Ir Training Manual
Ir Training Manual
Ir Training Manual
Sno Details 1 AboutTheManualonManagementofTraining 2 TrainingSomebasicfacts 3 TypesofTraining 4 RailwayTrainingInstitutionsandTheirAdministrativeControl 5 TrainingPlan 6 FacultyMembersinRailwayTrainingInstitutes 7 Training and Development opportunities in nonrailway institutions Approved Module for stagewise Training for various Departments
8 ManagementofTrainingFunctions 9
10 Namesof'MainTrainingCentres'and'OtherTrainingCentres' 11 DetailsofInitial/ApprenticeshipTrainingProgrammes 12 DetailsofRefresherCourses 13 EssentialfeaturesofNewsLetterandAnnualReport 14 LIST OF INSTITUTIONS APPROVED FOR "TRAINING OF TRAINERS" COURSE
TRAININGMANUAL 1 AboutTheManualonManagementofTraining. 1.1Purpose 1.2Scope 1.3Forwhomintended 1AboutTheManualonManagementofTraining 1.1Purpose ThepurposeofthisManualistoofferdetailedinformationandadviceonthemanagementof costeffective training. This manual, in the form of a management aid, provides the basis for introducingtrainingmanagementpracticeswiththeaimofimprovingperformanceofrailway employees. 1.2Scope ProvisionsinthisManualaregenerallyinconformitywithvariousexistinginstructionsonthe subject. However, in some cases, changes have been made. In case of conflict between the provisions of this Manual and the earlier instructions, the provisions of this Manual shall prevail. 1.3Forwhomintended The manual is for the use of those responsible for providing and managing training activities, including:
2.1Commonlyuseddefinitionsoftraining "In a work organization, training is a learning process in which learning opportunities are structured in a planned manner so as to develop employees' knowledge, skills and attitude, necessary for effectiveperformance of their work, thereby achievingorganisational aims and objectivesbythemostcosteffectivemeasuresavailable." "ThesystematicDevelopmentoftheattitudeknowledge,skillbehaviourspatternrequiredby anindividualinordertoperformadequately." "Any planned activity designed to help an individual or a group of individuals to learn to do thingsdifferentlyortododifferentthingswithinthecontextoftheircurrentorfuturejob." 2.2Trainingactivity Trainingactivitiesinclude:
2.3PurposeandImportanceofTraining Training is important from the point of view of both the employer and the employees. While employers depend on the quality of their employees' performance by bringing up their competence through training to a level by which organisational aims and objectives could be achieved, the employees need training to meet their motivational needs for development, recognition,statusetcthroughjobsatisfaction. Training should necessarily lead to effective performance by the employee. Since the basic aim of training is to bring about effective performanceof work, training has to be recognised asanintegralandessentialpartofthewholeworksystem. 2.4EffectivenessofTraining Effectivetrainingshoulddothefollowing
Ensurethattraineeshavelearnt Develop feeling amongst trainees that what they have learnt has potential valuetotheirwork Developcapabilitiesamongsttraineestoapplytheirlearningtothework Meetthespecificneedsofworkforwhichthetrainingwasdesigned.
2.5Whatcananeffectivetrainingprovide Apart from the most obvious advantage of right number of trained people being available at righttime,effectivetrainingshouldprovide:
Relevant inhouse specialist knowledge and expertise being captured and retainedsothatitisavailableforaccessingatanytime. AbaseonwhichBusiness/StrategicPlanningcanbedeveloped. CapabilitytoachievepredeterminedstandardsofQualityofcustomerservice. Satisfactionofidentifiedtrainingneedsbothcorporateandindividual. Identificationandcontroloftrainingcosts. Valueformoney. Identification of the 'must know', 'should know' and 'could know' in a real life situation. Emphasis on "Context" learning the what? and why? rather than only the how?When?Where?Who?etc. Learningrelevanttobusinessneeds. Learningavailableondemand. Opportunitiesformeetingindividuallearningstylesforpersonallearning. Increasedaccountabilityandresponsibilityofstaff. Enhancedstaffmotivationandcommitment 4
Howeveronthebasisofdetailedpurposeoftraining,itcanalsobeclassifiedas: 1. VocationalOrientation 2. VocationalGuidance 3. Induction 4. Basic/FoundationTraining 5. Further/continuedtraining 6. BoosterTraining 7. UpdatingTraining 8. Multiskilltraining 9. Module/Segmentaltraining 10. Retraining (ApprenticeshipTraining) (ApprenticeshipTraining) (Initialtraining) (Initialtraining) (Promotionaltraining) (RefresherTraining) (RefresherTraining) (SpecialTraining) (SpecialTraining)
4.RailwayTrainingInstitutionsandTheirAdministrativeControl $$${4.1CentralizedTraininginstitutes. Training of Group 'A' and Group 'B' officers is organised at the following six 'Centralised Training Institutes', which are under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways (RailwayBoard).
RailwayStaffCollege(RSC),Vadodara IndianRailwaysInstituteofMechanical&ElectricalEngineering(IRIMEE),Jamalpur IndianRailwaysInstituteofCivilEngineering(IRICEN),Pune Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engineering & Telecommunications (IRISET), Secunderabad IndianRailwaysInstituteofElectricalEngineering(IRIEEN),Nasik IndianRailwaysInstituteofTransportManagement(IRITM),Lucknow
The Railway Staff College, Vadodara is headed by the Director General in the rank of General Manager. Other four Centralised Training Institutes excepting IRITM/Lucknow are headed by Directors in Higher Administrative Grade. IRITM/Lucknow is headed by a Director in Senior AdministrativeGrade. [Authority:Board'slettersNo.2000/O&M/125/1dated26.6.2000 &No.98E(GC)1214(85)dated30.6.1999(RBE159/99)]} $$$ Substituted vide Advance Correction Slip No. 8/2001 circulated under Railway Board's letterNo.E(Trg)99(22)/6dated13.11.2001(RBE219/2001) 6
$$${4.1.1DelegationofPowerstotheHeadsofCentralisedTrainingInstitutes InordertofacilitatefunctioningoftheCentralisedTrainingInstitutes,theHeadsofthese InstitutionshavebeendelegatedspecificpowersasindicatedinAppendixVI. $$$ Inserted vide Advance Correction Slip No. 11/1999 circulated under Railway Board's letterNo.E(TRG)99(22)/6dated21.11.1999(RBE297/1999) 4.2TrainingCentresforstaff TrainingofGroup'C'and'D'employeesisorganisedinthe'MainTrainingCentres'and'Other Training Centres' which function under the administrative control of Zonal Railways / Production Units. Names of these training centres are given in Appendix I. In order to ensure availability of atleast the minimum necessary inputs required for desired quality of training, additional Training Centres, if needed, be established only with prior specific approval of the Board.
