Covering Letter: The Federation of Andhra Pradesh
Covering Letter: The Federation of Andhra Pradesh
Covering Letter: The Federation of Andhra Pradesh
(TO BE TYPED ON COMPANYS LETTERHEAD) The Secretary The Federation o Andhra Prade!h Chambers of Commerce & Industry Federation House, 11-6-841, P ! "o 14, #ed Hi$$s, Hyderabad % &'' ''4 (ear Sir, This is to inform you that our ))))))))) , *r )))))) is +$annin, to -isit the fo$$, country on business tour for the +eriod mentioned be$o. /e re0uest you to 1ind$y issue us a recommendation $etter addressed to the concerned authority for the issue of -isa to *r )))))))) S" No" 1 Co#ntr$ ------Period o To#r ---------------O i%e O the &i!a O i%er --------------
/e are a$so enc$osin, the +rescribed a++$ication form, du$y fi$ed in /e re0uest you to 1ind$y issue us the recommendation $etter, as re0uested abo-e, at the ear$iest Than1in, you, 2ours faithfu$$y, Co'(an$ Na'e Signat#re Na'e) De!ignation) A#thori!ed to !ign or 'e'*er" R+BBER STAMP OF THE COMPANY
FORM OF APPL,CAT,ON FOR RECOMMENDAT,ON FOR ,SS+E OF &,SA (TO BE TYPED ON COMPANYS LETTERHEAD) (ate3 The Secretary The Federation of 4ndhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Federation House, 5 11-6-841, #ed Hi$$s, P ! "o 14, H2(6#4!4(-&'' ''4 7ind$y issue a 8isa recommendation $etter as +er the +articu$ars s+ecified be$o., at the ear$iest 1 = ? 4 & "ame & 4ddress of the *ember 9:r,ani;ation< !usiness > 6n,a,ed in "ame of the +erson .ho is +roceedin, :n business -isit Country>Countries +ro+osed to be -isited (esi,nation>+osition of the +erson Proceedin, on beha$f of the member 9The .ord @#e+resentati-eA is not to be Ta1en as a desi,nation and .i$$ not be 4cce+ted The s+ecific desi,nation and Position in the firm>com+any must be stated< Pur+ose of the -isit To .hom the recommendation is be addressed, 94mbassador>Hi,h Commissioner at "e. (e$hi> Consu$-Cenera$ at *umbai>Chennai< Pa!!(ort No" . Date o i!!#e (Photo%o($ o the Pa!!(ort !ho#/d *e en%/o!ed) ,nvitation Letter (!ho#/d *e en%/o!ed) FAPCC, Me'*er!hi( No" Permanent residentia$ address in 4 P of +erson In .hose name recommendation is re0uested S(e%i'en !ignat#re o the (er!on (ro%eeding On *#!ine!! to#r"
) ) ) ) )
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/e hereby certify that a$$ the aforementioned information is true and correctD further, .e hereby indemnify the Federation and its :fficia$s a,ainst a$$ c$aims and demands that may at any time be made a,ainst F4PCCI>F4PCCI officia$s by the reason of issuin, 8isa #ecommendation Eetter Si,nature "ame3 (esi,nation3 4uthorised to si,n for member R+BBER STAMP OF THE COMPANY