Resume Student Portfolio
Resume Student Portfolio
Resume Student Portfolio
2429 !. (ong (ake 5d$ Traverse 49:+5 62318 94;-:920 ity$ %I Objective In the future I want to be a teacher. I have great communication and social skills. I try to be everyone's friend. I am very considerate and understanding. 2011-2015 High School Degree &usiness Technology$ 'merican "ign (anguage$ "tarting a &usiness$ )ideo *roduction$ (ibrary %edia enter Training T !est %iddle "chool Traverse ity$ %I T !est "enior #igh Traverse ity$ %I
Professional ex erience
2012 !ookseller
#ori/on &ooks
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ashier$ "helving$ "traightening$ 'l0habeti/ing$ &arista$ 'ssistant 'ccounting$ ustomer 'ssistance -amesto0
afe 120erience$
Traverse ity$ %I
Extracurricular activities
2012 5obotics lub 2014 "ki lub 2014 Traverse ity !est ommunity "ervice ouncil
%rs. 'my 5eynolds$ = lick here and enter information. > = lick here and enter information. > PORTFOLIO AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST!