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! A'%, GC 6#11%&' F0'0
! A'%, HC 2)01DI% F0'0
! A'%, JC !"#-43% @%%370&K

al ueparLmenL of Local A


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:071% #. 6#)'%)'5

Glossary ........................................................................... 3
1. What is Training Needs Assessment? ............................ 4
2. Five Steps of Traning Needs Assessment ....................... 7
3. Step 1: Identify Problem and Needs ............................... 8
4. Step 2: Determine Design of Needs Assessment............. 9
5. Step 3: Collect Data .................................................... 21
6. Step 4: Analyze Data................................................... 25
7. Step 5: Provide Feedback ............................................ 36
References ...................................................................... 37


Appendix 1: Questionnaire for Training Needs Assessment
Appendix 2: Guide Questions for Training Needs Assessment

al ueparLmenL of Local A


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An observable behavior supported by specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Each competency has a specific result or output.
Content Analysis
A procedure for organizing narrative and qualitative data into emerging themes
and concepts. Usually associated with a quantitative form of analysis in which
the themes are counted or measured.
A cost-benefit analysis completed prior to conducting training. It is an estimate
of the cost of the training weighed against the possible benefits that could be
achieved if training were conducted
Gap Analysis
Also called performance analysis; identifies the difference between current
performance and the desired performance.
The process of asking questions to experts or performers to identify training
Job Analysis
The process of identifying all the parts of a specific job; conducted before a task
Describes a specific behavior, conditions, level of achievement and is written
from the learners point of view.
Gathering of information about a specific work need that can be resolved by
training. The types of needs assessment include performance analysis, target
population analysis, sorting training needs and wants, job analysis, and task
Needs versus
Wants Analysis
Discovers training needs that are related to the organizations work. Training is
linked to the final outcome and providing appropriate training will benefit the
individual as well as the organization.
Also known as gap analysis. Performance analysis looks at an officials current
performance and identifies whether the official is performing as desired
A difference with a negative connotation, implying that the official is not meeting
a known standard for performance.
Project Team GDLA Task Force members and JICA experts.
The individual or group involved in a needs assessment or training program.
Task Analysis Finds the best method and sequence of steps to complete a specific task.
Trainer A term used in a corporate setting for a teacher. Also instructor.
Training Needs
The method of determining if a training need exists and, if it does, what training
is required to fill the gap.
al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

=>0' 45 :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'?

Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is the method of determining if a
training need exists and, if it does, what training is required to fill the gap.
TNA seeks to identify accurately the levels of the present situation in the
target surveys, interview, observation, secondary data and/or workshop.
The gap between the present status and desired status may indicate
problems that in turn can be translated into a training need.

Training can reduce, if not eliminate, the gap,
by equipping the participants with knowledge
and skills and by encouraging them to build
and enhance their capabilities. The data on the
present status are vital to the evaluation or
impact survey in the latter part of the training
cycle. These shall serve as the baseline data.
The following are some techniques for
acquiring such data. These may be applied
independently or in combination.
:"04)4); <%%35 O F%54"%3 60,07414'D P 69""%)' 60,07414'D #. '>% !0"'4&4,0)'5

Planning is the first step of the
training management cycle. At
the planning stage, the steps are
divided into two: i) Training
Needs Assessment (TNA) and ii)
Training Planning. This manual
takes up TNA.
al ueparLmenL of Local A


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84)45'"D #. *)'%"4#" 0)3 N0,0) *)'%")0'4#)01 6##,%"0'4#) 2;%)&D
80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

TNA is also the process of collecting information about an expressed or
implied organizational need that could be met by conducting training. The
need can be a performance that does not meet the current standard. It
means that there is a prescribed or best way of doing a task and that
variance from it is creating a problem. The TNA process helps the trainer
and the person requesting training to specify the training need or
performance deficiency. Assessments can be formal (using survey and
interview techniques) or informal (asking some questions of those involved).
(Source: !ean 8arbazeLLe, 2006, 1ralnlng needs AssessmenL: MeLhods, 1ools and 1echnlques)

Why do we need training?

