Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Mark Seals EDC-240 Classroom Management Plan My Classroom My classroom will be fairly strict and comfortable for all students to learn in. The type of control I want in my classroom is more on the respect side instead of fear. Once students fear the teacher they are hindered in their learning experience, instead I want them to respect my rules and my class. In my past I have had teachers that I respect and it changes the student-teacher relationship; it makes it so much more than just a classroom thing. It becomes a bond that is similar to a parent child bond, you do not want to let a teacher that you respect down, and you want them to be proud of you. Saying all of this I want a classroom to have order in it because with no order there is only chaos. The rules in place will be fairly simple and very easy to understand and carry out. For example: 1. 2. 3. 4. Respect every person or item that enters this classroom. Raise your hand when you want to speak. Do not say or do anything in my classroom that would not say or do to your grandma. Turn in all homework in the homework bin when asked to do so, if not homework will receive a zero. 5. I allow cell phones but only for educational purposes. (I am not dumb I know the difference between googling an answer and texting a friend about some girl that you are in love with.) My rules are more to create a safe and productive classroom than to scare or dictate students. All rules if not obeyed have consequences and mine are no different. I do not believe in the traditional punishments like standing in the hall or getting suspended. If a student talk out of turn or says something inappropriate, I will deal with it in a very subtle manner, such as; talking with the student after class, telling them to keep it down, or calling them out. I have seen in many classrooms that joking with a student actually has a positive effect on the attitude of the student towards discipline issues. If a student is breaking the rules in a more severe manner then in school suspension, a call home, or a after school detention maybe necessary. Even in all those different consequences I will try to get through to the student to change their actions. I think consequences that are severe only make a student hate or dislike a teacher. Most of the time the severe consequences could have been avoided using better discipline tactics. I will enact and carry out the rules in my class in a strict manner and if disobeyed the consequences enacted will be equal to the punishment, never greater.
Management and Organization The hardest thing about managing a classroom is not keeping the students on task or managing your time well, it is keeping the students invested in learning and critical thinking. Once the students are interested in learning the other parts of managing a classroom seem to fall into place. In my classroom I am going to be really big on giving the students time to stretch and relax (depending on how long the class). In my high school experience I had ninety minute classes and we got pretty wiley just sitting there. I noticed in a placement where the teacher gave the students about five minutes to relax they were calmer during the actual instructional period. Also it creates a sort of halftime effect where I am able to regroup myself and get ready for the second half of the lesson. My class will never have a dry lesson or be repetitive; I want to keep the students on their toes. If we have a PowerPoint one day there is no guarantee that we will have one tomorrow. Changing the actual lesson will keep the students interested. As a teacher the students expect me to be prepared, organized and knowledgeable. Students do not want a teacher that loses assignments or a teacher that does not know much about their own subject. I must work hard for my class and as a teacher should be responsible for their grade. If a student fails, then I have something I need to improve on. Nothing is ever perfect, you can always get better, a quote from my tenth grade English teacher Ms. Rohan, which really displays all the work that must be put into teachers and this work will nourish and push students to success. As I talk about success I also realize that the students themselves play a huge part in the idea of success. I expect the students to be invested in their education and if they are not, I hope to alter that choice and help them become invested. The students should all be mature young men and women, make good choices in school, and attempt to further their education after high school. I really want to push college, trade school, or military on the students I teach because if they do not further their education they could possibly fall by the wayside in the employment area of life. Maturity is a very interchangeable word, I do not want them to be perfect students and act like they are in college. Depending on the age, I just want them to act that age. If a student is a senior in high school I will not condone him/her picking their nose and wiping it on someone. I expect the same thing they expect out of me just to give a 100% and be respectful.
Procedures and Routines As I stated earlier I would like to change my type of lesson and lesson execution from time to time, but to do this I will need a strong and reasonable set of routines and procedures. My routines and procedures will consist of: 1. A welcome into the class and introduction of the objective and lesson, which will be read by a student. 2. Then if there was any homework from last night then it should be turned in to the bin. 3. Guided Practice which I like to use a lot of different techniques such as media. The media will give the lesson a fun touch, whether its a movie clip or a song from the time we happen to be studying. The Guided Practice in my class will be the spice in the lesson. 4. After guided Practice I enjoy having a group discussion. The group discussion really sets up a type of family atmosphere and you get to know your students better through this. (If any negative comments are said about anothers opinion, the student will be immediately disciplined. 5. Then I would like to do an Independent Practice after getting their brains working. 6. The five minute break 7. Turn in work into me or teacher aid (if I have one) 8. Follow-up discussion about the lesson and reflect on information that was processed. 9. Then the last part of class will be given to work on group projects that are due at the midterm. These group projects will be done in class because it is difficult to do group work outside of school when you are in grade school. 10. Closing remarks and overview of today, spitball to the students about what we will be covering tomorrow. These procedures are still in the drafting stage but this what I would like to accomplish in my classroom. The reasoning behind them is mainly for the students to have fun and enjoy class, which will help them learn in the long run. If the procedures are disrupted or prolonged because of a discipline issue the student will be dealt with. I will tell the students the first day of the year how things work in my classroom and their first quiz will actually be on classroom procedures. When I was in school going over how the class worked actually made it routine for the students also, so no one stray from the routine just by habit. This is the class that I want to create strong procedures that are the guidelines when working in my class.
Disruptions Disruptions and misbehaviors happen in all classrooms no matter what the age or how the instructor teaches. The key is to deal with the behavior in a timely and effective manner. Dealing with bad behavior starts on the first day because if you come off too nice students will take advantage of you. In my classroom I will be strict in the beginning of the year and gradually ease up on the students as the year continues. If you start out strong and continue throughout the year minor interruptions and misbehaving should be kept at the minimum do to the respect the students have for you. But even if a teacher uses these techniques a student will still misbehave. My tactics to approaching minor misbehaving are to make the student aware of his/her actions and then discipline them if the behavior continues. I believe in school all students misbehave every now and then, so it is not something that should decide a students grade or our relationship. When I was in high school I had many moment of minor misbehaving and teachers did not hold that against me, they knew I was just a kid being a kid. Now there is a huge difference between talking in class and getting in fights or cursing. Major classroom disruptions usually display something about the students personality or home life. I would like to sit down and talk to the student if the behaviors persist and invite his/her parents to join us. If the behavior continues I have no choice but to follow the schools discipline procedures. I am more toward the punishments such as in school suspension and Saturday detention because it makes students come into school when they do not want to be. Some behaviors are far to great to not alert the higher authorities and get handled, those are code red signs of something in the childs life. When these violent behaviors or aggressive tendencies are shown, I have to stop the before they escalate to something much worse. If I can stop the behavior before it gets to the point of heavier punishment then I have done my job and effectively changed that student for the better. Disruptions and misbehaviors are all a part of the classroom and the every interaction with the students. All students will misbehave at some time in their schooling career and a lot of the time they are just asking for attention or testing you. Small behavior problems should not be punished severely, while greater and persistent ones should; the punishment should fit the crime. In my classroom I will require respect and they will receive it back making the disruptions a minimum.
Christina Eggenberger