Submitted To. Submitted by Miss. Vandana

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22nd BATCH 3rd year G.N.M student
B.C.M college of nursing

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Acknowledgement Introduction of the area General objective Specific objective General information of the area Map Data analysis and interpretation of age sex distribution Health education Reports on health awareness programme Questionnaire Our experience Summary Conclusion

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Follow the ideal always be conscious that in keeping a promise whether big of small theres no compromise, dont ever get discouraged. In your trust one day you will indeed reach your goal! Dear friends, First of all we give thanks to the lord almighty who has done marvelous works in our life we ask gods blessings on all those who have helped us in all the ways. First of all we are very grateful to dear principal Sr.Linet who has helped us in our community posting we would like to give a special heart full thanks to our miss.vandana who has taken much trouble to teach us all about group project and has encouraged us a lot to carry out our group project in a successful manner. Has ever readiness to help us was a great help for us we would like to thanks our dear tutors Sr. Saumya, Sr.Maria, Sr.Sharon Miss.Rashmi for all their help and support which has helped us in accomplishing our task and for our community posting

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We render our heartfull thanks to our study subject the smoking & tobacco chewing. The village people who willingly and whole heartedly cooperated with us. Special word of appriciation to our companions whose support we cherish a lot during this period of our tiresome activity. We are grateful to Mrs. Urmila for welcoming us and giving us orientation on the boundaries of the village on the first day of our posting with regards &best wishes.

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Kareem Nagar is a rural area village situated in Khairabad which is about 6 km. away from B.C.M hospital. It is a small area which is divided into two religions Hindus &Muslims majority are Muslims Its boundaries are main road, school, and aganwadi centre We started our community posting on 2nd feb.2014 Our tutors oriented the village they divided into different groups & done the survey of the village we found 85 families and 445 population chosen the different area & given the health talk with Av Aids to provide education & increase the level of knowledge of the community people by survey we found the main problem in the village is tobacco chewing and smoking and given the health awareness programme related to smoking also done the pre test on 10th feb.2014 and post test on 14th feb.2014 on 15th feb.2014 we ended our posting it was very memorable journey. May all beings be happy May all be healthy May people have the well being all of the menu May nobody suffer in any way?

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Every year since 1989 31st may is observed as world no tobacco say Good health is an inalienable human right of modern era health is the quality of life that enables the individual to live that most and to serve the best. Mans happiness in life depends on vigor and vitality which may be termed as turnstile, human life without good health is a curse and painful misery or in other words, it is a virtual death, health is a prerequisite for increasing productivity which satisfies the popular idiom a healthy mind in a healthy body Today a large number of tobacco and smoking product are available for human consumption. About 5 million young Indian are suffering from oral sub mucosa fibrosis. Today the main problem is smoking and tobacco chewing among the man, women and youngster. 40% of the tobacco consumed in India is in the smokeless from such as pan, pan masala, zarda, gutkha, cigrate and bidi etc. by smoking the amount of death annually in India is 9000,000. In India about 57% of male and 11% of female. Presently tobacco contributes to 4 million deaths/year globally according to world health organization (WHO) various estimates reveal that nearly 55% of children between the age of 13-15 are using tobacco in form or other.

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36.9% children are smoking before the age of 10. Students smoke cigrate with rates for boys being higher than girl and 40% are exposed to second hand smoke in public places, when cigrate are smoked star inhaled which contains approximately 4000 chemicals over 60 carcinogens have been isolated from cigrate smoke. Cigrate smoke has several effects. Respiratory tract COPD Lung cancer Cancer of the mouth, pharynx, kidney and bladder.

Gutkha is manufactured in India and exported to a few contraries. As a mild stimulant, it is sold across India is small individual sized packets that cost between 2-10 Rs per packet. Gutkha is powdery, granular, light brownish to white substance. Within movements of chewing mixing with saliva. The gutkha begins to dissolved and turn deep red in color. In 2008, about 8 million children under 15 were addicted to gutkha. A survey in utter Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh found it as the precursors of mouth cancers in 16% of children. Tobacco and gutka chewing makes up majority of those figures with 48.07% of Indian using them, while bidi and cigrate smokers make up 8.4% and 5.9% of the population respectively. The percentage of male and female tobacco and gutkha chewer in 66% and 40% respectively the use of smokeless tobacco in the form of

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gutkha is growing day by day. Nearly 55,000 children join the club of tobacco consumers in country in every day, while 11 lakh in India children even below 15 years of age take tobacco on a regular basis according to W.H.O.

