Project Name Risk Assessment Questionnaire v12h
Project Name Risk Assessment Questionnaire v12h
Project Name Risk Assessment Questionnaire v12h
Please answer the questions below in the spaces provided. Guidance notes within each section can be overwritten
The Project Management Framework (PMF) process, shown on the next page, requires this checklist to be completed to facilitate a risk assessment meeting ! "isk "egister (template attached in #ection $%) should also be created and re&iewed in this risk assessment meeting This "isk "egister must be regularl' maintained throughout the deli&er' stage of the project The specific le&el of risk for the project, both financiall' and operationall' will be appro&ed b' the (ead of )ollege*+epartment, +irector of Finance (or nominated representati&e) and the #enior Management Team through this process ,f the "isk !ssessment Panel and the #enior Management Team are satisfied that the project and its risks can be managed, then the project will be appro&ed to proceed and to start #tage - (#tart .p the Project)
Please contact the "isk !dministrator ("isk !ssessment/swansea ac uk) if 'ou are unsure whether 'our project constitutes a high risk project
Version 12h
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Version 12h
1. Pre-Risk Assessment Checklist MUST be completed by ALL projects over 1 ! in v"l#e to SU o Assessed by is! Administrator with recommendation i" a "ull is! Assessment required o #" no is! Assessment meetin$ recommended then decision rati"ied by %o& and ' # Approvals by %o& and ' # "ormally recorded in #nstitute (ndorsement )orm (ither %o& or ' # can override recommendation and call "or "ull is! Assessment meetin$ #" no is! Assessment meetin$ is held then responsibility "or mana$in$ pro*ect ris!s is dele$ated "ully to %o&
$% &#ll Risk Assessment 'hen project h"s SU v"l#e less th"n 1M o is! &hec!list questionnaire and ris! re$ister assessed by all relevant Administrative 'epartments o o ' # / )inance / P+P, #++ / (states - )acilities / Academic e$istry / .ar!etin$
Pro*ect "inances reviewed by )inance and ' # and pro*ect "inancial summary issued by ' # Any Pro*ect space requirements which cannot be satis"ied out o" e/istin$ &olle$e space allocations MUST be assessed by +pace .ana$ement 0or!in$ 1roup prior to is! Assessment meetin$ bein$ conducted is! Assessment meetin$ attended by
.andatory 2meetin$ cancelled i" all not in attendance3 5ptional +.T 5wner epresentatives o" impacted Administrative 'epartments P+P, 'irector 2chair3 is! Administrator 2minutes3 ' # 'irector or 'eputy 'irector and ' # assessors )inance representative %o& ownin$ pro*ect P# and P.4 i" appointed %eads o" other &olle$es supplyin$ si$ni"icant resources
(% As )$* pl#s the +ollo'in, 'hen project h"s SU v"l#e ,re"ter th"n 1M b#t less th"n -M o is! Assessment meetin$ attended by
.andatory 2meetin$ cancelled i" all not in attendance3 P+P, 'irector 2chair3 is! Administrator 2minutes3 ' # 'irector or 'eputy 'irector and ' # assessors )inance representative
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Version 12h
5ptional epresentatives o" impacted Administrative 'epartments +.T 5wner %o& ownin$ pro*ect P# and P.4 i" appointed %eads o" other &olle$es supplyin$ si$ni"icant resources
.% As )(* pl#s the +ollo'in, 'hen project h"s SU v"l#e ,re"ter th"n -M b#t less th"n 1 M o o Pro*ect 6usiness Plan and Pro*ect Plan also scrutinised by P+P, Pro*ect "inances also scrutinised by )inance 'irector and ' # 'irector or 'eputy 'irector
-% As ).* pl#s the +ollo'in, 'hen project h"s SU v"l#e ,re"ter th"n 1 M o o is! Assessment to be reviewed and approved at ne/t )inance &ommittee meetin$ is! Assessment meetin$ attended by
.andatory 2meetin$ cancelled i" all not in attendance3 5ptional epresentatives o" impacted Administrative 'epartments )inance 'irector 2chair3 )inance &ommittee representative P+P, 'irector is! Administrator 2minutes3 ' # 'irector or 'eputy 'irector and ' # assessors )inance representative +.T 5wner %o& ownin$ pro*ect P# and P.4 i" appointed %eads o" other &olle$es supplyin$ si$ni"icant resources
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Project Description Project Title (What is the full name of the project?) Define the ull title of the project as in the application to the Project !ponsor" Aims $ Objectives (What is the aim$s of the project for %ou& the !ponsor& the 'ni(ersit% an) Partners) (300 words max) *)entif% here +hat is the aim of the project" What )o %ou +ant the project to )eli(er? What is the !ponsor e,pecting the project to )eli(er for the mone% the% are in(esting? (please use one sentence bullet points) Benefits to the University (What is the project inten)e) to achie(e& +hat are the reasons for un)erta-ing the project& an) +hat are the #enefits to& or o#jecti(es of the 'ni(ersit%) (300 words
*)entif% the a))itional #enefits to the .ollege$Department$'ni(ersit% of un)erta-ing this project& i"e" +h% shoul) the 'ni(ersit% )o it& +hat +ill +e get out of it& ho+ )oes it help us? (please use one sentence bullet points) Project Summary (What )oes the project co(er& +ho is it aime) at& +hat are the project o#jecti(es& +hat partners are in(ol(e) an) +hat +ill #e the project impact?) (200 words max) Write a #rief& non/technical& one or t+o paragraph summar% of the project& suita#le for use in future 'ni(ersit% mar-eting materials"
University Strategic Plan Does the project fall +ithin the mission statement an) strateg% of the 'ni(ersit%?
Please give etails to support this! (200 words max)
5r 7o
0riefl% sa% +h% %ou thin- the project supports the 'ni(ersit% !trateg% an) in +hat areas of the strateg%& e"g" research& thir) mission& teaching& etc" Does the project support another project? *s the project supporte) #% another project? *s the project a continuation of another project? (please use one sentence bullet points) Template version dated 20/07/2012 Page 1 of 16
Version 12h
#esearch Definition Does the project fall +ithin the )efinition of 23esearch4?
5r 7o
'Research' for the purposes of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) is defined as a process of investigation leading to new insights, effectively shared. t includes work of direct relevance to the needs of commerce, industry, and to the pu!lic and voluntary sectors" scholarship" the invention and generation of ideas, images, performances, artefacts including design, where these lead to new or su!stantially improved insights" and the use of existing knowledge in experimental development to produce new or su!stantially improved materials, devices, products and processes, including design and construction. t excludes routine testing and routine analysis of materials, components and processes such as for the maintenance of national standards, as distinct from the development of new analytical techni#ues. t also excludes the development of teaching materials that do not em!ody original research.
Project Outputs !pecif% the outputs to #e )eli(ere) #% the project an) in)icate the ris-s or challenges in achie(ing these targets Output e"g" jo#s create) Target 5,, #is% of not being able to achieve this target
Project Plan What are the planne) stages of the project an) ho+ an) +hen +ill these #e achie(e) an) manage)?
Please give etails to support this! (200 words max)
0riefl% )escri#e the project plan" i"e" the stages of the project& +ho +ill )o them& +hen +ill the% nee) to #e )one" *)eall% tr% to pro(i)e a simple 6antt $ #ar chart for the main project stages$acti(ities" *)entif% the main stages of the project" What are the -e% milestones in the project?
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Version 12h ' 6a Project (anagement ) *ey Staff Who is responsi#le for carr%ing out operational& )a% to )a% project management an) a)ministration?
Please give etails to support this! (200 words max)
Who is the operational facing project manager$co/or)inator on the project team? 7he P* +ill ensure the )irection an) o(erall management of the project& #ut +ho +ill #e the person +ho face to face controls the project in line +ith the project plan an) o#jecti(es& i"e" +ho +ill perform $ arrange project a)min? Who +ill liaise +ith an) monitor project partners? Who +ill chase output )eli(er%? Who +ill ensure e(i)ence paper+or- is collate)? Who +ill monitor$facilitate plan progress an) actions? Who +ill +rite project reports $ complete claims? Who +ill -eep project files? Who +ill liaise +ith D3*?