Because training is a means to ensure that government officials have the
knowledge and right skills to be able to do their work effectively and
competently. Training may be needed when there is a gap between the
desired performance, and the current performance, and the reason for that
gap is lack of skill or knowledge. Training may only be able to resolve part of
the problem. Thus we need to analyze the problem and find out whether
training will be able to resolve it. If training is necessary, we also need to
define the objective of the training and how it will help the staff member(s)
become more effective. This process is called a Training Needs Assessment
shown above or Training Needs Analysis.

It is important to note that, despite many reasons to conduct training
shown above, training may sometimes not be the only solution to a problem.
There are many other means that impact on someones ability to do their
work, as pointed out in the Report on Training Needs Assessment by PILAC.
The following are other examples.

" Lack of skills or knowledge, or experience
" Not having the right equipment or resource
" Not being encouraged by managers and colleagues to do the right thing
" There are no standards or expectations that are set and communicated
" Bad workplace morale or conditions
(Source: MCl/uCLA, 2004, 1ralnlng needs AssessmenL)

al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

Why do we need a Training Needs Assessment?

First, identify dissatisfaction with the current situation and desire for
change as similarities among the requests. Each request implies that a gap
or discrepancy exists between what is and what could be or should be. A
learning or performance gap between the current and desired condition is
called a need. TNA aims at the following situations.
" Solving a current problem
" Avoiding a past or current problem
" Creating or taking advantage of a future opportunity
" Providing learning, development or growth

The purpose of TNA is to answer some familiar questions: why, who, how,
what, and when. The following are descriptions of the questions and what
analysis can be done to answer them.

@4;9"% BC :>% !9",#5% #. :<2

(Source: !ean 8arbazeLLe, 2006, 1ralnlng needs AssessmenL: MeLhods, 1ools and 1echnlques)

!"# conducL Lhe Lralnlng: Lo Lle Lhe performance deflclency Lo a worklng need and be
sure Lhe beneflLs of conducLlng Lhe Lralnlng are greaLer Lhan Lhe problems belng
caused by Lhe performance deflclency. ConducL Lwo Lypes of analysls Lo answer
Lhls quesLlon: (1) !""#$ &"'$($ )*!+$ *!*,-$.$ and (2) /"*$.0.,.+- *!*,-$.$1
!"% ls lnvolved ln Lhe Lralnlng: lnvolve approprlaLe parLles Lo solve Lhe deflclency.
ConducL a LargeL populaLlon analysls Lo learn as much as posslble abouL Lhose
lnvolved ln Lhe deflclency and how Lo cusLomlze a Lralnlng program Lo capLure
Lhelr lnLeresL.
&%' can Lhe performance deflclency be flxed: Lralnlng can flx Lhe performance
deflclency or suggesL oLher remedlaLlon lf Lralnlng ls noL approprlaLe? ConducL a
performance analysls Lo ldenLlfy whaL sklll deflclency ls Lo be flxed by a Lralnlng
!"() ls Lhe besL way Lo perform: Lhere ls a beLLer or preferred way Lo do a Lask Lo geL
Lhe besL resulLs. Are [ob performance sLandards seL by Lhe organlzaLlon? Are
Lhere governmenLal regulaLlons Lo conslder when compleLlng Lhe Lask ln a
requlred manner? ConducL a +*$2 *!*,-$.$ Lo ldenLlfy Lhe besL way Lo perform.
!"*+ wlll Lralnlng Lake place: Lhe besL Llmlng Lo dellver Lralnlng because aLLendance aL
Lralnlng can be lmpacLed by work cycles, holldays, and so forLh. ConducL a
conLexLual analysls Lo answer loglsLlcs quesLlons.

al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

@4-% A'%,5 #. :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

Five Steps:
The processes of Training Needs Assessment can be divided into five
steps: i) identify problem and needs; ii) determine design of needs
assessment; iii) collect data; iv) analyze data; and v) provide feedback.

al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

A'%, BC *3%)'4.D !"#71%+ 0)3 <%%35

The first step in TNA is to identify problems and needs. Before TNA is
conducted, it should be probed whether training is needed. In the public
sector, it is important to identify organizational context in such aspects as
policy, goal, roles and responsibilities.

Realizing the policy direction of the organization, performance analysis
known as gap analysis is conducted to look at an officials current working
performance and knowledge and identify whether an official is performing
as desired based on given roles and responsibilities. Then the more explicit
the standard for current performance and knowledge, the easier it will be to
describe the gap in performance or knowledge deficiency.

During the preliminary study of PILAC, the current problem was identified
as follows: Training officials is urgently needed to implement D&D reform
and improve local administration, because the efficient and effective
implementation of the D&D Framework requires deep understanding of the
Framework among public officials at the national, provincial, and district
levels who are in charge of local administration.

After identifying problems and needs, set up overall objectives for a training
course. In PILAC, the following objectives of the training course were already
set up through discussion between JICA and the Ministry of Interior (MOI)
prior to project implementation, i.e., during the preliminary study.
" Public officials improve their understanding of D&D policy.
" Public officials improve their skills to apply D&D policy to their daily
duties and functions assigned.
al ueparLmenL of Local A


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A'%, EC F%'%"+4)% F%54;) #. <%%35 2)01D545

The second step in TNA is to determine the following: i) target groups to be
trained; ii) interviewees; iii) survey methods; iv) survey plan including
schedule to be conducted TNA and persons in charge of TNA. Those items
become the basis for a training course designer to either create a new
training course, identify an existing one that can fulfill the need, or obtain
one externally.

Sometimes it may be impossible to fulfill the need, but that is not the
decision of the person conducting TNA. Actually, knowing exactly what
elements of information are required can serve as a guide a road map- for
your analysis.

The survey must clearly define the target group of the training, i.e., target
population. Although no strict rules for defining exist, the target population
must be defined in line with the objectives of TNA. The survey should
produce the following elements in its report: training subject(s); importance
of the training; time requirements; current target group; potential target
group; frequency of training; and required outputs of the training.

In PILAC, target groups and the number to be trained were also determined
during the preliminary study of PILAC through discussion between MOI and
JICA. Top managers in local administration of MOI and officials of the
General Department of Local Administration (GDLA) were primarily
identified as target group. During TNA, the selection criteria of trainees were
to be set up. The details determined by MOI/JICA are as follows:

al ueparLmenL of Local A


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:071% BC :"04)4); 6#9"5% #. !*/26 !>05% B

Once a target group for the training, i.e., target population, is identified,
interviewees for the survey are selected. It is likely that all the officials of the
target group cannot be interviewed due to time constraints. Thus, sampling
of the target population which will be addressed in the next section should be

In TNA conducted in PILAC Phase 1, MOI officials who were involved in D&D
policy and local administration of GDLA and local administration in Phnom
Penh Municipality and Kampong Cham Province from five model provinces
were selected for the survey. The time factor was crucial in deciding how the
target officials should be sampled in the five model provinces. The survey was
also intended to compare the Municipality and the Province and see the
differences and similarities between them that apply to all five model
provinces and cities.
SelecLlon of

al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

The following figure indicates types of needs analysis and contents. It is
suggested that those analyses be used in combination depending on the
needs, time availability and manpower.

@4;9"% EC :D,%5 #. <%%35 255%55+%)'

(Source: !ean 8arbazeLLe, 2006, 1ralnlng needs AssessmenL: MeLhods, 1ools and 1echnlques)
:D,%5 #. <%%35 255%55+%)'

1ype of needs Analysls WhaL Lhe Analysls Answers

erformance analysls or gap analysls " ls Lhls lssue a sklll/knowledge deflclency?
" Pow can Lhe deflclency be addressed?
" *s Lralnlng Lhe approprlaLe way Lo flx Lhls deflclency?

leaslblllLy analysls " Why should Lhls Lralnlng be done?
" ls Lhe beneflL of Lralnlng greaLer Lhan Lhe cosL of Lhe
currenL deflclency?

needs versus wanLs analysls " Why should Lhls Lralnlng be done?
" ls Lhe deflclency Lled Lo a need?

Coal analysls " WhaL ls Lhe speclflc behavlor lmprovemenL behlnd a
vague deslre?

!ob/Lask analysls " WhaL ls Lhe besL and correcL way Lo do Lhls work?
" Pow can Lhls [ob and Lask be broken down lnLo
Leachable parLs?