Why do people use tobacco products:

Common reason among the urban youth and children for using tobacco products are pressure and glimmers created by the heroes in movies.

Among the rural people it has been observed there exists a belief that tobacco has healing properties e.g. tobacco relive toothache, acidity, headache and indigestion.


While the urban population showed a decline in tobacco consumption the rural population showed an increase a study reveals that scheduled caste and schedule tribe people were likely to use tobacco products than other castes.

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Christian and other minor religious groups were less likely to use than Hindu and Muslims. Who are addicted to tobacco products are not only poor they are also illiterate. THE upper middle income household consume cigarettes more both in rural and the urban areas . A study revealed that smoking was a common form of tobacco abouse 72% of tobacco users smoke bidi and other form of smoking products are used. Quit tobacco now else tobacco will eat you one day. Now a day pan masala has very good market demand due to customers habit. ADHERENT FACTOR FOR THE HEALTH HAZARDS Oral cancer Lesions like leucopenia Erythropenia Oral sub mucous fibrosis tobacco kills between 8 to 9 lakh people each year in India. Excessive use of tobacco leads to loss of appetites ,promote unusual slap pattern and loss of concentration along with other tobacco related problems .A gutkha user can easily be identified by proximally stained teeth ranging from dirty yellowing orange to reddish black .gutkha and bidi are easily available less expensive and popular in poor children . Smoking during pregnancy increase the risk of miscarriage, still birth, preterm delivery and low birth weight the smoke
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inhaled by a pregnant woman goes directly to her babys lungs.


Prolongs life according to American heart association 6 to 9 yr of life can be added to smokers who quit between 35 to 39 year. Looks and feel better.
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Prevent face wrinkles. Reduces risk of developing a variety of other condition including, diabetes chronic asthma, lung cancer and gum disease. Improve sense of taste, smell and saves money.

General objective:-

To give awareness to the people about the hazards of tobacco chewing and smoking To identify the scope of sales of cigarettes, bidi and other tobacco products

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To estimate the prevalence and the socioeconomics measures and methods. To create awareness in order to promote health.

Specific objectives
To introduce about the hazards of tobacco chewing and smoking. To give health awareness about smoking and tobacco chewing To conduct health awareness programme in the community.

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General information of the area

Kareem nagar is situated away from B.C.M hospital. The landmarks of the area are village boundary and main road.






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PopulationThe area includes 139 houses with the population of 445 around and a sign of religion there are 1 mosque and 1 mazar

Communication:The mode of communication used in this place is television, radio, newspapers, mobile phone

Religion:35%people belong to the Hindu religion out of which 65% people belongs to Muslim religion.

Education:Most of the people of this area are primary education of the male is out of 100% is 60% and female is 40%and 70% female are illiterate and 30% is male there is only aganwadi

Occupation:The common occupat6ion of this village is farmer, labour embroydi; running rickshaw the other occupation includes teachers and shopkeepers.

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We had our rural community posting in the village named Kareem Nagar. It was 5-6 kilometers away from B.C.M Hospital Khairabad. We started this posting on February 3, 2014 and ended on February 15, 2014. We did survey and found the total population of this village is around 600, in that males are 204, and females are 181. During our survey we found the health problems like tuberculosis, filarial, polio, paralysis, lack of knowledge about family planning, poor personal hygiene and environmental sanitation. The most common problem we found there is tobacco chewing and smoking. For the successful and effectiveness of the programme we were assigned to different groups. To assess the knowledge of the villagers regarding tobacco chewing and smoking we conducted pre test with 15 questions on February 13, 2014 in different families. The resulted showed that 80% of the people are aware of the problem. On February 15, 2014 at 11 am we conducted games for the children such as bomb in the city, biscuit race, frog jump etc. then at 12:10 pm we began our health awareness programme that was about tobacco chewing and smoking. The chief guest of our programme was Mrs. Urmila and our guest of honor was Sr. Saumya and Miss Vandana.

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We started our programme with a prayer song and welcome speech. At the end of our programme we conducted a post test again with 15 questions. The resulted showed 90% of the people are aware of the problem. We also had a prize distribution for the winners. Our chief guest Mrs. Urmila gave a inspiring speech, all were inspired by her words that tobacco chewing and smoking is dangerous for our health and life. Finally, we gave thanks to Mrs. Urmila and villagers for their co-operation.

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Interpretation of age and sex distribution

Age 0-1 year 2-5year 6-10year 1115year 1645year 4660year 60 above Total Male 6 26 44 27 48 25 1 177 Female 10 32 24 22 48 22 3 161 Total 16 58 68 49 96 47 4 338 Percentage 100% 5% 17% 20% 15% 28% 14% 2% 99%

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Female Total

Percentage 100% 27% 36% 21% 9% 3% 3. % 99%


Literate Primary Upper primary High school 8 Graduation& 6 above Total 246

58 94 56 24

76 81 47 17 8 9 238

134 175 103 41 116 15 484

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Habit status
Male Tobacco chewing Pan masala Alcohol Smoking Total 28 7 9 31 75 Female 5 14 8 27 Total 33 21 9 39 102 Percentage 100% 32 % 20. % 8% 38% 99%

Male Embroidery Labour Driver Shopkeeper farmer Total 32 14 8 4 9 67 Female Total 40 40 72 14 8 4 9 107 Percentage 100 % 67% 13% 7% 4% 8% 100%

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Health problems
Problems Tuberculosis Polio Filaria Paralysis Asthma Hypertension total 16 Male 3 3 1 4 5 Female Total 4 1 1 8 14 7 4 1 1 4 13 33 Percentage 100% 21% 12% 3% 3% 12% 39% 90%

Family income
INCOME >1000 1000-1500 2000 2000> TOTAL FREQUENCY 15 20 32 8 75 PERCENTAGE 20% 26% 42 % 10% 99%

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Source of information
Knowledge about tobacco or smoking

Source Radio TV Total

Frequency 38 24 62

Percentage 100% 61% 38% 99%

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INTRODUCTIONGood health is the at most possession gift of god in human life and such health status is a national assess too for socio economic development of a society health is the quality of life that enables the individuals to live the most and serve the beast mans happiness in life depends on vigor and vitality which may be termed as turnstile ,health is a pre-requisite of increasing productivity which satisfies the popular idiom A Healthy mind in a healthy body.

Ill Effects of tobacco chewing and smoking

1.passive smoking is as dangerous as active smoking .an active smoker may smoke and spoil his health. 2. Smoking habit is harming not only us it will harms other also. 3. It will cause the mouth ulcer. 4. Smoking is main cause of the tuberculosis. 5. It will affect our family.

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As we went for our community posting we found many problems and disease like hypertension 39.39% tuberculosis 21.2% polio 12.12% filaria 3.03% paralysis 3.3% asthma 12.12% and in most of the families tobacco and smoking was present.

In our community survey we found the total population is 446. In which the total male population is 229, and females are 217. There are 98 families in which 36% people is ill literate and 27.6% is literate. The primary education is 21.28% and upper primary is 8.47%, high school 3.30% but there are less in graduation and above is which most of the people is chewing tobacco is 32.35% and smoking 38.2%. Mostly they are doing embroydi 67.2% and labour work 13.08%. The common problems in the village are hypertension it is 39.39% and TB 21.2% in Kareempur village according to our survey. In village we gave awareness by a small programme. Through which we gave the knowledge about common problems in the village related to their health like tobacco and smoking and encourage the people to live the addicted things we entertain the people by games and distributed the prize and make them understand the harmful effect of tobacco and smoking. And gave health eduction which they can practice in daily life routine.

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As we went for our community posting we found many problems so decided to organize the health programme but before that we took pre test to assess the knowledge level of the villagers about the ill affect the about the tobacco and smoking. after that we did the health play and gave health education and awareness to the villagers then we took post test in that we found percentage of the people gained knowledge and awareness about the ill affect of the tobacco and smoking they practices in their daily life routine.

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Family planning
According to with expert committees in 1971 Family planning refers to practices that help individuals & couples to often certain objective to avoid unwanted births, to control the time at which birth occurs in relation to the ages of the parent

Eligible couples
The term eligible couple refers to a currently married couple where in the woman is in the reproductive age group. After our survey we found out that there was 50 eligible couple in the area out of 446 populations.

