Fast and Easy Way To Create Your Personal Bio
Fast and Easy Way To Create Your Personal Bio
Fast and Easy Way To Create Your Personal Bio
Someone asked me how they can make their own personal Bio. In
the interest of assisting that person and others here are a few ideas I
researched about creating your own Personal Bio.
Seldom does anybody write a Personal Bio just because they want to
feel good. It is a document that can open doors for you, it can get you
in to see people you may not normally get to see, and it also can
close doors on you - if it is not a professional presentation. If you
choose to add this tool to your employment search efforts, make sure
you do it right.
Well there you have it, a little guidance about creating your own
Personal Bio. I didn’t cover everything and I shouldn’t have to, after
all you have the library and the Internet to learn what you need to
One last comment, never present your Personal Bio with your
resume. Present your resume first, and then if there is another
meeting - present your Personal Bio.
I suggest that for the third meeting, (if you should make it that far)
bring an article from a magazine, or online, that you’ve researched
about the position, the industry and/or Company. Something they
perhaps have not seen, and would find interesting.
This is a little more effort, but the impact is tremendous. People who
appear knowledgeable and have writing abilities are always regarded
as more intelligent than those who only present their resume. Being
thought of as more intelligent will always work in your favor.
Every time you meet, you give something of value,
that’s a good sign to a prospective employer.
This has a strong subliminal effect, its not overt, yet a great
strategy to assist in wedging that opportunity door open for you.
Skills - that can be applied to the position. Skills are anything you
learned how to do. Typing, running a forklift, researching any subject,
bidding on contracts, manage accounts or people, telemarketing, selling,
creating art work, anything to do with an industry that is an ability that is
Experience - Time spent in a field of work or a position of
employment, charity or other need/want provider. Experience is anything
that you have spent time in and learned how things work, how operations
run, or how to work with industry peers.
Credentials - Degree, certificates, license, Permits, any kind of
recognition awarded to you in the course of study/work in a field or
Give it some thought, ask others, and you should be able to formulate
some useable ideas.
All I ask is that you do two things….One give everything here a try. It
really will work to your advantage. Two…make copies of this and let
other friends and family members join in the knowledge that will take
them to the employment that they seek. That’s it, so lets begin……..
When you see this: (words between these) That means you put
in what YOUR info is for that space provided. Use your imagination
along with your research online about Personal Bios. Or you may
want to start from scratch. But at least you have a mock-up of what
your trying to produce to help you in your employment search.
After leaving her position, to move to the west coast, she found employment as a
(secretary) at (123 Inc.). She was well received by most all employees and had
an excellent reputation of getting things done. After only a few months she was
awarded the (good employee of the month) plaque. While employed at (123
Inc..) she studied at the local community college of (Landing). There she took
several 2 year courses in Business Management and Marketing. At the
conclusion of her attendance, she was given the (Certificate of Business
Administration). After being released because of downsizing, Ms. Anderson
sought employment with (Bigger Box). Hired as a clerk first, she was promoted
to the sales department and then to (Assistant Marketing Manager).
Ms. Anderson was employed with (Bigger Box) for almost 4 years. She left
because of disagreements with management. It was a put-back, but she is not
one to let a bump in the career road, she has chosen, to knock her off track.
Ms. Anderson engaged herself in Self Education efforts and was studying on her
own - on weekends, vacation times and evenings. As a result, she has become
competent in sales, marketing and business development. She has a personal
library of books on these subjects that she constantly refers to for more personal
development in business.
Because of the current economic crisis Ms. Anderson is now seeking the position
of (Position w/ your company). She is requesting an interview appointment with
your (Marketing Dept.) She brings with her experience in the industry,
excellent references, an eye for cost saving and profit improvement for your
Ms. Betty Anderson
Business Developer
LUCK is an acronym:
Living Under Correct Knowledge