Calhoun County Student Handbook11-12

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I. GENERAL INFORMATION AND NOTICES EQUAL EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT It shall be the policy of the Calhoun County Board of Education that all students, without regard to status (e.g., homeless, limited English proficient, migrant, etc.), will be provided a free and appropriate public education, including e ual and appropriate educational opportunities and support services, to enable them to achieve state and local content and achievement standards. !ursuant to such policy, no student shall be improperly e"cluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or sub#ected to discrimination in anyprogram or activity on the basis of gender, race, religion, belief, national origin, ethnic group, disability, or other protected status. JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION $tudents enrolled in Calhoun County $chools are sub#ect to the policies of the Calhoun CountyBoard of Education and to the rules and regulations of the schools. In addition, the authority of the school officials to control student conduct off school grounds and outside school hours is well settled in the law. %hen students are engaged in school&sponsored activities held off&campus and'or after school hours, the authority of school officials is the same as if such activities too( place during school. )his authorityapplies to all school&sponsored activities on school property or at other establishments used by the school or school organi*ation, including but not necessarily limited to the following+ transportation on school bus or by private automobile, field trips, athletic functions, club and organi*ation meetings, school&sponsored social events, school groups representing the school system in educational events, and all activities where appropriate school personnel have #urisdiction over students. $imilarly, all school regulations and prohibitions shall applyto automobiles driven or par(ed on school property or at establishments used for school activities. -urisdictional control over the student shall also be e"tended to the immediate vicinity of the school when the conduct of the student is detrimental to school property or to the health, safety, and welfare of school personnel and students. In addition, upon approval by the $uperintendent, the school may e"ercise #urisdiction to discipline students for off&campus conduct unrelated to school activities under appropriate circumstances. .isciplinary actions, up to and including suspension, alternative placement, or e"pulsion may be imposed for serious misconduct away from campus, whether or not school is in session when such conduct occurs, if after investigation by school officials such off&campus activity may be reasonablyinterpreted to directlythreaten the ability of the district to maintain a safe, orderly and disciplined educational environment. )his policy is not limited to school&related events. PARENTS RIGHT TO KNOW (NCLB T!"# $%&"'( "# )*%+",(, )-*#-.$& &% &!( N% C!"/, L(0& B(!"$, A'& %0 2001, which re uires schools %/ 01I/2! $.231%4 /I %5302 20-5% %/ 23)634% 01I/2!.%0/1 237.%01- %/ %53 $2/I3440/1.7 teachers and'or paraprofessionals. Information that parents are entitled to re uest includes the following+ )6.70I08.%0/14 /I %5302 85079:4 whether teacher has met state credential or license criteria for grade level and sub#ect matter whether teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status the baccalaureate degree ma#or and any other graduate degree or certification held whether child is provided services by a paraprofessional and, if so, their ualifications ,I ;/6 <.1% !/23 01I/2!.%0/1 $73.43 8/1%.8% ;/62 7/8.7 485//7 .19 .4= I/2 %53 >?.231%4: @0-5% %/ .1/<A I/2! PPRA NOTICE )he !rotection of !upil /ights Bmendment (!!/B) affords parents and students who are 1C or emancipated minors (eligible students) certain rights regarding surveys, collection and used of information for mar(eting purposes, and certain physical e"ams. )hese include the right to+ C%$#($& before students are re uired to participate in a survey funded by the 2. $. .epartment of Education, if the survey concerns one or more of the following areas of >$2/%38%39 01I/2!.%0/1A 1. !olitical affiliations or beliefs of student or parent D. Eental or psychological problems of student or parent ?. $e" behavior or attitudes F. Illegal, anti&social, self&incriminating, or demeaning behavior @. Critical appraisals of others with close family relationships G. '3-.77; 238/-10H39 >$20I073-39A 237.%0/1450$4 7.<;32 9/8%/2 !0104%32 3%8 1

J. /eligious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of student or parent C. Income, other than as re uired by law for program eligibility R('("+( $%&"'( .$, %))%*&-$"&1 &% %)& %-& %02 1. Bny other protected information survey, regardless of funding D. Bny non&emergency invasive physical e"am or screening re uired as a condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent, B=. not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student (e"cept hearing, vision, or scoliosis screening or other e"am permitted or re uired by state law) ?. Bctivities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for mar(eting or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others I$#)('& upon re uest and before administration+ 1. !rotected information surveys of students D. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above mar(eting, sales, or other distribution purpose ?. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum 7ur district will develop policies regarding these rights and procedures to protect student privacy in the administration of protected surveys and in the collection, disclosure or use of personal information for mar(eting, sales or other distribution purpose. %e will notify parents of these policies at least annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive change. %e will also directly notify parents and eligible students at least annually of the specific or appro"imate dates of the following activities and provide an opportunity %/ >/$% /6%A /I $.2%080$.%0/1 8/7738%0/1 90487/4623 /2 643 /I $324/1.7 01I/2!.%0/1 I/2 sales, or distribution, administration of any protected information survey not funded by the 2$ .ept. of Ed. !.2=3%01FERPA NOTICE )he 8amily Educational /ights and !rivacy Bct (8E/!B) affords parents and eligible students (over 1C years of age) certain rights with respect to the studentKs education records, as follows+ (1) )he right to inspect and review the studentKs education records within F@ days of the day the school district receives a re uest for access. !arents or eligible students should submit a written re uest that identifies records they wish to inspect. )he parent or eligible student will then be notified of the time and place where records may be inspected. )he right to re uest amendment of education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the studentKs privacy rights. )he parent or eligible student should write to the school principal, clearly identifying the part of the record they want changed and specifying why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the school district decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student will be notified and advised of the right to a hearing and the procedures for such hearing. )he right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the studentKs education records, e"cept to the e"tent 8E/!B authori*es disclosure without consent. 7ne e"ception permitting disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials within the school district with legitimate educational interests. B Lschool officialL is a person employed by the Board as an administrator, supervisor, teacher, or support staff member (including health staff and security ' law enforcement personnel), a member of the $chool Board, a person or company with whom the school board has contracted to perform a special tas( (such as an attorney, auditor, therapist, or medical consultant), or a parent or student serving on an official committee (such as disciplinary or grievance committee) or otherwise assisting in the performance of official school tas(s. B school official has a Llegitimate educational interestL if the official needs to review an educational record to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. 8urther, the school district discloses education records upon re uest to officials of other school district(s) or institution(s) in which the student see(s or intends to enroll. )he school district may also disclose D"*('&%*1 I$0%*3.&"%$ without consent, unless you have advised the district to the contrary in accordance with district procedures. Calhoun County $chools designates the following items as .irectory Information+ student name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, ma#or field of study, participation in officially recogni*ed activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous school attended, and student photograph. In addition, federal law re uires local educational agencies receiving certain federal funds to provide militaryrecruiters, upon re uest, D



with the names, addresses and telephone listings of students, unless parents have advised the school 904%208% %5.% %53; 9/ 1/% <.1% %5302 4%6931%:4 01I/2!.%0/1 90487/439 <0%5/6% their prior written consent. C.75/61 C/61%; G85//74 !.; 90487/43 90238%/2; 01I/2!.%0/1 I2/! ;/62 85079:4 3968.%0/1 *('%*,# .# $%&(, .4%+(5 -$/(## $%&"0"(, "$ 6*"&"$7 41 1%- 41 S()&(34(* 1 %0 (.'! 1(.* &!.& 1%- ,% $%& 6.$& ,"*('&%*1 "$0%*3.&"%$ ,"#'/%#(, 6"&!%-& 1%-* )*"%* 6*"&&($ '%$#($& . (F) )he right to file a complaint with the 2. $. .epartment of Education concerning alleged failures by the school district to comply with the re uirements of 8E/!B. (8amily !olicy Compliance 7ffice, 2.$. .ept. of Education, FMM Earyland Bvenue, $%, %ashington, .C DMDMD&FGM@)

WEATHER INFORMATION Calhoun County $chools will continue to ensure that our students are as safe as possible during severe weather events. !rocedures have been put in place to effectively accomplish this endeavor. )7/=B.7 %B/=I=9$+ )he =ational %eather $ervice has developed a method of identifying specific areas that are in danger of tornado. In the past, the entire county was placed under a tornado warning if a tornado was identified anywhere in the county. )oday, a polygon is determined by the =ational %eather $ervice which narrowly identifies the area of danger. Currently, Calhoun County E.E.B. will sound the weather sirens for the entire county if any portion of the polygon enters Calhoun County. In the event of tornado warnings within the county, the following procedures have been established+ N 432034 /I >'(O('GA 5.I3 E331 93I37oped to give the principal at each school as much information as possible as uic(ly as possible. Each 0evel describes the potential weather ha*ard and safety measures the principal may ta(e. 0E4E0 7=E+ B polygon has entered Calhoun County but your school is not within the boundaries of the polygon nor should it be within the boundaries if the polygon is e"tended on its current path. 0E4E0 )%7+ B polygon has entered Calhoun County but your school is not within the boundaries of the polygon. )he e"tended polygon boundaries should encompass your school in the very near future. 0E4E0 )3/EE+ B polygon has entered Calhoun County and your school is within the boundaries of the polygon. 0E4E0 872/+ B polygon has entered Calhoun County and your school is within the boundaries of the polygon and the identified tornado is in the close pro"imity of the school. !arents should be aware that during 0E4E0 )3/EE or 872/ the principal may choose to loc( the doors to the school and cease chec(s out due to the potential danger to the students and staff. It is highlyunli(elyonce school begins that there will be an early dismissal due to the possibility of tornadoes. 7ur students are housed in buildings that are stronger than most homes. Eany of our parents wor( and might not learn of an early dismissal. )his would cause some of our younger students to be at home without supervision and a storm on the way. )he administration feels that it is safer to have the children remain at school in the safe area rather than sending some home alone. !arents may chec( out their children unless the principal has decided to stop the chec(&out process in 0E4E0 )3/EE or 872/. 9enerally, all transportation movements will cease if any portion of Calhoun County is under a tornado warning. It is possible that under certain circumstances transportation movements maycontinue, but onlywith the approval of the $uperintendent. $=7%+ )he timing of a snow event is critical. If the snow event occurs overnight, every effort will be made to have a decision regarding whether schools will operate by @+1@ BE. Brea media will be notified and 01I/2!.%0/1 <077 E3 !.93 .I.07.E73 /1 %53 485//7 4;4%3!:4 <3.%532 7013 &JF1&$=7% (JGGO). %EB)3E/ 0I=E+ In most circumstances involving threatening weather that may impact the school day, information will be made available on the weather line D@G&JF1&$=7% (JGGO).

LOCKER NOTICE G($(*./ #(.*'!(# .$, "$#)('&"%$ %0 #'!%%/ )*%)(*&15 "$'/-,"$7 /%'8(*#5 3.1 4( '%$,-'&(, 41 #'!%%/ %00"'"./# .& .$1 &"3(. S&-,($& /%'8(*#5 .# 6(// .# .// ,(#8# .$, #"3"/.* #&%*.7( .*(.# )*%+",(, &% #&-,($&#5 .*( &!( )*%)(*&1 %0 &!( CCBOE. T!(1 *(3."$ #-49('& &% "$#)('&"%$ .$, #(.*'! 41 #'!%%/ %00"'"./# 6"&!%-& )*"%* $%&"'(. SPECIAL EDUCATION CHILD FIND )he Calhoun County $chool $ystem attempts to ensure that all children residing within the #urisdiction of the Calhoun County $chool $ystem, birth to twenty&one, regardless of the severityof their disabilityand who need special education and related services, are identified, located and evaluated. Child 8ind applies to children who attend private schools, including religious schools within the Calhoun County $chool $ystem #urisdiction, highly mobile children with disabilities (i.e. migrant and homeless children), and children who are suspected of having a disability and are in need of special education even though theyare advancing grade to grade. Child 8ind also includes a practical method of determining that eligible children with disabilities are receiving needed special education and related services. Child 8ind activities will be conducted on a continuous basis. Bnyone who wishes to in uire about the availabilityof services, or wishes to ma(e an official referral, may do so by contacting+ Es. -anice Cain P (D@G) JF1&JF?@, !.7. Bo" DMCF, Bnniston, B0 DGDMD. GIFTED EDUCATION 53 Q.75/61 Q/61%; J G85//7 G;4%3!:4 -0I%39 $2/-2.! 01876934 3R$7/2.%0/1 /I %/$084 1/% /2901.207; emphasi*ed in the regular curriculum. 9ifted students receive training in cognitive and affective process s(ills and participate in opportunities for student investigation of real problems. )he program provides the least restrictive outlets for meeting the individual needs of students who are e"hibiting characteristics such as+ 1. Bbove average ability D. )as( commitment ?. Creative behavior DEFINITION+ Intellectually gifted children and youth are those who perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared with others of their age, e"perience, or environment. )hese children and youth re uire services not ordinarily provided by the regular school program. Children and youth possessing these abilities can be found in all populations, across economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor. REFERRAL+ B student may be referred for consideration for gifted services by teachers, counselors, .9!0104%2.%/24 $.231%4 /2 -6.290.14 $3324 437I .19 /%532 0190I096.74 <0%5 =1/<739-3 /I %53 4%6931%:4 abilities. $tandard referrals may occur at any time for students in grades 5&1D. /eferrals are begun by contacting the 9ifted /eferral $creening )eam (9/$)) at each school. )heses teams are chaired by the school counselor(s). !arents must be informed when students are referred. Bll second grade students will be observed as potential gifted referrals using a gifted chec(list provided by the $tate .epartment of Education. BASIC ELIGIBILITY+ Bn Eligibility .etermination )eam (E.)) determines eligibility of students for gifted services. )his team consists of all teachers of the gifted, the program coordinator, and a psychometrist when appropriate. B student may be considered automatically eligible for gifted services when the obtained full scale'composite I1 score on an individually administered test of intelligence (=7) a screener) is two standard deviations above the mean or higher. %hen students do not meet the automatic criteria for eligibility, a matri" of multiple criteria is utili*ed to determine eligibility. Considered through the matri" are aptitude and performance to include at least three e"amples from the following+ achievement test scores, portfolio, product, grades, wor( samples, leadership'motivation subscale scores from a behavior rating scale, or other documentation as deemed appropriate by the 9ifted /eferrals $creening )eam. 8or information contact+ Es. -anice Cain P (D@G) JF1&JF?@, !.7. Bo" DMCF, Bnniston, B0 ?GDMD IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON MENINGOCOCCAL DISEASE AND :ACCINE %hat is meningococcal diseaseS Eeningococcal disease is a serious illness, caused by bacteria. It is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in children D&1C years old in the 2nited $tates. 3ow do you catch the diseaseS )he bacteria that cause meningococcal disease are very common. )he disease is most common in children and people with certain medical conditions that affect their immune system. )he disease is F

spread through e"change of respiratory droplets or saliva with an infected person including (issing, coughing, snee*ing, and sharing drin(ing glasses and eating utensils. In a few people, the bacteria /I328/!3 %53 E/9;:4 0!!613 4;4%3! .19 $.44 %52/6-5 %53 70101- /I %53 1/43 .19 %52/.% 01%/ %53 E7//9 stream where they cause meningitis. Eeningitis is a term that describes inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal chord. %hat are the symptoms of the diseaseS 8ever, headache, stiff nec(, red rash, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting Eeningococcal vaccine+ %ho should get the vaccine and whenS EC4F, or the meningococcal vaccine, is recommended for all children 11&1D years of age and for unvaccinated adolescents at high school entry (1@ years of age). 3igh school seniors should also consider obtaining the vaccine prior to entering college, especially if they are planning on living in a dormitory. !lease consult your physician or local health department for more information. (8or more information on this and other vaccine recommendations go to+'immuni*ation) A/.4.3. A#4(#&%# M.$.7(3($& P*%7*.32 NOTIFICATION OF PARENTS5 TEACHERS5 AND EMPLOYEES 7n 7ctober DD, 1OCG, !resident /eagan signed into law the Bsbestos 3a*ard Emergency/esponse Bct (B3E/B). )his law re uires all local education agencies to identify asbestos containing materials (BCE) in their school buildings and ta(e appropriate actions to control the release of asbestos fibers into the environment. In order to comply with this law, all of our schools have been inspected and management plans have been developed by an accredited engineering firm. )he management plan is a routine document re uired by law, which describes in detail the inspection findings and various approved methods of dealing with BCE. )he management plan and the result of each inspection are on file at the Central 7ffice and at each principalKs office. Iou may review these reports during office hours. If you have uestions concerning our management plan, you may contact Ei(e 8incher, $afety and $ecurity .irector, at (D@G) JF1&JFFF. USE OF DIGITAL DE:ICE DURING ADMINISTRATION OF SECURE TESTS PROHIBITED Blabama $tate .epartment of Education policy states that the possession of a digital device (including but not limited to cell phones, E!? players, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) is strictly prohibited during the administration of a secure test. 2nder state guidelines, if a student is observed in possession of a digital device during the administration of a secure test, the device will be confiscated. If a student is observed using a digital device during the administration of a secure test, testing for the student will cease, the device will be confiscated and is sub#ect to search, the student will be dismissed from testing, and the student:s test will be invalidated. II. GENERAL BOARD POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ATTENDANCE POLICY Bll students should attend school regularly and be on time for all classes in order to receive the greatest benefit from the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self&discipline and individual responsibility. )here is a direct relationship between poor attendance and class failure. $tudents who have good attendance generally achieve higher grades and en#oy school more. In accordance with state guidelines, a student who is in attendance less than half of the school day is deemed absent for reporting and truancy purposes. I. Classification of E"cused or 2ne"cused Bbsence B. B written e"cuse will be re uired of every student after absence, to be presented the daythe child returns to school. )he principal of the local school, or designee, will determine and code the e"cused or une"cused status of an absence. If an acceptable reason for e"cusing an absence is not presented within three (?) days of the childKs return to school, the absence will be coded as une"cused. ($ee paragraph C below for absences beyond the @th in a semester). B. Basis for 9ranting E"cused Bbsence $tatus+ ($ee paragraph C below for absences beyond the @th in a semester). 1. !ersonal illness of the student

