Gilap Potensi Set 3
Gilap Potensi Set 3
Gilap Potensi Set 3
$iagram # shows a number line. &a"ah ' menun"ukkan suatu garis nombor%
$iagram # . &a"ah '
What is the %alue of &' A akah nilai P( A B 3 #." #.8 C D er uluhan% C D 0.07 0.007 !.0 !.#
$iagram ! shows a number of rectangular cards, & and a number of square cards 4. &a"ah + menun"ukkan bebera a kee ing ka! segi em at te at P !an bebera a ke ing ka! segi em at sama ,%
P " cm
3 cm
$iagram ! . &a"ah +
Q 3 cm
Which of the following combinations of cards can form a bo5 in the sha6e of a cuboid' Antara gabungan ka!-ka! berikut, yang manakah boleh membentuk sebuah kotak berbentuk kuboi!( A B C D 5 # 6iece of & and 7 6ieces of 4 ! 6ieces of & and 8 6ieces of 4 3 6ieces of & and 3 6ieces of 4 8 6ieces of & and ! 6ieces of 4
$iagram 3 shows a 6iece of c9lindrical wood. &a"ah 3 menun"ukkan sebatang kayu berbentuk silin!er%
$iagram 3 &a"ah 3 The wood is cut into four 6arts. :ow man9 flat faces are there altogether' .ayu itu !i otong ke a!a em at bahagian% /era akah "umlah satah bagi keem at-em at bahagian kayu itu( A B 6 8 " C D 8 #0
$iagram 8 shows the time in the !83hour s9stem. &a"ah 0 menun"ukkan waktu !alam sistem +0 "am%
$iagram 8 . &a"ah 0 (on%ert the time to the #! hour s9stem. Tukarkan waktu itu !alam sistem '+ "am% A B #0.#7 6.m #0.#7 a.m C D !.#7 6.m !.#7 a.m
&E-*A/&+,1A, 02/+ 3 /A( !0#3
Which is the following weights is the hea%iest' Antara timbangan berat berikut, yang manakah aling berat( A B 0.7 ;g 0.007 ;g C D 7g 80 g
-/#!!.00 < 8 = A B C D 3 3 " 7 6ieces 6ieces 6ieces 6ieces -/7 -/7 -/7 -/7 and and and and 3 7 7 # 6ieces #0 sen 6ieces #0 sen 6ieces #0 sen 6iece #0 sen
!080 < > 7 ? #3 @ = A B #0! #!0 C D # ! 3 3 8 # 8 3 8 C D ! 7 #0 7 D 5 #0 abo%e' itu( #.8 0.#8 #!7 !!7
3 ? ! 3 ! = A B 3 3
C D 37 sen@ =
8 8
-/##."7 -/#7.!7
3 A # = A B 0.7 #.7
C !.7
!#0 < #7 =
What number must be written in the A akah nombor yang mesti !itulis !alam A B 15 #80 #8 C D
$iagram 7 shows two number cards. &a"ah 1 menun"ukkan !ua ke ing ka! nombor%
$iagram S* T+,*+ &+TE-A . /ATEA/T0* +&S-
7 . -aBah 7
Cind the difference between the %alue of digit 7 and the %alue of digit " in the two numbers. 2arikan be3a antara nilai !igit 1 !engan nilai !igit 4 bagi !ua nombor itu% A B 16 0.0# 0.88 C D 0.7" 0."7
$iagram " shows the %olume of water in four containers, &, 4, - and S. &a"ah 4 menun"ukkan kan!ungan air !i !alam em at bekas P, ,, & !an S%
0."7 8
7.3 8
8.0 8
0. 3 8
(alculate the a%erage %olume of water , in m l, in a container. 5itungkan urata kan!ungan air, !alam ml, !alam sebuah bekas% A B 17 #800 ! 80 C D 3730 3780
A sho6 sells "70 red and 9ellow roses altogether. The sho6 sells #88 more red roses than 9ellow roses. :ow man9 9ellow roses does the sho6 sell' Sebuah ke!ai telah men"ual se"umlah 41$ kuntum bunga ros merah !an ros kuning% /ilangan ros merah yang !i"ual a!alah '00 kuntum lebih !ari a!a bilangan ros kuning% 2arikan bilangan kuntum bunga ros kuning yang telah !i"ual% A B 7"8 70" C D !8! !73
-aDali deli%ers a total of #700 eggs of the eggs were bro;en. Sho6 & :ow man9 unbro;en eggs does sho6 &a3ali membekalkan se"umlah '1$$ 6i!a ati bahawa !ari a!a telur
to sho6 & and sho6 4. 0t is found that ! # gets of the unbro;en eggs. #0 7 4 get' bi"i telur untuk ke!ai P !an ke!ai ,% ! # itu e7ah% .e!ai P !ibekalkan #0 7
Ene boo; costs -/#0.70. :alimah gets a discount of -/#. 0 on each boo;. :ow much does she ha%e to 6a9 for 80 boo;s' 5arga sebuah buku ialah &9'$%1$% 5alimah men!a at otongan harga sebanyak &9'%:$ bagi setia buku yang !ibeli% /era akah "umlah harga yang !ibayar oleh 5alimah untuk membeli 0$ buah buku itu( A B -/!88 -/388 C D -/8!8 -/7!8
Table # shows the number of 6u6ils in fi%e grou6 who tra%el to school b9 bus or b9 bic9cle. Ja!ual ' menun"ukkan bilangan muri! !alam lima kum ulan yang menaiki bas atau basikal ke sekolah% 1rou6 /aBu Te;un -aBin Ga9a (e;al ,umber of &u6ils F9 Fus 3" 3! 30 80 !! Table # . Gadual # F9 Fic9cle 8 7 ! #8
What is the 6ercentage of 6u6ils tra%eling to school b9 bus of the total number of 6u6ils' /era akah eratus bilangan muri! yang menaiki bas !ari a!a "umlah muri! itu( A B "7 70 C D 77 80