1argeL group analysls " Who ls Lhe Lralnee for Lhls Lralnlng?
" WhaL ls known abouL Lhem Lo help deslgn and
cusLomlze Lhls Lralnlng
" WhaL oLher groups mglhL beneflL from Lralnlng?

ConLexLual analysls " When wlll Lhe Lralnlng be presenLed?
" WhaL are Lhe oLher requlremenLs Lo dellver Lhe Lralnlng

1ypes of
al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

Data collection and analysis are essential parts of needs assessment. The
following table describes the most commonly used methods of data
collection. TNA is optimized when a combination of data collection methods
is used to analyze quantitative and qualitative data. Regardless of which
methods are used to collect and analyze data, it is important to consider the
reliability, validity and trustworthiness of the data.

:071% EC A9"-%D 8%'>#35
*Details are shown below
8%'>#3 6#)&%,'
" CuanLlLaLlve research meLhod commonly employed ln survey research Lo ensure LhaL
each lnLervlewee ls presenLed wlLh Lhe same quesLlons ln Lhe same order and LhaL
answers can be rellably aggregaLed and LhaL comparlsons can be made wlLh
confldence beLween sub-groups or beLween dlfferenL survey perlods.
" lnLervlewers read Lhe quesLlons exacLly as Lhey appear on Lhe survey quesLlonnalre.
1he cholce of answers Lo Lhe quesLlons ls ofLen flxed (close-ended) ln advance, Lhough
open-ended quesLlons can also be lncluded wlLhln a sLrucLured lnLervlew.
" unllke Lhe sLrucLured lnLervlew, more general quesLlons or Loplcs. 8elevanL Loplcs are
lnlLlally ldenLlfled and Lhe posslble relaLlonshlp beLween Lhese Loplcs and Lhe lssues
become Lhe basls for more speclflc quesLlons whlch do noL need Lo be prepared ln
advance allowlng boLh Lhe lnLervlewer and Lhe person belng lnLervlewed Lhe flexlblllLy
Lo probe for deLalls or dlscuss lssues.
" new quesLlons can be broughL up durlng Lhe lnLervlew as a resulL of whaL Lhe
lnLervlewee says, so Lhe lnLervlew flows more llke a conversaLlon.
" CbservaLlon of worklng envlronmenL and performance of offlclals (offlce maLerlals,
communlcaLlon Lool, l1 sysLem, means of clrculaLlng Lhe lnformaLlon)
" A quesLlonnalre ls a survey lnsLrumenL conslsLlng of a serles of quesLlons and oLher
prompLs for Lhe purpose of gaLherlng lnformaLlon from respondenLs. 1hey are ofLen
deslgned for sLaLlsLlcal analysls of Lhe responses.
@#&95 ["#9,
" CuallLaLlve research meLhod whose purpose ls Lo obLaln ln-depLh lnformaLlon on
ldeas and percepLlons of a group and also Lo be more Lhan a quesLlon-answer
" A relaLlvely small meeLlng (generally slx Lo Lwelve parLlclpanLs) convened for a speclflc
purpose under Lhe dlrecLlon of a faclllLaLor, durlng whlch group members Lalk freely
and sponLaneously abouL a cerLaln Loplc.
" An educaLlonal semlnar or serles of meeLlngs emphaslzlng lnLeracLlon and exchanged
of lnformaLlon among a usually small number of parLlclpanLs developlng sklll or
common undersLandlng Lhrough some Lypes of appllcaLlon
" ulscusslon on verlflcaLlon of ldenLlfled sLaff Lralnlng needs ln Lhe reLurned 1nA
quesLlonnalres and lnLervlew resulLs
al ueparLmenL of Local A


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84)45'"D #. *)'%"4#" 0)3 N0,0) *)'%")0'4#)01 6##,%"0'4#) 2;%)&D
80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

The following table shows benefits and weaknesses of survey methods.
Selection of the survey methods should be done according to availability of
time and manpower for conducting the survey. It is recommended to
combine several methods to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the
survey results.

