tg11 Hillarea
tg11 Hillarea
tg11 Hillarea
Chapter Page No.
I. II.
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Issues and Recommendations Annexures to the report Annexure I - HADP/WGDP: Plan-wise Allocations/Expenditure Annexure II Order constituting the Task Group dated 19.9.2006
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Annexure II A Order constituting the Task Group dated 22.11.2006 68 Annexure III Revised Guidelines 70
Chapter I : Introduction
1.1. Background The mountain ranges and hill areas of India have a crucial role to play in determining the climate and physiography of the country and are prime determinants of socio-economic development of plain areas as the rivers have their genesis here and the protection and climatic control they provide have enabled India to sustain its position as an economic power. Keeping in view the increasing population pressure in the hill areas and the need to preserve their fragile ecology, the Central Government has been allocating Special Central Assistance to these areas through the Hill Areas Development Programme/Western Ghats Development Programme which have been in operation from the Fifth Five Year Plan in designated hill areas. Under these programmes, Special Central Assistance is given to designated hill areas in order to supplement the efforts of the State Governments in the development of these ecologically fragile areas. Areas under HADP were identified in 1965 by a Committee of the National Development Council (NDC) while WGDP areas were recommended in 1972 by the High Level Committee set up for the purpose. Designated Hill areas included: Two hill districts of Assam-North Cachar and Karbi Anglong. Eight hill districts of Uttar Pradesh Dehradun, Pauri Garhwal, Tehri Garwhal, Chamoli, Uttar Kashi, Nainital, Almora and Pithoragarh Major part of Darjeeling District of West Bengal. Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu. One hundred and thirty two talukas of WGDP comprising of Western Ghats in Maharashtra (51 talukas), Karnataka (28 talukas) Tamil Nadu (23 talukas), Kerala (27 talukas) and Goa (3 talukas).
a) b) c) d) e)
Consequent on the creation of the State of Uttaranchal and its categorization as a Special Category State, the Hill Areas Development Programme is no longer in operation in the erstwhile hill districts of Uttar Pradesh. Further, the Western Ghats Development Programme is currently being implemented in 171 talukas of Western Ghats viz. Maharashtra (63 taluka), Karnataka (40 talukas), Kerala (32 talukas), Tamil Nadu (33 talukas) and Goa (3 talukas) as some of the original talukas have been sub-divided. 1.2. Objectives 1.2.1 Hill Areas Development Programme The approach and strategy of the programme have evolved through the Plans. The programmes implemented during the Fifth Plan period were mainly beneficiary oriented. During the Sixth Plan, though the emphasis shifted to ecodevelopment, the general tenor of HADP remained substantially the same as that of normal State Plan following the same sectoral approach. The Seventh Plan laid particular emphasis on the development of ecology and environment, namely eco-restoration, eco-preservation and eco-development. The aim was to evolve plans and programmes which would stimulate socio-economic growth, development of infrastructure and promotion of ecology of the areas covered by HADP. During the Eighth Plan, the approach was substantially the same as that in the Seventh Plan with special focus on involvement of the people and meeting their basic needs through improved management of their land and water resources. The measures outlined towards this end include (i) an energy policy which would reduce pressure on forests and provide alternate sources of energy, (ii) afforestation of denuded forest land with species which can provide both fuel and fodder, (iii) provision of adequate and safe drinking water by development of gravitational sources of water, (iv) emphasis on improvement of health facilities including infrastructural facilities in primary health institutions, (v) development of skilled manpower, (vi) evolving a proper land use pattern keeping the socio-economic and ecological parameters in view, (vii) development of horticulture and plantation crops, (viii) improvement of livestock, (ix) development of industries such as electronics which do not pollute the atmosphere and lead to high value addition, (x) development of network of transport and communication facilities with emphasis on feeder paths and roads;
and (xi) evolution of appropriate technology and scientific inputs which would suit local conditions and harness local resources. In the Ninth Plan, the main objectives of the Programme were ecopreservation and eco-restoration. All development schemes were to be planned within this framework with emphasis on preservation of bio-diversity and rejuvenation of the hill ecology. Traditional practices were to be dovetailed with appropriate technology to serve the needs of the people of these areas. Traditional knowledge was to be used as the starting point for introduction of modern science and technology. Schemes were to be rooted in the existing cultural system so that they were easily acceptable and would provide maximum benefit to the people. The strategy for the programme has been centred on the sub-plan approach under which a separate Sub-plan for the hill areas in the concerned State was prepared indicating the flow of funds from the State Plan and Special Central Assistance (SCA) so that convergence could be achieved and duplication avoided. Thus the State Governments prepare a sub-plan showing the flow of funds from different sources. Funding under HADP is used somewhat on the lines of a mini State Plan i.e. the Special Central Assistance is used to fund critical gaps in diverse sectors. During the Tenth Plan, for the hill areas of Assam and West Bengal the multi- sectoral approach followed in the previous plans has continued but with increasing emphasis on watershed development and ecological restoration/preservation. 1.2.2 Western Ghats Development Programme During the Fifth Five Year Plan, the emphasis of the Programme was on the economic well-being of the population in hill areas and exploitation of the resources of the hilly region. The main programmes during the Fifth Five Year Plan consisted of activities in the areas of horticulture, plantation, afforestation, minor irrigation, animal husbandry and tourism. The Sixth Plan stressed the need for a balance in emphasis between beneficiary oriented and infrastructural development schemes, keeping in view the vital importance of ecological restoration and conservation. During the Sixth Plan the Watershed Development Programme was taken up on a pilot basis.
Apart from the shift in the emphasis from beneficiary oriented schemes to eco-conservation and eco-development, a notable step initiated by the Planning Commission during the Sixth Plan was the involvement of universities and research institutions located in the Western Ghats region in the programme. The general approach under WGDP during the Eighth Five Year Plan was a continuation of the strategy adopted in the Seventh Five Year Plan, which was to take up integrated development on compact watershed basis keeping in view the over-riding priorities of eco-development and eco-restoration as well as the basic needs of the people like food, fodder, fuel and safe drinking water. In operational terms, integrated development of watershed approach envisages the following sequence of actions : a) b) c) Identification and delineation of macro and micro watersheds in the entire WGDP areas in the State by a competent research organization. Prioritisation of all the identified and delineated watersheds on the basis of suitable criteria adopted by the State Government. A preliminary or base-line survey of the watersheds taken up for development to determine the micro or mini watersheds to be taken up for development in each macro or major watershed, and the nature of development programmes which need to be undertaken in each such area, keeping in view its development potential, the needs of the local people and the financial allocations available. Preparation of an integrated development plan for each macro/micro watershed covering all relevant activities, such as, soil-conservation, agriculture, afforestation, fuel and fodder development, minor irrigation, animal husbandry and sericulture. Making necessary administrative and institutional arrangements for the implementation, monitoring and review of the integrated development programme for each watershed taken up for development. The thrust of the WGDP was on sustainable development of the areas covered under the programme during Seventh and the Eighth Five Year Plans. During Ninth Plan WGDP operated on the following principles : i) ii) iii) Maintenance of ecological balance essential for the life support system. Preservation of genetic diversity. Restoration of ecological damage caused by human interaction.
Creation of awareness among the people and educating them on the farreaching implications of ecological degradation and securing their active participation for the eco-development schemes.
