Microsoft Excel 2007: Advanced Topics: Importing

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Microsoft Excel 2007: Advanced Topics

Course Outline & Guide

MICROSOFT EXCE 2007: A!"A#CE! TO$ICS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& COURSE OUTLINE & GUIDE........................................................................................................... 1 IM$ORTI#'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% & A(TOFI TER%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2 TA) ES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * $ROOFI#'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + CREATE A C,ART%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + C,ART OCATIO# A#! T-$E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . C,ART A-O(T%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% / C,ART ST- E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% / C,ART SO(RCE !ATA%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7 C,ART C ASS C,A E#'E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7 TRIM F(#CTIO#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0 $ASTE S$ECIA A#! TEXT TO CO (M#S%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1 CREATE A $I"OTTA) E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 MO!IF- A $I"OTTA) E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &0 $ROTECTI#' -O(R 2OR3%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% && O$E# F OOR FOR 45A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &2

a. What is it? Openin a !ile that "as sa#ed as another !ile !or$at other than E%&el' su&h as in a data(ase ).$d(%* or te%t !ile ).t%t*. T+pi&all+ the data "ill (e deli$ited In E%&el' +ou &an !or$at the data or use it in &al&ulations as +ou "ould an+ other data (. Create a !ile that E%&el &an i6port i. Open the appli&ation' Ado8e Reader 1. On the Men9 Tool8ar &li&,' File : Open -. Choose a !ile to open a. Startin !ro$ the !es;top' open the Co9rse !older' loo, inside the Excel III !older' and !inall+ open <istor=>&0&%pdf .. Con#ert the %pdf !ile to a !ile !or$at E%&el "ill re&o ni/e 0. On the Men9 Tool8ar &li&,' File : Save as Text 1. Sa#e the !ile as <istor=>&0&%txt on the des,top 2. Close Ado8e Reader 134a e

&. Open E%&el and i6port the data i. Sele&t the !ile to I$port 1. Sele&t the Office (utton : Open -. In the Open "indo"' to the ri ht o! the Files of t=pe:' &hoose All Files ?@%@A !ro$ the drop do"n list .. 5t the top o! the "indo"' to the ri ht o! oo; In:' sele&t des;top 0. 6ro$ the list o! !iles a#aila(le sele&t and open' <istor=>&0&%txt ii. Setup the I6port 2iBard 1. In the ne" I6port 2iBard "indo"' under Ori7inal data t=pe' sele&t !eli6ited -. Cli&, #ext .. In the Step 2 "indo"' under !eli6iters' onl+ &he&, Space 0. Cli&, #ext 1. In the Step * "indo"' under Col96n data for6at' sele&t 'eneral 2. Cli&, Finis< 7. #ote: the data i$ported &ontains no !or$ulas or !un&tions and an+ cell !or$attin is no" 'eneral iii. Class Challen e 1. Chan e the &olu$n headers to $at&h the data (elo" -. 5d8ust the headers to $at&h the data i#. Delete ro" 7 1. It is no lon er setup to run !un&tions or !or$ulas d. Sa#e the E%&el !ile i. Sele&t the Office (utton : &hoose Save As : Excel 2or;8oo; ii. Sa#e on the des;top iii. Na$e the !ile <istor=>&0&%xlsx

e. What is it? 6iltered data displa+s onl+ the ro"s that $eet &riteria that +ou spe&i!+ and hides ro"s that +ou do not "ant displa+ed. 5!ter +ou !ilter data' +ou &an &op+' !ind' edit' !or$at' &hart' and print the su(set o! !iltered data "ithout rearran in or $o#in it !. 5ppl+ 5uto6ilter i. Sele&t cells A2 throu h C2 ii. On the Ri88on' sele&t ,o6e ta(' in the Editin7 roup' sele&t Sort 5 Filter' in the $enu sele&t Filter iii. The ro" o! cells pre#iousl+ sele&ted should no" ha#e drop do"n arro"s . 9ie" re&ords (+ &riteria -34a e

i. :o#ie +our $ouse pointer to the $assDFail &olu$n header and sele&t the do"n arro" ii. In the ne" "indo"' un&he&, the #alue Fail )this is the #alue o! the re&ords +ou do not "ant to #ie"* iii. Cli&, O3 i#. ;ou should no" onl+ see the students "ho passed the &lass #. 4otentiall+ +ou &ould &ontinue to narro" the !ield o! re&ords #ie"ed (+ desele&tin &riteria !ro$ other headin s h. To <Clear= the &riteria +ou set !or one or $ore &olu$ns i. Sele&t cells A2 throu h C2 ii. On the Ri88on' sele&t ,o6e ta(' in the Editin7 roup' sele&t Sort 5 Filter' in the $enu sele&t Clear i. Re$o#e A9toFilter i. Sele&t cells A2 throu h C2 ii. On the Ri88on' sele&t ,o6e ta(' in the Editin7 roup' sele&t Sort 5 Filter' in the $enu sele&t Filter iii. The ro" o! cells pre#iousl+ usin A9toFilter should no lon er ha#e drop do"n arro"s

8. What are the+? 5 ta(le is $ade o! &olu$ns and ro"s. Where the+ interse&t a &ell is &reated. When +ou &reate a ta(le in E%&el' +ou &an $ana e and anal+/e the data in that ta(le independentl+ o! data outside o! the ta(le. 6or e%a$ple' +ou &an !ilter ta(le &olu$ns' add a ro" !or totals' appl+ ta(le !or$attin ' and 5ppl+ a st+le to a "ord' line' or para raph ,. Insert a ta(le i. Sele&t the cell ran e !ro$ A2 to C/ ii. On the Ri88onE sele&t the Insert ta( : in the Ta8les roup : &li&, Ta8le iii. In the ne" "indo" under 2<ere is t<e data for =o9r ta8leF :a,e sure the ran e is the sa$e as the one +ou sele&ted i#. Che&, the (o% to the ri ht o! M= ta8le <as <eaders #. Cli&, O3 l. Ta(le desi n i. The !esi7n ta( is no" sho"in on the Ri88on and it i#es +ou si$ilar &hoi&es as "e ha#e seen (e!ore "ith st+les' options' and properties $. 6ilterin i. ;ou no" ha#e the e%a&t sa$e !ilterin and sortin options as +ou on&e did usin A9toFilter ii. Tr+ usin one n. Ta(le e%pansion i. One o! the reat options "ith usin a ta(le !or$at is that +ou &an e%pand the ta(le .34a e

1. :o#e +our $ouse pointer to the (otto$ ri ht &orner o! the ta(le and use the Fill ,andle to &li&, and dra to the ri ht and do"n -. Noti&e ho" the added cells &han e their loo, and !eel to $at&h the ta(le?

o. What is this? Che&,in a do&u$ent !or spellin and ra$$ar $ista,es. E%&el pro#ides tools that &an help +ou &orre&t these $ista,es. E%&el also i#es +ou the opportunit+ to resear&h "ords' use a thesaurus' and it "ill translate lan ua es> p. Spell &he&, i. Create a $isspellin 1. In the 'rade S<eet "or,sheet' in cell A& ' &han e ,istor= to ,ostor= -. Tap the Enter ,e+ ii. Corre&t the $isspellin 1. On the Ri88on : in the RevieG se&tion ? sele&t the $roofin7 ta( : &li&, Spellin7 -. In the "indo" that as,s' H!o =o9 Gant to contin9e%%%I &li&, the -es (utton .. In the Spellin7 "indo" a. Sele&t ,istor= under S977estions: (. Cli&, on C<an7e (utton to the ri ht &. ;ou should no" see' HT<e spellin7 c<ec; is co6plete for t<e entire s<eetI i. I! not' then c<an7e or i7nore the other "ords that E%&el (elie#es +ou $isspelled @. Resear&h' Thesaurus' and translate i. Resear&h Re!eren&e $aterial su&h as di&tionaries and en&+&lopedias ii. Thesaurus 6ind s+non+$s iii. Translate Lan ua e translation "hen "or,in "ith $ultilin ual !iles

Create a c<art
r. What are the+? Charts and raphs are #isual representations o! the data. E%&el supports $an+ ,inds o! &harts and raphs to help +ou displa+ data in "a+s that are $eanin !ul to +our audien&e s. Create a &olu$n &hart 034a e

Used to &o$pare #alues a&ross &ate ories i. Sele&t the studentAs 4assB6ail data ran e C cells A2 to E/ ii. On the Ri88onE sele&t the Insert ta( : in the C<arts roup : &li&, Col96n )do"n arro"* : under 2J! $ie &li&, Cl9stered Col96n t. Ele$ents o! the &hart i. 5 &hart is one o(8e&t $ade up o! s$aller o(8e&ts ii. When +ou ho#er +our $ouse pointer inside an+ part o! the &hart a (o% "ill appear indi&atin the lo&ation or o(8e&t iii. ;ou &an sele&t an+ s$aller &hart o(8e&t to $odi!+ it i#. To $o#e the &hart' $o#e +our $ouse pointer into the c<art area' &li&, and dra #. To resi/e the &hart $o#e +our $ouse pointer into an+ one o! the si/in handles on the (order o! the &hart' &li&, and dra u. Chart Tools i. On&e +ou &reate a &hart a C<art Tools se&tion "ill appear in the Ri88on and in&ludes 1. !esi7nE a=o9tE and For6at -. Cli&, in an+ "or,sheet cell and +ou "ill lose the C<art Tools se&tion .. Si$pl+ &li&, on&e on the &hart to (rin the se&tion (a&, and "or, "ith +our &hart

C<art location and t=pe

#. What are these? C<arts &an either (e e$(edded into a "or,sheet so +ou &an see the #alues used and the c<art at the sa$e ti$e' or as a separate "or,sheet. The t+pe o! a &hart is ho" the data is displa+ed #isuall+D a#era es E pie &hart' nu$(ers E (arB&olu$n' &han e o#er ti$e E line &hart ". Chan e the lo&ation o! the &hart i. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the !esi7n ta( : in the ocation roup : &li&, Move C<art ii. In the Move C<art "indo" 1. Sin&e the &hart is alread+ e$(edded in the "or,sheet' sele&t the radio (utton ne%t to #eG S<eet -. In the te%t (o%' t+peD C<art K 49iB Scores .. Cli&, O3 iii. The &hart is no" $o#ed into its o"n "or,sheet %. Chan e the &hart t+pe i. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the !esi7n ta( : in the T=pe roup : &li&, C<an7e C<art T=pe ii. In the C<an7e C<art T=pe "indo" &hoose )ar iii. In the $ain se&tion in the $iddle ri ht' sele&t Cl9stered )ar i#. Cli&, O3


C<art la=o9t
+. What is this? 5!ter +ou &reate a &hart' +ou &an instantl+ &han e its loo,. Instead o! $anuall+ addin or &han in &hart ele$ents or !or$attin the &hart' +ou &an @ui&,l+ appl+ a prede!ined la+out to +our &hart. E%&el pro#ides a #ariet+ o! use!ul prede!ined la+outs or @ui&, la+outs that +ou &an &hoose !ro$' (ut +ou &an &usto$i/e a la+out !urther i! needed (+ $anuall+ &han in the la+outAs indi#idual &hart ele$ents. /. Chan e the la+out i. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the !esi7n ta( : in the C<art a=o9ts roup : &li&, an+ one o! the la+outs ii. Choose one "ith a title 1. Cli&, inside the title te%t (o% and t+pe' St9dent 49iB Scores aa. :odi!+ the la+out i. :o#e the e7end 1. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the a=o9t ta( : in the a8els roup : &li&, e7end -. Sele&t e7end on )otto6 ii. :o#e !ata a8els 1. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the a=o9t ta( : in the a8els roup : &li&, !ata a8els -. Sele&t Inside )ase iii. Other areas 1. Dis&uss the other areasD C9rrent SelectionE InsertE AxesE )ac;7ro9ndE Anal=sisE and $roperties -. Sa$e i! not $ore options than in the C<art 2iBard o! E%&el past #ersions

C<art st=le
((. What is this? 5!ter +ou &reate a &hart' +ou &an instantl+ &han e its loo,. Instead o! $anuall+ addin or &han in &hart ele$ents or !or$attin the &hart' +ou &an @ui&,l+ appl+ a prede!ined st+le to +our &hart. E%&el pro#ides a #ariet+ o! use!ul prede!ined st+les or @ui&, st+les that +ou &an &hoose !ro$' (ut +ou &an &usto$i/e a st+le !urther i! needed (+ $anuall+ &han in the st+le o! indi#idual &hart ele$ents. &&. Color s&he$e i. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the !esi7n ta( : in the C<art St=les roup : &li&, an+ one o! the &olor s&he$es dd. Custo$ St+les 234a e

i. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the For6at ta( : in the C9rrent Selection roup : &li&, on the top option in the roup list )drop do"n arro" to the ri ht* ii. Cli&, on C<art Area iii. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the For6at ta( : in the S<ape St=le roup : &li&, on an+ one o! the pre!or$atted st+les or &hoose the do"n arro" to open up a $enu o! st+les i#. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the For6at ta( : in the C9rrent Selection roup : &li&, on the top option in the roup list )drop do"n arro" to the ri ht* #. Cli&, on Series H49iB &I #i. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the For6at ta( : in the S<ape St=le roup : &li&, on an+ one o! the pre!or$atted st+les or &hoose the do"n arro" to open up a $enu o! st+les

C<art so9rce data

ee. What is this? 5!ter +ou &reate a &hart +ou &an easil+ &han e the data used !or the &hart. The sour&e data used are the data points )data series* B or data ran e in the "or,sheet !!. On the Ri88on : in the C<art Tools se&tion ? sele&t the !esi7n ta( : in the !ata roup : &li&, Select !ata . In the Select !ata So9rce "indo" i. To the ri ht o! the te%t(o% !or C<art !ata Ra7e' &li&, the s@uare (utton "ith the red arro" ii. Sele&t cells A2 to E+ iii. Cli&, the s@uare (utton "ith the red arro" a ain to use the in!or$ation hh. To s"it&h !ro$ roG to col96n i. Cli&, the SGitc< RoGDCol96n ii. The results "ill displa+ as +ou "ill see the &hart &han e auto$ati&all+ ii. Edit series or cate7or= i. 5lthou h "e "onAt that here' +ou &ould easil+ sele&t an+ one o! the (utton options under e7end Entries or ,oriBontal Axis a8els ii. Cli&, O3

C<art class c<allen7e

88. What is this? Challen es e%ist to help the learner retain ,no"led e (+ reusin ne"l+ learned in!or$ation ,,. Challen e the &lass to &reate a ne" &hart 734a e

i. Create a 2! line c<art Git< 6ar;ers !or Co<n and SierraLs M9iB s&ores "ith the !ollo"in loo, )the+ "ill need to $odi!+ the &hart on&e &reated

Tri6 f9nction
ll. What is this? Re$o#es all spa&es !ro$ te%t e%&ept !or sin le spa&es (et"een "ords. Use TRI: on te%t that +ou ha#e re&ei#ed !ro$ another appli&ation that $a+ ha#e irre ular spa&in $$. Wor, "ith a ne" !ile i. On the des;top' in the Co9rse Folder dire&tor+ ? Excel III ? open #eG St9dents%xlsx ii. Sele&t cells A& throu h )/ iii. Cop+ the cells nn. Frin the in!or$ation into <istor=>&0&%xlsx i. Go (a&, into the <istor=>&0&%xlsx !ile ii. Create a ne" "or,sheet iii. Cli&, on&e on cell A& i#. 4aste the data !ro$ #eG St9dents%xlsx oo. Use the Tri6 !un&tion to et rid o! the unne&essar+ spa&es (e!ore the !irst na$es i. Sele&t cell )* ii. On the Ri88on : sele&t the For69las ta( : in the F9nction i8rar= roup : &li&, Text : in the $enu &hoose Tri6 iii. ;ou should no" see a ne" F9nction Ar796ents "indo" i#. To input the cell reference to tri6' sele&t cell A* #. Cli&, the O3 (utton #i. The te%t in cell )* is no" "ithout the spa&e (e!ore #ii. Use the fill <andle to &arr+ the !un&tion do"n and tri6 the other student na$es G34a e

