Knotbook PDF
Knotbook PDF
Knotbook PDF
of the Patrol
of the Troop
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"Every Scout ought to be able to tie a knot. To tie a
knot seems to be a simple thing, and yet there are right
and wrong ways of doing it, and Scouts ought to know
the right way. Very often it may happen that lives
depend on a knot being properly tied", B-P on Knots.
Within the covers of this booklet, Scouts will find all
the knots they need to know for their various grade and
proficiency badge requirements.
Through study of this book and constant practice with
all types of ropes and under many conditions and with
good instruction from experts every Scout can make
himself thoroughly competent in rope work.
For the sake of brevity the selection of knots has been
limited to those generally useful, and where there are
several specialized methods of tying knots, we have
selected the one that is most adaptable or that gives the
best structural understanding.
Editor's Note:
This is an internet edition of an old training booklet
brought to you by The Dump at and the
Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport.
The editors have taken care to reserve the original look
and feel for the sake of historical accuracy.
We believe that this booklet should be in the breast pocket
of every Scout and Sea Scout, as much as a notebook and
With that view in mind, the publishers grant the right to
copy and distribute this file, freely, without of any fees,
for the purposes of Scouting and Guiding.
For more historical texts with traditional Scouting topics,
visit the The Dump at:
feed this edge first
A straight piece of rope does not have definite parts
such as a head, body or tail. In order to understand and
describe knot tying, we think of it as having three sec-
tions - two ends and a standing part. Some knots are
formed by two ends (reef knot), some by the end and
the standing part (bowline), and some by the standing
part alone (sheepshank).
Many knots seem an endless maze of parts. But even
the most complex knots can be broken down to a com-
bination of three basic turns - bight, loop or overhand.
To lash three spars together to form a tripod, lay the
spars on the ground pointing in alternate directions.
Begin with a clove hitch or timber hitch on one of the
end spars. Take seven or eight loose lashing turns
around all three spars and loose frapping turns in the
spaces between. Finish with a clove hitch on the centre
spar and hoist the tripod.
Take two feet of twine, double back about 3 inches, lay
along the rope, near the end to be whipped, as you see
in A-1. With the long end of the twine, wind round the
rope a dozen times pulling each turn tight and making
sure that it lies close to the previous turn. Pass the end S
through the loop L as in A-2, do not let the turn slip.
Now pull the end E gently until the loop is about half
way through the turns of the whipping, this will lock the
ends as shown in the sketch A-4.
Finally cut off the twine close to the turns of the whip-
ping, taking care not to cut the rope. Try your hand with
various sizes of rope so that you become proficient with
whippings of all kinds.
This lashing is
used whenever
spars cross at an
angle, touching
each other
where they
cross. The lash-
ing starts with a
clove hitch (or
timber hitch)
around the
upright spar immediately below the horizontal spar. The
lashing is then taken in front of and up over the hori-
zontal bar. It then passes behind the upright spar, down
in front of the horizontal spar and finally around behind
the upright spar, just above the original clove hitch. The
process is repeated four times keeping outside the previ-
ous turn on the horizontal and inside on the upright.
Then three or four frapping turns are taken. The lashing
is finished by a clove hitch on the horizontal spar, A.
This clove hitch must be snugged and slid near the lash-
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This is used for lashing
together parallel spars and for
forming "sheer legs" which
support bridges and the like.
Begin with a clove hitch
around one of the spars. Take
seven or eight turns about
both spars. These turns need
not be very tight but the frap-
ping turns taken around them
should be pulled very snug.
Finish with a clove hitch on
the spar opposite to that on which the first clove hitch
was laid.
Obtain a piece of rope about one inch in circumference
(that is, 5/16" in diameter) and about 20 feet long. A
short piece is of little or no practical use. Because you
are going to use this rope for a long time as part of your
regular equipment, treat it carefully and prepare it for
hard service.
One important preparation is the protection of the rope
ends against wear. Unless protected, the twisted strands
will loosen and fray. A figure-of-eight knot at each end
will serve as a temporary stop but should not be left
permanently. As soon as possible the ends should be
treated in one of the two following methods.
