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REGION (Fief) Anorien Lossarnarch Lebennin Lamedon Pinnath-Gelin Anfalas Morthond Ringlo Valley Umbar Ithilien Harondor Dor Rhunen Rhovanion Morgul Vale Harad Harnen Calenhardhon EXMAP SETTLEMENT Calenhad Minas Arthor Pelargir Calembel Pinnath-Gelin Lond Galen Erech Ethring Umbar Emyn Arnen Amon Eithel Thoronburg Tirith Thoron Minas Ithil Hyarmen Gobel Ancalimon Aldburg REGION (Fief) Anorien Lossarnarch Lebennin Lamedon Pinnath-Gelin Anfalas Morthond Ringlo Valley Umbar Ithilien Harondor Dor Rhunen Rhovanion Morgul Vale Harad Harnen Calenhardhon VANILLA SETTLEMENT Minas Tirith Arnach Pelargir Calembel Pinnath-Gelin Lond Galen Erech Ethring Umbar Emyn Arnen Amon Eithel Thoronburg Tirith Thoron Minas Ithil Hyarmen Gobel Ancalimon Aldburg ##

EXMAP REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Shire Michel Delving Arthedain Annuminas Cardolan Tharbad North Downs Fornost Erain West Cardolan Argond North Arthedain Nenuial Mitheithel Hoarwell Guardian North Carn Dum Rhudaur Coldfells Barandor Duneard Enedwaith Ostirion Angrenost Isengard VANILLA REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Shire Michel Delving Arthedain Annuminas Cardolan Tharbad North Downs Fornost Erain West Cardolan Argond North Arthedain Nenuial Mitheithel Hoarwell Guardian North Carn Dum Rhudaur Coldfells Barandor Duneard Enedwaith Talsir Angrenost Isengard



Gap of Rohan Wold Rhovanion Pukel Land Isen Dunland Dor Rhunen North Enedwaith South Enedwaith

Gineard Woldberg Tirith Thoron Derwath Isengard Duneard Thoronburg Talsir Ostirion

Gap of Rohan Wold Rhovanion Pukel Land Isen Dunland Dor Rhunen North Enedwaith South Enedwaith

Gineard Woldberg Tirith Thoron Derwath Isengard Duneard Thoronburg Lond Daer Talsir

## ##

REGION (Fief) Umbar Harnen Harondor Near Harad Chelkar Harad North Umbar Khand Ithilien Lebennin Belfalas Anfalas EXMAP SETTLEMENT Umbar Gobel Ancalimon Amon Eithel Hamen Oud Ilaz Hyarmen Ramlond Ammu Khand Emyn Arnen Pelargir Dol Amroth Lond Galen REGION (Fief) Umbar Harnen Harondor Near Harad Chelkar Harad North Umbar Khand Ithilien Lebennin Belfalas Anfalas VANILLA SETTLEMENT Umbar Gobel Ancalimon Amon Eithel Hamen Oud Ilaz Hyarmen Khas Shafra Ammu Khand Emyn Arnen Pelargir Dol Amroth Lond Galen

REGION (Fief) Dunland Enedwaith Cardolan Saralainn Eregion Westmarch Pukel Land Shire Breeland Harlindon EXMAP SETTLEMENT Duneard Talsir Tharbad Suduri Ost-in-Edhil Hornburg Derwath Hobbiton Bree Elostirion REGION (Fief) Dunland Enedwaith Cardolan Saralainn Eregion Westmarch Pukel Land Shire Breeland Harlindon VANILLA SETTLEMENT Duneard Talsir Tharbad Lond Daer Ost-in-Edhil Hornburg Derwath Hobbiton Bree Elostirion


REGION (Fief) Dale Gramavuld EXMAP SETTLEMENT Dale Riverrun REGION (Fief) Dale Gramavuld VANILLA SETTLEMENT Dale Riverrun

Ehwathrumavuld Dorwinion Rhovanion Dor Rhunen Sagathavuld Gathod Anduin Vale Agasha-Dag Grey Mountains

Araw Dorwinion Tirith Thoron Thoronburg Burh Ermanarikis Mistrand Framsburg Rhomen Halls of Dain

Ehwathrumavuld Dorwinion Rhovanion Dor Rhunen Sagathavuld Gathod Anduin Vale Agasha-Dag Grey Mountains

Araw Dorwinion Tirith Thoron Thoronburg Burh Ermanarikis Mistrand Framsburg Rhomen Halls of Dain

EXMAP REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Upperkhand Oibamari West Rhun Burh Ermanarikis North Rhun Rhomen South Rhovanion Tirith Thoron Rhun Mistrand Khand Ammu Khand West Rhovanion Thoronburg Rhovanion Rhovanost Dorwinion Dorwinion North Rhovanion Araw Agasha-Dag Kugavod VANILLA REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Upperkhand Oibamari West Rhun Burh Ermanarikis North Rhun Rhomen South Rhovanion Tirith Thoron Rhun Mistrand Khand Ammu Khand West Rhovanion Thoronburg Rhovanion Rhovanost Dorwinion Dorwinion North Rhovanion Araw Agasha-Dag Kugavod

EXMAP REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Belegost Halls of Belegost Erebor Erebor Ered Luin Halls of Thorin Iron Hills Azanulimbar-Dm Angmar Carn-Dum Agasha-Dag Rhomen Dorwinion Dorwinion Forodwaith Pitkranta Grey Mountains Halls of Dain Gundabad Gundabad Khazad Dum Moria Misty Mountains Goblin Town VANILLA REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT NOT IN VANILLA NOT IN VANILLA Erebor Erebor Ered Luin Halls of Thorin Iron Hills Azanulimbar-Dm Angmar Carn-Dum Agasha-Dag Rhomen Dorwinion Dorwinion Forodwaith Pitkranta Grey Mountains Halls of Dain Gundabad Gundabad Khazad Dum Moria Misty Mountains Goblin Town ##



Forlindon Trollshaws Harlindon Saralainn Luneland Shire Eregion Hadhodrond High Pass Rhudaur Swanfleet Gundabad Cardolan

Forlond Imladris Harlond Suduri Lunelaith Hobbiton Ost-in-Edhil Moria Goblin Town Coldfells South Tharbad Gundabad Argond

Forlindon Trollshaws Harlindon Saralainn Luneland Shire Eregion Hadhodrond High Pass Rhudaur Swanfleet Gundabad Cardolan

Forlond Imladris Harlond Lond Daer Lunelaith Hobbiton Ost-in-Edhil Moria Goblin Town Coldfells South Tharbad Gundabad Argond



EXMAP REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Lothlorien Cerin Amroth Nimrodel Nimrodel High Pass Goblin Town Eregion Ost-in-Edhil Hadhodrond Moria Gundabad Gundabad Amon Lanc Amon Lanc Anduin Vale Beorn's Halls Anduin Tiriith Anduin West Rhovanion Tirith Thoron Dor Rhunen Thoronburg Angrenost Isengard Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Upper Anduin Vale Framsburg VANILLA REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Lothlorien Cerin Amroth Nimrodel Amon Gastel High Pass Goblin Town Eregion Ost-in-Edhil Hadhodrond Moria Gundabad Gundabad Amon Lanc Amon Lanc Anduin Vale Beorn's Halls Anduin Tiriith Anduin West Rhovanion Tirith Thoron Dor Rhunen Thoronburg Angrenost Isengard Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Upper Anduin Vale Framsburg



EXMAP REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Guard. of the Halls Thranduil's Halls Taurduin Gobel Erynen High Pass Goblin Town Gundabad Gundabad Amon Lanc Amon Lanc Anduin Vale Beorn's Halls Anduin Tiriith Anduin West Rhovanion Tirith Thoron Dor Rhunen Thoronburg Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Upper Anduin Vale Framsburg VANILLA REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Guard. of the Halls Thranduil's Halls NOT IN VANILLA NOT IN VANILLA High Pass Goblin Town Gundabad Gundabad Amon Lanc Amon Lanc Anduin Vale Beorn's Halls Anduin Tiriith Anduin West Rhovanion Tirith Thoron Dor Rhunen Thoronburg Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Upper Anduin Vale Framsburg


