Charlie Parker Ideas
Charlie Parker Ideas
Charlie Parker Ideas
7th chord arpeggios built from the 3rd of the chord are fre uentl!. II Vs can be reduced to IV V "hich is easier to picture on a stringed instrument. e.g. #$7add % to &7 or #m7add% to &7b% #m7. 'r Dm7 to Dm7b( or D diminished ) real e!e opener is ho" great the )m triad sounds o*er the II chord+ the full )m7 chord sounds too much like a tonic but the straight )m,-o (th of C. sound great.
/ubstitute II Vs )ppl!ing Dorian and L!dian dominant scales to a short substitute II V can sound clunk! as the progression is an artificial creation. ) better option although not technicall! correct is to use $i0ol!dian o*er both chords.