State of Deception Webquest Modified For Students
State of Deception Webquest Modified For Students
State of Deception Webquest Modified For Students
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Task 1: Click on the Timeline link on the home page and complete the following tasks:
Scroll through the timeline and pick one date during the Holocaust (1933-1945) that is accompanied ! a photograph" #lick on the photograph and record what you learned from the pop-up for that date:
Task 2: Go back to the home page by clicking on the the Themes link.
$" #lick on the %$&'N( $ )*$+*, theme (-ust each picture /ith !our mouse and the theme title /ill appear" 0" 1n page 2 o3 the theme4 /hat are t/o 3acts that !ou can learn a out Hitler4 either through the pictures on the page4 or the te5t /ritten there6 1" 2"
Task $: Click on the Themes link at the top of the website page and then click on the "#%&C'"#!T"#G T() *&+T( T() ) and complete the following tasks:
$" (o to page 2 o3 the theme4 click on the 'N7*,$#7'8* S)'+*SH19 3or the 'mages o3 'ndoctrination" $3ter !ou ha.e .ie/ed all 12 slides4 choose one o3 them to anal!:e in the chart elo/ ! putting the slide num er o3 the picture and ans/ering the ;uestions:
,lide .hat information did you learn from the pop-up link on this picture/ .hy did this picture draw your interest o0er all the other ones in the slideshow/
Task 1: Click on the Themes link at the top of the website page and then click on the %)2"#"#G T() )#) * T() ) and complete the following tasks:
$" (o to page 2 o3 the theme4 click on the 8oices o3 the *5cluded 'nteracti.e $!" 1n the screen that pops up4 listen to the .ideo testimon! o3 one o3 the sur.i.ors" $s !ou listen4 record a memora le ;uote 3rom each one4 demonstrating ho/ language is memora le and emotionall! e33ecti.e" <se the chart elo/ to record !our thoughts: #ame of ,ur0i0or emorable 3uote from his/her testimony:
Task 4: Click on the Themes link at the top of the page and go to the %)C)"5"#G T() 6+78"C theme. !nswer the following 9uestions:
$" 1n page 3 o3 the theme4 click on the ,taged #a:i film link and make sure !our .olume is turned <= so that !ou can hear the commentar!" 9atch the clip and take notes elo/ on !our o ser.ations a out the staged Na:i 3ilm: %escribe what happens in the film. +se the information that the historian gi0es you to e<plain the film. .hy did the #a:is create this particular film/
0" 1n page 4 o3 the theme4 click on the Staged Na:i 3ilm link and /atch the .ideo /ith sound a out the propaganda 3ilm made ! the Na:is in the 7ere:in ghetto" 9atch the clip and take notes elo/: .hy did the #a:is stage this film clip/ .hom did .hat was left out of this clip/ .hat made it a they want to trick/ staged film/
Task ;: Click on the T() ), link at the top of the page and go to the .'"T"#G T() #)., theme. Complete the following tasks and answer the 9uestions:
$" 1n page 54 click on the *5plore in +epth link to learn a out the =eople>s ,adio and ho/ it /as used 3or propaganda purposes" %ake sure !our sound is turned up and !ou ha.e !our headphones on so that !ou can hear the commentar!" $ns/er the ;uestions in the chart elo/:
(ow did the #a:is use the radio during their time in power/
(ow was the design of the 6eople=s 'adio simple/ 7e specific with details about the radio that were simple.
7. !fter going through this website> what was the most important thing you learned about propaganda/
)?T'! C')%"T: "f you ha0e time left> e<plore other parts of the website that were not on this web9uest and list some facts that you learned from the site: 1 2 $ 1 4 ; @ A B 1C