Central Mirkwood East Mirkwood Grey Mountains West Mirkwood

Ost-in-Gil Emyn-nu-Fin Halls of Dain Eryn Dolen

Central Mirkwood East Mirkwood Grey Mountains West Mirkwood

Ost-in-Gil Emyn-nu-Fin Halls of Dain Eryn Dolen

EXMAP REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Nurn Nurnen Deep Mirkwood Dol Guldur Gorgoroth Barad Dur Ithilien Emyn Arnen Morgai Durthang Minas Morgul Minas Morgul Udun Black Gate Anorien Minas Tirith Central Mirkwood Ost-in-Gil Rohan Edoras Woodland Realm Thranduils Halls South Rhovanion Tirith Thoron Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Dor Rhunen Thoronburg Anduin Vale Beorn's Halls Anduin Woldberg Lothlorien Cerin Amroth VANILLA REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Nurn Nurnen Deep Mirkwood Dol Guldur Gorgoroth Barad Dur Ithilien Emyn Arnen Morgai Durthang Minas Morgul Minas Morgul Udun Black Gate Anorien Minas Tirith Central Mirkwood Ost-in-Gil Rohan Edoras Woodland Realm Thranduils Halls South Rhovanion Tirith Thoron Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Dor Rhunen Thoronburg Anduin Vale Beorn's Halls Anduin Woldberg Lothlorien Cerin Amroth

EXMAP REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Isengard Isengard Dol Baran Dol Baran Anorien Minas Tirith Pukelland Derwath Rohan Edoras Anduin Woldberg Dor Rhunen Thoronburg Lothlorien Cerin Amroth Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Enedwaith Talsir Westmarch Hornburg Gap of Rohhan Gineard Morthond Erech VANILLA REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Isengard Isengard NOT IN VANILLA NOT IN VANILLA Anorien Minas Tirith Pukelland Derwath Rohan Edoras Anduin Woldberg Dor Rhunen Thoronburg Lothlorien Cerin Amroth Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Enedwaith Talsir Westmarch Hornburg Gap of Rohhan Gineard Morthond Erech





REGION (Fief) Grey Mountains Misty Mountains High Pass Erebor Central Mirkwood Woodland Realm Lower Anduin Vale Anduin Vale Lothlorien Rhudaur Cardolan Trollshaws Arthedain Dale Upper Anduin Vale

SETTLEMENT Halls of Dain Moria Goblin Town Erebor Ost-in-Gl Thranduil's Halls Rhosgobel Beorn's Halls Cerin Amroth Coldfells Tharbad Imladris Bree Dale Framsburg

REGION (Fief) Grey Mountains Misty Mountains High Pass Erebor Central Mirkwood Woodland Realm Lower Anduin Vale Anduin Vale Lothlorien Rhudaur Cardolan Trollshaws Arthedain Dale Upper Anduin Vale

SETTLEMENT Halls of Dain Moria Goblin Town Erebor Ost-in-Gl Thranduil's Halls Rhosgobel Beorn's Halls Cerin Amroth Coldfells Tharbad Imladris Bree Dale Framsburg


EXMAP REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Angmar Carn Dum Gundabad Gundabad South Angmar Angsl Gram Gram Erebor Erebor Grey Mountains Halls of Dain Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Rhudaur Coldfells Arthedain Bree Upper Anduin Vale Framsburg Trollshaws Imladris Ered Luin Halls of Thorin Forodwaith Pitkranta North Arthedain Nenuial VANILLA REGION (Fief) SETTLEMENT Angmar Carn Dum Gundabad Gundabad NOT IN VANILLA NOT IN VANILLA Gram Gram Erebor Erebor Grey Mountains Halls of Dain Lower Anduin Vale Rhosgobel Rhudaur Coldfells Arthedain Bree Upper Anduin Vale Framsburg Trollshaws Imladris Ered Luin Halls of Thorin Forodwaith Pitkranta North Arthedain Nenuial


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