Parent Letter Ee - Regular - Spring 2014 With Danielle
Parent Letter Ee - Regular - Spring 2014 With Danielle
Parent Letter Ee - Regular - Spring 2014 With Danielle
e#pa e1 http1//teacherpa es$nhcs$net/schools/0shley/laurencanup/ ;r, o to the 0shley 8S we#pa e, click on <aculty 7 Sta!!, then click on my name! Dear Students and Parents/Guardians, Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to Earth/Environmental Science! This is a very excitin course with tons o! !un thin s to learn and " am lookin !orward to a reat semester workin with you! "n order to keep thin s runnin smoothly and to keep a healthy and happy environment in our classroom, " have esta#lished some rules and expectations !or this course$ Supplies Needed: 1 Pack of Loose-leaf paper %at least &'( sheets) * this must #e turned in durin the !irst week and stored in the classroom! 3-pronged folder * it may #e paper or plastic$ "! you do not #rin one in #y tomorrow, " will provide a paper !older$ +ou may then replace it with a #etter !older i! you need/want to$ YOU ARE RESPONSI LE !OR REPLA"IN# $%E !IRS$ !OL&ER I! LOS$'&A(A#E&) * glue s+icks , to #e turned in !or use durin the semester$ +ou will #e iven extra credit on your !irst unit test !or #rin in these in! Somethin to write with * pen or pencil-$$E.E/+ D0+! Op+ional E,+ra "redi+ Supplies: o E,+ra #lue S+icks1 " will add points to each o! our 2 tests i! you #rin in E3T/0 lue sticks %in addition to the ' re4uired)-" will accept up to ' lue sticks per test % for a -a,i-u- of 1* +o+al glue s+icks) o 1 .o, of /leene,1 " will add points to your classwork avera e durin the & st 5 weeks$ o 1 roll of paper +o0els1 " will add points to your homework av $ durin the &st 5 wks$ "lassroo- Rules: E REA&Y - in class E1ERY day, on +i-e, with your "D, and prepared with all necessary materials %you will lose points i! you repeatedly !or et to #rin your !older to class!) E RESPE"$!UL - o! everyone, your classmates, your teacher, and yoursel!$ This is non,ne otia#le! E RESPONSI LE - 0lways !ollow all rules mentioned in the Science Sa!ety 6ontract 7 08S Student 8and#ook-we will ST/"6TL+ !ollow #oth in class! PLE0SE /E0D T8E9 :;T8 60/E<=LL+! E "O((UNI"A$I1E * #oth parents and students should #e in touch with me via email/phone messa e/in person i! 0>+ 4uestions/concerns arise$ " promise to always do the same! E PRO&U"$I1E - ?e are only to ether !or 5( minutes each day and we have S; much to learn -please sociali@e, room yoursel!, and SLEEP elsewhere! E A2ARE - 6ell phones and other electronic devices are >;T to #e used in class$ The students will only #e warned ;>6E, and then they ?"LL #e taken away$ The student/parent may retrieve the phone !rom the principal a!ter A1A( P$9$ that day$ Please re!rain !rom
textin or callin your child durin the school day$ There are phones in all classrooms, so please call the main o!!ice i! you need to reach your child$ A++endance'A.sences: 0ttendance is 90>D0T;/+! 0ll a#sences must #e excused, 2I$% A 2RI$$EN NO$E, in our attendance o!!ice within 8 &AYS o! the a#sence$ <ailure to #rin a note, or waitin lon er than E days will result in an UNE9"USE& A EN"E: =nexcused a#sences will result in an automatic ;ERO on all dail< grades$ ;nce you exceed 16 a.sences %excused or unexcused) you are in dan er o! !ailin the course completely and must appeal to the 08S 0ttendance 6ommittee$ FFFFF PLEASE REA& $%E A$$EN&AN"E POLI"Y "ARE!ULLY)===== ?hen a#sent, it is the S$U&EN$>S responsi#ility to seek out missin work$ They are to see my we#site !or lesson plans and visit the daily !olders !or copies o! handouts$ 0n alternate assi nment may #e iven in the event that a video or la# activity is missed$ Students have $2O days !or each missed day to make up their work! 0ll tests and 4ui@@es will #e announced in advance$ Please avoid a#sences on these days$ Tests may #e made up #e!ore/a!ter school and missed 4ui@@es will not #e made up$ The student will either earn a @ero or the 4ui@ rade will #e omitted, dependin i! the a#sence is excused or not$ #rading: Tests, 4ui@@es, 7 proGects$----------------------------$-----$C(H 8omework 7 student, enerated activities %le!t side o! note#ook)-----$-$$A(H >otes 7 teacher, enerated activities %ri ht side o! note#ook)-----$----A(H
There will only #e ? -a@or uni+ $ES$S throu hout the semester$ Small AUI;;ES will #e iven e4er< fe0 da<s on the material we have #een learnin in class$ The A rd unit test will #e a cumulative midterm exam$ 0t the end o! the semester, all students will have to take a 9SL %9easure o! Student Learnin ) Exam written #y the state$ ?e will have an extensive review prior to the state exam$ PRO#RESS REPOR$S will #e handed out at the completion o! each unit %approximately every three weeks)$ These must #e si ned and returned the next day %!or a homework rade)$ +ou can expect some !orm o! %O(E2OR/ almost E.E/+ ni ht in this class$ " expect students to stay or ani@ed, utili@e their planners, and do their work ON $I(E! +ou can receive reduced credit !or homework that is completed a!ter the due date$ Late credit is enerally a '(,A(H deduction$ Students will #e keepin an IN$ERA"$I1E NO$E OO/ that we will #uild in class to ether each day$ 0ll homework and classwork will #e lued or written into the pa es o! their note#ook$ This note#ook is an excellent way to stay or ani@ed and to help the students learn and retain the course content$ +ou will not see raded work comin home on a daily #asis$ The note#ook will #e turned in on the day o! the =nit test and all o! the work that was completed in that unit will #e raded at once$ <or that reason, you will only see rade updates in the Parent 0ssist 9odule every two to three weeks$ The unit note#ook will #e sent home with a detailed raded ru#ric, alon with a pro ress report that will re4uire your si nature$ " will then store all o! the unit note#ooks in the classroom to #e used to prepare !or 9idterm and <inal exams$ "! you are curious as to what your child is workin on in class %homework assi nments, test/4ui@ dates, proGect due dates, etc$) " encoura e you to 4isi+ (Y 2E SI$E %the address is on the top o! this letter)$ " try very hard to keep my we#site as up to date as possi#le, so " edit it daily$ The county is shi!tin over to IGoo le SitesJ !or teacher we#,pa es$ So, it is likely that my we# address will chan e at some point durin the semester$ "! so, " will #e sure to contact you$ Students may earn e,+ra credi+ on each o! our tests #y participatin in a PROBE"$ called K2%A$ ON EAR$% IS #OIN# ONCD throu hout the semester$ Students can choose to participate Gust once,
or up to as many as S"3 times durin the semester %once per unit)$ 0 separate handout will #e comin soon includin the detailed instructions$
"ourse Ou+line <"/ST 5 ?EELS =nit &1 "ntroduction to Earth/Environmental 7 Earth in the =niverse----------',A weeks Earth vs$ Environmental Science, how to keep an interactive note#ook, #asic science skills 7 EarthJs motions throu h space, seasons 7 tides, sunJs radiant ener y 7 solar ener yJs e!!ect on earth =nit '1 EarthJs Geosphere--------------$-----------------$$----$--$$',A weeks /ock cycle, plate tectonics, volcanoes, earth4uakes, weatherin , soil, eoha@ards, human e!!ects on the lithosphere, and traditional ener y sources =nit A1 EarthJs 8ydrosphere---------------------$------------$$--$$',A weeks ?ater as an ener y a ent %currents 7 heat trans!er), roundwater 7 sur!ace water, human in!luences on !reshwater availa#ility and 4uality in >orth 6arolina$ 9"D,TE/9 E309--------------------$-------------------$$----&/',& week SE6;>D 5 ?EELS =nit C1 EarthJs 0tmosphere--------------------$--$-------------$-$',A weeks Structure 7 composition o! atmosphere, air masses 7 weather systems, cyclonic storms, weather measurements 7 prediction =nit E1 EarthJs 6limate-------------------------------$---$$$-$$$$$--$',A weeks 8uman e!!ects on air 4uality, natural climate patterns, and causes %natural 7 anthropo enic) and e!!ects o! lo#al climate chan e$ =nit 21 EarthJs :iosphere-------------------------------------$$$-$',A weeks :iomes o! >orth 6arolina, #iodiversity, human impact on #iosphere, alternative ener y, sustaina#le a riculture, lo#al human populations, and use o! natural resources$ /eview 7 9SL E309---------------------------$$------------$---$' weeks $u+oring and (ake-Up sessions 0ill .e a4aila.le dail< E!ORE S"%OOL fro- E:66-E:*8 A:(: Af+er sc3ool sessions 0ill .e a4aila.le once'+0ice per 0eek F+<picall< (onda<s and'or $3ursda<sG I 0ill announce 03ic3 da<s I a- s+a<ing af+er sc3ool during class eac3 0eek: " am extremely to work with you this school year! This is my &' th year teachin Earth/Environmental Science and " enGoy it more with each passin year$ " canJt wait to see what our adventure holds and what will come !rom the minds and hearts o! my students! The reason that " teach is #ecause " love science 0>D educatin youn people$ " want what is #est !or every one o! my students and " want them to #e success!ul #oth in my class and in the li!e
that lies ahead o! them$ " aim to produce educated and compassionate youn adults who will #ecome citi@ens that are mind!ul o! the environment around them$ Please !eel !ree to contact me at any time durin the year i! you have any 4uestions, comments, or concerns$ The most e!!icient way to et in touch with me is #y email$ " will do my #est to #e in touch with you in a timely manner$ Scienti!ically yours,
Hello! My name is Ms. Williams and I will be student teaching in Mrs. Canups Earth & Environmental Science Class this semester. I am a graduate student at U CW and will be receiving a Master o! "rts in #eaching degree !or Secondary Science in May $%&'. I graduated !rom (ad!ord University with a )achelor o! Science degree in *eology and then taught outdoor Environmental Education over the course o! three years. I am a !irm believer that curiosity is the !oundation o! science+ ,ver the ne-t !ew months. my goal is to motivate students to as/ 0uestions. conduct research. and !orm answers about Earth and the environment. We will e-plore new topics such as water 0uality and beach erosion as well as investigate age1old topics !rom earth0ua/es and volcanoes to hurricanes and tornadoes. I am so e-cited to have the opportunity to wor/ with your student as they learn about the world around them. I! you have any 0uestions or comments about this class. please !eel !ree to email me at danielle.williams$ Sincerely. Ms. Williams
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ?hen you and your child have read and discussed the contents o! this letter, please si n and return it to class$ ?e will lue the letter into our "nteractive Science >ote#ooks !or !uture re!erence$ S+uden+ Na-e Fplease 0ri+e legi.l<G HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Paren+'#uardian signa+ure HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH S+uden+ signa+ure HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Parent/Guardian * please provide the #est phone num#er or email address at which you can #e reached and the #est times to contact you1
"! you would like a copy o! this letter !or your re!erence, it will #e linked to my class we#site!