Monaco, Officially The Principality of Monacoa, Is A Sovereign City-State, Located On The French
Monaco, Officially The Principality of Monacoa, Is A Sovereign City-State, Located On The French
Monaco, Officially The Principality of Monacoa, Is A Sovereign City-State, Located On The French
It is bordered by France on three sides; one side borders the Mediterranean Sea. Monaco has an area of .! "# $!.%& s' #i( and a population of )*,)%+; Monaco is the second s#allest and the #ost densely populated country in the ,orld. Monaco has a land border of -.- "# $ .% #i(, a coastline of -.+ "# $ .. #i(, and a ,idth that varies bet,een +,%!! and )-/ # $.,.%% and +,+-. ft(. 0he highest point in the country is a narro, path,ay na#ed 1he#in des R2voires on the slopes of Mont 3gel, in the 4es R2voires Ward, ,hich is +*+ #etres $. & feet( above sea level. Monaco5s #ost populous Quartier is Monte 1arlo and the #ost populous Ward is 4arvotto67as Moulins. 0hrough land recla#ation, Monaco5s land #ass has e8panded by t,enty percent. Monaco is a principality governed under a for# of constitutional #onarchy, ,ith 9rince 3lbert II as head of state. 3lthough 9rince 3lbert II is a constitutional #onarch, he still has i##ense political po,er. 0he :ouse of ;ri#aldi have ruled Monaco, ,ith brief interruptions, since + /%. 0he official language is French, but Mon2gas'ue, Italian, and English are ,idely spo"en and understood. 0he state5s sovereignty ,as officially recogni<ed by the Franco-Monegas'ue 0reaty of +&*+, ,ith Monaco beco#ing a full =nited >ations voting #e#ber in +//). ?espite Monaco5s independence and separate foreign policy, its defense is the responsibility of France. :o,ever, Monaco does #aintain t,o s#all #ilitary units. Econo#ic develop#ent ,as spurred in the late +/th century ,ith the opening of its first casino, Monte 1arlo, and a rail,ay connection to 9aris. Since then, the principality5s #ild cli#ate, splendid scenery, and ga#bling facilities have contributed to Monaco5s status as a pre#ier tourist destination and recreation center for the rich and fa#ous. :o,ever, in #ore recent years Monaco has beco#e a #a@or ban"ing center and has successfully sought to diversify its econo#y into the services and s#all, high-value-added, non-polluting industries. 0he state has no inco#e ta8, lo, business ta8es, and is ,ell "no,n for being a ta8 haven. Monaco is not for#ally a part of the European =nion $E=(, but it participates in certain E= policies, including custo#s and border controls. 0hrough its relationship ,ith France, Monaco uses the euro as its sole currency. Monaco @oined the 1ouncil of Europe in !!-.