Ruby Bridges
Ruby Bridges
Ruby Bridges
to the Civil Rights Movement Discuss the idea of school segregation and the movement to desegregate public schools Help children identify the personal strengths and community supports necessary to engage in Civil Rights activism Materials: Recordings and lyrics of Opening and Closing ongs! collage e"amples! paint and paint brushes! snac#s! boo#! CDs for distribution Agenda: The Story Ruby Bridges $%&& 'elcome and introductions $%() Opening ong $%$& Reading of The Story of Ruby Bridges $%*) hort Discussion about safety+ inner strength and courage $%,& Brea# $%)& 1ctivity to get everyone re-focused *%&& 1rt 1ctivity *%)) Closing ong Discussion Questions: If you were Ruby would you have continued to go to school2 'ould you have been scared2 'hy did Ruby #eep going to school if she was scared2 'hat things helped Ruby be courageous2 3as# for several e"amples! emphasis her faith and inner strength! supportive adults4 'hat would have you done if you were Ruby2 'hat would have helped you be brave2 'hat ma#es you feel confident2 5ocabulary% 3be able to define4 egregated/De-segregated Activity:
(6 how e"amples of artist6 how some of the artists7 wor# and how they can change their environment and even imagine new+ better environments by creating collages6 $6 1s# the children to alter the bac#grounds to ma#e Ruby feel confident and encourage her in her difficult situation6 *6 'hen the children are finished they can put all of their wor# on the wall together6 Material% crayons+ acrylics brushes+ wrapping paper/scraps+ printed images of Ruby Bridges+ scissors+ glue stic#s+ mas#ing tape+ mar#ers+ yard sale stic#ers
8ames Richmond-dwards
9ayoi :usama