January Newsletter
January Newsletter
January Newsletter
Language Arts
This month we will be introducing narrative writing to the students. The students will develop their own character and create stories involving their character. The students are going to create a model clay version of their character during one of our art sessions. We will also be focusing on verbs, long vowel sounds and regular and irregular plurals.
In January we will focus on estimation. The students will work on estimating quantities up to 1000 with use of a referent, and estimating sums and differences. There will be an estimation jar coming home in the coming weeks for your child to fill. Details and instructions will be on the jar. We will continue to work on adding and subtracting of two digit numbers using mental math strategies.
This month we will continue our work on magnets. The students will continue to explore magnets and the different uses of magnets. They will have lots of opportunity to work hands on with the magnets.
Roots of Empathy
Roots of Empathy continues to be a favourite activity for our students. They love seeing baby Kieran and Mrs. Jennifer Russell. It is so exciting to see the changes in his growth each time we see him. As before, if you have any questions about the program, please dont hesitate to call Mrs. Perkins-Love at 847-6304 or email at jane.perkinslove@nbed.nb.ca.
Upcoming dates
Jan. 6 P.D. Day (No School for students) Jan. 7 First day back for students Jan. 16 PSSC Meeting @ 7:30 in the library Jan. 18 Healthy lunch website opens Jan. 19 Fit-tastic with Sky Athletics begins Jan. 20 Home and School Meeting @ 7:30 Jan. 21 Child Wellness Night for Parents Jan. 24 Family Literacy Day (Visits from parents, grandparents, babysitters, etc.) Jan. 27-31 Literacy Week Jan. 27 Food Period #5 Begins
Class website
I will be giving you a survey to complete regarding our classwebsite. Please respond to it as it will help guide future posts. Please take advantage of making homework quicker by simply clicking on the links on our class website. You can assess Raz-Kids and Study Ladder directly. Each week, homework, new word family and word wall words are posted. Visit our class website and see what we have been up to lately. www.mrscomeausgrade3class.weebly.com
Winter Weather
It has been very cold this winter. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately every morning. It is very easy for them to take off layers when they get in the school. An extra pair of gloves and socks in their bookbag is a wonderful idea.
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