KH Uways Al Qarani

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Virtues of
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Hadrat Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat 'Ali ~
Virtues of
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u-uarani ~
Abii Anees Muhammad Barkat ' Ali ~
(T ranslated by Samina Iqbal)
(Introduction by Muhammad Iqbal)
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Al-Meqam-un-Nsitat:As-$abl,i af AJ-Maqbu-ul-Muscak in
Camp Dar-ul-Ehsan Faisalabad Pakistan
Copyrights: Da r-ul-Ehsan Publ ications
First Published 2001 CE (1422 AH)
ISBN (Paperback) 0 905773 51 9
All rights reserved. N o pare ofchis
publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or any
informacion storage and reuievsl system,
without permission in writing from
the publisher.
Cover pi cture: The Holy Prophet 's J J ; : 1 ~ J , ;
Mosqu e in Madina Munawwara, Saudi Arabia
De sign, type setting and artwork by Haji Imdad ' Ali Ahmad Poswal (Bri stol)
Printing and binding at The Amadeus Press Ltd Cle ckheaton
United Kingdom
Introduction IX
Virtues of Hadrat Khawaja Uways al-Qarani 1
Hadrat 'Umar Farooque and Hadrat 'Ali al-Murtada
Visit Hadrat Khawaja Uways 3
Hadrat Uways' s Supplicati on 5
Injury to the Holy Prophet's Teeth
The Uways's Service to his Mother 6
Two Questi ons by Hadrat Uways 7
Hadrat Uways's Advice to Hadrat 'Umar 8
The Important Points to Ponder - Extracts from The Words
of Wisdom by Hadrat Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat 'Ali

The Hadrat Khawaja's Miraculous Visit to

Madina Manawarrah 10
An Exclusive Meaning of the Word Madar (Mother) 11
Hadrat Khawaja Uways's Uniqueness 12
An Account of Hadrat Uways in the Hadith 13
Hadrat Uways's Holy Description 14
The Pseudonym of al-Qarani 14
Hadrat Harim bin Hayyan Searches for
the Khawaja 14
The Khawaja's Advice to Hadrat Harim bin
Hayyan ~ IS
The Uways's ~ Discharge of Duties 19
The Uways's ~ Mode of Worship 19
The Uways's ~ Miracle of the Drowning Boat 20
Peace of Mind 21
Uways's ~ Extreme Practices 21
Disappearance of Uways ~ 22
Details of the T raditions of Uways's ~
Martyrdom 23
Uways's ~ Copycats 24
The Sayings of Hadrat Uways al-Qarani ~ 24
Supplication 26
AI-Barkat's Daily Supplications (A d lyah) for Forgiveness
of the Ummah of the Holy Prophet ~ ~ 27
D uO. AJ-Barkac (Al-Barkat's Prayer) 35
Name & Subject Indexes 40
What is Dar-ul -Ehsan? 43
Say: "Itye do love Allah
Followme: Allah will love you
And forgive you your sins:
For God is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful. "
-(AI-Qur'an 3:3 1)
The man's love for Allah the Almighty is, according to the
Holy Our'sn, a practical demonstration of man' s piety and
obedience to Him. In return the Almighty Allah' s love descends in
the form and shape of His rewards and favours. The stronger the
paradigms of piety and obedience the greater the rewards and
favours. The love for fellow human beings, among themselves, is
both possible and permitted in the scriptures. As for this profane or
worldly love is concerned, it hinges on the intrinsic primordial
values of the Divine as reflected in the object of love. The
parameters of the 'evil ' and the 'good' as laid down in the Holy
Qur'iin and explained in the Prophetic tradition must be watched
during the course of profane love . The love for the Holy Prophet
m ~ ; is initiated from the above Qur'anic Verse which insists
on fealty to the Holy Prophet dm.J!'';:'j:; in his person and belief.
The Holy Prophet h1::':;::&:; declared: "None amongst you can be
a true believer unless he regards A11ah and His Prophet ( J!.::!t-:tr..if!;)
dearer to him than a11 others." - (Bukhari, al-Sshih, Imtin, N o.
14) . One may interpret this Hadith in the following way; a person
can share his love with the others of his genre, bearing in mind the
balance of intensity of love to remain as desired in the Hadith:
"None of you wi11 have Faith [ill he loves me more than his tether,
his Ismily and a11 mankind. " - (ibid). The rewards and favours are
tremendous as the Hadith has promised: "There are people from
the servants of Allah the Almighty who are neither Prophets nor
martyrs; the Prophets and martyrs will envy them on the Day of
Res urrection for their rank from Allah the Almighry, the Most
High. The people asked, ' T ell us, the Messenger of Allah the
Almighry who are they?' He replied, 'They are people
who love one another for the sake of Allah the Almighry without
having any mutual kinship and material be nefits. I swea r by Allah
the Almighry, their faces will glow and they will be sitting in the
light. They will have no fear (on the Day) whe n people will have
fear, and they will not grieve when the people grieve." The
enviable state of the lovers of the creation of Allah the Almighry for
His sake frees them of any fear and elevates them to exalted states.
They hate whom Allah the Almighry hates. This hate is, indeed, a
variant of love of Faith.
However hard the lovers of Allah the Almighry try to hide
themselves, it is simply impossible to do so. As they are for their
selfless service to mankind the instruments of social reform in their
own right, they become known everywhere. Allah the Almighry
Hi mself proclaims them as His loved ones . Consequently, even
those at th e helm of worldly affairs begin to respect and listen to
them. A Hadith has it that when Allah the Almighty begins to love
someone, He orders His angels near to Him to communicate to the
angels next to them to love that man. In turn they inform the next
in th e echelon to love him and so on. In consequence, the
Almighry Allah' s creatures all know the person whom He loves.
Now then the men and women above are the beloved of Allah
the Almighry purely because of their meticulous ittibe' of the Holy
Prophet the perfect exemplar, whom Dr Muhammad
Iqbal (d. 1938 CE), the philosopher poet of Islam, addresses as
' His servant' , the ultimate epithet (Al-Qur 'iin 17:1) of a perfect
man, and portrays in one of his na'tiyysh poetry thus:
'His Servant' is higher than your understandi ng,
Since he is both man and essence.
His essence is ne ither Ara bic nor Persian,
He is a man, and yet previous to Adam.
' His servant' is the painter of destination,
In him lies the repair of ruins.
'His servant' is both soul-giving and soul-taking;
'His servant' is both glass and hard stone.
'Servant' is something, and 'His servant' is something else -
We all are waiting; he is the awaited one.
'His servant' is without beginning, wit hout end,
'His servant' - where for him is morning and evening?
Nobody is acquainted with the sec rets of 'His servant' -
' His servant' is nothing but the secret of 'but God' .
-(Annemarie Schimmel tr. Javidnama, Sphere of Jupiter)
The poet defines love in his 'Reconstruction of Religious
Thought in IsJam 'as a driving force, germane to human activity, in
the followi ng words: "It is a heightened state of the soul which
raises ma n above his ordinary self, increases his powers of
perception, refines his feelings, broadens his sympathies, animates
his imagination, and, above all, makes a sense of his power well up
within him. This sens e of power is a dynamic, outgoing urge to
take hold of things and remodel them so as to make them better
than they are .. . Love beautifies, sublimates and idealises."
The sufi tradition is replete with examples of the sufi masters
such as Rabi'a bint Isma'il al-' Adawiyyah al-Basiriyyah (d. 185
AH/801 CE) and Abu' l Qasim Muhammad [uanid al-
Baghdadi (d. 298 AH/9 10 CE) whose love was confined
within the realm of sobriety (sah w). T here were, however, many
more such as Abu al-Mughith ai-Hussain ibn Mansur Al-Hallaj (d.
309 AH/922 CE) nicknamed the carder of consciences,
Abu Yazid Tayfur al-Bistami (d. 26 1 AH/875 CE) and
their coterie who were enraptured (jazb) in the process of intense
love ( 'ish 'q) . Whoever the lover, the initiator of love in all cases
and circumstances remains Allah the Almighty Himself. Rabi'a
wri tes: "Love has emanated from pre-eternity (azaf) , passed
on to post-eternity (abaci) and perceived no one among the
eighteen thousand worlds competent to imbibe even a draught of
its sherbet. When at last Love reached the Truth, thi s maxim alone
remained, ' He loves them and they love Him.'"
Whatever the st ate of love, sober or ecstatic, the lovers of God
all practised His beloved Prophet' s Shari'ah (Islamic
Law) . Rabi'a practised Faith as an ascetic, purifying her
soul (razkiyyah aI-nalS) thus ascending to the stage of sufi sm.
Hussain Ibn Mansur had committed the Holy Our'sn to his
memory in his early age, learnt the Traditions under the directions
of many learned scholars of the time and had performed hi s
pilgrimage three times. A lover who is inclined to worldly desires
and concerns is distanced from the love of Allah the Almighty. Abu
Hamid Al-Ghazali (d. 505 AH/lill CE) has outlined in his
Ihya 'Uliim el-Din (Renaissance of Faith) several causes that lead
to the love of Allah the Almighty and draws our attention to the
practice of renunciation of the world (z uhd) and recollection of
Allah the Almighty (dhikr) to achieve the goal of nearness to Allah
the Almighty (qurb) . Until recollection of Allah the Almighty
accompanies renunciation of the world the devili sh-greedy heart
(nets 'ammara and Iawwama) cannot be buttressed to a satisfied
heart (nalS murma'inna).
The subject of thi s short biography is the ascetic of whom the
Holy Prophet said: "There is a man at Qaran called
Uways who on the Day of Resurrection will intercede for a
multitude of my people, as many as the sheep of Rabi'a and
Mudar; " Addressing Hadrat Umar and Hadrat Ali he
said: "You will see him. He is a lowly man of medium height, and
hairy; on his left side there is a white spot, as large as a Dirham,
which is not from leprosy (pisti), and he has a simi lar spot on the
palm of his hand. When you see him, pass on my greeting, and bid
him to pray for my people." And so they did after the demise of the
Holy Prophet They found him occupied with the
practices of hi s beloved, the Holy Prophet and dressed in
patched woollen frocks as his preceptor and hi s
companions, used to for an insignia of tsqr.
