Curriculum Vitae: Khaja Mohiuddin Imad Mobile: +91
Curriculum Vitae: Khaja Mohiuddin Imad Mobile: +91
Curriculum Vitae: Khaja Mohiuddin Imad Mobile: +91
Car r O!" c#i$ Intend to build a career it! committed and dedicated "eo"le, !ic! ill !el" me to e#"lore m$%el& &ull$ and reali'e m$ "otential illing to or( a% a (e$ "la$er in c!allenging and creati)e en)ironment* Acad mic %&ali'ica#io( +*A ,+ac!ler o& Art%- &rom Maulana A'ad .ational /ni)er%it$ 0$derabad*1011* 2i"loma in &unctional Arabic &rom 3o)ernment o& India in 1010 4*4*5 ,+oard o& 4econdar$ Education- 0$derabad &rom 1009* )or* E+, ri (c 6or(ing a% an A/78 5A2 8"erator ,12 9 :2- &rom 8%mani 5on%truction% P)t* ;td Karimnagar* India* <rom <eb 1009-7ill Jo! R s,o(si!ili#i s Pre"aring detailed dra ing &or bloc( or( it! door = indo %c!edule* 4ite in%"ection and %u"er)i%ion in t!e ob%cene o& %u"er)i%or* Pre"aring Plan% it! 12 9 E#"o%ed in :2*
Com,&# r .*ills Auto5A2 >er%ion-1008 &rom 3ra&&iti Engineering 4olution% 0$derabad* India*
5erti&ied b$ Autode%( Aut!ori'ed 7raining centre* P325A, 27P, M4-E#cel, M4-6ord 9 Internet 5once"t%*
0 rso(al 0ro'il .ame <at!erA% .ame 3ender Marital 4tatu% 2ate o& birt! ;anguage% Kno n Celigion .ationalit$ 0A..0ORT DETAIL. Pa%%"ort .o 2ate o& I%%ue 2ate o& E#"ir$ Place o& i%%ue : : : ;DD8:E7: 19-10-101: 18-10-101: : 0$derabad, India : : : : : : : : K0A@A M80I/22I. IMA2 K!aBa Imamuddin Male 4ingle 08-09-1986 Engli%!, Arabic, /rdu and 7elugu I%lam Indian
D clara#io(1 I !ereb$ declare t!at t!e in&ormation &urni%!ed abo)e i% true to t!e be%t o& m$ (no ledge* 2ate: