Flavonoides y Salud
Flavonoides y Salud
Flavonoides y Salud
National %2lic 3ealth Instit%te! 3elsinki! Finland.4A$K56OUND. Flavonoids are effective antio7idants and "a8 (rotect a9ainst several chronic diseases. O4#E$:IVE. :he association 2et;een flavonoid intake and risk of several chronic diseases ;as st%died. DESI5N. :he total dietar8 intakes of <' '/= "en and ;o"en d%rin9 the 8ear (recedin9 the 2aseline e7a"ination ;ere deter"ined ;ith a dietar8 histor8 "ethod. Flavonoid intakes ;ere esti"ated! "ainl8 on the 2asis of the flavonoid concentrations in Finnish foods. :he incident cases of the diseases considered ;ere identified fro" different national (%2lic health re9isters. 6ESUL:S. ersons ;ith hi9her quercetin intakes had lo;er "ortalit8 fro" ische"ic heart disease. :he incidence of cere2rovasc%lar disease ;as lo;er at hi9her kaempferol naringenin and hesperetin intakes. >en ;ith hi9her ?%ercetin intakes had a lo;er l%n9 cancer incidence! and "en ;ith hi9her myricetin intakes had a lo;er (rostate cancer risk Asth"a incidence ;as lo;er at hi9her ?%ercetin! narin9enin! and hes(eretin intakes. A trend to;ard a red%ction in risk of t8(e & dia2etes ;as associated ;ith hi9her ?%ercetin and "8ricetin intakes. $ON$LUSION. :he risk of so"e chronic diseases "a8 2e lo;er at hi9her dietar8 flavonoid intakes.