###{4.2.1 Additional General manger will personally monitor the performance of the trainers and availability of infrastructure and training aids of all the training centres/ institutions on theRailways." [Authority:RailwayBoard'sletterNo.E(MPP)2001/19/3Recomm.36dated29.6.2001]} ### Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)2001/19/3Recomm.36 dated 29.6.2001 (RBE126/2001) 4.3FunctionalrelationshipsamongTrainingCentres The Centralised Training Institutes shall provide technical support and supervision in respect of development of training programmes / materials and quality of training to the 'Main Training Centres' of their respective disciplines. Similarly the 'Main Training Centres' shall perform this function for 'Other Training Centres' of their respective discipline on their Zonal Railways. 4.4DisseminationofinnovativepracticesthroughTrainingCentres Details of the innovative practices / systems developed by different work centres in operation and maintenance of the railway system shall be advised by them, through their respective Heads of Departments, to the concerned 'Centralised Training Institute' and the 'Main Training Centre' of their Railway. These training institutions will develop suitable
'Training Modules / Training Material' for dissemination of these innovative practices / systemsthroughtrainingprogrammes/Railnetlink. 4.5AdvisoryCommittees'CompositionandFunctions With a view to oversee the functioning of training centres and to suggest measures for improving training programmes, an Advisory Committee for each training centre is to be set upwiththefollowingcomposition: 4.5.1CompositionforCentralisedTrainingInstitutes Officer on Special Duty (General Administration) / Executive Director (Training & Manpower Planning), Railway Board and Principal / Director of the concerned Centralised Training Institutes are members of Advisory Committees of all Centralised Training Institutes. In additiontothesethecommitteesconsistofthefollowingmembers:,Vadodara. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. General Manager, Central Railway or Additional General Manager, Central RailwayonbeingnominatedbytheGeneralManager General Manager, Western Railway or Additional General Manager, Western RailwayonbeingnominatedbytheGeneralManager AdditionalMember(Traffic),RailwayBoard. AdditionalMember(Finance),RailwayBoard. AdditionalMember(RailwayStores),RailwayBoard. AdditionalMember(Staff),RailwayBoard. ExecutiveDirector(E&R),RailwayBoard.,Jamalpur. i. Additional Member (Mechanical Engineering) / Railway Board or Executive Director Mechanical Engineering / Freight, Railway Board on being nominated byAM(ME) ChiefMechanicalEngineer,E.Railway ChiefMechanicalEngineer,S.E.Railway ChiefMechanicalEngineer,DLW,Pune i. ii. Additional Member (CE) / Railway Board or Executive Director Civil Engineer (G)RailwayBoardonbeingnominatedbyAM(CE) ChiefEngineer,CentralRailway 8
iii. iv.
ChiefEngineer,WesternRailway ChiefEngineer,SouthCentralRailway. i. ii. iii. iv. Additional Member (Signal) / Railway Board or Executive Director (Signal) / RailwayBoardonbeingnominatedbyAM(Signal) ChiefSignal&TelecommunicationEngineer,S.C.Railway ChiefSignal&TelecommunicationEngineer,S.Railway ChiefSignal&TelecommunicationEngineer,S.ERailway,Nasik. i. ii. iii. iv. Additional Member (Electrical) / Executive Director Electrical Engineering / RS, RailwayBoardonbeingnominatedbyAM(Electrical) ChiefElectricalEngineer/WesternRailway ChiefElectricalEngineer/CentralRailway ChiefElectricalEngineer/C.L.W.
Carrying out periodical review to suggest changes in syllabi, course contents, course duration, course frequency etc. with particular reference to the utility /relevanceofthecoursecontentstotheworkenvironment. Deletion/addition/modificationstotheexistingtrainingprogrammes. Considering volunteers /candidates from amongst serving railway employees with proper qualifications and aptitude for posting as Trainers in the Training Centres, and making suggestions in this regard to the Head of the Training Centre.
iii. iv.
4.6PublicationstobebroughtoutbytheTrainingCentres v. In addition to periodicals and journals in the professional areas each 'Centralised Training Institute' and 'Main Training Centres' shall bring out a quarterly'NewsLetter'and'AnnualReport',whichshould containthe features listedinAppendixIV.
The'NewsLetter'and'AnnualReport'shallbecirculatedasdetailedbelow: CentralisedTrainingInstitutes a. ToallotherCentralisedTrainingInstitutes b. To Training Managers of all departments on each Zonal Railway (refer Para 8.2.3) c. ToChiefPersonnelOfficersofallZonalRailwaysandProductionunits d. ToAllAdditionalMembers/OfficersonSpecialDuty/RailwayBoard e. ToExecutiveDirector(Training&ManPowerPlanning)/RailwayBoard f. TotheSecretaryGeneral,IRPOFandFROA. Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(TRG)99(22)/6 dated 14/15.07.1999 (RBE175/1999). MainTrainingCentres a. To'MainTrainingCentres'oftheconcerneddisciplineonallthezonalRailways b. To Training Managers of the concerned discipline on all the Zonal Railways (referPara8.2.3) c. ToZonalGeneralSecretariesoftherecognisedunionsontheZonalRailway d. To Chief Personnel Officer and the Divisional Railway Managers of the Zonal Railway e. ToAllmajorworkcentresoftheconcerneddisciplineontheZonalRailway f. ToExecutiveDirector(Training&ManPowerPlanning)/RailwayBoard g. To the concerned nominated departmental Training Manager in Railway Board (referPara8.2.3) 10
5.TrainingPlan In order to receive training inputs matching with the career progression, all Group 'A' and Group'B'officersarerequiredtoundergothefollowingstagewisetraining: 5.1TrainingPlanforGroup'A'and'B'officers Stage 0. Eligibility NameoftheCourse Duration 8weeks 4weeks 6weeks
First year of probation for Group 'A' Foundationcourse(AFP) officers First year of gazetted service for FoundationProgramme(BFP) Group'B'officers
31 days Integrated Programme (BIP) RefresherCourse 2weeks Management Development 31days Programme(MDP) Senior Professional 23weeks DevelopmentProgramme Advanced Management 31days Programme(AMP) function related 1week
VIII. 2530yearsofGroup'A'service
5.2ProbationaryTrainingofGroup'A'officers 5.2.1CentralControlofProbationaryTraining Probationary training of officers of the organised Railway services is centrally controlled by theCentralisedTrainingInstitutesasshownbelow: RSCVadodara IRSS IRTS IRAS IRPS IRIMEE /IRSME Jamalpur IRICEN/Pune IRSE IRISET /IRSSE Secunderabad IRIEEN/Nasik IRSEE 18Months 18Months 24Months 18Months 18Months 18Months 18Months 18Months
'AFP' and 'AIP' listed against stages 0 and I under para 5.1 above are parts of Probationary Training. TrainingscheduleofProbationaryTrainingofGroup'A'officersofdifferentRailwayservices/ departmentsisnotifiedbyRailwayBoard. Probationary Training of Group 'A' officers of Railway Protection Force is centrally co ordinatedandmonitoredbyJagjivanRamRPFTrainingCentre,Lucknow. Probationary Training of Group 'A' officers of Medical department is controlled and monitoredbytherespectiveChiefMedicalDirectorsoftheZonalRailways. A faculty member of the Centralised Training Institute, designated as 'Training Director' shall be incharge of central coordination and monitoring of Probationary Training and shall look after all aspects of training viz. practical / institutional. The Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) lay down, from time to time, detailed schedule of Probationary Training. During the period of Probationary Training, the Probationers shall maintain a diary to indicate their day to day training activities, which should be checked periodically by the Training Director. Besides the assessment of Probationers at various stages of the Probationary Training, the Centralised Training Institute shall also hold a comprehensive 'Posting Examination' at the end of the Probationary Training which shall consist of written and vivavoce. The Training 12
Director shall invite senior experienced officers from Zonal Railways etc. to set and evaluate papers and to conduct vivavoce so as to maintain a high standard of objectivity in evaluation. 5.2.2SchemeofevaluationofProbationaryTraining The performance of Probationers, during the Probationary Training shall be evaluated and marksawardedfordifferentitemsofProbationaryTrainingoutofmaximummarksindicated below: FoundationCourse InductionCourse ProfessionalCoursePhaseI ProfessionalCoursePhaseII PostingExamination Assessment of general performance By Principal/Director Assessment of Practical / field Training by Training Director/ Controlling officer offieldtraining Total 150 150 200 200 200 70 280
5.2.3GuidelinesforevaluationofProbationaryTraining a. Minimum pass marks in all the prescribed examinations are 60% in each individual paper. b. Marks obtained by the Probationers at various stages should be displayed on the Institutes'noticeboardfortheirinformation. c. No Probationer shall be allowed to reappear in any of the institutional examinations or the posting examination except when he / she is prevented from appearing in any oftheseexaminationseitherbecauseofhis/hersicknessoranyotherreasonbeyond his / her control. In such situations he / she may be allowed to appear in a special examination within three months. The marks obtained in the special examination shall be taken into account in the assessment. However if a Probationer does not appear in any of these examinations / paper(s) due to reasons not beyond his / her control or fails to obtain pass marks in the same he / she shall appear in a re examination in the concerned paper(s) to pass in them but for the purpose of seniority, the marks obtained in the main examination only shall be counted. Facility of reexamination shall also be available to Probationers not obtaining pass marks in thespecialexamination. d. If a Probationer fails to pass in the reexamination also, his / her services are likely to be terminated. However, SC / ST Probationers may be given one more chance by the MinistryofRailways(RailwayBoard)afterconsideringthemeritsofthecase.