During the Tenth Five Year Plan, the main objectives of this programme have been eco-preservation and eco-restoration with emphasis on preservation of bio-diversity and rejuvenation of the hill ecology. The programme also focuses on the needs and implementation of the strategies for conservation of biodiversity and sustainable livelihood. Watershed based development has been basic thrust area of the programmme along with a participatory approach to ensure efficiency, transparency and accountability during the Tenth Five Year Plan period. The main aim of the watershed approach is to ensure a holistic view of water and land resources and to prevent further degradation of these ecologically fragile areas. However, the development of the people of these hilly areas in consonance with the fragility of their habitat, demands an approach which is more than just watershed development. Attention is given to economic activities which are sustainable, use of technologies which will reduce the burden of the people both in economic and household situations and ensure means of livelihood for the inhabitants with minimal disturbance to the ecology. Thus, the approach is a watershed plus approach an approach which gives as much emphasis to ecology as to economic development. In December, 2002 common guidelines for implementing Hill Areas Development Programme (HADP) and Western Ghats Development Programme (WGDP) were issued. However, for implementation of Watershed Development projects, the State Governments have to follow the Common Approach/ Principles for Watershed Development issued by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India in 2000. 1.3 Allocation of Special Central Assistance As per the extant formula for distribution of Special Central Assistance amongst the beneficiary Hill Areas/Western Ghats Talukas, Special Central Assistance available for the programme used to be allocated in the proportion of 84:16 amongst the Designated Hill Areas/Western Ghats Talukas upto Ninth Five Year Plan. A statement showing overall allocation of Special Cental Assistance under HADP/WGDP and Expenditure incurred from Fifth Five Year Plan to Ninth Five Year Plan is given below :
Plan Fifth Plan ( 1974-79) Sixth Plan ( 1980-85) Seventh Plan ( 1985-90) Annual Plan ( 1990-91) Annual Plan (1991-92) Eighth Plan ( 1992-97) Ninth Plan ( 1997-2002) Tenth Plan (2002-07)
(Rs. Crore) Expenditure 168.25 548.23 888.65 285.35 288.11 1469.80 1705.84 867.15
Consequent on the formation of Uttaranchal in November, 2000, the Special Central Assistance available for the U.P Hill Areas has become a part of the Normal Central Assistance flowing to the State. The funds available for HADP have also been proportionately reduced. Hence, the proportion of distribution of SCA between HADP and WGDP which was 84:16 is now 60:40. The inter se distribution of SCA amongst the HADP/WGDP States is based on area and population as per the 1981 Census. In the case of HADP equal weightage is given to both these criteria while under WGDP area is given weightage of 75 per cent and population 25 per cent (except Goa in which case 5% of the total allocation is made to the State). A statement showing Statewise Population and Area as per 1981 Census and Statewise allocation of Special Central Assistance (SCA) under HADP/WGDP States during the Tenth Five Year Plan is given below : States Pop. (in Lakhs) As per 1981 Census 6.30 6.29 5.51 18.10 % age to total Pop of HADP/ WGDP Area ( In Sq. Kms) As per 1981 Census % age to total Area of HADP/ WGDP Allocation during Tenth Plan (Rs in crore)
Pop. (in Lakhs) As per 1981 Census 109.98 66.66 127.53 89.10 1.33 385.60 403.70
(B) WGDP 1. Maharashtra 2. Karnataka 3. Kerala 4. Tamil Nadu 5. Goa Total (B) Grand Total (A+B)
Special Central Assistance under the programme is given on 90:10 basis i.e. 90 per cent grant and 10 per cent loan. As per the direction of Ministry of Finance, from the Annual Plan 2004-05 only grant portion is being released to the State Governments, the loan portion is being raised by the State Governments from the market. A Statement indicating State wise Allocation/Expenditure of Special Central Assistance incurred under HADP/WGDP since Fifth Five Year Plan period is given at Annexure I. 1.4 Constitution of the Task Group on Problems of Hilly Habitations in Areas Covered by the Hill Areas Development Programme (HADP)/Western Ghats Development Programme(WGDP) In pursuance of the review taken by Member, Planning Commission, Shri B.N. Yugandhar on 30.8.2006 a Task Group has been set-up for analyzing the problems of hilly habitations in areas covered by the Hill Areas Development Programme/Western Ghats Development Programme and suggesting a framework for making HADP/WGDP more effective. The Order constituting the Task Group is at Annexure II.
The Terms of Reference of the Task Group are as follows : i) Study the objectives with which HADP & WGDP were initiated and examine the extent to which these objectives have been fulfilled. Consider modification of these in the light of current circumstances. Examine planning and implementation mechanisms for these programmes and suggest a framework for participatory planning as envisaged in the Report of the Expert Group on Grassroots Level Planning (V. Ramachandran Committee). Study the structure of Autonomous Councils/District Planning Committees and the role of Village Committees in planning, decision making and execution of works. Study the mechanisms for convergence/synergy of policies, programmes and funds with all other plan schemes. Examine the necessity of covering these areas/villages fully under the flagship programmes of Government of India such as Bharat Nirman, SSA, NRHM, NREGP etc., and recommend revision of guidelines of these programmes to secure full coverage with justification. Make recommendations on revision of guidelines of these programmes keeping in view the possibility of having common guidelines. Recommend the outlays on these programmes during the Eleventh Five year Plan in view of the objectives and priorities as identified in the previous points.
iv) v)
vi) vii)
1.5 Deliberations of the Task Group The Task Group had five meetings - the first meeting was held on 6.10.2006 to decide the format of the report and the information which would be required; the second meeting was held on 3.11.2006 to assess the progress of information collection and future course of action; in the third meeting held on 2.2.2007 the draft report was discussed and the State Governments representatives were requested to make the necessary changes to the draft; the pre-final draft was discussed in the fourth meeting held on 10.7.2007. The Report was finalized in the last meeting held on 28.9.2007.
participation of the people at the grass root level to elect their representative in the councils. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub paragraph (6) of paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India, the Government of Assam was pleased to make the rules for the constitution of the Karbi Anglong District Council and N.C. Hills District Council vide notification number TAD/R/23/51 dated 15.10.1951 comprising the tribal areas specified in Part A of the Table appended to paragraph 20 of the Sixth Schedule. As per paragraph 3 of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution the Autonomous Councils of the Hill Districts of Assam exercise inherent powers. Besides this 30 departments have been entrusted to the councils, such that, all administrative/executive and development works and powers have been entrusted in respect of these departments. The non-entrusted departments are being directly controlled by the State Government. Each Autonomous Council consists of a specified number of members both elected and nominated. The constituencies for election to the Autonomous Councils, for each council, are territorial. Each council, unless dissolved earlier, continues for a period of five years from the date appointed from its first meeting. There is a Chairman and a Deputy Chairman for each Autonomous Council. Further, there is an Executive Committee of the Autonomous Councils, with the Chief Executive Member as its head and a fixed number of Executive Members. They are appointed by the Governor of Assam on the advice of the Chief Executive Member. Thus, the functions of the two councils are vested with the Executive Committee. There is a secretariat in each Council with a Principal Secretary as its head. The Circle Officers and Block Development Officers look after the Revenue administration and developmental activities of the Circles and Blocks respectively. They work under the overall control of the council, through the local Departmental Heads. There are inherent powers enjoyed by the councils under the provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the constitution. But for all round development of the council areas, there was a feeling among the people in the districts that more autonomy was the need of the hour. With a view to uphold the integrity of Assam and not to allow any further re-organisation and dissension of the State, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on 1st April, 1995 by various
organizations of both the Hill Districts and Chief Minister of Assam in the presence of the Union Minister of Home Affairs. As per para 3(III) of the MoU as many as 30 Departments / Subjects were entrusted to the Autonomous Councils and the Executive Power of the Subjects stands delegated to the councils by a resolution of the State Assembly published vide Notification No. HAD 57/95/268-269, dated 25th September, 1996. Para 3 (iv) under MoU deals with the amendment of para 3(I) of the Sixth Schedule for transferring Legislative Powers to the Council. In matters of preparation and finalization of Annual Plans, powers have been entrusted to the council and a suitable mechanism has been evolved for adequate and prompt release of fund to councils by the State Government. The MoU envisages wide ranging powers and functions to the councils (1) to finance the expenditure of the delegated and entrusted functions of the 30 Departments/ Subjects, Government of Assam will release funds to the council on half-yearly basis and it should be the duty of the council to submit the detailed accounts every month to the A.G. Assam. (2) It shall be the responsibility of the council to ensure that the existing rules, instructions, norms, guidelines etc. of Government of India and the State Government governing implementation of the Plan Schemes and also other matters including non-plan matters are followed strictly. (3) The council shall be responsible to the State Legislature in all matters relating to funds transferred to the Council. (4) To execute the plans and policies of the Council and also other activities, there will be a Secretariat of the Council. It shall appoint the Principal Secretary and other Secretaries / Deputy Secretaries for running the functions of the Council administration. The service of the Officers shall be placed by the Government of Assam. (5) The CEM/ EM/ PS shall record/review and accept the ACRs of the officers. (6) The Autonomous Councils shall prepare estimates of receipts and expenditures pertaining to the Autonomous Councils, in respect of entrusted subjects as per allocations, norms etc. communicated by the State Government. (7) It is the duty of the Autonomous Council to prepare their budget according to their Annual Plan allocation. (8) All Centrally Sponsored Schemes/Central Sector Schemes, NEC Schemes etc. in respect of entrusted subjects for which funds will be released by the State Government shall be implemented by the Autonomous Councils as per norms and guidelines of the Government.
Before the beginning of the financial year, the Planning Commission of India indicates the size of the State Plan (including the Hill Plan allocation). The allocation is communicated to the councils, for preparation of their budgets. Subsequently after the passing of their own budgets by the two councils copies are sent to the State Government, for inclusion in the State Budget. Various State Government departments release their funds in half yearly instalments, as per the budget allocations, which are deposited in the P.L. Accounts of the Councils. The councils then sanction and release the funds for salary and development activities through the treasuries. The administrative Department of the State Government which deals with the affairs of the two councils is the Hill Areas Department, with the Office of the Development Commissioner for Hill Areas of Assam being the commissionerate which also reviews and monitors the developmental activities. In each Autonomous Council, there is a District fund to which all funds received by the Autonomous Councils are credited. The Autonomous Councils have power to assess and collect revenues and taxes on professions, trades, vehicles etc. The Autonomous Councils make regulations for the control of the non-tribals. The councils have power to issue licenses and leases on minerals available in the Council areas. The Key Sectors Agriculture is the main occupation of the farming communities of the district. The farming communities practice both settled as well as shifting cultivation (Jhum Cultivation), which is an age-old traditional practice. Other economic activities practiced by the farming communities are livestock rearing, sericulture, horticulture, pisciculture, weaving and wage employment. Shifting Cultivation involving the traditional slash and burn technique of agriculture is an age old practice popularly adopted by tribal people in the hills of Karbi Anglong and N.C. Hills district. Owing to the pressure of population and consequent shortening of the Jhum cycle, it is a major cause of environmental degradation and is having a disastrous impact on the ecology of the region. Deforestation is also leading to soil erosion which has been taking place due to the dynamic processes of nature and has been further aggravated by human
interference. Indiscriminate felling of trees for fuel and timber, free grazing of cattle and unscientific cultivation of crops in the steep slopes by the tribal farmers otherwise called Jhumias of the district are other causes of soil erosion, loss of soil fertility, reduction in crop yield, decrease in ground water-recharge, increase in surface run off and lowering of ground water level. Scientific and mechanized cultivation is not possible for want of assured irrigation. Hence, the entire area remains under single cropping with the exception of few pockets. Potential for Horticulture crops is not fully utilized or whatever is available suffers for want of organized marketing network and lack of processing/preservation units. The thrust of the development process will improve the living conditions of the hill people mainly in the rural areas thereby encouraging them to settle down with permanent cultivation, weaning them away from the practice of Jhum. During the successive Annual Plans following strategies have been adopted to boost agriculture in the hill areas : effective transfer of scientific and modern technology to the farmers; use of HYV and improved agricultural implements; augmenting production of oil seeds and commercial crops with special emphasis on sugarcane production; development of horticulture through supply of quality seeds and planting materials; rejuvenation programme for existing orange orchards and household gardens, development of spices viz. ginger, turmeric, garlic, onion etc., thrust on integrated pest management, thrust on increased fertilizer consumption and thrust on increasing cropping intensity. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sector is playing a vital role in the socio-economic development of the hill people. Farmers of the hill districts have already accepted scientific livestock rearing as their source of income creating self employment avenues. Out of the total area of 15222 Sq. Km. about 2711 Sq. Km. is under state reserve forest and 2491 Sq. Km. is under council reserve forest. The plan programme of Forest Department is oriented on increase of plantation and regeneration, strengthening of protection forces, mobilization of forest produce, creation of Ecological Park and Botanical Gardens.
Handloom Textile and Sericulture are traditional domestic small scale industries of the hill tribes. There is ample potential for the development of this sector. Geographical remoteness, non-availability of well connected road network, poor purchasing power, lack of resources and skills are some of the major impediments in the industrial growth of the hill areas. There is also dearth of institutional credit. Hill areas have rich sources of minerals but their potential has not been properly tapped. Strategy will have to be aimed at setting up large mining and agro based industry around available mineral and natural resources and link support of small industrial units through industrial loans, supply of improved tools, and other such incentives. Improvement of roads and transport continue to be the thrust areas during successive five year plans. A good communication network is the prerequisite for development of hill areas. Special attention has been given to road connectivity to rural and remote areas, which are not yet connected to the main roads. There are 3600 kms. length of roads in Karbi Anglong. Similarly in N.C. Hills, this figure is 1011 kms. Priority is being accorded to connect additional villages by roads and building of RCC bridges during Tenth Plan period. The literacy levels of the hill districts are low compared to the rest of the state. The educational programme has been oriented to provide free and compulsory education to all children up to 14 years of age and emphasis has been given to the schemes like free textbooks, midday meal, free uniform etc.
2.1.2 WEST BENGAL: DARJEELING HILL AREA Administrative Arrangements: The Darjeeling hill areas are under the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council which was established under the provision of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council Act, 1988 with the objective of total social, economic, cultural and education upliftment of Gorkha and other communities of people living in the Hill areas of Darjeeling District. The jurisdiction of the Hill Council covers an area of 2476 Sq. Km. covering three revenue Sub-Divisions of Kalimpong, Kurseong and Darjeeling and 13 mouzas of Siliguri Sub-Division.
Functioning of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council The General Council is headed by the Chairman and consists of 42 councillors of whom 28 are directly elected and 14 are nominated. The Executive Council consists of 15 executive Councillors, of whom, 13 are nominated from amongst the elected Councillors and the remaining two out of the nominated Councillors. The Chairman is also the Chief Executive Councillor of the Executive Council. Presently, in the absence of an elected body in the Council, the Government of West Bengal has appointed an Administrator, after expiry of the period of elected body, to run the administration of the Council till such time that an elected body is re-constituted. The Government of West Bengal has passed a resolution in the West Bengal Legistative Assembly to include the Council in the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India and the ratification of the same by the Parliament is awaited. Under the provision of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council Act, 1988, the executive powers of about 27 departments mostly dealing with development and welfare have been transferred to the Hill Council. The management and control of the programmes and schemes as well as the organizational set up of these departments have been transferred to D.G.H.C. After the discontinuation of the elected body in the Council, the various Departments set up by the Council headed by the elected Councilor were put under the charge of Executive Officers and only normal or small schemes could be executed with the approval of the Administrator DGHC. During the year 2005-06 it has not been possible for the Council to take up big schemes and also to utilize the funds received under certain sectors fully. However, there is a new expectation for execution of a larger number and more effective schemes for socio-economic development of the hill people under the Council area as soon as the Parliament approves the Sixth Schedule bill for the Council. The Tenth Five Year plan gave special emphasis on the problems of Darjeeling Hill Areas like Drinking Water and Rural Electrification, Road Communication, Health, Education, Tourism. The 10th Five Year Plan outlay for DGHC which includes State Plan (Line Department), State Plan (Hill Affairs Department), SCA, CSS, totals at Rs. 440.99 crore.
Problems of Hilly Habitations in Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council Broadly speaking, the D.G.H.C. falls under subtropical per-humid climate with an average rainfall of 3104.5 mm per annum, air temperature maximum 26 C and minimum 4 C. Almost all upper ridges of the area is under forest; tea plantations and native agriculture occupy mid-hill section. Cultivation of well bunded paddies extends down the mid-hill section up to the bottom valley in some cases. Soil in general is shallow, medium to light textured, surface drainage rapid, highly susceptible to erosion by water, internally well drained, reasonably high in organic matter, poor in bases and phosphate and distinctly acidic in reaction. Agriculture of the region is grossly Rainfed and the season is distributed within Pre-Kharif and Kharif seasons. Cultivation in drier months is limited to small patches where residual moisture / limited irrigation from nearby rivulets are available. Almost all arable lands have a slope of more than 8%. In some extreme cases poor farmers are seen cultivating very steep slopes of 40% or even more. The annual rainfall is very unevenly distributed four fifth of the precipitation is witnessed from June September. So the hill farmers face surplus water for five months and acute scarcity during dry months from February to May. These conditions necessitate aggressive intervention in conserving the precious top soil during monsoon as well as harvesting life saving irrigation water for the dry months. This could only be done successfully by covering the arable and non-arable lands with perennial plants, disrupting the slope of terraces with vegetative hedges planted along the contour and encouraging cultivation in leveled to inward terraces for checking erosion and by harvesting water in durable structures on stable marginal lands. Preserving the bio-diversity of ecologically vulnerable hill zone is an important aspect of Darjeeling hills. Wise stewardship of existing natural resources like natural springs, flora and fauna is therefore the need of the hour here.
The Role of Village Committees in Planning, Decision Making and Execution of Works in Participatory Mode. With the advent of participatory implementation of different projects in India there has been a paradigm shift in the role of personnel involved in rural development from implementers to motivators/facilitators. This approach was attempted in D.G.H.C. area also by the Dept. of Agriculture under the NWDPRA during the Eighth Five Year plan. Eight Micro Watersheds (one for each block in three hill Sub-Divisions) was taken up for that purpose. The new approach was readily accepted by villagers of the adopted Micro Watersheds as it empowered them beyond their expectation. They were also organized on a participatory basis as never before. Following that experience, some other areas were also brought under the aegis of NWDPRA during Tenth Five Year Plan. The guidelines of the said project was restructured by the Govt. of India to ensure further participation of villagers, to empower women folk and backward people and to attain sustainability in targeted goals. Model for invigorating the role of village committees through participatory Watershed Management in Darjeeling hills 1) Delineation of Micro Watersheds- D.G.H.C with an area of 2500 sq. km (approx) has about 2450 sq. km of rural and 50 sq. km. of urban areas. Of this rural land 38% is under forest, 22% is under Tea plantations and the remaining 40% is covered by bustees. Therefore it is imperative to delineate this 40% land into 500 hectare Micro Watersheds and prioritize them in order to systematize planning and development process of the Hill Council. Meteorological centers should be located in scientifically correct locations and should be correlated with each other Community Development- Development of village communities on Watershed basis is essential for a hilly terrain like Darjeeling. Here two or more villages located within a micro watershed may be clubbed together to form a village committee. This facilitates planning, maintenance and upgradation of common natural resources . On the other hand if the committees are village based there will be a competitive environment amongst neighboring villages with respect for common natural and social resources.
2) 3)
Institutionalization of Watershed Committees- Once matured, the villagers may be encouraged to run the project on their own with facilitative support from Government personnel. All work plans conceptualized at the group level should be endorsed by the Committee in consultation with technical support from the concerned Department. Budgetary provision is kept in the ongoing N.W.D.P.R.A. for running the Office of the Watershed Committee.
(1) Mid Day Meal Programme:
A vital program of the Department is the distribution of cooked food under Mid Day Meal Program at the Primary Schools and SSKs under DGHC area. It covers 774 Primary Schools and 613 SSKs which have enrolment of 1,30,598 and 19,903 pupils respectively. The average requirement of fund for the program comes to 5 to 6 crore per annum. (2) Sarva Shiksa Abhiyan: National programme of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) with the objectives of universalisation of elementary education emphasized on Community Ownership of the school is also in execution in DGHC. It is targeted to provide useful, quality and elementary education to all the children in the age group of 6 to 14 years by 2010. It is projected that on an average we will have to provide primary schooling assistance to 80,000 children per annum for the next three years. Creation of Primary school infrastructure will be a main agenda for development which will include additional classrooms, new schools, drinking water & toilets, teaching learning materials etc. Forest Territorial Division After the formation of DGHC, about 6,952 ha. of Resumed Forest areas, comprising 1,71,631 ha. of Protected Forest and 5236.69 ha. of Unclassed State Forest have been transferred to DGHC. Darjeeling Territorial Division of Forest Department under DGHC was created during the year 1990. These transferred forest areas are managed and looked after by both the Forest Divisions under D.G.H.C.; the other Division is Social Forestry Hills Division. The total area
managed and look after by this Division is 4236.95 ha and these areas are scattered in far-flung areas in small patches under Darjeeling and Kurseong SubDivisions. The following types of works are mainly undertaken by the Forest Department through the Territorial and Social Forestry Divisions functioning under it: 1. Afforestation 2. Forestry Treatment 3. Maintenance of Old plantations 4. Maintenance of Village nurseries. 5. Maintenance of Parks Garden Progress on FDA: Under Social Forestry Division, DGHC, 22 Forest Protection Committees have been formed taking the fringe villagers of the Resumed Forest Land. Similarly, under Territorial Forest Division, DGHC, 12 Forest Protection Committees have been formed thereby making a total of 34 FPCs under the Forest Department, DGHC. These FPCs were formed in order to have the Joint Forestry Management System in the DGHC forests as well. The Forest Development Agency has already been registered under Society Registration Act of West Bengal. A proposal was sent for the Samanvit Gramin Samridhi Vanikaran Yojna but the same was rejected by the Government due to non-existence of the post of Conservator of Forest in DGHC. This decision requires re-consideration by the Government in view of the different administrative structure of the DGHC. Horticulture The agro-climatic condition of areas under Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council is diverse, varying from sub-tropical in the foothills to the temperate in the higher altitudes. It is broadly sub-divided into three zones. 1. 2. 3. The Terai foothill slope the sub-tropical belt. The sub-temperate belt (the mid hill). The upper hills or the temperate belt.
The soil of the hill is mainly brown forest soil, sandy loam in texture, porous, shallow in depth having highly under composed organic matter. Soil is
acidic in nature pH varies from 3.5 to 5.0, phosphorous and potash content in the soil varies from medium low to medium. The main fruit crops of the area are temperate fruits like orange, plum, pears and peach. Beside these there are substantial area under banana, pineapple and guava. There is perpetual scope for cultivation of passion fruit and its juice has great demand at present. Most the farmers in these regions are still practicing the traditional method of cultivating traditional crops like ginger millet, local varieties of paddy, maize and vegetables. It has been observed that the traditional method of crop cultivation with local traditional crop varieties is not economically viable these days due to low production and high cost of cultivation. It is imperative and essential that the management system vis--vis the agriculture system be shifted to floriculture-horticulture crops in the hill areas of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council. 1. Citrus Die Back Research Station: Darjeeling mandarin orange is world famous for its juice, its flavor, color and therapeutic values. It has a great demand in National and International markets. There has been considerable decline in the cultivation of mandarin due to widespread diseases and pests since early eighties in orange orchards. Citrus Dieback Research Station at Kalimpong is visualized and established for the control of diseases, plant protection and for production of disease free orange seedlings. This Research Station has been in operation from 1983-84. 2. Operation Mandarin in the Hills: The theme of the operation is to give back the mandarin to the highlanders with superior quality, early fruiting and higher yield. The nerve center of the operation will be the Citrus Dieback Research Station at Kalimpong having adequate technical personnel and partial infrastructure to raise feeding (by tissue culture), budded plants (rootstock seedling) and double grafted disease free planting materials (by STG technique). It would immensely help the horticulture production in the hills if a certain percentage of funds are earmarked for research based technological inputs through institutes like IARI, Krishi Vishwavidyalayas etc.
Rural Electrification Scheme The implementation of Rural Electrification scheme in the hill subdivisions of Kurseong, Kalimpong, Sadar and 13 mouzas of Siliguri sub-division has been entrusted to Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC). Consequently, an assessment was made based on the data provided by West Bengal Rural Energy Development Corporation (WBREDC). Of the total 1213 number of villages, 554 (about 56%) have been electrified and the balance 46% are expected to be completed by 2009, taking the assistance of RGGVY. Minor Irrigation Minor Irrigation Sector is one of the units of Agriculture Sectors transferred to the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council under Section 24 of the DGHC Act 1988, like other Developmental Sectors. The physical features of the hilly region of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council make condition of agriculture extremely difficult and diverse. The most distinctive and important features of cultivation on the hilly slopes is the bench terracing of the land. Due to such peculiar geo-physical condition of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council the irrigation facilities available become negligible. The farmers have to depend on the monsoon rain for cultivation during the rainy season from May to September. For major part of the year irrigation is essential for intensive cultivation. The implementation of small irrigation and Minor Irrigation schemes by the Minor Irrigation Department, DGHC have proved to be of great use in controlling landslides. Small Irrigation Schemes involved training of Jhoras and Kholas construction of check dams of stone masonary, bank protection work and tapping of water for irrigation purpose by either lined or unlined channels or P.V.C transmission system, covering command area upto 20 Ha. Small discharge Minor Irrigation Scheme involved construction of C.C diversion weir, bank protection work, training of Jhoras and kholas and transmission of water from diversion weir through lined channels/G.I pipeline, covering command area more than 20 Ha and upto 70 Ha and for medium discharge.
Panchayat and Rural Development Department Panchayat and Rural Development Department is a transferred Department. There is a single tier Panchayat system. Formation of the Panchayat Samity at Block level is still under consideration. There are 112 Gram Panchayats under DGHC, 41 in Kalimpong, 30 in Kurseong and 41 in Darjeeling. 1. NREGA has recently been launched and it is expected that the demand driven works will have a very positive impact on the income of the rural poor. 2. DRDA Cell: Darjeeling being a hilly terrain, the characteristics and yardsticks based on which the scheme of SGSY is implemented throughout West Bengal does not hold good for the 8 hill Blocks of D.G.H.C. It has been seen in the last 2 (two) years that in order to cover remote areas in connection with sensitization, group formation and motivation a large amount has to be spent towards payment to private vehicles as these areas do not have a regular bus and local services. Lack of rural based NGOs in these parts of the hills makes the job more difficult since the members of the BLTT have to be sent several times before a quality SHG is formed. PMGSY The primary objective of PMGSY is to provide connectivity, by way of an All-weather Road (with necessary culverts and cross-drainage structures, which is operable throughout the year), to the eligible unconnected Habitations in the rural areas, in such a way that all Unconnected Habitations with a population of 1000 persons and above are covered in three years (2000-2003) and all Unconnected Habitations with a population of 500 persons and above by the end of the Tenth Plan Period (2007). In respect of the Hill States (North-East, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttaranchal) and the Desert Areas (as identified in the Desert Development Programme) as well as the Tribal (Schedule V) areas, the objective would be to connect Habitations with a population of 250 persons and above. The DGHC has so far connected about 164 habitations covering population between 250 -500, out of the total 254 habitations and the balance 90 are expected to be completed by 2009. Apart from this about 309 habitations
under various population categories (of the total 721 habitations) need to be covered. The amount of fund required to cover about 135 habitations in the next three years till 2009 will be to the tune of Rs. 86.00 crore. Limitations under PMGSY The impact of PMGSY in respect of standards and practices has been very positive and the Government of India (GOI) contribution to improving rural connectivity has been positive for many States including DGHC. However, there are a few issues that are still a matter of concern and need attention. These are summarized below. i) New Connectivity PMGSY being a programme aimed at new connectivity essentially addresses the connectivity of the last mile but upgrading of existing rural roads beyond which the PMGSY roads start also needs attention. The returns on PMGSY investments are critically dependent upon the condition of the whole rural road network. ii) Maintenance Rural roads being the constitutional responsibility of the Staes, the PMGSY is a one time intervention and funding. If adequate resources, institutional arrangements and capacity for maintenance are not made available by the State, the assets created under PMGSY will start deteriorating and their usage life will be curtailed. GOI insistence that States must maintain road constructed under PMGSY will be a huge financial burden on the States at the later stages. The issues and recommendations that need special schemes/projects for the Hill areas of Darjeeling are as follows: 1. 2. The proposed outlay for the 11th Five Year Plan is Rs. 1628.65 crores. The Centre has agreed In Principle to provide an additional Central Package of Rs. 30.00 crores per annum as a follow up to the Tripartite agreement. The Annual Plan budget of the Hill Affairs Department is to the tune of Rs. 4.00 crore annually. It has been recently assured that the State Govt. would be enhancing this by another Rs. 10.00 crore (a total of Rs. 14.00 crores annually). Darjeeling Hill areas face severe water crisis, particularly drinking water in the summer season. Major efforts are required to tackle
water shortage. Schemes have been proposed in the past for augmentation of water supply through rain water harvesting structures annually to the tune of Rs.10.00 crores. There are many PWD roads that have been transferred to Council and regular up keep and maintenance cost of such road is to the tune of Rs 10 to 15 crores. It may be appreciated that quite often these roads get damaged due to landslides and consequently, require major repairs every year. The urban area, which is the four Hill Municipalities require serious up-gradation of facilities for Solid Waste Management, Sewerage and Drainage. The Municipal towns are getting dirty by each passing day in absence of proper infrastructural support towards these projects and the ever increasing population pressure on these old townships in natural course as well as tourist inflows. The allocation towards Tourism Infrastructure Projects is very meager from both, State and Central Plans, and there are plans to upgrade tourism facilities similar to that in international locations. DGHC requires funds to the tune of Rs 20-25 crore per annum for next three years.
2.1.3 TAMIL NADU In Tamil Nadu, one district, namely, Nilgiris is covered under HADP. The average elevation is 2000 Metres above MSL. The highest peak of Nilgiris district is Doddabetta at 2640 Metres and the area is 2549 Sq. Km. The District has four blocks viz., Udhagamandalam, Coonoor, Kotagiri and Gudalur. The maximum temperature is 23.1 C and minimum temperature is 5.1 C. The normal rainfall of the district ranges from 1500 mm 3000 mm. The total population of Nilgiris District is about 7.62 lakhs (2001), (1.22% of total population of Tamil Nadu). The forest covered area of the district is 56% of the total area i.e. 142579 hectares. The main agricultural crops are tea, coffee, potato and vegetables (cabbage, beetroot, carrot) etc. The main industry is processing of tea. The major sectors/activities which have been taken up include Soil Conservation(channel widening and silt removal, collection wells, treatment of land slip areas with vegetative barriers, drainage line works, terrace support wall, water harvesting structures, stream training works, terrace support wall,
water harvesting structures, stream training works, dry stone pitching, contour/staggered trenching works and formation of bench terraces), Forestry (shola and miscellaneous afforestation works, raising wattle plantation, raising and supply of seedlings to the public, roadslide avenue planting, raising of tall seedlings with provision of tree guards, check dams, cairns for demarcation of forest boundary, chainlink fencing to protect vulnerable shola patches, improvements to forest roads, construction of tribal huts, firewood depots, genepool gardens, fireline scrapping, engaging antipoaching & fire protection watchers and special works in Mudumalai Sanctuary & Mukurthi National Park), and Horticulture (production and distribution of tea clones, production and distribution of vegetable, fruits and spices, production and distribution of silver oaks seedlings, distribution of implements and other inputs, research and development, civil works, improvement to Government Botanical Garden, Rose Garden, Sims Park, Nehru Park, etc.). Major Schemes taken up under other sectors include Animal Husbandry (Establishment of Mobile Veterinary Units, Animal disease free zone), Minor Irrigation (Construction of check dams, desilting and repairing of feeder/main channels), Sericulture (Provision of basic rearing appliances and saplings), Roads (strengthening of existing and development of rural roads), Tourism (Renovation of foot paths; toilet facilities at tourist spots), Development of local bodies (provision of link roads, foot paths, bridges, culverts and drainage), Remote sensing (Delineation of macro watersheds by using remote sensing techniques), Medical & Public Health (provision of facilities to health sub centres, provision of equipment, generator and water supply to hospitals), Human Resource Development (Improvement of playgrounds & distribution of sports materials additional classrooms & sanitary facilities), Welfare of SC/ST (Housing facility for SC/ST, basic amenities to SC/ST colonies/Tribal hamlets, link roads to tribal hamlets, infrastructure to tribal residential/SC schools), and Rural Energy (Provision of solar photo voltaic lights to tribal hamlets). I. Allocation and Expenditure during the Tenth Five Year Plan An amount of Rs. 123.90 crore was allocated under HADP during the Tenth Plan period for the Nilgiris district.
II. Sector wise implementation: The Planning Commission, Government of India had released a sum of Rs.88.40 crores towards the schemes implemented under HADP during the first four years of Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-03 to 2005-06) and an outlay of Rs.35.50 crores has been approved for the last year viz 2006-07. The sectors covered under HADP are Soil Conservation, Forestry, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development, Roads, Gap-filling Infrastructure, Development of Local Bodies, Human Resource Development, Medical and Public Health, Welfare of SC/ST, Tourism, Rural Energy Conservation, Minor Irrigation and other sectors. The physical achievements under the major sectors under HADP during the Tenth Five Year Plan period are as follows:
1. Soil Conservation: A total area of 4983 hectares was treated with contour bunding with vegetative fencing, staggered contour trenching, silvi pastoral development, Land shaping, Green manuring, terrace support wall and bench terracing works. A total number of 5460 structures such as gabion check dams, silt detention tanks, water harvesting dams, collection wells and R.R masonry check dams have been constructed. Stream training works for length of 11222 metres have been carried out. For the year 2006-07, an area of 341 hectares have been covered under bench terracing, renovation of existing terraces and staggered trenching works. 1093 structures of various types have also been taken up for construction. 5607 meters of terrace support wall and channel alignment works have been taken up. 2. Forestry: A total number of 2231 checkdams, percolation ponds, cairns and gully plugging have been constructed. 6.82 lakhs shola nursery plants have been raised. An area of 914 hectare has been covered under shola nursery plants. Fire land cropping works for a length of 1208 km have been executed. 421 persons have been engaged as fire protection watchers and anti-poaching watchers. During the year 2006-07, Shola nursery for 1.50 lakh seedlings, shola afforestation in an area of 500 hectares of degraded forest, and medicinal plantation in 10 hectares have been raised. The maintenance of plantations in 270 hectares and construction of 14 percolation ponds have also been taken up.
3. Horticulture: An area of 11120 hectares has been covered under distribution of tea clones infilling, coffee seedlings, supply of fruits, spices and other economic plants, supply of medicinal and aromatic plants. The other works carried out are as follows: Distribution of high yielding vegetable seeds and production of vegetable seeds (2219 MT). Establishment of Polygreen houses (130 numbers). Distribution of horticulture tools (300), Oil Engines (429), Sprinkler units (106), Power tillers (13), Power sprayers (120), Agricultural implements (2513), Hand sprayers (787) and Tour cum training to high-tech horticulture farms (5050). During the year 2006-07, an area of 4667 hectares have been covered under hybrid vegetable seeds and fruit plantations 4. Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development: Mobile veterinary units at Kotagiri and Gudalur Taluks were established. Construction of veterinary sub centres (4), MPC buildings with storage facilities (13), Storage ponds (1), Milk booths (20 numbers) Provision of can washing system (1no). De worming of Calves/Cows (11,715 numbers) Supply of fodder seeds (16,575 Kg) Vaccination for foot and mouth disease (25,000 numbers) Supply of frozen straws to farmers (24,000 numbers) Distribution of Heifer Calves (142), Milch Animals (180), Milk Animals (200 with 50% subsidy), and Milk cans, First Aid Kids, Milk Collection equipments (261). 5. Rural Roads: Improvements to road works have been executed for a length of 284 km. A length of 1,860 metres of cement concrete drains has been provided. 3 drains/culverts have been constructed. Further, 42.80 km have been taken up under road work during the year 2006-2007.
6. Tourism: In the Tourism sector the physical achievements included purchase of 20 boats for the new boat house in Udhagamandalam, construction of two retaining walls with a length of 157 running metres from Boat house to Lake Park and another in Boat house, Ooty, construction of Boat house with all infrastructure at T.R. Bazaar with an area of 3900 square feet, renovation of foot path, provision of Toilet facilities at Tourist spots, construction of compound wall of Childrens Park, 16 Eco-tourism schemes and establishment of two Aquarium Jewel Buildings. 7. Development of Local Bodies: Cement pavement was provided to a length of 450 metres. Three minor bridges and 8885 foot bridges were constructed for better and easy access to major roads. Under this sector, provision of infrastructural facilities such as roads, footpaths, bridges, culverts, drainage provisions were undertaken. 200 Tribal Group houses, provision of bus shelters, link roads to villages and special repairs to 20 Tribal houses were also undertaken. An extension of 21550 metres of water supply line have been undertaken during the year 2006-2007. 8. Medical and Public Health: Under Medical and Public Health, 16 Health Sub-Centre buildings, 3 Siddha Medical Centre and a 30 bedded ward were constructed. 1000 Tribal Adolescent boys have been covered under health coverage programme. Infrastructural facilities to Government Hospitals, construction of compound wall and water supply works have also been undertaken. 1136 number of equipments/furniture/other items have been provided to hospitals during the year 2006-2007. 9. Human Resource Development: In the Human Resource Development sector, importance has been given for development of infrastructure facilities in schools by providing 40 additional class rooms, drinking water facilities to 80 schools and sanitary facilities to 70 schools. Improvement of Play Grounds was taken up in 18 schools. Distribution of sports materials, bunk beds and woolen blankets to GTR schools and upgradation of existing infrastructural facilities were undertaken under this sector.
10. Welfare of SCs/STs: Basic amenities for SCs/STs colonies, maintenance of tribal hamlet roads and provision of infrastructural facilities to Government Tribal/Adi-dravida Welfare Schools and creation of awareness among SCs/STs people on ecology and sanitation works were also carried out under this sector. 547 low cost houses were constructed and 60 colour TVs were distributed to SCs/STs. Street lights were provided in 1046 locations. In the year 2006-2007 construction of 935 houses for SCs/STs has been undertaken. III. Impact of the schemes implemented under major sectors in Nilgiris district: By Soil conservation schemes Shifting of crops from lower value (Cabbage) to higher value (Beans, Carrot, Beetroot and Radish) due to improved irrigation facilities. Moisture retention level increased. Yield of tea leaves increased by 10-15% due to moisture retention level. Source: Evaluation Report on Agricultural Engineering Works, dated 28.06.2004 by Evaluation and Applied Research Department, Chennai Forestry Schemes Forest area of 1.43 lakhs hectare (56% of the geographical area) retained inspite of increase in population from 6.30 lakhs to 7.60 lakhs over the period of 3 decades. Coverage under Trees and groves increased from 2000 hectares (0.8%) to 3500 hectares (1.4%) over two decades. Eco-Protection measures (Fire Line Scrapping Works, Chainlink Fencing, and Cairn Stones) have helped in conserving the ecology. Urban planting schemes have improved the environmental status in urban area, in view of 98 percent survival rate. Agave plantation at the areas prone to landslide served as the best type of vegetative barrier and protected the areas from landslides. The impounded rain water in the checkdams meets the drinking water needs of the wild animals. Plantation schemes are labour intensive as the average mandays generated per hectare is reckoned at 115. Tribals in the settlement areas are satisfied with housing facilities.
Genepool of Nadugani, Gudalur, established to preserve and propagate rare and endangered indigenous species. Horticulture Schemes Quality of Seeds / Plants was reported as good by 72% of the sample farmers. Supply of Seeds / Plants was reported as timely by 89%. Survival Rate of Plants / Seedlings was above 75%. Incremental income to the tune of Rs.3781/- per acre per season has been realised. 95% of sample farmers informed that extension service is available once in a week. Source: Evaluation Report on Impact of Horticulture Schemes implemented in HADP during Ninth Five Year Plan Period, dated 17.12.2003. Other schemes Socio-economic needs of the people have been fulfilled to certain extent by undertaking Human Resource Development activities, housing facilities for SCs/STs, welfare of SCs/STs, roads, medical and public health, minor irrigation and other basic amenities.
IV. Details of Un-Electrified Scheduled Tribes Habitations In four blocks, a total population of 1717 in 447 houses under 35 settlements have been notified as un-electrified scheduled tribes habitations in Nilgiris District. In addition to above, four Town Panchayats with a population of 803 in 229 houses in 16 settlements were notified as un-electrified scheduled tribes habitations. In two Municipalities (Grade III) with a population of 1149 in 224 houses under 11 settlements were notified as un-electrified scheduled tribes habitations. The major tribals viz Irulas, Thodas, Krumbas, Paniyas and Kattunaickas are residing in these areas.
2.2.1 KARNATAKA The Western Ghats region is the main source of water for most of the West flowing and East flowing rivers of Karnataka. These rivers sustain plantation, horticulture and agriculture crops of the region and are also best suited for hydroelectric power generation. These areas of the subcontinent, with the last remnant population of such animals as tiger, panther, elephant, bison etc and the flora supports best timber like teak, rosewood, ebony, sandalwood and a number of hardwoods and softwoods. The population pressure is moving up from coastal belt to the hills and encroachment from the eastern plains is steadily increasing. The competing uses of land for plantation crops like coffee, cocoa, tea, cashew, areca and coconut other extractive industries like mining and hydroelectric power are adding their bit in increasing the pressure on forests. In Karnataka, WGDP is being implemented in 40 taluks of 11 districts. The Project is implemented on watershed basis with Forest, Agriculture, and Horticulture sectors as implementing agencies. Importance is given to creating self-employment supporting economically weaker sections and women in many fields such as bee keeping, village and cottage industries, horticulture, mushroom cultivation, animal husbandry, bamboo cultivation and sericulture. District Watershed Development Offices were created in all the districts which are functioning under the respective Zilla Panchayat involving peoples participation and exclusive concentration on watershed development activities. DWDO is the project-implementing agency for all the watershed development activities.
Sector wise implementation: An amount of Rs.86.46 crore was allocated for the schemes implemented under WGDP during the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-03 to 2006-07). The sectors covered under WGDP are Soil Conservation, Forestry, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development, Roads, Gap-filling Infrastructure, Welfare of SCs/STs, Tourism Rural Energy Conservation and Minor Irrigation.
2.2.2 KERALA The Western Ghat region of Kerala (Sahyadri) stretches over 450 km (28.12%) out of the total length of 1600 km and is spread over 80 Block Panchayats (out of 152 Blocks in the State) and 537 Grama Panchayats (out of the total of 999 Panchayats in the State). Thirty One out of the 63 Taluks in the State with a total geographical area of 28008 (72% of the total State area of 38863 and around 50% of the States population is in this region. The population of this region increased from 68.8 lakhs in 1971 to 140.36 lakhs in 2001. The density of population in this region is 501 per sq. km as against the State average of 819 per sq km, as per 2001 Census. Effective literacy rate in this region is 88.47%. The Western Ghats play an important role acting as barrier to southeast monsoons causing substantial rainfall over the hills (more than 3000 mm annually) and the Sahyadri gives birth to all the 44 major rivers flowing through the State and sustains rich natural forests and minerals. This region is a treasure house of plants and animals and is declared as one of the bio diversity hot spots in the world. The Western Ghats in Kerala have two major segments, a southern segment south of Palakkad Gap and a northern segment beyond the gap extending up to the Kodugu boundary. There are three sections of the eastern slopes of Western Ghats falling within Kerala viz. the Pambar- Chinnar basin, the Attappady Plateau drained by Bhavani, and the Wayanad section drained by Kabini. The Western Ghats that rise from low altitude of about 70 m MSL extend up to 2000m MSL on an average on the eastern boundary. Anamudy is the highest peak with an altitude of 2690m MSL. The per capita land availability is one of the lowest in the country. As a result, fragmentation and sub division of the available land takes place. The small size of the holdings makes agriculture less economic and this leads to neglect of conservation practices. The pressure of population on land for various purposes such as agricultural and livestock production, housing, and industry have resulted in unscientific land uses.
Climate Kerala is situated in the high rainfall humid tropical region. The total average annual rainfall is 3000 mm. There are two monsoon seasons: the South West monsoon (June to Sept) and the North East monsoon (Oct- Dec). January to February is the winter season and the summer months are March, April and May. The mean minimum temperature is 22-24 0C and the mean maximum temperature is 32-340C. During summer months the temperature is high leading to drying of surface soil and drought conditions. The relative humidity is in general high because of the extensive seacoast. The relative humidity during the monsoon season is about 85%. The very steep slopes facilitate quick run off of the rainfall resulting in poor ground water recharge. The velocity of the surface flow is very high as a result of the terrain characteristics. This high velocity of the surface flow causes soil displacement and movement. The surface soil gets washed away along with the running water. Some Important Features of WGDP in Kerala 1) Western Ghats Development Programme is implemented in participatory mode through Panchayat Raj Institutions. It is fully integrated with the Decentralized Planning Process. Western Ghats Development Programme (WGDP) is implemented on the basis of a clear set of Operational Guidelines issued by the Government of Kerala based on the Common Approach for Watershed Programmes, and the existing Guidelines of other watershed programmes considering the peculiarities of the State. Project proposals for the micro watersheds are selected by the District Level Coordination Committee (DLCC) from the priority list of watersheds in the District. This list is prepared by taking into account a set of parameters such as soil and land features, socio economic features, drinking water scarcity, percentage of SC/ST population, degradation
status, etc. The project proposals prepared and discussed by the watershed Gram Sabha and the Gram Panchayat and approved by the DLCC are funded under WGDP. The Gram Panchayats have to share 10% of the total project cost. There is a beneficiary share of another 10%. 4) The Watershed Gram Sabha identifies the location specific development activities and gives approval for the project. The beneficiary list is also approved by the Watershed Gram Sabha. Social justice is ensured by incorporating suitable livelihood schemes for the poor and the marginalized. The landless and the poor also get appropriate representation in the Watershed Committees. The benefits of treatment of common property lands are shared by the landless also. Women empowerment is also achieved through creating greater opportunities for jobs and thereby increasing their income. There is a mandatory provision for inclusion of women working in SHGs in the Watershed Committee as well as in the Monitoring Committee. Training programmes on livelihood programmes help them to develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills. There is a watershed committee account jointly operated by the Chairperson of the watershed committee (Gram Panchayat President) and the convener of the watershed committee (Agricultural Officer) There is an 11 member monitoring committee The works are executed by the beneficiary committees, user groups or the watershed committees and payments are made to the beneficiaries through bank cheques. Social audit is to be conducted every year and Gram Sabha of the watershed, which gives access to all the accounts, registers and vouchers. The income and expenditure statement has to be approved by the Watershed Gram Sabha.
8) 9)
A Chartered Accountant decided by the DLCC/ District administration will have to audit the accounts and the annual audited statements are to be forwarded to the Western Ghats Cell. The overall sectoral priority of investment under WGDP in Kerala is: Integrated Development of Watersheds : 80 % Forest Based Programmes : 10% Other Activities (Administration, Research, Monitoring etc) : 10 %
The component wise Project cost is : Natural Resource Management Production System Management Livelihood Support Systems Management Component
Administrative Set up: State level: Western Ghat Cell under Planning and Economic Affairs Department is in charge of coordinating and monitoring the programme. There is a separate Western Ghats Cell under the Department to look after these activities. The Planning Portfolio is under the Chief Minister. District Level: The District Level Co-ordination Committee has to monitor WGDP activities at the district level. The Committee has to meet once in two months for a detailed review of implementation of the programme in the district. The District Collector is the Chairman and District Planning Officer is the vice chairman of this committee. The Heads of the departments related to Watershed programme become the members of the DLCC. Panchayat Level: The Gram Panchayat is the Programme Implementing Agency. The Panchayat Committee takes important decisions such as the area that requires treatment under WGDP and it ensures Panchayat and beneficiary contribution. The Working Group of the Panchayat is actively involved in facilitating
programme planning, implementation and monitoring. It gives technical support to the watershed committee in planning and implementing the programme. The Gram Panchayat president is the Chairperson of the Watershed Committee. The ward members within the selected watershed are members of the Watershed Committee. Watershed Level At the watershed level the Watershed Gram Sabha, watershed committee, and the monitoring committee are the community organizations. A Watershed Development Team (WDT) consisting of qualified professionals/experienced practitioners render technical assistance in project formulation and implementation of various activities desired by the watershed community for the area. Project Formulation, Implementation and Monitoring The Watershed Gram Sabha is the General Body comprising all households residing in the watershed and who formally agree to participate in Western Ghat Development Programme implemented in the watershed. The President of the concerned Gram Panchayat is the president of the watershed Gram Sabha. All Panchayat ward members of the watershed area are members of the watershed committee. The Watershed Gram Sabha has to discuss and approve, with modifications if necessary, the detailed list of development activities, works, programmes and beneficiaries of the watershed, submitted by the Watershed Committee with the technical support of the watershed development team, working groups etc.. The Watershed Grama Sabha is to meet at least four times in a year to review the progress of the activities undertaken in the watershed. The Monitoring Committee headed by the Panchayat Ward Member, Technical members and others decided by the Watershed Gram Samba constantly monitor the programme implementation. The DLCC is also entrusted with duties of monitoring.
