Once upon a time there was a handsome princebut Im getting ahead of myself iant!pi"ie!frog!best!#$.%pg &'his ()* is incorrect because its the ()* for the picture+ not the site that put it up. 'he e"tension is .%pg,an image file. Im not always at my best first thing in the morning, &'his is my line of script,ma.e it bold.&/hen you copy the picture and credit+ youll need to plop it all into one cell+ do some deleting+ shrin. the thumbnail picture down+ and cut and paste the ()* to this cell in the!teeth!searc.html &'his ()* is incomplete,see the ellipsis in the middle of the ()*2 3eans its not complete,get the complete one. 4ont %ust chop off the .%peg and thin. thatll do,get the ()* of the SI'5 where the image appears.. Also+ remove the link so the URL is not blue and not underlined.When you get done with your storyboard, delete my three rows so we only see yours. Below youll see what yours should look like. 6awning 7at &this is the phrase that will appear on your credits screen with the ()*Im not always at my best first thing in the morning,!thread/blogspotting/archi8es/1##9/01/cat!teeth!searc.html 6awning cat