Louise CV
Louise CV
Louise CV
Email: louise.wchan@gmail.com
Ten weeks teaching high school core English and EAL at David Thompson Secondary School in Vancouver !" Three weeks community #ased $ield e%perience with Vancouver !iennale and &illiam !ridge Elementary School in 'ichmond !" (our months e%perience as a literacy leader in con)unction with not*$or*pro$it organi+ation Little ,ountain -eigh#ourhood .ouse (ive years work e%perience in two private academies /"anada and South 0orea1 "reated and developed curriculum and supplementary materials $or classes and students o$ various pro$iciency levels geared towards not only #uilding language skills #ut also creativity and critical thinking skills Active in parents meetings and e$$ective pro#lem solver in dealing with students and administrative issues
Bachelor of Education (Secondar En!li"h# EAL$ 2niversity o$ !ritish "olum#ia Vancouver !.". "anada Bachelor of Art" (En!li"h Literature# Hi"tor $ 2niversity o$ !ritish "olum#ia Vancouver !.". "anada Au!u"t %&'(
A)ril %&&*
En!li"h Teacher Avalon English Academy Fe./ %&'& 0 1ul/ %&'% 3uri "ampus South 0orea Se)/ %&'( 0 +re"ent Taught English to 3rade 4 to 56 students in a classroom o$ 56 to 57 students Taught reading writing speaking to students o$ di$$erent English pro$iciency levels Taught i!T T8E(L speaking and writing novel studies and language arts classes to advanced students Developed and prepared supplementary material $or a variety o$ classes &orked closely with the Academic Director to develop new programs to meet diverse student needs "oached and prepared a num#er o$ students one*on*one $or pu#lic speaking competitions "ommunicated e$$ectively with 0orean co*teachers as support $or parents and students Student Teacher Oct/ %&'% 0 No2/ %&'% David Thompson Secondary School 1an/ %&'( 0 A)r/ %&'( Vancouver !.". "anada !uilding high 9uality unit plans and lesson plans that cover curriculum accommodate multiple learning styles and incorporate technology "reating lessons and assignments that allowed students to demonstrate their learning in di$$erent ways Esta#lishing highly positive relationships with all students and colleagues and providing relevant and timely assessment .elping to #uild school community #y participating in student council meetings and events such as David Thompson :dol and chaperoning school dances
Co33unit 4Ba"ed +artner A)r/ %&'( 0 5a %&'( Vancouver !iennale and &illiam !ridge Elementary School Vancouver and 'ichmond !.". "anada ;romoting cross*curricular lesson planning #y de2elo)in! and )u.li"hin! 6Bi! Idea"7 cro""4 curricular curriculu3 unit )lan" online http:<<www.vancouver#iennale.com<unit*plans<migration*and*mo#ility<=su#)ect>47? 'eviewing and docu3entin! 6Art" in Action7 )ro8ect at 9illia3 Brid!e Ele3entar in con8unction :ith teacher" and arti"t" to co3)lete a learnin! ca"e "tud for the ;ancou2er Biennale/ Literac Leader Little ,ountain -eigh#ourhood .ouse Se)/ %&'% 0 Dec/ %&'( Vancouver !.". "anada Developing promoting implementing sa$e engaging and enriching program $or youth in grades 5* @ "arrying out various administrative duties including #udgeting program planning registration evaluation and report writing En!li"h Teacher 'eading Town English Academy "o9uitlam "ampus A)r/ %&&< 0 Fe./ %&'& Taught English to 0indergarten to 3rade 5A students in groups o$ 4 to 7 students Taught reading writing literature classes to students o$ di$$erent English pro$iciency levels Developed programs $or the school including ;rogressive &riting ;rogram Academic &riting ;rogram and Short Stories ;rogram &orked closely with the Director and administrative sta$$ to meet student needs ADDITIONAL E-+E,IENCE ;olunteer English 5A "lass Volunteer '.E. ,ountain Secondary School B 8#served high school English teacher 'od ,c0ellar C 57 hours over 7 days. B ,arked essays according to his e%pectations.D 5a %&&=