D. Inclement weather that would be dangerous to the life or health of a child if school is attended. =ormally, inclement weather is defined as when buses do not run due to adverse weather conditions. ?. 0egal uarantine F. .eath in immediate family @. Bn emergency or any other e"tenuating circumstances as determined byTthe principal or principalKs designee. (=on&emergency absences must have prior approval before the absence in order to have e"cused status.) C. Bfter the fifth absence in a semester, additional documentation ' verification of the nature of the absence will be re uired in determining if the absence is e"cused or une"cused. A ,%'&%*;# (<'-#( 3-#& 4( )*(#($&(, %*5 "$ &!( .4#($'( %0 . ,%'&%*;# (<'-#(5 &!( ).*($& 3-#& .**.$7( 0%* . '%$0(*($'( 6"&! &!( )*"$'")./ %* ,(#"7$(( 6"&!"$ &!*(( (= ,.1# %0 &!( '!"/,;# *(&-*$ &% #'!%%/ 0%* '%$#",(*.&"%$ %0 (<'-#(, #&.&-#. II. Ea(e&up %or( B. 8or the first five absences each semester, students will be eligible for ma(e&up wor( as long as the absence is e"cused according to sections I. B. and B. of this policy, and the student presents the coded e"cuse to the teacher in a timely manner and ma(es appropriate arrangements. B. Bfter a fifth (@th) absence from school or class in any one semester, no ma(e&up wor( will be given without a doctorKs statement or principalKs permission as set forth in section I. C. of this policy. !rincipalKs permission is to be used primarily for events beyond a studentKs control (i.e., e"tended illness, family death, etc.). In the absence of a doctorKs e"cuse, the parent must arrange for a conference with the principal within three (?) days of the childKs return to school for consideration of e"cused status and eligibility for ma(e&up wor(. C. It is the studentKs responsibility to present the coded e"cuse to each teacher. If the student is eligible to ma(e up missed wor(, arrangements for ma(e&up wor( or tests must be made by the student, in cooperation with the teacher, within three (?) days of returning to school. $uch wor( or tests should be completed within a reasonable time as determined by the teacher and'or school administrator. (=ote+ )his procedure shall also be followed for ma(e&up wor( missed due to time away from school for approved school&related activities.) .. B grade of *ero (M) will be received for wor( or tests missed on the day of any une"cused absence and for any absence past the fifth (@th) per semester without a doctorKs e"cuse or principalKs permission.

)he CCB7E will pursue prosecution, in accordance with state law of students and'or $.231%4-6.290.14 I/2 I0/7.%0/14 /I N7.E.!.:4 %26.18; .19 8/!$674/2; .%%319.183 7.<4 > 1?-2@-12. F."/-*( &% .&&($,A )($./&1 -- W*"&&($ )%/"'1 -- F."/-*( &% *()%*& +"%/.&"%$#. (a) Each parent, guardian, or other person having control or custody of any child re uired to attend school or receive regular instruction by a private tutor who fails to have the child enrolled in school or who fails to send the child to school, or have him or her instructed by a private tutor during the time the child is re uired to attend a public school, private school, church school, denominational school, or parochial school, or be instructed by a private tutor, or fails to re uire the child to regularly attend the school or tutor, or fails to compel the child to properly conduct himself or herself as a pupil in any public school in accordance with the written policy on school behavior adopted by the local board of education pursuant to this section and documented by the appropriate school official which conduct may result in the suspension of the pupil, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars (N 1MM) and may also be sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than OM days. )he absence of a child without the consent of the principal teacher of the public school he or she attends or should attend, or of the tutor who instructs or should instruct the child, shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of this section. (b) Each local public board of education shall adopt a written policy for its standards on school behavior. Each local public school superintendent shall provide at the commencement of each academic year a copy of the written policy on school behavior to each parent, guardian, or other person having care or control of a child who is enrolled. Included in the written policy shall be a copy of this section. )he signature of the student and the parent, guardian, or other person having control or custody of the child shall document receipt of the policy. G

(c) Bny parent, guardian, or other person having control or custody of any child enrolled in public school who fails to re uire the child to regularly attend the school or tutor, or fails to compel the child to properly conduct himself or herself as a pupil in accordance with the written policy on school behavior adopted by the local board of education and documented by the appropriate school official which conduct may result in the suspension of the pupil, shall be reported by the principal to the superintendent of education of the school system in which the suspected violation occurred. )he superintendent of education or his or her designee shall report suspected violations to the district attorney within 1M days. Bny principal or superintendent of education or his or her designee intentionally failing to report a suspected violation shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. )he district attorney shall vigorously enforce this section to ensure proper conduct and re uired attendance by any child enrolled in public school. TARDY POLICY )ardies to $chool (2ne"cused Chec(&Ins) Bll students who arrive late to school must be chec(ed in through the school office in accordance with the Chec(&7ut ' Chec(&In !olicy. L.&( .**"+./# &% #'!%%/ 6"// 4( -$(<'-#(, -$/(## &!( #&-,($& %* ).*($&B7-.*,".$ )*(#($&# . ,%'&%*;# (<'-#( %* %&!(* ,%'-3($&.&"%$ '%$#"#&($& 6"&! &!.& *(C-"*(, 0%* (<'-#(, #&.&-# -$,(* &!( A&&($,.$'( P%/"'1. E.'! -$(<'-#(, '!('8-"$ '%$#&"&-&(# . &.*,1 &% #'!%%/ 0%* )-*)%#(# %0 &!"# )%/"'1A !%6(+(*5 . #&-,($& 6!% "# "$ .&&($,.$'( /(## &!.$ !./0 %0 &!( #'!%%/ ,.1 "# ,((3(, .4#($& 0%* #&.&( *()%*&"$7 .$, &*-.$'1 )-*)%#(#. =ote+ B student who has une"cused class absences resulting from une"cused chec(&ins will not be eligible to ma(e up wor( missed in such classes.) I. %hen arriving at school during an on&going class period, tardy students in grades J&1D (or in lower grades if classes are not self&contained and I$. is available) will be re uired to report to In&$chool .etention (I$.) until time for the ne"t class to begin. )he I$. supervisor may determine an appropriate wor( assignment for the period. )ardies to school may result in additional disciplinary action as set forth at paragraph III below. II. )ardies to Class $tudents who are tardy to class without an e"cuse in grades J&1D (or in lower grades if classes are not self&contained and I$. is available) will be sent immediately to I$. for the duration of that class period. )he I$. supervisor will provide an appropriate wor( assignment for the period. $tudents who spend a class period in I$. due to tardiness to class shall be responsible to discuss ma(e&up wor( with the teacher by the ne"t school day and to complete the ma(e&up wor( for that class within the time specified by the teacher and'or school administrator. )eachers will have discretion with regard to the specific ma(e&up wor( assigned. In addition, teachers have discretion to re uire students to complete scheduled tests and similar evaluative assignments while in I$., rather than scheduling a ma(e&up test. !rocedures for such test administration during I$. should be established by the local administrator, so that students are prevented from manipulating the tardy policy to avoid or postpone tests. )he student may be re uired to complete the test during the scheduled class time, as well as completing other wor( assigned by the I$. supervisor before being released, even if this re uires more than one class period in I$.. III. .isciplinary Bction )he I$. supervisor or other school official shall maintain a record of all students referred to I$. for tardiness. %hen a student has accumulated more than four (F) incidents of tardiness in a semester (including tardies to school and to class), the student shall be sub#ect to additional disciplinary action. O$ &!( #&-,($&;# 0"0&! (D&! &.*,1 .$, (.'! #-4#(C-($& &.*,1 "$ . #(3(#&(*5 &!( #&-,($& #!.// 4( '!.*7(, 6"&! .$ I$&(*3(,".&( :"%/.&"%$ -$,(* &!( C%,( %0 S&-,($& C%$,-'&. E"cessive tardies to school may also result in referral bythe principal to the Bttendance $upervisor for Calhoun County $chools. )he Bttendance $upervisor will refer students to #uvenile court in appropriate situations. CHECK-OUT B CHECK-IN POLICY Chec(&out !rocedures 1. In order to leave school during the school day, students must be signed out in the school office by a custodial parent,U guardian, or other adult who has been properly designated in writing by the parent'guardian. )he parent'guardian or designated adult must come in person to the school office. $tudents will not be permitted to sign out on the basis of a note or phone call from parent(s) or others. J


)he $chool /egistration ' Information 8orm should be used by the parent'guardian to designate adult(s) who may sign the student out of school. Bny adult who is identified bythe parent'guardian as an emergency contact person on the $chool /egistration ' Information 8orm is deemed authori*ed to sign the student out of school. B1 ,(#"7$.&"$7 #-'! )(*#%$(# 5 &!( ).*($&B7-.*,".$ "# .-&!%*"E"$7 &!( #'!%%/ &% *(/(.#( &!( #&-,($& .& .$1 &"3( . ,(#"7$.&(, )(*#%$ '%3(# &% &!( #'!%%/ %00"'( &% #"7$ &!( #&-,($& %-&. =evertheless, administrators may e"ercise discretion to contact the parent'guardian as deemed appropriate or necessary. E"cept for periodic updates which may be re uested by the school, a parent'guardian desiring to update or change the listing of persons designated to sign the student out of school should visit the school office. $uch updates or changes shall be the responsibility of the parent'guardian. If a high school student is to be allowed to leave the campus for an appointment without a parent'guardian or designated adult present, the parent'guardian must come by the school office in advance of the chec(&out time (i.e., before school or on the day before the desired chec(&out time) to sign the chec(&out sheet or other pre&release form in the presence of school personnel. )he Bttendance !olicy shall be applied to determine whether absences from individual classes are e"cused or une"cused and whether the student is eligible to ma(e up wor(. ()hus, anyabsence from class beyond the fifth (@th) in a semester will re uire a doctorKs e"cuse or parent conference with the principal for consideration of e"cused status and eligibility to ma(e up wor(.) $tudents who leave campus without following the chec(&out procedure will be charged with an 2nauthori*ed Bbsence (Intermediate 4iolation) under the Code of $tudent Conduct. E"cessive chec(&outs are strongly discouraged by the Board, as are chec(&outs during the final hour of school unless absolutely necessary. Bfter four (F) early chec(&outs within a semester, the principalKs permission may be re uired for additional chec(&outs.




G. J.

U B custodial parent in a divorce situation is one designated by prevailing court order as having sole or #oint custody of the child. B non&custodial parent must be authori*ed by the custodial parent in order to sign a child out of school.

Chec(&in !rocedures 1. Bll students who arrive at school after the school day begins must report to the appropriate school office to complete the chec(&in process before reporting to any classes. D. 0ate arrivals to school will be une"cused unless the student and'or parent'guardian present a doctorKs e"cuse or other documentation consistent with that re uired for e"cused status under the Bttendance !olicy. Each une"cused chec(&in will be treated as a Ltardy to schoolL under the )ardy !olicy. )he Bttendance !olicy shall be applied to determine whether absences from individual classes are e"cused or une"cused and whether the student is eligible to ma(e up wor(. ()hus, anyabsence from class beyond the fifth (@th) in a semester will re uire a doctorKs e"cuse or parent conference with the principal for consideration of e"cused status and eligibility to ma(e up wor(.) In order to prevent class interruptions and interference with the teaching process, all students in grades J&1D (or lower grades if classes are not self&contained) who chec( in during an on&going class period will be re uired to report to a designated transition area for the duration of the class period. )o the e"tent possible, students and parents are encouraged to time necessary late arrivals to coincide with class change time, so that the chec(&in process may be completed and the student may report directly to the ne"t class. )he Board of Education strongly encourages parents and students to schedule routine appointments and e"aminations for after&school hours or times when school is not in session. 8ailure to follow re uired chec(&in procedures when arriving late to school may result in an Intermediate 4iolation under the Code of $tudent Conduct. In accordance with state guidelines, a student who is in attendance less than half of the school dayis C



@. G.

deemed absent for reporting and truancy purposes. EFTRACURRICULAR ACTI:ITY PARTICIPATIONG ACADEMICS FIRST In accordance with regulations prescribed bythe Blabama $tate .epartment of Education, the CCB7E prescribes the following rules for eligibility of students in this school system to participate in e"tracurricular activities+ .efinitions 1. E"tracurricular activities associated with athletics are defined as those recogni*ed and sanctioned by the Blabama 3igh $chool Bthletic Bssociation, and other e"tracurricular activities are defined as those %5.% .23 4.18%0/139 E; %53 $6E708 485//7 <5085 .23 1/% 237.%39 %/ . 4%6931%:4 .8.93!08 or success in a course. 23)6023!31%4 D. /egular curricular activities are defined as those that are re uired for satisfactory course completion. B. Eligibility /e uirements 1. $tudents entering 9rades 1M&1D must, for the last two semesters of attendance and summer school, if applicable, have a passing grade and earn the appropriate number of credits in each of si" (G) sub#ects that total si" (G) Carnegie units of credit, including four (F) credits from the four (F) core sub#ects composed of English, science, social studies, and mathematics with a composite numerical average of seventy (JM). $tudents entering 9rades C and O must, for the last two semesters of attendance and summer school, if applicable, have a passing grade in five (@) sub#ects with a composite numerical average of JM with all other rules applying the same as to students in 9rades O&1D. $tudents promoted to the seventh grade for the first time are eligible. D. !hysical education may count as only one (1) unit per year. ?. =o more than two (D) Carnegie units may be made up during summer school. If a unit(s) or sub#ect(s) is repeated in summer school, the higher numerical grade for the unit(s) or sub#ect(s) may be used to compute the composite grade average. F. B student who is eligible at the start of the academic year remains eligible for the entire academic year. $tudents deemed ineligible at the beginning of the school year by virtue of having failed to meet the re uirements outlined in B.1. above may regain their eligibility at the end of the first semester by meeting the re uirements for eligibility in the two most recently completed semesters, including summer school. Eligibility restoration must be determined no later than five (@) school days after the beginning of the succeeding semester. @. Bn ineligible student may not become eligible after the fifth school day of each semester. Bona fide transfers may be dealt with according to rules of the Blabama 3igh $chool Bthletic Bssociation for sports and rules to be developed by this Board of Education as they pertain to other e"tracurricular activities. G. Each eligible student must have a minimum composite numerical average of JM and a minimum of si" (G) Carnegie units from the preceding year, including summer school. $ummer school wor( passed may substitute for regular school wor( repeated in computing the JM average. J. Each eligible student involved in athletics must meet the definition of a regular student as defined by the Blabama 3igh $chool Bthletic Bssociation. C. Bny student who earns more than four (F) credits in the core curriculum in any given year or who accumulates a total in e"cess of the re uired four (F) per year may be e"empt from earning the four (F) core courses in the succeeding year as long as that student remains on schedule for graduation with his'her class by earning eight (C) core credits over any two&year span, including summer school. O. $tudents who participate in e"tracurricular tryouts, summer instructional camps, and similar activities prior to eligibility determination, do so at their own ris(. 8or e"ample, a student who has been selected during cheerleader tryouts in the spring and has participated in summer camp shall still be O B.

deemed ineligible on the first day of school if all academic re uirements have not been met. $tudents who e"pend money on uniforms, summer camps, and the li(e, but are subse uently deemed academically ineligible, are not entitled to a refund or reimbursement. C. !articipation /e uirements 1. $chool sponsors are re uired to submit a re uest for each curricular activity that occurs outside the regular school day and'or school to the principal, superintendent, and the local Board of Education for approval. D. Each re uest for full participation by all students, regardless of academic standing, in a curricular activity shall be granted if the principal, superintendent, and the local Board of Education approve participation in the activity as an e"tension of a course(s) re uirement(s) and it is an event sanctioned by a state'national sub#ect matter association. ?. =otwithstanding anything to the contrary in this policy, student participation in e"tracurricular activities offered by the school through math, science, band, choral, music, and other courses at events such as athletic events (pregame, game, halftime, or other brea(s), club conventions, parades, amusement par( trips and competitions, trips by tour companies, performances at various meetings, etc., are e"tracurricular, and students academically ineligible under this policyshall not be allowed to participate. F. K38040/14 /1 . 4%6931%:4 $.2%080$.%0/1 01 e"tracurricular activities shall be developed and reached consistent with the re uirements of the I.EB and its implementing regulations, as well as $ection @MF of the /ehabilitation Bct of 1OJ?, if the student is identified as eligible under these statutes, rules, and regulation, and such participation is determined to be appropriate.

MEDICATION POLICY NOTE2 S&-,($& #(/0-#(/0 .,3"$"#&*.&"%$ %0 3(,"'.&"%$ 0%* '!*%$"' '%$,"&"%$# 6"// 4( )(*3"&&(, "$ .''%*,.$'( 6"&! S('&"%$ 1?-1-=H5 '%,( %0 A/.4.3. (.# .3($,(, 41 A'& N%. 200I-J?= . A,3"$"#&*.&"%$ %0 P*(#'*"4(, M(,"'.&"%$ A. S-)(*+"#(, %* .##"#&(, .,3"$"#&*.&"%$. E"cept in those circumstances where self&administration of medication by the student is indicated and authori*ed under the self&administration policy stated at part B below, administration of medication to students should be supervised or assisted by the school administrator or the administratorKs designee(s) in accordance with the following re uirements+ 1. )he school must be provided with a signed statement from the prescribing physician that includes studentKs name, the name of the medication, the reason for the medication, the appropriate dosage and method of administration, the time of administration, the duration or discontinuation date, if applicable, and any (nown drug allergies or reactions. (!hysicianKs statement forms will be available in the school office.) D. )he medication must be delivered to the administrator or designee in a pharmacy&labeled container, which includes the studentKs name, prescriberKs name, date, name of medication, dosage and instructions for administering, and date of discontinuation (where appropriate). )wo containers may be re uested from the pharmacy, with one labeled for school use. %here deemed appropriate bythe parent'guardian (as with small children), any prescribed medication may be delivered to appropriate school personnel directly by the parent' guardian. NOTE2 THE PARENTBGUARDIAN OR PARENTDESIGNATED RESPONSIBLE ADULT MUST DELI:ER ALL MEDICATIONS DESIGNATED CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES (SUCH AS RITALIN TO THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR OR DESIGNEE. ALL SHARP ITEMS SUCH AS SYRINGES AND LANCETS MUST BE TREATED AS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES FOR PURPOSES OF THIS PRO:ISION. STUDENTS MUST NOT DELI:ER CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES5 INCLUDING SHARP ITEMS5 TO THE SCHOOL. %hether a prescribed medication is a controlled substance should be indicated bythe physician in the appropriate location on the physicianKs statement form. ?. )he school should be provided with information concerning potential side effects of the medication. )he side effects sheet provided by the pharmacist maybe attached to the physicianKs statement form. F. )he parent or guardian must sign a consent form (available in the school office) at the beginning of the school year and'or before any medication is given at school authori*ing the school administrator or designee to administer or assist in the administration of the medication. B. S(/0-.,3"$"#&*.&"%$ %0 3(,"'.&"%$. )he self&administration by the student of prescription medication permitted only under the following conditions. 1. %ritten parent'guardian and physician authori*ation for self&administration must be provided to the 1M





school on the appropriate forms available in the school office and self&administration must be approved in writing by the school nurse upon consideration of all relevant circumstances. )he school nurse is authori*ed to develop and implement criteria for determining whether and under what conditions self&administration of a particular medication by a particular student is permissible, including but not limited to any necessary assessment of the studentKs health status, the studentKs understanding and ability to self&medicate, and other relevant safety considerations. )he school health nurse is further authori*ed to develop and implement a plan for monitoring the self& administration of prescription medication by the student, to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan, and to modify as needed. )he school health nurse will inform appropriate teachers and administrators that the student is self&administering medication and will collaborate with appropriate school personnel, the student, and'or parent'guardian to determine a safe place for storage while providing for student accessibility. $elf&administered medications must be stored in the original or pharmacy&labeled container in a secured area under the supervision of appropriate school personnel, -$/(## &!( )!1#"'".$B)*(#'*"4(* .$, ).*($&(# .-&!%*"E( . ,"00(*($& .**.$7(3($& 0%* #)('"0"' #&-,($&#5 .$, #-'! .**.$7(3($& "# .))*%+(, 41 &!( #'!%%/ $-*#(. AS A GENERAL RULE5 STUDENTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO SELF-ADMINISTER MEDICATIONS DESIGNATED CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES (SUCH AS RITALIN . Bny e"ception must be with the e"press approval of the school nurse, based upon a determination that such e"ception is essential to the physical well&being of the child. ANY STUDENT WHO ABUSES THE PRI:ILEGE OF SELF-MEDICATION IN A MANNER THAT :IOLATES THE CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT WILL BE SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DISCIPLINARY MEASURES.

A,3"$"#&*.&"%$ %0 N%$-P*(#'*")&"%$ M(,"'.&"%$2 =on&prescription medication, including )ylenol, aspirin, etc. may be administered on a limited basis provided the parent'guardian has completed a consent form authori*ing the school administrator or designee to administer or supervise the administration of the medication. )he medication must be in the original container with the manufacturerKs label and contain an additional label stating the childKs name, dosage, and time for administration. S&%*.7( %0 M(,"'.&"%$2 Bll medication will be stored in the original or pharmacy&labeled container in a centrally located, secured area under the supervision of the school administrator or the administratorKs designee, unless &!( )!1#"'".$B)*(#'*"4(* .-&!%*"E(# . ,"00(*($& .**.$7(3($& 0%* #)('"0"' #&-,($&# . R('%*,#2 B medication administration file containing the appropriate authori*ation and consent forms and other health related information will be maintained for each student to whom medication is administered during school. Bs part of the file, a complete record of medication administration will be developed and maintained by appropriate school personnel (e"cept for certain students who self&administer medication as authori*ed by the school nurse). 8orms for recording the date and time of administration, the date of discontinuation, and other appropriate comments will be developed and provided by the school nurse. HEAD LICE POLICY )he school board follows the Blabama .epartment of !ublic 3ealth /ecommended 9uidelines for Control of 3ead 0ice in $chools. )his is a Lno&nitL policy, which may result in the removal from school of students found to be infested with nits or live bugs. Bfter removal and recommended treatment, affected students must be re&e"amined and declared Lnit freeL prior to returning to their classrooms. B parent'guardian will be re uired to accompany the student to school for re&e"amination following recommended treatment. POLICY FOR PRE:ENTION OF STUDENT HARASSMENT )his policy is adopted pursuant to N7.E.!.:4 G%6931% V.2.44!31% ?23I31%0/1 N8% (Bct =o. DMMO& @J1) and is patterned after the model anti&harassment policy developed by the $tate .epartment of Education pursuant to that legislation. It is not intended to supersede or replace e"isting Board policies prohibiting se"ual harassment, racial harassment or other prohibited conduct and such policies and procedures remain in full force and effect 3arassment, 4iolence, and )hreats of 4iolence !rohibited =o student in the Calhoun County $chool $ystem shall engage in or be sub#ected to harassment, violence, threats of violence, or intimidation by any other student that is based on any of the specific characteristics identified by the Board in this policy. $tudents who violate this policy will be sub#ect to 11

disciplinary sanctions as specified in the Code of $tudent Conduct. .efinitions 53 %32! >5.2.44!31%A a. J .4 6439 01 %504 $/708; !3.14 . 8/1%016/64 $.%%321 /I 01%31%0/1.7 E35.I0/2 that ta(es place on school property, on a school bus, or at school sponsored functions, including, but not limited to, written, electronic, verbal, or physical acts that are reasonably perceived as being motivated by any characteristic of a student, or by the association of a student with an individual who has a particular characteristic, if the characteristic falls into one of the categories of personal characteristics set forth in $ection ?.b. below. B pattern of behavior may constitute harassment if it does any of the following+ !laces a student in reasonable fear of harm to stu931%:4 $324/1 /2 9.!.-3 %/ 4%6931%:4 property 3as the effect of substantially interfering with the educational performance, opportunities, or benefits of a student 3as the effect of substantially disrupting or interfering with orderly operation of the school 3as the effect of creating a hostile environment in the school, on school property, on a school bus, or at a school&sponsored function 3as the effect of being sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student. 53 %32! >I0/73183A b. J .4 6439 01 %504 $/708; !3.14 %53 01I708%0/1 /I $5;408.7 I/283 E; . 4%6931% <0%5 the intent to cause in#ury to another student or damage to the property of another student. 53 %32! >%523.% c. J /I I0/73183A .4 6439 01 %504 $/708; !3.14 .1 3R$23440/1 /I 01%31%0/1 %/ 01I708% or damage that is made by a student and directed to another student. 01E62; 53 %32! >01%0!09.%0/1A d. J .4 6439 01 %504 $/708; !3.14 . %523.% /2 /%532 .8%0/1 %5.% 04 01%31939 %/ cause fear or apprehension in a student, especially for the purpose of coercing or deterring the student from participating in or ta(ing advantage of any school program, benefit, activity or opportunity for which student is or would be eligible. )he term >4%6931%A e. .4 6439 01 %504 $/708; !3.14 . 4%6931% <5/ 04 312/7739 01 %53 Q.75/61 Q/61%; $chool $ystem. .escription of Behavior E"pected of $tudents a. $tudents are e"pected to treat other students with courtesy, respect, and dignity and comply with the Code of $tudent Conduct. $tudents are re uired to+ (1) comply with the re uirements of law, policy, regulations, and rules prohibiting harassment, violence, or intimidation, (D) refrain from inflicting or threatening to inflict violence, in#ury or damage to the person or property of another student, and (?) refrain from placing another student in fear of being sub#ected to violence, in#ury, or damage when such actions or threats are reasonably perceived as being motivated by any personal characteristic of the student that is identified in this policy. b. 4iolence, threats of violence, harassment, and intimidation are prohibited and will be sub#ected to disciplinary conse uences and sanctions under this policy if the perpetrator is found to have based such prohibited action on one or more of the following personal characteristics of the victim of such conduct+ J53 4%6931%:4 2.83 J53 4%6931%:4 43R -31932 J53 4%6931%:4 2370-0/1 J53 4%6931%:4 1.%0/1.7 /20-01 /2 J53 4%6931%:4 904.E070%; Conse uences for 4iolations )he series of graduated conse uences for violation of this policy will be those outlined in the Code of $tudent Conduct. /eporting, Investigation, and Complaint /esolution !rocedures a. Complaints alleging violations of this policy must be made on Board approved complaint forms .I.07.E73 .% %53 $20180$.7:4 .19/2 485//7 8/61437/2:4 /II083 J53 8/!$7.01% !64% E3 40-139 E; %53 4%6931% .773-01- %53 I0/7.%0/1 /2 E; %53 4%6931%:4 $.231% /2 73-.7 -6.290.1 .19 9370I3239 %/ $20180$.7 /2 $20180$.7:4 9340-133 E; !ail or personal delivery. Bt the re uest of the complaining %53 4%6931% /2 %53 4%6931%:4 $.231% /2 73-.7 -6.290.1 0180931%.7 /2 !01/2 I0/7.%0/14 /I %53 $/708; be presented and resolved informally. !.; 1D

b. 2pon receipt of the complaint, the principal or designee will, in their sole discretion, determine if the complaint alleges a serious violation of this policy. If the principal or designee determines that the complaint alleges a serious violation, he or she will underta(e an investigation of the complaint. )he investigation will entail the gathering of relevant facts and evidence and will be conducted in a reasonably prompt time period ta(ing into account the circumstances of the complaint. If the investigation establishes a violation, appropriate disciplinary sanctions will be imposed on the offending student(s). 7ther measures that are reasonably calculated to prevent a recurrence of the violation(s) may also be imposed or implemented by the principal or the school system. c. Bcts of reprisal or retaliation against any student who has reported a violation of this policy or sought relief provided by this policy are prohibited, and are themselves a violation of this policy. Bny confirmed acts of reprisal or retaliation will be sub#ect to disciplinary sanctions that may include any appropriate sanction, penalty, or conse uence available to school officials under the Code of $tudent Conduct. 0i(ewise, a student who deliberately, rec(lessly, and falsely accuses another student of a violation of this policy will be sub#ect to disciplinary sanctions as outlined in the Code of $tudent Conduct. d. )he complaint form developed to report violations of this policy will include a provision for reporting a threat of suicide by a student. If a threat of suicide is reported through this process, the $20180$.7 /2 $20180$.7:4 9340-133 <077 01I/2! %53 4%6931%:4 $.231% /2 -6.290.1 /I %53 23$/2% !romulgation of !olicy and /elated !rocedures, /ules, and 8orms )his policy and any procedures, rules, and forms developed and approved to implement the policy will be published, disseminated, and made available to students, parents and guardians, and school officials by such means and methods as are customarily used for such purposes, including publication on the school 4;4%3!:4 <3E40%3 SEFUAL DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT POLICY !rohibition against $e"ual .iscrimination )itle I6 of the Education Bmendments of 1OJD prohibits discrimination on the basis of se" in federally assisted education programs. $imilarly, )itle 4II of the Civil /ights Bct of 1OGF protects employees against various types of prohibited employment discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of se". !ursuant to these and other applicable laws, the CCB7E prohibits all forms of impermissible gender&based discrimination. !rohibition against $e"ual 3arassment Bs a form of unlawful se" discrimination under )itle I6 and )itle 4II, se"ual harassment, as defined bylaw and Board policy, will not be tolerated in the Calhoun County $chools. )his policy prohibits all forms of se"ual harassment within the school system, including employee&to&employee, employee&to&student, and student&to& student harassment. $tudents, employees, and others who believe they have e"perienced or have witnessed se"ual harassment are encouraged to report such conduct and to pursue resolution through the formal and informal complaint procedures approved by the Board. =o adverse action will be ta(en against anyemployee or student for ma(ing a good faith report of se"ual harassment. 8ollowing investigation, any employee or student found to have engaged in prohibited se"ual harassment will be sub#ect to disciplinarysanctions (up to and including suspension, e"pulsion, and termination) and the Board will implement any additional corrective or remedial measures deemed appropriate under the circumstances. .efinition of $e"ual 3arassment B. $e"ual harassment consists of unwelcome conduct of a se"ual nature, including unwelcome se"ual advances, re uests for se"ual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a se"ual nature when+ 1. $ubmission to such conduct is made a term or condition (either e"plicitly or implicitly) of employment /2 /I . 4%6931%:4 $.2%080$.%0/1 programs 01 485//7 or activities, D. $ubmission to or re#ection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for decisions affecting %53 0190I096.7:4 3!$7/;!31% 3968.%0/1.7 /$$/2%610%; /2 /%532 E313I0% /2 ?. $uch unwelcome se"ual conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it unreasonably limits or i1%32I3234 <0%5 .1 0190I096.7:4 </2= $32I/2!.183 /2 3968.%0/1.7 /$$/2%610%; /2 823.%34 . abusive wor( or educational environment. Please note that by definition a sexually hostile 5/4%073 /2 environment does not generally result from isolated incidents unless extremely severe in nature. For example, a sexual joke, even if offensive to the individual to whom it was told, will not by itself create a sexually hostile environment; however a sexual assault or other severe incident of a similar nature 1?

can create a hostile environment. B. $e"ual conduct can ta(e a variety of forms ranging from subtle innuendoes to physical se"ual assault. )he following are e"amples of se"ual conduct that may constitute se"ual harassment if one of the conditions of paragraph B is met. 1. 4erbal harassment or abuse of a se"ual nature, including se"ually graphic comments, se"ual #o(es, gender&based slurs, the display of se"ually e"plicit ob#ects or pictures, D. 2nwelcome se"ual advances or solicitation of se"ual activity, ?. $e"ual gestures or physical movements related to se", F. Inappropriate touching of a se"ual nature, @. .emands for se"ual favors accompanied by implied or overt promises of preferential treatment or %523.%4 <0%5 23-.29 %/ .1 0190I096.7:4 3!$7/;!31% /2 3968.%0/1.7 4%.%64 !rocedures for /eporting $e"ual 3arassment )he following procedures are intended to provide an effective means of enforcing the strict prohibition against se"ual harassment and to facilitate reporting, processing, and resolution of se"ual harassment complaints. Bccordingly, they may be fle"ibly applied as appropriate to serve their intended purposes, and are not intended to limit the right or authority of the Board to address or respond to complaints of se"ual harassment or related misconduct. $tudent Complaints Bny student who believes that he or she has been or is being sub#ected to any form of se"ual harassment or has (nowledge of se"ual harassment involving other students should promptly report the matter to a teacher, counselor, or school administrator, who, in turn should apprise the Compliance 7fficer of the reported incident. B student may choose to ma(e his or her report to a person of the same se" as the student. Complaints may E3 E2/6-5% /1 . 4%6931%:4 E35.7I E; . $.231% -6.290.1 8/61437/2 /2 /%53r school official. 2nder no circumstances shall a student be re uired to present the matter for investigation or resolution to the person who is alleged to have committed the harassment. $ome cases are most appropriately resolved by investigation and disposition at the local school in accordance with applicable disciplinary guidelines. In such cases, the principal may investigate and attempt to resolve the matter without more formal procedures. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or other complaining party, the student or his representative mayinitiate a formal complaint under the Complaint ' 9rievance !rocedure approved by the Board of Education. Employee Complaints Bny employee who believes that he or she has been or is being sub#ected to any form of se"ual harassment should promptly report the matter to his or her supervisor, who, in turn should apprise the Compliance 7fficer of the reported incident. Bn employee may choose to ma(e his or her report to a supervisor of the same se" as the employee. Bn employee may also choose to report any incident directly to the Compliance 7fficer or to other Central 7ffice official. 2nder no circumstances shall an employee be re uired to present the matter for investigation or resolution to the person who is alleged to have committed the harassment. $ome cases are most appropriately resolved by investigation and disposition at the local school or department level. In such cases, the principal ' supervisor may investigate and attempt to resolve the matter without the need for more formal procedures, however the supervisor should inform the Compliance 7fficer when an informal complaint is submitted. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complaining employee, the employee may initiate a formal complaint under the Complaint ' 9rievance !rocedure approved by the Board of Education. Confidentiality )he right of confidentiality, for both the complaining party and the accused, will be respected to the e"tent practical, c/1404%31% <0%5 %53 485//7 4;4%3!:4 73-.7 /E70-.%0/14 .19 <0%5 %53 1383440%;%/ and to ta(e corrective action when such conduct has occurred. Complete confidentialitycannot be guaranteed. 01I34%0-.%3 .773-.%0/14 !enalties for 4iolation B. $tudents. Bny student who se"ually harasses another student or person in violation of Board policy will be sub#ect to punishment in accordance with the Code of $tudent Conduct. Bny such discipline will be implemented consistent with due process re uirements. B. Employees. Bny employee who se"ually harasses a student, employee, or other person in violation of Board policy will be sub#ect to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination. Bny such 1F

disciplinary action will be implemented consistent with applicable law and due process re uirements. /etaliation !rohibited+ Bny form of retaliation or adverse action ta(en in response to a good faith report of se"ual harassment is e"pressly prohibited. !roviding 8alse Information+ Bny student or employee who falsely and in bad faith accuses another of se"ual harassment or who otherwise (nowingly provides false information regarding se"ual harassment may be sub#ect to appropriate disciplinary action. =otification+ =otice of this policy will be disseminated to all schools and departments of the Calhoun County $chool $ystem and will be incorporated into teacher and student handboo(s. 7rientation on this policy shall be conducted for teachers and students in all schools on an annual basis. Compliance 7fficer+ )he Compliance 7fficer may be reached at the following address ' telephone number+ Es. Cynthia 3unt, !.7. Bo" DMCF, Bnniston, B0 ?GDMD, (D@G) JF1&JFOD. RACIAL HARASSMENT POLICY )itle 4I of the Civil /ights Bct of 1OGF prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin in any program or activity that receives 8ederal financial assistance from the .epartment of Education. 2nder )itle 4I, school officials have an obligation to address discriminatory conduct, including racial harassment. !rohibition Bgainst /acial 3arassment )he Calhoun County $chool .istrict is committed to maintaining a learning environment free from racial discrimination and harassment. Bll forms of racial discrimination and harassment are prohibited within the Calhoun County $chools. .efinition of /acial 3arassment 8or purposes of this policy, racial harassment of a student consists of verbal, written, or physical conduct 237.%01- %/ .1 0190I096.7:4 8/7/2 /2 2.83 <531 the har.4401- 1. 8/1968% 04 46II08031%7; 43I323 $32404%31% /2 $32I.40I3 %5.% 0% .II38%4 . 4%6931%:4 participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity or creates an intimidating, hostile, .E070%;%/ threatening or abusive educational environment, D. the harassing conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an 0190I096.7:4 .8.93!08 $32I/2!.183 /2 %53 5.2.4401?. 8/1968% /%532<043 .9I32437; .II38%4 .1 0190I096.7:4 73.2101- /$$/2%610%034 In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes a violation of this policy, consideration should be given to the surrounding circumstances, the nature of the behavior, the relationships between the parties involved, and the conte"t in which the alleged incidents occurred. %hether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation re uires a determination based on all of the facts and circumstances.
N !"# "xamples of behaviors that may result in a hostile environment when racially motivated $and when one or more of theaboveconditionsismet% include# intimidationor threatsof physicalviolence; physicalactsof aggressionor assault; demeaning comments, racial jokes or slurs, or other derogatory remarks of a racial nature; or written or visual displays $drawings, graffiti, etc.% expressing racially derogatory sentiments.

!rocedures for /eporting /acial 3arassment Bgainst a $tudent )he following procedures are intended to provide an effective means of enforcing the strict prohibition against racial harassment and to facilitate reporting, processing, and resolution of racial harassment complaints. Bccordingly, they may be fle"ibly applied as appropriate to serve their intended purposes, and are not intended to limit the right or authority of the Board to address or respond to complaints of racial harassment or related misconduct. Bny student who believes that he or she has been or is being sub#ected to any form of racial harassment or has (nowledge of racial harassment involving other students should promptly report the matter to a teacher, counselor, or school administrator, who, in turn should apprise the Compliance 7fficer of the reported incident. Complaints may be brought on a 4%6931%:4 E35.7I E; . $.231% -6.290.1 8/61437/2 /2 /%532 485//7 /II080.7 C1932 1/ 80286!4%.1ces student be re uired to present the matter for investigation or resolution to the person who is alleged to have shall a committed the harassment. 1@

$ome cases are most appropriately resolved by investigation and disposition at the local school in accordance with applicable disciplinary guidelines. In such cases, the principal may investigate and attempt to resolve the matter without more formal procedures. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or other complaining party, the student or his representative mayinitiate a formal complaint under the Complaint ' 9rievance !rocedure approved by the Board of Education. Confidentiality )he right of confidentiality, for both the complaining party and the accused, will be respected to the e"tent $2.8%08.7 8/1404%31% <0%5 %53 485//7 4;4%3!:4 73-.7 /E70-.%0/14 .19 <0%5 %53 1383440%;%/ and to ta(e.773-.%0/14 corrective action when such conduct has occurred. Complete confidentialitycannot be guaranteed. 01I34%0-.%3 !enalties for 4iolation B. $tudents. Bny student who racially harasses another student or person in violation of Board policy will be sub#ect to punishment in accordance with the Code of $tudent Conduct. Bny such discipline will be implemented consistent with due process re uirements. B. Employees. Bny employee who racially harasses a student, employee, or other person in violation of Board policy will be sub#ect to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination. Bny such disciplinary action will be implemented consistent with applicable law and due process re uirements. /etaliation !rohibited+ Bny form of retaliation or adverse action ta(en in response to a good faith report of racial harassment is e"pressly prohibited. !roviding 8alse Information+ Bny student who falsely and in bad faith accuses another of racial harassment or who otherwise (nowingly provides false information regarding racial harassment maybe sub#ect to appropriate disciplinary action. =otification+ =otice of this policy will be disseminated to all schools and departments of the Calhoun County $chool $ystem and will be incorporated into teacher and student handboo(s. 7rientation on this policy shall be conducted for teachers and students in all schools on an annual basis. Compliance 7fficer+ )he Compliance 7fficer may be reached at the following address ' phone W+ Es. Cynthia 3unt, !.7. Bo" DMCF, Bnniston, B0 ?GDMD, (D@G) JF1&JFOD. COMPLAINTBGRIE:ANCE PROCEDURE !urpose ' .efinition )he CCB7E has established this procedure for the purpose of encouraging prompt and fair resolution of student'parent and employee complaints. )his procedure re uires a reasonable effort to resolve the complaint before invo(ing the formal grievance process and is intended to assure fairness to all parties, while providing for timely resolution of complaints. 1. 9rievable Eatters. 9rievable matters under this policy are limited to employee or student ' parent complaints that are based on alleged violations of Board policy or alleged violations of laws directly affecting the rights of the complaining party. )hese may include complaints alleging illegal discrimination or harassment because of race, se", religion, national origin, age, disability or other 93$20I.%0/1 /I .1 0190I096.7:4 73-.7 20-5%4 J53 85.7731-39 .8%0/1 /2 938040/1 !64% .II38% %53 personally and directly. -203I.1% D. Bctions and decisions that are not grievable under this procedure include+ M.%%324 01I/7I01- %53 X/.29:4 20-5% %/ 34tablish educational policy or to prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the schools. !ersonnel actions or decisions that are reviewable under specific statutory procedures established for such purposes, including the teacher tenure and fair dismissal laws. %6931% 90480$701.2; G 938040/14 %5.% .23 46EE38% %/ 23I03< 61932 %53 X/.29:4 $/708; -/I32101.isciplinary .ue !rocess. Eatters related to educational or other services for disabled students that are sub#ect to review under established procedures for implementing I.EB and'or $ection @MF of the /ehabilitation Bct. Bny other matters for which more specific procedures are available that are more precisely %.07/239 %/ %53 -203I.1%:4 8/!$7.01%


)he following compliance officers may be contacted for further assistance+ Claims regarding disability+ -anice Cain, (D@G) JF1&JF?@ Claims based on gender, race, ethnic origin, age, or other+ Cynthia 3unt, (D@G) JF1&JFOD !/7CE.2/E 0evel 7ne (Informal !rocedures) )o initiate the complaint ' grievance process, an employee or student (or the studentKs parent or guardian) should first discuss his or her complaint with an immediate supervisor, school principal, or other local administrator, with the ob#ective of securing, at the lowest possible level, an e uitable and wor(able solution to the problem. )he supervisor ' principal shall confer with the employee or student concerning the complaint and shall ta(e appropriate steps with a view toward arriving at a satisfactory resolution. In the event the grievance cannot be satisfactorily resolved at this informal level, the complaining party must initiate the formal grievance process (0evel )wo) within five (@) calendar days of the informal conference, and not more than twenty (DM) calendar days from the occurrence or conduct that originally gave rise to the complaint. Special Guidelines for Level One Sexual Harassment Complaints: Students. B student ma(ing a se"ual harassment complaintunderthis procedure may report the matter to a teacher, counselor, orschool administrator, who, in turn should apprisethe Compliance Officer ofthe reported incident. The studentma choose to ma!e the reporttoa person ofthe same 43R .4 %53 4%6931%. C/!$7.01%4 !.; E3 E2/6-5% /1 . 4%6931%:4 E35.7I E; . $.231t, guardian, counselor, or other school official. "nderno circumstances shall a studentbere#uiredtopresentthe matter for investi$ation or resolutionto the personwho is alle$edtohavecommittedtheharassment. %mplo ees. Bnemployee ma(inga se"ualharassmentcomplaintmay reportthe matterto his or her supervisor, who, in turn should apprisethe ComplianceOfficerofthereportedincident. &nemplo ee ma chooseto ma!e the reportto a supervisor ofthe same sex as the emplo ee or directl tothe Compliance Officer or otherCentral Officeofficial. "nderno circumstances shall an emplo ee be re#uired to presentthe matter for investi$ation or resolution to the personwhois alle$edtohave committed the harassment. 'See also S%("&L )*SC+*,*-&T*O- &-) H&+&SS,%-T .OL*C/.0 0evel )wo (8ormal !rocedures) If the complaint is not successfully resolved as a result of the conference between the complaining party and the supervisor ' principal, then the complainant shall submit his or her grievance ' complaint in writing to the supervisor ' principal within five (@) calendar days of the conference (and within twenty (DM) calendar days of the original occurrence). )he signed, written complaint should contain the following information+ 1. B complete description ' e"planation of the grievance or complaint, including the date(s) of the incident or act on which complaint is based, the names of students, employees, supervisors, or administrators responsible for or involved in the incident, the identity of any witnesses, and all other facts supporting the complaint, D. )he specific remedy or corrective action sought by the complaining party, ?. B statement describing efforts to resolve the complaint informally or e"plaining the reasons such efforts were not pursued, F. Copies of any relevant documents or evidentiary materials in the possession of the complaining party. 2pon review of the written submission and factual information, including such investigation as he or she deems appropriate, the supervisor ' principal shall transmit a written decision to the aggrieved within ten (1M) calendar days of receipt of the written grievance. If a grievance is pursued beyond this level, written records should be forwarded to the ne"t level of procedure by the aggrieved. 0evel )hree If the aggrieved is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at 0evel )wo, he or she may appeal the decision to the $uperintendent or his'her appropriate designee (i.e., Compliance 7fficer) within five (@) calendar days of the receipt of the 0evel )wo decision. 53 G6$3201%31931% J /2 G6$3201%31931%:4 9340-133 <077 23I03< %53 <20%%31 46E!0440/1 .19 prior proceedings/I and will initiate an investigation, which may include witness interviews, review of written 9/86!31%.%0/1 statements, administrative conference or hearing, or other action deemed appropriate and necessaryto reach 1J

a #ust disposition of the grievance. 2pon completion of the investigation, the $uperintendent or designee shall prepare a written decision that shall be mailed or transmitted to the complaining party within twenty (DM) calendar days of the date on which the complaint was submitted to the $uperintendent (e"cept in case of e"tenuating circumstances). 0evel 8our B grievant who is dissatisfied with the decision of the $uper01%31931% /2 %53 G6$3201%31931%:4 9340-133 !.; appeal the decision to the Board of Education by filing a written notice of appeal with the $uperintendent within I0I3 8.7319.2 9.;4 /I %53 9.%3 /I 1/%0I08.%0/1 /I %53 G6$3201%31931%:4 938040/1 C$/1 238eiving the appeal, the $uperintendent shall forward to the Board the complete record of prior proceedings, including the notice of <20%%31 -203I.183 %53 G6$3201%31931%:4 938040/1 73%%32 %53 1/%083 /I .$$3.7 .19 .77 <20%%31 evidence filed, submitted, or considered at any stage of the grievance process. Bt the ne"t scheduled Board 9/86!31%.%0/1 .19 M33%01- /2 .4 4//1 .4 $2.8%08.E73 I/77/<01- %53 G6$3201%31931%:4 23830$% /I %53 1/%083 /I appeal shall be placed on the Board Eeeting agenda for consideration. .$$3.7 grievance %53 2pon consideration of the grievance appeal and record, the Board may, by ma#ority vote+ 1. Bffirm the decision of the $uperintendent, D. Eodify the decision of the $uperintendent, ?. .efer final action until an evidentiary hearing is held on the grievance. )he decision of the $uperintendent shall be final unless an action reversing or modifying the decision is approved by ma#ority vote of the Board. If a hearing by the Board is approved, the hearing shall be set as soon as is practicable and written notice of the hearing date shall be provided to the grievant. )he parties may be represented by legal counsel or other representative of their choosing and shall have the opportunity to present evidence in support of his or her position. )he Board shall render a decision and shall provide written notification of the decision within ten (1M) calendar days of the close of the hearing. )he Board shall see( to preserve the confidentiality of such proceedings consistent with the re uirements of 8E/!B, the Blabama 7pen Eeetings Bct, and other applicable law. SEARCH AND SEIKURE POLICY $chool !roperty )he Board of Education fully recogni*es the implications of constitutional law in the area of student privacy. )he Board is e ually aware that such tangible personal propertyitems as student des(s, loc(ers, and related property are and remain the property of the Board of Education. )he Board of Education is charged with the maintenance of such property items and thus, authori*es inspection for any maintenance&related reasons and other reasons related to the routine operations of the school and classroom. %ith respect to opening said student loc(ers or des(s for other reasons, the following shall be considered applicable throughout the $chool .istrict. .es(s, loc(ers and other e uipment at anyschool belong to the $chool Board and, although assigned to particular students for use may be entered and searched by school officials whenever said school officials have reasonable belief that some substance or other material is contained therein which is illegal, harmful to the safety of the student himself or the student body as a whole, or significantly disruptive of or dangerous to the overall discipline of the school. Bny items which are specifically prohibited by law, by Board of Education policy or by fair and reasonable local school regulation may be impounded by school officials. In such cases, students shall be given a receipt for said impounded items. $uch prohibited items shall include, but shall not be limited to the following+ (1) weapons, (D) drugs of any sort, (?) alcoholic beverages, (F) pornographic or otherwise obscene materials, (@) tobacco products, (G) pagers and other electronic communication devices, and (J) any other ob#ect, controlled substance, or materials which would be a violation or evidence of a violation of federal or state law, of Board !olicy, or of the local schoolKs fair and reasonable regulation. !olice Interrogations of $tudents B student enrolled in the school district shall not be interrogated by any law enforcement authority on school property during regular school hours without the (nowledge of the schoolKs principal or his designee. Bll interrogations and interviews shall be conducted in a private setting, and an official school representative shall normally be present. In appropriate situations, school officials may permit private interviews with students by police officers. /easonable effort shall be made to contact a parent or guardian and'or to have a parent or 1C

