Football Practice Plan: Practice # Opponent Day Date Time Site Focus
Football Practice Plan: Practice # Opponent Day Date Time Site Focus
Football Practice Plan: Practice # Opponent Day Date Time Site Focus
Opponent Date
Time #$ %$ &$ '$ ($ )$ *$ +$ ,$ #-$ ##$ #%$ #&$ #'$ #($ #)$
Defensive Line Drills Stance & Techni0ue De)eat the Block (and Co-bat Pass "ush "eads De)eat Co-bo Tacklin' 12plosion 5 Man Sled Man Sled Option "esponsibilit! Linebacker Drills Stance & Techni0ue De)eat the Block Pass "ush "eads Tacklin' 12plosion 5 Man Sled Man Sled Pass Co#era'e Option "esponsibilit! Defensive Back Drills Stance & Techni0ue Man Co#era'e 3one Co#era'e 3one Co#era'e 3one Co#era'e "eads Tacklin' Bu-p and "un Co#era'e Option "esponsibilit! Team Defensive Drills Tacklin' Circuit Turno#er Circuit "abbit Pursuit Tea- Pursuit 7 on 7 Tea- De)ense 4 speed Tea- De)ense +i#e / Minute Drill Tea- Situation 0on!itioning an! Special Drills 1nthusias- Drill
.valuation/ 0omments1
12cite-ent Drill +o#er5s +ane Oklaho-a Drill Tacklin' Ma6e 7ariable Sprints Punt Team Drills Puntin' Snappin' Pi#ot; Punch; & "un Open ,ield Tacklin' Tea- Punt Ti'ht Punt Spread Punt Punt ,ake- <: "i'ht Punt ,ake- Blue Punt ,ake- 7ida Blue Punt ,ake- Option "=+ Punt Return Drills "ecei#in' the Punt Punt "ush "etreat and Block Sa)e Punt Spread Punt "eturn Ti'ht Punt "eturn "eturn "i'ht "eturn +e)t (old >p "i'ht (old >p +e)t Block "i'ht Block +e)t Block T$ist Block Suicide 3ick4Off Drills Deep ?ick S0uib ?ick Pooch ?ick Onside ?ick Bunch ?ick-O)) Spread ?ick-O)) +ane Drills Bullet Drills Open ,ield Tacklin' Tea- Onside Strai'ht Tea- Onside "i'ht 3ick4Off Return Drills "etreat and Block "ecei#in' the ?ick "eturn "i'ht @ AakedB "eturn +e)t @AakedB "eturn "i'ht +ead "eturn +e)t +ead Middle "eturn (o-e "un Thro$back Fiel! 5oal Drills ?ickin' (oldin' Snappin' Protection 12tra Point Situation ,ire ,ake Option ,ake Blue
085s 05s 9in'le 9an'les :05s 05s Big ' Block Block Techni0ues De)ensi#e "esponsibilit! &li'n-ent Bi' : Block Bi' : 9u-p
OFF.6S"7. PR20T"0. S0R"PT 8as9 Formation Play L L L: L: : : R: R: R R L L L: L: : : R: R: R R D.F.6S"7. PR20T"0. S0R"PT 8as9 0ar! Defense L L L: L: : : R: R: R R L L L: L: : : R: R: R R
09eck ; 2!<ustment
"6ST2LL2T"O6 Offense ,or-ationsC Pla!sC Defense ,rontsC Co#era'e5sC ChecksC &dDust-entsC Shi)tsC Blit6es and StuntsC