Matthew Labianca Resume 2014 1
Matthew Labianca Resume 2014 1
Matthew Labianca Resume 2014 1
Cranston, RI 02895 | 401-533-1370 | mrlabianca@email.neit.ed PROFILE Reliable and dedicated entr!-le"el #ame $e"elo%er &it' o tstandin( comm nication s)ills. *ro"en abilit! to contrib te si(ni+icantl! to a d!namic team. ,ble to - ic)l! learn and a%%l! ne& trainin( and tec'nolo(ies. ,ble to - ic)l! ada%t to e"er-c'an(in( &or) en"ironments and ne& scenarios. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS ./%erience sin( C00, 1a"a2cri%t, ,ction2cri%t ./%erienced in 3icroso+t 4is al 2t dios ,ble to tro bles'oot %ro(rammin( code $eb ((in( 2tron( in 5nit! 3$ (ame en(ine ,dobe Creati"e 2 ite6 Ill strator, 7las', *'otos'o% 8or)in( in a team en"ironment ./cellent &ritten and "erbal comm nication s)ills 2tron( e/%erience in t'e 3icroso+t 9++ice 2 ite 9 tstandin( c stomer ser"ice ./cellent inter%ersonal s)ills. 2tron( %resentation and % blic s%ea)in( s)ills. ,ble to listen attenti"el! and +oster an en"ironment o+ collaborati"e ideas and conce%ts. *assion +or t'e (ame ind str!. ,dditional s)ills in &ritin( and %er+ormin( m sic. ,ble to create m sic +rom scratc' and incor%orate t'at m sic into "ideo (ames.
EDUCATION & CERTIFICATION :e& .n(land Instit te o+ ;ec'nolo(!, .ast #reen&ic', RI Pursuing an Associate in Science de !ee in "a#e De$e%o&#ent and Si#'%ation Tec(no%o )* Ma!c( +,-. #*,6 3.33, $ean<s =ist se"eral - arters Ce!ti/ication0 ,ssociate<s Certi+ication in ,dobe *'otos'o% Cranston >i(' 2c'ool 8est, Cranston, RI Ce!ti/icate ea!ned in "a#e De$e%o&#ent 1it( a /oc's in P!o !a##in PRO2ECT WOR3 Ca&stone P!o4ect at NEIT ? Collaborated &it' a collea( e in t'e creation o+ an arcade (ame called @ Ha'nted To1e!.A 2er"ed as t'e *ro(rammer +or t'e %roBect. 5tiliCed 5nit! 2$ .n(ine. >it all benc'mar)s +or t'e %roBect. C rrentl! %re%arin( to %resent t'e %roBect to a (ro %. Unit) "a#e P!o4ect6 8or)ed &it' one anot'er st dent in t'e creation o+ a 3$ ,d"ent re #ame called @;'e 7rei('t .sca%e.A *ersonall! ser"ed as t'e *ro(rammer. 3ade and c stomiCed all o+ t'e m sic +or t'e %roBect. WOR3 E5PERIENCE S'&e! Sto& & S(o&, 8ar&ic), RI 2011 ? %resent Customer Service Supervisor 2tarted em%lo!ment as a Da((er and - ic)l! %romoted to Cas'ier and ltimatel! 2 %er"isor based %on reliabilit!, 'ard-&or), and dedication. .ntr sted &it' lar(e s ms o+ mone!. *ro"ide o tstandin( c stomer ser"ice. 8or) &ell &it' collea( es at all le"els to accom%lis' (oals. 5tiliCed stron( time mana(ement s)ills.