e. The marks under the column 'Director's / Principal's assessment' will be awarded takingintoaccountthefollowing: GeneralPerformance
o o o o o o
o o o o
5.2.4 Performance during Probationary Training to be considered in determining interse seniority The marks obtained in the UPSC examination in case of the officers recruited through the Combined Engineering Services Examination or the Civil Services Examination and the marks obtained during the apprenticeship training in case ofofficers recruited through Special Class Apprentices scheme shall be reduced to a base of 2050. To this shall be added to the marks obtained during the Probationary Training out of 1250. This total shall be the basis for determiningtheinterseseniorityinthebatch. 5.3InserviceTrainingforGroup'AandGroup'BOfficers In addition to the Training programmes included in the Training Plan given in Para 5.1, Centralised Training Institutes conduct Training programmes in professional and managementareas.TheannualcalendaroftheseprogrammesiscirculatedbytheCentralised TrainingInstitutestoZonalRailwaysetc. 5.4Incentivesforundergoingstagewisetraining i. No probationer will be posted against a working post without successfully completing the prescribed probationary training. In exceptional circumstances the matter may be reportedtoRailwayBoardfortheirdecision. Noprobationerwill beconfirmedunlesshehassuccessfullycompletedtheprescribed probationarytraining.
It is mandatory for officers to successfully complete stage III, stage IV, and stage V training before they are considered for promotion to Junior Administrative Grade, SelectionGrade,andSeniorAdministrativeGraderespectively. Successful completion of Stage III training is also a prerequisite while considering officersforpostingintheRailwayBoard,andfordeputationandtrainingabroad.
5.5TrainingPlanforGroup'CandGroup'D'staff Group 'C' and Group 'D' employees are required to undergo stagewise training programmes asprescribedin'ApprovedModulesforstagewiseTrainingofGroup'C'andGroup'D'staffof variousdepartmentscirculatedandmodified,fromtimetotime,byRailwayBoard. 5.5.1Initial/Induction/ApprenticeshipTraining'C'employeesarerequiredtoundergoaninitial/ apprenticeshiptrainingforthedurationasprescribedintheAppendixII. Zonal Railway / Production Unit administrations would follow the scheme of providing Initial / Induction /Apprenticeship Training for all other categories of Group 'C' and Group 'D' employees within the framework of IREM and 'ApprovedModulesforStagewiseTrainingofGroup'C'and'D'staff., wherever existing, should be the same as prescribed for persons recruited from the open market, i.e. direct recruits. This will apply to all categories included in the scheme of GDCE and where initial training has been prescribed. [AuthorityBoard'slettersNo.E(MPP)98/3/33dated15.03.1999] InsertedvideRailwayBoard'sletterNo.E(MPP)98/3/33dated14.07.1999(RBE170/1999). 5.5.2RefresherTraining Selected categories of Group 'C' arid Group 'D' employees are required to undergo periodical Refresher Training programmes. The duration and periodicity for these Refresher Courses are given in AppendixIII. In addition General managers may prescribe refresher course, their duration and periodicity for categories not listed in AppendixIII depending on local needs and such courses may follow the modules prescribed in the Approved Modules for Stagewise training of Group 'C' and Group 'D' employees of variousdepartments. Staff employed in train passing / train running duties, like station masters, assistant station masters, switchmen, cabinmen, guards and drivers, must 15
pass an appropriate examination at the end of periodical Refresher Course. Incasetheyfailtopasstheprescribedexamination,specialarrangementwill be made by the Railway Administration to repeat the refresher course immediately or after a short period, the staff being granted leave as due to covertheinterveningperiodortemporarilydeployedinotherjobs.However, if they fail in the second attempt also, they would be absorbed in an alternate category. An employee so absorbed in an alternative category is allowedtoundertakefurtherrefreshercourseatintervalsofnotlessthansix months, but such a course is to be taken by the employee availing his / her ownleave. Onpassingtherefreshercourseexaminationsuchstaffarereabsorbedinthe originalcategoryontheoccurrenceofthefirstvacancy. A driver, who fails twice in the prescribed examination, after refresher course, istobedeployedasashunterwithoutgivinganyrefreshercourseprescribed fortheshunters. In the interest of safety, Junior Engineers / Section Engineers / Senior Section EngineersofC&WandP.Wayarealsorequiredtopassatest(whichmaynot necessarilybewritten)aftertherefreshercourse. The fact of having acquired requisite knowledge through refresher training, be indicated in the annual confidential report of the employee concerned and taken into account as one of the criteria for adjudging the suitability of the employeeforhighergrade. 5.5.3PromotionalTraining Certain categories of Group 'C' and Group 'D' employees are required to undergo promotion courses as prescribed in the "Approved Modules for Stagewise training ofGroup'C'andGroup'D'staff"circulatedbyRailwayBoard. General Managers may prescribe the categories and the stages in the career of Group 'C' and Group 'D' employees at which passing of promotion courses would be a pre requisite for promotion to the next higher grade in a cadre. No exemption from successfulcompletionofthesemandatoryPromotionCoursesistobegranted. 5.5.4Passmarks forSafetycategoriesincludingrunningstaffshouldbe60%i.estaffmustsecure60% inwrittenand60%inpractical/vivavocetoqualifytheexamwithnorelaxationfor SC/ST.Wheretheexaminationconsistsofonlywrittenorvivavoceorpractical,staff must secure 60% marks in the same to qualify. It is immaterial whether safety categorystaffappearsinasafetyornonsafetysubject.
