Private Company Salary Slip
Private Company Salary Slip
Private Company Salary Slip
For the month of August 2013
Employee Department &ocation Email A''ress Allo(ances Basic )ay $-er time #ales %ommission House "ent Allo(ance %on-eyance Allo(ance Utility !ight Allo(ance Foo' Allo(ance e'ical Allo(ance Fuel Allo(ance Arrears &ea-e Encashment +raining #tipen' +ransport Allo(ance %ell 2 Fuel Allo(ance %ell Allo(ance Bonus
Amount 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
De'uctions *ncome +a, )ro-i'ent Fun' )ension Fun' +ransport #alary A'.ustment &oan De'uctions !on #alary E/$/B/*
Amount 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Total Deductions