Hadrat Hasan al-Basri (d. 110 AH/72S CE) says: "I
saw forty companions who fought at Badr, all of them had woollen
garments and were the greatest. Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (d. 13
AH/634 CE) the First Caliph ofIslam, wore a gabardine of
wool in his detachment from the world (tajrid) ." They commanded
riches in au sterity. The saying has it: "Al-Iaqr idhe ramma huwa
Allah (when faqr becomes perfect (complete), it is divine i.e.
absolute poverty becomes absolute richness in God)."
As the biography reveals there has been an ardent devotee of
the Hadrat Khawaja namely Harim bin Hayyan who
searched for him everywhere. Finally, when he found and met him,
the Hadrat Khawaja who was dressed in woollen frocks,
advised thus: "Keep watch over thy heart ('alyka bi-qalbika) that
is, guard thy heart against thoughts of other." The compiler
Hadrat Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali (d. 1419. AH11997 CE)
has interpreted it: "Above all make your heart obedient in
two ways, firstly by self-abnegation and secondly by subjugating
yourself to your heart ."
It is related of the Hadrat Khawaj a "Sat ety lies
in solitude." Ali ibn 'Uthrnan al-Jullabi al-Hujwiri (d. ca. 1071
CE) expounds on the characteristic subtleties of solitude:
"So long as the Devil associates with a man' s heart, and sensual
passion ho lds sway in hi s breast, and any thought of thi s world or
the next occurs to him in such a way as to make him conscious of
mankind, he is not truly in solitude; since it is all one whether he
takes pleasure in the thing itself or in the thought of it. "
The text has it that Hadrat Uways led an aus tere life,
giving away the surplus to his needs both in the mornings and in
the evenings. Al-Hussain ibn Mansur Al-Hallaj (d. 922 CE)
did practise au sterity and is quoted to have said to the effect: "If a
man fasts for twenty days, receives food then and consumes it
knowingly that there was someone more needful, he is likely to lose
his mystical sta te." Comparing the two exalted ascetics the
scholastic discussants agree that the Hadrat Khawaja was
stationed at a higher sta tion and was the Imam (Leader) of the
time. He gave away everythi ng ana, in destitution, prayed to Allah
the Almi ghty about hi s impoveri shment and hence his inability to
do much more for the po or. He simply implored to the Rshmst-
un-lil-'Alamiin, the Holy Prophet for hi s mercy to the
needful. Mansur Al-Hallaj who was alien even to his own
self, occupied a state in mystici sm that is characteristic of an
abstracted person, the frenzied lover. He preferred others, friends
or strangers, more deserving. Much less to compare the two,
Hadrat Khawaja commanded an edge over Mansur Al-
Halla] because of his balanced spiritual and corporeal
qu alities. This 's tation' has a greater claim over ' state' in
mysticism, It is narrated, however, that Shaikh aI-Akbar Muhyi-
ud-Din Muhammad ibn ai-Arabi (d. 1240 CE) ~ claims to
have met the Holy Prophet W ~ and all the other Prophets
(peace be upon them all) in their real appearance. Hadrat Hud
...... one of their number, explained to the Shaikh that they all
had to intercede and plead with the Holy Prophet W ~ for
forgiveness of the spiritually highly charged and intoxicated
Mansur Al-Hallaj ~ over his juridical wanderings and
misgivings, suffering in mitigation his punishment by the blades of
the scaffolds. A mystical grandiose he had his transformation, trial
and tribulation, and was so to say resurrected and absolved.
Abdul Wahid ibn Zayd al-Basri (d. 177AH) ~ ~ is said to
have asked Abu 'Asim the Syrian: "Dost thou not long for God?
He replied: "No. A man only longs for one who is absent; when
the absent one is present, for whom shall he long?" Da'ud al-Tai'
(d. 162 AH) ~ also said: "A man only longs for one who is
absent. " Nearness to and, of course, realisation of the longed for is
the goal of the one in longing, disgusted with this world and
everything within it. This is the reason that all through his life the
Hadrat Khawaja Uways ~ preferred solitude and loneliness
wherein he found much delight.
"It is peculiar to him," writes Abu Sa'id al-Kharraz (d. cir 286
AH) ~ in his Kitiib Al-Sidq (The Book of Truthfulness tr. by
A J Arberry), "That he seeks to be estranged to Him Wbom he
longs." Abu Sa'id AI-Kharraz ~ continues: "These two are
qualities of the intimate: that he is disgusted with people and
mankind (generally), and finds delight in solitude and loneliness.
Being in a darkened house, he abhors a light when he sees one: he
closes his door, and draws his curtains, and is alone with his heart.
He grows familiar with his Lord's nearness, and becomes intimate
with Him: he frees himself from any visitation that might come
upon him and spoil his solitude. Yes, then one may see him
dismayed even by the shining of the Sun, when it enters upon him
at his prayers: grievous to him is the company of other men, for
they weary him; to sit with them and meet them is for him a grief
and a loss . But when night covers him, and all eyes are sleeping,
when every movement is still, and the senses of all things are quiet,
then he is alone with his sorrow, and his disquietude is stirred: his
sighs mount swiftly up, and long he moans, demanding the
fulfilment of his Expectation promised him, and the benefits and
loving-kindness whereby he has aforetime sus tained him. Then he
obtains some part of his request, and a position of his demands is
satisfied." This dialectic exposition of al-Kharraz truly depicts the
life practices of the Hadrat Khawaja ~ which the author
Hadrat Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali ~ ha s so aptly
reproduced and highlighted in this biography.
Intimacy or nearness to Allah the Almighty is the sign of His
recollection in one' s heart and this comes about by continuous
remembrance of His bles sings by practising what is ordained and
shunning what is prohibited. This, in actual fact , is to copy the
Holy Prophet m ~ in hi s conduct, abstinence and character.
AI-Hassan AI-Basri (d. 110 AHl72S CE) ~ is quoted to have
said: " Men said in the time of the God' s Messenger (h10:jJ;':':,,'):';), ' 0
Messenger m ~ of God, verily we love God with a strong
love . Then God appointed a sign for His love, revealing: ' If you
love God, follow me and God will love you - (Al -Our'en 2:160) .'"
The Hadrat Khawaja ~ is much loved and praised in
literature by poets and prose writers alike . In a traditional folk
poem Yunus Emre (d. 1321, Anatolia) writes in hi s Divan p572,
The dearest friend of the Beloved of God:
In the land of Yemen - Uways Al-Qarani.
He does not lie; he does not eat forbidden food,
In the land of Yemen - Uways Al-Qarani .
In the morning he gets up and takes hi s way.
He recites in dhikrGod' s thousand and one names;
With the word Allahii Akbar he drives the camels
In the land of Yemen - Uways Al-Qarani ....
- (Annemarie Schimmel tr.)
The author Hadrat Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali ~
has listed in the text the routine modes and practices of the Hadrat
Khawaj a ~ which help the practitioner to enter in to the
Uwaysiyyah Order that is named after him. The Uwaysi mystic
has no living Shaikh, but is guided by God or His saint-prophet
Khidr ..... The late Qudratullah Shahab writes in detail in hi s
Shahabnama how he has been the beneficiary of the Khawaja
Khidr' s (..... intervention in resolving the mysteries and riddles
which he encountered as a Senior Civil Servant in the far flung
districts of the undivided India. He has appended to hi s
autobiography a long list of litanies for the reader' s emulation. The
author' s comprehensive glossary of Al-Adhkiir fi ]ism Al-Wujud
Al-Barkst, reprinted at the end of thi s booklet, is st ill tested in
practice. It makes compulsory these remembrances for the salik in
the making. The author ha s referred in his Tartib Sharif to the
Hadrat Khawaja' s orison, the Urdu translation with
Arabic original that is reproduced here:

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Bismills-hir Rshmii-nir Rahim! Ilahi inna qalbi maridiui
Iassh-hih-hii wa msidun is-sslih-hiin wa-muzlimiui fa-
nawwiro-hii wa 'amyiin fa bassirhii wa dsnisim fa tah-
hirhii wa kherabiin fa emiruhii yti-Arhum-ar-Rshiminl
(In the Name of Allah, the Graci ous, the Merciful! 0
Allah the Almighty! Indeed, my heart is di seased. Please
cure it. It is astray. Therefore, put it straight. It is nearly
darkened. Therefore, enl ighten it. It is blind. Grant it the
vision. It is soiled. Therefore, cleanse it. It is faul ty. Put it
right. 0 the Most Merciful of the merciful!) -(Kitiib A/-
'AIDal Bis-Sunnah AI-M'aroof Turtib Sharif (The Holy Succession),
Volume VI, P65)
Following the footsteps of his predecessors, the author has
once more revived the centuries old tradition of Ieqr in hi s life
during the Twentieth Century. The material world could not
distract or deflect hi s total absorption in the fields of Da 'wah-o-
Tabligh at-Islam, Dbikr-i-Ilshi and selfless service to mankind. He
has set up a milestone which it would be well-nigh impossible for
an aspirant to surpass. He has been the embodiment of the
practices which he theorised in his cost ofarms:
QuI 'ish'q Muhammed Sallellsh-hii 'slayhi Wa $allam
Madh-habi Wa hubbu-hii Milleti Wa Te 'etu-hii M enzili!
(Say: Devoti on to the Holy Prophet ~ j l ~ is my Faith;
love my way of life, and obedience my goal!)
To conclude, the Hadrat Khawaja ~ has been an
excellent exemplar of love and practices of the Faith of Islam.
Many a mystic has taken a leaf out of his book in their practice of
love for Allah the Almighty and Hi s Beloved, the Holy Prophet
~ ~ regardless of any consideration for stage or status , pride
or prestige, di sgrace or destitution. Mawlana j alal-ud-Diin Rurni
(d. 672 AHll273 CE) ~ sums up the cores of love thus:
Let the lover be di sgraceful, cra zy,
Absent minded. Someone sober
Will worry about things going badly.
Let the lover be .