Please gi(e a #rief outline of the person4s pre(ious rele(ant e,perience an)$or recognise) project management 8ualifications? 0ecause this is a major financial project to the 'ni(ersit%& this person shoul) #e an e,perience) project manager$coor)inator" What arrangements ha(e #een ma)e to complete the project& shoul) -e% staff (inc the Principal *n(estigator) lea(e $ #ecome ill #efore the en) of the project? (299 +or)s ma,) *)entif% %our contingenc% plan$s shoul) a -e% mem#er of staff lea(e #efore the en) of the project& to ensure the project can still achie(e the o#jecti(e for the !ponsor an) the 'ni(ersit%"
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Version 12h + ,hat -ill be the impact on University resources un er the follo-ing areas. Where impacts ha(e #een i)entifie) the% must #e re(ie+e) )irectl% +ith the rele(ant ;)ministrati(e Department 0< =3< the ris- assessment meeting to i)entif% an% resulting costs or control measures" <states > acilities SPA/0 11 Specify the amount of e2tra -or%ing space nee e an in -hat timescale 3 office 1111111111141111111111111 laboratory 111111111111411111111111 ancillary 11111111111114111111111111111 a1 Specify the number of staff -ho -ill use the e2tra -or%ing space 3 11111111 e2isting staff 11111111 ne- staff not yet recruite 11111111 postgra uate stu ents 11111111 teaching space 11111111 research space b1 5es 4 6o 7 Space is currently available -ithin /ollege -hich o-ns the project. c1 5es4 6o 7 /ollege bu get covers any increase to the /ollege space allocation. 21 5es 4 6o 7 #efurbishment or reconfiguration is re8uire to ma%e space suitable for project use. 9f 50S: please specify1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "1 5es 4 6o 7 /osts for any refurbishment or reconfiguration -or% have been inclu e in the project bu get. S0#;9/0S ) UT9<9T90S $1 5es 4 6o 7 The project re8uires a po-er supply loa in e2cess of 1=%, for any nee8uipment. &1 5es 4 6o 7 There are special cooling re8uirements for some space or e8uipment. '1 5es 4 6o 7 There are some significant -ater consumption re8uirements. +1 5es 4 6o 7 There are potential ha>ar s or ?ealth ) Safety re8uirements. @1 5es 4 6o 3 The proposal has been revie-e by the Safety Office. A1 5es 4 6o 7 There are some legislative re8uirements associate -ith e8uipment. 1=1 5es 4 6o 7 There are some security or asset protection re8uirements. 06;9#O6(06TA< 9(PA/TS 111 5es 4 6o 7 The project has some e2haust systems or generates some no2ious gases or other potentially ha>ar ous emissions. 121 5es 4 6o 7 The project generates some ha>ar ous -aste. 1"1 5es 4 6o 7 There are some special -aste management re8uirements. 1$1 5es 4 6o 7 There are some re8uirements to store ha>ar ous -aste. OT?0# 1&1 ,hat operational hours are re8uire to use the project space 3 111111111 University aytime 111111111 overnight 111111111 -ee%en 111111111 2$2+ 1'1 5es 4 6o 7 There are some special recovery re8uirements in case of temporary loss of facilities4po-er4etc1. 1+1 Specify ate of Space (anagement ,or%ing Broup revie-1111111111111411111111111141111111111111 Space (anagement ,or%ing Broup recommen ationsC 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Template version dated 20/07/2012 Page ? of 16
Version 12h :# 7ime of 'ni(ersit% <mplo%ees (insi)e $ outsi)e .ollege$Department) (200 words max) (i) What time +ill #e re8uire) of emplo%ees of the 'ni(ersit% +ho are )irectl% emplo%e) or #% the project? 7hese colleagues can #e insi)e or outsi)e of the .ollege $ Department" (ii) What time +ill #e re8uire) of emplo%ees of the 'ni(ersit% +ho are not )irectl% emplo%e) #% the project? 7hese colleagues can #e insi)e or outsi)e of the .ollege $ Department" (i3) What arrangements ha(e #een ma)e for recor)ing time spent on the project #% 'ni(ersit% emplo%ees not solel% an) )irectl% emplo%e) on the project > ha(e these #een agree) +ith the persons in(ol(e)? <"g" 7imesheets" (299 +or)s) 7here are specific re8uirements +ithin man% fun)e) projects to e(i)ence the time that people +ho +or- on the project to ena#le us to claim mone% from the !ponsor" @an% !ponsors +ill +ant e(i)ence that 'ni(ersit% staff are not )ou#le counte) onto multiple projects" Ao+ is the project going to )o this? 7imesheets are suggeste) as the easiest +a% an) stan)ar) timesheets for 'ni(ersit% <mplo%ees an) e,ternal partners" Please contact the D#9 office for a vice an assistance on timesheets1
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Version 12h :c *.7 an) *nformation 3esources 11 5es 4 6o 7 The project -ill be using central har -are an central 9T Support in 9SS. 9f 50S: please specify the amount of ne- har -are re8uire 3 !!!11 laptop !!!11 es%top P/ !!!11 servers !!!11 printers !!!11 other DspecifyE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 2 5es 4 6o 7 The project has net-or% ban -i th re8uirements. " 5es 4 6o 7 The project has net-or% security implications. $ Specify the number of ne- staff re8uiring access to 3 !!! Aca emic systems !!! A ministrative systems !!! <ibrary access & Specify the number of ne- staff re8uiring 7 !!! telephones !!! <A6 net-or% connectivity ' Specify the number an starting timescales for stu ent recor s unit support 7 !!! ne- taught masters stu ents starting !!!!!!!!!!!!11 !!! ne- PhD stu ents starting !!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!11 + 5es 4 6o 7 6e- aca emic or a ministrative systems nee to be evelope by the project. @ 5es 4 6o 7 Some e2isting aca emic or a ministrative systems nee to be amen e by the project. A 5es 4 6o 7 The project nee s support to procure or install some ne- soft-are. 1= 5es 4 6o 7 The project nee s support to access some e2ternal 9T services4 atabases. 11 5es 4 6o 7 The project re8uires a significant amount of centrally7manage ata storage. 12 5es 4 6o 7 The project has some special ata retention re8uirements. 1" 5es 4 6o 7 The project utilises large scale computational systems 1$ 5es 4 6o 3 The project has some security or asset protection re8uirements. 1& 5es 4 6o 7 The project re8uires the registration of ne- omain names. 1' ,hat operational hours of service are re8uire for the systems 3 !!!! University aytime !!!! overnight !!!! -ee%en !!!! 2$2+ 1+ 5es 4 6o 7 The project has 9T Disaster #ecovery an Business /ontinuity plans in place. 1@1 9n icate the revie-erDsE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 an ateDsE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 of any 9SS revie- of project re8uirements :) ;)ministrati(e !upport from .entral Departments What support +ill #e re8uire) from other 'ni(ersit% central a)ministration )epartments)" ;re there an% other central functions of the 'ni(ersit% or functions in other .olleges $ )epartments upon +hich the project is going to rel%& an) ha(e %ou ha) agreement from these areas that the% +ill $ can support the project?
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Version 12h
,ill the project impact in any -ay on Stu ent activities 9es 5r 7o or -elfare. Does the project in(ol(e an% changes to or impact upon the ;ca)emic structure $ ;ca)emic Deli(er% in the 'ni(ersit%? *f %es please gi(e a #rief )escription" *f the project in(ol(es enrolling stu)ents& Which .ourses? ;t +hich le(el? What fun)ing is re8uire)? Will the aca)emic regulations committee nee) to appro(e an% amen)ments to regulations? Will stu)ents nee) sponsorship? 9n icate the type of ne- stu ents relate to this project 3 UB 111115es46o11111111 PBT 111115es46o11111 PB# 111115es46o111111111 5es 4 6o 3 Does the propose aca emic activity comply -ith University regulations. 9f 6O: please specify reasons -hy 7 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 5es 4 6o 3 Does the propose aca emic activity satisfy FAA e2pectations. 9f 6O: please specify reasons -hy 7 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 5es 4 6o 3 Does the propose aca emic activity cause any issues -ith any professional bo ies. 9f 50S: please specify reasons -hy 7 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 9n icate the revie-erDsE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 an ateDsE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 of any Aca emic #egistry revie- of project re8uirements
