PCI Express Connection Speeds: Accelerated Graphics Port
PCI Express Connection Speeds: Accelerated Graphics Port
PCI Express Connection Speeds: Accelerated Graphics Port
The 32-bit PCI bus has a maximum speed of 33 MHz, which allows a maximum of 133 MB of data to pass th ou!h the bus pe seco"d# The $%-bit PCI-& bus has twice the bus width of PCI# 'iffe e"t PCI-& specificatio"s allow diffe e"t ates of data t a"sfe , a"(whe e f om )12 MB to 1 *B of data pe seco"d# + si"!le PCI ,xp ess la"e, howe-e , ca" ha"dle 2.. MB of t affic i" each di ectio" pe seco"d# + x1$ PCIe co""ecto ca" mo-e a" amazi"! $#% *B of data pe seco"d i" each di ectio"# +t these speeds, a x1 co""ectio" ca" easil( ha"dle a !i!abit ,the "et co""ectio" as well as audio a"d sto a!e applicatio"s# + x1$ co""ectio" ca" easil( ha"dle powe ful ! aphics adapte s# How is this possible/ + few simple ad-a"ces ha-e co"t ibuted to this massi-e 0ump i" se ial co""ectio" speed1 P io itizatio" of data, which allows the s(stem to mo-e the most impo ta"t data fi st a"d helps p e-e"t bottle"ec2s Time-depe"de"t 3 eal-time4 data t a"sfe s Imp o-eme"ts i" the ph(sical mate ials used to ma2e the co""ectio"s Bette ha"dsha2i"! a"d e o detectio" Bette methods fo b ea2i"! data i"to pac2ets a"d putti"! the pac2ets to!ethe a!ai"# +lso, si"ce each de-ice has its ow" dedicated, poi"t-to-poi"t co""ectio" to the switch, si!"als f om multiple sou ces "o lo"!e ha-e to wo 2 thei wa( th ou!h the same bus#
I"te fe e"ce a"d si!"al de! adatio" a e commo" i" pa allel co""ectio"s# Poo mate ials a"d c osso-e si!"al f om "ea b( wi es t a"slate i"to "oise, which slows the co""ectio" dow"# The additio"al ba"dwidth of the PCI-& bus mea"s it ca" ca ( mo e data that ca" !e"e ate e-e" mo e "oise# The PCI p otocol also does "ot p io itize data, so mo e impo ta"t data ca" !et cau!ht i" the bottle"ec2# 5si"! the Accelerated Graphics Port 3+*P4 slot fo -ideo ca ds emo-es a substa"tial amou"t of t affic, but "ot e"ou!h to compe"sate fo faste p ocesso s a"d I67 de-ices#