- (Jaliil-ud-Din Riimi, cr. by Coleman Barks)
Originally in Urdu, the booklet Manaqib Hedrst Khawaja
Uways AI-Qarani ~ compiled by Hadrat Abu Anees
Muhammad Barkat Ali ~ has been rendered in to English by
Samina Iqbal. Dar-ul-Ehsan Publications are grateful to the
translator and also the authors and publishers whose texts we have
so very freely quoted. Grateful thanks are also due to Sajeda
Maryam Poswal both for her invaluable suggestions for
improvement of the translation, and for proof reading. We only
hope that readers will enjoy this short biography of the man who
has been in intense love ( 'ish 'q) with Allah the Almighty and His
Messenger ~ ~ and pray for the good of all concerned.
Finally we reproduce overleaf the Arabic text of Dariid
Uwaysiyyah also called Astaghfiiriyyah which has been the routine
practice ('amal) of the Shaikh ash-Shuyiikh, Sayyiduna Hadrat
Uways Al-Qarani ~ The family chains of the shaikhs of the
Orders of Qadiriyyah, Mujaddadiyyah, Ghfooriyyah, Rahimiyyah
and Amiriyyah have inherited this composition. The devotees of
Dar-ul-Ehsan all are expected to make its recitation perseveringly
mandatory upon themselves. Time permitting, one can recite it as
many times as possible physically. For example, one must recite at
least eleven times after each and every daily prayer. One may recite
more profusely after the prayers of 'Ishii, Taha;jud and Fajr one
hundred, three hundred, five hundred times, or even more.
Remember to recite unfailingly the number of times one has
Dr Muhammad Iqbal
Senior Lecturer
The University of Huddersfield
Huddersfield HDI 3DH
22 Sha'ban Al-Mu'azzam 1422 AH
(10 October 2001 CE)
'The j-[ofy Prophet's Letter'

Hadrat Khawaja Uways al-Qarani ~ (may Allah the
Almighty be pleased with him) denied this World to himself
so much that people took him as a mad man. His food
consisted of only a few dates which he picked on his way and
saved for breaking his fast. If he found more dates than he
required, he gave the ripe ones away in charity. As night
approached, he distributed in charity all things and clothes he
had in the household and said: "0 God! If anybody died of
hunger, or thi rst, or naked, I were not to be held responsible
for this." Therefore, he gave away everything to the needful
before going to bed. He neither collected anything worldly
nor did he save anything from this World thus remaining a
free and happy ma n.
Uways's ~ usual dress was a tattered cloak which
he made from different patches of cloth, one overlapping the
other. Some traditions have it that it was an ordinary blanket
made of camel's wool. The young boys took him as an insane
person, tea sed him and threw stones at him. At this he said:
"Please children! Hi t me with only sma ll pebbles so that I do
not bleed and miss my daily prayers and fast."
His physical appearance was such that not only children
but also the adults ri diculed him. And they put thi s state of
hi s different modes to eccentricity, insanity, mental disorder
and what not. But near to Allah the Almighty his status was
so very high that the Holy Prophet ~ 7 ~ (peace be on
him) often said: "I receive the breeze of mercy from the
direction of the Yemen."
Also, the Holy Prophet said: "The most
superior man amongst the generation of the Tsbiiin (those
who had seen and met the Holy Prophet's
Companions, may Allah the Almighty be pleased with them
all) is Uways Whoever amongst you meets him
must try to seek his duii ' (supplication) for forgi veness."
Amir a1-MomiIiin Hedrat 'Umsr Farooque said
to those present on the occasion of the Pilgrimage: "Anyone
of you who belongs to Qaran please stand up." At this a man
stood up. The Caliph inquired him about Uways
The man replied: "0 Amir a1-Mominin! He is my
cousin who is only an ordinary man and tends to the camel s.
He is not of the calibre that the Amir a1-Mominin may
remember him. He does not live in the community and runs
away from people. He never worries himself with happine ss
or sorrow. When the others laugh, he cries; and when the
others cry, he laughs. People consider him insane and mad. "
After hearing all this Hadrat ' Umar Farooque
cried and said: "I am looking for the same person. I have
heard the Holy Prophet saying, 'By virt ue of thi s
man's praye rs Allah the Almighty will forgive on the Day of
Resurrection sins of the sinners amongst my Ummah (the
Muslim Nation) equal to the number of hair on the she-goats
of the Tribes of Rebi'a and Mudsr." In another tra dition the
name of the tribe Banu Kalib is also mentioned. All the same,
the suggestion in both the narrations amounts to an
expansive number.
It is written in the magazine Bahr a1-Ramiiz (The Sea of
Secrets) that Uways's mother was a blind old lady.
He was always busy with his mother's jobs. That is why he
could not manage to go to the Holy Prophet Once
he requested hi s mother for half a day's leave. She permitted
him, but warned him to come back in a day' s time. He
arrived at Madina Manawwara and found the Umm a1-
Momiriin (the Mother of the Believers) Hedrat 'isha
Siddiqua (may Allah the Almighty be pleased with
her) at home. Uways requested Hadrat 'A'isha
to pass on his greetings to his master telling
him that Uways came all the way from Qaran but
had not the good fortune of meeting the Holy Prophet
Soon after Uways's departure, the Holy Prophet
came back home. Hadrat 'A'isha gave
Uways's message to him.
The Holy Prophet asked ' A' isha "Did
you see Uways
She replied : "0 the Holy Prophet ! Yes!"
At thi s the Holy Prophet went out of the house
and called his followers to come to him quickly. The
followers came along straightaway when the Holy Prophet
asked them to look at hi s face. Everyone looked at
the Holy Prophet who said: '''A.'isha has
seen Uways ) and, therefore, she ha s been forgiven.
As I see 'A'isha I have been forgiven. And you have
seen me. Therefore, you are all forgiven."
What an exalted way the Holy Prophet
explained Uways's dignity! Allah! Allah!
At the time of hi s death, the Holy Prophet
advised to give his cloak to Uways and to request for
Uways's prayers for forgiveness of his Ummah.
After the Holy Prophet's demise and during
the Caliphate of Hadrat Abu Bakar Siddique no
traces of Hadrat Uways were found even after much
hard search. That is why the Holy Prophet's
message could not be passed on to him. During the last days
of the Caliphate of Hadrat 'Umar people
came to know of hi s whereabouts.
Hadrat 'Umar and Hadrat 'Ali set out in
Search of Hadrat Uways al-Qarani
In fulfilment of the Holy Prophet's command,
Hedrat 'Umar Farooque and Hadrat 'Ali Al-Murtsda
went along to meet hi m. According to one of the traditions, it
is claimed that Hadrat Bilal accompanied them. After
reaching the Yemen, they asked about Khawaja Uways
~ but could not trace his exact whereabouts at the time.
They were still awaiting that a man came along and told them
that after the sunset prayers he usually went to the Valley of
Abdalan. So Hadrat Bilal ~ went along that way and
when he offered his greetings, he heard the word uttered off
Hadrat Uways's tongue saying: "Hill" At this Hadrat Bilal
~ went into a rapture and fell down on the ground
unconscious. When Hadrat 'Umar Farooque ~ heard
this news, he carried and took him to Hadrat 'Ali Al-Murtada
~ who recited some holy Verses and breathed on to i ~
thus bringing him back to consciousness. When asked as to
what had happened to him, he told the whole story of his
state saying: "Surely, he is Uways ~ whom we have
come to see."
Hadrat 'Ali ~ said to Hadrat Bilal ~ to go to
him again and having met him to pass on their greetings and
to put to him that the followers of the Holy Prophet m ~
had come to meet him whenever it was convenient for him to
spare some time to see them. When Hadrat Bilal ~
passed on the message, Uways ~ replied: "They must
say their morning prayer on the day of fuma(Friday) prayers
with me. They should bring along with them the rich of the
By this time nobody knew Hadrat Uways ~ either
in the town of Qaran or in the Yemen as he was an unknown
personality. When on Friday they reached the appointed site,
they saw a huge platform in front and when they went nearer,
they saw a huge crowd of people all stood up in the camp.
Nearer still, they saw Khawaja Uways ~ with an
umbrella of sovereignty spread over him, wearing a gorgeous
dress and sat on a royal throne. The rich of the Yemen were
astonished and wonder-struck to see him in this scene. After
meeting the exalted Companions (may Allah the Almighty be
pleased with them), he went busy saying his prayers. After
the prayers he spoke to them briefly and then bade farewell.
It is said that all the big crowd and tent were
brought there by the AlmightyAllah's angels. And
now they are wandering allover the World carrying
the tent. They are called the [adiil.
Another narration has it that when Hadrat 'Umar and
' Ali, ~ 0 , reached the woods of Qaran carrying along with
them the cloak of the Holy Prophet ~ ~ , they found
Hadrat Uways ~ busy saying hi s prayers. When he
heard the noi se, he cut short, completed his prayers and said:
"Nobody has seen me before saying my prayers. Who are
you, genrlemen?"
Both Hadrat ' Urnar and 'Ali ~ 0 greeted him saying:
"Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmarullah! (Peace be on you and
mercy of Allah the Almighty!)"
In reply, Hadrat Uways ~ also greeted them: "Wa
Alaykum-us-Salam Wa Rahmarullah! (And peace be on you
and mercy of Allah the Alrnightyl )"
The Companions of the Holy Prophet ~ ~ asked
him his name. He replied: "A bdullah!"
Hadrat 'Ali ~ said: "Whatever is in thi s World or in
between thi s World and the Sky is all bowed down in worship
of Allah the Almighty. For the sake of Haram Shanf and by
Allah the Almighty tell us your name that your mother had
given to you."
He replied: "My name is Uways!"
The Companions said:"Show a certain parr of your body!"
When Uways ~ exposed the part of hi s body which
they found bearing the mark of vitiligo. Having thus satisfied
themselves they explained that they were the Companions of
the Holy Prophet ~ ~ who had foretold them all these
signs and symptoms that were found on him. Furthermore,
they said: "The Holy Prophet ~ ~ had ord ered them to
pas s on his greetings to you and to request you to pray for the
forgiveness of hi s Ummah!"
Hadrat Uways's ~ Supplication
Hadrat Uways ~ replied: "Indeed, you are worthier
than I am for this supplication!"
The exalted Companions remarked: "We
certainly supplicate. Please you pray as per the will of the
Holy Prophet
Having received the blessed cloak, he went away ro a
corner at some distance, placed the cloak in front on the
ground and prostrating he beseeched: "0 Allah the Almighty!
I shall not wear thi s honourable cloak until You have forgiven
the Ummah of the Holy Prophet
As he took long in prostration, it occurred to the
Companions that he might have passed away. When
they reached near him, he rai sed his head from Sajdah
(pros tration) and said: "Had you not come here, I would not
have raised my head from prostration until I had the glad
tidings of forgiveness of the whole of the Ummah. Even then
Allah the Almighty has promised to forgive as many sinners
of the Ummah of the Holy Prophet as the number
of the hair of the sheep flocks of the Tribes of Rabi'ii and
Injury to the Holy Prophet's ) Teeth
During the Battle of Uhad the disbelievers of Makka targeted
their attack at the Holy Prophet The devotees of
the Honourable Messengership faced it bravely and forced
the enemy to retreat. However, in this Battle the Holy
Prophet the perfect, the pure, the blessed, the
beautiful, the sacred, had two of his teeth sacrificed. At the
time of the incident, Uways was tending to his
brother's camels in the woods of Qaran. He was an unknown
and a quiet person of these woods. There were no provisions
of telegraphic or radio communications in those days. Who
told him this news of his beloved's (the Holy Prophet's
two teeth having been sacrificed? He said: "When
I came to know about the two teeth having been sacrificed, I
broke and took out one tooth first. Having done this I
realised that only Allah the Almighty knew it well, but,
perhaps, that might not be the tooth that had broken. Hence
I broke another, still another, thus breaking them all one by
This was a manner of love that will stay eternally alive for
the guidance of the devotees of the Honourable
Messengership a:.1j'"2'':'j:;.
Uways's Service to his Mother
Hadrat 'Umar and Hadrat ' Ali said: "0 Uways
If this has been the state of your love for the Holy
Prophet why did you not pay a visit to him?"
Hadrat Uways did answer by the way that he
could not pay a visit because he was engaged in the service to
his mother and was overwhelmed by his 'state'. He asked
them instead: "Were you present at the Battle of Uhedi T ell,
which of the Holy Prophet's teeth were broken?"
They had not given any thought to it. Therefor e, they
replied: "We do not reme mber which ones of th e teeth they
have been?"
At this Hadrat Uways narrated to them the
incident of breaking his teeth one by one as he was
overwhelmed by his love. Hadrat 'Umar was greatly
impressed at this of Uways's conversation. He
beseeched: "Please pray for me!"
Hadrat Uways replied: "I do not supplicate
exclusively for myself or anyo ne else for that matter.
However, I supplicate after every prayer for everyone on land
or sea for hislher forgiveness. I beseech Allah the Almighty
for forgiveness of all true Muslim, men and women, and all
believing men and women. Therefore, 0 ' Umar If
you carry with you your Eeman (Faith) intact, you will
receive my supplication in your grave." Herein it is meant
th at whoever would preserve his Faith should receive Hadrat
Uways's supplication. It is not meant to be for Hadrat 'Umar
1.....:::-- I 1

Having been greatly impressed by this talk of Hadrat
Uways Hadrat 'Umar said: "I give away my
Caliphate for the sake of two chuppetis,"
Hadrat Uways commented: "Who is there to take
it over? Throw it at the cross-roads and offer it to whoever
wishes to have it."
It tr anspires that the seekers of the Divine under stand
th e responsibilities of kingship and hence are not desirous of
it. This incident tells that the standard of love is different and
individualistic too. Although Hadrat 'Umar and
Hadrat 'Ali were the unparalleled example of love for
the Holy Prophet yet they did not break their teeth
at the news of the injury to the Holy Prophet' s
teeth. Nor could love object to thi s of their omission. Hadrat
Uways did so overwhelmed by the love that said
'Bravo' to him.
Two Questions by Hadrat Uways
He asked Hadrat ' Umar and Hadrat 'Ali
"Have you seen the Holy Prophet ?"
They replied: "Yes!"
The Hadrat Khawaja inquired: "If you say yes,
then do tell whether or not the Holy Prophet's )
eyebrows were flat. "
Hadrat 'Urnar and Hadrat 'Ali could not
answer thi s question as they had not looked at the Holy
Prophet di scerningly out of respect.
He asked again: "Which of the teeth of the Holy Prophet
got broken during the Battle of UhacR"
Hadrat 'Umar and Hadrat 'Ali again had
no answer.
Hadrat Uways's Advice to Hadrat 'Umar
When Hadrat 'Umar requested for an advice, he said:
"0 'Umar Do you recogni se Allah the Almighty?"
He replied: "Yes!"
He spoke: "If you do not know anyone after Him, it is
better for you."
Then he asked: "Does Allah the Almighty know you?"
He replied: "Yes!"
At thi s he spoke: "It is then better that no one except He
knows you. "
Hadrat ' Urnar be seeched: "I wish to present you
with some money."
Having said this he took money out of his pocket saying:
"I have saved these two dirhams as a result of my labour with
Hadrat Uways remarked: "If you give me the
guarantee that I will live long enough to spend this money,
then give it to me."
Hearing this Hadrat 'Umar burst in to tears,
wailing the while.
He said: "0 'Umar Now take your leave. The
Day of Resurrection is near on hand and I am preoccupied
with the thought of the means of my travel (to the Eternal
The Important Points to Ponder - Extracts from The Words
of Wisdom by Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat 'Ali
':Amir Mominin Hsdrat 'Umsr and Hudrat 'Ali
went to Hadrat Uways al-Qarani with the
cloak of the Holy Prophet but he could not see
them for more than a few moments. This was a real state of
absorption (in Allah the Almighty) .
"Lesson: This means that Hadrat Uways al-Qarani
was so much absorbed and occupied in remembrance
and meditation (of Allah the Almighty) that he had no time
to see the exalted and great persons like Hadrat 'Umar
and Hadrat 'Ali That is, he was absorbed in
Allah the Almighty physically and spiritually. And here are we
who have wasted the whole of our lives in idle pursuits .
"Be wise! It is essential for you to move in the Way of
Allah the Almighty like a clock and your movements should
never begin to slow down. Neither should you stop nor
anyone be allowed to stop you. It is essential for you not to
do it, and --- do not do it." - (The Words of Wisdom by Abu Anees
Muhammad Barkat 'Ali English tr., Dar-ul-Ehsan Publications,
Huddersfield (UK) , 1977; Volume 1, 1'6, No.55)
"You do vices in secret. Also do virtues in secret. This
alone is sincerity." - (ibid, P65, No.545)
"When Hadrat 'Umar and Hadrat 'Ali
took the holy robe of the Prophet Muhammad and
went to Hadrat Uways they found him offering
prayers. At the end of the prayers Hadrat Uways said,
'Before today nobody has ever seen me offering prayers.'
"What a greatness! The Greatness is of Allah the
Almighty!" - (ibid, P65, No.546)
The Hadrat Khawaja's Miraculous Visit to Madina
A report has it that after the death of his mother, Hadrat
Khawaja Uways al-Qarani once visit ed Madina
The Compani ons of the Holy Prophet asked
him: "Why did you not come along in the life time of the
Holy Prophet
The Hadrat Khawaja replied: "My mother has
been sick and advanced in her age. For the sake of my
attendance to her she could not allow me to go far away."
The Companions beseeched: "We all sacrificed our
parents, relatives and wealth all for the Holy Prophet
Why could you not leave your mother alone?"
At thi s the Hadrat Khawaj a got excited saying:
"Well! You are the Companions of the Holy Prophet
Explain to me his appearance, the beauty and
perfection. "
The Companions narrated some of the signs on hi s
sacred body and hi s miracles.
The Hadrat Khawaja said: "I did not mean to
know the signs of the apparent life. Rather, 1 meant to know
the description of his beauty of the inward."
The Companions said: "We have told you what we had
known. Should you give any pointers, please do so!"
Pleased at thi s, Hadrat Uways went into a trance
and described the Holy Prophet's appearance,
characteristics, the beauty and the perfection in the most
befi tting manner that the Companions lost control of
themselves and got enraptured thus experiencing absorption
and ecsta sy, falling on to the ground totall y tired. As soon as
they regained somewhat of conscious ness, they kissed at
Hadrat Uways's he ad in extreme joy.
An Exclusive Meaning of the Word Madar (Mother)
Shaykh Abdul may Allah the Almighty sanctify
hi s secrets, has explained in a rare statement: "That Hadrat
Khawaja was unable because of the demands of hi s
mother's service apparently to pay visit to the Holy Prophet
has an exclusive meaning. Here the word miidar
(literally the mother) amounts to Umm al-Anwar (the mother
of enlightenment). He explains it further in the light of the
following sacred Hadith:
(1 was a hidden creasure. 1 wished to be
known. Accordingly> 1 ordered the creation.)
"Thus setting in abundance the light off the One and
Only. Off thi s of His Nur (Light) , He generated the Niir-i-
Muhsmmadi (The Light of Muhammad ---
--(First of all the Almighty Allah' s creatures You created
my light) and named it Umm al-Anwar. Just as the off-spring
is given birth by the mother so is the being or presence of
enlightenment of all the creatures and everything around was
brought about by thi s light alone. From eternity to eternity
thi s light, like the bubble in contact with water, is subsumed
in the river of the One and Only. It reflects high above some
times and drowns in the Li ght of the Dhiit at others. When a
Salik pays hi s attention to the Light of the Dhii t and remains
in thi s state, the reflection of the same light excites thus
enveloping the Salik in its folds. In the circumstances, the
Salik's inner light ascends to its goal, the Nur-i-Muhammsdi,
finall y merging into the Niir-i-Haqiqi thus concentration and
absorption taking over him. There remains no energy to
effect separation except that he is then appointed at the
position of advice and command. Hadrat Khawaja Uways al-
Qarani enjoyed simi lar state.
"The Hadrat Khawaja was completely absorbed and
drowned in Nii r-i-M uhemmedi and mustered no power
wh atever to distance himself from the beauty of the hidden."
Hadrat 'Ain al-Qadat has also interpreted in this
context the word miider as Umm al-Anwar. However, he
call s it Niir-i-Ilahi (the Divine Light) . In actual fact there is
no di sparity in the meaning if one understands corr ectly the
meani ngs of the followi ng:
He who sawme (i.e. Muhammed
) saw Allah the Almighty.
Hadrat Khawaja Uways's Uniqueness
Some of the Almighty Allah's servants are hidden. Hadrat
Khawaja Uways al-Qarani is the S ul tan of the
Almighty Allah's hidden servants. Just as he spent his life
hiding so did he remain hidden after his demise. No writer
has ever clearly pinpointed hi s mausoleum, the paragon of
light. He led hi s worldly life hiding from others. Allah the
Almighty will keep him hidden from others' sights on the Day
of Resurrection. He will lead hi s way to Paradise in the
company of seventy thousand angel s who would wear hi s
resemblance. This is why peopl e shall not be abl e to spot
him. Facing often the direction of the Yemen, the Holy
Prophet sai d: "I smell the sweet scent of mercy from
the direction of the Yemen!"
The Holy Prophet sought in his will to di spatch
hi s sacred cloak to Hadrat Uways and his supplication
for the forgiveness of hi s Ummah. For his supplication a large
number of the Holy Prophet's Ummah has,
indeed, been forgiven.
He is honoured with the titl e of Nats-ur-Rehrruin (The
Soul of the Compassionate) and the stage of 'the Beloved of
the Divine' ha s come to hi s lot.
Hadrat 'Umar and Hadrat 'Ali felt
honoured in seeking audience with him and so did they seek
permission in order to see him.
In the field of Teiiqst and Tasawwuf, hi s life is the
beacon light for the seeker of spirituality. The Uwaysiyyah
Order in Tasawwuf provides directly the reflexes of
enlightenment without apparent contact thus rendering
meaningless the barriers oftime, di stance and space.
. y
: _... ." . '.. f
Uways is if: -- -- _.J the
Elixir of the intense Devotion to the Holy Prophet
J / . i : ... ..-'
r ) l() v! -- ("I_}I
Pi sr-Rssiil (Extinct in the Holy Prophet

An Account of Hadrat Vways in the Hadith
Hadrat 'Vmar reports the Holy Prophet as
saying: "Amongst the Tabiiin (the generation following the
Companions) , there is a man named Uways who
has an old mother and bears a scar of vitiligo. If you see him
ask him to pray for the forgiveness of the Ummah." - (Abu
Hadrat 'Vmar reports the Holy Prophet
as saying: "0 ' Umar A man named Uways
will come from the direction of the Yemen. He bears a scar of
vitiligo on his body. He ha s an old mother whom he serves. If
he ever swears to do some job, his oath is fulfilled. If you are
abl e to have, ask him to pray for your forgiveness."
Ibn S'ad reports the Holy Prophet as
saying: "Amongst my Ummah I have a friend named Uways
al-Qarani ) ."
Ibn Abbas reports the Holy Prophet as
saying: "There will be a man amongst my Ummah who
would be called Uways bin Abdullah al-Qarani
Indeed, as many people of my Ummah as the hair of the
sheep flocks of the Tribes of Rsbi'a and Mudar shall be
forgiven as a result of his supplication."
The Holy Prophet face d the direction of the
Yemen, lifted his shirt off his chest and said: "I receive the
breeze of me rcy from the direction of the Yemen." Herein
Mawlana Rumi and Imam Shafi'ee have
interpreted the direction of the Yemen to mean Hadrat

Hadrat Uways's Holy Description
He was a man of weak physique, middle height, slightly off-
white colour, wide shoulders, heavy beard, black eyes, sights
concentrated at the place of prostration, a domineering round
face, and unruffled hair often covered with dust. He wore a
completely worn out khaki dress that consisted of two
garments, a bl anket made of the camel hair and a pair of
trousers. He had on the palm of his left hand - some claim it
to be the left side of the face - a white mark of the size of a
Dirham. Once he suffered from the disease of vitiligo. He
prayed to Allah the Almighty: "0 the Lord! Save me from this
disease of vitiligo, leaving on my body, however, a mark that
would always remind me of Your Mercy and Grace." This is
the mark that helped Hadrat 'Umar and Hadrat 'Ali
to recognise him.
The Pseudonym of al-Qarani
Qaran is a small village in the suburb of the Yemen. Earlier
on when some preliminary excavations were done for its
construction, there was found a cow horn that is called Qaran
in Arabi c, hence the name of the village as Qaran came to be
well known. A man named Abdullah from the Tribe Murad
was born in thi s village. Some tra ditions have the name
instead. Becau se of thi s affiliation, he came to be known
Uways al-Qarani the inflection of the name
indicated hi s connection.
Hadrat Harim bin Hayyan Searches for the Khawaja

A well-known Tabi'ec (a companion of the Companions)
named Hadrat Harim bin Hayyen made up hi s mind
to VISit Hadrat Uways Consequently, he reached
Qaran, but disappointingly he found out that Hadrat Uways
had already left Qaran. When Hadrat Harim bin
Hayyan came to Makka Mukarrama, he received the
news that Hadrat Uways now lived in Kufa, In the
pursuit of hi s fondness to meet him he went to Kufa where,
unfortunately, hi s whereabouts could not be traced. He
stayed in Kufa for a period of time in order to, perhaps, find
him one day. At long last Hadrat Harim made up his
mind to travel to Basra. As he set out he found on the way
that Hadrat Uways was making his wudii (ablution) at
the bank of the River Euphrates, wearing hi s patched frock all
right. Hadrat Harim recogni sed him but kept silent.
After hi s wudii , Hadrat Uways ordered his hair and
set to walk that Hadrat Harim stepped right in front of
him and greeted: "Assalam u Alaykum Wa Rahmamllah!'
Replying to the greeting, he wished him: " Wa Alaykum-us-
Salam, 0 Harim bin Hayyan
Surprised Harim said: "How did you recognise
He 'Arrstst Rum Ruhaka (My
spirit recognised your spirit!)" :::.--.
For some time, Hadrat Uways spoke to him and
whil st parting advised him thus: " ':' F...:;:;,\ Alayka
BeqalbiKa (you need to safeguard nat is, save
your heart from the thought of everything else. Keep your
desires under control of your heart and not vice versa."
The Khawaja's Advice to Hadrat Harim bin I;Iayyan
Hadrat Harim bin Hayyan st at es: "I requested Hadrat
Uways to tell me any of the Holy Prophet's
Hsdith so that hearing from your blessed tongue I may
remember it by heart."
"He replied, 'Neither did I meet the Holy Prophet
nor did I have the honour of hi s company.
However, I have met those who had seen him. Accordingly,
they have transmitted his sayings which have reached me as
to you too. Notwithstanding, I do not want to set an example
of being a Muhaddith (the one who narrates the Haditlii, or a
Qaq.i (Judge), or a Mufti (dispenser of the religious decree). I
cannot fully discharge my own religious practices. How could
I advise others!
"I beseeched, please do recite some Verses of the Holy
Quriin. I wish to hear it from your tongue. I regard you as
my friend for the sake of Allah the Almighty and only. Also,
pray for my forgiveness. Advise me as well so that I
remember it always . Hearing my request, he held my hand,
recited the following, crying loudly:
~ .)J() \I.. . = ~ J\ -.:.J' c:L..1 ~ ; ~ \
A iidhubillahi Minnishsyta-nir Rajfm!
(I seek refuge of Allah the Almighty from
Satan, the Outcast!)
"He added, 'My Rabb's dhikris most exalted. His sayings
are most true. His is the most truthful statement. His is the
most beautiful writing of all! Then he recited the following
Verses of the Holy Quriin:
We created not
The heavens, the earth,
And all between them,
Merely in (idle) sport:
We created them not
Except for just ends:
But most of them
Do not understand.
Verily the Day of
Sorting out is the time
Appointed for all of them, -
The Day, when no protector
Can avail of his client
In aught, and no help
Can they receive,
Except such as receive
God's Mercy: for He is
Exalted in Might, Most Merciful.
- (Al-Quron 44:38-42)
"At the end of recitation he gave out a resounding shriek,
followed by a spell of silence that made me feel as if he had
gone unconscious . After a short while he accosted me,
'Harim! Your father died. Shortly, you will also die. Abu
Hayyan died. He has for him either the Heaven or Hell. 0
Ibn Hayyanl The Prophet Adam ...... died and so did
Hadrat Huwwa (Eve) ...... , Hadrat Nuh (Noah) ......
died and so did Hadrat Ibrahim Khalflullah (Abraham, the
Friend of Allah) ...... . Hadrat Musa Kalfmullah (Moses,
the Conversationalist of Allah) died and so did Hadrat
Daw'ud Khalffatullah (David, the Successor of Allah on
Earth) ...... . And 0 Ibn Hayyan ~ ) The Holy
Prophet Muhammad ~ ~ has also passed away and so
has Abu Bakr Kbslitst-ul-Muslimin (the Caliph of the
Muslims) ~ . Today my brother (in spiritual sense)
'Umar bin Khattab ~ has parted company in order to
meet his beloved, Allah the Almighty. Having said this he
gave a cry '0 'Umar the Brave' and prayed for the Almighty
Allah's mercy on to him."
Hadrat Harim ~ maintains that by the time Hadrat
'Umar bin Khattab ~ was alive and his Caliphate near
to an end. Therefore, I said: "May Allah the Almighty shower
mercy on you! 'Umar bin Khattab ~ is still alive.
"At this he disclosed, 'Allah the Almighty has just given
me the news of his death. If you discern a little of my talk,
myself and yourself all are counted as ones amongst the dead.
All that had to take place has been enforced. Having spoken
this much he sent salutations unto the Holy Prophet ~ ~
and recited briefly some of the supplications and said, '0
Harim ~ ) My advice for you to follow is to emulate the
Almighty Allah' s Book, the Holy Qur'dn, the way of the 'good'
and to send Darild (Salutations) on to the Holy Prophet
~ ~ ~ ~ . I gave you the news of my death and yours too.
Bear in mind the death always, forgetting about it not even
for a single moment. At your return, undertake to warn your
tribe and advi se the followers of the Faith. Beware! You do
not sever the company of the [ama'at (group) thus losing your
Faith in forgetfulness and hence facing the Hell Fire on the
Day ofJudgement.'
"Then he added, '0 Allah the Almighry! This man claims
that he loves me for Your sake and for You alone he ha s
visited me. Therefore, 0 Allah the Almighty, show me hi s
face in Paradise in order to renew our contact and help me
meet him in Your Dar ss-Ssldrn (the House of Peace).
Wherever he may be, keep him in Your peace and protection.
Grant him the possession of his farming. Keep him happy
during hi s stay in this transitory World. Make easy for him to
obtain the share in the world that You have granted him, and
make him content at Your bestowal and graces. Grant him
the best recompense.'
"After this supplication, he went on, '0 Harim ~ )
Now I trust you to the Almighty Allah's custody. Well!
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah (Peace be on you and
mercy of Allah the Almightyl) From now on I shall not see
you any more. I dislike fame and befriend seclusion and
solitude. As long as I shall be with the people in the world I
shall suffer from extreme grief and pain. Accordingly, you do
not look for me in future. However, I shall cherish your
memory in my heart. Hence on neither shall I be able to see
you nor will you be able to see me. Keep me in your mind
and pray for my good. I shall, in sha Allah (Allah the
Almighry willing), bear you in mind and also pray for your
good. Having said thi s he went aside. I followed him in order
to have a few more moments with him. But he was not
pleased at thi s. We, therefore, parted each other crying.
Thereafter I looked for him all over, but without any news of
him from any quarter. May Allah the Almighry shower His
blessing on and forgive him. Afterwards, no week passed by
without me having his vision in dream once or twice."
Uways's Discharge of his Duties
Musradrik Hakim has it that despite his seclusion and
solitude Hadrat Uways never let slip the obligatory
commands to practise or to shun. Because of these obligatory
duties he had to face an indifference of the people. Abu al-
Haws narrates a friend of his saying: "A man from the
Tribe of Murad went to him and having wished him
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah asked, 'Uways
How are you?'
"He replied, 'Al-hamdillillah (God be praised!)'
"He asked, 'How do people treat you?'
"He replied, 'You ask this question to a man who does
not trust to last his life in the evening until morning and in
the morning until evening!'
"'0 my brother of the clan! Death has not spared any
opportunity for anyone to make merry. 0 my brother of the
Murad! Discharging of the Almighty Allah's obligatory duties
has not spared a true Muslim with a friend. I swear by Allah
the Almighty on the fact that because we persuade people to
do good and shun evil, they have, therefore, declared us as
their enemy. In this attitude they have been helped by the
hypocrites who point at us. But I swear by Allah the Almighty
that their attitude will not stop me from saying what is the
Uways's Mode of Worship
Someone asked Hadrat Uways should
one pray?"
He replied: "I only wish that I start the prayer and spend
the night in one Sajdah (prostration) and, lost control of
myself, recite repeatedly Subhiins Rabbiy al-A 'ala (Glory be
to God Who is Most High!)"
When he was asked about humility during prayers, he
said: "If someone who is praying is hit with a bar and has not
felt it at all, this act will be demonstrative of the humility of
his prayer."
At another occasion, he said: "If someone worships Allah
the Almighty to the extent of the Heaven and the Earth, Allah
the Almighty will not approve of his worship until the
worshipper has complete belief in Him."
He asked: "What is the best and blessed way of belief in
Allah the Almighty?"
He replied: "Leave alone and do not worry about that
which has already been set aside for you and whilst praying
turn your mind off the world just as he does so at the time of
his death. This state is enjoyed only when the human being
regards death nearer to him than his jugular vein. If this is the
state, then the man would be the one who believed in Allah
the Almighty completely. Then his prayers would be accepted
and become one who would have the honour of nearness to
Allah the Almighty."
Uways's ~ Miracle (Ksrsmst) of the Drowning Boat
Hadrat Habib bin Suhail ~ narrates: "I was on board a
boat along with some businessmen. The boat was loaded
with a lot of merchandise of different kind. All of a sudden
rain and storm took upon us and the boat was caught up in
stormy waves so much that it began to let water in and hence
drown. All the passengers lost hope of life. There was also
amongst them a passenger who appeared old and senile and
wore a blanket made of camel hair. He got up from his seat
and began to walk on the waves as if he was walking on earth.
Regardless of anything around, he occupied himself in
prayer. We beseeched, '0 man of God! Pray for us!'
"At this he attended to us and asked, 'What is the
"We drew his attention to the state he was himself
"He said, 'Cultivate nearness to Allah the Almighty.'
"We asked, 'How?'
"He replied, 'By renouncement of the world! Now recite
Bismillii-hir Rahmii-nir Rsliim (In the Name of Allah, Most
Beneficent, Most Merciful) and step outside the boat.'
"We followed his directions. The water rose all over the
boat, but we stood all safe and sound. He began to say, 'Now
you are free from the world.'
"We all asked, '0 the pious man! Who are you?'
"He answered, 'My name is Uways ~ ) .
"We beseeched, 'This boat has also for the poor at
Madina Manawwara the baggage that a rich man of Egypt
had despatched because a famine has these days spread out
in Madina Manawwara.'
"At this, he remarked, 'If Allah the Almighty returns you
your wealth, would you distribute all that amongst the poor
of Madina Manawwara?'
"They all said, 'Yes!'
"He performed two Raka'at (units) of prayer on the
surface of water and offered a supplication. We saw the boat
with all the baggage rising up the water. We took hold of the
boat. Then we reached Madina Manawwara all well and
distributed as promised everything amongst the poor and the
needful there." - reference Zuhrat-ul-Riyiid
Peace of Mind
A tradition has it that Hadrat Harim ~ had the good
fortune of a few meetings with Hadrat Uways ~ . Once
he went to him. He enquired: "What is this visit for?"
Harim ~ replied: "To gain peace of mind from
He remarked: "I have not come across a man who knew
Allah the Almighty and still sought peace of mind from
someone except Him."
Uways's ~ ) Extreme Practices
Hadrat Uways ~ undertook great hardships in the field
of Sulook. He used to keep awake the whole night. Normally,
he stood in Iqiima (standing posture) for prayers one night,
spent the next in Rukii (kneeling posture) and the following
in Sajdah (prostration) . He often spent hi s days praying in
addition to the nocturnal worship. The famous Tab'iee
Hadrat Rabi' bin Khathi ~ reports : "One da y I went to
meet him. I saw him busy in hi s Fajr (early morning) prayer.
I waited for him to finish in order to meet him. Having
fini shed hi s prayer, he got engaged in Tasliih (formulas of
celebration of praises of Allah the Almighty) and Tahlil
(praises of Allah the Almighty) and remained so continuously
until Zuhr (early afternoon) prayer. Likewise, thi s lasted
further until 'A sr (late afternoon) prayer and from 'Asr to
Maghrib (suns et) prayer. Then I thought he might have a
recess in order to break hi s fast, but he remained busy in
dhikr and litanies until 'Isha (late evening) prayer and then to
the morning prayer. Three days pa ssed by thi s way. He slept
on the fourth night for a short while and ate a little. Then he
occupied himself in AstaghRir (litanies seeking forgiveness of
Allah the Almighty) thus: "0 Allah the Almighty! I seek Your
refuge against the sleeping eye and stomach-full of food."
When I witnessed all thi s, I returned without seeking hi s
audience and saying to myself: "This is enough for me!"
Disappearance of Uways ~
As long as the apparent world had not recogni sed the real
Uways ~ , he was seen round and about amongst all
people. But as soon as hi s real self came to the fore, he went
out of sight, nobody having seen him ever after.
It is said that during the Battle of Siflin he died a martyr,
fighting in favour of Hadrat ' Ali ~ .
Another tradition has it that on hi s return journey from
Azarbijan, he died of some stomach ailment. As thi s of hi s
journey was on fchiid (Holy War), he met an honouarble
martyr' s death in accordance with any of the traditions in
connection with martyrdom. It is claimed that hi s mausoleum
is situated in the North of and outside the Ci ty ofZubaid in
the Yemen.
WAllah-u 'Alamu Bith-Thawab!
Details of the Traditions ofUways's ~ Martyrdom
It is a well-known tradition that at the bank of the River
Euphrates Uways ~ heard the noise of a drum. He
enquired of the passers-by about the reason for that.
Someone told him that Hadrat 'Ali ~ was setting out on
a battle against Amir Mu'awiyyah ~ . Consequently, he
went along to Hadrat 'Ali's ~ troops . Before he arrived
there, Hadrat 'Ali ~ had an oath of allegiance to death
at his hand taken by ninety nine men. At this juncture,
Hadrat 'Ali ~ said: "A man wearing a blanket will come
thus completing the number of troops. "
Another narration has it that when Hadrat 'Ali ~
counted the number of his troops, he found one man short
of the anticipated number. It is then that he prophesied an
on-coming of the man wearing a blanket. Hadrat 'Ali ~
had just uttered these words that Hadrat Uways ~
arrived on the scene. Seeing him Hadrat ' Ali ~ was
extremely pleased. He took the oath at Hadrat 'Ali's ~
hand in order to sacrifice his life. He set out to fight and fell
As long as he lived he led the life of the appraised.
When death approached he died a martyr, the exalted.
Kashfal-Mahjub of 'Ali al-Hujwiri seconds this tradition.
According to an another tradition by [alal-ud-Din Sayuti
~ and Abdur Rahman jami ~ , it is chronicled that
Uways ~ set out to participate in jehad on the Azarbijan
front during the final days of Hadrat 'Umar Farooque's
~ Caliphate. He suffered from diarrhoea. When he
died on the way, the troops stopped. They found two pieces
of cloth in his haversack that did not seem to be any part of
the worldly dress. The shroud was prepared of this . Just at
the time they found that at a short distance in front there was
a readily dug out grave and scented water and sweet essence
nearby. The holy warriors bathed him with the same water,
dressed in the shroud, applied the scent and said the funeral
prayer, buried him and then took to the battle front. On their
return journey, the Muslim troops went past the same place
where there was seemingly no grave or any sign of it. They
searched for it no end but to no trace. WAlIah-u 'Alamu Bith-
Uways's ~ ) Copycats
On the Day of Resurrection Allah the Almi ghty will create
seventy thousand angels whose appearance will resemble that
of Hadrat Uways al-Qarani ~ and in their procession he
will be taken towards the Paradi se. The whole of creation will
witness it, but no one will be abl e to recognise the real
Khawaja Uways al-Qarani ~ Just as Allah the Almighty
had hidden him from the sights of the people, likewise He
will keep him hidden from the sights of the aliens .
The st ate of Hadrat Khawaja Uways ~ bears
testimony to the Hedith that Hadrat Abu Hurayra ~ had
reported as a Divine decree thus:
(My friends are beneath my over-dress.
Nobody except Me recognises them.)
The Sayings of Hadrat Uways al-Qarani ~
*1 searched for honour, I found it in service to the creatures.
I searched for leadership, I found it in the creatures'
I searched for humility, I found it in truth.
I searched for the source of pride, I found it in Faqr.
I searched for a valuable relationship in the Hereafter, I
found it in Taqwah (Fear of Allah the Almighty)
I searched for hi ghness, I found it in Qanii 'at
I searched for peace, I found it in Zuhd (piety) .
*He who believes in three things has Hell nearer to him
th an his jugular vein; they are voluptuous meals, expensive
dress and companionship of the rich.
* Peace is in solitude.
*It is imperative on you to guard your heart.
*When you sleep, regard death nearer t o your head and
when you wake up regard it in front of you.
*Do not regard a sin something ordinary, rather regard it
something extra-ordinary. This is the reason you commit
sins. If you regard a sin something inferior, then you will also
regard Allah the Almighty inferior.
*It is regretted at the hearts that are in doubt and do not
seek advice .
*He was asked: "What is your job?"
He replied: "The journey is long and I have no
necessities of the journey with me. This is why I lament all
the time.
*He who recognised Allah the Almighty, he recognised
everything and nothing remained hidden from him.
* Wahdar (Unity of Godhead) is that nothing except Him
comes in the thoughts.
*Virtues of AJIah-hummCighfir-lil-
Mumineena wsl-Muminat! (0 Allah the Almighty! Forgive
Muslim Men and Women!) - Hadrat Uways al-Qarani's
special litany:
*Allah the Almighty writes recompense as many times as
Muslim men and women for he who seeks forgi veness of the
true Muslim, men and women. - ( Tbads bin Samat/M ajm 'a al-
Zewa'id - Kitdb al- 'Amal Bis-Sunnah, Vol 1, P 1095)
*He who has no wealth to give away in Sadaqa (charity)
shoul d seek forgiveness of true Muslim, men and women.
This is his Sadaqa. - (Abu Hurayra Msim'a al-Zawa'id - Kitiib al-
'Amal Bis-Sunnah, Vol 1, pp 1095-1096)
*I:Iac;lrat Abu Darda ~ reports having heard the
Holy Prophet JW;:.-:l.j::; as saying: "He who prays 25 or 27
times daily for the forgiveness of true Muslim, men and
women, will be counted amongst the people whose prayers
are met with and who are the means of livelihood of people
on Earth." - (Maim 'a al-Zawa'idI Kitab al-'Amal Bis-Sunnah, Vo12, PP
NB: The reporter is not clear about the number of times of the
litany, but it is either 27 or 25 times a day.
Wa Akhiru De 'wana snil HamduliJlahi Rabb-iJ-'Alannnl Wassalaw
Wassalamu I1la Rasf<1i Hil-Kstirnl Wal-HamduliJlahi Rabb-il-'Alamfnl
(In the end, our claim is that all prai se be to Allah the Almighty, the
Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and greetings to the gracious Prophet
~ ~ . , . . > i ~ And prai se be to Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Worlds!
- Abu Anees Muhemmad Barkst 'Ali Ludhianvi ~
Majdlis '1JliiR!;-i -1[iilii
(Sessions of
Remembrance of Allah
the Almighty)
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Allabumma inni as'aluka be-Annaka antslkihu li: ilalm ills ant-
sl-shad-us-semed-ul-kidhi lam yalid wa lam yulad wa lam ya-
ku(n)llahu kufiJwan ahad; Yii-Hsyyii, ya-Qayyi1m! As'alullah al-
il2fma Rsbb-el-Arsh-il-Kstim i(ny)yughfira ummara
Muhammadin Sallslliihu Alaylii wa Sallam. Ya illa-al-'Alamfn, ya-
Rahmiinu, yii-Rahimu, ya-Rsbbel-Arsh-il-Keiimi, ya -Rabb-il-
'Arsh -il-Maiidi, ya-Rsbb-il-Arsh-il-Aeimi; Yii-Dhu-el-fekili wal-
Iktiim . Aj'alu thawaba hddhe-dh-dhikti ila Rasiiliks wa Habibeka
Muhammadin-il-MusraRi wa Ahmadin-al-MujralXi limaghfiralf
Ummacehi, Rabbana Taqabbal minnaka anc-al-Samf'-ul-'A1lm! Ya-
Hayyii, ya -Oayyurn! Yii-Hayyii, ya -Qayyi1m! Yii-Hayyii, ya-
Qayyi1m! Amtn! Thum Amfn!
Rabbana A 'ati thswiibe hiidhu-dh-dhikr-il-jamili lilladliina
amanu beka wa habibeka Muhammadin Sallelldhu Alayhf wa
Sallam walladliina amanu beka ents-Rshmiin-ur-Rsliimu wa anna
Muhammadin Ssllsllahu Alayhf wa Sallam Sayyiduhum wa
Mewkihum wa lakinnahum lam yeduks wa lam yaccamaccaku be-
Sunnace habfbeka Muhammadin Sallslliihu Alayhi wa Sallam,
liqusurihim wa ijzihim wa lam yaziilu fid-dunya y'amalun-ss-
siyyi'a t: wa lam yarazawwadu liqebutihim ill al-hasraca wan-
nediimate wa yu'azzibuna fi qaburihim lil-umeti-is-siyyi'uti-hilleti
irttskebuhii yii-Rabb faghfir likulli ahadamin ummalf Sayyiduns wa
Mawlana Muhammadin Sallalliihu Aluybi wa Sallam wa lii
tu'azzibhu! Yii-Hayyii, ya-Oayyam! Ya-Hayyi1, ya-Qayyi1m! Ya-
Hsyyii, ya -Qayyi1m! Fainna karmak-al-jamma wa lucfiJk-al-'amma
ta yudtikuhu ahadun; Ya-Arham-ar Rahimfn! Ya-Arham-ar
Rahimfn! Ya-Arham-ar Rahim fn! Amin! Thum Amfn! Wa hiidhu
hayyi'un-al-laka wa ma 'alayka bc'aziz. Fa'innaka 'ala kulli sbsy'in
Qadfrun(w) we-bil-ijabetihi jadfrun. La ilah ilIa ental Ya-Hayyi1,
ya -Qayyi1m! Yii-Dhu-ul-fskili wal-Ikriiml
Alliihumme ants Mawlal wa 'abduka du'ituruw) wa miskinun
ent-el-Mslik-ul-Abadu wa ana mumlukun anc-al-Qadfr-us-Samadu
wa ana muhcajun anca Qadfru 'ala kulli shay'in wa ana Iastu be-
shay'in ya-Samf'u fasm'a isteghiitbi wa taqabbel dual faghfir
ummaca Sayyid sl-Mursulins Sellullahu Aalyhf wa Sallam! Ya-
Hsyyii, ya -Qayyi1m! Yii-Dhu-sl-feliili wal-Ikraml Amin! Thum
Wa Sallalkihu Ts'sla j4]a Kbsyii khelqibi Muhammadin(w)
wa 'Alihf wa As-hiibibi wa Azwdjilii wa Dhurriyiitelii wa Ahle-
Bs'ytehi 'ajm'afna berahmatika! Ya-Arham-ar Rahimfn!
(0 Allah the Almighty! I beseech You because You alone are
Allah. There is none except You worthy of worship. You are One,
the Independent Who does not beget, nor is begotten. He ha s none
comparable unto Him, the One. 0 the Living, 0 the Lasting! I
be seech Allah the Exalted, the Sustainer of the Beneficent Throne,
to please forgive the Ummah (the Muslim Nation) of Hadrat
Muhammad 0 the Worshipped of the Worlds, 0 the
Beneficent, 0 the Sustainer of the Gracious Throne! 0 the
Sustainer of the Munificent Throne! 0 the Sustainer of the Exalted
Throne! 0 the Majestic, 0 the Honoured! I offer the recompense
of this dhikr (remembrance) for forgiveness of the Ummah of Your
Messenger, the beloved Muhammad Al-Mustets Ahmad AI-
Muitabe. Accept thi s from us. Indeed, You are the Listener, the
Knower! 0 the Living, 0 the Lasting! 0 the Living, 0 the Lasting!
o the Living, 0 the Lasting!
o our Lord! Grant the recompense of thi s pretry dhikr to the
people who rallied their Faith in You and Your beloved Hadrat
Muhammad and accepted You as the Gracious, the
Beneficent, and Hadrat Muhammad as their master and provider,
but they could not please You nor could they follow the Sunnah of
Your beloved Hadrat Muhammad And because of their
. . .
omi ssions and weaknesses always committed evil deeds and except
remorse and disappointment could not muster anything for the life
of Barzakh (waiting period before the Day of Judgement, the
purgatory) . And because of their evil deeds they are suffering from
torture of the graves. 0 Allah the Almighry! Forgive each and every
member of our master and provider, and do not keep them
suffering from torture. 0 the Living, 0 the Lasting! 0 the Living,
o the Lasting! 0 the Living, 0 the Lasting! Because Your Grace is
perfect and beneficence absolute, 0 the Most Merciful of the
merciful! 0 my Lord! This is all easy for You and presents You no
problem, because You are Powerful over everything and Succour
to every plaint. There is none worthy of worship except You, 0 the
Living 0 the Lasting, 0 the Majestic, 0 the Honoured! 0 Allah
the Almighry! You are the Provider and I am Your weak and
helpless servant. You are the Owner, the Powerful, the
Independent and I, the overpowered. You are Omnipotent and I
am non-entity. Therefore, listen to my plaint and fulfil my
supplication thus forgiving the Ummah of the Holy Prophet, the
Leader of the Messengers. 0 the Living, 0 the Lasting! 0 the
Majestic, 0 the Honoured!
o Allah the Almighty! Shower Your bl essings on to the
benefactor to the creation, Hadrat his
progeny, companions, wives, offspring and household all! 0 the
Most Merciful of the merciful!)
-Abii Anees Muhsmmad Barkat Ali Ludhianvi
"Yii -Alliihiil, ya-Remiiniil, ya-Rsbimii! Ya-HayyU, ya-QayyUm!