A Ba
,hat have you one to ma%e your project compliant -ith Disability an 08uality <egislation. Disability 08uality Duty 3 9nvolving Disable People Disa#ilit% legislation places an anticipator% )ut% upon the institution an) all its emplo%ees +hich re8uires that +e in(ol(e )isa#le) people (staff& stu)ents an) mem#ers of the pu#lic) in e(er% aspect of our polic% an) )ecision ma-ing" Please in)icate #elo+ the steps %ou +ill ta-e in this project $ )e(elopment to in(ol(e )isa#le) people" *f the project inclu)es an% element of sur(e% or trial of in)i(i)uals& then the impact of the Disa#ilit% <8ualit% Dut% is to re8uire the project to consi)er )isa#le) people in the construction of the project or trial" 7he sur(e% or trial shoul) then #e ma)e accessi#le to )isa#le) people" 7he o#(ious areas for a sur(e% +oul) #e to ensure that all people can respon)& so if it +as an online 8uestionnaire someone +ith a (isual impairment +oul) #e a#le to opt for an accessi#le (ersion (one +ith no ta#les $ one in larger font $ +ith a )ifferent colore) #ac-groun)) or pro(i)e) +ith an alternati(e +a% of completing i"e" o(er the phone or in a 1C1 meeting for e,ample" Di-e+ise if a 2clip#oar) sur(e%4 on the street then ma-ing sure the% ha(e info in large print (as this +oul) #e a more common nee)) +oul) sho+ the% ha(e anticipate) the nee)" *f %our project is inten)e) to #e purel% la# or office #ase) research then the Disa#ilit% <8ualit% Dut% +oul) re8uire that %ou shoul) #e a#le to accommo)ate a )isa#le) mem#er of the project team shoul) the% +ish to appl% to +or- on the project" Page 11 of 16
Version 12h There is some gui ance available from the Action on Access -ebsite atC httpC44---1actiononaccess1org4.pG1H"H"H$ or alternatively the ?ea of Stu ent Services in S-ansea University -oul be able to give gui ance as to ho- the Disability 08uality Duty can be interprete to-ar s your project1 B# Other 08uality 9ssues *n a))ition to the anticipator% )isa#ilit% )ut%& !+ansea 'ni(ersit% has a legal responsi#ilit% to consi)er the impact of )ecisions in all e8ualit% areas i)entifie) #elo+" Please in)icate if there is an impact in relation to an% of these e8ualit% areas an) ho+ the impact +ill #e a))resse)" E 3ace E 6en)er E !e,ual =rientation E ;ge E 3eligion $ #elief There is some gui ance available from the Action ion Access -ebsite atC httpC44---1actiononaccess1org4.pG1H"H"H$ or alternatively the ?ea of Stu ent Services in S-ansea University -oul be able to give gui ance as to ho- the Disability 08uality Duty can be interprete to-ar s your project1 /ontracts ) -or%ing -ith collaborative Partners (200 words max each part) Does the project in(ol(e +or-ing +ith an% group or in)i(i)ual 9es outsi)e of !+ansea 'ni(ersit%? /o to 1 "
5r 7o /o to 1 c
19a Who are the e,ternal groups or in)i(i)uals associate) +ith the )eli(ering of the project (inclu)e timescales of match fun)ing #% partners an) .ollege$'ni(ersit%)? Dist all of the e,ternal groups or in)i(i)uals +ho are going to gi(e an% input$resources into an% aspect of the project& e(en the small ones" *nclu)e an% amounts of match fun)ing an) i)entif% +hen match fun)ing +ill #e spent" *t is the polic% of the 'ni(ersit% that all projects in(ol(ing +or-ing +ith e,ternal groups or in)i(i)uals ha(e a)e8uate agreements in place an) that ha(e #een re(ie+e) #% the Department for 3esearch > *nno(ation or inance" Aa(e the contractual arrangements +ith all e,ternal partners (regar)less of +ho an) +here)& particularl% those arrangements relate) to intellectual propert%& +arranties an) lia#ilit%& #een re(ie+e) an) appro(e) #% the appropriate 'ni(ersit% office? (Please liaise with DRI) *)entif% +hat t%pe of contracts +ill #e put in place +ith each e,ternal group or in)i(i)ual" 7hese contracts ma% #e full contracts or ma% just nee) to #e letters of agreement" 7hese shoul) i)entif% +hat the partner is pro(i)ing to the project an) +hat the project is pro(i)ing to the partner in return" *f the partner is suppl%ing matche) fun)ing then letters of agreement i)entif%ing resource names an) salaries are re8uire)" Please contact the D#9 office for a vice an assistance in eci ing an rafting any contracts1 19c Who are the internal or e,ternal groups$partners associate) +ith )eli(ering the project that are pro(i)ing contri#utions (inclu)e timescales of match fun)ing #% partners an) .ollege$'ni(ersit%)? Dist all of the e,ternal$internal groups +ho are going to gi(e an% input$resources into an% aspect of the project& e(en the small ones" *nclu)e an% amounts of match fun)ing an) i)entif% +hen match fun)ing +ill #e spent" Template version dated 20/07/2012 Page 12 of 16 19 #
Version 12h 19 ) What is the relia#ilit% of the partners in(ol(e)? ;re there an% concerns relating to their support? Do %ou ha(e an% concerns o(er the a#ilit% of the people $ groups %ou ha(e outline) a#o(e in )eli(ering the agree) things that the project re8uires to #e successful? .onsi)er not onl% ph%sical pro)ucts #ut also time& -no+le)ge& e,perience" Do +e nee) to un)erta-e chec-s& e"g" cre)it chec-s& (ia#ilit% searches"
19e What arrangements ha(e #een ma)e +ith partners to pro(i)e e(i)ence of their contri#utions (especiall% an%thing use) as match fun)ing)? What ha(e %ou agree) +ith the partners to pro(e the% ha(e pro(i)e) their outputs into the project" or e,ample& if it is emplo%ee time then use timesheets& if it is technical e8uipment then get in)epen)ent e(aluations of its (alue an) full in(oices an) receipts& etc" 7he (alue of an% )onate) e8uipment must #e the true cost of the item to the partner" 7hese re8uirements shoul) #e )ocumente) an) agree) in contract or consortium agreements +ith the partners" Please contact the D#9 office for a vice an assistance in eci ing an rafting any contracts1 19f Does an% aspect of the project 8ualif% as state ai)& an) ha(e the recei(ing companies ma)e the rele(ant )eclarations of eligi#ilit% to !+ansea 'ni(ersit%? !tate ai) is an% assistance or #enefit that is pro(i)e) to a 'F compan% +hich can assist the compan% to compete against a competing ri(al in that mar-et in an% <uropean countr%" *n essence an% help or assistance to an% compan% in the 'F #% the 'ni(ersit% +ill 8ualif% as state ai)" !tate ;i) limits the amount of assistance (e,presse) in financial terms) that a compan% can recei(e from a pu#licl% fun)e) institution o(er a rolling 3 %ear perio)" !tate ai) rules are continuall% changing #ut D3* +ill #e a#le to source up to )ate assistance an) gui)ance on state ai) issues" *s the project a notifie) scheme or )o +e ha(e to notif% the D7*? Diaise +ith %our D#9 02ternal Iun ing Officer to ascertain if the project +ill #e su#ject to the !tate ;i) rules" 11 Iinancial Project (anagement Please attach a copy of the financial bu get after revie- -ith D#9 to this 8uestionnaire1 11a Project #u)geting Does the project incur an% illegi#le costs 9es +hich cannot #e reco(ere) from the fun)er? *f %es& +hat arrangements ha(e #een ma)e #% the .ollege to fun) these costs? 5r 7o
11 #
Descri#e an) sho+ calculations of these costs an) e,plain ho+ these costs +ill #e fun)e) from the .ollege" *f these fun)s re8uire appro(al #% !@7 sho+ e(i)ence that this has #een o#taine)" *f these fun)s can #e a#sor#e) +ithin the current #usiness plan sho+ confirmation that these ha(e #een appro(e) #% the Aea) of .ollege" @atch un)ing Does the project re8uire an element of matche) 9es 5r 7o fun)ing #% the 'ni(ersit%? *f %es& pro(i)e calculations to )emonstrate the full e,tent of the 'ni(ersit%4s matche) fun) commitment Descri#e in +hat form these matche) fun)s +ill #e ma)e i"e" o(erhea)s an) $ or staff Page 13 of 16
Version 12h time" 11c Aas ull <conomic .osting (f<.) #een applie) to this project? 9es 5r 7o *f %es& +hat is the f<. of the project? G4999s +ill the fun)er agree to co(er all the f<. costs if not ho+ much of the costs are reco(era#le? *f f<. has #een applie) ha(e D3* un)erta-en the (ia#ilit% chec- to ensure that the income from the fun)er is e8ual to or greater than the )irect costs to #e incurre)" (D3* to attach calculations to the 8uestionnaire) *f no& +hat rate of o(erhea) +ill the project generate? 11 ) Project .ontinuation sustaina#ilit% *s the project inten)e) to remain in operation after the initial term 9es 5r 7o fun)e) #% the project !ponsor? *f %es& +hat arrangements ha(e #een ma)e to continue fun)ing the project an) +hat are the contingenc% plans shoul) these arrangements not #e sufficient? (200 words max) Descri#e in summar% )etail the +a% %ou are inten)ing to raise the re8uire) fun)s to continue to operate the project" 7his +oul) inclu)e an% staff recruite) on the project once the fun)e) has en)e)& an% capital e8uipment +hich +oul) nee) to #e replace) to continue the project an) an% associate) costs to full% utilise that e8uipment such as utilities& maintenance agreements& special en(ironments such as air con)itioning etcH !pecificall% i)entif% the ris- of the failure of this fun)ing an) +hat contingenc% there is if this fun)ing fails" 9es 5r 7o
11e .urrenc% ;re currencies other than !terling in(ol(e) in the project?
(.olleges must #e a+are that the euro e,change rate coul) cause a )eficit on the project)
*f Ies& What .urrenc%? 11f Aa(e an% special con)itions #een impose)& or are an% li-el% to #e impose) on the project #% the project sponsor *f Ies& What are these restrictions? 11 g 9es 5r 7o
inancial accounts (JD) Will the Project @anager ha(e 23<;D4 access to JD? 9es 5r 7o *n or)er to manage the project #u)get it is essential that the project team (usuall% the project manager) monitor an) (erif% all accounting entries +hich appear against the project financial co)es *f Ko& +hat alternati(e means +ill the project team use to #e a#le to manage the project finances?
Page 14 of 16
Version 12h 12 Publicity an (ar%eting 12a What communications an) mar-eting o#ligations are there from the project !ponsor& such as )ispla%ing the !ponsor4s name or logos& etc"? 7his mostl% applies to <uropean fun)e) projects"
(200 words max)
12 #
.onfirm +ith the project !ponsor the e,act e,pectations in terms of project pu#licit%& an) +here the !ponsor4s name& logo an) contri#ution nee) to #e ac-no+le)ge)" What are the main o#jecti(es& acti(ities an) resources in the project mar-eting plan?
(200 words max)
*)entif% the mar-eting o#jecti(es (e"g" recruitment& profile raising& etc")" *)entif% +hether the plan +ill #e implemente) #% an e,isting .ollege4s @ar-eter or +hether a percentage of a ne+ hire is #eing allocate) to co(er mar-eting acti(it%" !ummarise the main project mar-eting costs +hich ha(e #een inclu)e) (e"g" +e#site )e(elopment& case stu)ies& a series of press releases& a)(ertising& social mar-eting& po)casts& reports& launch e(ents& e(ents to )isseminate results& e/ne+sletter an) )ata#ase& P3$a)(ertising$mar-eting consultanc% time& etc")" Please liaise -ith the (ar%eting Department -hen estimating these costs1
12c Aa(e %ou +or-e) +ith the !+ansea 'ni(ersit% @ar-eting 9es 5r 7o Department to )e(elop the project mar-eting o#jecti(es& plan& costs an) resources? 12 *f partners are in(ol(e) in the project& +ho ta-es the lea) in terms of managing communications ) an) mar-eting an) +hat agreements an) controls ha(e #een put in place regar)ing the implementation an) control of communications an) mar-eting #% partners? (200 words max) Aas the le(el of communications an) mar-eting to #e performe) #% project partners #een agree) an) )o all project partners un)erstan) the o(erall mar-eting o#jecti(es of the project an) an% stipulations or restrictions of the project !ponsor? Aas the allocation of mar-eting costs #een agree) an) are agreements in place for appro(ing mar-eting an) communications materials #% all parties& if re8uire)? 12e Ao+ +ill mar-eting acti(it% #e e(aluate) at the en) of the project? *)entif% ho+ the )eli(er% of the o#jecti(es an) acti(it% in the project mar-eting plan +ill #e monitore) throughout the course of the project an) +hat -in) of e(aluation +ill #e con)ucte) at the en) of the project (e"g" a @ar-eting <(aluation report anal%Ling the )eli(er% an) costs of acti(it% against the o#jecti(es)" 1" Procurement 13a ;re all aspects of the projects procurement& going to follo+ the 9es 5r 7o 'ni(ersit% Procurement 6ui)elines? *f Ko& please gi(e )etails an) reasons of items to #e purchase) outsi)e of the 'ni(ersit% Purchasing proce)ures" (200 words max) ;ll aspects of 'ni(ersit% purchasing shoul) follo+ the 'ni(ersit% purchasing gui)elines as )efine) at httpC$$+++"s+an"ac"u-$purchasing$" ;ll e8uipment or assets purchase) #% (or )onate) to) the project irrespecti(e of source of fun)ing #ecomes the propert% of the 'ni(ersit% unless other+ise agree)" Please in)icate if an% )e(iations to 'ni(ersit% policies on e8uipment$asset management are re8uire) for the project or if an% e8uipment$asset is to #e locate) outsi)e 'ni(ersit% premises" Will the project #e using consultants? *f so ho+ +ill these #e procure)? (200 words max) Details here an% aspect of the project +hich +ill #e ten)ere) out to a thir) part% to )eli(er& an) e,plain ho+ these persons +ere or +ill #e selecte)" 'se of thir) parties an) consultants are still su#ject to 'ni(ersit% purchasing regulations an) there is a specific process for the procurement of consultants that must #e follo+e)" Template version dated 20/07/2012 Page 11 of 16 13 #
Version 12h 1$ 9nsurances 14a Does the project re8uire an% specialist insurance co(er? e"g" haLar)ous research& me)ical research& clinical trials& etc" *s the project $ research a)e8uatel% co(ere) #% the 'ni(ersit% *nsurance policies" Please contact the Iinance Department for a vice an assistance on insurances1 14 Aa(e all aspects of a))itional insurance co(erage #een agree) # +ith inance?
5r 7o
5r 7o
1& #esearch 0thics 11a Aa(e all ethical aspects of the project #een consi)ere) an) assesse)? *f K=& please specif% the actions +hich are outstan)ing"
5r 7o
Please contact the D#9 Office if you are uncertain about any aspect of ethical or #BI consi erations1 11 # Aas the project #een re(ie+e) #% an% 'ni(ersit% <thics or 9es 5r 7o e,ternal <thics .ommittee? *f I<!& please specif% the .ommittee name& the )ate of the re(ie+ an) a summar% of the .ommittee4s recommen)ations" 5r 7o 5r 7o 5r 7o
11c Does this project in(ol(e KA! or social care acti(it%? 9es *f I<!& +ill the project conform to 3esearch 6o(ernance 9es rame+or- (36 ) practices? *f I<!& please specif% the name of the agree) MsponsorN for 36 purposes. 11 Does the project re8uire 'ni(ersit% staff to a)minister or ta-e 9es ) responsi#ilit% for either .linical 7rials or ;nimal 7esting acti(it%? *f I<!& ha(e insurance an) go(ernance ris-s #een assesse)? 11e Does the in(ol(ement of an% 'ni(ersit% staff or partners +or-ing on the project cause an% 2.onflicts of *nterest4 either ethicall% or as )efine) +ithin the 'ni(ersit% A3 3egulations? 11f Does the project in(ol(e the han)ling of an% personal )ata (e"g" health& lifest%le& political opinion& etc")? 1' 9es 9es
5r 7o 5r 7o
Project #is% #egister What are the ris-s associate) +ith )eli(ering the project as )efine) in the #i) )ocument?
+ample Pro*ect is! e$ister./ls
Please attach a copy of the ris% register after revie- -ith #is% A ministrator to this 8uestionnaire1 Template version dated 20/07/2012 Page 16 of 16