FLF Diet Calendar
FLF Diet Calendar
FLF Diet Calendar
Workout Time
Your Preference
Your Preference
Your Preference
Special Notes
Have FUN!
Small Piece of Fruit + Steady state 20 min run. Low Carb Protein shake (20-30g protein immediately after cardio)
20 Min Last meal moderate at 10pm steady state cardio - 1 hour before your big meal (optional but recommended)
Supplement Intake
Athletic Greens First Thing In The Morning Omega Blue First Thing In the Morning (after 1st meal or if fasting to be taken with Athletic Greens) Prograde Workout One serving split into two parts: 1. One serving will be taken before workout with BCAA serving. 2. One Serving will be taken directly after workout. Bluestar Iso Smooth Taken directly after your morning cardio workout (Warrior Day) Bluestar Extreme Rush Taken 30 Minutes before doing an FLF workout NOTE: Not to be taken before a cardio session. Bluestar Creatine Taken 30 Minutes before doing an FLF workout NOTE: Not to be taken before a cardio session.