Ashley Book of Knots, Clifford W. Ashley,
Doubleday Dawn and Company, Garden
Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope
Work, Raoul Graumont and John J. Hensel,
Cornell Maritime Press. New York.
Handbook of Knots, Raoul Graumont,
Cornell Maritime Press.
The Key to Knots and Splices, Walter Glass,
Key Publishing Co.
Knots, Splices and Fancy Rope Work,
Spencer, Brown, Son & Ferguson.
Parts Of A Rope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Care Of Rope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Whipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Simple Whipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4
Sailmaker's Whipping . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
Reef Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Slippery Reef Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Surgeon's Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Sheet Bend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Double Sheet Bend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Slippery Sheet Bend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Clove Hitch No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Clove Hitch No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Slippery Clove Hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Bowline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Bowline On A Bight . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Round Turn And Two Half Hitches . . .14
Sheepshank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Timber Hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Guy Line Hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Rolling Hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Butterfly Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Fireman's Chair Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Overhand Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Figure Of Eight Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Middleman's Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Carrick Bend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Fisherman's Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Fisherman's Bend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Highwayman's Hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Cat's-Paw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Marlin Spike Hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Blackwall Hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Double Blackwal Hitch . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Diagonal Lashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Square Lashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Sheer Lashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Tripod Lashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
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Begin with an over and under crossing Fig. A, and then
bring the ends back above in a second similar crossing
Fig. B. The completed knot Fig. C is snugged up by
pulling on the ends. Note that it makes no difference
whether the first crossing is tied left over right or right
over left, as long as the second crossing corresponds to
it correctly. A reef knot can be loosened easily by tak-
ing an end and a standing part of one rope in each hand
and pushing the bights apart. A square knot can also be
loosened by pulling the ends and standing part of one
rope in opposite directions.
The reef knot is used in all first aid work or for joining
two pieces of string or cord of equal thickness. It is not
recommended for joining rope.
These quick hitches only hold
when subjected to a constant
strain or when taken in the mid-
dle of a rope with both ends fast.
A stopper in the knot increases
their security slightly. They are
generally used to attach a rope
temporarily to a hook or similar
object. The single blackwall is an
ordinary half hitch and is not as
secure as the double. The differ-
ence between the two can be seen by comparing the dia-
grams. One is simply a single half hitch, the other is the
The sheet bend is the most important knot for joining
two rope ends and is especially useful when the ropes
are of unequal size. A permanent loop - tied, seized or
spliced - can be substituted for the right hand portion of
the knot.
A loop is first formed with the thicker rope, the thinner
is then threaded through this loop, Fig. A, passed right
around the end and standing part of the thicker rope B,
tucked under as in C and tightened by pulling on the
standing part of the thin rope D.
You can see how the thin rope jams against the loop of
the thick rope to prevent it from slipping.
This knot is so named because it enabled the highway-
men of old to tether his horse to a post with one end of
the rope and when he vaulted into the saddle for a quick
getaway he pulled the other end and away came the
whole rope. It is useful for mooring boats and tethering
horses. Place the loop behind the spar, take end Z, make
a loop in it and pass through the first loop, then take
end X and pass it through the loop formed by end Z,
strain can be taken on Z. Pull on X to release.
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This lashing is used to "spring" two spars together. The
lashing is started with a timber hitch around both spars.
The timber hitch is tightened so as to draw the two
spars together. Three or four turns are then taken around
one fork, and three or four turns around the other fork.
Two frapping turns are taken about the lashing at the
point where the spars cross, and the lashing is finished
off with a clove hitch around the most convenient spar.
First open the strands near the end of the rope to be
whipped, if possible, without unlaying the ends. Place
the end of the twine between two strands of the rope,
pass it around the third strand, and bring it out again
between the strands through which it entered, B 1.
Close the strands again, leaving the large loop, L in the
twine, and some inches of the end of the twine free;
make several tight turns, working towards the end of the
rope. Then without letting those turns become loose, put
the loop L over the end of the same strand round which
you passed the twine. This is important B 2.
Pull the end E until the twine is tight against the turns
of the whipping, and is also lying snugly between the
strands of the end of the rope.
Bring the end E up to the end of the rope and between
the strands of the ends, to meet the standing part S as
you see in B 3.
