Preterito Imperfecto 4
Preterito Imperfecto 4
Preterito Imperfecto 4
s o m a u n i t n Co
vs Pretrito . imperfe
3ho was Pab%o $scobar an& what &oes he have to &o with Co%ombia4s rivers?
ct o
'er &etectives
Leccin 3 Qu padre!5un crimen. 3or0in* to*ether or a%one6 fi*ure out who committe& the crime6 where6 an& with what weapon. it4s %i0e the *ame 7C%ue85 process of e%imination. 7-f the weapon use& was a penci% sharpener6 then Pab%o is *ui%ty.8 7-f the crime too0 p%ace in /a Boca6 Pab%o wasn4t there.8 'O...e%iminate Pab%o6 /a Boca an& the penci% sharpener.8 +But first e9p%ain how to 0i%% someone with a penci% sharpener..., Handout 53hen you4ve so%ve& the crime6 you nee& to submit a report about what actua%%y happene&. :se the vocabu%ary provi&e&6 p%us your ima*ination6 an& write at %east ; sentences about where this person was 0i%%e&6 who &i& it6 how an& why. <ou wi%% nee& to use the preterit for the actions an& the imperfect for the &escriptions or the on=*oin* events. Turn it in when you4re &one.
>or ne9t c%ass: rea& >O?@A/ CO@@ABC'. Co 3or0sheet ..2; an& ..2.