:071% GC \%)%.4' 0)3 =%0K)%55 #. A9"-%D 8%'>#35

(Source: MCl/uCLA, 2004, 1ralnlng needs AssessmenL, hnom enh)

8]:^XF \]<]@*: =]2_<]AA =^]< :X `A]
a%-4%V #.
lacLual lnformaLlon
Can collecL a loL lf you
have resources
May be ouL of daLe
May be lnaccuraLe or
need cooperaLlon of
oLhers Lo obLaln
When you need facLual
lnformaLlon abouL
Can collaLe a loL of
May noL geL lmporLanL
eople may noL send
back survey
May be hard Lo
undersLand responses
Pave Lo know much
abouL your Loplc flrsL
Comblne wlLh oLher
processes Lo encourage
CbLaln lnformaLlon
abouL aLLlLudes
CbLaln a loL of
quallLaLlve daLa
Can have greaLer
undersLandlng of
1akes Llme of yourself
and oLhers
More dlfflculL Lo organlze
May be shy Lo respond
dependlng on
When you know llLLle
abouL Lhe Loplc or area
When Lhe Lralnlng ls
abouL someLhlng
Can be easy and
Can undersLand
responses more
eople may be shy Lo be
honesL ln group
eople may domlnaLe
When Lhe Lralnlng ls
lmpacLed by Leam work
When Lhere ls noL much
Llme for oLher meLhods
uoes noL lnLerrupL
Can be more rellable
Lhan oLher sources
Can Lake observer a loL of
need Llme Lo collaLe
need Lo know whaL you
are looklng for
When Lhe Lralnlng ls
abouL slmple skllls
When you know abouL
Lhe Loplc yourself
al ueparLmenL of Local A


!"#$%&' #) *+,"#-%+%)' #. /#&01 23+4)45'"0'4#) 4) 60+7#340 L!*/26M
84)45'"D #. *)'%"4#" 0)3 N0,0) *)'%")0'4#)01 6##,%"0'4#) 2;%)&D
80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

Along with the selection of interviewees, survey methods are also selected
considering availability of time and manpower. The following are sampling
methods to be used for social survey. However, to make it simple, it is
recommended that random sampling and stratified sampling methods be
used for TNA in PILAC.

:071% HC A0+,14); 8%'>#35

(Source: Access Lo hLLp://www.sLaLpac.com/surveys/sampllng.hLm, !uly 31, 2007)

8%'>#3 6#)&%,'
" uresL form of probablllLy sampllng.
" Lach member of Lhe populaLlon has an equal and known chance of
belng selecLed. When Lhere are very large populaLlons, lL ls ofLen
dlfflculL or lmposslble Lo ldenLlfy every member of Lhe populaLlon, so
Lhe pool of avallable sub[ecLs becomes blased.
" CfLen used lnsLead of random sampllng.
" lL ls also called an nLh name selecLlon Lechnlque. AfLer Lhe requlred
sample slze has been calculaLed, every nLh record ls selecLed from a
llsL of Lhe LargeL populaLlon on members. As long as Lhe llsL does noL
conLaln any hldden order, Lhls sampllng meLhod ls as good as Lhe
random sampllng meLhod. lLs only advanLage over Lhe random
sampllng Lechnlque ls slmpllclLy.
" Commonly used meLhod LhaL ls superlor Lo random sampllng because
lL reduces sampllng error. A sLraLum ls a subseL of Lhe populaLlon LhaL
shares aL leasL one common characLerlsLlc. 1he surveyors ldenLlfy Lhe
relevanL sLraLums and Lhelr acLual represenLaLlon ln Lhe populaLlon.
" SLraLlfled sampllng ls ofLen used when one or more of Lhe sLraLums ln
Lhe populaLlon have a low lncldence relaLlve Lo Lhe oLher sLraLums.
al ueparLmenL of Local A


!"#$%&' #) *+,"#-%+%)' #. /#&01 23+4)45'"0'4#) 4) 60+7#340 L!*/26M
84)45'"D #. *)'%"4#" 0)3 N0,0) *)'%")0'4#)01 6##,%"0'4#) 2;%)&D
80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

Questionnaire survey design proceeds in an orderly and specific manner.
Each item in the flow chart shown below depends upon the successful
completion of all the previous items. Therefore, it is important not to skip a
single step. Notice that there are two feedback loops in the flow chart to
allow revisions to the methodology and instruments.

@4;9"% GC A'%,5 .#" 6#)39&'4); 0 :<2

By using a systematic approach, you can ensure that gaps in performance
are identified correctly. Usually only those gaps caused by lack of knowledge
or skills can be improved through training. Performance deficiencies that
occur because of lack of motivation, environmental problems, or systems
issues require non-training interventions such as changes in the selection
process, the performance appraisal process, or the reward system.
rocess of
al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

In creating questionnaires, it is important to consider the type, content,
wording, and order of the questions that they include.

For the type of questions, there are two types of questions to be asked:
close-ended questions and open-ended questions.

Closed-ended questions limit respondents' answers to the survey. The
participants are allowed to choose from either a pre-existing set of
dichotomous answers, such as yes/no, or multiple choice with an option for
"other" to be filled in, or ranking scale response options. The most common
of the ranking scale questions is called the scale question. This kind of
question asks the respondents to look at a statement and then "rank" this
statement according to the degree to which they agree (strongly agree;
somewhat agree; no opinion; somewhat disagree; strongly disagree).

Open-ended questions do not give respondents answers to choose from,
but rather are phrased so that the respondents are encouraged to explain
their answers and reactions to the question with a sentence, a paragraph, or
even a page or more, depending on the survey. If you wish to find
information on the same topic, but would like to find out what respondents
would come up with on their own, you might choose an open-ended
question like "What kinds of training do you want to attend?" rather than
the scale question.

However, keep in mind that you do not have to use close-ended or
open-ended questions exclusively. Many researchers use a combination of
closed and open questions; often researchers use close-ended questions at
the beginning of their survey, and then allow for more expansive answers
once the respondent has some background on the issue and is

When considering the content of your questionnaire, the most important
consideration is whether the content of the questions will elicit the kinds of
questions necessary to answer your initial research question. You can
gauge the appropriateness of your questions by pre-testing your survey, but
you should also consider the following questions as you create your initial
CreaLlng a
1ype of
ConLenL of
al ueparLmenL of Local A


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@4;9"% HC =#"34); #. '>% Y9%5'4#)5

(Source: kavlLa CupLa, 2007, A racLlcal Culde Lo needs AssessmenL)
To write effective questions, researchers need to keep in mind these four
important techniques: directness, simplicity, specificity, and discreteness.
@4;9"% JC X"3%" #. '>% Y9%5'4#)5

(Source: kavlLa CupLa, 2007, A racLlcal Culde Lo needs AssessmenL)
" uoes your cholce of open or close-ended quesLlons lead Lo Lhe Lypes of answers you
would llke Lo geL from your respondenLs?
" ls every quesLlon ln your survey lnLegral Lo your lnLenL? Superfluous quesLlons LhaL
have already been addressed or are noL relevanL Lo your sLudy wlll wasLe Lhe Llme of
boLh Lhe respondenLs and Lhe researcher.
" uoes one Loplc warranL more Lhan one quesLlon?
" uo you glve enough prlor lnformaLlon/conLexL for each seL of quesLlons? SomeLlmes
lead-ln quesLlons are useful Lo help Lhe respondenL become famlllar and comforLable
wlLh Lhe Loplc.
" Are Lhe quesLlons boLh general enough (Lhey are boLh sLandardlzed and relevanL Lo
your enLlre sample), and speclflc enough (avold vague generallzaLlons and
" ls each quesLlon as succlncL as lL can be wlLhouL leavlng ouL essenLlal lnformaLlon?
" llnally, and mosL lmporLanLly, wrlLe a survey LhaL you would be wllllng Lo answer
yourself, and be pollLe, courLeous, and senslLlve. 1hank Lhe responder for parLlclpaLlng
boLh aL Lhe beglnnlng and Lhe end of Lhe survey.

" CuesLlons should be wrlLLen ln a sLralghLforward, dlrecL language LhaL ls noL caughL
up ln complex rheLorlc or synLax, or ln a dlsclpllne's slang or llngo. CuesLlons should
be speclflcally Lallored for a group of respondenLs.
" CuesLlons should be kepL shorL and slmple. 8espondenLs should noL be expecLed Lo
learn new, complex lnformaLlon ln order Lo answer quesLlons.
" Speclflc quesLlons are for Lhe mosL parL beLLer Lhan general ones. 8esearch shows
LhaL, Lhe more general a quesLlon ls, Lhe wlder Lhe range of lnLerpreLaLlon among
respondenLs. 1o keep speclflc quesLlons brlef, researchers can someLlmes use longer
lnLroducLlons LhaL make Lhe conLexL, background, and purpose of Lhe survey clear so
LhaL Lhls lnformaLlon ls noL necessary Lo lnclude ln Lhe acLual quesLlons.
" Avold quesLlons LhaL are overly personal or dlrecL, especlally when deallng wlLh
senslLlve lssues.

Wordlng of
Crder of Lhe
al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

Although there are no general rules for ordering survey questions, below are
a few suggestions that researchers can follow when setting up a
@4;9"% QC !#4)'5 #. A%''4); `, 0 Y9%5'4#))04"%

(Source: kavlLa CupLa, 2007, A racLlcal Culde Lo needs AssessmenL)

" use warm-up quesLlons. Lasler quesLlons wlll ease Lhe respondenL lnLo Lhe survey
and wlll seL Lhe Lone and Lhe Loplc of Lhe survey.
" SenslLlve quesLlons should noL appear aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe survey. 1ry Lo puL
Lhe respondenL aL ease before addresslng uncomforLable lssues. ?ou may also
prepare Lhe reader for Lhese senslLlve quesLlons wlLh some sorL of wrlLLen preface.
" Conslder LranslLlon quesLlons LhaL make loglcal llnks.
" 1ry noL Lo mlx Loplcs. 1oplcs can easlly be placed lnLo "seLs" of quesLlons.
" 1ry noL Lo puL Lhe mosL lmporLanL quesLlons lasL. 8espondenLs may become bored
or Llred before Lhey geL Lo Lhe end of Lhe survey.
" 8e careful wlLh conLlngency quesLlons ("lf you answered yes Lo Lhe prevlous
quesLlon . . . eLc.").
" lf you are uslng a comblnaLlon of open and close-ended quesLlons, Lry noL Lo sLarL
your survey wlLh open-ended quesLlons. 8espondenLs wlll be more llkely Lo answer
Lhe survey lf Lhey are allowed Lhe ease of closed-quesLlons flrsL.

SeLLlng up a
al ueparLmenL of Local A


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@4;9"% RC :D,%5 #. Y9%5'4#)W0)3W2)5V%" @#"+0' .#" Y9%5'4#))04"%

In the process of planning the survey, a Survey Plan, which will be attached
to formal letter for interviewees, will be formulated and will be distributed to
concerned agencies and interviewees. The outline of the Survey Plan
includes the following: i) background; ii) objectives; iii) schedule; iv) survey
team; and v) methodology (data collection and analysis).

Once you have constructed a questionnaire, you will need to make a plan
that outlines how and to whom you will administer it. A number of options
are available in order to find a relevant sample group amongst your survey
population. In addition, various considerations are involved with
administering the survey itself.

" Objective Response: These are questions that can be answered with a
simple yes or no
C1) Pave you ever aLLended any Lralnlng course on u&u?
_______?es______ no

" Multiple Choice: Each question provides several possible answers
from which to choose
C2) Pow many Llmes have you aLLended Lralnlng course?
____1 Llme, _____2 Llmes, _____3 Llmes, _____4 Llmes

" Scale Response: Each question has a descriptive and/or numerical
scale for responding
C3) Pow lmporLanL do you feel lL ls for newly recrulLed offlclals Lo parLlclpaLe ln an
orlenLaLlon program?
# very lmporLanL
# SomewhaL lmporLanL
# nelLher lmporLanL nor unlmporLanL
# SomewhaL unlmporLanL
# noL lmporLanL

al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

In PILAC, the following methods were used for data collection. A stratified
sampling method was used by selecting respondents. The following
analyses were used.

" Review of Secondary Data/Information
Review of i) existing data and information on the decentralization process,
regulations (PRAKAS and LAW), and policy paper (Strategy on D&D) in the
realms of training materials produced by the MOI; and ii) research papers
produced by research institutes and other donors, especially UNDP and
GTZ, on capacity development for the MOI officials and commune council
members in the area of D&D.