guardian present. In those instances when a parent'guardian cannot be contacted or is not present within a reasonable period of time, school officials must allow interviews by law enforcement officials to proceed in the absence of the parent'guardian. If the student is to be removed from the school by police officers, a reasonable effort shall be made to contact the parent'guardian . Q-(#&"%$"$7 %* "$&(*+"(6"$7 %0 #&-,($&# '%$,-'&(, 41 #'!%%/ %00"'"./# DOES NOT *(C-"*( ).*($&./ '%$&.'& %* '%$#($&5 (+($ "0 #-'! C-(#&"%$"$7 %''-*# "$ &!( )*(#($'( %* +"'"$"&1 %0 /.6 ($0%*'(3($& %00"'"./# %* &!( "$0%*3.&"%$ %4&."$(, 41 #'!%%/ %00"'"./# "# /.&(* #!.*(, 6"&! /.6 ($0%*'(3($&. $earch of $tudentKs !erson ' !ersonal Effects )he Board of Education authori*es teachers and administrative personnel who have reasonable belief that a student or students are in possession of weapons, illegal drugs, or other items harmful to the student or students or to the welfare of the student body to search the person or personal effects and property (i.e. boo( bags, purses, outer clothing, vehicles, etc.) of said student(s) under the following conditions+ 1. D. ?. Bny such action shall not be underta(en by school personnel unless there is a reasonable belief, which can be substantiated if necessary, that there is a violation of law or policy and that the student(s) are in possession of items harmful to the student(s) or to the welfare of the student body, Bny such action shall not deliberately be intended to embarrass, harass, or intimidate the student(s), Bny such action shall be with the (nowledge and under the supervision of the school principal or assistant principal (or designated assistant).

Bny search of a studentKs person (pat down) shall be done privately by a teacher or administrator of the same se" as the student to be searched. 2nless e"tenuating circumstances prevent, at least one witness who is an administrator or teacher, also of the same se" as said student, shall be present throughout the search. B written record of the search shall be maintained in the office of the school principal. /easonable belief of the violation may be based separately or severally upon information from such sources as faculty members, other school personnel, reliable students, law enforcement officers, visual evidence or other reasonable source. :EHICLES ON SCHOOL CAMPUS $tudents in the Calhoun County $chool $ystem may be permitted to drive private vehicles to school under the following conditions+ 1. .riving privileges on school campuses are restricted to those students who have a valid driverKs license and a current vehicle license, and who have been authori*ed by the principal and have purchased a decal which is properly displayed. D. $tudents are e"pected to par( their vehicles in designated areas and to leave the vehicles immediately. $itting in vehicles par(ed on school campus at any time is strictly prohibited. ?. $tudents are re uired to carry liability insurance on vehicles driven to school, in accordance with state law. !roof of liability insurance is re uired. F. In order to operate a vehicle on school campus, the student must sign an agreement'ac(nowledgement regarding the studentKs full understanding of the rules and willingness to abide by same. )he student must agree as follows+ )he student driver agrees to abide by all Blabama traffic laws, safety regulations, and school system rules regarding vehicles. )he student driver understands that the local school administration retains the right to revo(e driving or par(ing privileges if it is deemed that the student is operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner, or that the continued operation of the vehicle would be a safety ha*ard to others, or for any other violation of this policy. )he student driver will operate his'her vehicle in accordance with state and local laws and will obey all common rules of safety, courtesy, and consideration of others. )he student also understands and agrees that the vehicle is sub#ect to inspection and search by school officials in accordance with law and the $earch and $ei*ure policy of the Board of Education. STUDENT ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY - F%* &!( U#( %0 T('!$%/%71 I$&*%,-'&"%$ Q.75/61 Q/61%; X/.29 /I (968.%0/1 >%53 X/.29A 238/-10H34 %5.% .88344 %/ %3851/7/-; 01 485//7 -0I34 students greater opportunities to learn, engage, communicate, and develop s(ills that will prepare them for 1O

wor(, life, and citi*enship. %e are committed to helping students develop D1 century technology and communication s(ills. )o that end, we provide access to technologies for student and staff use. )his Bcceptable 2se !olicy outlines the guidelines and behaviors that users are e"pected to follow when using school technologies or when using personally&owned devices on the school campus or in connection with school activities. J53 485//7 E/.29:4 13%</2= 04 01%31939 I/r educational purposes. Bll activity over the networ( or when using district technologies may be monitored and retained. Bccess to online content via the networ( may be restricted in accordance with our policies and federal regulations, such as the Childre1:4 ,1%3213% ?2/%38%0/1 N8% Q,?N $tudents are e"pected to follow the same rules for good behavior and respectful conduct online as offline. 53 X/.29:4 $/708034 J 23-67.%0/14 .19 26734 /I 8/1968% .$$7; 1/% /17; %/ 643 /I 485//7&owned resources, but also to personally&owned technology resources brought on school property or used in connection with school activities. 53 X/.29:4 90480$701.2; J E6204908%0/1 !.; 0187693 /II&8.!$64 .8%0I0%; %5.% %523.%314 %53 485//7:4 to maintain a safe and orderly environment (&oard 'isciplinary (urisdiction, @.1G in !olicyEanual and .E070%; page 1 in $tudent 3andboo(). Eisuse of school resources or personal devices can result in disciplinary action. 2sers may be financially liable for damage ' loss from misuse or negligence. 53 X/.29 !.=34 . J 23.4/1.E73 3II/2% %/ 314623 4%6931%4: 4.I3%; .19 438620%; /17013 E6% <077 1/% held accountable for any harm or damages that result from use of school technologies. E3 2sers of the district networ( or other technologies are e"pected to alert the )echnology .epartment or local administrative staff immediately of any concerns for safety or security. T('!$%/%7"(# C%+(*(, )he Board may provide Internet access, des(top computers, mobile computers or devices, videoconferencing capabilities, online collaboration capabilities, message boards, email, and more. Bs new technologies emerge, )he Board will attempt to provide access to them. )he policies outlined in this document are intended to cover all available technologies, not #ust those specifically listed. )his includes personally&owned devices, such as cell phones or other mobile devices, when used on the school campus or in connection with school activities. U#.7( P%/"'"(# Bll technologies provided by the district are intended for education purposes. Bll users are e"pected to use good #udgment and to follow the specifics of this document as well as the spirit of it+ be safe, appropriate, careful and (ind, do not try to get around technological protection measures, use good common sense, and .4= 0I ;/6 9/1:% =1/< W(4 A''(## )he Board provides its users with access to the Internet, including web sites, resources, content, and online tools. )hat access will be restricted in compliance with CI!B regulations and school policies. %eb browsing may be monitored and web activity records may be retained indefinitely. 2sers are e"pected to respect that the web filter is a safety precaution, and should not try to circumvent it when browsing the %eb. If a site is E7/8=39 .19 . 6432 E3703I34 0% 45/6791:% E3 %53 6432 45/679 I/77/< 904%208% $2/%/8/7 %/ .732% . member or submit the site for review. %3851/7/-; 4%.II E3."/ )he Board may provide users with email accounts for the purpose of school&related communication. Bvailability and use may be restricted based on school policies. If users are provided with email accounts, they should be used with care. 2sers should not send personal information, should not attempt to open files or follow lin(s from un(nown or uestionable origin, should use appropriate language, and should only communicate with other people as allowed by the district policy or the teacher. 2sers are e"pected to communicate with the same appropriate, safe, mindful, courteous conduct online as offline. Email usage may be monitored and archived. S%'"./ B W(4 2.0 B C%//.4%*.&"+( C%$&($& /ecogni*ing the benefits collaboration brings to education, )he Board may provide users with access to web sites or tools that allow communication, collaboration, sharing, and messaging among users. 2sers are e"pected to communicate with the same appropriate, safe, mindful, courteous conduct online as offline. !osts, chats, sharing, and messaging may be monitored. 2sers should be careful not to share personally&identifying information online. DM


M%4"/( D(+"'(# )he Board may provide users with mobile computers or other devices to promote learning outside of the classroom. 2sers should abide by the same acceptable use policies when using school devices off the school networ( as on the school networ(. 2sers are e"pected to treat these devices with e"treme care and caution, these are e"pensive devices that the school is entrusting to your care. 2sers should report any loss, damage, or malfunction to the )echnology .epartment or local administrative staff immediately. 2sers may be financiallyaccountable for anydamage or loss resulting from negligence or misuse. 2se of school&issued mobile devices off the school networ( maybe monitored. P(*#%$.//1-O6$(, D(+"'(# $tudents should (eep personally&owned devices (including laptops, tablets, smart phones, and cell phones) turned off and put away during school hours e"cept as authori*ed or directed by school personnel. In all matters involving the use or possession of personally&owned devices, students are e"pected to abide by the Code of $tudent Conduct, the Cell !hone !olicy, and all other applicable school policies and rules. Because of security concerns, when personally&owned mobile devices are used on campus, they should not be used over the school networ( without e"press permission from )echnology staff. S('-*"&1 2sers are e"pected to ta(e reasonable safeguards against the transmission of securitythreats over the school networ(. )his includes not opening or distributing infected files or programs and not opening files or programs of un(nown or uestionable origin. If you believe a computer or mobile device you are using might be infected with a virus, please alert the )echnology .epartment. .o not attempt to remove the virus yourself or download any programs to help remove the virus. D%6$/%.,# 2sers should not download or attempt to download or run programs over the school networ( or onto school resources without e"press permission from school personnel. 8or the security of our networ(, users should download only authori*ed files from reputable sites, and only for educational purposes. N(&"C-(&&( 2sers should always use the Internet, networ( resources, and online sites in a courteous and respectful manner. 2sers should also recogni*e that among the valuable content online there is unverified, incorrect, or inappropriate content. 2sers should use trusted sources when conducting research via the Internet. 2sers should also remember not to post anything online that they would not want parents, teachers, or future 8/773-34 /2 3!$7/;324 %/ 433 D183 4/!3%501- 04 /17013 0%:4 /6% %5323Yand can sometimes be shared and spread in ways you never intended. P/.7".*"#3 2sers should not plagiari*e (or use as their own, without citing the original creator) content, including words or 0!.-34 I2/! %53 ,1%3213% C4324 45/679 1/% %.=3 82390% I/2 %501-4 %53; 9091:% 823.%3 misrepresent themselves as an author or creator of something found online. /esearch conducted via the %53!437I34 /2 Internet should be appropriately cited, giving credit to the original author. P(*#%$./ S.0(&1 2sers should never share personal information, including phone number, address, social security number, birth date, or financial information, over the Internet without adult permission. 2sers should recogni*e that communicating over the Internet or other electronic means brings certain ris(s, and should carefullysafeguard personal information. 2sers should never agree to meet with someone that they me% /17013 >01 23.7 70I3A without parental permission. If you see a message, comment, image, or anything else online that ma(es you concerned for your personal safety, bring it to the attention of an adult. $tudents should immediatelybring any threatening or unwelcome communications to the attention of school personnel. C14(*4-//1"$7 Cyberbullying will not be tolerated. 3arassing, threatening, insulting, impersonating, e"cluding, and cyberstal(ing are all e"amples of cyberbullying. .o not send or post electronic communications with the intent of scaring, hurting, or intimidating someone else. Engaging in these behaviors or anyonline activities intended D1

to physically or emotionally harm another person will result in serious disciplinaryaction and loss of privileges. In some cases, cyberbullying can be a crime. R(3(34(* &!.& 1%-* .'&"+"&"(# .*( 3%$"&%*(, .$, *(&."$(,. A''(## .$, P*"+.'1 Bll users will be provided with networ( storage space and should use only those accounts, files, software, and technology resources that are assigned to him'her. =etwor( storage areas will be treated li(e school loc(ers. =etwor( administrators will review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are using the system responsibly. 2sers of school technology resources have no personal right of privacy or confidentiality with respect to the use of such resources and should not e"pect files, information, or communication stored on school resources to be private. U$.-&!%*"E(, A''(## Individuals shall not attempt to log in to the networ( by using another users account and'or password, or allow someone to use his'her password to access the networ(, email, or the Internet. Individuals must not attempt to modify technology resources, utilities, and configurations, or change the restrictions associated with his'her accounts, or attempt to breach any technology resources security system, either with or without malicious intent. Individuals must not attempt to disrupt any computer services or data byspreading viruses, spamming, hac(ing, or any other means. I$.))*%)*".&( M.&(*"./# %* L.$7-.7( =o profane, obscene, lewd, inflammatory, abusive, harassing, threatening, discriminatory, or impolite language should be used, nor should materials be accessed which are not in line with the rules of school behavior. Eaterials placed on or lin(ed to system or school&sponsored %eb pages must be preapproved byan administrator or authori*ed designee. E<.3)/(# %0 A''()&.4/( U#(2 $tudents will+ 2se school technologies for school&related activities. 8ollow same guidelines for respectful, responsible behavior online that students are e"pected to follow offline. )reat school resources carefully and alert staff if there is any problem with operation. Encourage positive, constructive discussion if allowed to use communicative or collaborative technologies. Blert a teacher or other staff member of threatening, inappropriate, or harmful content (images, messages, posts) online. 2se technologies at appropriate times, in approved places, for educational pursuits. Cite sources when using online sites and resources for research. /ecogni*e that use of school technologies is a privilege and treat it as such. Be cautious to protect the safety of self and others. 3elp to protect the security of school resources. )his is not intended to be an e"haustive list. E<.3)/(# %0 U$.''()&.4/( U#(2 $tudents will not+ 2se technologies to hurt, harass, attac( or harm other people or their wor(. Bttempt to find or access inappropriate web sites, images, or content. 2se language online that would be unacceptable in the classroom. Engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or disrespectful conduct toward others .amage computers, computer systems, or computer networ(s in any way (this includes changing wor(station configurations such as screen savers, bac(grounds, printers, BI7$ information, preset passwords, etc.). Install software or download unauthori*ed files, games, programs, or other electronic media. Bttempt to hac( or access sites, servers, or content not intended for my use. Bttempt to circumvent school safety measures and filtering tools. $end spam, electronic chain letters, or other useless information. %aste limited resources such as dis( space and printing capacity. !ost personally&identifying information about myself or others. Bgree to meet in real life with someone that the student met online. DD

2se technologies for illegal activities, to pursue information about such activities, or to access illegal materials (i.e. threats, instructions on how to perform an illegal act, child pornography, drug dealing, fa(e identifications, purchase of alcohol, gang activities, etc.) !lagiari*e content found online or violate copyright laws. 4iew, send, display, or use racist, discriminatory, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, disrespectful, threatening, or inflammatory language, messages or pictures. $hare password with others or attempt to find out the password of others. !ost false or damaging information about other people, the school system, or school organi*ations. )respass 01 .1/%532 6432:4 </2= I/79324 /2 I0734 2se system networ( resources for personal gain or commercial purposes. )his is not intended to be an e"haustive list. L"3"&.&"%$ %0 L".4"/"&1 B D"#'/."3(*# )he Calhoun County $chool $ystem ma(es no warranties of any (ind, either e"pressed or implied, that %53 I618%0/14 /2 %53 432I0834 $2/I0939 E; /2 %52/6-5 %53 X/.29:4 %3851/7/-; 234/62834 <077 E3 without defect. 322/2&free or Blthough the Board employs filtering and other safety and security mechanisms, and attempts to ensure their proper function, it ma(es no guarantees as to their effectiveness. )he Board will not be responsible, financially or otherwise, for unauthori*ed transactions conducted or financial obligations incurred on the system networ(. )he Board will not be responsible for damage or harm to persons, files, data, or hardware. =either the school nor the Calhoun County Board of Education will be responsible for any damages or losses incurred, including but not limited to+ loss of data resulting from delays or interruption of service, loss of data stored on system resources, damage to personal property used to access system resources, the accuracy, nature, or uality of information stored on system resources, or unauthori*ed financial obligations incurred through system&provided access. A,%)&"%$ %0 R-/(# .$, P*%'(,-*(# )he $uperintendent or designee is authori*ed to develop additional or more specific rules, procedures, or guidelines regarding acceptable use of technology to facilitate implementation of this policy. S(.*'! .$, I$#)('&"%$ %0 T('!$%/%71 R(#%-*'(# .$, D(+"'(# Bll technology resources, including but not limited to networ( and Internet resources, accounts, email systems, computers, and other devices owned, leased, or maintained by the Board are the sole property of the Board. Buthori*ed Board personnel may, at any time and without prior notice, access, search, e"amine, inspect, collect, or retrieve 01I/2!.%0/1 /I .1; =019 I2/! %53 X/.29:4 %3851/7/-; 234/62834 %/ 93%32!013 0I . 6432 violation of Board policies or rules regarding access to and use of technology resources, for or in connection 04 01 with any other matter or reason related to the safe and efficient operation and administration of the school system, or for any other reason not prohibited by law. In addition, any device (regardless of ownership) brought onto school grounds by a student is sub#ect to immediate inspection when there is a reasonable 464$080/1 %5.% %53 8/1%31%4 /2 23831% 6%070H.%0/1 /I %53 93I083 04 01 I0/7.%0/1 /I .1; /I %53 or $/708034 regulations regarding X/.29:4 26734 access to and use of technology resources. :"%/.&"%$# %0 A''()&.4/( U#( P%/"'1 $tudent use of the computer networ(, the Internet, and other technology resources is a privilege not a right. 4iolations of this policy may have disciplinary repercussions, including, but not limited to, the following+ $uspension or termination of networ(, technology, or computer privileges Completion of online course regarding acceptable use or similar corrective or rehabilitative measures 0oss of privilege of bringing personally&owned technology devices to school =otification of and'or conference with parents In&school detention, out&of&school suspension, suspension from school bus, or other disciplinary actions as authori*ed by the Code of $tudent Conduct 8inancial accountability for damage or loss 0egal action and'or prosecution D?

CELL PHONE POLICY I$&*%,-'&"%$ !ursuant to Blabama Code $ection 1G&1&DJ, the Board has developed this policy to regulate and limit the possession by students of cellular telephones, poc(et pagers, and other electronic communication devices (EC.s) during the school day, at school activities, and on school transportation. Bs a preliminary matter, the Board recogni*es that cell phones may provide for convenient after&school communication between parents and students. )he Board also recogni*es, however, that cell phones contribute to numerous disciplinary and safety issues when possessed and used by students during the school day. 8or this reason, the Board strongly discourages the possession of cell phones and similar devices by students at school, and urges parents to help us limit the presence of these devices at school to the greatest e"tent possible. !arents are encouraged to help school officials ensure that students do not carry such devices to school e"cept when deemed to be necessary for after&school communication. )hus, for e"ample, a student who is being transported directly to and from school, with no after&school activities, should have no need to possess a cell phone while at school, and such possession is strongly discouraged. $tudents who do carry cell phones or other EC.s are *(C-"*(, to (eep them put away and out of sight at school. $tudents who have a vehicle at school are encouraged to leave the devices in their loc(ed I3508734 G%6931%4 <5/ 9/1:% 5.I3 . I350873 E6% 5.I3 . 7/8=32 .23 318/62.-39 %/ =33$ $5/134 01 loc(ed loc(ers. $tudents who do not have access to a vehicle or loc(er at school must (eep phones in a %5302 boo( bag, purse, or similar non&visible location. A// )!%$(# 3-#& 4( #&%*(, %-& %0 #"7!& .& .// &"3(# ,-*"$7 &!( #'!%%/ ,.1. R-/(# G%+(*$"$7 P%##(##"%$ %0 C(// P!%$(# .$, %&!(* ECD# .& S'!%%/ 1. )he power on all such devices must be turned off during school hours, on the school bus, and at any time that the student is a participant in an after&school activity under the direct supervision of school personnel. D. $tudents are not permitted to use cell phones and other EC.s during school hours (including transportation on the school bus) e"cept with the e"press permission of a school administrator. ?. $tudents must ensure that phones are put away and are stored out of sight during the school day. A #&-,($& 6!% !.# . )!%$( %-& #% &!.& "& "# +"#"4/( ,-*"$7 &!( #'!%%/ ,.1 6"// 4( )*(#-3(, &% 4( -#"$7 &!( )!%$( .$, 6"// 4( ,"#'")/"$(, .''%*,"$7/1. F. $tudents participating in supervised after&school activities are not permitted to use such devices e"cept in accordance with the directives of the school personnel supervising the activity. @. $chool personnel will confiscate the cell phones and EC.s of students who violate this policy, and will re uire parents to retrieve the devices. Cell phones confiscated under this policy are sub#ect to be searched by school officials to determine %53 48/$3 /I %53 4%6931%:4 I0/7.%0/1 .19 %/ 0931%0I; other students who may have participated in violating the cell phone policy. G. 2nauthori*ed use of a cell phone or EC. during school hours, on the school bus, or while participating in a supervised school activity will constitute an Intermediate 4iolation of the Code of $tudent Conduct, and students committing such violations will be sub#ect to appropriate discipline. /epeat violations of this policy may be disciplined as Ea#or 4iolations and repeat offenders may be banned from having a cell phone at school. J. B student who uses a cell phone in a manner that constitutes a violation of any other provision of the Code of $tudent Conduct may be disciplined accordingly. )hus, by way of e"ample, a student who do<17/.94 0193831% !.%320.74 6434 . 8377 $5/13 %/ >%3R%A $2/I.13 !344.-34 6434 . 93I083 %/ >%3R%A .14<324 %/ . %34% 6434 . 93I083 %/ !.=3 . E/!E %523.% 6434 . 8377 $5/13 %/ 238/29 . fight or group violence, or commits any other act that violates Board policy, will be sub#ect to the applicable discipline for the particular offense. @. )he Board is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones or other EC.s. $chool personnel will not investigate the reported loss or theft of such devices. )he $uperintendent is authori*ed and directed to establish procedures for implementation of this policy, including appropriate notification to parents and appropriate inclusion in the Code of $tudent Conduct.


III. CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT DISCIPLINARY METHODS AND PROCEDURES )he following disciplinary methods and procedures shall be implemented in accordance with Board policy and an applicable degree of due process shall be followed in each instance. .ue process afforded shall be commensurate with both the gravity of the offense and the severity of the contemplated penalty. )his listing of disciplinary methods is not all&inclusive, and is not meant to suggest that other reasonable disciplinaryactions are disapproved by the Board. !rofessional discretion will be e"ercised by school administrators in assigning or recommending appropriate discipline. B(0%*( %* A0&(* S'!%%/ D(&($&"%$ )he principal, or his'her designee, has the authority to assign students to a designated area at the beginning or end of the regular school day for a reasonable and specified period of time. B parent or guardian is responsible for providing transportation in these cases. B reasonable attempt will be made to notify a parent or guardian prior to the assignment of a student to detention. If the parent or guardian is notified on the dayof the misbehavior, the student will be assigned on that day, if not, the student will be assigned following notification of parent or guardian. D"#'")/"$.*1 P*%4.&"%$ .isciplinary probation is a period of time specified by the $uperintendent, principal, or his'her designee, during which a student must correct his'her behavior while abiding by all other school regulations. )he staff members involved in the action will assist in monitoring the studentKs ad#ustment to the school environment. D"#'")/"$.*1 W%*8 B C/(.$--) A##"7$3($& )he principal, or his'her designee, has the authority to assign supervised activities related to the up(eep and maintenance of school facilities for a reasonable and specified period of time. %or( assignments shall not interfere with any studentKs regular class schedule. B parent or guardian will be notified prior to the studentKs placement in a wor( or clean&up assignment and will be responsible for transportation. I$-S'!%%/ D(&($&"%$ In&school detention is a structured disciplinary action in which a student is isolated or removed from regular classroom activities but not dismissed from the school setting. )he principal, or his'her designee, has the authority to assign students to the in&school detention program for up to five (@) consecutive days consistent with Board policy. E"tended I$. assignments re uire approval of the $uperintendent. $tudents assigned to the in&school detention program will be counted present to school and will be allowed to continue or ma(e up their academic wor( in accordance with board policy. $tudents assigned to I$. may be re uired to perform written wor( assignments as directed by the I$. supervisor. S'!%%/ B-# S-#)($#"%$ )he principal, or his'her designee, has the authority to deny a student the privilege of riding a bus. )his denial, based on the misconduct of the student, will be for a reasonable and specified period of time. B parent or guardian will be notified prior to suspension from the bus and will be responsible for providing transportation in such cases. P!1#"'./ R(#&*."$& Employees of the Board of Education are authori*ed to use reasonable physical force to restrain a student from in#uring or attempting to in#ure himself or others. $uch action may be ta(en as necessary to maintain discipline and order or to enforce school rules, and shall be done in a reasonable fashion to protect all parties involved. 0aw enforcement officials may be called to assist with such action. C%*)%*./ P-$"#!3($& In accordance with Blabama law, the Board of Education permits the use of corporal punishment. $hould corporal punishment be needed, it must be administered in accordance with the following+ 1. D. )he student has been notified of the offense for which he'she is to receive corporal punishment and the student has been given an opportunity to e"plain his actions. )he punishment shall be administered by the school principal or his'her designee(s) (certificated personnel only) and witnessed by a certified school employee. D@

?. F.

)he punishment shall be administered out of the view or presence of any other students. )he punishment shall consist of no more than three swats on the buttoc(s with a smooth surface paddle free of holes and'or crac(s. !addles of an appropriate si*e and construction shall be provided to schools by the Board maintenance department, no other paddles shall be used. B written record of the punishment shall be made in which the violation or offense resulting in the punishment is listed along with the number of swats administered (ma"imum of three). )he name of the teacher or official re uesting the punishment, the name of the person administering the punishment, and the name(s) of all witnesses shall be included in the record. )he principal of each school shall maintain a copy of the record and a copy shall be sent to the parent or guardian of the student.


S-#)($#"%$ $uspension is the temporary removal of a student from a school for violation of school rules and regulations. )he principal, or his'her designee, has the authority to suspend a student from school. Bll suspensions will be in accordance with prescribed Board policy. B student recommended for suspension will be made aware of the charges and given an opportunity to respond. Bny time an action warrants suspension, a reasonable effort will be made to contact a parent or guardian by telephone and'or by written notice delivered by the student or 2.$. Eail. )he student is responsible for notifying his'her parent'guardian of all written communications from the school. 8ailure to do so may result in further disciplinaryaction. $uspension days constitute une"cused absences. 8urther, students may not participate in e"tracurricular or other school activities while suspended. S.&-*,.1 S'!%%/ )he purpose of $aturday $chool is to provide an alternative to out&of&school suspension. $aturday$chool attendance will not be offered for severe violations, or in any instance involving a recommendation for e"pulsion, e"cept as permitted by the superintendent. $aturdayschool is an administrative option that maybe offered instead of out&of&school suspension or other discipline as deemed appropriate by the principal pursuant to Board !olicy. A/&(*$.&"+( S'!%%/ $tudents may be assigned to the Blternative $chool by the $uperintendent or his designee for disciplinary reasons in accordance with Board policy. )he school principal may recommend consideration of Blternative $chool placement to the $uperintendent in accordance with the Board policy governing .isciplinary .ue !rocess. $tudents shall be suspended by the principal pending a hearing before the $uperintendent or his designee. N%&(2 E<)-/#"%$ 3.1 4( '%$#",(*(, .$, *('%33($,(, 41 &!( S-)(*"$&($,($& "$ .))*%)*".&( '.#(# (+($ 6!($ &!( )*"$'")./ !.# *(C-(#&(, '%$#",(*.&"%$ %0 A/&(*$.&"+( S'!%%/ "$ /"(- %0 (<)-/#"%$. $tudents are assigned to the Blternative $chool for a specified length of time, which is sub#ect to increase dependent upon the studentKs successful compliance with the Blternative $chool program, including regular attendance and acceptable behavior and wor( performance. 8ailure and'or unwillingness to comply with re uirements of the Blternative $chool program may result in a recommendation for e"pulsion from Calhoun County $chools. If a student withdraws from Calhoun County $chools during a pending Blternative $chool recommendation or assignment, the pending matter must be addressed and appropriate Blternative $chool time must be serve9 6$/1 %53 4%6931%:4 23%621 %/ %53 485//7 4;4%3! K6201- .440-1!31% %/ N7%321.%0I3 students are not permitted to be present on the regular school campus or at school&sponsored activities. G85//7 %hile assigned to the Blternative $chool students shall remain sub#ect to the Code of $tudent Conduct and such other additional re uirements and rules of student conduct as the $uperintendent mayapprove to ensure safety and order in (eeping with the disciplinary function of the Blternative $chool program. $uch additional rules may include, but are not limited to the following+ Eodifications to the grooming and dress code as deemed appropriate to ensure safetyand to prevent hair and dress styles that are disruptive or tend draw undue attention to individual students. /estrictions on the possession of boo( bags and purses. /egular student searches, including the use of metal detectors. )he prohibition of cell phones. $uch other rules as may be conducive to a highly controlled and structured disciplinary environment. $tudents assigned to the Blternative $chool receive counseling which stresses nonviolent conflict resolution, DG

responsibility, problem solving, and other issues which affect the studentsK ability to function in the regular school environment. S&-,($&# #(*+(, -$,(* IDEA .$,B%* S('&"%$ D0J %0 &!( R(!.4"/"&.&"%$ A'& 3.1 4( .##"7$(, &% &!( A/&(*$.&"+( S'!%%/ "$ .''%*,.$'( 6"&! &!( DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES 3.$,.&(, 41 &!( B%.*,. E<)-/#"%$ E"pulsion is the permanent or long&term removal of a student from school in the Calhoun County $chool $ystem for violation of school rules or regulations. In the case of offenses warranting such action, the principal has the responsibility to recommend student e"pulsion to the $uperintendent in accordance with Board policy. If a student is suspended and recommended for e"pulsion, the local school principal shall notify, in writing, with a copy to the $uperintendent, the student and parent or legal guardian of the action ta(en and the additional action recommended and the cause(s) for such action and recommendation. 2pon receipt of such recommendation, the $uperintendent shall promptly notify in writing the student and parent or guardian of the time and place for the hearing and the process to be followed in considering the recommendation for e"pulsion. )he hearing relative to e"pulsion, as well as all preliminary steps concerning the hearing and recommendation, shall full comply with applicable due process criteria. N%&"0"'.&"%$ %0 L(7./ A-&!%*"&"(# In situations where notification or involvement of legal authorities is warranted and' or is re uired by law, school officials are authori*ed and encouraged to contact law enforcement officials for assistance. Incidents involving violations of Board policy concerning trespassing, drugs, alcohol, firearms and other deadly weapons, physical violence, property damage, and the li(e may re uire intervention by law enforcement officials, up to and including arrest and'or immediate removal of the student from the school environment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eachers are e"pected to play a significant role in dealing with student behavior and discipline. Each teacher will deal with general student disruption and misbehavior by ta(ing disciplinary action, which may include+ a personal call to a parent or guardian, a scheduled parent or guardian conference, a classroom wor( assignment, or other appropriate measures. 7nly when the student behavior is sufficiently severe or the action ta(en by the teacher is repeatedly ineffective in dealing with documented student misbehavior, should the student be referred to the principal or his'her designee. )his disciplinary code is applicable to grades 5&1D. Bdministrators will consider the age and grade level of a student when selecting and administering discipline from among the disciplinary actions provided for each classification of violation. M"$%* :"%/.&"%$# )he following are classified as minor violations and are prohibited by the CCB7E. 1. =on&compliance with a reasonable re uest by school personnel and other similar violations such as+ a. refusal to bring paper, pencil, or boo( to class b. refusal to follow established classroom rules c. whispering, tal(ing, and note&writing during class d. refusal to follow directions or to attempt assigned class wor( D. Bny other behavior that the principal may reasonably determine to be a minor violation. DJ

.isciplinary Bction for Einor 4iolations 8irst violation+ $tudent conference and parental contact when warranted. $pecific circumstances may warrant other disciplinary action as defined in this publication. $econd and )hird 4iolations+ )here will be an administrative option of one of the following+ 1. Before or after school detention D. .isciplinary wor( assignment ?. Corporal !unishment (1&? swats) F. $hort&term placement (less than one day) in I$. 8ourth 4iolation+ Constitutes an intermediate violation. I$&(*3(,".&( :"%/.&"%$# )he following are classified as intermediate violations and are prohibited by the CCB7E and may necessitate the involvement of legal agencies+ 1. 8ailure ' refusal to complete discipline assigned for Einor 4iolation. D. .eliberate defiance of school personnel. ?. $tealing or possession of stolen property& the deliberate ta(ing of property valued at N1M.MM or less belonging to another, or the (nowing possession of such stolen property. F. 2nauthori*ed possession of any ob#ect or device that may reasonably be considered as a dangerous 0!$73!31% /2 <3.$/1 E6% <5085 04 1/% 933!39 %/ E3 . >93.97; <3.$/1A /2 >I023.2!A .4 93I0139 01 other sections of this Code. (=ote+ )hreatened or actual use of the ob#ect as a weapon will constitute a more serious violation.) @. 4iolation of cell phone policy (see pp 1O&DM) ' unauthori*ed use of cell phone or other electronic communication device. (=ote+ /epeated violations may result in the student being charged with a Ea#or 4iolation and disciplined accordingly.) G. 2nauthori*ed possession ' use of a radio, C. player, E!? player, or similar device. J. 2nauthori*ed absence from school or class&&once student has arrived on campus or ridden school bus5 leaving school grounds without permission'out of class without permission. C. E"cessive distraction of other students & any behavior which is e"cessively disruptive to the orderly educational process. O. Bullying ' intimidation of studentsYintentional behavior which tends to intimidate or humiliate others, including the ma(ing of threats or of repeated statements that ridicule or cause emotional in#ury. 1M. $cuffling&&pushing or shoving by a student or between students that does not rise to the level of a fight or an assault. 11. !rofanity ' vulgarity P possession or use of profane or vulgar language (written or spo(en), vulgar drawings or pictures, or obscene gestures. )his includes intentional accessing or downloading of such materials on the computer. 1D. Intentionally providing false information to school personnel or parents, such as forgery of parentsK names, changing grades on papers, or similar dishonesty. 1?. 2nauthori*ed possession of matches or lighters. 1F. /ude, disrespectful, or belligerent behavior. 1@. Inappropriate display of affection and'or physical contact. 1G. 9ambling 1J. )respassing & willfully entering or remaining in'on any structure, conveyance or propertywithout being authori*ed to do so. 1C. 4iolation of Eedication !olicy. (Certain violations of the Eedication !olicymaybe treated as violations of the drug policy under $evere 4iolations. Circumstances, including the nature of the medication, the potential for abuse, transfers or sales, etc. will be considered) 1O. 4iolation of Chec(&7ut'Chec(&In !olicy. th DM. 8ifth (@ ) or subse uent violation of )ardy !olicy within semester. th D1. 8ourth (F ) minor violation. nd DD. .ress Code & $econd (D ) or subse uent dress code violation. (see 9rooming and .ress Code pp DC&DO) D?. Eiscellaneous violations of the $tudent Bcceptable 2se and Internet $afety !olicy not otherwise covered by the Code of $tudent Conduct. DF. Bny other behavior that the principal may reasonably determine to be an intermediate violation. DC

.isciplinary Bction for Intermediate 4iolations 8irst through 8ifth 4iolation+ !arental contact and an administrative option of paddling, one to five days In&$chool .etention, one to three days out&of&school suspension, or $aturday $chool. .isciplinaryaction under this provision will generally be progressive in nature. Intermediate violations may sometimes necessitate the involvement of legal agencies. $ubse uent 4iolations+ Bt any school with an In&$chool .etention classroom, cumulative intermediate violations beyond the fifth violation in a school year may result in an e"tended assignment to I$. for a period not to e"ceed DM consecutive school days. Each e"tended I$. assignment (more than @ consecutive school days) will re uire 1/%0I08.%0/1 .19 .$$2/I.7 /I %53 G6$3201%31931%:4 /Ifice in accordance with procedures established by the $uperintendent. Bppropriate considerations related to such decisions include the following+ the nature of the offenses, the length of time between the violations, prior disciplinary efforts, involvement of the guidance counselor, parental contact, and similar factors. $tudents assigned to I$. for an e"tended period based upon cumulative violations will be restricted from participating in e"tracurricular activities during the I$. assignment. 8or students identified as disabled, recommendations for e"tended disciplinary assignments to I$. <077 23)6023 0!$73!31%.%0/1 /I %53 X/.29:4 K0480$701.2; ?2/8396234 I/2 G%6931%4 <0%5 K04.E070%034 M.9%* :"%/.&"%$# )he following are classified as ma#or violations by the CCB7E and are prohibited and maynecessitate the involvement of legal agencies+ $tealing or possession of stolen propertyYthe deliberate ta(ing of property valued at more than N1M.MM, or the possession of such property with the (nowledge that it is stolen. D. Brea(ing, entering, or remaining in a structure or conveyance during the hours the premises are closed to the public. ?. 4andalismYdeliberate action resulting in damages of less than NDMM to public or personal property. F. 8irewor(s & possession of and'or igniting firewor(s. @. $e"ual actsYengaging in a consensual se"ual act, including intimate touching. G. $tudent disordersYinciting or participating in group disruptions. J. Intimate touching of another person against his'her will. )his includes the removal or attempt to 23!/I3 87/%501- /I .1/%532 %/ 23I3.7 $20I.%3 E/9; $.2%4 >$.1%401-A 3%8 1/%3 G685 E35.I0/2 !.; also constitute a severe violation, depending upon all circumstances). C. 8ire alarmsYthe un#ustified activation of the fire alarm system. O. 2sing obscene or profane language or gestures when spea(ing to or in the presence of school personnel (i.e., where school personnel are dealing directly with a student) 1M. 2nauthori*ed organi*ationYany attempt to use the school day for unauthori*ed activities that are not school&related or school&sponsored. 11. )hreat to school personnelYa threat, whether spo(en or written, to cause bodily in#ury to school $324/1137 <531 !.93 90238%7; %/ 4685 $324/1137 /2 <531 !.93 /6%4093 %53 I08%0!:4 $234318e if it should reasonably be e"pected that the threatening statement will be intercepted by or reported to school officials so as to cause alarm or disruption of school operations. 1D. !ossession of any ob#ect or device realistically resembling a firearm. 1?. 3arassment ' discriminatory treatmentYspeech or written e"pression tending to insult or stigmati*e others on the basis of their se", race, color, disability, religion, se"ual orientation, ethnic group, or 1.%0/1.7 /20-01 /2 %/ $2/!/%3 3R%23!04% /2 >5.%3A -2/ups that stigmati*e or infringe upon the rights of others. %ritten e"pressions may include symbols or drawings. 1F. $e"ual 3arassment P harassment based on se", including unwelcome written or verbal propositions to engage in se"ual acts or other unwelcome advances. ($ee $e"ual 3arassment !olicy for further definition) 1@. Bltering official school documents or computer information and'or programs. 1G. )obaccoYpossession or use of tobacco products. 1J. 8ightingYconduct falling within the Blabama laws defining assault, menacing and rec(less endangerment, disorderly conduct, or criminal coercion. (.iscipline and law enforcement involvement 45.77 8/!$7; <0%5 %53 1/ )0-5% ?/708; .19 23)6023!31%4 61932 >,%:4 %53 '.<A DO 1.

1C. 1O. DM. D1.

DD. D?. DF.

9roup violenceYconflict involving more than two students that 23467%4 01 $5;408.7 5.2! G33 >,%:4 %53 '.<A N44.67% .19 E.%%32; 6$/1 . 4%6931% G33 >,%:4 %53 '.<A !ossession of gang&related writings, drawings, or symbols, as identified ' verified under supervision of the .irector of $afety and $ecurity. )hreat to cause serious physical harmYany substantial threat, whether spo(en or written, to inflict serious bodily in#ury when made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat or under circumstances where the threat is li(ely to cause fear of serious physical in#ury, 7/ any intentional display of force that gives the victim reason to fear or e"pect serious physical harm. 7ral or written communication related to or involving an attempt to sell, purchase or otherwise transfer drugs or other illicit substances. !ornography P possession or distribution of pornographic materials. )his includes accessing or downloading such materials on the computer. Bny other behavior that the principal may reasonably determine to be a ma#or violation.

.isciplinary Bction for Ea#or 4iolations )he disciplinary action for ma#or violations includes parental contact and two (D) to five (@) days out&of& school suspension. If the charged violation has resulted in serious physical in#ury7/ represents a continuing threat to the safety of students or personnel 7/ is otherwise deemed by the principal to be of an e"tremely serious nature so as to #ustify more serious discipline, the principal may refer the student to the $uperintendent on a recommendation of Blternative $chool or e"pulsion. In such instances the student maybe suspended pending a hearing. Ea#or violations may necessitate the involvement of law enforcement officials as appropriate and as re uired by law. Bt any school with an In&$chool .etention classroom, repeated ma#or violations may result in an e"tended assignment to I$. for a period not to e"ceed DM consecutive school days. Each e"tended I$. assignment (more than @ consecutive school days) will re uire notification and approval of the G 6$3201%31931%:4 /II083 01 .ccordance with procedures established by the $uperintendent. Bppropriate considerations related to such decisions include the following+ the nature of the offenses, whether the student presents a threat to safety, the length of time between the violations, prior disciplinary efforts, and similar factors $tudents assigned to I$. for an e"tended period based upon cumulative violations will be restricted from participating in e"tracurricular activities during the I$. assignment. S(+(*( :"%/.&"%$# )he following are considered to be severe violations and are prohibited by the CCB7E and may necessitate the involvement of legal agencies+ 1. .rugs & Involvement with any type drug, controlled substance, narcotic, paraphernalia, etc. on school property or at school&sponsored events. Involvement includes unauthori*ed possession, transfer, use, purchase, distribution or sale of drugs, drug paraphernalia, or other substance with a potential for abuse which might create a ha*ard to the userKs health or the safety of another, including attendance at school or school events while affected by or under the influence of such drugs. )his includes having used any uantity of such drugs prior to school activities. )his policy may apply to legal substances if misused in an effort to become into"icated ' high or when represented by the student to be a controlled substance. NOTE2 S&-,($&# .*( .,+"#(, &!.& /.6 ($0%*'(3($& .7($'"(# 3.8( )(*"%,"'5 -$.$$%-$'(, +"#"&# &% /%'./ #'!%%/# 0%* &!( )-*)%#( %0 ,(&('&"$7 &!( )*(#($'( %0 "//(7./ ,*-7#. D. Blcohol P Involvement with alcoholic beverages on school property or at school&sponsored events. Involvement includes possession, transfer, use, distribution, or sale, including attendance at school or school events while affected by or under the influence of alcohol. )his includes having consumed any uantity of alcohol during or prior to attendance at school or school activities. ?. Brson & the willful and malicious burning of'or attempting to burn public and'or private properties. F. Bssault and battery or attempted battery upon school personnel @. /obbery & the ta(ing of money or other property from another by force, violence, assault, or intimidation. G. Criminal mischief & willful and malicious damage to public or private property in e"cess of NDMM. J. 8irearms & possession, discharge, transfer, or sale of any firearm including, but not limited to, starter guns and pellet guns. C. .eadly weapons&&possession of any ob#ect that is designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting death or serious physical in#ury. ?M

O. )hreat of use of a weapon & the intentional demonstration of the ability to carry out a malicious threat or act with a weapon creating well&founded fear in the person threatened or attac(ed. 1M. Bomb threat or terroristic threat & any communication, plan, or documentation of such threat that has the effect of interrupting the educational environment. 11. E"plosives & possession of e"plosive substances capable of causing serious bodily in#ury or property damage. 1D. =on&consensual se"ual conduct ' se"ual assaultYforcing another to engage in a se"ual act or coercing ' enticing one who lac(s legal capacity to consent. Indecent e"posure 1?. & 3R$/401- /13:4 $20I.%3 E/9; $.2%4 -310%.70. 3%8 $6E7087;/2 61932 80286!4%.1834 01 which the conduct is li(ely to cause offense or alarm. 1F. Bggravated battery & intentionallycausing great bodilyharm, disability, or permanent disfigurement byuse of a weapon. 1@. 9ang activity P active participation in recruiting, initiation, or other active conduct associated with gang activity as identified ' verified under supervision of the .irector of $afety and $ecurity. 1G. Bny other behavior that the principal may reasonably determine to be a severe violation. .isciplinary Bction for $evere 4iolations =otification of law enforcement officials as appropriate and as the law re uires (see LItKs the 0awL). !arental contact and referral of student to $uperintendent for e"pulsion proceedings. $tudents must be suspended out&of&school until the hearing is held. NO-FIGHT POLICY )he CCB7E is obligated to provide a safe and orderly environment that is conducive to teaching and learning. )herefore, it is the policy of this school system that fighting in school buildings, on school grounds, at any school&sponsored event, or on a school&owned vehicle will not be tolerated. B fight is defined as any conduct falling within the Blabama statutes defining assault, menacing and rec(less endangerment, disorderly conduct, or criminal coercion. (/efer to )itle 1?B of the Code of Blabama). )he $uperintendent, wor(ing cooperativelywith the local police and'or sheriff, the district attorney, and the #uvenile court, shall enforce this Lno&fightL policy for grades J&1D. It may be utili*ed as appropriate for lower grades, depending upon the severity of the incident involved. )hese procedures will be followed in the case of all verified fights within the meaning of this policy+ 1. D. ?. F. @. 8ighting in a school building, on school grounds, at any school&sponsored event, or on a school& owned vehicle shall be classified as a ma#or violation of the Code of $tudent Conduct. )he principal or his designee shall investigate the incident and ta(e the appropriate action as identified in the Code of $tudent Conduct (Classification of 4iolations). )he principal or his designee shall determine whether a fight has occurred within the meaning of this policy. )he principal or his designee shall secure the cooperation of witnesses to the fight and secure written statements from all witnesses, and shall endeavor to secure reliable witnesses for court appearances. )he principal'designee shall call the police and file a complaint'petition with the #uvenile court. B reasonable attempt shall be made to notify the parent(s) or guardian(s) if the student is to be removed from the school by police officer. GROOMING AND DRESS CODE )his policy shall apply to all students, 5indergarten through 1Dth grade. A7( .$, #"E( .))*%)*".&($(## 3.1 4( '%$#",(*(, 6!($ .))/1"$7 &!"# )%/"'1 &% (/(3($&.*1 #&-,($&#5 (#)('".//1 "$ 7*.,(# K-2. 9ood grooming and personal appearance are essential elements in the teaching and learning process. )herefore, it is e"pected that students shall dress in such a manner that will ensure health and safety, and not detract from the learning environment. 8urthermore, dress and personal appearance are not to be disruptive or interfere with the educational interest and welfare of the students or the purposes of public school education. 1. $tudents must be neatly dressed, clean and well&groomed while at school. D. $hoes must be worn at all times by all students. ?. $hirts, blouses, and dresses should have modest and appropriate nec(lines and closures. Clothing that e"poses the bust line, bac(, or midriff area is not permitted. A// #!"*&#5 &%)# .$, ,*(##(# 3-#& !.+( #/((+(#. Cap sleeves are acceptable. 3alters, spaghetti straps, tan( tops, tube tops, or other ?1

sleeveless tops should not be worn. )ransparent garments are not permitted. F. Clothing or paraphernalia related to or associated with gang affiliation or activity are prohibited. ($ee =7)E below regarding Eore $evere .isciplinary Bction.) @. Belongings and garments must be void of inappropriate writings, drawings, symbols and'or decals. )his includes, but is not limited to, those that promote alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or illegal drugs, those that have lewd, profane, obscene or se"ually suggestive statements and'or illustrations, those that contain violent or abusive statements or illustrations, those with racist implications or that portray or symboli*e hate groups or e"tremist groups tending to stigmati*e or infringe upon the rights of others, or those which otherwise create a hostile or offensive learning environment or otherwise tend to cause disruption. ($ee =7)E below regarding Eore $evere .isciplinary Bction.) G. .resses or s(irts may be no shorter than @ inches above the middle of the (neecap. $horts shall be no shorter than 1JL in length along the outside seam beginning at the waistband or no shorter than @ inches from the middle of the (neecap. J. $hirts, t&shirts, blouses, sweaters and other tops must not e"tend below buttoc(s, otherwise, they must be worn tuc(ed into pants or s(irts. C. Coats must not e"tend below the (nee. Coats or bul(y outerwear should not be worn indoors, unless otherwise directed by the principal in the event of unusually cold weather conditions. O. !ants must cover the pelvic girdle (hip bones). 0ow&20901- $.1%4 /2 >4.--01-A <ill not be permitted. 1M. $weat pants, athletic shorts, form&fitting garments (such as leggings or tights), pa#ama bottoms, pants that are clingy or revealing, and all types of underwear are prohibited as outerwear. 11. $unglasses, hats, caps, bandannas, or any other head covering may not be worn inside the building. Consideration will be given to e"tenuating circumstances. 1D. 8acial #ewelry, including tongue #ewelry, is prohibited. !ierced ears and earrings are permitted. 1?. 9arments must be free of holes, rips, tears, frayed openings, or other threadbare appearance above %53 =133 >Q6%&/IIA $.1%4 .23 1/% $32!0%%39 1F. Career technical classes or shops, physical education classes, lab classes, band and choral, and similar classes with special re uirements maydevelop additional dress codes to promote safetyfor all students or to allow for mobility for specific activities. 1@. %ith approval of the principal and superintendent, activity sponsors may establish more restrictive rules for dress and grooming as a prere uisite for membership or participation in specific co&curricular and e"tracurricular activities. 1G. )he principal or his'her designee will ma(e the final #udgment as to whether or not a studentKs clothing is appropriate for school wear. G($(*./ D"#'")/"$.*1 A'&"%$ F"*#& :"%/.&"%$2 )he student will be removed from class and, if possible, the parents will be contacted. )he student will be considered une"cused from class for whatever length of time it ta(es the student to conform to the dress code. S-4#(C-($& :"%/.&"%$#2 Bll subse uent violations will be considered as Intermediate 4iolationsU and disciplined accordingly. M%*( S(+(*( D"#'")/"$.*1 A'&"%$ Certain violations, particularly under numbers F and @ above, may constitute Intermediate or Ea#or 4iolations under the Code of $tudent Conduct and may be disciplined accordingly. )he following e"amples are offered by way of illustration but not by way of limitation. )hus, for e"ample, the wearing of clothing that violates the M.E/2 O0/7.%0/1 $2/50E0%01- >$/443440/1 /I writings, drawings, or symbols, as identified'verified 61932 %53 46$32I040/1 /I %53 K0238%/2 /I G.I3%; .19 G38620%;A 45.77 E3 %23.%39 .4 . M.E/2 O0/7.%0/1 G0!07.27; clothing that contains profanities, obscenities, or obscene illustrations may constitute an Intermediate 4iolation, and clothing with e"pressions intended to insult or stigmati*e others on the basis of gender, race, disability, etc. may constitute a Ea#or 4iolation. DISCIPLINARY DUE PROCESS Bll students are entitled to and shall receive due process in all discipline matters. )he degree of due process afforded shall be dependent upon+ (1) the gravity of the offense a student is alleged to have committed and (D) the severity of the contemplated punishment.