Yii-Dhu-sl-fsliili wsl-Ikriim! (0 Allah, 0 the Compassionate, 0
the Merciful, 0 the Living, 0 the Lasting! 0 the Exalted, 0 the
Honoured!) On behalf of Al-Meqdm-uri-Nejfiif As-Sahhiif Al-
Meqbu-ul-Mustaiein Dar-ul -Ehsan Faisalabad (Punjab) the
recompense of thi s dhikr is pa ssed on to the Holy, the Perfect, the
Honoured, the Beautiful, the Sacred, the Pure Messenger
for forgiveness of the dead of his Ummah! Ya-HayyU, ya-QayyUm!
(0 the Lord! Accept thi s from us! You are the Listener, th e
Knower! Amin!)
Habi b bin Suha il, 20
Hadith, i, ii, 16, 24, 40
Haram Sharif, 5
Harim bin Hayyan, v, 14, 15, 21
Hassan al-Basri (d. 728 CE) , iv, vii
Hud, the Prophet __ vi
Hii, 4
Faith (of Islam), i, ii
Fajr, 22
Fana tir-Rasiil, 13
Faqr (austerity) , , iv, ix, 24
Eeman (Fait h) , 7
Euphrates, the River, 15, 23
Dar as Sa/lim, 18
Dariid, 18
Daw'ud at -T ai (d . 126 AH), vi
Daw'ud Kbelifatullah, __ t he
Prophet , 17
Da'wsh-o- Tab/igh a/-Is/am, ix, 38
Dbikr (Remembrance), iv, vii, ix,
16, 22, 36, 38
Dirham, the coin, iv, 9, 15
Du'li ' (Supplication), 2
Chuppatis, 7
Coleman Barks, ix
Badr, the Battle of, iv
Bahr a/-Ramiiz, 2
Banu kalib, th e Tribe, 2
Barzah (the pugatory), 37
Basra, 15
Bilal, th e Hadrat , 3, 4
g.,(ame andSubject 'Index
Astaghliir, 22
' Ay'Isha Siddiqua, th e Umm al-
Momenin 2, 3
AzaJ (pre-eternit y), iii
Abd (post-eternity), iii
Abdul Khaliq, the Sh aikh, II
Abdul \XIahid ibn Zayd al-Basr
(d . l 77 AH), v
Abu An ees Muhammad Barkat Ali
(d. 1997 CEl I 417 AH),
iv, vII , ix, 40
AbU. ' Asim, the Syrian, vi
Abu Bakr Siddique (d . 634
CE), the First Caliph of Islam,
iv, 3, 17
Abu Darda, 26
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (d . IIII
CE), iv
Abu al-Haws, 19
Abu Hurayrah , 24.-=c--o-oc-
Abu al-M ughith aI-Hussain ibn
Mansur ai-Halla; (d . 922 CE), iii,
iv, v, vi
Abu Sa 'id al- Kharraz (d. cir. 286
AH), vi
Abu Yazid T ayfur al-Bist ami (d .
875 CE), iii
Abu'l Qa sim Muhammad [unid al-
Baghdadi (d . 910 CE) , iii
Ain al-Qadat , 12
Al-Adbksr Ii f ism a/- Wujiid a/-
Barkat, viii
' Ali, the Fourth Caliph of Islam
iv, 3, 4, 5,8,9, 10, 14, 22,
' Ali ibn Uthman al-j ullabi al-
Hujwi ri (d. ca . 1071 CE), v
AJIahii Akbar (God is Great), vii
'Amar, 14.
Amiral-Mominin, 1, 2
Arnir Muawiyyah, 23
Arabic, ii
Arberry, A J, vi
'Asr, 22
Assa/amu A/aykum Wa
RahmatuJIah, 5
Ibn Abbas, 13
Ibn Sa' id, 13
Ibrahim Khalilullah the
Prophet , 17
Ihya 'Uliun sl-Din (Renaissance of
Faith), iv
In-shii Allah, 18
Iqama, 21
Iqbal, Dr Muham mad (d . 1938
CE) , ii
'Isha ; 22
'Isli'q (intense love) , iii, x
Ittibe' (emulat ion), ii
Jalal-ud-Din Rumi , the Mawlana
(d. 1273 CE), ix, 14
Jalal-ud-Din Sayut i, 23
fsma'st, 18
Jami, Abdur Rahman, 23
j avidnama, Sphere of jupiter, iii
] azb (intoxication) , iii
j ehad (holy war) , 23
j iima' (Friday), 4
Karamar (miracle) , 20
Khidr, the Saint Prophet
Kirab ai- 'Amal- Bis-Sunnah . .., ix
Kitsb al-Sidq (T he Book of
Truthfulness), vi
Love, i, ii , iii, 6, 7, 8
MiidarCmother), II, 12, 13
Maghrib, 22
Makka Mukarra ma, 6
Mausoleum, 12, 22
Medina Manawwarah, 10
Miidsr; the Tribe of, iv, 2, 6
Mufti (one who passes a religious
de cree), 16
Muhaddirh, 16
Murad, the Tribe, 14, 19
Musa Kalimullah th e
Prophet , 17
M iisradrik Hakim, 19
Na fs-iir-Rahman, 12
Ne'tiyysh (poet ry in praise of the
Holy Prophet M uhammad
Nuh, th e Prophet 17
Niir-i-Haqiqi, II
Niir-i-Ilahi, 12
Niir-i-Muhammadi, II , 12
Orison, of the Hadrat Khawaja, viii
Persian, 11
Pisti (leprosy), iv
Prophet, th e Hol y the
servant of Allah the Almi ghty, ii,
iii, iv; Rahmariin 111- 'Alamin
(Mercy to t he Worlds), v; ix, 1-
10,1 2,15
Qana 'ar (contentment), 24
Qudratallah Shahab, viii
Qur'an, the Holy, I, ii , iv, vii, 16,
17,38, 40
Qiirb (nearness), iv
Rabb (Lo rd), 16
Rab'i, the Tribe, iv, 2, 6, 13
Rabi'a bint Isma'il al-Adawiyyah al-
Basiriyyah (d . 80 I CE) , iii
Rabi bin Khathi, 22
Raka'ar, 21
Resurrection, the Day of, ii, 9, 12,
Ruku', 21
Sadaqa (charity), 26
Sejde h, 6, 22
Salik, II
Schimmel, Annemarie, iii, vii
Sh aikh ai-Akbar Muhyi-ud-Din ibn
ai-Arabi (d . 1240 CE), vi
Shari'ah (Islamic Law), iii
Siffin, the Battle of, 22
Sol itude, v
Tebi'ec (companion's companion) ,
Tabi 'iin (pi for Tabi'ee), 2,13
Tajrid (detachment fro m th e
world), ii
Tahlil, 22
Tariqac (Islamic Mystici sm), 13
Tasawwuf, 13
Tazkiyyah al-Nafs (purificat ion of
soul), iv
Uhad, the Battle of, 6- 8
Umar, the Second Caliph ofls1am
~ v 2, 5, 6-1 0, 13, 14, 17,
Umm sl-Anwsr, 11, 12
Ummah, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 13
Vall ey of A bdalan, 4
Vitiligo,S, 13, 14
lfIahdac (Unity of Godhead), 25
lfIudil (ablution), 15
Yemen, 1, 3,4, 12, 14,22
Yunus Emre (d. 1321 CE,
Anatolia) , vii
Zubaid, th e City of, 22
Zuhd (piety, renunciation of the
Zilhr, 22
wfiat is Var-uf-f/isan?
Dar-ul-Ehsiin, literally meaning 'the House of Blessing', is a
voluntary Islamic Institute situated in the District of Faisalabad,
Pakistan. It ha s been defined as an 'abode of benefactors wh o
worship Allah the Almighty as if they are seeing Him. If it is not
the case, it (certainly) is true that He is seeing them' .
The Institute is busy fulfilling its aim of translating the sacred
work of Da 'wah-o-Tabliigh AI-Islam (Invitation to and Spread of
Islam) in many and various ways . Here it is humbly de sired to
demonstrate practically the teaching of the Holy Quriin and the
Sunnah (T radition) of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad
the fountain-head ofIslam.
People throughout the World from all walks of life, those who
practise a littl e to those who practi se their religi on profusely, visit
the insti tute. In this way they satisfy their religi ous aspirations.
Sessions of incessant Dhikr (remembrance of Allah the
Almighty) are held, missionary partiesof those with religious and
spiri tual zeal are sent to all parts, a spacious mosque and reposit ory
for the worn out copies of the Holy Qur'dn have been built, a
school for destitute and orphans and a well staffed hospital have
been established, administering their services free of charge.
Hadrat Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat 'Ali retired
. . .
army officer, the founder and chief organiser of the Diir-ul-Ehsiin,
has written, published and di stributed free of charge much
literature on Islam in Urdu. This is now being translated in Arabic,
Chinese, Persian and English . Kitiib Al-'Amal Bis-Sunnah, Al-
M'sroot' Tertib Shalff (Holy Succession), Msksbootat-c-Meaazsl-
c-Ehsiin (Manifestations of the Stages of Blessing) and Asma' Al-
Nabi Al-Ksiim (the Bounteous Names of the Holy Prophet
are three voluminous works of unique religious
importance. A monthly magazine, The Diir-ul-Ehsdn, has been
published regularly for the benefit of the Muslim Community until
his demise in 1997. It ha s included research articles, translations
and commentaries on the Holy Quriin and the Hadith, medical
cures prescribed by the Holy Prophet and Hadrat Abu
Anees Muhammad Barkat 'Ali 's words of guidance
and insight. The monologues have been put toge ther in to thi rty
volumes titled Msksh ootat-e-Msnazal-c-Ehsan, Al-M'sroof
Maqalac-e-Ifikmac(The Words of Wisdom).
In 1983 Hadrat Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat ' Ali : ; . j , ~
migrated some thirty miles away to a place on Samundri Road now
known as Al-Mustatid Diir-ul-Ehsiin where he had developed all
the above services and is now buried. Again for the benefit of the
Ummah, his successors are serialising in a monthly magazine
Anwar AI-Barkac hi s books which run into thousands of pages.
- Muhnmmad Iqbal

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