To finish off, join these two with a reef knot, pulling
each part of the reef very tightly, making sure there is
no slack; cut off the ends very short, B 4; force the
strands together again, which has the effect of hiding
the reef knot, and the finished whipping should look
like B 5.
This is a good method of whipping as you do not have
to pull the twine underneath the turns of the whipping
with the risk of snapping the twine.
After you have done it a few times you will probably
prefer it to any other way of whipping a laid rope.
This knot which is really a form
of hitch is a more satisfactory
way of attaching a load to a hook
than either of the blackwall hitch-
es. It will not slip off and needs
no constant strain to make it hold.
Form two loops as in Fig. A. Turn
loops inward for one or two com-
plete turns and hang the eyes so formed over the hook
or object of attachment as in Fig. B.
This knot can be used as a quick
method of getting a purchase in a
rope for pulling. It is so named
because a marlin spike, or small
spar is run through a loop as illus-
Make an overhand loop in the
rope, form a bight in the standing
part and push up through the loop,
put the marlin spike or spar
through this as shown.
This knot is tied in the same manner as a reef knot but
before pulling it tight, slip one of the ends back through
the bight. By pulling on this end the knot can be untied
easily and quickly.
Another variation of the reef and the only difference is
by having the left end taken around the right end twice
instead of once on the first crossing. The double first
crossing gives it enough friction to hold until the second
can be tied.
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Make two similar loops, side by side in the rope, Fig. A
and B, slide them together so that they look like C. Slip
over the end of the pole and pull tight as in D.
This is a most useful knot and is the start and finish of
some lashings and is widely used in boat work, gadget
making and pioneering and for making rope ladders.
Passing around an object in one continuous direction, it
puts almost no strain on the fibres.
There are many different ways of tying this knot, some
useful, others merely interesting and amusing. Try your
hand at tying as many variations as possible.
As the name indicates this is a knot used by fishermen
and is used for joining two pieces of gut, which would
not hold if we used a reef knot or sheet bend.
It can be used for joining thin twine, if you think the
normal method would slip, remember however this knot
tends to jam and therefore is difficult to untie.
To tie, lay the two pieces to be joined alongside one
another with the ends in opposite directions, make an
overhand knot in each end around the standing part of
the other, pull the standing parts in opposite directions
and draw the two overhand knots together.
A very important knot, the bowline forms a loop that
will not slip or jam no matter how great the strain. In its
many adaptations it is useful in first aid and life saving.
A thorough understanding of the several variations of
this knot will be of great value to every Scout whether
ashore or afloat. Start by forming an overhand loop and
a standing part, spaced so as to make the resulting loop
large enough for its purpose. The free end is taken up
through the loop, around the standing part and back
down through the loop.
This is a useful non-slipping knot. It can be used for
hauling heavy weights in the manner of a harness in fact
anywhere that a quickly tied, non-jamming, non-slip-
ping knot is needed.
Make an overhand knot and pass the end A through in
the direction of the arrow then make another overhand
knot around end B of the rope. When the loop is
strained the knots run together and remain fast.
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This is an excellent knot for attaching a rope to a light
anchor, a ring or a rectangular piece of stone. It can also
be used to rig up a swing.
Take two turns through the ring or around the stone and
bring the end over the standing part and through the
loops (as shown). Finish with two half hitches and pull
If the ropes are of very different thicknesses or are wet
there is a risk, unless the tension is steady, that the knot
may not hold fast, so in this case we make another turn
with the thin rope and tuck it a second time between
itself and the loop.
To untie the sheet bend quickly or if you think it might
jam, use a slippery sheet bend. This is made by starting
in the normal way then, instead of tucking the end,
make a small bight or loop in the end of the thin rope
and tuck that. Pull the end of the thin rope and the knot
is undone.
This knot is used with large ropes or harness as in tow-
ing. It is never used unless both ends are seized as in
Fig. B onto their standing parts. A single Carrick bend
is begun by forming a bight in the first rope and weav-
ing the other end of the rope around it as shown in the
illustration. After the seizing is finished put the strain
on both ends.
The Carrick bend may be tied flat for decorative pur-
poses. If the lower bight is extended the Carrick bend
may be plaited for a further length or as long as desired.