.isciplinary authority must be e"ercised with fairness. Before being punished for violation of Board policies or school regulations, a student shall have the right of the following minimum due process procedures+ 1. )he student shall be given oral or written notice of the charges against him'her. D. )he evidence against the student shall be e"plained to him'her. ?. )he student shall be given the opportunity to present his'her own version of the facts concerning the charges. )he local school administration shall ensure that all disciplinary actions are administered in accordance with the minimum due process re uirements noted above. )he school administration shall maintain a written record of all disciplinary actions and of the procedures followed in determining such action, in accordance with Board policy. B record of all re uired written notices and disciplinary procedures shall be maintained by the school administration in such form as may be re uired by the $uperintendent. Bppeal to $uperintendent of 8inal .ecisions by !rincipal )he parent or guardian of a student shall have the right to re uest review bythe $uperintendent of any final disciplinary action by the school principal and to re uest that the principalKs decision and the basis for his decision be put in writing. In the event the parent or guardian believes the school principalKs final disciplinary decision violates Board policy, the parent or guardian may appeal the decision to the $uperintendent for a determination of whether the disciplinary action is in accordance with Board policy. Bll such re uests must be in writing, and must be received by the $uperintendent within ? days of the date of on which the principalKs written decision is received by the parent. )he $uperintendent may ma(e such determination on the basis of the written record, or may conduct interviews of the parties involved, or such other investigation as the $uperintendent deems appropriate. )he $uperintendent will issue a written decision to the parent'guardian and the school principal within a reasonable time. 0ong&)erm $uspensions, Blternative $chool Bssignments Q E"pulsions 8inal decisions regarding long&term suspensions, Blternative $chool assignments and e"pulsions are not made at the local school level. In the event a principal recommends long&term suspension (in e"cess of 1M days) or Blternative $chool assignment or e"pulsion, the student shall be afforded the following procedural safeguards in addition to those noted above. )he student shall be referred by the school principal to the $uperintendent for a hearing before the $uperintendent or his'her designated hearing officer. )he student shall be suspended from school pending the hearing. )he principal shall notify, in writing, the student and parent or legal guardian of the referral to the $uperintendent and the cause(s) for such action and recommendation. )he $uperintendent will cause a written notice to be sent to the student and the parent or guardian, stating the charges against the student and the time, place, and date of the hearing. E"cept in the case of e"tenuating circumstances, a hearing shall be held and a decision reached by the $uperintendent within five (@) school days from the date of the disciplinary referral by the principal. )he student shall be afforded the following+ 1. )he right of counsel D. )he opportunity to present evidence and witnesses in his'her behalf ?. )he opportunity to confront ' uestion witnesses for the administration F. B written record of the decision. 2pon conclusion of the hearing and consideration of the evidence, the $uperintendent shall notify in writing the student and the parent'guardian of his'her decision and'or recommendation. If the $uperintendent decides to assign the student to Blternative $chool or to ma(e a recommendation to the Board for e"pulsion or long&term suspension, the student and the parent'guardian !.;8/1%34% %53 G6$3201%31931%:4 238/!!319.%0/1 by submitting to the $uperintendent a written re uest for a hearing before the Board of Education within five </2=01- 9.;4 /I 23830I01- %53 G6$3201%31931%:4 938040/1 238/!!319.%0/1 N 53.201- 45.77 E3 43% the Board, written notice of the hearing shall be given, and due process re uirements shall be observed, E3I/23 consistent with the re uirements noted above for hearings before the $uperintendent or hearing officer.


DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES )he Board accepts that discipline is an integral part of the educational process. Based upon this understanding, disabled students will be e"pected to follow the discipline policy established by the Board of Education as outlined in this publication to the fullest e"tent appropriate under the law. Eisbehavior by disabled students in the regular classroom will be brought to the attention of the local 485//7 8/1%.8% /2 %53 4%6931%:4 8.43 !.1.-32 @3$3.%39 !04E35.I0/2 /2 I0/7.%0/14 /I should be addressed by the appropriate committee for consideration of an appropriate behavior plan. 90480$701.2; 26734 !rior to e"tended suspensions, e"tended I$. assignments for cumulative violations, e"pulsions, or e"tended Blternative $chool assignments of disabled students for disciplinaryviolations, a determination must be made by the appropriate committee, including the $pecial Education or $ection @MF Coordinator or his'her 9340-133 23-.2901- <53%532 %53 !04E35.I0/2 04 . !.10I34%.%0/1 /I %53 4%6931%:4 904.E070%; (@) days or/I more, G64$3140/14 I0I3 or repeated short suspensions, should generally r3467% 01 . 23I03< /I %53 4%6931%:4 educational plan by the appropriate committee. $uspensions (or other removals from class) of ten (1M) days /2 23$3.%39 464$3140/14 5.I01- . 86!67.%0I3 %/%.7 /I %31 9.;4 8/679 23467% 01 . >85.1-3 /I and re)6023 . 23I03< /I %53 4%6931%:4 3968.%0/1.7 $7.1 <0%501 %31 485//7 9.;4 E; %53 $7.83!31%A .$$2/$20.%3 committee. Blternative $chool assignments of disabled students may be made 0%//%6"$7 *(+"(6 41 &!( .))*%)*".&( '%33"&&(( .$, &!( S)('"./ E,-'.&"%$ D"*('&%* B S('&"%$ D0J C%%*,"$.&%*. Immediate suspension or removal from the school environment of a disabled student is #ustified, however, when the studentKs presence at school would threaten his'her own safety and well&being or that of others, endanger school property, or seriously disrupt the orderly educational process. !rincipals are given immediate authority to have law enforcement agencies remove uncooperative students under these criteria and as otherwise re uired by Board disciplinary policy and state and federal law. If immediate removal is necessary, the parent or guardian and the $pecial Education .irector or $ection @MF Coordinator will be promptly notified and an appropriate meeting conducted to address the studentKs misbehavior as indicated above. STUDENT TRANSPORTATION - BUS RULES )ransportation to and from school shall be provided by the Board of Education to eligible students of the school system. )he transportation program shall be operated in accordance with provisions of the Code of Blabama and $tate Board of Education rules and regulations. )he primaryconsideration of the transportation program shall be the safety and welfare of students. )he Board of Education shall be responsible for the child until he or she is delivered to the home bus 4%/$ ,I %53 85079 23)60234 46$32I040/1 .% 5/!3 0% 45.77 E3 %53 $.231%4: 234$/140E070%; %/ responsible adult is present. )he bus driver or other school official will not be responsible to ensure that an 314623 %5.% . adult is present. !olicies pertaining to student safety and the transportation program are as follows+ %ho Eay /ide the Bus 7nly regularly enrolled students of a Calhoun County $chool or other authori*ed Board of Education employees shall be permitted to ride a bus on a regularly scheduled route. !reschool and post school individuals are prohibited from riding a bus on a regular route or on special trips e"cept as a chaperon. 0oading and 2nloading k $tudents should be at the designated stop when the bus arrives. k $tudents shall only board and unload from the bus at designated stops as determined by the driver and transportation supervisor. k $tudents must have a note from home or school office, signed by the principal or designee, to ride any bus other than the assigned bus or to get off at any stop other than the usual stop. k $tudents shall not open or unload from the emergency door e"cept in an emergency. k 2nsupervised students may not sit on a bus while the bus is par(ed at school. $eating k $tudents should find a seat promptly after boarding the bus. 7nce seated, theyshould remain in that seat ?F

until the bus comes to a full stop. =o moving around will be allowed while the bus is in motion. )he driver may assign seats. k $hould it become necessary, because of lac( of seating space, for students to stand, the students should stand in the middle section of the bus. 8or safety reasons, students will not be allowed to stand against the emergency door or around the driver.

)al(ing k 2nless there is an emergency, students should not attempt to tal( to the bus driver while the bus is in motion. k In conversation with other riders, students should spea( in low tones&&never shouting or ma(ing loud noises that may distract the driver. k $tudents shall be silent when the bus approaches a railroad crossing and remain so until the crossing is completed. Bringing Brticles Bboard the Bus k $tudents shall not bring any article on the bus that cannot be held in the lap. 0arge school pro#ects, large band instruments, large amounts of fund raising products should be transported in parent vehicles and not buses. k $tudents shall not bring any type glass container, live animal, inflated balloon, ball or bat on the bus. k $tudents shall not bring a radio or tape player on the bus unless given written permission by the school. %hen permission is given, the e uipment will not be played on the bus. N%&(2 A$1 (<'()&"%$ &% &!( .4%+( *-/(# 3-#& 4( .))*%+(, 41 &!( )*"$'")./ . Conduct k $tudents are considered Lin schoolL when they board the bus. Bll written Board of Education !olicy contained in the Code of $tudent Conduct 3andboo( applies while on the bus. k )he driver has been safety&trained and is in charge. )he bus driver will report misbehavior of a continuing or serious nature to the principal. k )he principal of the school being served by a bus has the authority to withhold bus service from a student for poor conduct on the bus. k )he following are common violations of bus behavior which are strictly prohibited+ !utting any part of the body out of the window. !laying (rough&housing), scuffling, or fighting. Eating or drin(ing while being transported. )hrowing articles of any (ind out of windows. $hooting rubber bands on the bus. Bny other activity which driver determines is an obstacle to the safe transportation of students.

IT;S THE LAW--S&-,($& .$, P.*($&./ N%&"0"'.&"%$ %0 C"+"/ L".4"/"&"(# .$, C*"3"$./ P($./&"(#
PDUHQWDO DH:SRQ:LELOLWL IRU CKLOG: A&&($,.$'( .$, C%$,-'& (A'& HJ-I@2 5 A/.. C%,( 1?-2@-12 Each parent'guardian or other person having control or custody of a child re uired to attend school who fails re uire the child to enroll and regularly attend school or fails to compel the child to properly conduct himself'herself in accordance with the written policy on school behavior adopted by the local board of education shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. C.-#"$7 D(/"$C-($'1 %0 . C!"/, (A'& ID-120D A/.. C%,( 12-1D-1= Bnyone who contributes to the delin uency of a child under this provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. T(.'!(* A##.-/& (A'& HJ-IHJ A/.. C%,( 1=A-?-21 B person commits the crime of assault in the second degree (Class C felony) if he, with intent to cause physical in#ury to a teacher or school employee during or as a result of the performance of his or her duty, causes physical in#ury to any person. D*-7 D(./"$7 (A'& HJ-I@= 5 A/.. C%,( ?-D-I2 B person who unlawfully sells, furnishes, or gives a controlled substance to a minor may be liable for in#ury or damage suffered by a third person caused by or resulting from the use of the substance by the minor, if the ?@

for review at under the 9eneral Info tab sale, furnishing, or giving of the controlled substance is the pro"imate cause of the in#ury or damage. D*-7#5 A/'%!%/5 W(.)%$#5 P!1#"'./ H.*3 (A'& HJ-I@J 5 A/.. C%,( 1?-1-2J.1 (#(( ./#% 1?-1-2J )he school principal shall notify appropriate law enforcement officials when a person violates local board of education policies concerning drugs, alcohol, weapons, physical harm to a person or threatened physical harm to a person. If any criminal charge is warranted, the principal is authori*ed to sign the appropriate warrant. If that person is a student, the local school system shall immediatelysuspend that person from attending regular classes and schedule a hearing within @ school days. If a person is found to have violated a local board of education policy concerning drugs, alcohol, weapons, physical harm to a person or threatened physical harm to a person, the person may not be readmitted to the public schools until criminal charges, if any, have been disposed of by appropriate authorities and the person has satisfied all other re uirements imposed bythe local board of education as a condition for readmission. D(.,/1 W(.)%$# "$ S'!%%/# (A'& HJ-@1I 5 A/.. C%,( 1=A-11-I2 =o person shall (nowingly with intent to do bodily harm carry or possess a deadly weapon on the premises of a public school. !ossession of a deadly weapon with the intent to do bodily harm on the premises of a public school or school bus is a Class C felony. F"*(.*3# "$ S'!%%/ (A'& HD-ID? 5 A/.. C%,( 1?-1-2J.= Bll local boards of education must implement a policy re uiring e"pulsion for a period of one year of all students determined to have brought or have in their possession a firearm in a school building, on school grounds, on school buses, or at school sponsored functions. In case of a violation, the principal shall notify law enforcement officials and the parents of the student. :.$,./"#3 (A'& HJ-@1I 5 A/.. C%,( ?-D-=@0 )he parents, guardian, or other person having control of any minor under the age of 1C with whom the minor is living and who have custody of the minor shall be liable for the actual damages sustained to school property, plus the court costs, caused by intentional, willful or malicious act of the minor. P"#&%/B L%## %0 D*"+(*;# L"'($#( (A'& HJ-@20 A/.. C%,( 1?-2@-J0 Bny person over the age of 1F convicted of the crime of possession of a pistol on the premises of a public school, or a public school bus, shall be denied issuance of a driverKs permit or license to operate a motor vehicle for 1CM days from the date the person is eligible and applies for a permit or license. If a person over age 1F possesses a driverKs license on the date of conviction, the license will be suspended for 1CM days. D*%)-O-&BD*"+(*;# L"'($#( (A'& HJ-@20 A/.. C%,( 1?-2@-J0 )he .epartment of !ublic $afety shall deny a driverKs license or learnerKs permit to anyperson under 1O who is not enrolled or has not received a diploma or certificate of graduation. E"ceptions are students who+ are enrolled in a secondary school, are participating in an approved #ob training program, are gainfully employed, are a parent of a minor or unborn child, or are the sole source of transportation for the parent. H.E"$7 P*%!"4"&(, (A'& @1-@2J A/.. C%,( 1?-1-2= Bny person who commits the offense of ha*ing in connection with initiation or affiliation with an organi*ation, including any person who encourages, aids or assists, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. ADMINISTRATI:E CODE REGULATIONS (A/.4.3. S&.&( B%.*, %0 E,-'.&"%$ D*-7 "$#)('&"%$# &&students are advised that law enforcement agencies ma(e periodic, unannounced visits to local schools for the purpose of detecting the presence of illegal drugs. T%4.''% )*%!"4"&(, -- 2se of tobacco products on school propertyis prohibited. )his mandate is inclusive of students, school personnel, parents, and visitors. $chool property is inclusive of athletic fields and facilities. =on&compliance with this policy could result in the loss of 8ederal funding. I:. GRADING5 PROMOTION5 AND GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Board policies governing grading, promotion, graduation re uirements, diploma options, and other policies related to Curriculum and Instruction are located in Chapter 8our of the CCB7E !olicy Eanual available


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