The Bartered Bride
The Bartered Bride
The Bartered Bride
The Bartered Bride (Czech: Prodan nevsta, The Sold Fiance) is a comic opera in three acts by the Czech composer Bedich Smetana, to a libretto by Karel Sabina !he opera is considered to ha"e made a ma#or contrib$tion to%ards the de"elopment of Czech m$sic &t %as composed d$rin' the period ()*+,**, and first performed at the -ro"isional !heatre, -ra'$e, on +. /ay ()** in a t%o0act format %ith spoken dialo'$e Set in a co$ntry "illa'e and %ith realistic characters, it tells the story of ho%, after a late s$rprise re"elation, tr$e lo"e pre"ails o"er the combined efforts of ambitio$s parents and a schemin' marria'e broker !he opera %as not immediately s$ccessf$l, and %as re"ised and e1tended in the follo%in' fo$r years &n its final "ersion, premiered in ()2., it 'ained rapid pop$larity and e"ent$ally became a %orld%ide s$ccess Czech national opera $ntil this time had been represented only by a n$mber of minor, rarely performed %orks !his opera, Smetana3s second, %as part of his 4$est to create a tr$ly Czech operatic 'enre Smetana3s m$sical treatment makes considerable $se of traditional Bohemian dance forms s$ch as the polka and f$riant, altho$'h he lar'ely a"oids the direct 4$otation of folkson' 5e ne"ertheless created m$sic %hich %as acc$rately folk0like, and is considered by Czechs to be 4$intessentially Czech in spirit !he o"ert$re, often played as a concert piece independently from the opera, %as, $n$s$ally, composed before almost any of the other m$sic had been %ritten 6fter a performance at the 7ienna /$sic and !heatre 81hibition of ()9:, the opera achie"ed international reco'nition &t %as performed in Chica'o in ()9+, ;ondon in ()9< and reached =e% >ork in (9.9, s$bse4$ently becomin' the first, and for many years the only, Czech opera in the 'eneral repertory /any of these early international performances %ere in ?erman, $nder the title Die verkaufte Braut, and the ?erman0lan'$a'e "ersion contin$es to be played and recorded 6 ?erman film of the opera %as made in (9+: by /a1 @phAls B(C