When it is necessary to form a clove hitch around a spar
which is closed at both ends or around a pole too high
to toss over, we use this method. Make a simple turn
around the bar, across the rope over and tuck it as
shown. Fig. D shows the completed knot.
This can be tied in either of the two methods shown
previously, the only difference being that a bight is
formed and passed back through the last turn. This
allows the clove hitch to be quickly untied.
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This is a simple method of fastening a rope to a spar, ring
or another rope. It is especially useful for towing purposes.
The round turn is shown in Fig. A and means that the rope
makes two turns around the spar. You can see in Fig. B that
the second half, the two half hitches is like making a clove
hitch on the standing part of the rope with the free end. Pull
tight at this stage and it will then look something like B.
Sometimes the free end is fastened with a light whipping to
the standing part for greater security.
An important point to remember is that the pull or tension
on the rope in these hitches must be as shown in the sketch
that is at right angles, or nearly so to the spar. If this isn't
done there is a risk that the rope may slip along the spar.
This knot is used for rescue purposes. Be certain you can
make it quickly and correctly. Throw the two loops in
the standing part of a long rope. Pull the overlapping
portions of each loop through the other loop as indicated
by the arrows and 1 and you will get knot shown in 2.
Adjust the two loops at this stage in order to pass
around a body. One, the smaller will allow it to pass
over the head and shoulders and rest under the arms,
with the knot near the chest - the other long enough to
go under the knees.
When the loops are correct, pull the knot tight and
throw a half hitch on each loop as in 3 as you did for
the sheepshank, but make them snug up to the centre
knot and tighten.
This important hitch will hold firmly and can be tied
and untied quickly. This hitch is used to draw two spars
together when starting a diagonal lashing. It is also a
quick and easy method of fastening a rope to a spar for
a short time, to haul it up or along. It will hold only if a
steady tension is kept on the rope; if spar is to be hauled
along pointing in one direction, it is better to put a half
hitch on the spar first in the direction you want it to
point. Fig. B shows this method of using. To tie take a
turn around the spar bending the rope back around itself
and twisting the end two or three times and pulling on
the standing part to tighten.
As its name suggests this knot
is used in securing tent guy
lines or guys for pioneering
projects and larger gadgets. It is
started by casting two overhand
knots in the rope some distance
apart, the running end is then
passed around the peg, carried
upward, then down through the
two overhand knots. The knots
are then pulled tight. The guy line is lengthened or shortened by
loosening the two knots and adjusting the running end.
This useful knot will not slip even on glass smooth sur-
faces. This knot is really clove hitches with an extra
turn in the direction of the strain on the standing part.
The diagrams explain how this hitch is made.
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To make a loop in the end of
the rope use this knot. It can
be tied quickly but if a great
deal of tension is placed on it
it tends to jam.
Simply take a bight in the end
of the rope and make an over-
hand knot as shown in the
sketch, and pull tight.
This is a good stopper knot, useful in tying parcels
where the slip knot is necessary or a rope forming a lar-
iat loop. Note that when snugged, the end of the rope
projects at a right angle to the standing part.
This knot is used as a chair knot. Form a good size
bight and throw an overhand loop as shown in Fig. A,
bringing the ends up through the loop so formed. Open
the end loop and bring it down and around the entire
knot as shown in Fig. B, until it ends up against the
standing part as shown in Fig. C. Set the knot securely
before putting weight on it.
This knot provides one that will not slip and which may
be tied without using the ends of the rope. It is used for
providing a harness, for hauling heavy loads and for
Pick up a bight of the rope in one hand and hold both
parts in the other Fig. 1. Twist the bight once to cross
the two parts Fig. 2, twist again to produce hole A Fig.
3. Fold bight back over loop passing tip down between
the two parts C and up through A Fig. 4, now pull bight
through and tighten knot.
This knot is used for shortening a long rope which is
fastened on both ends. As in the case of a tent guy line
or blanket line. After taking up the slack as shown in
Fig. 1 form an underhand loop as shown in B, slide it
over the bight B 1, and pull it taut. Do the same thing
on the other end to complete the knot. To lock the sheep
shank to keep the loops from sliding off add a second
half hitch as in Fig. 3 at each end.
To render the sheepshank more secure the bight may be
seized or toggled to the standing part.
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