Distribution of eligible couple on family planning Permanent 07 Temporary 36 Unprotected 144 Fertility 2

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Classification of family
Introduction: in Kareem Nagar 50 eligible couple in the reproductive age group. They must accept the small family norm of 2 children. Newly married couple and those already having 2 children are the target of motivation efforts. There are two types of family. Nuclear family: thus the success of the national family welfare and planning programme depends primarily on the voluntary and wide acceptance of the concept of small family norm of 2 children. To the majority of people, acceptance of the small family norm will mean radical changes in their reproductive behavior. The total no of nuclear family in this village is 58. Joint family: joint family is defined as where two or more people living together and sharing their thought and participate in common work ship. Family planning involves not only limited of family size, but also child spacing and control of population by controlling unwanted birth. Kareem Nagars population lives below the poverty line poverty lead to sickness and sickness to poverty.

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This is a vicious circle prevalent in all villages. The benefits of planned development are mostly consumed by the new population making it more and more difficult to raise the existing standards of living. The total no of joint family is 40.

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We had our rural community posting in the village named Kareem Nagar. It was 5-6 kilometers away from B.C.M Hospital Khairabad. We started this posting on February 3, 2014 and ended on February 15, 2014. We did survey and found the total population of this village is around 600, in that males are 204, and females are 181. During our survey we found the health problems like tuberculosis, filarial, polio, paralysis, lack of knowledge about family planning, poor personal hygiene and environmental sanitation. The most common problem we found there is tobacco chewing and smoking. For the successful and effectiveness of the programme we were assigned to different groups. To assess the knowledge of the villagers regarding tobacco chewing and smoking we conducted pre test with 15 questions on February 13, 2014 in different families. The resulted showed that 80% of the people are aware of the problem. On February 15, 2014 at 11 am we conducted games for the children such as bomb in the city, biscuit race, frog jump etc. then at 12:10 pm we began our health awareness programme that was about tobacco chewing and smoking. The chief guest of our programme was Mrs. Urmila and our guest of honor was Sr. Saumya and Miss Vandana.

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We started our programme with a prayer song and welcome speech. At the end of our programme we conducted a post test again with 15 questions. The resulted showed 90% of the people are aware of the problem. We also had a prize distribution for the winners. Our chief guest Mrs. Urmila gave a inspiring speech, all were inspired by her words that tobacco chewing and smoking is dangerous for our health and life. Finally, we gave thanks to Mrs. Urmila and villagers for their co-operation.

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Question answer
What is your occupation? a. Agriculture b. Vendor c. Labour d. Driver e. Unemployment Whats your religion? a. Hindu b. Muslim c. Sikh d. Christian Do you eat tobacco? a. Yes b. No What is your sex? a. Woman b. Men What is tobacco? a. Poisonous food b. Benefit food c. Health food d. None of them Smoking causes? a. Breathlessness b. Falling of hair c. Bleeding from mouth
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d. Diabetes mellitus By smoking which part of the body is more affected? a. Hair b. Liver c. Lungs d. Feet What happen due to tobacco chewing? a. Breast cancer b. Mouth and throat cancer c. Liver cancer d. Tuberculosis By chewing more tobacco what will affect in oral cavity. (Mouth)? a. Teeth looks dirty b. Gum problem c. All of them d. Difficulty in open mouth Why chewing tobacco? a. Reduce tension b. For relief c. For good taste d. Sleep well What are the effect occurring the environment due to tobacco? a. For clean environment b. For affected environment
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c. No any relation from environment d. None of them How many packets taken in a day? a. One b. Two c. More than three For avoiding the habit of chewing tobacco which method will be using? a. Lime b. Supari and sauf c. Alcohol drinking


Tobacco chewing habit can be withdraw. ( ) By smoking can occur tuberculosis? ( ) Is the smoking good for physical growth ( ) Fetus can be affected if somebody smoke near to pregnant women ( ) Smoking is good for (development of body) physical growth ( ) Stomach is healthy by eating tobacco ( )

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We had surveyed the Kareem nagar village. We wear separated in groups and we had given the health education in different areas of village. The peoples were very cooperative. And behave well they listen to us and followed our advice. Each of us taken family and we had given health education to each one & we did family care plan we have concluded our posting with the small programme.

With this community posting we learned how to deal with various kind of people. We come to know about various problems of Kareem nagar and got chance to involve with them and help them in any problems. We have learned how to approach with them, and we gave health education about smoking and tobacco chewing and they learned that and do it in own daily routine.

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