$aste special and Text to col96ns

pp. What is this? Usin the Cut' Cop+' and 4aste &o$$ands in E%&el' +ou &an $o#e or &op+ entire &ells or their &ontents. ;ou &an also &op+ spe&i!i& &ontents or attri(utes !ro$ the &ells. 6or e%a$ple' usin $aste Special +ou &an &op+ the resultin #alue o! a !or$ula "ithout &op+in the !or$ula itsel!' or +ou &an &op+ onl+ the !or$ula. @@. 4aste spe&ial i. Cop+ the na$es !ro$ cell )* to )/ 1. These &ells ha#e a !un&tion as "ell as the #alue inside ii. 4aste onl+ the #alues 1. Sele&t cell A* -. On the Ri88on : sele&t the ,o6e ta( : in the Clip8oard roup : &li&, the $aste do"n arro" : in the $enu &hoose $aste "al9es .. Clear the in!or$ation in cells )* to )/ rr. Te%t to &olu$ns i. Sele&t cells A* to A/ ii. On the Ri88on : sele&t the !ata ta( : in the !ata Tools roup : &li&, Text to Col96ns iii. In the Convert text to col96ns "i/ard "indo" 1. Sele&t the radio (utton ne%t to !eli6ited -. Choose the #ext : (utton 3. Under !eli6iters &he&, onl+ the Space (o% 0. Choose the #ext : (utton 1. Choose the Finis< (utton

Create a $ivotTa8le
ss. What is this? Use a 4i#otTa(le report to su$$ari/e' anal+/e' e%plore' and present su$$ar+ data. Use a 4i#otChart report to #isuali/e this su$$ar+ data in a 4i#otTa(le report' and to easil+ see &o$parisons' patterns' and trends. Foth a 4i#otTa(le report and a 4i#otChart report ena(le +ou to $a,e in!or$ed de&isions a(out &riti&al data in +our enterprise. The !ollo"in se&tions pro#ide an o#er#ie" o! 4i#otTa(le reports and 4i#otChart reports tt. Get the data to use !or the $ivotTa8le i. Open the #eG St9dents%xlsx !ile ii. Sele&t and &op+ cells C2 throu h '/ iii. In the <istor=>&0&%xlsx !ile sele&t cell C2 and paste the data )"ith all in!or$ation* i#. Resi/e the &olu$ns to !it the data pasted H34a e

uu. Create a $ivotTa8le i. On the Ri88on : sele&t the Insert ta( : in the Ta8les roup : &li&, $ivotTa8le ii. In the Create $ivotTa8le "indo" $a,e sure the ran e sele&ted is !ro$ A2 to '/ iii. Choose the radio (utton to the le!t #eG 2or;s<eet i#. Cli&, the O3 (utton ##. 9ie" fields and data i. To the ri ht o! the "or,sheet +ou should no" see a $ivotTa8le Field ist &olu$n ii. Che&, the (o% ne%t to First #a6e 1. The students !irst na$es should no" appear in the "or,sheet iii. Che&, the (o% ne%t to ast #a6e 1. Their last na$es no" appear in the sa$e &olu$n -. To sho" or hide their last na$es &li&, on the N or K ne%t to their !irst na$es iv. To #ie" an+ o! the others si$pl+ &he&, the (o% ne%t to the !ield "". Gi#e +our $ivotTa8le a na$e i. In the ne" $ivotTa8le Tools se&tion on the Ri88on : sele&t the Options ta( : in the $ivotTa8le roup : &li&, inside the te%t (o% under $ivotTa8le #a6e: ii. Na$e it' Fall Se6ester iii. Tap the Enter ?ret9rnA ,e+

