The family is facing several health and environmental sanitation problems including inadequate living space, lack of clean water, presence of disease carrying pests, and lack of knowledge on proper waste disposal. The nurse's goals are to improve the family's knowledge on sanitation, reduce disease vector breeding grounds, and teach them to effectively dispose of waste and access safe water. Through a home visit, the nurse will provide resources and demonstrations to educate the family on these topics to improve their long-term health and living conditions.
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The family is facing several health and environmental sanitation problems including inadequate living space, lack of clean water, presence of disease carrying pests, and lack of knowledge on proper waste disposal. The nurse's goals are to improve the family's knowledge on sanitation, reduce disease vector breeding grounds, and teach them to effectively dispose of waste and access safe water. Through a home visit, the nurse will provide resources and demonstrations to educate the family on these topics to improve their long-term health and living conditions.
The family is facing several health and environmental sanitation problems including inadequate living space, lack of clean water, presence of disease carrying pests, and lack of knowledge on proper waste disposal. The nurse's goals are to improve the family's knowledge on sanitation, reduce disease vector breeding grounds, and teach them to effectively dispose of waste and access safe water. Through a home visit, the nurse will provide resources and demonstrations to educate the family on these topics to improve their long-term health and living conditions.
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The family is facing several health and environmental sanitation problems including inadequate living space, lack of clean water, presence of disease carrying pests, and lack of knowledge on proper waste disposal. The nurse's goals are to improve the family's knowledge on sanitation, reduce disease vector breeding grounds, and teach them to effectively dispose of waste and access safe water. Through a home visit, the nurse will provide resources and demonstrations to educate the family on these topics to improve their long-term health and living conditions.
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Health Family nursing Goal of care Objectives Intervention Method of Resources
problem problems of Care Measures Nurse- Required
Family Contact
®Inadequate ®After the •Long ®Teach ®Home •Material
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