. most stable
b. most unstable
c. least important
d. most important
Item 7 Through Matching: For items 7 through 9, match the terrorist group in column 1 to its
Item 9 description in column 2. Place your responses in the spaces provided.
Column 1 Column 2
a. money
b. special interests
c. violence
d. invocation of fear
a. immediate
b. long-term
c. primary
d. short-term
a. primary
b. long-term
c. immediate
d. short-term
Item 14 Matching: For items 14 through 16, match the type of long-term goal in
Through Item column 1 to its description in column 2. Place your responses in the spaces
16 provided.
Column 1 Column 2
Item 17 Any criminal act carried out by a person or group to gain attention for a cause
by using terror-causing tactics or to raise capital or obtain equipment for
future operations is the definition of a terrorist
a. operation.
b. action.
c. procedure.
d. maneuver.
Item 18 Matching: For items 18 through 22, match the type of long-term goal in
Through Item column 1 to its description in column 2. Place your responses in the spaces
22 provided.
Column 1 Column 2
Item 23 What are the two terrorist operations that are major financial sources for
terrorist groups?
a. carjacking and ambush
b. kidnapping and NBC attacks
c. international narcotics support and robbery
d. robbery and assassination
a. cell
b. block
c. group
d. section
Item 29 What cell is the building block for which all groups are formed. This cell is
the action arm of the terrorist group?
a. Intelligence
b. Command
c. Operational and Clandestine
d. Support
Item 30 Whether large or small, terrorist groups all have the following cells:
command, operational and clandestine, intelligence, ___________,
__________, and assault.
a. support, reconnaissance
b. reconnaissance, support by fire
c. maintenance, reconnaissance
d. recovery, covert
a. national
b. local
c. cellular
d. secular
Item 32 What type of training is intended to plant or reinforce the ideals of terrorists
groups within the individual member ?
a. Political indoctrination
b. Mental conditioning
c. Specific tactics
d. Survival
Item 33 What type of training is being conducted when terrorists are trained to do
things such as photographing contents and resealing individuals’ mail?
a. Tradecraft
b. Communications
c. Specific tactics
d. Psychological warfare
a. Observation
b. Spying
c. Scouting
d. Surveillance
a. Foot
b. Enroute or moving
c. Progressive
d. Leading
a. target selection
b. assessment
c. Attack/Operational
d. reconnaissance
a. Area analysis
b. Cityscape analysis
c. Neighborhood pattern analysis
d. Landmark analysis
a. attention to detail
b. reporting everything
c. following rules
d. training
Item 40 What sho uld you try to do if someone attempts to keep you under
a. Confront them
b. Make a complete and detailed report
c. Run away
d. Report them
a. Remembering everything
b. Concentration on every scene
c. Retention of details
d. Visualizing
a. general
b. distinguishing
c. changeable
d. specific
a. distinguishing
b. changeable
c. specific
d. general
a. Pets
b. Community services
c. Taxi availability
d. Safety
Item 45 High wall and fences, trees and shrubs, dogs, warning signs, night watchmen,
and lighting are examples of what?
a. Physical security
b. Precautions for the selection of a residence
c. Electronic security
d. Personal security and safety measures
Item 46 Knowing where your family members are at all times is an example of
_________ and safety measures.
a. family readiness
b. residential precautions
c. physical security
d. personal security
Item 47 Asking neighbors to place garbage in your garbage can, making arrangements
for someone to pick up your mail/newspaper daily, ____________________,
turning down your telephone ringer and answering machine are examples
ways to create an appearance of occupancy while you are away for extended
Item 48 What are the five countermeasures that make intelligence collection and
targeting difficult?
Item 50 What are some of the measures used to handle/identify suspicious packages?
Item 51 Getting briefed, routes, language, phones, safe havens, and ____________ are
all aspects of a crisis response plan.
a. training
b. transportation
c. emergencies
d. reacts
Item 54 What are tinted windows, alarms, armor, upgraded tires, and horsepower
examples of?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
a. This will not allow you to be forced to the curb and will allow
maneuverability out of a crisis situation.
b. Average speed in the left lane is faster than the other lanes. The greater
speed will permit you to become less of a target.
c. This will allow a greater speed and prevent other vehicles from pulling
along side.
d. The left lane is wider and allows for increased maneuverability out of a
crisis situation.
Item 58 How long should it take to conduct an effective vehicle bomb search?
a. 1 to 5 minutes
b. 5 to 10 minutes
c. 5 to 15 minutes
d. 10 to 15 minutes
Item 59 What are some signs that would indicate a vehicle has been tampered with?
Item 61 Some individual protective measures used when traveling are: stay alert,
watch what you say, ___________, and keep track of your luggage.
a. avoid symbols
b. avoid alcohol
c. dress down
d. carry limited identification
Item 62 What is the first action you should take when being rescued during a
a. Find cover
b. Offer assistance
c. Identify yourself
d. Seek to assist the rescuers
Item 63 Security guards, cameras to monitor activity, and visitor control procedures
are all examples of what?
Item 64 What are some guidelines to use when asking for a hotel room?
a. Avoid upper level rooms, reserve a specific room that you are familiar
with, and change hotels occasionally.
b. Avoid street level rooms, reserve a specific room that you are familiar
with, and change hotels occasionally.
c. Avoid street level rooms, do not reserve a specific room, and change
rooms occasionally.
d. Avoid street level rooms, do not reserve a specific room, and maintain the
same room.
a. A detainee is being held for some type of ransom. A hostage is being held
for collateral reasons.
b. A hostage is being held for some type of ransom. A detainee is being held
for collateral reasons.
c. A detainee is being held in violation of international law. A hostage is
being detained in a country legally for violation of the local law.
d. A hostage is being held in violation of international law. A detainee is
being detained in a country legally for violation of the local law.
Item 68 What are the two categories of hostage takers that pose a threat to the United
a. 1321.01
b. 1200.21
c. 1300.12
d. 1300.21
a. Physical fatigue
b. Over excitability
c. Mental fatigue
d. Boredom
Item 75 What are the three most common defense mechanisms hostages use in order
to survive?
Item 76 In addition to protect sensitive information, maintain your bearing and do not
be fooled by a friendly approach, what are some other methods used to resist
Item 78 What are some experiences commonly associated with victims of Stockholm
a. Positive contact, sensing and identifying with the human qualities of the
captors, and willingness to tolerate situations beyond the logical limits.
b. Positive contact, sensing and identifying with the human qualities of the
captors, and turning against other hostages.
c. Negative contact, isolation, and abuse beyond what the human body can
d. Negative and positive contact, isolation, and abuse beyond what the
human body can tolerate.
Item 80 What element s of information are necessary for an effective escape plan?
a. Drop to the floor immediately, lie as flat as possible, crawl to the nearest
exit, and assist the rescuers as needed.
b. Drop to the floor immediately, lie as flat as possible, do not move, do not
say anything, and do not attempt to pick up a weapon or help the rescuers.
c. Standup and announce that you are a “United States citizen”, and do not
attempt to pick up a weapon or help the rescuers.
d. Standup and announce that you are a “United States citizen”, attempt to
assist the rescuers as needed.
Answers The table below lists the answers to the review lesson examination items. If
you have questions about these items, refer to the reference page.