Substituted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/16 dated 3.6.2004 (RBE 113/2004). that passing marks in the examination for safety categories including the Running staff should be 60% i.e. staff must acquire 60% in written and/ or 60% in practical/ viva, as in vogue, to qualify the exam and with no relaxation for SC/ST. For non safety categories the pass marks be 50%. The repeat course available to trainees as advised vide Board's letter No. E(MPP)2000/3/10 dated 10.8.2000 issued under RBE No.96/2000willbemaintained" (AuthorityBoard'sletterNo.E(MPP)2003/3/16dated7.10.03) Substituted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/16 dated 7.10.2003 (RBE 176/2003). The written examination and practical examination for safety categories including the Running staff should be 60% i.e. staff must acquire 60% in written and 60% in practical&vivatoqualifytheexamandwithnorelaxationforSC/ST.Fornonsafety categoriesthepassmarksbe50%.Therepeatcourseavailabletotraineesasadvised vide Board's letter No. E(MPP)2000/3/10 dated 10.8.2000 issued under RBE No. 96/2000willbemaintained;; Substituted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/16 dated 3.6.2004 (RBE 113/2004). Inthewrittentest,objectiveportiontoconstituteatleast70%ofthetotalmarks; the total marks as objective type questions and balance 60% of the total marks as subjective type questions. Question paper in refresher courses should have 70% of the total marks a objective type and the balance 30% of the total marks as subjectivetypequestions. Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/16 dated 3.6.2004 (RBE 113/2004). 5.5.5ResponsibilityofTrainingCentres Training centres should nominate ateast 3 of the senior instructors/officers specialized in each trade who would also as part of their duty go to remote/ far flung areas and organize one day/two day crash training at these locations. In case the need for taking a test arises, similar procedure be followed except that the venueshallbestationcomplexesorsuitableresthouses,etc. 17 Counselling staff should report to the Principals regarding the report on various staff asnotedduringfootplate/inspection,etc. (AuthorityBoard'sletterNo.E(MPP)2003/3/16dated10.07.03(RBE122/2003) InsertedvideRailwayBoard'sletterNo.E(MPP)2003/3/16dated10.7.2003(RBE122/2003).
6.FacultyMembersinRailwayTrainingInstitutes 6.1.FacultyatCentralisedTrainingInstitutes Except for IRIMEE / Jamalpur, where some faculty members are posted on permanent basis, the entire faculty of all other training institutions are drawn from serving railway officers / Staff on tenure basis. The tenure shall normally be three years, extendable to five years, on therecommendationoftheheadoftheInstitutewithadequatejustification. Faculty for Centralised Training Institutes is selected by the Railway Board, and for this purpose the head of the Institute would recommend to Railway Board a panel of suitable officers. 6.2.FacultyatotherRailwayTrainingInstitutions ###{The maximum tenure should not exceed eight years from the date of regular selection and the minimum tenure should be 3 years.} The faculty would be selected by inviting applications from serving railway employees working in the same grade or up to two grades below. The selection committee shall specially look for the following attributes during selection
###{The Selection Committee for the screening/selection of trainers/instructors should consist of 3 HODs and also include the head of the concerned training centre. The Selection Committee would assess the applicants keeping in view their record of service, educational qualifications, professional background and competence and the above listed attributes and wouldmakerecommendationtothecompetentauthorityforapproval.} [Authority:Board'sletterNo.E(MPP)2001/19/3Recomm.37dated29.6.2001.] ### Substituted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)2001/19/3Recomm. 37 dated 29.6.2001(RBE127/2001). ##{6.2.1. A trainee's attributes to become a future trainer should be carefully observed and noted during the course of training and made available to the authority concerned who will keep the same in the employees' Personal Record and at the time of selection/postingoftrainers,thisshouldbetakennoteof. [Authority:Board'sletterNo.E(MPP)99/19/1/Pt.dated23.8.2001]} ## Inserted vide railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)99/19/1/Pt. dated 23.8.2001 (RBE 169/2001). ***6.2.2 the following procedure be followed during the selection process for the post of instructors: a. Duringtherefreshertrainingcourse,theinstructorshandlingtheclassmaybeadvised toobserve,theperformanceofthetraineesonthefollowingaspects: i. ii. iii. iv. Presentationskill Inquisitiveness Participativeskill Knowledgelevel
b. Observations on the above aspects may be graded on 4 point scale (A to D) in respect ofexceptionalcandidatesandwiththegradingbeingdoneatthefollowingscale. 81andabove 6180 5160 Below50 A B C D
Gradingtobeinwholenumbersandnotindecimals c. The grading to be done in respect of promising candidates only and submitted to the PrincipalbytheClassInstructorsonthelastdayoftraining. 20
d. The Principal may further shortlist such of those employee with A Grade only through widerinteractionduringthevivavocewithreferencetotheeducationalandtechnical qualifications, aptitude for teaching, work experience, etc. and if found deserving, may circulate the names of such employees to the respective Sr. DPO/DPO. The SR.DPO/DPO will make entry in the Service Register of the employee to that effect thattheemployeehasaptitudeforimpartingtraining. During the selection process for the post of Instructors the Committee shall take this aspect intoconsiderationwhileevaluatingthecandidate'soverallperformance. Thefitnesswillonlybeapositivefactorforconsiderationduringselectionandwillnotconfer anyrighttotheemployeetostakewhatsoeverclaimforselectionasatrainer. ***Inserted vide Advance Correction Slip No. 01/2003 issued vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)99/19/Pt.dated26.03.2003. 6.3KnowledgeandSkillsrequiredforTrainers 1. AreaofactivityofTrainer DirectTraining Knowledge Learning methods, Technology and Aids, Instructional or teaching style. Development and acquisition of skills. Presentation of Information, Defining learning objectives, Trainingdesignsystems. Training Systems and analytical methods, Educational and training resource requirements, Administrative rules and procedures Skills Deciding on appropriate learning Programmes, Designing overall programmes and sessions with them; of relevant techniques for instructing and for individual and groups preparation and use of Training aids and Equipment Analysis of skills and knowledge, training needs, Negotiation skills, selecting effective training actions Planning and organising training; Managing and developing training resources Training needs analysis for organisation, department, categories of staff, Problem solving anddiagnostic skills, learning design on jobs and during Managerial and supervisoryskills
Interactions and relations within and between groups, knowledge of own style of functioning, Organisational diagnosis, Development coaching & counsellingtechniques
Interviewingskills,listening, formulating and testing skills, sensitivity in establishing and maintaining relationships, coaching&counsellingskills
6.4.TrainingofTrainers ToacquireknowledgeandskillslistedinPara6.3above.Trainersmustundergoa'Trainingof Trainers' programme either before joining the training assignment or within six months of taking up the training assignment. 'Training of Trainers' programmes are available at a number of institutions listed in Appendix V. It shall be the responsibility of the Railway administrations / Centralised Training Institutes to obtain details / schedules of such courses fromtheseinstitutions. 6.5.IncentivesforTrainers Faculty drawn from railways on tenure basis, in respect of training institutions notified, for this purpose, by the Railway Board, are entitled for Training allowance at the rate of 15% of the Basic Pay, which does not form part of pay as defined in FR (9) (21) / 2003 (21)RII {103(35)}.