Modif= a $ivotTa8le
%%. What is this? ;ou &an &han e the #alues' !ields' or an+ other attri(utes o! a 4i#otTa(le easil+ in E%&el ++. Chan e !ield settin s i. Sho" all !ields ii. Sele&t cell )+ ?s96 of A7eA iii. In the ne" $ivotTa8le Tools se&tion on the Ri88on : sele&t the Options ta( : in the Active Field roup : &li&, Field Settin7s i#. In the "al9e field settin7s "indo"' dis&uss S966ariBe 8= and S<oG val9es as ta8s #. 5#era e 5 e 1. Sele&t the S966ariBe 8= ta( -. In the list (elo" &hoose Avera7e .. Cli&, the O3 (utton #i. 4oint out other options !or $ivotTa8le Tools : Ri88on : Options //. St+les 1I 3 4 a e



i. In the ne" $ivotTa8le Tools se&tion on the Ri88on : sele&t the !esi7n ta( : in the $ivotTa8le St=les roup : &li&, on an+ st+le ii. In the ne" $ivotTa8le Tools se&tion on the Ri88on : sele&t the !esi7n ta( : in the $ivotTa8le St=le Options roup : &he&, the (o% ne%t to )anded RoGs 6ilter a !ield i. In the $ivotTa8le Field ist &olu$n' In the (otto$ ri ht under val9es 1. Cli&, and dra Avera7e of A7e into the (o% under Report Filter -. The !ield should no" (e si$pl+ A7e ii. 6ilter the re&ords 1. ;ou should no" see a drop do"n $enu option in cell )& 2. Cli&, the do"n arro" and &he&, the (o% ne%t to Select M9ltiple Ite6s 3. Che&, the (o%es ne%t to *2 and +. 0. Cli&, the O3 (utton 1. ;ou no" should onl+ see onl+ t"o students' Anna and Cac;son Sa#e the !ile

$rotectin7 =o9r Gor;

&&&. ddd. i. ii. iii. i#. #. #i. eee. i. ii. iii. iv. #. #i. What is this? Create a pass"ord that onl+ allo"s &ertain users to &han e the "or,sheet or the entire "or,(oo,. Cell prote&tion !or$at The de!ault prote&tion !or e#er+ cell is a loc;ed cell To see this' ri ht &li&, inside an+ cell 6ro$ the $enu &li&, on For6at Cells%%% In the C9sto6 ists "indo"' sele&t the $rotection ta( oc;ed is &he&, as a de!ault 1. This "ill allo" us to pass"ord prote&t our "or,sheet Cli&, the cancel (utton in the (otto$ ri ht o! the "indo" 4rote&t +our "or,sheet On the Ri88on : sele&t the RevieG ta( : in the C<an7es roup : &li&, $rotect S<eet Che&, the (o% ne%t to $rotect Gor;s<eet and contents of loc;ed cells In the te%t (o% under $assGord to 9nprotect s<eet:' t+pe D trainin7 Che&, the (o% ne%t to (oth Select loc;ed cells and Select 9nloc;ed cells Dis&uss the other options Cli&, the O3 (utton 11 3 4 a e

!!!. Chan in an+ o! the data in +our "or,sheet i. On&e +ou tr+ to &han e so$ethin a "indo" "ill open e%plainin ho" the sheet is prote&ted !ro$ &han e ii. To &han e the data +ou need to 9nprotect the "or,sheet iii. On the Ri88on : sele&t the RevieG ta( : in the C<an7es roup : &li&, (nprotect S<eet i#. The pass"ord is no" one and +ou &an edit the !ile . 4rote&t "or,(oo, i. It is the sa$e thin as prote&tin the "or,sheet e%&ept this ti$e +ou prote&t the entire !ile hhh. Sa#e the !ile

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