Track: Information Technology in Healthcare: MINITRACK: HCI and Consumer Health Informatics
Track: Information Technology in Healthcare: MINITRACK: HCI and Consumer Health Informatics
Track: Information Technology in Healthcare: MINITRACK: HCI and Consumer Health Informatics
There are a wide range of users affected by emerging technologies in healthcare and a wide range of services these technologies can offer. On the side of healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations worldwide are currently undertaking massive transformations and additions to their IT infrastructure. Healthcare professionals use health technologies to comply with changing regulations, improve patient care, and provide improved support for office staff, clinicians, and patients. In addition after decades of development of health technology systems designed primarily for physicians and other healthcare managers and professionals, there is an increasing interest in reaching and empowering patients directly through computers and telecommunications systems. Consumer participation may take place at various points in the care process: prevention, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and/or maintenance, and HCI issues emerge at each stage. History suggests that the success of emerging healthcare applications and new innovations will depend to a large degree on the ability of people to use them effectively and efficiently. Humancomputer interaction (HCI) research can provide valuable guidance to the design, implementation, and evaluation processes to improve the usability of healthcare IT. Thus, potential exists for HCI and consumer health informatics researchers to apply existing knowledge to improve healthcare IT, formulate new theories and practices, and create new technologies in light of HCI considerations specific to the healthcare context. This minitrack provides a focused outlet for HCI and consumer health informatics researchers in healthcare domains to share and discuss the results of their work. Research is welcomed on any work that focuses on users (health consumers, medical professionals, and others) and related usability. Various methodologies (design science, qualitative, and quantitative work) are welcome. Broad categories of suitable papers will include:
Usability, design, and other HCI issues related to health technology such as:
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personal health record (PHR) applications patient care monitoring systems chronic care management tools home healthcare devices
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media and devices to better enable communication between doctor and patient telemedicine devices medical knowledge management systems systems assisting patients in self-management, maintaining safety, and communicating with medical professionals . online reference sources like WebMD practice management systems preventive care systems public health informatics electronic medical records applications
Innovation of new tools and devices with a strong usability or HCI consideration Interaction issues in new technologies to empower and inform healthcare for consumers Interaction issues in navigating the wealth of health information on the Internet HCI issues in using health technologies across cultures or geographic regions
Minitrack Leaders! Ann Fruhling (primary contact)! University of Nebraska at Omaha ! Email: Rich Burkhard! San Jose State University! Email: Soussan Djamasbi! Worcester Polytechnic Institute ! Email: Ann Fruhling is the Director of the School of Interdisciplinary Informatics and an Associate Professor in the College of Information Science and Technology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). Dr. Fruhlings research interests include human-computer interaction and usability evaluation, user interface design, agile methods, and software engineering solutions for healthcare emergency response systems. She has received numerous grants for research focusing on a public health emergency response system called STATPack, (Secure Telecommunication Application Terminal Package), a bioterrorism preparedness system that supports remote laboratory diagnostics and consultation. Her research studies have appeared in publications including Journal Management Information Systems, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Computer Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, and Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. She also has book chapters in Value Based Software Engineering, Patient-Centered E-Health, and Advances in Management Information Systems (forthcoming) and numerous conference papers. ! ! Rich Burkhard is associate professor and Interim Department Chair in the Department of MIS in the College of Business at San Jose State University, and Research Fellow at the Kay Center for e-Health at Claremont Graduate University. Rich's research work focuses on e-Health Systems and Services, Emergency Health Services, Virtual Collaboration, and the design of
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systems to serve these goals. Rich's research is published in the Information Systems Management, Communications of the AIS (CAIS), Journal of Medical Internet Research, Information Visualization Journal, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Issues in Innovation, and elsewhere, including chapters and conference proceedings. Soussan Djamasbis research focuses on Decision Science and Usability areas and has important contributions for theory and practice. Her work contributes to theory as it extends a number of influential theories such as the Technology Acceptance Model and the theory of Behavioral Decision Making. Her research contributes to practice because it informs the design of systems and thus improves their effective usage. These studies have shown that including physiological measures in Decision Science and Usability research provides a more complete picture of user behavior that is key to healthcare information system acceptance. This in turn helps to design more effective information systems. For example, tracking users eye movements allows us to design information systems that successfully communicate key information to users. Dr. Djamasbis research has appeared in AIS Transactions on HumanComputer Interaction (THCI), International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Decision Support Systems, JITTA and CAIS to name a few. In addition, Dr. Djamasbi is the Director of the User Experience and Decision Making Research Laboratory (UXDM) at WPI and the Chairelect for the AIS Special Interest Group in Human Computer Interaction (SIGHCI).
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