6.5.1. The Principals/ Viceprincipals/ Instructors of the training centre indicated at Appendix1 of this manual are allowed reimbursement of the cost of Books, Journals, etc. purchased by them up to a ceiling of Rs. 400 per quarter against production of receipts of payments made by them in this regard subject to the conditions laid down in Board's letter No. E(MPP)97/I/3/Vol. II dated 27.10.1998 (RBE246/1998). [AuthorityBoard'slettersNo.E(MPP)97/I/3/Vol.IIdated27.10.1998(RBE246/1998) and11.6.1999(RBE127/1999)] 6.5.2. Officers and Staff on their posting to Training Institutes as faculty members may be permitted to retain railway quarter at the previous place of posting for a periodnotexceeding2yearsonpaymentofnormalrent. [AuthorityBoard'sletterNo.E(G)98QR110dated15.09.1998(RBE208/1998)] Inserted Vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)97/I/3/Vol. II/Pt. dated 14.07.1999(RBE171/1999). 6.5.3 Sumptuary Allowance at the rate of Rs. 200 per month will be granted to each of the Principals of 52 Main Training Centres as mentioned in AppendixI to this 22
Manual for the purpose of entertaining small groups of students/faculty/visiting facultyetc. Inserted Vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)91/13/7/Pt.II Dated 12.3.2001 (RBE50/2001)ACSNo.1/2001. TRAININGMANUAL 7 TrainingandDevelopmentopportunitiesinnonrailwayinstitutions . 7.1.Training/seminars/symposiaetc.innonrailwayInstitutions(ExternalTraining) 7.2.SponsorshipofRailwayEmployeesforparttime/correspondencecourse 7.3.IncentivestoRailwayemployeesforacquiringhigherqualification 7.TrainingandDevelopmentopportunitiesinnonrailwayinstitutions 7.1.Training/seminars/symposiaetc.innonrailwayInstitutions(ExternalTraining) Zonal Railways, Production units and RDSO are empowered to sanction expenditure on deputation of railway employees for training courses, seminars, symposia etc. in non railway institutions uptoanexpenditureonregistration/ training feeofRs.10lakhsinayearincase of Zonal Railways and RDSO, and Rs. 4 lakh in a year in case of Production Units. This, however is subject to the registration / training fee for the individual programme not exceedingRs.10,000perparticipantandtheprorataregistration/trainingfeenotexceeding Rs:1500pertraineeperday. $$$NOTE: 1. For the period upto 31.03.2002, the existing limits have been increased to Rs. 20 lakhs per annum for Zonal Railways including RDSO and Rs. 6 lakhs per annumfor Production Unitstocatertotherequirements ofITrelatedtraining. It may be noted that the enhanced amount may be utilised only for computer related training and not for meeting expenses incurred in connection with other types of training which would continue to remain subject to the existing ceilinglimits. 2. The overall registration/training fee however, should be subject to maximum ofRs.10,000/andprorataregistration/trainingfeeofRs.1500/perday. [Authority:Board'sletterNo.F(X)II2001/PW/6dated9.5.2001] $$$ Inserted vide Advance Correction Slip No. 8/2001 circulated under Railway Board's letter No.E(Trg)99(22)/6dated13.11.2001(RBE219/2001) 7.1.1ConsiderationsinchoosingExternalTraining 23
Whyisitnecessary? AresuchprogrammesnotavailableinRailwayTrainingInstitutions? Would the proposed external training be of direct benefit to the railway employee in hispresentdutiesoroflongtermimportancetotheRailwayadministration? Isitfullyjustifiedagainstthecriteriaofcost,qualityandrelevance? InthecaseofrepeatExternalTraining,hasthefeedbackfromtheprevioustraineesof theconcernedexternaltrainingbeenconsidered?
7.2.SponsorshipofRailwayEmployeesforparttime/correspondencecourse General Managers of Railways and Production Units are empowered to sponsor railway employeesforparttime/correspondencecoursesandreimburse75%ofthetuitionfeeonly, aftersuccessfulcompletionofthecourseonfulfilmentofthefollowingconditions:
Establishment of justification for sponsorship for part time / correspondence courseafteradetailedexerciseofidentifyingtraininggapproposedtobefilled through such courses visavis availability of such courses in Railway training institutions. Selected part time / correspondence course is of interest and use to the Railways and is of atleast diploma level with duration of six months or more andhasbeenapprovedbytheGovernment. Certification by the concerned PHOD of the need for such a course and individual'scapacitytoabsorbthecourseinputs. Annual expenditure on reimbursement of 75% of tuition fee of the part time / correspondencecoursestorailwayemployeesnotexceedingRs1lakh. Totalnumberofsuchcasesnotexceeding50inayear.
No concession in duty hours or exemption from tours etc. will be allowed for pursuingsuchcourses. Official sponsorship for parttime/correspondence courses would in no way guarantee grant of leave for preparation or for any other purposes connected with such courses and grant of leave would be subject to exigencies of public services. Official sponsorship for parttime / correspondence courses cannot be used as agroundforthepurposeofstayingatthesameforanyotherplaceofduty.
$$$ Substituted vide Advance Correction Slip No. 8/2001 circulated under Railway Board's letterNo.E(Trg)99(22)/6dated13.11.2001(RBE219/2001) 7.3.1ForGroup'B'officers AccountsdepartmentincludingRBSS On passing Part1 or Intermediate examination of ICWAorAICA OnpassingfinalexaminationofICWAorAICA AllTechnicalDepartmentsexcludingRBSS OnpassingSection'B'ofIE(India)examination Traffic(T&C)DepartmentincludingRBSS Diploma in marketing and Business Development and/orTransportEconomics PersonnelDepartmentincludingRBSS Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management orIndustrialRelations RBSSonly On passing Intermediate examination of the InstituteofCompanySecretariesofIndia On passing final examination of the Institute of CompanySecretariesofIndia 7.3.2ForGroup'C'Employees AccountsDepartment For passing partI or 'A' or Intermediate or prefinal examinationofICWAorAICA ForpassingPartIIor'B'orfinalexaminationofICWA orAICA AllTechnicalDepartments ForpassingIE(India)Section'A'examination ForpassingIE(India)Section'B'/Final Onacquiringadegree(BE/BTech.)directly StoresDepartment On acquiring Diploma in Engineering or passing Section 'A' of IE (India) or studentship course in materials management (SMM) of Indian Institute of MaterialManagement On acquiring Graduate Diploma in Material 25 Rs.4,000/ Rs.6000/ Rs.4,000/ Rs.6000/ Rs.10,000/ Rs.4,000/ Rs.4,000/ Rs.10,000/ Rs.10,000/ Rs.4,000/ Rs.4,000/ Rs.4,000/ Rs.10000/
Management (GDMM) from Indian Institute of Material Management or passing Section 'B' of IE (India) OnacquiringadegreeinEngineeringdirectly PersonnelDepartment On acquiring PostGraduate Diploma in Personal Management or Industrial relations conducted by a recognised University or any other recognised Institution ChemicalandMetallurgicalOrganisation Chemists in Railway Laboratories and Research Assistants doing metallurgical work if they were possessing a Degree in Chemistry at the time of recruitmentandpassanexaminationequivalenttoa degreeinmetallurgy 7.3.3RegulationoftheschemeofIncentives
Rs.4,000/ Rs.10,000/
Theschemeofgrantoflumpsumincentiveistoberegulatedasunder: i. Railway employees, who were given an incentive in the form of increments, prior to the date of commencement of this scheme, will not be eligible for incentives under this scheme. They may, however, continue to draw the incrementsalreadygrantedtothem.Thoseemployeeswhohavenotavailedof theincentiveintheshapeofadvanceincrementsundertheearlierschemewill be entitled to lumpsum incentives even if they acquired the qualifications priortoissueoftheseinstructionssubjecttothefulfilmentofotherconditions. Incentives are to be granted only once i.e. an individual should not get incentive for acquiring more than one higher qualification throughout his servicecareer. Employees who acquire higher qualifications by taking study leave will not be eligible for any incentive. Only those employees who have acquired the higher qualification fully at their own costs and the Ministry of Railways have not borneanypartofexpenditurethereof,willbeentitledforlumpsumincentive. Incentive payment should be given only for higher qualification acquired after induction into service and not for possession of higher qualification at entry stage. No incentive would be admissible if an appointment is made in relaxation of the educational qualification and the employee acquires the requisite qualificationforsuchanappointmentatalaterdate. ThequalificationshouldbeacquiredfromarecognisedUniversity/Institution. The Group 'B' officers,who avail of the incentive, should remain in service of a periodofatleast3yearsaftergettingthepayment. 26
vi. vii.