Fund Flow The fund released by the Planning Commission is allotted to the District Collectors on the basis of approved project proposals. The District Collector transfers the amount to the account of the watershed committee. Achievements The total Western Ghats area in Kerala is 2800773 Ha. Out of this 179492 Ha has already been treated (6.41%). The objective was sustainable development through low cost and indigenous technologies for sustainable development. Integrated activities for natural resource management through watershed approach have been emphasized with peoples participation. Components like soil conservation, minor irrigation, dairy development activities, animal husbandry and poultry development programmes, programmes for agriculture development, livelihood support system promotion of non-conventional sources of energy etc are implemented in the watersheds selected for treatment. Livelihood schemes, Forest conservation and management programmes, Research Projects, SCs/STs development schemes are also incorporated.
2.2.3 TAMIL NADU The Western Ghats Region in Tamil Nadu starts from Gudalur taluk in the Nilgiris District and ends up at Agastheeswaram Taluk in Kanniyakumari District. The elevation ranges from 200 metres in Agastheeswaram taluk to 2645 metres in Pollachi taluk showing a general ascendancy from south to north. The total geographical area of the State of Tamil Nadu is 1,30,058 Sq.Kms. Of this, an area of 26,293 Sq.Kms. (20.22%) falls under the Western Ghat region. Western Ghats Region consists of nine districts, viz. the Nilgiris, Coimbatore, Erode, Madurai, Dindigul, Theni, Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari. Originally, 25 taluks were identified for WGDP from these eight Districts. However, the number has now increased to 33 after bifurcation of many taluks. Kanniyakumari and Theni are the two districts which have 100 percent coverage followed by Tirunelveli, Coimbatore, Dindigul, Virudhunagar, Madurai and
Erode districts having coverage of 88.13%, 79.20%, 61.21%, 50.10%, 29.79% and 26.94% respectively. Sector wise Implementation An amount of Rs. 61.00 crore was allocated to Tamil Nadu under WGDP during the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-03 to 2006-07). The sectors covered under WGDP are Soil Conservation, Forestry, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development, Roads, Gap-filling Infrastructure, Welfare of SCs/STs, Tourism, Rural Energy Conservation, Minor Irrigation and other sectors. The physical achievements of the major sectors under WGDP during the Tenth Five Year Plan are as follows: 1. Soil Conservation Under WGDP, the Agricultural Engineering Department is implementing all the soil conservation activities. During the year 2002-03 to 2005-06, an area of 5570 Ha. were covered with soil conservation activities and 6246 Nos. of various soil & moisture conservation schemes were implemented. In the year 2006-07, an area of 1541 hectares has been covered and 1562 structures of check dams, village ponds, farm ponds, gabion structures, etc. have been constructed. 2. Horticulture During the year of 2003-2004, an area of 46368 Ha. was covered by various horticultural schemes, 31870 farmers were trained on latest technology and 542 horticulturists were provided with various horticultural tools and plant protection equipments (i.e. power tillers, solar power insect trap and light weight ladder, etc.). The Horticulture farms with infrastructure facilities in Virudhunagar and Kanniyakumari districts have been strengthened besides covering an area of 400 hectares during 2006-2007. 3. Animal Husbandry The Directorate of Veterinary Services is implementing all the animal husbandry activities under WGDP. During the year 2002-03 to 2005-06, 1809 beneficiaries were provided with training on animal husbandry activities and 200
Ha. of barren land were treated with fodder production scheme and a total number of 45032 (i.e., Castrations, Deworming, Dung samples and Blood smears) cases were treated. An area of 496 hectares has been covered under fodder development schemes during 2006-2007.
4. Forestry Under this Programme, all the forestry activities are being implemented by the Forest Department headed by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. During the period 2002-03 to 2005-06, 25315 tree saplings and medicinal plants were planted in 3308 Ha. Various other forestry activities were undertaken in Western Ghats areas in Tamil Nadu. An extent of 560 hectares have been taken up under different forest activities during 2006-2007. 5. Sericulture Various sericulture activities have been undertaken under this Programme with the utilisation of allocation. During the period 2002-03 to 2005-06, various sericulture activities were undertaken in 768.95 acres and 2142 sericulturists were provided training. 6. Minor Irrigation Under this Programme, minor irrigation activities are taken up by the Chief Engineers, Water Resource Organisation , PWD, Madurai and Pollachi Regions in the entire Western Ghats areas in Tamil Nadu. During the period 2002-03 to 2005-06, 21 minor irrigation activities were completed in Western Ghats Region. 7. Rural Roads The Chief Engineer (General), Highways Department is the implementing agency and all the roads are taken up including improvements & strengthening under this Programme. During the year 2002-03 to 2005-06, 24.60 Kms. of roads were taken up for improvement & strengthening. Road works for a length of 24.50 kms have been taken up during the year 2006-07.
8. Palm Products Development Under this sector, Palm products development activities are taken up in the Western Ghats Region by the Chief Executive Officer, Tamil Nadu Palm Products Development Board. During the year 2002-03 to 2005-06, 6.00 lakhs numbers of palm seeds were planted in the Western Ghats Region. 570 beneficiaries were benefited by supplying equipments for Palm Jaggery and Palm Candy Processing Centre in Virudhunagar District. Palmyrah Nungu, Palmyrah Fruit Jam Centre was started up at Valliyoor in Tirunelveli District. Brush Production Unit was started at Puliyangudi, Sivagiri Taluk in Tirunelveli District. For the year 2005-2006, tools and equipments were distributed to the 300 Palmgur artisans to process the Palm Jaggery out of Neera in Coimbatore and Erode District. 9. Other Sectors In addition to the above, Fisheries, Tourism and Non-Conventional Energy schemes were funded. Anna University and the Bharathidasan University were also provided funds under the Remote Sensing sector.
III. Impact of the schemes implemented under major sectors in the Western Ghats Region.
Soil Conservation : Retention of Soil Moisture is evident e.g., Melapuliankudi Village, Parappalar Watershed Wells recharged by 15-16 feet e.g. 19 Silt detention tanks in sample watersheds. Remunerative Fruit crops raised in the place of rainfed crops. Source: Evaluation Report on Saturation Watersheds in WGDP districts, October, 2002, dated 04.10.2002, Evaluation and Applied Research Department, Chennai-108.
Borewell-water level gone up by 200 to 300 feet Cropping pattern changed to higher value crops e.g. Alandurai Watershed, Masaierumpupallam Drinking water for cattle provided e.g Farm pond at Naraseepuram Silt Detention Tanks have averted soil erosion (Khansapuram, Virudhunagar ). Silt deposit found in 2 to 3 feet in gabion structure at Kovilammalpuram in Tirunelveli District Source: Evaluation Report on quality of Civil works under WGDP, dated 30.07.2005. Evaluation and Applied Research Department, Chennai-108 Forestry : Through Forestry activities, there has been considerable reduction in the incidence of poaching of animals and forest fires Infrastructure facilities under Buffer zone activities were found useful to upgrade the ecological conditions Under Eco-Development works, Medicinal Herbs and Shrubs have been planted in 18 hectares Source: Evaluation Report on Forest Sector under WGDP districts, dated 07.07.2005, Evaluation and Applied Research Department, Chennai-108