" Individual Survey (See Appendix 1)
The TNA Questionnaire was designed to make it both simple and relatively
quick to complete by providing boxes to tick in most categories rather than
requiring written responses. Such design increased staff participation. The
TNA Questionnaire covers the following: i) individual job description; ii) level
of knowledge on D&D; iii) training attended; iv) training needs for specific
knowledge and skills; and v) problems identified in terms of performing the
duties more effectively. Filled copies of the questionnaire were collected
after group interviews.

" Group Discussion (See Appendix 2)
In addition to the TNA Questionnaire, a total of 39 group discussions on a
variety of training needs were held with officials. A document titled Guide
Questions was prepared to obtain an organizational perspective on training
requirements and verify the results of the TNA Questionnaire. The following
were the main topics for discussion: i) tasks and jobs; ii) level of knowledge
on D&D; iii) training sessions attended; iv) training need; and v) problems
identified in terms of performing the work duties.

al ueparLmenL of Local A


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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

A'%, GC 6#11%&' F0'0

The third step in TNA is to collect data through: i) reviewing documents on
existing training (secondary data and information); and ii) conducting
survey including interviews and observation at work.

It is important to collect and review secondary data and information prior to
conducting interview surveys. It will lead GDLA Task Force members to
understanding and utilizing existing knowledge and experiences in the
areas of D&D reform and local administration. Experiences of DOLA/MOI in
particular, which has significant experiences engaged in capacity
development at the commune level, can be referred to probe the
applicability to PILAC.

Based on the questionnaire for individual survey and guide question for
group discussion developed during the preparation stage (step 2), pre-test of
the questionnaires should be conducted with officials who will be the target
population to see the applicability of the questions. If tested interviewees
seem to have any difficulty in answering those questions, it should be noted
those points and modified the questions to make it easier to answer. After
testing, the GDLA Task Force should revise and formulate the
questionnaires based on the results of the pre-test.

The following five steps are to be taken in conducting a group discussion: i)
orientation on objectives and contents of the survey for interviewees; ii)
explaining questionnaires (individual survey); iii) conducting a group
discussion with a guide question; iv) wrapping up the interview; and vi)
modifying methods, process and questionnaires if needed. A proto-typed
cycle of conducting a group discussion is shown the figure below. However,
those cycle and process can be modified according to a survey plan.
al ueparLmenL of Local A


!"#$%&' #) *+,"#-%+%)' #. /#&01 23+4)45'"0'4#) 4) 60+7#340 L!*/26M
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80)901 #) :"04)4); <%%35 255%55+%)'

It is important to note that the survey team will: i) introduce yourself; ii)
explain the objectives and contents of the survey and the reasons for
selecting interviewees; iii) show appreciation for taking their time; iv) obtain
permission to record the interview. In doing so, the interviewees can be
prepared and feel more conformable to answer questions.

@4;9"% SC !"#'#'D,% #. !"#&%55 #. ["#9, F45&9554#)

Below are tips for developing interview questions.

@4;9"% TC :4,5 .#" F%-%1#,4); *)'%"-4%V Y9%5'4#)5

(Source: kavlLa CupLa, 2007, A racLlcal Culde Lo needs AssessmenL)

" lace easy-Lo-answer, open-ended quesLlons aL Lhe beglnnlng. 1hls wlll help Lhe
lnLervlewee Lo begln Lalklng and can help Lo develop LrusL and rapporL.
" lace lmporLanL quesLlons near Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe lnLervlew.
" Lnsure LhaL each quesLlon maLches a sLaLed ob[ecLlve.
" Sequence quesLlons from general Lo speclflc.
" Sequence and clusLer quesLlon ln a loglcal order.
" Lnsure LhaL quesLlons are clear, conclse, and [argon-free.
" 8e sure LhaL quesLlons are approprlaLe for Lhe sklll and experlence levels of Lhe LargeL
" rovlde adequaLe space beLween quesLlons Lo record lnformaLlon.
" lloL-LesL lnLervlew quesLlons.
" Make approprlaLe revlslons.

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