TRAININGMANUAL 8 ManagementofTrainingFunctions 8.1.Guideline1AdoptSystemsApproachToTraining(SAT) 8.2.Guideline2ResponsibilityforManagementofTraining 8.3.Guideline3DevelopmentofTrainingPolicyandPlanforAction 8.4.Guideline4TrainingNeedsAnalysis 8.5.Guideline5DeterminingTrainingObjectives 8.6.Guideline6Selectingandevaluatingtrainingmethods 8.7.Guideline7DesigningeffectiveandefficientTraining 8.8.Guideline8Selectionofparttimetrainers/visitingfaculty 8.9.Guideline9Onthejobtrainingandperformanceaids 8.10.Guideline10ValidationandEvaluationofTrainingProgrammes 8.11.Guideline11TrainingManagementInformationSystem 8.12.Guideline12EvaluationofTrainingCentres
8.ManagementofTrainingFunctionsGuidelines 8.1.Guideline1AdoptSystemsApproachToTraining(SAT) Aim:Tointegratetrainingsystematicallywithentireworksystem 8.1.1WhySAT Money spent on training is not only an 'expenditure', but an 'investment'. All investments including that on training call for close and continuous security, backed by suitable mechanismandmachinerytogetmaximumbenefitoutoftheinvestmentsmade. To integrate training systematicallywith the whole work system and making it cost effective, theentiretrainingactivitieshavetobebasedonSAT. 8.1.2WhatisSAT Systems Approach to Training is nothing but application of principles for effective management in "Training". These principles are defining aims & objectives; defining the requirements for effective performance by job analysis; planning, resourcing and implementing; and assessing achievement and doing necessary changes. SAT is so called because it involves a series of interdependent system, functionally linked together so as to achievetotaleffectiveness.InapplyingSAT,trainingisundertakenonplannedbasisinlogical serialsteps. 27,thefollowingfourbroadstagesare involved: A. Analysis Identification of problem in order to define the objective, tasks to be undertakenIdentificationoftrainingneeds. B. Synthesis Exploring various ways to achieve the objective and selecting the suitable and costeffectiveoneFormulationofTrainingPlanandStrategy. C. Implementation Implementing the course of action decided in the synthesis stage Implementationoftraining. D. Operation Checking operational system regularly for effect and corrective measures Validation of training assessing training effectiveness and application of correctivemeasures. The cyclic diagram shown below explains SAT. Because of introduction of Feedback mechanism,variousactivitiesunderSATbecomecyclic. The detailed activities under each of the four stages mentioned in Para would beasunder: I. IdentificationofTrainingneeds 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recognisingtrainingneeds JobAnalysis Specifying Skills, knowledge and attitudes needed on the basis of job Analysis. Specifyingthetargetpopulationandgroups. Deducingtrainingobjectivesfordesiredlevelofcompetence.
6. II.
Preparing scheme for assessment of training in relation to training objectives. Determining 'how' and 'when' a particular training requirement would bemet. Determiningmethodoftraining. Assessment of resources needed and action plan for resource mobilisation. Assemblingtrainingresources. Coursesequencing Developmentoftrainingmaterial Runningofpilotcourse. Establishing measures of control to ensure achievement of training objectives. Establishingmachinerytovalidatetraining Implementingcorrectivemeasures.
FormulationTrainingPlanandStrategy 1. 2. 3.
Implementation 1. 2. 3. 4.
ValidationofTraining 1. 2. 3. All the above activities taken in sequence constitute 'Training Process' as shown inthe diagrambelow:
Responsibilityofsettingupabodyforcentralcontrolanddirection Personnel Department of Railway Administration to set up Central Training Advisory Committee. CompositionofCentralTrainingAdvisoryCommittee 30
GM/AGMChairman ChiefPersonnelOfficerSecretary TrainingManagersofalldepartments Six representatives of staff (three representatives nominated by each recognisedUnion) Principalsofmajortrainingcentres
Providingbroadguidelines/directivesinthematteroftraining. Overseeing supervision of training activities and systems and procedures of training. Deciding course of action for improving training environment and training quality (classrooms, extracurricular activities, mess and hostel arrangements etc.) Prioritisingprovisionofteachingaids. Overseeingtheactivitiesofadvisorycommitteesattachedtotrainingcentres.
8.2.3NominateddepartmentalTrainingManagers Department Accounts CivilEngg. ElectricalEngg. MechanicalEngg. Medical Personnel S&TEngg. Stores Railway FA&CAO Dy.CAO/GonNFRailway CE/G ED(A) EDCE(G) RailwayBoard
Traffic(Trans) Traffic(Comm)
$$$ Substituted vide Advance Correction Slip No. 8/2001 circulated under Railway Board's letterNo.E(Trg)99(22)/6dated13.11.2001(RBE219/2001) 8.2.4Rolesandfunctionsinrelationtotrainingactivities
Constitute and ensure proper functioning of Central Training Advisory Committee. Determinetrainingpolicyanddesigntrainingplanstosecurevalueformoney. Relate training policies and plans to corporate and departmental objectives, and ensure its conformity with personnel management and career developmentpolicies. Determinebroadtrainingneeds. Determinelevelofresources. Coordinatewithdifferentdepartmentsandtraininginstitutions. Oversee progress of training programmes and expenditure in accordance with thebudget. Revieweffectivenessoftraininganddirectnecessaryremedialactions. Encourage senior managers to remind Branch Officers and others periodically oftheirresponsibilitiestowardsidentifyingandsatisfyingthetrainingneedsof theirstaffandtodischargetheirfunctionsinthisregard.
Support the personnel branch in the formulation of the training policies with information and advise on training needs and objectives in order of priority, thevolumeoftrainingdemand,andthecostofeachelementoftraining. Construct and update, as necessary, the training plan and budget for meeting thetrainingneedsofthestaffoftheirdepartment. Monitor the cost and control the training budget in relation to the training of thestaffoftheirdepartment. Advise and assist throughout the department in identification of training needs, the setting of training objectives, cost effective methods of training delivery,planninganddeliveringtraining.
Demonstratingsupportandcommitmentfortraining. Identifyingtrainingneedsintheirareas. 32
Ensuringasystemforpickinguptrainingneedscontinuously. Seeking to ensure that a satisfactory and costeffective training programme exists,eitheronoroffthejob,tomeettheneeds. Understanding the performance levels of various training courses meant for their staff and how they relate to the overall objectives to be met and specific taskstobeperformedbythedepartment. Ensuring that the trainees are clear about the objectives of the training to be undertakenandtheexpectedlevelofperformancetobeattained. Providing on the job training including individual coaching/ counselling where appropriate. Checking if the training received has been relevant, objectives met and performance levels achieved and taking remedial actions including reporting on shortcomings of formal training or learning package to the appropriate trainingorganisation. Contributingtothevalidationandevaluationoftraining. Cooperatingwithanyposttrainingactionplanenteredintobythetrainee. Accepting ultimately responsibility for costs of training incurred in respect of theirstaff. Developing and maintaining Personnel Management Information System in generalandinformationrelatingtoHRDactivitiesinparticular.
Recognising the importance and relevance of training in the process of their developmentandinachievementoforganisationalobjectives. Being conversant with the objectives and performance levels of various coursesofferedtothem, Participatinginthetrainingneedsanalysisprocess. Participatinginvalidationandevaluationoftrainingprogrammes. Volunteerforandparticipateinthetrainingprogrammes. A. DirectTrainingFunction
o o o o
B. Organising/AdministeringFunction
o o
C. Determining/ManagingFunction
Associating with development of training policy and strategies for identifyingandmeetingtrainingneeds. Associating with wider manpower issues in relation to organisational development. Providing an enabling service to the management by providing ideas, expertiseandinformation. Involvinghimselfwithjobs,structureandsystems. Designinglearninginandthroughjobsandtasks.
D. Consulting/AdvisingFunction
o o
See also Railway Board's letter No. No. E(MPP)2001/19/3Recomm.31 dated 29.6.2001 (RBE 125/2001) 8.3.Guideline3DevelopmentofTrainingPolicyandPlanforAction Aim:TodeveloptrainingPolicies&Planswhichmeettheobjectivesofdepartmentsandmeet thedemandslikelytobemadeonstaffatalllevelsintheforeseeablefuture 8.3.1ResponsibilityfordevelopmentofTrainingPoliciesandMansofAction.
Training Manager of each department is responsible for development and communicationofTrainingPolicyandPlanofactionforhisdepartment. Personnel Department is responsible for development of Training Policy and Plan of Action for the entire Zonal Railway, on the basis of Training Policy & Plan of Action developedbytheTrainingManagersofdifferentdepartments. Training Policies and Plan of Action need to be placed by the Personnel Department beforeCentralTrainingAdvisoryCommitteefordeliberationsandapproval.
8.3.2ObjectiveofTrainingPolicy Broad Objectives of Training Policy are given below. Based on these, specific objectives of TrainingPolicyforeachdepartment,shouldbeformulatedbyrespectiveTrainingManagers.
Increase the efficiency and productivity of all staff to ensure department's objectivesaresuccessfullyachieved. Develop management, professional, technical and basic skills to ensure the efficiency and continuity of operations through competent performance by all employees. Achieve career progression for staff in accordance with coordinated human resource plan ensuring that required standards of performance and efficiency aremaintainedthroughout.
GiveallemployeesopportunitytoparticipateinTraining&Developmentplans for improving themselves and, by so doing, achieving good human relations andsensebelongingtotheRailways.
Introduction Objectives Training&Developmentprogrammes Selectionofemployeesfortraining PlanofAction Trainingneedanalysisschedule Typesoftrainingprogrammestobeorganisedeveryyearactivitycentrewise Totalnumberofemployeestobecoveredundereachtypeofprogramme Locationoftraining Schemeforvalidationoftraining.
8.4.Guideline4TrainingNeedsAnalysis Aim: To establish means for essential training needs being systematically and continuously identifiedandprioritised 8.4.1WhatisTrainingNeedAnalysis An examination of the organisation's present and expected operations and the manpower necessary to carry them out, in order to identify the numbers and categories ofstaff needing to be trained or retrained and the types of training programmes necessary. It may also refer to the training need of an individual to enable him to reach the required standard of performanceinhis/hercurrentorfuturejob. 8.4.2MainIssuestobeconsidered
Identification of training needs is an essential prerequisite for designing and providing effective training and should be conducted every year by all major training centrestobeidentifiedbytheconcernedTrainingManagers. Trainingneedsariseatthreelevelsorganisational,subgroupandindividual. All needs are not training needs and therefore, whenever a problem is perceived, it needstobeascertainedwhetherarelatedtrainingneedexists. Training needs arising out of changes in technology, processes etc. need to be consideredbeforeactualintroductionofsuchchanges.
8.4.4StepsinTrainingNeedAnalysis. CollectionofInformationon
Manpower profiles for different kinds of jobs undertaken by different categoriesofemployees New methods / technologies / processes /management practices introduced / proposedtobeintroduced Collectiveevidencefromperformanceappraisals Reportsonaccidents,customer/marketsurveysetc.
Identificationofchallengesandproblemareasinperformance Agreeingon
Prioritylist Trainingactionplan
8.5.Guideline5DeterminingTrainingObjectives Aim: To agree with all concerned appropriate training objectives for each group of training and to use these objectives in the design, implementation and monitoring the training programmes/courses. 8.5.1DifferencebetweenTrainingAimsandObjectives Trainingaimisageneralstatementofintentwhereasatrainingobjectiveisfarmorespecific. 36
8.5.2MaincomponentsofTrainingObjectives Performance: A statement of the actions the learner should be able to do at the end of traininge.g.willlist,willstate,willsolve,willrepair,willidentifyetc. Conditions:Conditionsunderwhichtheperformancewillbecarriedoutinjobsituatione.g.
Standards:ofAccuracy,speed,performance,andquality 8.5.3MainIssuesindeterminingTrainingObjectives
8.6.Guideline6Selectingandevaluatingtrainingmethods Aim: To select from a wide range of options the most appropriate blend of training and learningmethodshavingregardtoallrelevantfactors 8.6.1Guidingfactorinselectingtrainingmethods Guiding factor in selecting training methods would be 'how best training aims and objectives canbemetinacosteffectivemanner. 8.6.2GuidingfactorsinevaluationofTrainingMethods Followingfactorsshouldbetakenintoconsiderationwhileevaluatingtrainingmethods: Application of learning principles as to how and to what extent the particular training method
beingtoldincludingdiscussions/seminars 37
8.8.2Honorariumtobepaidtothevisitingfaculty $$${FromtimetotimeRailwayBoardnotifiestherateofhonorariumpayableandfacilitiesto be extended to the Visiting Lecturers. The rate of honorarium and facilities to Visiting Lecturers called by the Centralised Training Institutes are indicated in para 4.1.1. For delivering lectures to nongazetted staff at the Railway Training Centres, the honorarium wouldbeasunder: a. Rs.300/perdayforlecturesofonehourand45minutesdurationsubjecttoa maximum of Rs. 900/ per week to officers of Railways/Central or State Governments ordinarily of the rank of joint Secretary to the Government and reputedacademicians/specialinvitees. b. Rs. 200/ per day for lectures of one hour and 45 minutes , duration subject to maximum of Rs. 600/ per week to officers of Railways/Central or State Governments,otherthanthosementionedat(a)above. [Authority:Board'sletterNo.E(G)99HO118dated08.06.2000(RBE111/2000)]} $$$ Inserted/ Substituted vide Advance Correction Slip No. 8/2001 circulated under Railway Board'sletterNo.E(Trg)99(22)/6dated13.11.2001(RBE219/2001) 8.8.3Optimisingbenefitsfromthevisitingfaculty
They should be briefed on all aspects of training programme / topics being covered includingtheoverallstructureoftheprogramme. A visiting faculty, particularly a railway employee, who frequently contributes, should betrainedinpresentationskills.
8.9Guideline9Onthejobtrainingandperformanceaids Aim: To provide a framework within which the need for onthejob training can be identified andeffectivelymet 8.9.1Advantagesanddisadvantagesof'Onthejob'training Advantages immediateaccess highlyspecific possibleyieldofactualwork canbearrangedatmutuallyconvenienttime Disadvantages jobexpertisnotnecessarilyacompetenttrainer possibleperpetuationofbadpractices lackofinteractivegrouplearning 39
8.9.2Responsibilityforonthejobtraining All officers and supervisors being responsible for performance of their staff are also responsibleforplanningandprovidingonthejobtrainingtoemployees. 8.9.3Considerationspriortotheplanningforonthejobtraining Before assessing the performance of employees in the context of improving it by on the job trainingfieldofficersandsupervisorsshouldconsiderthefollowing:
If answers to any one one or more of the above question is 'Yes' before planning on the job training decide with the concerned employee what he; must be able to do, to perform each taskassignedtohim. 8.9.4Necessarystepsforonthejobtraining
8.9.5Performanceaid Performance Aids provide additional information and guidance to support a standard performance.Allfieldofficers/Inchargesofactivitycentresmustprovide'PerformanceAids' at the activity centres so as to supplement learning through training. Performance Aids can take a variety of forms, but all have to be based on detailed task analysis. Some of the commonperformanceaids,whichshouldbeavailableineveryactivitycentre,are:
A list of performance aids and its location must be displayed at a prominent place in the activitycentre. 8.10.Guideline10ValidationandEvaluationofTrainingProgrammes Aim: To provide a system for ensuring that the training resources are used in the most effectivemannerpossible 8.10.1ObjectivesofandmechanismforvalidationofTraining Objective1: Toensurethattraineeshavereallylearnt Mechanism:
Alltrainingprogrammesshouldhaveinbuiltsystemofprogressiveassessment of learning by trainees during training. Training design should take care of this aspect If necessary, suitable written, oral or practical tests should be provided in the trainingprogrammes.
Objective2: To ensure that trainees appreciate that what they have learnt has potential value to their work. Mechanism:
Trainerstoasktraineestowritecriticalcommentsoneverydaytraining At the end of training, trainees should be asked to give their comments on entiretrainingonastandardformatdevelopedbythetrainer.
Whethertraineeshavebeenabletoapplytheirlearninginthework(officers& supervisors should help employees to develop and apply the learning in their work) Whetherfieldofficersandsupervisorsaresatisfiedthattrainees'learninghave improvedtheirperformance.
Mechanism: Every trainer should visit, at least once in three months, the activity centres concerned and hold half day / one day workshop with officers, supervisors and extrainees, who have received training at least six months ago and should send the outcome of the workshop to theconcernedTrainingManager. 8.10.3Purposeofdeterminingeffectivenessoftraining Tofindout
Whatchangesneedtobemade,ifany,infuturetrainingprogrammes Waysandmeanstocarryoutthesechanges
All changes /corrective measures should be discussed and agreed in Training need analysis workshop. 8.11.Guideline11TrainingManagementInformationSystem Aim:Toprovidestatisticalsupportforplanning,monitoringandcontrollingtrainingactivities 8.11.1TrainingStatistics AllTrainingCentresarerequiredtomaintaintrainingstatisticsinthefollowingformats: FormatICoursewiseTrainingStatistics Nameofthecourse Objectiveofthecourse Durationofthecoursewithdates Seatsoffered Seatsutilised Traineedetails: S. Name No. Designation Railway/Activity centre Controlling officer's designation
FormatIIMonthlyTrainingStatistics 42
NameofTrainingCentre MonthandYear S.No. Names of course Course objective Seatsplanned Seatsutilised Trainee completed during and duration in utilised themonth days days
##FormatIIIAnnualTrainingCapacityUtilization NameoftheTrainingCentre: Financialyear: TrainingCapacityAvailable: S. Name No. Courses during year (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total Capacity utilization= % TotalTraineeDays@ x100 Annual Training Capacity (2) of Course run Commenced the on (3) Course ended on (4) No. of Actual Training No. of Total days spent by the Trainees Trainee trainees during the Days year* (5) (6) (7)
*Ifatrainingcourseoverlapsfrom/totheprevious/nextfinancialyeartheactualtraineedays spent by the trainees during the current year only should be taken into account. Also closed daysfallingduringthecourseshouldnotbecountedasTraineedays.
Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)96/3/17/VOL.II, dated 27.05.1999 (RBE 122/1999) ##{The method to be used for calculating the available annual training capacity of each trainingcentreandthesystemofworkingoutcapacityutilizationisasunder: 1. HostelCapacityofthetrainingcentres(No.ofbeds) 2. Estimated average number of trainees from the same HQs not requiring hostel facilityineachcourse 3. Totalof1&2above: 4. ClassroomcapacityoftheTrainingCentre (No.ofclassroomsxaverageseatingcapacityinaclassroom) 5. Annualtrainingcapacity (Lowerof3&4)x(No.ofworkingdaysintheyear*) 6. TotalTraineeDays Capacityutilization%= x100 AnnualTrainingCapacity * To be arrived at by deducting the number of closed days from the total number of days in theyear.} Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)96/3/17/VOL.II, dated 27.05.1999 (RBE 122/1999) 8.11.2FurnishingTrainingStatistics ## {Training Statistics in Format I, II and III should be sent by the 'Centralized Training Institutes' to ED/T&MPP Railway Board and by 'Main Training Centres' to the concerned Training Manager. 'Other Training Centres' should send the same to the Training Manager throughDivisionalRailwayManager.} Modified vide Railway Board's letter No. E(MPP)96/3/17/VOL.II, dated 27.05.1999 (RBE 122/1999) 8.11.3AnnualReportonTrainingStatistics BasedonTrainingStatisticssentbyTrainingCentres,eachTrainingManagerwillbringoutan AnnualReportonTrainingStatistics 44
ANNEXURE'I' SAMPLE YEAR199596 1.Classroomcapacity = 4x25=100 (ClassroomsxaverageseatingCapacity) 2.Hostelcapacity = 70beds Localtrainees = 5 = 75 3.Training Capacity of the Trg.= lower of (1) and (2) above x No. of trainee days available Centre intheyear =75x295*=22125traineedays 4.Total Trainee days during the= TotalTraineedays=(ascalculatedinAnnexureII) year 5.Capacityutilization% TotalTraineeDays/TrainingCapacityx100 (Ascalculatedat3above) = (18563/22125)*100 = 83.90% Note:*Tobearrivedatby deductingthe numberofcloseddaysfromthe numberofdaysin theyear.
ANNEXUREII SAMPLE AnnualTrainingCapacityUtilization NameoftheTrainingCentre STC FinancialYear S. NameofCourses Course No. Runduringthe commenced year on 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2. InitialCourses JE/WShop JE/C&W JE/TXR SE/WHOP Total Promotional Courses SE/WHOP SE/C&W JE/C&W SE/DSL Total Refresher Courses SSE/TXR 01.10.1997 30.06.1997 30.06.1998 30.09.1998 01.02.1997 31.10.1997 30.09.1998 01.01.1999 15.06.1998 01.10.1998 11.01.1999 02.03.1998 13.07.1998 07.12.1998 3. Course endedon NO.ofactual No.of trainingdaysspent trainees bythetrainees duringtheyear* 5. 5 15 30 10 11 12 20 15 25 25 25 30 30 30 6. 735 1110 6630 1470 9945 1892 1176 2940 1110 7118 450 450 450 540 540 540 2970 Total trainee days 7. [5x6] 199899 TrainingCapacityAvailable 22125
10. SSE/TXR 11. SSE/TXR 12. JE/DSL 13. JE/DSL 14. JE/DSL Total SpecialCourses
15. AirBrake 16. AirBrake 17. AirBrake 18. Costconscious 19. CostConscious 20. CostConscious 21. CostConscious Total GrandTotal Capacity Utilization%
30 30 30 35 35 35 35
180 180 180 105 105 105 105 960 18563 83.90
(HotelCapacity=75x295=22125) (ClassroomCapacity=4x25x295=29500)
* If a training course overlaps from / to the previous/next financial year, the actual trainee days spent by the trainees during the current year only should be taken into account. Also closeddaysfallingduringthecourseshouldnotbecountedasTraineedays.
ANNEXUREIII NameofTrainingCentre: CapacityUtilizationChart Details TrainingCapacity TotalTraineeDays 8.12.Guideline12EvaluationofTrainingCentres Aim: To provide a system of continuous evaluation of Training Centres and involvement of fieldofficersintrainingactivities 8.12.1ResponsibilityforInspectionofTrainingCentres Training Manager will draw an annual timetable of inspection of Training Centres by officers in the rank of JA Gradeand above so that every training centre is inspected at least once in a year. 8.12.2FormatforInspectionofTrainingCentres. 1. GENERAL a. NameoftheTrainingCentre b. LocationoftheTrainingCentrewithpostaladdress c. NameanddesignationoftheinchargeoftheTrainingCentre d. Telephonenumbers