The Secret Code of God

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The Secret Code of God

Abul Hassan

Copy Rights and 19

19 The Secret Code of God By: Abul Hassan 2nd Edition: 2010

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Abul Hassan

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19 The Secret Code of God

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Contents and 19



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Copy Rights and 19 Abul Hassans Desk and 19 Dedication and 19 Coding and 19 Religions of the world and 19 Bahais and 19 Chinese calendar and 19 Hinduism and 19 Symbolism and 19 Judaism and 19 Other faiths and 19 Christianity and 19 Islam and 19 Security Code and 19 Holy Quran and 19 99 Names of Allah and 19 Arabic Alphabets and 19 Everything and 19 Re-Appearance of Jesus Christ and 19 Mathematics and 19 Mathematical Properties of 19 Prime Numbers and 19

2 6 8 9 11 12 13 13 13 14 17 18 26 30 31 75 89 92 96 98 101 106
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23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

Perfect Numbers and 19 Powerful Numbers and 19 Enneadecagon and 19 Pascal Triangle and 19 Geometry and 19 Number 1 and 19 Number 8 and 19 Number 16 and 19 Number 57 and 19 Number 81 and 19 Number 91 and 19 Number 110 and 19 Number 114 and 19 Magical Table of 19 Multiples of 19 Magic Stars and 19 Magic Hexagon of 19 Numerology and 19 Partitions and 19 Golden Ratio and 19 Perfect Sphere and 19 Super Cycle and 19 Perfect Pi () and 19 Perfect Circle and 19 Number 9 and 19 Number 6 and 19 Number 12 and 19 Number 14 and 19 Gregorian Hijri Calendars, Pi and 19 Chemistry and 19 Computer Science and 19 Medical Science and 19 Astral Body and 19

115 119 121 122 123 124 126 127 128 130 135 138 141 143 144 147 149 152 153 154 163 175 180 212 217 218 219 220 221 223 232 234 238
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56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76.

Chakra Levels and 19 Energy and 19 Plants and 19 Insects and 19 Matter and 19 Engineering and 19 Time and 19 Meton Cycle and 19 Universe and 19 Music and 19 Games and 19 Sports and 19 Literature and 19 Age and 19 Holidays, Observances and 19 Websites and 19 World and 19 Authors Certifications and 19 Authors Date of Birth and 19 References and 19 Highlights of 19

239 240 241 242 243 244 251 253 257 261 262 263 264 265 266 271 272 279 280 284 285

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Abul Hassans Desk and 19

There are ten parts of Knowledge. Nine parts belong to the knowledge of Mathematics and one part is the other knowledge. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) The sole purpose of writing this book is to Unite people of all over the world under one common umbrella of Number 19. There has been so much research on this number in the last 50 years and you may lot of articles and research papers on the amazing results of Number 19. One cannot understand the real message of this number which is applying in all fields of life, sciences, mathematics and Holy Books of God if he or she reads a particular research of Number 19 on only one topic like time or space or chemistry or Holy Book. I carefully selected the important topics of our world and the role of Number 19 in those fields and presented before the mankind to understand the real message of Number 19 which is the special code of our God encoded and encrypted in all the Universe, life, time, sciences, mathematics and in His Holy Books. Number 19 is a Universal Point which can be seen in all spheres of life in one form or other. It shows all the humans living on this planet that their God is One and all the things created by Him, i.e. Universe, life, time, space, etc are encoded with this special code 19. The encoded message of our God in number 19 in all fields of life and Universe proves a single point that there is a Unity in our Universe shown by this special number 19. The Universe is not showing different pattern of numbers or codes. In pure mathematics, the mathematicians search for the pattern and symmetry. If they found 19 The Secret Code of God Page 6

some pattern or symmetry, that topic would come under the subject of pure mathematics. Otherwise if it does not show the pattern or symmetry, the topic comes under the subject of applied mathematics. The pattern and symmetry of Number 19 in our Universe put this topic under Pure Mathematics and we can conclude that this Universe is not the result of an accident. It is the result of the decision of His Creator who made it with some purpose and encoded its symmetry, pattern and perfection with Number 19. It would be a great achievement on the part of the mankind if they found common grounds of unity among them by this special Number 19 and reach realistic conclusions about their life, time and religion after reading this book. I would like to thanks my publisher for their dedicated services in printing and designing of this book. I would also like to thanks everyone especially my family who has encouraged me in writing and completing this important book. I would also like to thanks all the people who have done a research on this Number 19 and I have used their efforts and as a reference in this book. Last but not the least, I would like to thanks my God who has give me courage and wisdom to choose this topic and helped me in discovering lot of facts related to this Number 19 which a reader would find reading this book. By the grace of God, I have also discovered the real, rational and perfect value of a famous mathematical constant Pi which is equal to 19 divided by 6. One may go through the research work on my website for details. Thanks and Regards

Abul Hassan

12th October, 2010

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Dedication and 19

Dedicated to all the Prophets and Infallible persons, who sacrificed their lives to introduce One and Only Almighty God Allah and His Universal messages of love, peace and justice to all mankind.

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Coding and 19

A code is a rule for converting a piece of information, for example, a letter, word, phrase, sentence or gesture into another form or representation i.e. from one sign into another sign, not necessarily of the same type.

Encoding and Decoding:

In human communications and information processing, Encoding is the process by which information from one source is converted into symbols or in another form to be communicated. Decoding is the reverse process, converting these code symbols or another form back into information understandable by a receiver. One reason for coding is to enable communication in places where ordinary spoken or written language is difficult or impossible.

Cryptography and Secret Codes:

In cryptography, the codes were once common for ensuring the confidentiality of communications, although ciphers are now used instead. The Secret codes intended to obscure the real messages, ranging from serious, mainly espionage in military, diplomatic, business, etc. to trivial like romance, games can be of any kind of encoding:

Examples of Secret Codes:

Numbers, flowers, game cards, clothes, fans, hats, melodies, birds, etc., in which the sole requisite is the previous agreement of the meaning by both the sender and the receiver or to hide the meanings and source of the code. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 9

It is usually accepted that in cryptography, a code is a method used to transform a message into an obscured form, preventing those who do not possess special information, or key, required to apply the transform from understanding what is actually transmitted.

God and the Secret Code:

What is the secret code of God? Has He used some secret code in His creations? What is the secret code of his revealed messages or books? Has He used the same code everywhere in the universe? Why He has chosen a Number as a code for His creations and His encrypted and encoded message? We would see through different aspects in the book to explore the secret code of God. We would see different religions of the world and His application in those religions. We would see the application of His code in mathematics, medical science, engineering, chemistry, and in our daily lives.

What is the Secret Code of God?

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Religions of the World and 19

This discussion would be unprofitable if it did not lead us to appreciate the wisdom of the our Creator, and the wondrous knowledge of the Author of the world, Who in the beginning created the world out of nothing and set everything in number, measure and weight, and then in time and age of man formulated a science which reveals fresh wonders the more we study it. Hrovista of Gondersheim

Gods Signature and 19:

Number Nineteen (19) is the numerical or gematrical value of the word 'ONE' in all the scriptural languages, Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic. The number 19 therefore proclaims the First commandment in all the scriptures: that there is only ONE GOD.

19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 01 ------ One

19 = 01
Deuteronomy 6:4-5, " Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." Mark 12:29, " And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:" 19 The Secret Code of God Page 11

Quran 2:163, " And your God is one God: there is no god but He, most Gracious, most Merciful."

Bahais and 19

The Baha and his disciples formed a group of 19 and there were 19 Apostles of Baha'u'llah. The centerpiece of Bah' community life is the 19-Day Feast. The Bah' calendar is made up of 19 months of 19 days each. The Bb and Bah' faiths, a group of 19 is called a Vhid, a Unity (Arabic:whid, "one"). The numerical value of this word in the Abjad numeral system is 19.

Bahai Calendar:
The Bah' calendar is structured such that a year contains 19 months of 19 days each (along with the intercalary period of Ayym-i-H), as well as a 19-year cycle and a 361-year (19x19) super cycle. The period of Ayyam-i-Ha (Intercalary Days) adjust the Bah' year to the solar cycle. The Nineteen Day Fast is held during the final month of Al (2 March 20 March), and is preceded by the intercalary days, known as Ayym-i-H. In addition, the intercalary days include 28 February and 1 March, causing precise synchronization of the 19 months with the Gregorian calendar.

(19 months x 19 days = 361) . Super Cycle

Ancient Sweden and 19

In ancient Sweden the dates of the full moon were computed by runic calendar sticks (runstavar) with the full moon marked only at 19 fixed dates within each month.

Full Moon ---- 19 fixed dates

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Chinese Calendar and 19

Every 19 years the intercalary month of Chinese calendar is inserted after the eighth month and is called "ren ba yue" (double August). It predicts tragedy and death in popular tradition. Every 19 years intercalary month of Chinese calendar is inserted after the 8th month.

Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number

Hinduism and 19

The Mandala - 9 of the Rig-Veda is comprised of 114 hymns, entirely devoted to Soma Pavamana, the plant of the sacred portion of the Vedic religion.

114 hymns of Rig Veda = 19 x 6

Symbolism and 19

This number is in relation with the Son of God, according to Abellio. According to R. Allendy, "it is the unit being established in the universe, 10, between the multiplied parts and by an act of reciprocal solidarity, 9. Thus is constituted and appeared the cosmic individuality, 1 + 9 = 10 = 1". It represents "the number of the star which illuminates the intelligence, invigorates the innocents or the pure hearts, illustrated by children playing in the garden of the humanity, when the peace is made between the empires", according to Charrot. It symbolizes the harmony, the knowledge acquired by the sun and which goes of par with the moon, according to Creusot. In Japan, 19 is a sign carrying misfortune because it is said JUKU, which means also "sorrows repeated". Page 13

19 The Secret Code of God

Judaism and 19

The following quotation is also taken from 'Studies in Jewish Mysticism', (Association for Jewish Studies, Cambridge, Mass., Joseph Dan and Frank Talmage, eds., Page 88, 1982). The quotation refers to the work of Rabbi Judah the Pious (12th Century AD): "The people (Jews) in France made it a custom to add (in the morning prayer) the words: " Ashrei temimei derekh [ blessed are those who walk the righteous way ]," and our Rabbi, the Pious, of blessed memory, wrote that they were completely and utterly wrong. It is all gross falsehood, because there are only nineteen times that the Holy Name is mentioned [ in that portion of the morning prayer ]..... and similarly you find the word ' Elohim nineteen times in the pericope of Ve-'elleh shemot ...............Similarly, you find that Israel were called "sons" nineteen times, and there are many other examples. All these sets of nineteen are intricately intertwined, and they contain many secrets and esoteric meanings, which are contained in more than eight large volumes. Therefore, anyone who has the fear of God in him will not listen to the words of the Frenchmen who add the verse, 'Ashrei temimei derekh', and blessed are the righteous who walk in the paths of God's Torah, for according to their additions the Holy Name is mentioned twenty times.... and this is a great mistake. Furthermore, in this section there are 152 words (19 x 8 =152) but if you add, 'Ashrei temimei derekh', there would be 158 words. This is nonsense, for it is a great and hidden secret why there should be 152 words..... but it cannot be explained in a short treatise......In order to understand this religious phenomenon, we have to take the basic contention of this treatise exactly as it is stated: every addition or omission of a word, or even of a single letter, from the sacred text of the prayers destroys the religious meaning of the prayer as a whole and is to be regarded as a grave sin, a sin which could result in external exile for those who commit it...... (Studies in Jewish Mysticism, pp. 88-89) Important thing to note that 19 is the 8th Prime number and the Number 152 is a multiple of 19 and 8. 152 = 19 x 8 and the root number of 152 is also 8 as: 152 = 1 + 5 + 2 = 8 Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman writes about the encoding of Torah as: Everything that was transmitted to Moses our teacher through the forty-nine gates of understanding was written in the Torah explicitly or by implication in words, in the numerical value of the letters or in the form of the letters, that is, whether written normally or with some change in form, such as bent or crooked letters, and other deviations (Ramban 1971, Vol.1, p. 10) 19 The Secret Code of God Page 14

The Hebrew Bible often speaks the language of numbers and measurements. (Feldman 1965)

Jews Calendar and cycle of 19:

Secondly, the number of years in each cycle of inter calculated Hebrew calendar in which 7 of the 19 years are leap years. In Hebrew or Jewish calendar, Leap years follow a 19 year schedule in which years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 19 are leap years. The Hebrew year 5758 (which starts in the Gregorian year 1997) is the first year of a cycle. 19 years is the same as 235 lunations in Hebrew calendar calculations. The Hebrew calendar is computed by lunations

Hebrew Alphabets:
The system of Hebrew numerals is a quasi-decimal alphabetic numeral system using the letters of the 27 Hebrew alphabets. In this system, there is no notation for zero, and the numeric values for individual letters are added together.

Each unit (1, 2,....,9) is designated a separate letter, each tens (10, 20, ..., 90) a separate letter, and each hundreds (100, 200, ..., 900) a separate letter. Gematria (Jewish numerology) uses these transformations extensively in the calculations. The Hebrew numeric system operates on the additive principle in which the numeric values of the letters are added together to form the total. For example, 177 is represented as which corresponds to 100 + 70 + 7 = 177.

27 Hebrew Letters:
Mathematically, the Hebrew system requires 27 letters. The last letter, tav (which has the value 400) is used in combination with itself and/or other letters from kof (100) onwards, to generate numbers from 500 and above. Alternatively, the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet is sometimes extended to 27 by using 5 sofeet (final) forms of the Hebrew letters. Conventionally, the numbers 15 and 16 are represented as ( 9+6) and ( 9+7), respectively. This is done in order to refrain from using the two-letter combinations ( 10+5) and ( 10+6) which are alternate written forms for the Name of God) in everyday writing.

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27 - Hebrew Alphabets and their numeric value:

Decimal Hebrew 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Aleph Bet Gimel Dalet He Vav Zayin Het Teth Yod Kaph Lamed Mem Nun Samekh Ayin Pe Tsadi Qoph Resh Shin Tav Tav Kof or Kaf Sofit Tav Resh or Mem Sofit Tav Shin or Nun Sofit Tav Tav or Pe Sofit Glyph "or "or "or "or

Tav Tav Kof or Tsadi Sofit "or

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Other Faiths and 19

The oldest cabalistic text which has remained is the "Sepher Yetzirah" (Book of the Creation), usually attributed to the Jewish rabbi Akiba ben Joseph (50 to 132 after J.-C.). But the doctrine was developed to the Middle Ages in the "Sepher ha-Zohar" (Book of the Splendor), collection of 19 works of periods and different authors. 19 are the number of days, following the resurrection of our "Crestos", where is torn off by the Celestial Hierarchies, an atomic substance of the astral counterpart of our belly. This layer, Samael Aun Weor considers it as the door of the hells of the man. When it is closed, it maintains the human soul captive in the abysses of the evil. Gautama Buddha was 19 years old when he left the palace of his father and he went to search wisdom. According to Edgar Cayce, the birth of Christ would have occurred the 19th day of March. There are in Quebec 19 dioceses. The rites and symbolisms common to the various Khmer ceremonies identify 19 vital spirits, or "Proloeung". Anniversary of marriage: bronze weddings. The staircase of "Member", the pulpit of the "iman", has nineteen steps.

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Christianity and 19

19 is the sum of the twelve apostles and the seven deacons of the incipient Church. The 19 chapters of the book of the Wisdom of the Ancient Testament. The 19 sons of David who were born to him when he was in Hebron and in Jerusalem. (1 Ch 3,1-9) The 19 strong towns of the tribe of Naphtali. (Jos 19,38) The number 19 is used 6 times in the Bible. The word star is used 19 times in the New Testament and the word creature, 19 times in the Bible.

The Holy Bible is one of the most famous scriptures and accepted as a Divine Book. Bible is considered as the Divine Seal and capstone of Gods word by the Christians of the world. Mr. Richard Amiel McGough wrote a book, The Bible Wheel on the numerical structure of Bible. He is considered as one of the most respected and reputed Christian scholar and philosopher of our times. He described the importance of Number -19 in Bible as: The number 19 is considered as a Physical Manifestation in Bible. The two important verses in relation with 19 are: And Adam called his wifes name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. (Genesis 3.20) Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. (Mark 13.31)

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The Number 19 is the Hexagon in the Hexagon/Star pair 19/37 which appears in the heart of Genesis 1.1 - the Creation Holograph:

It forms the six-fold double-hexagonal core of the Logos Star. (Source: The Bible Wheel by
Richard Amiel McGough)

The Heart = HaLev (Hebrew) = 19 Ordinal Value ( 5 + 12 + 2 = 19)

19 = 5 + 12 + 2 (Ordinal Value) The Heart


37 = 5 + 30 + 2 (Standard Value)

The Number 19 is the basis of the Grace Manifest Holograph. It is related to the ideas of Physical Manifestation and the Flesh .19 plays a major and central role in the course of World History with the rise of Materialism in the 19th Century. The link of 19 to all of the Physical Manifestation and Flesh is illustrated in the pair of identities: Eve Chavah(Hebrew) = 19 = The Earth = He Gai(Hebrew) Eve = 19 = Chavah He Gai The Earth

It also integrates with the universal concept of Mother Earth and the feminine nature of physical manifestation. It is signified in this identity:

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Rib(Gen 2.22) = Tsalo(Hebrew) = 190 = Sum(19) Rib [Gen 2.22] = 190 = Sum (19) Tsalo The Number 190 is the 19th Triangular Number, which integrates with the word Rib with the numeric value of Eve. The Holograph and the Number 19: The holograph consists of eight nested word clusters that each sum to a multiple of the Number 19, as does the verse index. All the words enclosed in each shaded box are multiples of the prime Number 19. The verse is called the Grace Manifest Holograph for a number of inter-related reasons. First of all, it is the theme of the plain text which speaks of the manifestation of the Word in the flesh, full of grace and truth.

(Reference: 19 The Secret Code of God Page 20

Major Identities in Bible based on Number-19:

The primary identities based on the Number 19: The Number 19 Quph (Ord) Behold! [Jn 1.29] Idei The Earth [Mark 13.31] Hay Gai The Heart (Ord) HaLev Flame (Ord) Lahev Eve [Gen 3.20] Chavah Her Hand Yadah Trust Betach Praise He shall come [Ps 24.] Yibo

(Source: The Bible Wheel by Richard Amiel McGough)

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1. Hebrew Letter Quph = 19 - Quph is the Nineteenth letter in Hebrew. 2. The Earth (Mark 13.31) = 19 = Hay Gai(Hebrew) 3. Behold (Jn 1.29) = 19 = Idei(Hebrew) 4. Praise = 19 5. Trust = 19 = Betach(Hebrew) 6. The Heart(Ord.) = 19 = HeLav(Hebrew) 7. Flame(Ord.) = 19 = Lahev(Hebrew) 8. Eve(Gen 3.20) = 19 = Chaveh(Hebrew) 9. Her Hand = 19 = Yadah(Hebrew) 10. He shall come(Ps 24.) = 19 = Yibo(Hebrew) The Number-19 is the number of Physical Manifestation. It appears relatively in the Grace Manifest Holograph in eight (8) nested word clusters. And Number -19 is also the 8th Prime number in Mathematics or we can say 8 is the Prime Index of Number -19 and Number-19 is the centered Hexagonal Number.

(Source: The Bible Wheel by Richard Amiel McGough) 19 The Secret Code of God Page 22

Then the Number 532 is a Pentagonal Number and its Index number is 19, i.e. 532 is the 19th Pentagonal Number. Number 532 is the numerical value of Alpha the symbol of Almighty God and many of His Titles, such as, The Holy Lord God. The above paragraphs and pictures are the condensed context of the great efforts done by Richard Amiel McGough on numerical structure and encoding of Bible.

19 x 19 and Bible Wheel:

Mr. Richard Amiel McGough mentions in his famous book, The Bible Wheel about the Number 361 or 19 x 19 and its significance in Bible as: The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1.29)

The Number 361 The Flesh:

The Number 19 is the Number of Flesh and Physical Manifestation. It is the basis of the Grace Manifest Holograph. It is the square root of the Number- 361 = 19 x 19. The distribution of this word is significantly maximized in Revelation 19 of the Inner Wheel of Revelation. The fundamental force of the Nineteenth (19) Hebrew Letter Quph manifests in the course of World History in the Materialism of the Nineteenth -19th Century.

Factors: 19 x 19
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Flesh (Jn 1.14) Lamb (Jn 1.29) Mount Zion (Ps 48.3) In the land of the living (Ps 27.13) Come up to me into the mount (Ex 24.12) From the heart (Rom 6.17) By the hand of Moses (2Chr 34.1) Andrew (S# 406) Jambes (S# 2387)

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The Number 19 x 19 = 361 is illustrated in following words and sentences in Bible:

19 x 19 and Biblical words:

The Number 361 Flesh [Jn 1.14]

Lamb [Jn 1.29]

Mount Zion [Ps 48.3]

Come up to me into the mount [Ex 24.12]

In the land of the living [Ps 27.13]

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From the heart [Rom 6.17]

By the hand of Moses [2Chr 34.1]

Andrew [S# 406]

Jambres [S# 2387]

(Source: The Bible Wheel by Richard Amiel McGough)

The Number 114 is represented by the six fold heart of the sevenfold Logos Star:

19 is the smallest prime number mentioned 6 times in the Holy Bible.

The number of Sayings of Jesus Christ listed in the Gospel of Thomas is 114.

Sayings of Jesus Christ in Gospel of Thomas--------114 114 = 6 x 19

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Islam and 19

Over it is Nineteen.
(Chapter 74, Verse 30, Holy Quran)

The Holy Quran and Nineteen 19:

In Chapter 74, Verses 30-37 of Quran, the Last Holy Book of Islam mentions: "Over it is Nineteen. We appointed angels to be guardians of Hell, and we assigned THEIR NUMBER (i.e. 19) to disturb the disbelievers, to convince the Christians and Jews (that this is a divine scripture), to strengthen the faith of the faithful, to remove all traces of doubt from the hearts of Christians, Jews, as well as the believers, and to expose those who harbor doubt in their hearts, and the disbelievers; they will say, "What did God mean by this allegory?" God thus sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills, None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is a reminder for the people. Absolutely, (I swear) by the moon. And the night as it passes. And the morning as it shines. This is one of the great miracles. A warning to the human race. For those among you who wish to advance or regress." (Translated by: Rashad Khalifa) These verses tell us that the number Nineteen (19) was designated by God to prove that Quran is from God and that as the instrument of authentication, it is a great miracle. The miracle of the Quran resides in the very structure of its text, in its orthographic and numerical arrangement. Dr. Rashad Khalifa, a bio-chemist from the USA decoded the significance of nineteen (19) in Quran. The momentous discovery that nineteen (19) is the Quran's common denominator became a reality in January 1974. In his appendix entitled '19: The Creator's Signature' (Ibid. p.709) Khalifa writes: 'The scriptures are not the only mathematically composed creations of God where the number 19 is the common denominator. A plethora of scientific findings have now shown that the number 19 represents God's signature upon his creations. This divine stamp appears throughout the universe in much the same manner as the signatures of Michelangelo and Picasso identify their 19 The Secret Code of God Page 26

works. For example, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth become aligned in the same relative positions once every 19 years. In 1983, Canadian Council on the Study of Religion reported in its Quarterly Review of April 1983 that the code of Khalifa discovered is an authenticating proof of the divine origin of the Quran." Rashad Khalifa further writes: The discovery of mathematically coded scripture assures us that the verses, words, letters and all parameters of the original scripture were written down in accordance with an intricate pattern that is clearly superhuman. Like an ancient time capsule, the code remained hidden until our knowledge grew sophisticated enough to decode its intricacies. This code was deciphered by computers. The idea of mathematically composing a literary work is certainly novel to human thinking and unique to the scriptures. The numerical pattern serves both as an authenticating tool and as a guard to protect and preserve the scripture. Obviously finding original, unaltered scripture is of crucial importance. The slightest change in the text of a mathematically coded literary work would disrupt or utterly destroy such a code; the mathematical pattern would simply disappear. From a purely mathematically point of view, the slightest change renders the pattern nonexistent, 114, for example, is a multiple of 19, but 113 or 115 is not. Mathematical composition of a literary work is a totally new concept, though we now realize it has existed for centuries in sacred writings. The Quran, which was revealed in A.D. 610-630, is the only scripture that is known to still exist in its original language and form. It is also the only book known to be mathematically coded throughout. All the parameters of the Quran - the numbers and sequence of chapters, the number of verses, the number assigned to each verse, the number of words, the number of certain specified letters, the number of words from the same root, the number and variety of divine names, the absence of one or more letters from a word, verse or chapter, the unique and often strange spellings of certain crucial words and many other elements are all authenticated by its mathematical code - 19.

Quran The Last Holy Book of Islam revealed on Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

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When the Quran was revealed, 14 centuries ago, the number system known today did not exist. An alphabetic system was utilized whereby the letters of the Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Roman alphabets were used as numerals. The Roman numeral system (I, V, X, C, etc) is still used extensively today. The number assigned to each letter is its 'Gematrical Value'. The Quran is characterized by a unique phenomenon never found in any human authored book. Every element of the Quran is mathematically composed. There are two major facets of the Quran's mathematical system: 1. The mathematical literary composition and 2. The mathematical structure involving the numbers of suras and verses.

Abjad Numerals:
The 'Abjad Numerals' are a decimal numeral system which was used in the Arabic-speaking world prior to the use of the Hindu-Arabic numerals from the 8th century, and in parallel with the latter until Modern times. In the Abjad system, the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet are assigned numerical values, based on the 'Abjadi order'. For example, the first letter of the Arabic alphabet, 'Alif' is used to represent 1, the second letter, 'Ba' is used to represent 2, etc. Individual letters also represented 10's and 100's, for instance, the Arabic letters, 'Ya' for 10 , 'Kaf' for 20 and 'Qaf' for 100, etc. The word 'abjad' itself derives from the beginning of the order of the letters in the protoCanaanite alphabet, Phoenician, Aramaic alphabet and Hebrew.

28 - Arabic alphabets with their numeric values

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In early Islamic times, these numbers were used by mathematicians. In modern Arabic, they are primarily used for numbering small quantities, such as items in a list. They are also used to assign numerical values to Arabic words.

28 Arabic Alphabets and 19:

If we sum the numeric values of all the 28 Arabic Alphabets, their sum comes to 5995. Sum of 28 Arabic Alphabets = 5995. Number 59 is also the reversal number of 95. Now if we add the numbers of 5995, we see:

59955 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 28.28 Arabic Alphabets

The cube of 19 is: 19 x 19 x 19 = 6859. Now if we add the numbers of 6859, we see:

6859.. 6 + 8 + 5 + 9 = 28. 28 Arabic Alphabets Number 28 is the 2nd Perfect Number in Mathematics 28 2nd Perfect Number (1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28The sum of the divisors of the number equals to that number------ That number would be Perfect Number in Mathematics)
Number 2819 is a Prime Number

2819Prime Number
People all over the world know that: Faith and figures are irrefutable if faith is confirmed by figures and figures are confirmed by the faith simultaneously.

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Security Code and 19

It is accepted in all the religions that the messengers of God i.e. the Prophets of God and the messages sent by Him i.e. revealed books and booklets in different eras were usually not accepted by the majority of the people and they refused to accept them as the messengers of God and the message of God. With time, the evil minded people also tried to change the holy books by adding and subtracting new sentences, phrases, and even new chapters to destroy the real message of God. In His last Holy Book, The Almighty God insured that His message should not be changed or distorted by these evil minded people and so He encoded and encrypted His last Message the Holy Quran with His secret code 19. 19 is the Prime Number, i.e. 19 can be divided only by itself and by 1. Prime Numbers are mostly the preference of intelligence services, banks, security companies, financial institutions, etc to form a security code. If the security code is a composite number, then it would be debatable whether the security code is formed by that composite number or its multiples. For example, the multipliers of 21 are 7 and 3. If the number 21 is taken as security code, then it would be questioned which number form the security code, since every number that is a multiple of 21 is a multiple of 7 and 3. So Number 19 fulfills the requirement of a Security Code.

Digit Summing:
It means to reduce a number or word by a process known as digit summing and then reach conclusions based on the single digit that is produced. As the name implies, it involves taking the sum of all the digits in a number and repeating the process as necessary until a single-digit answer is produced. For a word, the values corresponding to each letters place or value in the alphabet or language are summed. For example in English letter numeric value: Hello -------- 8 + 5 + 12 + 12 + 15 = 52 = 5 + 2 = 7

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The Holy Quran and 19

The Holy Quran

Allah has appointed a measure for all things. (Sura at-Talaq, 3)

19 ----------- 1 + 9 = 10 ------------ 1 + 0 = 01

19 = 01
There is no God (0) except One (1) Allah is the translation of the Kalima of all Muslims of the world . In English, La Ilah ila Allah

19 The Common Denominator of the Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is the 19th Scripture and the Last Holy Book of Islam and the Almighty God. Here is the proof of it: 1. The Quran consists of 114 suras (chapters), which is:

The number of suras in the Quran

114 (19x6)

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2. The first verse (1:1), known as 'Basmalah' consists of 19 letters.

1st letter 2nd letter 3rd letter 4th letter

8th letter 9th letter 10th letter 11th letter

15th letter 16th letter 17th letter 18th letter

5th letter

12th letter

19th letter

6th letter 7th letter

13th letter 14th letter

3. The 'Basmalah' occurs 114 times, despite its conspicuous absence from Sura 19 (it occurs twice in Sura 27)
The number of Basmalahs in the Quran 114 (19 x 6)

Basmalah is the group of 4 words which has a special place in the Quran. The number of letters and the number of repetitions of the Basmalah are again related to the code 19. Basmalah consists of 4 words. These words are 1.Name 2.God 3. Gracious and 4.Merciful respectively.
The word Name God Gracious Merciful number of occurrence 19 (19x1) 2698 (19x142) 57 (19x3) 114 (19x6)

The total of the coefficients of these words

Besides these 4 words in Basmalah are multiples of 19, it is also important that the total of the coefficients of these words is 152 (198) [Name(1)+God(142)+Gracious(3)+Merciful(6)]=152.

152 = 19 x 8 19 is the 8th Prime Number.

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God displays the miracle and intactness of the Quran with these words. The coefficients of these words are multiples of 19. This confirms once again the correctness of the operation (The number 8 among these coefficients has a special meaning. When we multiply 19 with 8, it makes 152 and this number exists in all the coefficients in the Basmalah so to say. We have seen that one of the most important characteristics of 19 is that it is a prime number. If you want to know where 19 stands in the order of prime numbers let us write all the prime numbers till 19.
The order of prime numbers The prime numbers 1 2 2 3 3 5 4 7 5 11 6 13 7 17 8 19

A prime number is an integer that is not divisible without remainder by any other integer except 1 and that integer itself.

The number of verses where at least one of the 4 words Of Basmalah is used

1919 (19x101)

Let us examine the words forming Basmalah and the numerical value of them.

Number 1 2 3 4

Letters of the words Ba,Seen,Meem Alif,Lam,Lam,He Alif,Lam,Ra,Ha,Meem,Noon Alif,Lam,Ra,Ha,Ya,Meem total

Number of Letters 3 4 6 6 19

Mathematical Value 2, 60, 40 1, 30, 30, 5 1, 30, 200, 8, 40, 50 1, 30, 200, 8, 10, 40 -

Total 102 66 329 289 786

The numerical value of the words God, Al-Gracious, Al-Merciful which form the names of God in Basmalah is a multiple of 19. The numerical value of Gods names which form Basmalah

Allah - God

Al-Gracious 329

Al-Merciful 289

Total 684 (19x36)

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4. The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346. 6234 numbered verses and 112 un-numbered verses (Basmalahs) = 6346.

6 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 19
If we diagnose the Number 6346

The reversal of the number 63 is 36 and the reversal of the number 46 is 64.

63...36 46...64

=6x6 =8x8

All the Perfect Numbers in Mathematics end either with Number 6 or Number 8. Number 19 is 8th Prime Number in Mathematics. 5. From the missing Basmalah of Sura (chapter) 9 to the extra Basmalah of Sura 27, there are precisely -- 19 Suras (chapters).
1 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 9 17 10 18 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 16 24 17 25 18 19 26 27

10 11 12 13 14 15

It is from Solomon and it is in the name of God, gracious, merciful. Quran - (Chapter 27, Verse 30)

And if we add the verse number which is 30 and the 27 of the 27th sura, we have

30 + 27= 57 = 19 3
The sura number where we find the missing Basmalah 27 the verse number of Total the missing Basmalah 30 total 57 (19x3)

6. It follows that the total of the sura(chapter) numbers from 9 to 27 are (9+10+11+12+13+......+25+26+27) is 342.

342 = 19 x 18
19 The Secret Code of God Page 34

The total of the suras from the sura where there is no Basmalah to the sura where the lost Basmalah is found The word number from the beginning of the sura The Ant till the verse where the lost Basmalah is found

342 342 (19x18)

7. The 'Abjad' numeric value of the Arabic word 'Majeed', used in the first verse of Sura (chapter) Qaf is 57 = 19 x 3.

The numerical value of the word Majeed Meem 40 Jeem 3 Ya 10 Da 4 total 57 (19 x 3)

8. Sura (chapter) 96, first in the chronological sequence, consists of 19 verses.

Sura 96 19 verses
9. This first chronological Sura is placed atop the last - 19 suras. When we start to count back from the end of the Quran up to 19, we come across with the sura Alaq (The Hanging). The number of the verses of the sura Hanging is 19.
How many verses are in the number 19th sura from the end? 19

10. Sura 96 consists of 304 Arabic letters and 304 equals 19 x 16.

304 Arabic words = 19 x 16

11. 14 different Arabic letters form 14 different sets of "Quranic Initials" such as A.L.M. of 2:1 and prefix 29 suras(chapters).These numbers add up to 14 +14 + 29 = 57 = 19 x 3

57 = 19 x 3
12. The Quranic initials occur is 2 +3 + 7 +.....+ 50 + 68 = 822 and 822 + 14 sets of Quranic initials equals 836 = 19 x 44.

836 = 19 x 44
There are 14 forms of initial letters in the Quran and the total number of initial letters in these forms is 38 =192. And if we multiply the serial numbers of these forms and the number of the initial letters in each form and then add all these results, it makes up 247 = 1913. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 35

Row number

Initial letters

Number of letters in the group 3 4 3 4 5 2 3 2 2 1 2 5 1 1 38 (19x2)

The multiplication of the row number and the number of letters 1x3=3 2x4=8 3x3=9 4x4=16 5x5=25 6x2=12 7x3=21 8x2=16 9x2=18 10x1=10 11x2=22 12x5=60 13x1=13 14x1=14 247(19x13)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total

Alif-Lam-Meem Alif-Lam-MeemSad Alif-Lam-Ra Alif-Lam-Meem-Ra Kaf-He-Ya-Ayn-Sad Ta-He Ta-Seen-Meem Ta-Seen Ya-Seen Sad Ha-Meem Ha-Meem-AynSeen-Qaf Qaf Noon

13. Between the first initialed sura (chapter) 2 and the last initialed sura(chapter) 68 there are 38 un-initialed suras - 19 x 2 = 38.

38 = 19 x 2
14. Between the first and last initialed sura(chapter) there are 19 sets of alternating 'initialed' and 'un-initialed' suras.

19 sets of alternating initialed and un-initialed suras

15. The famous first revelation (96:1-5) consists of 19 words.

First Revelation (96: 15) --- 19 words

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5th word

4th word

3rd word

2nd word

1st word

9th word

8th word

7th word

6th word

12th word

11th word

10th word

15th word

14th word

13th word

19th word

18th word

17th word

16th word

19 Arabic Words
16. This 19- worded first revelation consists of 76 letters - 19 x 4 = 76.

76 = 19 x 4
17. The last revelation - Sura (chapter) 110 consists of 19 words.

5th word

4th word

3rd word

2nd word

1st word

10th word

9th word

8th word

7th word

6th word

12th word

11th word

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16th word

15th word

14th word

13th word

19th word

18th word

17th word

19 Arabic words Last revelation Sura 110 (19 + 91)

Furthermore, the first verse of Sura an-Nasr, which speaks of the help of Allah, contains 19 letters.
1st letter 2nd letter 3rd letter 4th letter 5th letter 6th letter 7th letter 8th letter 9th letter 10th letter 11th letter 12th letter 13th letter 14th letter 15th letter 16th letter 17th letter 18th letter 19th letter

19 Arabic letters in the first verse of the last revelation Sura - 110
18. The Quran mentions 30 different numbers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 99 100 200 300 1.000 2.000 3.000 5.000 50.000 100.000

The total of these numbers (again without taking repetitions into account) is 162,146.

19 x 8534 = 162,146
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 19 +20 + 30 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 99 + 100 + 200 + 300 + 1,000 + 2,000 + 3,000 + 5,000 + 50,000 + 100,000 = 162,146 (19 x 8,534). 19 The Secret Code of God Page 38

In addition to the thirty numbers in Quran, it also refers to eight fractions:

1/10, 1/8, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3

Also Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number in mathematics as: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19.

Thus Quran contains a total of 30 numbers + 8 fractional numbers

38 numbers = 19 x 2 = 38
19. The Quran is the 19th and the Last Holy Scripture of Allah (God). The total number of scriptures is 19 and Quran besides being the Last Scripture is also the 19th Scripture delivered through the 20 Prophets mentioned in the Quran. There are total of 124,000 Messengers and Prophets in Islam but only 19 scriptures had been delivered to 20 of the Prophets mentioned in Quran. 'We have sent messengers before you, some of them we mentioned to you, and some We did not mention to you.' (40:78 and 4:164) If we read verses 83-86 of Sura 6, we read 18 names of Prophets starting with Abraham and ending with Prophet Lot. Verse 89 confirms that all these 18 were prophets of God: 'These are the ones to whom we have given the Scripture, wisdom and prophet-hood.' (Chapter - 6, Verse - 89)

The Last Prophet of Allah Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

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These Prophets (PBUH) are:

1. Abraham (also named as a prophet in 19:41 and 33:7) 2. Isaac (also in 19:49 and 37:112) 3. Jacob (also in 19:49) 4. Noah (also in 33: 7) 5. David (also in 17:55) 6. Solomon 7. Job 8. Joseph 9. Moses (also in 19:51 and 33:7) 10. Aaron (also in 19:53) 11. Zachariah 12. John (also in 3:39) 13. Jesus (also in 19:30 and 33:7) 14. Elias 15. Ismail (also in 19:54) 16. Elisha 17. Jonah 18. Lot The names of two other Prophets mentioned at other places in Quran are: 19. Idris (named a Prophet in 19:56) 20. Muhammad (named and confirmed Last Prophet in 33:40) However we are told by Allah (God) that the two prophets Moses and Aaron who are also brothers received the same Scripture. The Statute book was given to both Moses and Aaron - [37:117 and 21:48] Therefore the total number of scriptures is 19 and Quran besides being the Last Scripture is also the 19th Scripture delivered through the 20 Prophets mentioned in the Quran. There are total of 124,000 Messengers and Prophets in Islam but only 19 scriptures had been delivered to 20 of them. 'We have sent messengers before you, some of them we mentioned to you, and some We did not mention to you.' (40:78 and 4:164)

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Allah script outside Eski Cami (The Old Mosque) in Edirne, Turkey 20. The Quranic initial Arabic letters 'Alif', 'Lam' and 'Ra' appear in suras (chapters) - 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15 - total of 5 chapters. The total number of times these letters appear in these 5 suras (chapters) is as follows: Sura (chapter) Number 1. Sura - 10 2. Sura - 11 3. Sura - 12 4. Sura - 14 5. Sura - 15 Alif, Lam, Ra - 3 Arabic letters 2489 = 19 x 131 2489 = 19 x 131 2375 = 19 x 125 1197 = 19 x 63 912 = 19 x 48

The total number of times , all these three (3) Arabic letters, 'Alif', 'Lam' and 'Ra' appear in the above Five (5) suras (chapters) is 9462 which is the multiple of 19 as shown below Total (Alif, Lam, Ra ) in above Five (5) suras = 9462 = 19 x 498

9462 = 19 x 498
21. The sum of all the occurrences of the name of "Allah" (God) in all the verses (sentences) in Quran whose numbers are the multiples of 19. That is verses 19, 38, 57, 76 is 133 = 19 x 7.

133 = 19 x 7
22. The 'Abjad' numerical value of Arabic word 'Al-Wahid' meaning One and Only Allah (God) is 19. This word is also used with various other words in the Quran 7 times such as 'one door', 'one variety of food'. But it is only used 19 times together with the name of 'Allah' (God).

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The word Wahid is written with the letters wau + alif + he + de the total mathematical values of these letters are (6 + 1 + 8 + 4) 19 as we have mentioned above.

Wav + Alif + Ha + Da = total 6 + 1 +8 + 4 =19

The word Wahid whose mathematical value is 19, is used 19 times for God in the Quran. The list of these verses is given below in the table.
Serial number Sura and Verse number Serial number Sura and Verse number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





12-39 13-16























23. The total of the suras (chapters) and verse (sentence) numbers of the occasions when the word 'Wahid' appears 19 times is 361. 361 = 19 x 19 24. We have seen that the words Name + God + Gracious + Merciful forming Bismillahirrahmanirrahim are coded with 19. These words are used throughout the Quran. In some verses God is used more than once and in some verses both God and Merciful are used equally. Katerina Kullman, a Swedish lady, was curious about how many verses have at least one of these 4 words and she was the first person who witnessed this interesting characteristic. If you write two 19s respectively, you get the number 19 and this number is the number of the verses which has at least one of the 4 words that form Basmalah. The number of verses where at least one of the 4 words Of 1919 (19 x 101) Basmalah is used We counted the words in the numbered verses and found out that the words forming the Basmalah were the multipliers of 19. It is clear that the Basmalah is the first verse of sura The Prologue which is the first sura. Many people probably have not understood why the Basmalah is numbered only in the sura The prologue all through the Quran. And some people have thought that the Basmalah which is at the beginning of the sura The Prologue was numbered by mistake or other Basmalahs were placed at the beginning of other suras to imitate the sura 19 The Secret Code of God Page 42

The Prologue. The code 19 solves problems and here it shows itself and how it eliminates all the suspicion. Does God not say in the 31st verse of the sura The Hidden that 19 will dispel the suspicions? While the words forming the Basmalah are counted within the numbered verses in the Quran, the enumeration of the letters in the suras starting with initial letters includes only that sura and its Basmalah. If we add the words Bism + God+ Gracious+ Merciful in these suras according to the method of the suras which have initial letters, we come up with the multiple of 19. The total of the words in the suras that start with the initial letters (numbered verses + unnumbered Basmalahs) Name 31 God 1121 Gracious 66 Merciful 74 Total 1292 (19 x 68)

The result is 1292 (1968). Besides the code 19, the number 68 is also important for this product since this case includes 29 suras that start with initial letters. The last of these 29 suras is the sura Pen which is the 68th sura. The total of the occurrence of those 4 words the first sura with initial letters (the 2nd sura) and the last one (the 68th sura) is 1292 (19x68)

1292 = 19 x 68
25. The number of verses (sentences) between the first Quranic initial letters (Alif, Lam, MimChapter 2- Al- Baqara) and the final initial letters (Nun- Chapter - 68 -Al-Qalam) is 5263

5263 = 19 x 277
26. The Arabic word 'Rehman' meaning the most Gracious appears 57 times in the Quran.

57 = 19 x 3
27. The Arabic letters 'Ya' and 'Sin' appears at the beginning of sura (chapter) 'Ya Sin'. The letter 'Sin' appears 48 times in sura 'Ya Sin' and the letter 'Ya' appears 237 times. The total of these letters is 285 which is a multiple of 19.

285 = 19 x 15
28. The 'Abjad' numerical value of Arabic word 'Al-Jami'u' meaning the Gatherer or collector is 114.

114 = 19 x 6

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29. There are 38 suras (chapters) - [19 x 2 = 38] without Quranic initial letters (like Alif, Lam, Mim, Nun, Qaf, etc) between the first sura which has initial letters and the last to have them.

38 = 19 x 2
30. The Arabic letters 'Alif', 'Lam' and 'Mim' are the most frequently used letters in Arabic. They appear together at the beginning of Six (6) suras (chapters), for example in Suras 2, 3, 29, 3, 31, and 32. The number of times these three (3) letters appear in each of these six (6) suras is a multiple of 19. In order to understand, let us see the following illustration:

Sura (chapter) Number

1. Sura - 2 2. Sura - 3 3. Sura - 29 4. Sura - 30 5. Sura - 31 6. Sura - 32

Alif, Lam, Mim - 3 Arabic letters

9899 = 19 x 521 5662 = 19 x 298 1672 = 19 x 88 1254 = 19 x 66 817 = 19 x 43 570 = 19 x 30

The total number of times, all these three (3) Arabic letters appear in the above Six (6) suras (chapters) is 19,874 which is also the multiple of 19 as shown below. Total (Alif, Lam, Mim) in above Six (6) suras = 19, 874 = 19 x 1046

19874 = 19 x 1046

31. The 96th sura (chapter) consists of 19 verses (sentences) and contains a total of 285 letters 285 = 19 x 15.

285 = 19 x 15
32. The sura (chapter) from the beginning to possess 19 verses (sentences) is sura 'Al- Infitar'.

19 Verses
33. The sura (chapter) 50th which begins with the letter 'Qaf' contains a total of 57 letters 'Qaf'
The number of Oafs used in the sura 57 (19x3)

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34. The Sura (chapter) 42nd contains 57 letters of 'Qaf'.

The number of Oafs used in the sura 57 (19x3)

35. The Sura (chapter) 50th contains 45 verses (sentences). Adding sura number and the verses in this sura:

50- sura no + 45 - verses no = 95

95 = 19 x 5

The total of the verses and sura numbers which have Qaf as initial letter Number of the sura 50 42 Number of the verses 45 53 Total 95 (19x5) 95 (19x5)

The Sura (chapter) 42nd contains 53 verses (sentences). Adding sura number and the verses in this sura:
50th Sura 42nd Sura 50th Sura 42nd Sura 45th verse 53rd verse 57 (19x3) Letter Qaf 57 (19x3) Letter Qaf 50+45=95 (19x5) 42+53=95 (19x5)

36. The sura Mary is the 19th sura and is introduced with the initial letters Qaf, He, Ya, Ayn, Sad. This sura, whose sura number is important, has the longest form of the initial letters in one verse. These 5 letters are used 798 (19 42) times throughout the sura Mary.
The total of the initial letters throughout the sura Mary Qaf 137 He 175 Ya 343 Ayn 117 Sad 26 total 798 (19x42)

Additionally, in the sura 19 if we put the mathematical value of Qaf, He, Ya, Ayn, Sad next to each other we get

20 5 10 70 90 = 19 x 10795110

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37. There are 10 Suras in the Holy Quran in which if we place the Sura Numbers and the Number of Verses in those Suras side by side and then divide by Number 19, the numbers would be completely divided by 19: So there are only 10 Suras, which show this special property and Number 19 is the 10th Odd Number in Mathematics. Odd Numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19

19 ------------ 10th Odd Number in Mathematics

Sura 27 and Verses in Sura 27 are 93 27 - 93 = 2793 divided by 19 = 147

19 x 147 = 2793
Sura 28 and Verses in Sura 28 are 88 28 88 = 2388 divided by 19 = 152

19 x 152 = 2388
Sura 32 and Verses in Sura 32 are 30 32 88 = 3288 divided by 19 = 170

19 x 170 = 3288
Sura 40 and Verses in Sura 40 are 85 40 85 = 4085 divided by 19 = 215

19 x 215 = 4085
Sura 43 and Verses in Sura 43 are 89 43 89 = 4389 divided by 19 = 231

19 x 231 = 4389
Sura 66 and Verses in Sura 66 are 12 66 12 = 6612 divided by 19 = 348 19 The Secret Code of God Page 46

19 x 348 = 6612
Sura 89 and Verses in Sura 89 are 30 89 30 = 8930 divided by 19 = 470

19 x 470 = 8930
Sura 98 and Verses in Sura 98 are 8 98 8 = 998 divided by 19 = 52

19 x 52 = 998
Sura 106 and Verses in Sura 106 are 4 106 4 = 1064 divided by 19 = 56

19 x 56 = 1064
Sura 108 and Verses in Sura 108 are 3 108 3 = 1083 divided by 19 = 57

19 x 57 = 1083
38. We all know that the order of the Suras of the Quran is different from the order of revelation. It gives us another fact that the Holy Quran is a mathematical miracle. It confirms beyond doubt that the collection and the writing of the Quran was all controlled by God Almighty, the author of the Quran Himself. Let us write down the numbers of all the Suras of the Quran preceded by their revelation order next to each other. Sura 1 is the 5th Sura revealed, thus the number representing it looks like this: 5 1. Sura 2 is the 87th Sura revealed its number looks like this: 87 2. The number representing the first two Suras looks like this: 5 1 87 2. Let us do the same with all the Suras. We get a final number that consists of 468 digits and that long number follows the same pattern of the rest of the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran, is a multiple of 19.

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Here is the final number representing the Sura numbers preceded by their revelation order: 51872893924112555639788811395110521153129613721454157016501769184419 452073211032274231022442254726482749288529843057317532903358344335 413656373838593960406141624263436444654566469547111481064934506751 7652235337549755465694571055810159916010961110621046310864996510766 77672687869797071714072373474317598763377807881792480781828286838384 27853686887688810893590269199211931294289519625971009893991410030101 16102131033210419105291061710715108181091141106111221122011321114

The above number divided by the number 19 gives us this 468 digits Number:
27301523117953976652520427050058169027962954590239030008685141676010 23793326896435485843286434459288565752027886476700922784387281280811 24507230729441896874429601386507603445086681826902531920707930272448 54491449987129773398476621587364000576900559002437413947184777198775 09887884056406003809130227242040177779362199604251675172991493909396 67730930990047031066799958522699699448401366895257578495264742166369 54264905811531857424300563953062162691637163748480105859006 (Reference: 39. There are 30 Paras (Parts) of the Holy Quran and Number 30 is the 19th Composite Number in Mathematics.

30 Paras (Parts) of the Holy Quran. Composite Numbers. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30.

Number 30..19th Composite Number

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3019 is the Prime Number Prime Number ----3019----------30 is the 19th Composite Number in Mathematics

40. The Arabic word Rasul meaning the Messenger of Allah comes 513 times in the Holy Quran Arabic word Rasul comes 513 times in the Holy Quran.

19 x 27 = 513
41. The Arabic word Salat meaning Prayer is mentioned 67 times in the Holy Quran and Number 67 is the 19th Prime Number in Mathematics. Salat 67 times in the Holy Quran Prime Numbers.. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67..

Number 6719th Prime Number in Mathematics

Number 6719 is a Prime Number in Mathematics Prime Number 6719 67 is the 19th Prime Number in Mathematics 42. The Arabic word Atee meaning to obey appears 19 times in the Holy Quran Arabic word Atee --- 19 times in the Holy Quran

19 x 1 = 19
43. The Arabic words, Abd meaning servant, Aabid meaning a person who serves and Abudu meaning worship appear a total of 152 times in the Holy Quran. Arabic Words ---Abd, Aabid, and Abudu ---- 152 times in the Holy Quran

19 x 8 = 152
44. The Arabic word Munafiqeen meaning hypocrite appears 19 times in the Holy Quran Arabic Word Munafiqeen --- 19 times in the Holy Quran

19 x 1 = 19

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45. The name of Allah Al Sabur meaning the Patient appearing in Surahs 2:253, 3:200, 103:3 and the Abjad Numerical value of Al Sabur is 298. Abjad Numerical Value of the Arabic name of God Al Sabur = 298 Adding the Numbers of 298, we would get:

298........... 2 + 9 + 8 = 19 19 x 1 = 19
46. There are only 2 Suras in the Holy Quran whose names starts with only 1 Arabic letter, one is Sura 38 known as Sura Sawad and the other sura 50 known as Sura Qaf. The Abjad Numerical value of Qaf is 100 and the value of Sawad is 90. If we add the numerical values of both the letters Sawad + Qaf = 90 + 100 = 190

19 x 10 = 190
Interestingly, if we add the numbers 1 to 19, the sum also comes to 190

1+ 2+3 +..+18 +19 = 190 = 19 x 10 47. The 73rd Sura (chapter) contains 57 words. 57 words of 73rd chapter = 19 x 3 48. The Arabic word Wahdahu, meaning worship only Allah, appears in the verses 7:70, 39:45, 40:12, 40:84 and 60:4. When the Sura Numbers and the Verse Numbers are added up without Sura numbers being repeated, the total is 361.
(7: 70) + (39: 45) + Sura 40 has two verses 12 and 84. So we add the Sura Number 40 only one time + (60:4)

(7 + 70) + (39 + 45) + (40 + 12 + 84) + (60 + 4) = 361 19 x 19 = 361

49. The Arabic word Kul e Shai meaning Everything appear 114 times in the Quran. Kul e Shai = Every Thing = 114 times in the Holy Quran

19 x 6 = 114
19 The Secret Code of God Page 50

50. The Abjad numerical value of Arabic word Qadar is 304.

19 x 16 = 304
The Arabic word, Qadar is used in Quran as Shab e Qadar meaning the Night of Fate.

51. The important phrase in Islam, 'Wahdahoo La Sharika Lah', meaning 'God is Alone, HE has no partners' has a gematrical or numerical value of 619 and 619 is the 114th prime number in order.

619 is the 114th Prime Number in mathematics 19 x 6 = 114

52. The first Kalim in Islam is, 'La Ilah Ila Allah, Muhammad ur Rasul Allah', meaning 'There is no God, except Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah has again a gematrical or numerical value of 619 and 619 is the 114th prime number in order.

619 is the 114th Prime Number in mathematics 19 x 6 = 114

53. The Number of Verse and Sura together in Qur'an which describes Jesus Christ Birth (Qur'an 19:19).

Sura 19, Verse -1 9

Writing both the numbers side by side, we would get the number - 1919:

19 x 101 = 1919
54. The Abjad or Numerical value of the Arabic word Quran is 351. The Numerical value of the Arabic word Quran is 351. 19 in mathematics: 19------------------ 19th Natural Number (1, 2.., 18,19) 18------------------ 19th Integer (0, 1, 2,.., 17, 18) 36 ----------------- 19th Even Number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8,, 34, 36) 37 ----------------- 19th Odd Number (1, 3, 5,, 35, 37) 67 ----------------- 19th Prime Number (2, 3, 5,., 61, 67) 30 ----------------- 19th Composite Number (4, 6, 8,., 28, 30) 144 --------------- 19th Powerful Number (1, 4, 8, .., 128, 144) 19 The Secret Code of God Page 51

If we add all the numbers associated with Number 19 in the above table, their sum comes to 351.

19 + 18 + 36 + 37 + 67 + 30 + 144 = 351 351 = Numerical value of the Arabic word Quran

55. God has ordered 5 prayers for the Muslims in the Holy Quran. The rakats in each prayer are: Fajar Prayers Zuhar Prayers Asr Prayers Maghrib Prayers Isha Prayers 2 4 4 3 4

If we write the sequence of the 5 prayers in One number as: 24434 In mathematics, the Number 280009 is the 24434th Prime Number If we add the numbers of the Prime Number 280009, we would get the Number 19 as:

280009.. 2 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 19
Also, if we add the numbers as: 280009..28 +00 + 09 = 37 Number 37 is the 19th Odd Number in Mathematics

3719th Odd number

Amazingly, the sequence of 5 Prayers i.e. 2 4 4 3 4 is also divisible by 19 as:

24434 = 19 x 1286
56. There are 3 Suras (Chapters) in the Holy Quran, whose verses are 19: Sura 82 Sura 87 Sura 96 19 Verses 19 Verses 19 Verses

57. There are 114 Suras of the Holy Quran in total.

19 x 6 = 114 = 38 + 38 + 38
19 The Secret Code of God Page 52

There are 38 Suras of the Holy Quran, which are divisible by Number - 2.

For example, Suras (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,.. 112, 114) and

19 x 2 = 38 Suras
The sum of these Sura Numbers are 2166 and the Number 2166 is:

19 x 114 = 2166
Similarly, there are 38 Suras (Chapters), which are divisible by Number 3.

For example, Suras (3, 6, 9, 12, ..108, 111, 114) The sum of these Sura Numbers are 2223 and the Number 2223 is:

19 x 117
And there are 38 Suras (Chapters), which are neither divisible by Number 2 nor by Number - 3.

For example, Suras (1, 5, 7,107, 109, 113) The sum of these Sura Numbers are 2166 and the Number 2166 is:

19 x 114
The total of these Suras Numbers are: 2166 + 2223 + 2166 = 6555

19 x 345 = 6555
58. The last Sura of the Holy Quran is 114th Sura Sura An Nas. The title of 114th Sura - An-nas means Mankind. The gematrical value of this Arabic word is 142. This sura has 6 verses which consists of 20 words and 80 letters and this last Sura has a gematrical total of 4901. Adding all the numbers of this Sura, we see:

114 + 142 + 6 + 20 + 80 + 4901 = 5263 19 x 277 = 5263

19 The Secret Code of God Page 53

The numerical value of the word "Annas" is 142. Let us reverse this number: we have then 241, and this is the total of the word "Annas" (Mankind) in the whole Quran. Also the reciprocal of the Number 19 is: 1/19 = 0.052631579.. &

19 x 277 = 5263

60. The sum of all the total verses embedded between the first initial sura 2 and the last sura 68 is 5263.

19 x 277 = 5263
61. There are 114 Suras and 30 paras of the Holy Quran. In mathematics, there are 30 prime numbers below the Number 114.

30 Prime Numbers below the Number 114

30 is the 19th Composite Number in Mathematics

62. The Kalima of all the Muslims of the world is Kalima are :

. The first two words of the

meaning There is No God.

The Abjad or numerical value of these first two words of the Kalima is 67. Number 67 is the 19th Prime Number in Mathematics

The Abjad or Numerical value of

= 67 ..19th Prime Number

63. There are 10 Suras in the Holy Quran, where the sum of the Sura Number and the total number of Verses in that Sura is divisible by Number 19 as: 1. Sura 41 + Verses 54 = 95 = 2. Sura 42 + Verses 53 = 95 = 3. Sura 70 + Verses 44 = 114 = 4. Sura 88 + Verses 26 = 114 = 5. Sura 15 + Verses 99 = 114 = 6. Sura 39 + Verses 75 = 114 = 7. Sura 107 + Verses 7 = 114 = 8. Sura 21 + Verses 112 = 133 = 9. Sura 55 + Verses 78 = 133 = 10. Sura 6 + Verses 165 = 171 = 19 x 5 19 x 5 19 x 6 19 x 6 19 x 6 19 x 6 19 x 6 19 x 7 19 x 7 19 x 19

The sum of the above 10 Sura Numbers comes to 484 and the sum of their Verses comes to 713

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484 + 713 = 1197 = 19 x 63

63 is the Age, when Prophet Muhammad departed from this world to His Allah. The
reverse of the number 63 is 36. Adding both numbers, we see: 63 + 36 = 99Names of Allah in the Holy Quran 64. There are 30 paras (parts) of the Holy Quran. The 30th Para of the Holy Quran contains 37 Suras and the Number 37 is the 19th Odd Number.

30th Para of the Holy Quran-------------------------- 37 Suras 3719th Odd Number

65. The 21st Arabic letter Qaf is mentioned 6823 times in the Holy Quran. The Arabic name of the Holy Book Quran also starts with this Arabic letter of Qaf.

21st Arabic Letter ----------- Qaf6823 times in the Holy Quran 6823 Qaf in the Holy Quran.. 6 + 8 + 2 + 3 = 19 682319
The reverse number of Number 19 is 91. If we add the numbers of 6823 as:

6823..68 + 23 = 91.The reverse number of Number - 19

The Abjad numeric value of this letter Qaf is 100. Now if we multiply the number 6823 with the Abjad numeric value of the letter Qaf, we would get:

6823 x 100 = 682,300

The sum of all the numbers in 682,300 is also 19:

682,300. 6 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 0 + 0 = 19
66. There are 30 whole numbers mentioned in the Holy Quran. Out of 30 whole numbers there are only 6 prime numbers and the Number 19 is the highest prime number mentioned in the Holy Quran as:

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 19 19.Highest Prime Number mentioned in the Holy Quran

19 The Secret Code of God Page 55

The sum of the other 5 prime numbers mentioned in the Holy Quran is:

2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 = 28.28 Arabic letters in the Arabic language

67. Allahs name Raheem meaning The most Merciful appears 114 times in the Holy Quran.

Raheem------------------114 Times in the Holy Quran 114.. 19 x 6

68. The Abjad numeric value of the 6th Arabic letter Ha is 8. Number 19 is also the 8th Prime Number. This letter Ha appears 9997 times in the Holy Quran.

Arabic letter Ha------------------ 9997 times in the Holy Quran

If we multiply the number 9997 with the Abjad value of the letter Ha, we would get:

9997 x 8 = 79976
The sum of all the numbers in 79976 is:

799767 + 9 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 38 19 x 2 = 38
69. The Abjad numeric value of the 14th Arabic letter Sad is 90. This letter Sad appears 1274 times in the Holy Quran.

Arabic letter Sad------------------ 1274 times in the Holy Quran

The sum of all the numbers in 1274 is also 14, which is the Abjad value of this Arabic letter:

12741 + 2 + 7 + 4 = 14.Abjad Value of Sad

And if we multiply the number 1274 with the Abjad value of the letter Sad, we would get an amazing number:

1274 x 14 = 114, 660

In this number - 114,660.114 represents the total number of Suras (Chapters) in the Holy Quran (19 x 6 = 114) and the Number 66 represents the Abjad numeric value of the name of God Allah which is also 66.

114Total Number of Suras (Chapters)

19 The Secret Code of God Page 56

66.Abjad Numeric value of the name of God Allah

Then if we add all the numbers in 114,660, we would get:

114,660. 1 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 0 = 9
The Abjad value of the Arabic letter Sad is 90. If we add the numbers in 90, we would get:

90..9 + 0 = 9
70. In his book 'The Numerical Miracle of the Qur'an', the Syrian writer Sidqi Al-Beik counted the number of integers in the Holy Qur'an and found them to be 285. The following table shows his findings: Integer Frequency Integer Frequency Integer Frequency Integer Frequency 1 145 9 4 50 1 309 1 2 15 10 9 60 1 950 1 3 17 11 1 70 3 1000 8 4 12 12 5 80 1 2000 1 5 2 19 1 99 1 3000 1 6 7 20 1 100 6 5000 1 7 24 30 2 200 2 50000 1 8 5 40 4 300 1 100000 1

285 = 19 x 15
71. Sura 72 has 285 words in 28 verses.

285 words of Sura 72 = 19 x 15 = 285

72. We look now for the occurrence and gematria of the letters in Sura 19 (Sura Mariam) composing the word 'Nineteen' which is mentioned in the sura 74, Verse 30 basmallah included letters gematria 169 34200 35 10500 117 8190 175 875 117 8190 66 3960 143 57200 Total letters of NINETEEN 822 123115 123937 19 x 6523

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73. The sura 19 begins with 5 initials: K.H.Y.A'.S The total of these letters in the whole Sura 19 including the Basmalah is 798 letters which is 19 x 42.

798 = 19 x 42
74. The title of sura 19 is ' Mariam' and is composed with the letters M, R, Y ( - - - ) Gematria Mary = - - 11600 33800 3430

48830 = 19 x 2570 75. The Gematria of the Arabic letters of the Arabic word Isa meaning Jesus in the Sura 19 are the multiples of 19 as: Gematria Jesus 3960 3430 8190

15580 = 19 x 820

76. The 'Abjad' - numeric value of the Arabic word 'Rehman', meaning the most Gracious is 298. The sum of the numbers of 2, 9 and 8 is:

Rehman -------------------------298. 2 + 9 + 8 = 19

The numerical value of the word Rehman Ra 200 He 8 Mem 40 Noon total 298


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Even and Odd Suras of the Holy Quran and 19

By the even and the odd
(Sura 89, Verse 3, Holy Quran) The 3rd verse of the 89th sura in the Quran draws out attention to the even and odd numbers of the suras of the Holy Quran. When we add sura (chapter) number and the verses (sentences) in the corresponding sura, we would see that 57 suras (chapters) are even numbers and 57 suras (chapters).

57 Even Suras = 19 x 3 57 Odd Suras = 19 x 3 57 Odd Suras + 57 Even Suras = 114 total Suras 114 total Suras = 19 x 6
The verse numbers and sura numbers in Quran, is indicated in figures, such as the sura Prologue 1:7 (the 1st sura and 7 verses) and the sura Cow 2:286 (the 2nd sura and the 286 verses).On the table below, add 1 and 7 (the sura number and the number of the verses of the sura Prologue) and we get number 8.Since the number 8 is an even number, write it on the place reserved for even numbers. And we add 3 and 200 (the sura number and the number of the verses of the sura the Family of Imran), then we get number 203.As this number is an odd number we will write it on the place where odd numbers are. We do the same operation for all other suras and verses of the Quran. Please follow it on the table below. We think that this table alone is enough to show that the Qurans sura rows and verse numbers are protected and the Quran has a miraculous mathematical structure.
Sura number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total of verses 7 286 200 176 120 165 Total 8 288 203 180 125 171 Even 8 288 180 Odd 203 125 171


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............................................................................................................. 109 110 111 112 113 114 total 6555 6 3 5 4 5 6 6234 115 113 116 116 118 120 116 116 118 120 6234 115 113 6555

The total number of suras in the Quran is 6555; the total of the odd numbers in the table is also 6555.These two numbers are equal, although independent from each other. Moreover, the total of the number of verses in the Quran is 6234 (excluding Basmalah in the beginning of each sura, which are 112 in total in the beginning) and the total of the even numbers on the table is 6234.They do not have to be equal but they are. The equality of these numbers is one of the countless proofs that all the sura numbers and the number of the verses of the Quran are arranged heavenly. 114 Suras in Quran = 19 x 6 = 6 x (10 + 9) = 60 + 54 We know that the number of the suras in the Quran is 114 (196). If we write 19 in the form of 10+9, we have 6 (10+9). From this equation we obtain 60 and this number represents the number of suras whose total verses are even numbers. From this equation we also obtain 54 which is the number of the suras whose total verses consist of odd numbers. The sura numbers of 30 of these 60 suras are odd numbers and the sura numbers of the other 30 of these 60 suras are even numbers. The sura numbers of 27 of the 54 suras are odd numbers and the sura numbers of 27 of these 54 suras are even numbers. And their frequency may be given as follows:

30 + 27 = 3 (10+9)Even and Odd sura numbers. We get 30 and 27. 114 = 6 19 = 6 (10+9) = (610) + (69) = 60+54 57=3 19 = 3 (10 + 9) = (310) + (3 9) = 30 + 27
Now we have four groups each. Let us give an example for each group: 19 The Secret Code of God Page 60

1. Suras with odd numbers- the number of verses with odd numbers. Example: the sura Prologue (1st sura, 7 verses) 2. Suras with odd numbers- the number of verses with even numbers. Example: The Family of Imran (3rd sura, 200 verses) 3. Suras with even numbers- the number of verses with odd numbers. Example: The Cattle (6th sura, 165 verses) 4. Suras with even numbers- the number of verses with even numbers. Example: The Women (4th sura, 176 verses) We see the table which contains of the 4 groups:

If you change the place of a single verse in a sura, the system would change. For instance, if the sura Prologue was consisted of 8 verses, the system would change and if the sura Family of Imran was the 2nd sura (it is the 3rd sura of the Quran) this mathematical system would change again. Only if we added 2 or 4 verses (even numbers) to a sura or subtracted 2 or 4 verses from a sura, the numbers on the table above would not change. However, if we added any number to both suras whose total verses are even and suras whose total verses are odd, all the data on the table would change. If we changed the places of a sura whose sura number is an even number and a sura whose sura number is an odd number, all the data would change and the system would be upset once again. To insist that the origin of such a table is by a coincidence, may be due to the ignorance of the probability assumptions or a result of pure stubbornness. God draws our attention that He has numerically structured the books (83rd sura, 9th and 20th verses). He also refers to the even and odd numbers. These tables we examine will help us to perceive the wisdom of God. The Abjad of the most important Arabic word in Islam, Ashadun meaning I give Witness, is 361

361 = 19 x 19
19 The Secret Code of God Page 61

Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Suras and 19

We can examine the suras in two groups: 1. Homogeneous Suras and 2. Heterogeneous suras The homogeneous suras consist of the suras whose sura order number and total verse number both are odd or both are even. The heterogeneous suras consist of the suras whose sura order number is even when the total verse number is odd or vice versa. There are 57 homogeneous and 57 heterogeneous suras. One can understand this better by following the table:

114 SURAS HOMOGENOUS SURAS 57 SURAS even sura number even total verses: 30 SURAS odd sura number odd total verses: 27 SURAS HETEROGENEOUS SURAS 57 SURAS even sura number odd total verses: 30 SURAS odd sura number even total verses: 27 SURAS

As the total of the sura numbers and verse numbers are meaningful in relation to their being even and odd, so, the number of the even and the odd suras and the number of the even and odd verses are meaningful as it can be seen in the symmetrical tables. We should add that there is more that and this proves the divine design as per even and odd. We have seen that the total of the sura numbers in the Quran is 6555.This number is also equal to the total of the odd numbers on the table (When we add some of the sura numbers and the numbers of the verses, we get these odd numbers on the table).The total of the numbers in succession is counted with the help of the following formula as follows: n (n+1)/2.Thus, we can count the total of the sura numbers in the Quran like this:

114 x (114+1)/2=6555
Jordanian researcher Jalghoom thought that there were 60 suras which had verses whose total number was an even number and 54 suras which had verses whose total number was an odd number. And then he divided this formula into two parts and wrote them as follows:

60 x (114+1)/2=3450 54194+1)/2=3105 Total=6555

Here, we come across an interesting conclusion: the total of the sura numbers of the suras having verses whose total number is an even number is 3450 and the total of the sura numbers of the suras having verses whose total number is an odd number is 3105.

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Let us explain the example we have given above in terms of its conclusion: Let us take the 3rd and 17th suras. The 3rd sura consists of 200 verses, it means that the 3rd sura is a sura having verses whose total number is an even number. The 17th sura consists of 111 verses, it means that the 17th sura is a sura having verses whose total number is an odd number. Let us think that the sura numbers of these suras are exchanged .In that case. If you added the sura numbers of the suras having verses whose total number is an even number, the result would be 3464.If you added the sura numbers of suras having verses whose total number is an odd number, it would give 3091.Thus, the data we have got in that equation would change. It means that even if you change the order of two suras in the Quran, this mathematical table will have to change. And this shows the sura numbers of the Quran are arranged heavenly and this arrangement will not accept even a single change. If we divide the Quran into two parts, the first part ends at the 57th sura, which is the sura Iron (Hadid). If we add the sura numbers of the first 57 suras, it gives 1653. If we multiply the sura number of the sura Iron (57) and the number of the verses in Iron sura (29), we have: 5729=1653 (1987). Thus, when we examine the Quran by dividing it into two parts, the sura Iron implies that we are going to have interesting mathematical data.

The total of the numbers of suras in the first half of the Quran (1+2+3+......+55+56+57) Multiplication result of the last suras number (57) in the first half of the Quran by the number (29) of verses in this sura



There are 29 odd numbered and 28 even numbered suras in the first part of the Quran. There are 28 odd numbered and 29 even numbered suras in the second part of the Quran. This is because of a mathematical property, because all numbers following one another shows this characteristic. However, it is interesting that while there are 29 heterogeneous and 28 homogeneous suras in the first part of the Quran, there are 28 heterogeneous and 29 homogeneous suras in the second part. This conclusion is the result of mathematical characteristics. This is one of the endless miracles of the Quran (Please remember the table about homogeneous and heterogeneous suras).
114 SURAS First half of the Quran:57 29 odd numbered suras 29 homogenous sura Second half of the Quran:57 28odd numbered suras 28homegenous sura

28 even numbered 29 even numbered suras suras 28 heterogeneous suras 29heterogenous suras

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Even the examination of the sura numbers and the number of the verses in the Quran as odd and even is enough to prove that the row of suras and the number of verses in the Quran are arranged heavenly and the mathematical system protects this structure. We have only one book having mathematical miracles and this Holy Book shows endless miracles it is beyond human power and was revealed by The Creator. If all the humans and the jinns came together in order to produce a The Quran like this, they would surely fail, no matter how much assistance they lent one another. (Sura - 17, Verse 88 Holy Quran)

Encrypted Communication Even and Odd Arrangement:

Here we see one of the most surprising demonstrations of mathematical relationships between chapter and total verse numbers. It is the most modern method of an error check bit in computer data transmission. Thomas H. Athey and Robert W. Zmud write in their book 'Introduction to Computers and Information Systems (Illinois: Scott, Forsemann and Company, 1986, pp. 238-39): "To send data in a telecommunications network, start and stop information, origin and destination, information and error check bits must be added to the encoded data to form a data packet. The error check bit is used to make sure the data received were not garbled during transmission. In asynchronous transmission, the commonly used error check method is a parity bit. A parity bit is an extra bit that makes the sum of bits representing a character either even or odd." Now Quran, the Last Word and the Last Holy Book of Islam shows that a system is built in it 1400 years ago before the invention of computers and computer data transmission that its chapters and corresponding total verses in that chapter were transmitted without error and that the Quran is of Divine origin. 57 of the results (Chapter numbers + Verses Numbers) are odd and 57 of the results are even out of the total of 114 Chapters in Quran. In this age of science and computers, when many want to be justified only by science and mathematics, it is a solid and mathematical proof that we have a mathematical encoded message from our One and Only God - Allah i.e. Quran- The Last Word and Holy Book of Islam.

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Basmalah and 19

When we examine the number of repetitions and the numerical values of the names of God according to the code 19, we come across with a magnificent table. Dr. Cesar Mejul, former rector of the Philippine Islands Islamic Research University, is the first person who discovered this table. We can describe this extraordinary mathematical relation briefly as follows: 1) The repetition of only the 4 names of God is a multiple of 19 in the Quran 2) The mathematical value of only the 4 names of God is a multiple of 19. 3) The numbers which are the multiple of 19 in each group, consisting of 4 words, are equal to each other. 4) The multiples of 19 in the repetition of words point to Basmalah. This shows why Gracious (Rahman) and Merciful(Rahim), the names of God, was chosen in Basmalah. 5) All the coefficients on both sides of the table are equal to the coefficients of the Basmalah.
The names of God repeated are the multiples of 19 Name Allah - God Gracious Merciful The number of repetitions and mathematical values 19 (19x1) 2698 (19x142) 57 (19x3) 114 (19x6) The total of coefficients 152 (19x8) The total of the all numbers on the table =3040 (19x160) The names of God the mathematical of values are multiples of 19 One Possessor of Infinite Grace Glorious Gatherer

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Allah - God is the word which is repeated the most frequently in the Quran. All the derivatives of the word God are used 2698 (19 142) times in the Quran. Today, it is possible to check this number with the help of a computer.
The total of the numbers of the verses which has God in it. 118123 (19 x 6217)

Prophet Muhammads Name and the Holy Quran

114 are the total Suras of the Holy Quran 19 x 6 = 114

Sura Number 15 39 70 88 107 Total 319 Verses in that Sura 99 75 44 26 7 251 Suras + Verses 114 114 114 114 114 570

319 + 251 + 570 = 1140 19 x 60 = 1140

The Holy Qur'an was revealed to the humans through the Prophet Muhammad. The numerical Value of the name of Prophet Muhammad is 92 and the combination is 408404

Muhammad = Mim + Ha + Mim + Dad Muhammad = 40 + 8 + 40 + 4.408404

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Put 92 and 408404 before the above 3 numbers 319 251 570

92 408404 319 251 570 = 19 x 4863600227329030

Now move 408404 after the 3 numbers instead.

92 319 251 570 408404 = 19 x 4858907977389916

4+8+6+3+6+0+0+2+2+7+3+2+9+0+3+0 =55 4+8+5+8+9+0+7+9+7+7+3+8+9+9+1+6 =100

55 100 = 19 x 2900
The result is 2900. Put the numerical value of Muhammad (92) after this number.

2900 92 = 19 x 15268
(Reference: We know that the reversal of the Number 19 is 91. Adding both the numbers, we would get:

19 + 91 = 110
The reversal of 110 is 011. Adding both the numbers, we would see:

110 + 011 = 121

The numerical value of Prophet Muhammads name is 92. The reversal of Number 92 is 29. Adding both the number, we would get:

92 + 29 = 121

92 + 29 = 121 = 110 + 011 11 x 11 = 121

Allahs smallest name in letters and in numerical value is Hu:

HU------------- 2 Arabic letters Numerical Value of the Arabic name Hu is 11

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Mercy, Merciful and Gracious

The word in the form of mercy (rahmet) derived from the stem of RHM is used in the Quran. All the derivatives of mercy (rahmet) are mentioned 114 times (Rahmet 79 times, rahmetike 3 times, rahmetina 5 times, rahmetini 25 times, rahmeti 2 times). The name, Rahim of God also comes from the same stem, RHM, and is used exactly half the times these words are mentioned, viz. 57 times. The mathematical miraculous use of these words performs more detailed miracles on the miracle of 19 in the Quran. 1- It is a guide and mercy for the believers. (1. The Prologue, Holy Quran) The word Mercy Merciful Number of occurrence 114(57X2) 114(57X2)

Gracious 57 - Sura (chapter) 19 is the 6th initialed sura with Quranic Arabic initials that was revealed. Note that the 619 is prime number and its index is 114 and that 114 = 6 x 19. We all know that 114 is the total number of suras (chapters) in the whole Quran. The word 'God' is mentioned for the first time in this sura in verse 30. Note that 30 is the 19th composite. (19:30) is the 114th verse containing the word 'Allah' meaning 'God' in Arabic in the revelation order.

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Holy Quran - Irons Isotopes and 19

The naturally occurring iron (Fe) consists of four isotopes:


5.845% of radioactive 54Fe (half-life: >3.11022 years), 91.754% of stable 56Fe,

2.119% of stable 57Fe

0.282% of stable 58Fe

Fe is an extinct radionuclide of long half-life (2.6 million years).

The isotope 57Fe is widely used in Mssbauer spectroscopy due to the low natural variation in energy of the 14.4keV nuclear transition.

Iron Fe One of the Stable Isotopes of Iron 57

As the irons isotope is encoded in the sura that mentions iron, there is also a sign in that sura. The word El Hadid which means a particular iron has a numerical value of 57. The article El corresponds to the in English. When the word Hadid is used with the article el, referring to a specific iron, the mathematical value turns out to be 57. = = = = = = = 1 30 8 4 10 4 57

Alif Lam Ha Da Ya Da Total

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The sura Iron (hadid) is the 57th sura of the Quran. And 57 is one of the isotopes of iron. The sura Iron (hadid) is the 58th sura from the end of the Quran. That is another isotope of iron. This sura has 29 numbered verses. This number becomes 30 when the unnumbered Basmalah is counted. This number is equal to the neutron numbers of two isotopes of iron, from the total of four. The frequency of the word God in this sura gives the neutron number of the other isotope. The word The iron (el hadid) One of irons isotopes What is the sura number of the sura the Iron? Mathematical value of the word 57 57 57

19 x 3 = 57

Holy Quran - Meton cycle and 19

The derivatives of the word year sinet or sinin are mentioned 19 times in the Quran, the Last Holy Book of Islam. The solar and lunar calendars always need correction because of the occurrence of the leap year. When our world revolves around the sun 365 times, the moon revolves around the earth and itself 12 times. This constitutes one complete year. But when the earth completes its revolution and arrives at the starting point, the moon is behind the schedule. It takes the earth and the moon 19 years to meet at the same starting point. This cycle of 19 years is called the Meton cycle. The lunar calendar re-arranged in every 19 years, ends up with 7 leap years 355 days and 12 full years 354 days during this period. It is surprising that the singular year Sinet in Arabic is used 7 times in Quran, whereas the plural year Sinin is used 12 times in the Holy Book. And all the derivatives of the word year are used 19 times, an indication of the Meton cycle. The earth lines up with the sun and the moon every 19 years. In the Quran, the words, sun and moon are often used in the same verses, exactly 19 times, the same number that makes a Meton cycle.

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It is also interesting to note that on the 19th time in Quran, these two words are used together, we see the following verse: And the sun and the moon are conjoined. (Chapter -75 - The Resurrection, 9) It is also interesting that Aristophanes, who wrote a book Birds, introduces Meton, the astronomer and discoverer of the Metonic cycle of 19 years, who brings with him a ruler and compasses, and makes a certain construction in order that your circle may become square.

Quran Time and 19:

The Arabic word yewm meaning a day is used 365 times in the Quran. The figure 365 does not only represent the number of days in the calendar, but it is also the figure that shows the astronomic relationship between our earth and the sun. When our earth completes its round around the sun, it has revolved 365 times around its own axis. In other words, when the earth has completed its cycle around the sun, this means we have lived 365 days on earth. It is important that the word one day has been used 365 times in the Quran, because the earths revolution around the sun takes 365 days.

A day The number of the days in which the world completes its revolution around the sun?

365 365

B) The plural of the Arabic word Yewm is eyyam or yewmeyn is used 30 times in the Quran.. This represents the number of the days in a month which is 30. So it is meaningful that while the singular day (yewm) is mentioned 365 times, the plural of it (eyyam, yevmeyn) is mentioned 30 times. In the solar calendar, the months have either 30 or 31 days and in the lunar calendar the months have either 29 or 30 days. So, the number 30 is the intersection group for 19 The Secret Code of God Page 71

both calendars. In the community to which the Quran was revealed, the lunar calendar was in use; the mention of 30 is therefore meaningful. It takes 29.53 days for the moon to make a month. The rounded figure is 30. Also the mean of 29, 30 and 31 is Number 30.
The word Days Number of days in a month Number of occurrence 30 30

C) We saw that the singular day (yewm) is mentioned 365 times, and the plural of it, 30 times in the Quran. The use of all the derivatives of the word day is 475. This means that the singular, plural and all the other derivatives totals up to 475. 475 is equal to 19 x 25.

475 = 19 x 25A
Like the multiplier 19, the number 25 also has a significant meaning. The days are formed as a result of the relationship between the earth and the sun. The earth revolves around its own axis 365 times while completing its cycle around the sun and during this time the sun also revolves around itself. As the earth revolves around itself 365 times, how many times the sun must have revolved itself? 25 times exactly in total

25 = 19 + 6 ..A
On the other hand, the figure19, multiplier of 25 has an important role within the context of the concept of the relationship between the sun- the earth and day. Because a meton cycle that is when the sun, the earth and the moon come to a same line, occurs in every 19 years. That is to say, the sun turns around itself the number 19 x 25= 475 times in a Meton cycle.

The word All the derivatives of the word day How many times the sun does revolve around itself within a year? How many times does the sun revolve around its own axis in a Meton cycle?

Number of occurrence 475 (19x25) 25 475 (19x25)

D) The derivatives of the word year-- sinet, sinin are mentioned 19 times in the Quran. The solar and lunar calendars need correction because of the leap year. When the world revolves around the sun 365 times, the moon revolves around the earth and itself 12 times. This constitutes a year. But when the earth completes its revolution and arrives at the starting point, 19 The Secret Code of God Page 72

the moon is behind the schedule.

The word The word Year In how many years a meton cycle occurs? Number of occurrence 19 19

It takes the earth and the moon 19 years to meet at the same starting point. This cycle of 19 years is called the Meton cycle. The lunar calendar re-arranged in every 19 years, ends up with 7 leap years (355 days) and 12 full years (354 days) during this period. It is also another surprising characteristic of the miracles that the singular year sinet is used 7 times, whereas the plural year sinin is used 12 times in the Quran. And all the derivatives of the word year are used 19 times, an indication of the Meton cycle. E) The Arabic word Qamar meaning moon, is used exactly 27 times in the Quran together with its derivatives. This number is equal to the number which is the moons ecliptic cycle around the world. The Quran indicates that both the sun and the moon are based on calculation. (Gracious, 55). The suns and the moons definition in terms of mathematics is interesting and these words in question are mathematically coded in the Quran.
The word Moon How long does the moons ecliptic cycle take? Number of occurrence 27 27

19 is the 8th Prime Number. If we add the numbers 19 and 8, we would get 27

19 + 8 = 27


F) The earths revolution around the sun makes 365 days while, the moons 12 revolution around the earth makes12 months. The Quran says that there are 12 months in year. As we all know, a year consists of 12 months. On the other hand, in the Quran, the Arabic word Shahr meaning month is also mentioned 12 times to indicate that there are 12 months in a year. The following verse mentions this:

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- twelve is the number of months with God.. (9 Repentance, 36)

The word A month The number of the months or the number of the moons revolution around 12 the world in a year Number of occurrence 12 12

The Number 12 is the 7th Even Number. If we add the numbers 12 and 7, we would get:

12 + 7 = 19
19 is the Key Spiritual and Mathematical Number used in all the Divine Scriptures from One and Only Almighty God including Torah, Bible and Quran. So it is the Perfect number and code chosen by the Almighty God for His Divine Holy Books.

Mathematical Definition of Quran The Last Holy Book of Almighty God:

The Holy Quran can be defined mathematically as: Quran is One and Only Last -19th Holy Scripture and mathematically encoded literature of Allah, comprising of 114 suras (19 x 6) and 6346 verses (19 x 334), whose all initials, letters, words, verses and suras are numerically structured and signed with Number 19, by One and Only Almighty Allah, Who revealed His Last - 19th encrypted message on His Last Prophet Muhammad in Arabic language to complete Islam.

The Holy Quran There is no need to comment on the spirituality of number Nineteen in the Abrahamic religions. Jews religious scholars know the spirituality of this number. Muslim scholars know that Quran revolves around the number 19 and similarly the Christian scholars know the importance of nineteen in Christianity. 19 is the Key Spiritual and Divine Mathematical number in all the Abrahamic religions. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 74

99 - Names of Allah and 19

There are 99 names of Allah in the Holy Quran.

If we take the 'Abjad' numerical value or gematrical value of 99 Names of Allah in Quran, it would come to 34,200. The Abjad or Numerical value or gematrical value of 99 names of Allah = 34,200.

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99 Names of Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran:

The 99 Names of Allah the One and Only God are:

Names of Allah #
1 Ar-Rahman 2 Ar-Rahim 3 Al-Malik 4 Al-Quddoos 5 As-Salam 6 Al-Mu'min 7 Al-Muhaymin 8 Al-Azeez 9 Al-Jabbar 10 Al-Mutakabbir 11 Al-Khaliq 12 Al-Bari' 13 Al-Musawwir


Arabic Letters
4 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4

Numerical Value
298 258 90 170 131 136 145 94 206 662 731 213 336

The All Beneficent The Most Merciful The King, The Sovereign The Most Holy The Peace and Blessing The Guarantor The Guardian, The Preserver The Self Sufficient The Powerful The Tremendous The Creator The Rightful + The Maker The Fashioner of Forms

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14 Al-Ghaffar 15 Al-Qahhar 16 Al-Wahhab 17 Ar-Razzaq 18 Al-Fattah 19 Al-`Aleem 20 Al-Qabid 21 Al-Basit 22 Al-Khafid 23 Ar-Rafi'e 24 Al-Mu'ezz 25 Al-Mudhell 26 As-Sami'e 27 Al-Baseer 28 Al-Hakam 29 Al-`Adl The Utterly Just 3 104 The Judge, The Arbitrator 3 68 The All Seeing 4 302 The All Hearing 4 180 The Giver of Dishonor 3 770 The Giver of Honor 3 117 The Exalter 4 351 The Abaser 4 1481 The Expander, The Munificent 4 72 The Restrainer, The Straightener 4 903 The All Knowing 4 150 The Opener, The Victory Giver 4 489 The Ever Providing 4 308 The Bestower 4 14 The All Compelling Subduer 4 306 The Ever Forgiving 4 1281

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30 Al-Lateef 31 Al-Khabeer 32 Al-Halim 33 Al-Azeem 34 Al-Ghafoor 35 Ash-Shakoor 36 Al-Ali 37 Al-Kabeer 38 Al-Hafeez 39 Al-Muqeet 40 Al-Hasib 41 Al-Jaleel 42 Al-Kareem 43 Ar-Raqeeb 44 Al-Wasse'e 45 Al-Hakeem The Wise 4 78 The Vast, The All Encompassing 4 137 The Watchful 4 312 The Bountiful, The Generous 4 270 The Majestic 4 73 The Reckoner 4 80 The Nourisher 4 550 The Preserver 4 998 The Great 4 232 The Sublimely Exalted 3 110 The Grateful 4 526 The All Forgiving 4 1286 The Magnificent, The Infinite 4 1020 The Forbearing, The Indulgent 4 88 The All Aware 4 812 The Unperceivable 4 129

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46 Al-Wadood 47 Al-Majeed 48 Al-Ba'ith 49 Ash-Shaheed 50 Al-Ahad 51 Al-Wakeel 52 Al-Qawaie 53 Al-Mateen 54 Al-Walaie 55 Al-Hameed 56 Al-Muhsi 57 Al-Mubdi' 58 Al-Mu'eed 59 Al-Muhyee 60 Al-Mumeet 61 Al-Hei The Ever Living 2 18 The Bringer of Death 4 490 The Giver of Life 3 68 The One Who Brings Back All 4 124 The Originator and Initiator of All 4 56 The Numberer of All 4 148 The All Praiseworthy 4 62 The Protecting Friend, Patron 3 46 The Firm, The Steadfast 4 500 The Strong 3 116 The Trustee, The Dependable 4 66 The Incomparable 3 13 The Witness 4 319 The Raiser of The Dead 4 573 The All Glorious 4 57 The Loving, The Kind One 4 20

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62 Al-Qeiyoom 63 Al-Wajid 64 Al-Majid 65 Al-Rab 66 As-Samad 67 Al-Qadir 68 Al-Muqtadir 69 Al-Muqaddim 70 Al-Mu'akhir 71 Al-Awwal 72 Al-Akhir 73 Az-Zahir 74 Al-Batin 75 Al-Muta'ali 76 Al-Barr The Most Kind and Righteous 2 202 The Self Exalted 6 551 The Hidden 4 62 The Manifest, The All Victorious 4 1106 The Last 3 801 The First 3 37 He Who Puts Far Away 4 846 He Who Brings Forward 4 184 The All Determiner, The Dominant 5 744 The All Able 4 305 The Self Sufficient, Everlasting 3 134 The Nourisher 2 202 The Illustrious, The Magnificent 4 48 The Perceiver, The Finder 4 14 The Self Subsisting Sustainer of All 4 156

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77 At-Tawwab 78 Al-Muntaqim 79 Al-'Afuww 80 Ar-Ra'oof 81 Malik-al-Mulk 82 Dhu-al-Jalal wa-al-Ikram 83 Al-Muqsit 84 Al-Jami' 85 Al-Ghanaie 86 Al-Mughni 87 Al-Mani'e 88 Ad-Darr 89 An-Nafi'e 90 An-Noor 91 Al-Hadi The Guide 4 20 The Light 3 256 The Propitious, The Benefactor 4 201 The Distressor 3 1001 The Withholder, The Defender 4 161 The Enricher, The Emancipator 4 1100 The All Rich, The Independent 3 1060 The Gatherer, The Unifier 4 114 The Equitable, The Requiter 4 209 The Lord of Majesty and Generosity 16 1095 The Owner of All Sovereignty 9 212 The Compassionate 4 286 The Pardoner, The Effacer of Sins 3 156 The Avenger 5 630 The Ever Relenting 4 409

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92 Al-Badi 93 Al-Baqi 94 Al-Warith 95 Ar-Rasheed 96 As-Saboor 97 Al-Mutee 98 Al-Munem 99 Al - Haqq The Truth, The Real 2 108 The One who gives rewards 4 200 The One who is followed 4 129 The Patient, The Timeless 4 298 The Guide, Infallible Teacher 4 514 The Heir, The Inheritor of All 4 707 The Ever Enduring and Immutable 4 113 The Incomparable, The Originator 4 86

Total Names 99 Total Numeric Value = 34,200

Total Numeric Value of 99 Names of Allah = 34,200 = 19 x 1800 34,200 = 19 x 1800

Numeric Sum of all 99 Names of Allah - 34,200
The number 99 written in Hindu-Arabic numeral system is imprinted on human hands. If one looks at his or her palms, thumbs facing upward, the lines in the hands appear as " ", which are the Hindu-Arabic numerals -commonly used in eastern Arab countries- of 81 and 18, which sum to 99.

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On Right Palm of every Human Hand

On Left Palm of every Human Hand

- If one looks at his or her 'right palm', thumb facing upward, the lines in the hand appear as ' and ', which are the Arabic numerals of 1 and 8 or 18.

Amazing Marks on Your Hands

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= 18
On Right Palm of every Human Hand

= 81
On Left Palm of every Human Hand

and ', which are the Arabic numerals of 1 and 8 or 18 and ', which are the Arabic numerals of 8 and 1 or 81
Adding the numbers 18 and 81, we would get:

+ = 99
18 + 81 = 99Names of God
If we place the numbers 18 and 81 side by side, we get the magical number - 1881:

18 and 81 -------------- 1881 1881 = 19 x 99 numerical value of the Arabic name Wahid of God 99. Names of God 19 x 99 means Wahid God has 99 names in the Holy Book - Quran

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- in Arabic language displaying on every Human Hand Name of God The numerical value of the Arabic name of God Allah is 66

Allahs Abjad or Numerical Value = 66

We also know that there are 99 names of Allah. If we upside down the number 99, we would get:

99 ------------- 66
6619 is a Prime Number:
The Number 6619 is a Prime Number in Mathematics



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Gods Name Wahid and 19

Allah has 99 names in Quran. One of the names of Allah (God) is called, Al-Wahid. The main message of the Quran is the unity of Allah. The unity of God is expressed by an Arabic word Wahid and the mathematical value of the word Wahid is 19. Alif Ya Qaf Ghayn Ta Sad Zha Ha Fe Dwad Za Ayn Zhal Wav Seen Kha He Noon Tha Da Meem Te Jeem Lam Sheen Ba Kaf Ra

The word Wahid is written with the letters wau + alif + he + de the total mathematical values of these letters are (6 + 1 + 8 + 4) = 19 as we have mentioned above.

Wav + Alif + Ha + Da = total 6 + 1 + 8 + 4 =19

The word Wahid whose mathematical value is 19 is used 19 times for God in the Quran .The list of these verses is given below in the table.
Serial number 1 2 4-171 12 3 5-73 13 22-34 4 6-19 14 29-46 5 6 7 8 9 10 16-51 19 41-6

Sura and Verse 2-163 number Serial number 11

12-39 13-16 14-48 14-52 16-22 15 16 17 39-4 18 40-16

Sura and Verse 18-110 21-108 number

37-4 38-65

Other than these verses, the word Wahid is used 7 times in the Quran, yet those uses do not refer to the names of God, but other things objects like food and eating materials.

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The Highest Degree and 19

One of the verses of the Quran, points out that God is the possessor of highest degrees. The verse is: The Possessor of the highest degrees, and Ruler of the whole dominion. He sends inspiration, bearing His commands, to whomever He chooses from among His Servants to warn about the Day of Gathering. (The Holy Quran: 40. The Believer, 15) Reify al-daragaat is translated as the possessor of the highest degrees. The word refii expresses highness and the word al-daragaat expresses the degrees. The mathematical value of refii, which states the highest degree, is 360. And this number is the equivalent of the highest degrees in the universe and mathematics. The mathematical values are as follows:

The word Refii The highest degrees in the universe and mathematics

The mathematical value of the word 360 360

Also only once in the Quran did God Almighty choose to call Himself, Possessor of the Highest degrees. Is it then a coincident that the numerical or gematrical value of the word Rafii in Arabic is 360.This means God is the possessor of the highest degrees, the 360 degrees. No higher degree than this is possible in mathematics. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 87

Relationship between Number 19 and 360 degrees:

Number 19 represents 360 degrees and 360 degrees represents Number 19. 360 degrees can be expressed and represented in 19 as follows:

360 = (19 1) x (19 + 1)

Number 19 360 Degrees represents - 360 degrees represents - 19 Number

So 19 is the representation of 360 degrees and 360 degrees is the representation of 19.
Now, one can understand the names that God (Allah) gave Himself in these verses:

He (God) is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the Outermost, and the Innermost. He is
fully aware of all things. (Chapter 57, Verse 3) He is surrounding everything i.e. Moheett in Arabic. He possesses the Highest degrees i.e. Rafii Al-Daragat. Glorified, the One God, there is no god besides Him.

So God is Wahid, numerically means 19 and God is also Rafii, numerically means 360.

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Arabic Alphabets and 19

The Arabic language has 28 established alphabets or letters. 28 is the 2nd Perfect Number in Mathematics.

Hamza is the 29th figure in Arabic language used in different forms, positions and in different meanings in this language. The Arabic language can now be compared with the month of February which has 28 days in all years but in a leap year, February has 29 days. So in Arabic, we use Hamza as 29th figure or letter when needed as we need 29 days in a leap year.

Hamza in different positions in Arabic language

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Although the Hamza is considered an alif, and has the same numeric or gematrical value like an alif which is one, it has its unique shape, the 19th shape, and can be used in a word independent of the alif. Those who know Arabic know that Hamza has its unique shape that is different than the rest of the other alphabets. It can be written totally separate and independent from the alif although in many circumstances, it is on top of an alif, a Yaa , a Waw, or under an alif or a Yaa. Using it by itself independent makes it the 19th shape. e.g. , , , , this in addition of using it in the middle of the Quranic words , , , ,

without an alif as an independent alphabet.

The first writings of the Quran did not have the Hamzas. The Hamzas were added later about the year 786 by Khalil Ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi, but they are a major part of the mathematical miracle of the Quran. The addition of the Hamza is the same like adding the numbers to the verses of the Quran, but all their aspects were already calculated and counted by God Almighty, as a part of the miracle of the Quran, which He knows that Hamza would be added in the future by the future generations. This is to ascertain that they have delivered their Lord's messages. He is fully aware of what they have. He has counted the numbers of all things. Quran (Chapter 72, Verse 28) If we add the Chapter number and the Verse number, it will become: 19 The Secret Code of God Page 90

Chapter (Sura) Number + Verse Number = 72 + 28 = 7 + 2 + 2 + 8=19

The sum or root number of chapter number and verse number = 19 If we note that Hamza was added in the Year 786, the number 786 is again very important in Quran. 786 is the gematrical value of Basmalah which contains 19 Arabic letters and is repeated 114 times in The Holy Book of Quran. 786 Numeric or Gematric Value of Basmalah = 114 times in Quran = 19

x 6 = 114

We thus revealed it, an ARABIC Quran, and we cited in it all kinds of prophecies, that they may be saved, or it may cause them to take heed. Quran (Chapter 20, Verse 113)

Before this, the book of Moses provided guidance and mercy. This too is a scripture that confirms, in ARABIC, to warn those who transgressed, and to give good news to the righteous. Quran (Chapter 46, Verse 12) In a perfect ARABIC tongue Quran (Chapter 26, Verse 195) In His Final Testament, Almighty God placed the mathematical miracle of the Quran, based on Number 19 and called it "One of the great miracles" 74:35. It would not then be a surprise to find out that God created the Arabic language alphabets, the language of the Quran that will exhibit that 19 based mathematical miracle of the Quran of 19 different shapes. The Hamza, being the 19th shape.

Arabic = Language of the Holy Quran = 19 Different Shapes of Arabic Letters or Alphabets

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Everything and 19

360 and the Arabic Word The Almighty God has used this Arabic word in The Quran.

- Every Thing:

- meaning Every thing 114 times

= Every thing = 114 times in Quran = 19 x 6

Some of the illustrations are as follows:


in a record.

Quran (Chapter 78, Verse 29)

This is to ascertain that they have delivered their Lord's messages. He is fully aware of what they have. He has counted the numbers of EVERYTHING (all things.)

Quran (Chapter 72, Verse 28) He is the One who created for you EVERYTHING on earth, then turned to the sky and perfected seven universes therein, and He is fully aware of all things. Quran (Chapter 2, Verse 29) The One to Whom belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He never had a son, nor does He have any partners in sovereignty. He created EVERYTHING in exact 19 The Secret Code of God Page 92

measure; He precisely designed EVERYTHING. Quran (Chapter 25, Verse 2) EVERYTHING is in accordance with Gods will; He knows what is declared, and what is hidden. Quran (Chapter 87, Verse 7) The Gematrical value of the Arabic words "EVERYTHING" is 360.

= Every Thing = 360 The Almighty God insists that EVERYTHING = 360 and the verses above describe the significance of " EVERYTHING", even when HE counted EVERYTHING, it was 360. This gives numbers 19 and 360, a great significance in our Universe, life, time, space, sciences and mathematics. This expression is a reflection of every aspect and of every thing in our Universe, life, time, space, etc that is under control by One and Only Almighty God. A close study of the use of the expression "everything" in the verses in the Quran will clarify its use and its number. The expression EVERYTHING is used in the Arabic Quran in relation to God, His action, and attributes, 114 times, the same number of suras in the Quran.

Total Suras (Chapters) in Quran = 114 = 19 x 6 = 114 Total times the Arabic word - Every thing used = 114 (19x6)

Say, "O followers of the scripture, why do you reject these revelations of GOD, when GOD is witnessing EVERYTHING you do?" Quran (Chapter 3, Verse 98)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Everything returns to its origin.
Every thing is 360.

As we know now that the numerical or gematrical value of

If we analyze the sacred encoded saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we see that in circles every thing started from 0 degrees when returns to its origin, it has to take 360 degrees. In other 19 The Secret Code of God Page 93

words, when we start our journey from 0 degrees in a circle, we have to take 360 degrees to return back at 0 degrees at our origin.

Everything = 360
In terms of a Circle a perfect shape or a Sphere a perfect solid body, the Returns to its origin means travelling from 0 degrees to 360 degrees a complete round Now we write the saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mathematically, we see: 360 (Everything) x (19 x19) (Super Cycle of Everything) = (360 x 1) + (360 x 360) If we write the same mysterious equation in 19 and 6, we see:

(19 x 19) x (6 x 6 x 10) = (1 x 360) + (360 x 360)..A [(19 x 19) x (6 x 6)] x 10 = (1 x 360) + (360 x 360)B [(19 x 6) x (19 x 6)] x 10 = (1 x 360) + (360 x 360)C [(114) x (114)] x 10 = (1 x 360) + (360 x 360).D
It is the same equation which I have introduced before as a mathematical proof of formation of new circles. When 360 (Everything in our Universe) is multiplied by Super Cycle 361 of a circle or a sphere. Everything would return back to its origin with the birth of a new circle or sphere similar to the original one. So when 361 (19 x 19) is multiplied by 360 or when we take 360 rotations around the circle, a new similar new circle is born and the original circle returns back to its origin after taking 360 rotations. 360 degrees x 361 rotations = (1 new circle/sphere x 360 degrees) + (360 rotations around the same circle/sphere x 360 degrees) --------------------Creation of a new circle/sphere

Nineteen - 19 encompasses the first numeral - 1 and the last 9 numeral

Nineteen (19) numerals look the same in all languages in the world. The numerals One (1) and Nine (9) look very much the same in, for example, Arabic and English. One (1) -- Start of every thing, Origin, Unity, Unique, etc Nine (9) -- End of everything, Destination, Final, Last etc 19 The Secret Code of God Page 94

We can reduce a number or word by a process known as digit summing in numerology, then reach conclusions based on the single digit that is produced. If we add these two numbers: 1 + 9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1 -- Again the beginning or Start or Origin or returns to unity. If we multiply these two numbers: 1 x 9 = 9-----------Again the end or Destination or last of every thing The root number of Nineteen (19) is One (1) which is only 1-Perfect Number.

Mathematical Rule:
Start (01) and End (9) of any thing in the Universe is only written as One 1 number as Nineteen 019. Start (0 degrees) End (360 degrees) of a complete circle is only written as One 1 figure as Three Hundred and Sixty degrees 0360. So 19 as one number represent the start and end of any thing in the Universe and 360 degrees as one figure represents complete circle.

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Re-appearance of Jesus Christ and 19

All Christians and Muslims of our World are waiting for the re-appearance of Jesus Christ to save the world and humanity from the Anti-Christ and the injustices of the world. And all the scholars and learned people of both the religions are saying that His re-appearance is very near in the future.

Most of the calculations done in the past indicate the year 2023 as the expected year of His reappearance. Number 7 is considered the lucky number in most faiths of the world especially in the Christian and Islamic faiths. July is the 7th Month. Now the dates could be multiples of Number 7 as: 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th all these four dates can be divided by Number -7, which is considered as the luckiest number. The numbers in the year 2023 also sum up to 7 as:

2023------------ 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7
If we take the expected year of His re-appearance as 2023 Expected Month of the year 2023 July 7 Month

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There are only 12 months in a year. If we look for the 19th Month, how can we find it? It is simple. The Number 12 is the 7th Even Number. Adding 12 and 7, we would get:

12 + 7 = 19
The 12th Month is December. So adding 7 in the 12th Month would be: 12 + 7 = 19 December + 7 Months ------------- July of the next year

19th Month ---------------- July

Expected highest date of the 7th Month of the year 2023 taken as 28. 7 x 4 = 28 July

2023 7 28.. Year Month Date

If we divide this number by 19, we would get an amazing result:

2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512
Year of His expected re -appearance 2023--------- 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7 Month of His expected re-appearance 7th (July) Date of His expected re-appearance 28th July 7 x 4 = 28th July
The Number 23 is also considered as the Cosmic Number in Numerology and the most mystic number among the numbers. There is a movie named Number 23 and one can see that movie if he or she is looking for the importance of Number 23. So the most expected date, month and year of Jesus Christs re-appearance which is also divisible by Number 19 is:

28th July, 2023..2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512 Conclusion:

The year, month and date numbers if written as a single number is divisible by Number 19 All the numbers in the year, month and date are linked with Number 7, which is considered as the luckiest number. The year 2023 -------has Number 23, which is considered as the Cosmic Number in Numerology

19 x 106512 = 2023728
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Mathematics and 19

Mathematical Power of Nineteen - 19 with 1 and 2:

19 is the sum of the first powers of 9 and 10 and the difference between the second powers of 10 and 9.

(9 power 1) + (10 power 1) = 9 + 10 = 19 (10 power 2) - (9 power 2) = 100 - 81 = 19

It is the only number which shows this kind of extra ordinary results.

The Sum of first 19 Numbers from 1 to 19 is a multiple of 19:

If we add the first 19 numbers from 1 to 19, the result would be Number 190 which is a multiple of 19. 190 = 19 x 10 = 1 +2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19 = 190 Similarly if we add first 38 numbers (38 = 19 x 2) from 1 to 38, the result would be Number 741 which is a multiple of 19. 741 = 19 x 39 -------- the sum of first 38 numbers from 1 to 39. Then if we add first 57 numbers (57 = 19 x 3) from 1 to 57, the result would be Number 1653 which is a multiple of 19. 1653 = 19 x 87 -------- the sum of first 39 numbers from 1 to 57. Similarly if we add first 76 numbers (76 = 19 x 4) from 1 to 76, the result would be Number 2926 which is a multiple of 19. 2926 = 19 x 154 -------- the sum of first 76 numbers from 1 to 76 The results are quite amazing that when we add the numbers from 1 to the Number which is a multiple of 19 for example, 19, 38, 57, 76, etc we get the resulting number which is also a 19 The Secret Code of God Page 98

multiple of 19 like 190, 741, 1653 and 2926 respectively in the above examples. If we keep on adding in the same pattern of 19, we would get the same results which would be multiples of Number 19.

19 multiplied by 19 19 times:
When we multiply Number 19 with Number -19 19 times, we get a number: 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19

= 19.78419656 x (10 power 23)

The first two numbers of the result is also Number 19. The sum of the next three numbers 784 is also 19 as: 7 + 8 + 4 = 19. The next two numbers is Number 19. The Number 19 is in between the Numbers 20 and 18. If we write the numbers 20 and 18 side by side, we see: 20.18-----------2018

2018 = 1009 + 1009

Both the twin numbers 1009 are prime numbers and contain 1 and 9 The cube of Number - 19 is:

19 x 19 x 19 = 6859
The cube of Number 16 is:

16 x 16 x 16 = 4096
Adding the numbers of 4096, we see:

4096. 4 + 0 + 9 + 6 = 19

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The cube of Number 13 is:

13 x 13 x 13 = 217
Adding the numbers of 2197, we see:

2197. 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 = 19
The cube of Number 22 is:

22 x 22 x 22 = 10648
Adding the numbers of 10648, we see:

10648. 1 + 0 + 6 + 4 + 8 = 19 Rule of Divisibility of 19:

There is a mathematical formula to determine if a number is divisible by 19. Multiply everything in front of the last digit by nine - 9 and subtract the last digit. If you get zero, nineteen, or a multiple of nineteen, the number will be divisible by 19. For example - 57 Five times nine minus seven equals 38. Since 19 divides evenly into 38, it divides evenly into 57. Next example - 114 Eleven times nine minus four equals 95. Since 19 divides evenly into 95, it divides evenly into 114.

Another Rule of Divisibility of 19:

To test a number (example 660364) for divisibility by 19:

Remove the last digit, and then add 2 times that digit to the remaining number: 66036+ 24 = 66044. (Each time you are adding 19d = (20 - 1)d and dividing by 10, where d is that removed digit.) Repeat until it gets down to 20 or less: 6604+24 = 6612; 661+22 = 665; 66+25 = 76; 7+26 = 19. If this process results in 0 or 19 the original number is a multiple of 19; otherwise it isn't. (Reference:

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Mathematical properties of 19

-19 is considered as the highest compound number ever achieved because it contains both the starting number One (1) and ending number Nine (9). - Halley's Comet passes through the solar system once every 76 years, which is a multiple of 19.

19 x 4 = 76
- The Sun, Moon and Earth lineup in the same relative positions once every 19 years. - Nineteen (19) is the 4th centered triangular number.

- Nineteen (19) is a centered hexagonal number - Nineteen (19) is an octahedral number. - The cube of Nineteen (19) is the sum of the following 19 consecutive odd numbers as:

19 x 19 x 19 = 6859 19 x 19 x 19 = 343 + 345 + 347 + 349 + 351 + 353 + 355 + 357 + 359 + 361 + 363 + 365 + 367 + 369 + 371 + 373 + 375 + 377 + 379 = 6859
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-Nineteen (19) is the natural number following 18 and preceding 20. It is an 8th prime number.

19 nineteen 19th Ordinal nineteenth Factorization prime Divisors 1, 19 Roman numeral XIX Roman numeral (Unicode) XIX, xix Binary 10011 Octal 23 Duodecimal 17 Hexadecimal 13 Cardinal - Nineteen (19) is the 8th smallest prime number, devisable only by itself and one. The sequence continues 23, 29, 31, 37 ....... 19 is the 7th Mersenne prime exponent. - With respect to divisibility, nineteen (19) has a very simple test. 19 divides 100a + b if and only if it divides a + 4b. - Nineteen (19) is Heegner number and a strictly non-palindromic number. - The decimal expansion of 1/19 has a period of maximum length of 18 digits.

This pattern of 19 circles is easy to make with coins. It shows that 19 is a 'centered hexagonal number'. - Nineteen (19) is also a Keith number because it recurs in a Fibonacci - like sequence started from its base 10 digits: 1, 9, 10, 19.

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- Nineteen (19) is the fourth alternating factorial, as it is equal to - (1!) + (2!) + - (3!) + (4!) - The total of the first nineteen (19) figures in the Pascal triangle is 38, which is a multiple of 19.

19 x 2 = 38
- The total of the first nineteen (19) numbers in the Pascal triangle is 57, which is again a multiple of 19.

19 x 3 = 57
- Of the 81 permutations exactly 19 cancel out to neutral or tao. - Of the 27 permutations exactly 19 contain at least one 1 tao line. - The sum of all the points, lines and faces of the 5 platonic solids totals 190 = 19 x 10.

190 = 19 x 10 There are 5 Platonic Solids:

Solid Cube v 8 e 12 f 6

Dodecahedron 20 30 12 Icosahedron Octahedron Tetrahedron 12 30 20 6 4 12 6 8 4

- The five 5 platonic solids + the 13 Archimedean Solids + the surrounding Sphere = 19. - The total number of corners of all the platonic and Archimedean Solids = 608 = 19 x 32.

608 = 19 x 32
- The total number of edges + the total number of faces of all the platonic and Archimedean Solids = 1482 = 19 x 78.

1482 = 19 x 78
- 19 is the centered decagonal number 19 The Secret Code of God Page 103

- 19 is the member of the Mian Chawla Sequence, also the square of 19. - 1111 x 11111 + 111111111 + 1 (19 ones) is a prime number - 21 + 32 + 53 + 74 + 115 + 136 + 177 + 198 is a prime number. - 19 = 8 + 2 + 8 + 1, and its reversal equals the square root of 8281. The Square root of (8281) = 91..Reversal of Number - 19 - (1919 - 219)/ (19 - 2) is a prime number. - String of the first ten odd integers, from 1 up to 19, is a prime (135791113151719) number. - An unstable polyhedron is stable on only one face. The simplest such polyhedron known requires 19 faces and was discovered by Richard Guy. None with fewer faces have been found.

Unstable polyhedron is stable on only 1 face with 19 faces

4.3588989435 4067355223 6981983859 6156591370 0392523244 493689034 The word nineteen contains 8 letters and 19 is the 8th Prime Number.

19 is also:
19------------------ 19th Natural Number (1, 2,..18,19) 18------------------ 19th Integer (0, 1, 2,..,17, 18) 36 ----------------- 19th Even Number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 34,36) 37 ----------------- 19th Odd Number (1, 3, 5,35, 37) 67 ----------------- 19th Prime Number (2, 3, 5,.61, 67) 30 ----------------- 19th Composite Number (4,6,8,.28,30) 144 --------------- 19th Powerful Number The square root of number -19 has the continued fraction expansion

Square root of 19 = 4 + + 1/1 + 1/3 + 1/1 + + 1/8 + + 1/1 + 1/3 + 1/1 + + 1/8 + + 1/1 + 1/3 + 1/1 +
And it recurs with length Six - 6. The Convergent immediately before the point from which it repeats is 170/39 and Lagranges theorem will be the smallest solution to Pells equation. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 104

X= 39 and Y = 170 Pells equation: 19 (x * x) + 1 = (y * y) [where * = multiply]

1/19 and the Cyclic Number:

A Cyclic number C is an integer that when multiplied by any number from 1 to the number of digits of C always contains the same digits as C. Also, these digits will appear in the same order but begin at a different point. 1/19 = 0.052631578947368421 produces a

Cyclic Number 52,631,578,947,368,421 360 degrees and 19: 360= (19 1) x (19 + 1)= 360 Warrings Problem and 19:
Warring conjectured in 1770 that every positive integer can be expressed as a sum of 19 biquadrates (fourth powers). This was later proven by Bal Subramanian, Deshouillers, and Dress Every positive integer is the sum of at most 19 fourth powers.

Below the Number 19:

- Below the Number 19, there are 9 positive odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. - Below the Number 19, there are 10 positive even numbers from - 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 So below the Number 19, there are 19 (odd + even) Numbers as: 0, 1, 2, 3.16, 17, 18, 19

0 to 18 (19 Numbers below 19)

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Prime Numbers and 19

19 is the Prime of the Prime Numbers

Prime number is defined as an integer greater than 1 is called a prime number if its only positive divisors are 1 and itself. For example, the prime divisors of 10 are 2 and 5 and the first eight primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic tells us that all positive integers factor uniquely into a product of primes. In the integers we can prove: 1. A positive integer p, not one, is prime if whenever it divides the product of integers ab, then it divides a or b. 2. A positive integer p, not one, is prime if it can not be decomposed into factors p=ab, neither of which is 1 or -1. When we analyze other number systems, these properties may not hold. So in these systems of integers, we often make the following definitions: 1. Any element which divides one is a unit. 2. An element p, not a unit, is prime if whenever it divides the product of integers ab, then it divides a or b. 3. An element p, nonzero and not a unit, is called irreducible if it can not be decomposed into factors p=ab, neither of which is a unit.

19 - The 8th Prime Wonder:

19 ----- |1 - 9|th prime number 19 ----- |9 - 1|th prime number
19 is the 8th amazing prime number, which shows so many magical properties and wonders not seen in any other prime number. Here are few examples and illustrations of the role of 19 as a prime number in mathematics. - (19 - 1) divides (1919 - 1) a prime number of times. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 106

19 The Smallest Prime number:

1. 19 is the smallest prime p such that 10*p {+ 1, 3, 7, and 9} are all primes. 2. 19 is the smallest prime such that p and p2 have the same digit sum. 3. The smallest prime that is equal to the product of its digits plus the sum of its digits. 4. 19 is the smallest prime which is the sum of three discrete primes (3 + 5 + 11). 5. 19 is the smallest prime whose reversal is composite. 6. The smallest prime using/ending in a composite digit. 7. The smallest number (coincidentally prime) with an additive persistence of 2. 8. The only prime which is equal to the difference of two prime cubes. 9. The smallest invertible prime. 10. The only number or prime for which there is no palindrome with a digit sum n and beginning with n.

11. 19 is the smallest two-digit number such that 19^19+19-1 is prime. 12. The smallest two-digit prime with a prime ASCII code: 3139 (in base 16) = 12601. 13. The smallest prime p such that p^p is pan digital. 14. 19 is the smallest super-2 number (curiously prime), i.e., an integer n such that 2n^2 contains 2 consecutive 2s in its decimal representation. 15. 19 is the smallest prime equal to the product of Twin primes plus their arithmetic mean 16. (3 x 5) + 4 = 19 17. 19 is only number m such that length (m^prime(m)) = m + prime(m). 18. 19 is the smallest prime of the form 3p + 2q, where p and q are Twin primes. 19. 19 is the smallest prime with a digital root of 1. 20. 19 is the only prime p less than 30 that does not divide 30, where p + 30 is composite. 21. 19 is the smallest prime mentioned a prime number of times in the Bible (KJV). 22. The smallest multi-digit number (coincidentally prime) that does not form a palindrome when added to its reversal. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 107

23. The only two-digit prime n such that n!/reversal(n)+1 and n!/reversal(n)-1 are both prime. 24. The first prime p such that p^2 is the reversal of a prime (163). 25. 19 is the only known number for which both (10^n-1)/9 and (10^n+1)/11 are primes.

Other Mathematical Properties of 19:

- The recurring decimal cycles for 1/19 to (19 - 1)/19 form a true magic square. - The R-value of standard attic ceiling is 19. - Blaise Pascal deduced 19 theorems related to his famous triangle. - 1111 x 11111 + 111111111 + 1 (19 ones) is a prime. - The first prime Keith number. A Keith number is an n-digit integer N with the following property: If a Fibonacci-like sequence (in which each term in the sequence is the sum of the n previous terms) is formed, with the first n terms being the decimal digits of the number N, then N itself occurs as a term in the sequence. E.g., if the digits of 19 start a Fibonacci-like sequence, then 19 appears as a term (1, 9, 10, 19). Originally called rep- digit (repetitive Fibonacci-like digit) numbers. - 21 + 32 + 53 + 74 + 115 + 136 + 177 + 198 is a prime.

- The Rhind Papyrus contained a problem to find x so that x plus one seventh of it will equal the prime number 19. - The smallest prime that is equal to the product of its digits plus the sum of its digits. - 19 = 8 + 2 + 8 + 1, and its reversal equals the square root of 8281. - 19 = 4! - 3! + 2! - 1!. - 195 + 192 + 191 + 193 + 195 + 196 + 194 + 190 = 52135640.

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- For k = 1, 2, 3.....19 at least one of the integers of the form 6k + 1 or 6k - 1 is prime. - The half-life of oxygen-19 is only 19 seconds. - 19 divide its following consecutive concatenated composite numbers (202122). - 19 is the largest prime that can be expressed pan digitally in some base b > 1 (19 = 201 in base 3). - (1919 - 219)/ (19 - 2) is prime. - Warring conjectured in 1770 that every positive integer can be expressed as a sum of 19 biquadrates (fourth powers). This was later proven by Bal Subramanian, Deshouillers, and Dress. - 19 times its reversal is the famous Hardy-Ramanujan number. - 19 is the smallest prime which is the sum of three discrete primes (3 + 5 + 11). - 19 is the first prime resulting from the sum of cubes of distinct fractions using only primes, i.e., 19 = (5/2)3 + (3/2)3. - Inserting seventeen zeros between the two digits of 19 makes another prime of exactly 19 digits. Note that seventeen and 19 are twin primes. 1000000000000000009Prime Number with 17- Zeros in between 1 and 9. - String of the first ten odd integers, from 1 up to 19, is a prime (135791113151719). - 19 is the smallest prime whose reversal is composite. - The smallest prime using/ending in a composite digit. - The smallest number, coincidentally prime with an additive persistence of 2. - The only prime which is equal to the difference of two prime cubes. - The decimal expansion of 1919 begins with the digits 19. This is not true for pp, where p is any other prime less than 10000019. - The smallest invertible prime. - (2^19-1)/ (2-1) and (2^19+1)/(2+1) are both primes. - The first prime number presenting & meaning the same value within the "Western" world and the "Arabic" is the number 19. All other recognizable prime numbers are with the combination of a 1 and a 9. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 109

- The 19th Fibonacci number is the smallest F(P) which is composite where P is itself prime. - The only number or prime for which there is no palindrome with a digit sum n and beginning with n. - 19 is the |1 - 9|th prime number. - 19 is the smallest two-digit number such that 19^19+19-1 is prime. - The sum of 19 consecutive Fibonacci numbers starting from the 19th Fibonacci number is a prime. - There are exactly 19 primes beginning with the digit 2 among primes smaller than one thousand. - 19^19 - 2 is prime. It starts with the digits 19. - 192 = 361 and (3 x 6) +1 = 19. - 19 is the largest prime factor of 1444 - the smallest perfect square to end in three 4's. Note that 4 is the only non-zero digit that can repeat at the end of a perfect square, and the most consecutive 4's that can appear in such a place is three. - The smallest two-digit prime with a prime ASCII code: 3139 (in base 16) = 12601. - 19^19 + 19 - 1 is prime (with prime digital sum). It starts with the digits 19. - 19 divide the concatenation of the integers from 19 down to 1. - 2^19 - 19 is prime. - The smallest prime p such that p^p is pan digital. - 19 is the smallest super-2 number (curiously prime), i.e., an integer n such that 2n^2 contains 2 consecutive 2s in its decimal representation. - The largest value of n less than a thousand, such that 2n+3n+5n+7n is prime. - 19 is the smallest prime equal to the product of Twin primes plus their arithmetic mean (3 x 5 + 4 = 19). - 19 is only number m such that length (m^prime(m)) = m + prime(m). - 19 is the smallest prime of the form 3p + 2q, where p and q are Twin primes. - 19 is the smallest prime with a digital root of 1. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 110

- Any number that is divisible by 19 will have this property: multiply the last digit by 2, then add that number to the remaining digits and the resulting number will be divisible by 19. E.g., 625632 is divisible by 19 because all of following results are divisible by 19:(62563 + 4 = 62567); (6256 + 14 = 6270); (627 + 0 = 627); (62 + 14 = 76); (7 + 12 = 19); (1 + 18 = 19). - 19 is the only prime p less than 30 that does not divide 30, where p + 30 is composite. - 19^(9+1) - (9-1) is a prime with prime digits. - 19 + 18 + ... + 1 + 0 = 190. - phi(19) - (19) = 1 + 9. 19 is the only prime with this property. - Consider a square made of four rigid rods, hinged at the ends. How many rods of the same type must be added to make the square rigid in the plane? The answer is 19, which makes a total of 23 rods which is also a prime. - Here is the mathematical code to determine if a number is divisible by 19. Multiply everything in front of the last digit by Nine - 9 and subtract the last digit. If you get zero, nineteen, or a multiple of nineteen, the number will be divisible by 19. For example 57. Five times nine minus seven equals 38. Since 19 divides evenly into 38, it divides evenly into 57. Next example 114. Eleven times nine minus four equals 95. Since 19 divides evenly into 95, it divides evenly into 114. - 19 is the smallest prime mentioned 6 times in the Bible (KJV). - A gene on Chromosome 19 has been linked to Alzheimer's disease. - The smallest multi-digit number, coincidentally prime that does not form a palindrome when added to its reversal. - The only two-digit prime n such that n!/reversal(n)+1 and n!/reversal(n)-1 are both prime. - Not counting Panno's resignation (1. c4 resigns), Bobby Fischer won 19 consecutive games at the World Championship Inter-zonal tournament and Candidates matches in 1970-71. - The Fractran algorithm (Conway's prime-producing machine) is an interesting but terribly inefficient way to generate prime numbers. It requires 19 steps to compute the first prime. - D. H. Lehmer's electromechanical number sieve used 19 bicycle chains. - The following are primes: 19, 109, 1009, 10009. No other digit can replace the 9 and yield four primes. [Source: NUMBERS: Fun & Facts by J. Newton Friend; Charles Scribner's Sons, New York (1954); Library of Congress Catalog No. 54-8690, p. 45]

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- Farideh Firoozbakht improved the Papadimitriou's conjecture and proposed that every prime number p greater than or equal to 19 can be written as p = 2q + 3r, where q and r are odd primes. - An unstable polyhedron is stable on only one face. The simplest such polyhedron known requires 19 faces and was discovered by Richard Guy. None with fewer faces have been found. - Number 67 is the 19th Prime number. - The first prime p such that p^2 is the reversal of a prime (163). - 19 is the only known number for which both (10^n-1)/9 and (10^n+1)/11 are primes. - Professor Barabasi and his team have found that the World Wide Web on average has 19 clicks of separation between web pages. (Source:

First 1000 prime numbers and 19:

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541 547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601 607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659 661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733 739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809 811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941 947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997 1009 1013 1019 1021 1031 1033 1039 1049 1051 1061 1063 1069 1087 1091 1093 1097 1103 1109 1117 1123 1129 1151 1153 1163 1171 1181 1187 1193 1201 1213 1217 1223 1229 1231 1237 1249 1259 1277 1279 1283 1289 1291 1297 1301 1303 1307 1319 1321 1327 1361 1367 1373 1381 1399 1409 1423 1427 1429 1433 1439 1447 1451 1453 1459 1471 1481 1483 1487 1489 1493 1499 1511 1523 1531 1543 1549 1553 1559 1567 1571 1579 1583 1597 1601 1607 1609 1613 1619 1621 1627 1637 1657 1663 1667 1669 1693 1697 1699 1709 1721 1723 1733 1741 1747 1753 1759 1777 1783 1787 1789 1801 1811 1823 1831 1847 1861 1867 1871 1873 1877 1879 1889 1901 1907 1913 1931 1933 1949 1951 1973 1979 1987 1993 1997 1999 2003 2011 2017 2027 2029 2039 2053 2063 2069 2081 2083 2087 2089 2099 2111 2113 2129 2131 2137 2141 2143 2153 2161 2179 2203 2207 2213 2221 2237 2239 2243 2251 2267 2269 2273 2281 2287 2293 2297 2309 2311 2333 2339 2341 2347 2351 2357 2371 2377 2381 2383 2389 2393 2399 2411 2417 2423 2437 2441 2447 2459 2467 2473 2477 2503 2521 2531 2539 2543 2549 2551 2557 2579 2591 2593 2609 2617 2621 2633 2647 2657 2659 2663 2671 2677 2683 2687 2689 2693 2699 2707 2711 2713 2719 2729 2731 2741 2749 2753 2767 2777 2789 2791 2797 2801 2803 2819 2833 2837 2843 2851 2857 2861 2879 2887 2897 2903 2909 2917 2927 2939 2953 2957 2963 2969 2971 2999 3001 3011 3019 3023 19 The Secret Code of God Page 112

3037 3041 3049 3061 3067 3079 3083 3089 3109 3119 3121 3137 3163 3167 3169 3181 3187 3191 3203 3209 3217 3221 3229 3251 3253 3257 3259 3271 3299 3301 3307 3313 3319 3323 3329 3331 3343 3347 3359 3361 3371 3373 3389 3391 3407 3413 3433 3449 3457 3461 3463 3467 3469 3491 3499 3511 3517 3527 3529 3533 3539 3541 3547 3557 3559 3571 3581 3583 3593 3607 3613 3617 3623 3631 3637 3643 3659 3671 3673 3677 3691 3697 3701 3709 3719 3727 3733 3739 3761 3767 3769 3779 3793 3797 3803 3821 3823 3833 3847 3851 3853 3863 3877 3881 3889 3907 3911 3917 3919 3923 3929 3931 3943 3947 3967 3989 4001 4003 4007 4013 4019 4021 4027 4049 4051 4057 4073 4079 4091 4093 4099 4111 4127 4129 4133 4139 4153 4157 4159 4177 4201 4211 4217 4219 4229 4231 4241 4243 4253 4259 4261 4271 4273 4283 4289 4297 4327 4337 4339 4349 4357 4363 4373 4391 4397 4409 4421 4423 4441 4447 4451 4457 4463 4481 4483 4493 4507 4513 4517 4519 4523 4547 4549 4561 4567 4583 4591 4597 4603 4621 4637 4639 4643 4649 4651 4657 4663 4673 4679 4691 4703 4721 4723 4729 4733 4751 4759 4783 4787 4789 4793 4799 4801 4813 4817 4831 4861 4871 4877 4889 4903 4909 4919 4931 4933 4937 4943 4951 4957 4967 4969 4973 4987 4993 4999 5003 5009 5011 5021 5023 5039 5051 5059 5077 5081 5087 5099 5101 5107 5113 5119 5147 5153 5167 5171 5179 5189 5197 5209 5227 5231 5233 5237 5261 5273 5279 5281 5297 5303 5309 5323 5333 5347 5351 5381 5387 5393 5399 5407 5413 5417 5419 5431 5437 5441 5443 5449 5471 5477 5479 5483 5501 5503 5507 5519 5521 5527 5531 5557 5563 5569 5573 5581 5591 5623 5639 5641 5647 5651 5653 5657 5659 5669 5683 5689 5693 5701 5711 5717 5737 5741 5743 5749 5779 5783 5791 5801 5807 5813 5821 5827 5839 5843 5849 5851 5857 5861 5867 5869 5879 5881 5897 5903 5923 5927 5939 5953 5981 5987 6007 6011 6029 6037 6043 6047 6053 6067 6073 6079 6089 6091 6101 6113 6121 6131 6133 6143 6151 6163 6173 6197 6199 6203 6211 6217 6221 6229 6247 6257 6263 6269 6271 6277 6287 6299 6301 6311 6317 6323 6329 6337 6343 6353 6359 6361 6367 6373 6379 6389 6397 6421 6427 6449 6451 6469 6473 6481 6491 6521 6529 6547 6551 6553 6563 6569 6571 6577 6581 6599 6607 6619 6637 6653 6659 6661 6673 6679 6689 6691 6701 6703 6709 6719 6733 6737 6761 6763 6779 6781 6791 6793 6803 6823 6827 6829 6833 6841 6857 6863 6869 6871 6883 6899 6907 6911 6917 6947 6949 6959 6961 6967 6971 6977 6983 6991 6997 7001 7013 7019 7027 7039 7043 7057 7069 7079 7103 7109 7121 7127 7129 7151 7159 7177 7187 7193 7207 7211 7213 7219 7229 7237 7243 7247 7253 7283 7297 7307 7309 7321 7331 7333 7349 7351 7369 7393 7411 7417 7433 7451 7457 7459 7477 7481 7487 7489 7499 7507 7517 7523 7529 7537 7541 7547 7549 7559 7561 7573 7577 7583 7589 7591 7603 7607 7621 7639 7643 7649 7669 7673 7681 7687 7691 7699 7703 7717 7723 7727 7741 7753 7757 7759 7789 7793 7817 7823 7829 7841 7853 7867 7873 7877 7879 7883 7901 7907 7919.

There are only 27 Numbers in first 1000 prime numbers which end in Number 19.

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Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number 19 + 8 = 27.. 27 Prime Numbers end in Number 19,

First 19 Prime Numbers and 19:

The first 19 Prime Numbers are:

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67
If we add the first 19 Prime Numbers, we would get: 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 + 53 + 59 + 61 + 67 = 568

568.. 5 + 6 + 8 = 19
The Number 568 is the 285th Even Number

285 = 19 x 15
Also 285 2 + 8 + 5 = 15 The Number 67 is the 19th Prime Number.

6719..also a Prime Number

67196719th Prime Number

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Perfect Numbers and 19

Perfect Numbers in Mathematics:

A Perfect Number in mathematics is defines as an integer which is the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of the positive divisors not including the number itself. A perfect number is a number that is half the sum of all of its positive divisors. The number n is perfect if the sum of all its positive divisors except itself is equal to n. 1. The first perfect number accepted in mathematics is Number 6, because 1, 2 and 3 are its proper positive divisors and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Number 6First Perfect Number in Mathematics 2. The next perfect number is Number 28, because 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14. Number 28 Second Perfect Number in Mathematics. 3. The third perfect number is 496. Number 496 .Third Perfect Number in Mathematics. 4. The fourth perfect number is 8128. Number 8128 ..Fourth Perfect Number in Mathematics These first four perfect numbers were the only ones known to the ancient Greeks. 5. The fifth perfect number is 33550336. Number 33550336Fifth Perfect Number in Mathematics 19 The Secret Code of God Page 115

6. The sixth perfect number is 8589869056 Number 8589869056..Sixth Perfect Number in Mathematics The next perfect numbers are: 7. 8. 9. 137438691328. 2305843008139952128. 2658455991569831744654692615953842176.

10. 191561942608236107294793378084303638130997321548169216. 11. 13164036458569648337239753460458722910223472318386943117783728128. 12. 144740111546645244279463731260859884815736774914748358 89066354349131199152128. 13. 2356272345726734706578954899670990498847754785839260071014302 7597506337283178622239730365539602600561360255566462503270175 0528925780432155433824984287771524270103944969186640286445341 2803383143979023683862403317143592235664321970310172071316352 7487298747400647801939587165936401087419375649057918549492160 555646976. 14. 1410537837067120690632079580860631898814867435147156678388386 7599995486774265238011410419332903769025156195056870982932716 4087724366370087116731268159313652487450652439805877296207297 4467232951666582288469268077866528701889208678794514783645693 1392206037069506473607357237869517647305526682625328488638371 5072974324463835300053138429460296575143368065570759537328128. 15. 5416252628436584741265446537439131614085649053903169578460392 0818387206994158534859198999921056719921919057390080263646159 2800138276054397462627889030573034455058270283951394752077690 4492443149486172943511312628083790493046274068171796046586734 8720992572190569465545299629919823431031092624244463547789635 4414813917198164416055867880921478866773213987566616247145517 2696430221755428178425481731961195165985555357393778892340514 6222324506715979193757372820860878214322052227584537552897476 2561793951766244263144803134469350852036575847982475360211728 8040378304860287362125931378999490033667394150374722496698402 8240806042108690077670395259231894666273615212775603535764707 9522501738583051710286030212348966478513639499289049732921451 19 The Secret Code of God Page 116


Interesting Points to note in Perfect Numbers:

1. The perfect numbers would alternately end in 6 or 8. 2. Any even perfect number except the first one is the sum of the first 2(n1)/2 odd cubes:

Relation between the Perfect Numbers and Number 19:

Now we know that Number- 6 is the first accepted Perfect Number in Mathematics. We now see other perfect numbers in mathematics and see their relation with Number 19. 1) For instance, the 3rd Perfect Number is 496. The root number of perfect number 496 is Number 19 as:

496 = 4 + 9 + 6 = 19
19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1. 2) The 4th Perfect Number is 8128. The root number of perfect number 8128 is also Number 19 as:

8128 = 8 + 1 + 2 + 8 = 19
19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1. Also the reversal of Number 19 is Number 91 and if we change the arrangement of Numbers in the 4th Perfect Number from 8128 to Number 8281, the square root of 8281 would give the Number 91, which is the reversal of Number 19. Square root of (8281) = 91reversal of Number - 19

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3) The 5th Perfect Number is 33550336 The root number of perfect number 33550336 is also Number 19 as: 33550336 = 33 + 55 + 03 + 36 = 127 = 12 + 7 = 19 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1. 4) The 6th Perfect Number is 8589869056 The root number of perfect number 8589869056 is Number 19 as: 8589869056 = 858 +986 + 90 + 56 = 1990 = 19 + 90 = 28..2nd Perfect Number Now the root number of 2nd Perfect Number and the root number of 6th Perfect Number is the same as the root number of Number 19 The root number of 2nd Perfect Number 28 is: 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 The root number of 6th Perfect Number is 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 The Number 19 has a root number 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 We see that either the root number of perfect numbers is Number 19 as in the case of 3rd, 4th and 5th perfect numbers and the root number of perfect numbers are the same as the root number of Number 19 as Number 1 as in the case of 2nd , 6th perfect number.

Number 19 is representation of all Perfect Numbers except Number 6

As we have noticed that all Perfect Numbers in Mathematics end either with Number 6 or Number -8. All Perfect Numbers in Mathematics end with---------------------6 or 8

Adding 6 and 8, we get -------------- 6 + 8 = 14 14 x 14 = 196..Two distinct numbers - 19 and 6

So the sum of the ending numbers in Perfect Numbers when add together gives a number 14. Multiplying 14 with number 14, we would get two numbers 19 and 6. So 19 and 6 are the encoded and encrypted numbers hidden in Perfect Numbers.

19 = 01........root number of all Perfect numbers except Number - 6 19 The Secret Code of God Page 118

Powerful Numbers and 19

In mathematics, a perfect number is defined as an integer which is the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of the positive divisors not including the number. Equivalently, a perfect number is a number that is half the sum of all of its positive divisors, or (n) = 2 n. A powerful number is a positive integer m that for every prime number p dividing m, p2 also divides m. Equivalently, a powerful number is the product of a square and a cube, that is, a number m of the form m = a2b3. Powerful numbers are also known as square-full, or 2-full. The following is a list of all powerful numbers between 1 and 1000: 1, 4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, 32, 36, 49, 64, 72, 81, 100, 108, 121, 125, 128, 144, 169, 196, 200, 216, 225, 243, 256, 288, 289, 324, 343, 361, 392, 400, 432, 441, 484, 500, 512, 529, 576, 625, 648, 675, 676, 729, 784, 800, 841, 864, 900, 961, 968, 972, 1000. The 19th Powerful Number in mathematics is Number 144.

144 19th Powerful Number

144 = 12 x 12A
144 = (3 x 3) x (4 x 4)

The root number of Number 144 is Nine 9: 144 = 1 + 4 + 4 = 9B 144 is the 19th Powerful Number in mathematics.

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Enneadecagon and 19

In geometry, an Enneadecagon is a polygon with 19 sides and angles. It is also known as an enneakaidecagon or a Nona decagon. The internal angles of a regular Enneadecagon each measure approximately 161.052 degrees and the area with side length of a is given by:

The radius of the circum-circle of the regular Enneadecagon with side length a is

(angle measure in degrees)

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Pascals Triangle and 19

The total of the first nineteen (19) figures in the Pascal triangle is 38, which is a multiple of Number - 19. 19 x 2 = 38

Figure 1: Pascals triangle is an arithmetical one used in algebra and probability calculations.

- The total of the first nineteen (19) numbers in the Pascal triangle is 57, which is again a multiple of Number - 19.

19 x 3 = 57

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Figure 2: The first 19 figures

Magic Square of Number 19:

4 1 6 8

8 6 1 4

1 4 8 6

6 8 4 1

All the rows, columns and the diagonals add to Number - 19

Pascal was born on June 19, 1623 and died on August 19, 1662.
There is no science that teaches the harmonies of nature more clearly than mathematics, and the magic squares are like a mirror which reflects the symmetry of the divine norm immanent in all things, in the immeasurable immensity of the cosmos and in the construction of the atom not less than in the mysterious depths of the human mind
(Reference:Paul Carus, in W.S. Andrewss Magic Squares and Cubes)

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Geometry and 19

(Reference: Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

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Number 01 and 19

19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 01

19 = 01
Comparison between Tables of Number 1 and Number 19:
If we compare between the tables of Number- 1 and Number 19, we can clearly see that both the tables show the same results i.e. in both the tables, the numbers increase by Number - 1. Now we would compare the tables of Number 1 and Number 19:

Table of Number- 1:
1 x 1 = 1.. Start 1x2=2 1x3=3 1x4=4 1x5=5 1x6=6 1x7=7 1x8=8 1x9=9 1 x 10 = 10. 1 + 0 = 1End 19 The Secret Code of God

Table of Number 19:

19 x 1 = 19 .. 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.Start 19 x 2 = 383 + 8 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 19 x 3 = 575 + 7 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 19 x 4 = 767 + 6 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4 19 x 5 = 959 + 5 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5 19 x 6 = 1141 + 1 + 4 = 6 19 x 7 = 1331 + 3 + 3 = 7 19 x 8 = 1521 + 5 + 2 = 8 19 x 9 = 1711 + 7 + 1 = 9 19 x 10 = 1901 + 9 + 0 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1End Page 124

So it is quite clear from both the tables of Number 1 and Number 19 that they are showing the same results. Both the tables start from Number 1 and end on Number 1

Start = 1 = End
Start (1) is equal to End (1) in both the tables of Number 1 and Number 19
We can say that mathematically Number -1 and Number 19 are showing the same results in multiplication. The results are the same.

01 = 19. 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 01 19 = 01 Proved
There is no God (01), except One (1) God

One and Only Almighty God Allah is Wahid (01) & The Abjad or Numerical value of Allahs name Wahid (01) is 19

Over it is Nineteen (19)

(Holy Quran, Sura 74, Verse 30)

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Number 8 and 19

Number 19 is the 8th Prime number.

Infinity and number 8

A fallen or lying down 8 is used to represent infinity in mathematics. This interpretation of 8 may be related to the representation of the caduceus where two snakes form several figure eights as stability or balance of opposing forces. 8 is the only number in mathematics which is used to represent Infinity.

The infinity symbol The Number 8 is the 3rd number in mathematics, which when written upside down does not change its shape. Number 8 remains 8 if written upside down. 0, 1 and 8 are the only 3 digits in the first 10 digits in mathematics which shows this amazing property.

Magical Table of Eight - 8

1x8+1=9 12 x 8 + 2 = 98 123 x 8 + 3 = 987 1 234 x 8 + 4 = 9 876 12 345 x 8 + 5 = 98 765 123 456 x 8 + 6 = 987 654 1 234 567 x 8 + 7 = 9 876 543 12 345 678 x 8 + 8 = 98 765 432 123 456 789 x 8 + 9 = 987 654 321 (containing all numbers 1 9)
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Number 16 and 19

When written upside down, the Number - 19 becomes Number - 16

16 --- 19
There are numbers which dont change when they are written upside down. For example,

0, 1, 8, 11, etc
When the Number 19 is written upside down, it will become Number 16, because 1 in number 19 would remain 1 and Number 9 in 19 would become 6. 16 = 8 + 8 .Where Number 8 is the only number in Mathematics which represents infinity symbol. A fallen or lying down 8 is used to represent infinity in mathematics. 8 is a symbol of Infinity in Mathematics when written as lying down 8

19.8th Prime Number

If we add the first 31 numbers from 1 to 31, we would get a number 496 which is a multiple of 16 and 31.

496 = 31 x 16 = 1 + 2 + 3 + + 29 + 30 + 31 = 496

496 = 31 x 16 496 is also the 4th Perfect Number in Mathematics

And the root Number of 496 is also Number 19

496 = 4 + 9 + 6 = 19
16 is the upside down number of Number 19 and the reversal of 19 is 91 If we write both the numbers 16 and 91 as:

1691.. 19 x 89

1619 is the Prime Number..619

a Prime Number
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Number 57 and 19

19 x 3 = 57
Kevin Brown made a 3 x 3 magic square of 57 x 57









Remarkably, each row and column of this magic square sums to a square number 3249

57 x 57 = 57 = (19 x3) = 3249

This 3 x 3 magic square of square numbers satisfy the 6 orthogonal sums so that each row and column sums are equal to 3249----- 57 x 57

(19 x 3) x (19 x 3) = 3249

Round numbers are numbers that, when factored, contain a large number of primes. The greater the number of prime factors, the rounder the number.

19 - 57
1957 Round Number = 19 x 103

1957 = 19 x 103
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19 ---------- 8th Prime Number 103 ------------ 27th Prime Number 1957 -------- 19 x 103 ----------------- Product of (8th x 27th) Prime Numbers 8 x 27 = 216 ------ 6 x 6 x 6 ---- Perfect Cube There are 57 Even and 57 Odd numbers below the Number 114 and Number 57 is also the half of the Number 114.

57 Even + 57 Odd = 114 = 19 x 6 (19 x 3) Even Numbers + (19 x 3) Odd Numbers = 114
9 15 10 23 20 13 17 7 22 11 16 8 6 18 14 19

4 x 4 Magic Square of 57 (All rows, columns and diagonals add to 57)

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Number 81 and 19

Magic Square of 19 and 81:

The Number 19 is such an amazing prime number in mathematics that even its decimal periods form a magic square. The decimal periods of 1/19, 2/19, ,17/19, 18/19 form a true magic square. The row, column, and diagonal sums are all 81.

Magic Square of 19 ............................. yielding 81 in all directions:

1/19 2/19 3/19 4/19 5/19 6/19 7/19 8/19 9/19 10/19 11/19 12/19 13/19 14/19 15/19 16/19 17/19 18/19 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 5 0 5 1 6 1 6 2 7 2 7 3 8 3 8 4 9 4 2 5 7 0 3 5 8 1 3 6 8 1 4 6 9 2 4 7 6 2 8 5 1 7 4 0 6 3 9 5 2 8 4 1 7 3 3 6 9 2 5 8 2 5 8 1 4 7 1 4 7 0 3 6 1 3 4 6 7 9 1 2 4 5 7 8 0 2 3 5 6 8 5 1 7 3 8 4 0 6 2 7 3 9 5 1 6 2 8 4 7 5 3 1 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 0 8 6 4 2 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 4 9 4 8 3 8 3 7 2 7 2 6 1 6 1 5 0 5 7 4 2 9 6 4 1 8 6 3 1 8 5 3 0 7 5 2 3 7 1 4 8 2 5 9 3 6 0 4 7 1 5 8 2 6 6 3 0 7 4 1 7 4 1 8 5 2 8 5 2 9 6 3 8 6 5 3 2 0 8 7 5 4 2 1 9 7 6 4 3 1 4 8 2 6 1 5 9 3 7 2 6 0 4 8 3 7 1 5 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

There is a special link between the Number 19 and Numbers 18 and 81 If we notice, we see that there are 18 rows and 18 columns and all are yielding the Number 81 from adding any row or column or any diagonal. The Number 81 is the reversal of 18. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 130

100 -------- The number which represents Perfection and Completeness is:

100 = 81 + 19 19 = 100 81
Also the reversal of 81 is 18. If we write the two numbers 18 and 81 side by side, we see another magical number:

1881.1881 = 19 x 99 18 x 81 = 19 x 99
Now we will go through an interesting extract from explaining the mysterious relationship between 19 and 81. A man alone, without research assignment and professorship, without any subventions, had discovered everywhere in the Nature the most mysterious number of the Universe. Whether Dr. Peter Plichta examined the depths structure of the biology, the physics or chemistry, he came always across the number of the numbers, the majestic number 19. Like Yin and Yang, which are eternally inseparable and belong to each other, he always found nearby its complementary number 81. Although the brilliant German, (who one must place with the well known mathematicians like Pythagoras, Leibniz, Euler and Gauss), revealed the complex structure of the numbers 19 and 81 (read chapter "Holy Quran and chemistry"), a question remained unsolved: what is the peculiarity with this both numbers, which follow absolutely the Spirit (Mind) and the Nature? The question should not remain unanswered. The reciprocal value of 81 is the sequence of the natural numbers The unit of this world was nearly to be grasped. Everywhere, could the German thinker see the networked panorama of a World which various fragments have been produced through a few factors. The most exciting in the researches of the lonely thinker was however undoubtedly the interaction between the numbers 81 and 19. It was apparent to him, that all other formulas and numbers are linked to these both poles of the mathematical Universe. Like a watermark, these numbers transfer the phenomena of the Nature with a sealed character - only if we held them on the light of their mathematical common properties. I remembered a saying from Ibn al-'Arabi: " In the (material) appearance is somewhat "Translucent" from its concealed background in the observed foreground if one had the right view,(if sufficiently practiced) that is the view of the Mind. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 131

After the Plichta's discoveries, it seems to me that some phenomena, give the impression to be re-born - in any case it seems to be till now an unknown wholeness of the Universe construction through them. The German scientist had the thought, that a purely abstract law, independent of chemistry and physics, determines the course of this Universe. Only the abstract science of the mathematics could bring him to the origin of his discoveries, if really the numbers 81 and 19 , on a level of the pure number theory, are the key for the Universe. The doctor Maximus already knew, that the Nature is co-ruled, by two numbers: 19 and 81. The chemical periods system gave him proofs of that. In addition to 19 (19+81=100), the number 81 had also something specific. Note: the total sum of their digits is 19:

1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 19
Dr. Plichta began to analyze the ratio of the two numbers. If he could find a mathematical law from their ratio, perhaps even a mathematical axiom from this ratio, it would be sensational. Plichta has yet a better idea. He wants to deduce from 81 the natural sequence of the numbers. With this great genius, he would surpass the best mathematicians. He wanted to know the exact reciprocal value of 19. What he discovered, was spectacular: the numbers 81 and 19 are by the reciprocal value of the 19 together connected! The reciprocal value of the number 19 is:

1: 19 = 0.0526315789473684210526....
A periodical number, repeating himself after exactly 19 digits after the comma, and its sum

(0 + 0 + 5 + 2 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 4 + 7 + 3 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1) = 81
Wonderfully 81! The pulse of the researcher speeded. Because Dr. Plichta always used to calculate automatically the reciprocal value of each number, he decided to use the same principle: he calculated the reciprocal value of 81:

1: 81 = 0.012345679.....
The numbers 012345679 repeat themselves periodically whereby the number seems to be 8 missing. The number sequence 12345679 interested the German mathematician because it looks like to the sequence of the natural numbers. Yet he didn't like the missing 8. Nevertheless he was very near to his objective. After short reflexion, Dr. Peter Plichta writes the result of his calculation in another mathematical possible way:

1: 81 = 1 / 9 x 1 / 9 = 0.111....x 0.111.... = 0.0(1)(1+1)(1+1+1)(1+1+1+1)....etc

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1: 81 = 0.123456789(10)(11)(12)(13)....( Cauchy product)

Here suddenly emerges the missing number 8! And that is really sensational: The reciprocal value of the number 81 (1:81) is the number sequence of the natural numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13... The missing 8 was only an illusion! From the reciprocal value of the number 81 results mathematically the order of the numbers, in which are designed the mathematics and the Nature. With this Dr. Plichta has proved that the decimal system is contained in the Nature and is not at all an human invention. Or, like Plichta says: "if the Room is actually decimal designed, it is not impossible to assume, that the structure of the matter, namely the elements system and their arrangement in Isotopes, are also put in a calculation system."(Read "Prime number Cross" band 2-page 9) The need of research leads further the discoverer of the "Computing- Nature". He writes the magic number 81 as a reversal fraction of the number 1 and the sequence of natural numbers that begin with two zeros. A zero that indicates the fraction and a second zero, which marks the start of the sequence of natural numbers:

1 / 81 = 0.012345678.....
With this shining formula, has Dr. Peter Plichta set up an eternal monument of the code-number 81.

The Fifth dimension of the Physics

Nevertheless his mind was not satisfied. He had to search further, and he found what he sought. The actual highlight is not that from 1/81 are resulting the sequences of the natural numbers, but rather that 81 is the reciprocal value of the sequence of the natural numbers:

1 / 0.123456789.... = 81
81 is the "back" of the natural numbers sequence. By multiplying the sequence of natural numbers with 81, the result is

1:0.0123456789 x 81 = 1
"I felt like, as after a long operation the bandages would remove from my eyes". Like Darkness and Light, like Sky and Earth, the sequence of the whole numbers with 81 forms a "Dyad function". Both of them are the Couple of the couples, from where all the calculations-art comes. For all formulas of this world, they are like Adam and Eva. They form together the Tao of the mathematics! Only one number carries the endless progression of the entire natural numbers up to the Infinity...! It became to me suddenly clear, what a powerful weight possesses the number 81, to be able to balance the counterweight of the sequence of all entire numbers. That it respectively 1 larger becoming sequence of natural numbers deriving of their reciprocal value, makes the number - 81 to a singular number of the mathematics 19 The Secret Code of God Page 133

Therewith is strictly proved that the number 81 is the numeric connection link, which combines to a Unity the mass, energy, room and time. Who now believes that he can bring a more brilliant World construction than his Creator, should better remain silent. The power of the Lord of this World places everything in the shadow, whose creature, the Man, brings into light. (Reference:

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Number 91 and 19

The reversal of Number 19 is Number 91. If we multiply these two numbers, we would get: 19 x 91 = 1729.. A famous mathematical Ramunujan Hardy Number Adding the numbers of 1729, we would again get Number 19 as:

1729. 1 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 19
The reversal of 19 is 91 which is also the square root of 8281

91 = 8281
19 = 8 + 2 + 8 + 1 8128 ------- 4th Perfect Number
Now if we analyze the numbers 19 and 91, we see that there are two 1s and two 9s in these two numbers. If we write these two 1s and two 9s in Numbers 19 and 91 in different forms, we see the amazing results: 1. In first case, if we write the numbers in 19 and 91 together, we see:

1991 1991 = 11 x 181

11 --- 5th Prime Number
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181 --- 42nd Prime Number

2. In Second case, if we take only three numbers from the number - 19 and 91, we see:

191 191 --- 43rd Prime Number

3. In third case, if we write the numbers of 19 and 91 in this order as:

9191 9191 = 7 x 13 x 101

7 --- 4th Prime number 13 --- 6th Prime Number 101 --- 26th Prime Number
4. In fourth case, if we write the numbers of 19 and 91 as:

9119 9119 = 11 x 829

11---- 5th Prime Number 829 --- 145th Prime Number
5. In fifth case, if we write the numbers of 19 and 91 as:

1919 1919 = 19 x 101

19 8th Prime Number 101 26th Prime Number
6. In sixth case, if we write the numbers of 19 and 91 as:

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9911 = 11 x 17 x 53
11--- 5th Prime Number 17 --- 7th Prime Number 53 --- 16th Prime Number
7. In seventh case, if we write the numbers of 19 and 91 as:

1199 1199 = 11 x 109

11 --- 5th Prime Number 109 --- 29th Prime Number
8. In eighth case, if we write the numbers of 19 and 91 by taking only 3 numbers from them as:

119 119 = 7 x 17
7 --- 4th Prime Number 17 --- 7th Prime Number
9. In ninth case, if we write the numbers of 19 and 91 by taking only 3 numbers from them as:

911 911 = 156th Prime Number 911 -------- Emergency Number in USA and in some other countries

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Number 110 and 19

The reversal of the Number 19 is Number 91. If we add these two numbers, we would get an amazing number 110

19 + 91 = 110 Magic Square of 110 36 34 40

All rows, columns, and diagonals add to 110.

41 37 33

33 39 38

Magical Formula of Number 110 (19 + 91) with all numbers:

We would get the resulting Number 110 from all the numbers, if we apply the given formula: Take any number and multiply by number 12. For example, take the number 19 and now multiply with number 12, we would get: 19 x 12 = 228 Now Add Number 1 to the resulting number. So, 228 + 1 = 229 Now Multiply Number 5 to the resulting number. We would get:

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229 x 5 = 1145 Now Divide the resulting number with Number 20 and we would get a remainder of 5 1145 20 = Remainder Number 5 Now Multiply the remainder Number 5 with Number 22 and we would get again Number 110 5 x 22 = 110 This is a constant formula with all the natural numbers in mathematics.

Magical Formula of Number 110 (19 + 91)

Any number x 12 = M M+1=N Nx5=P P 20 = Q and the Remainder would always be Number - 5 5 x 22 = 110 Take another example by taking Number 92: 92 x 12 = 1104 1104 + 1 = 1105 1105 x 5 = 5525 5525 20 --------- and the remainder number is again Number 5 19 The Secret Code of God Page 139

5 x 22 = 110 And 110 = 19 + 91 = Sum of number 19 and its reversal number 91 110 is also the sum of the squares of three consecutive numbers, i.e.

110 = 19 + 91 = (5 x 5) + (6 x 6) + (7 x 7)
The Number 110 (19 + 91) can also be written as:

110 = 19 + 91
110 = 28 + 82 (The reversal of Number 28 is Number 82) 110 = 37 + 73 (The reversal of Number 37 is Number 73) 110 = 46 + 64 (The reversal of Number 46 is Number 64) 110 = 55 + 55 (The reversal of Number 55 is Number 55)

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Number - 114 and 19

19 x 6 = 114
3 x 3 Magic Square of 114 x 114









Remarkably, each row and column of this magic square sums to a square number 12996

114 x 114 = 114 = (19 x 6) 12996

This 3 x 3 magic square of square numbers satisfy the 6 orthogonal sums so that each row and column sums are equal to 12996---- 114 x 114 = (19 x 6) x (19 x 6) 114th Prime Number is 619. The Number contains two numbers: 6 and 19

6 19 619 is the 114th Prime Number 6 x 19 = 114

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29 25 36

27 31 22

26 30 23

32 28 33

4 x 4 Magic Square of 114 (19 x 6)

(All rows, columns, and diagonals add to 114 = 19 x 6)
There are 30 prime numbers below the Number 114. The Number 30 is the 19th Composite Number in mathematics.

30 is the 19th Composite Number in mathematics

3019 is a Prime Number Prime Number --------3019---------------------------30 is a 19th Composite Number

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Magical Table of Number 19:

The magical table of Number 19 is as follows:

19 x 1 = 19 = 9 + 10 19 x 2 = 38 = 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 19 x 3 = 57 = 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 19 x 4 = 76 = 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 19 x 5 = 95 = 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 19 x 6 = 114 = 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 19 x 7 = 133 = 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 19 x 8 = 152 = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 19 x 9 = 171 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 19 x 10 = 190 = 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19 19 x 11 = 209 = -1 + 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20 19 x 12 = 228= (-2) + (-1) + 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21 19 x13 =247=(-3)+(-2)+(-1)+ 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22 19 x 14=266= (-4)+(-3)+(-2)+(-1) + 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23

If we analyze this amazing magical table of Number 19, we conclude the following results: The sum of first and the last numbers in the series are always Number 19. For example, the sum of Numbers 9 and 10 is 19, the sum of numbers 8 and 11 is again 19, the sum of numbers 7 and 12 is also number 19 and so on In equation 19 x 10, the sum of first number 0 and the Number 19 is again Number 19. Similarly in equation 19 x 11, the sum of first number (-1) and the last number 20 is again Number 19 (-1 + 20 = 19) The numbers in the table are the consecutive numbers, i.e. 9 and 10 in 19 x 1, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in 19 x 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in 19 x 3 and so on

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Multiples of 19

19 x 1 = 19 19 is the maximum number of 4th powers needed to sum to any number. 19 x 2 = 38 38 is the last Roman numeral when written lexicographically. 19 x 3 = 57 57 is 111 in base 7. 19 x 4 = 76 76 is an automorphic number. 19 x 5 = 95 95 is the number of planar partitions of 10. 19 x 6 = 114 114 = 222 in base 7 19 x 7 = 133 133 is the smallest number n for which the sum of the proper divisors of n divides (n). 19 x 8 = 152 152 has a square composed of the digits 0-4. 19 x 9 = 171 171 has the same number of digits in Roman numerals as its cube. 19 x 10 = 190 190 is the largest number with the property that it and its distinct prime factors are palindromic in Roman numerals. 19 x 11 = 209 209 is the smallest quasi-Carmichael number in base 9. 19 x 12 = 228 228 is the number of ways, up to rotation and reflection, of dissecting a regular 11-gon into 9 triangles. 19 x 13 = 247 247 is the smallest possible difference between two integers that together contain each digit exactly once. 19 x 14 = 266 266 is the Sterling number of the second kind S(8,6). 19 x 15 = 285 285 is the number of binary rooted trees with 13 vertices. 19 x 16 = 304 304 is a primitive semi-perfect number. 19 x 17 = 323 19 The Secret Code of God Page 144

323 is the smallest composite number n that divides the (n+1)st Fibonacci number. 19 x 18 = 342 342 is the number of in equivalent binary linear codes of length 8. 19 x 19 = 361 361 is the number of intersections on a Go board. 19 x 20 = 380 380 is the number of necklaces possible with 13 beads, each being one of 2 colors. 19 x 21 = 399 399 is a Lucas-Carmichael number. 19 x 22 = 418 418 has the property that the sum of its prime factors is equal to the product of its digits. 19 x 23 = 437 437 has a cube with the last 3 digits the same as the 3 digits before that. 19 x 24 = 456 456 is the number of tournaments with 7 vertices. 19 x 25 = 475 475 has a square that is composed of overlapping squares of smaller numbers. 19 x 26 = 494 494 is the number of unlabeled distributive lattices with 14 elements. 19 x 27 = 513 513 is the number of conjugacy classes of the alternating group A22. 19 x 28 = 532 532 is a hendecagonal pyramidal number. 19 x 29 = 551 551 is the number of trees with 12 vertices. 19 x 30 = 570 570 is the product of all the prime palindromic Roman numerals. 19 x 31 = 589 589 is a centered tetrahedral number. 19 x 32 = 608 608 is a number that does not have any digits in common with its cube. 19 x 33 = 627 627 is the number of partitions of 20. 19 x 34 = 646 646 is the number of connected planar graphs with 7 vertices. 19 x 35 = 665 665 is a member of the Fibonacci-type sequence starting with 1 and 4. 19 x 36 = 684 684 is the sum of 3 consecutive cubes. 19 x 37 = 703 703 is a Kaprekar number. 19 x 38 = 722 722 is the sum of the 4th powers of the first 3 primes. 19 x 39 = 741 741 is the number of multigraphs with 6 vertices and 8 edges. 19 x 40 = 760 19 The Secret Code of God Page 145

769 is the number of partitions of 37 into distinct parts. 19 x 41 = 779 779 is the product of 8th Prime Number and 13th Prime Number i.e. 19 and 41. 19 x 42 = 798 798 is the number of ternary square-free words of length 16. 19 x 43 = 817 817 is the product of 8th Prime Number and 14th Prime Number i.e. 19 and 43. 19 x 44 = 836 836 is a non-palindrome with a palindromic square. 19 x 45 = 855 855 is the smallest number which is the sum of 5 consecutive squares or 2 consecutive cubes. 19 x 46 = 874 874 is the number of positive integer solutions to (1 + 1/a)(1 + 1/b)(1 + 1/c)(1 + 1/d)(1 + 1/e) = 2. 19 x 47 = 893 893 has a square whose digits each occur twice. 19 x 48 = 912 912 is a Pentanacci number. 19 x 49 = 931 931 is the product of 10th Odd Number and 25th Odd Number, i.e. 19 and 49 19 x 50 = 950 950 is the generalized Catalan number C(17,3). 19 x 51 = 969 969 is a tetrahedral palindrome. 19 x 52 = 988 988 is the maximum number of regions a cube can be cut into with 18 cuts. 19 x 53 = 1007 1007 is the product of 10th Odd Number and 27th Odd Number, i.e. 19 and 53. (Reference:

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Magic Stars and 19

This magic star is composed of the numbers 1 to 19. It adds to 64 along every line. Each circle+ the center also= 64.

Another Magic Star and 19:

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This magic star is composed of the numbers 1 to 19. It adds to 46 along every line.

19 and Magic Hexagon:

There is only one numerically linear magic hexagon. It consists of the numbers 1- 19 so arranged that they add to 38 i.e. 19 x 2 = 38 in every direction. 38 = 19 x 2

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Magic Hexagon of the 19 Tao Imbued Permutations

The 27 Permutations consist of 10 groups of equal ratio. As you can see, the 10 ratios correspond exactly to the 10 parts of the Pythagorean Tetraktis as well as the 10 sephir of the Tree of Life.

Note that only the top 3 levels of the Tetraktis contain at least one tao bindu. These levels contain 19 (i.e. 1 + 6 + 12) trinary permutations. The 19 Tao imbued permutations can be arranged into a magic hexagon thus:

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Note that as with the traditional magic hexagon this diagram may be shown in any one of 12 reflections/alignments. The alignment above was chosen arbitrarily as the significance of the positional variations is not yet known. Also the colors chosen do not indicate a specific frequency etc but are meant only to be suggestive and for reasons of clarity.

The Inner Circle:

The inner circle corresponds with the apex of the Tetraktis, the point and the centre of the cube of space. It also corresponds with one of the 7 Hebrew double letters.

The 6 Middle Circles:

The 6 middle circles correspond with the 2nd level of the Tetraktis and the 6 faces of the Cube of Space. They also correspond with 6 of the seven Hebrew double letters.

The Outer 12 Circles:

The 12 outer circles correspond with the 3rd level of the Tetraktis and the 12 edges of the Cube of Space. They also correspond with the 12 Hebrew simple letters and the 12 signs of the zodiac etc. As you can see the above diagram is numbered in base 10. If you convert the diagram back into base 3 and use the key 0= Tao, 1=yang and 2=yin you will see that the permutations cancel out to Tao in every direction!

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This diagram has exactly the same configuration but shows the polarity values.

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Numerology and 19

In terms of numerology, 19 is the number derived from subtracting the Ultimate Answer of Life, the Universe, and everything - 42, and the supposed mystical and cosmic number - 23.

Everything (42) Cosmic Number (23) = Answer of Universe 19 = 42 23 = Answer of Universe

Number 19 in numerology is one of the special number, because its so unique from the rest of the numbers. There is one distinct characteristic about this number, a beautiful one, which every person in this world longs to have. Number 19 comes under the family of 1 in numerology. We know that number 1 is ruled by planet sun. Number 19 in numerology is called as The Rising Sun which means that the sun never dusks, and the person with this name as 19 will always rise in their life. Another important name to this number 19 is Prince of Heaven. Number 19 is called as the prince of heaven in many Vedic scriptures as well as The Ideal Lover. Number 19 is the ideal lover in numerology; this is the most unique aspect of this number. Person with name as 19 are the greatest lovers of the world. They love their partner more than anything, they are the ideal lovers and the most loyal, trustworthy, caring, and love their partner whatever it may come. They will not stop loving their lovers till they die, the love is immortal in their life. Woman or Men with name 19 are the luckiest ones to be married or to be loved, as they consider their loved ones as the most important part in their life. In this world of Infidelities and false love number 19 stands apart with purest love. Person with number 19 in their name will be blessed with beautiful life partner, great wealth, happy family, social status and high post in their job. They will look very young and tends to grow younger as their age goes high. (Reference: Nineteen (19) is symbolized as the Sun in numerology and is called the Prince of Heaven

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Partitions and 19

Partition theory is a fundamental area of number theory. It deals with the number of ways
that a whole number can be partitioned into whole number parts. Number - 5 for example can be partitioned in 7 ways thus, 11111, 2111, 221, 311, 32, 41, 5

19 can be partitioned in 490 ways.

19 can be Partitioned 10 times with each term no larger than 2 19 can be Partitioned 40 times with each term no larger than 3 19 can be Partitioned 94 times with each term no larger than 4 19 can be Partitioned 164 times with each term no larger than 5 19 can be Partitioned 235 times with each term no larger than 6. 19 can be Partitioned 300 times with each term no larger than 7 19 can be Partitioned 352 times with each term no larger than 8. 19 can be Partitioned 393 times with each term no larger than 9. 19 can be Partitioned 423 times with each term no larger than 10. 19 can be Partitioned 445 times with each term no larger than 11. 19 can be Partitioned 460 times with each term no larger than 12. 19 can be Partitioned 471 times with each term no larger than 13. 19 can be Partitioned 478 times with each term no larger than 14. 19 can be Partitioned 483 times with each term no larger than 15. 19 can be Partitioned 486 times with each term no larger than 16. 19 can be Partitioned 488 times with each term no larger than 17. 19 can be Partitioned 489 times with each term no larger than 18.

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The Golden Ratio and 19

Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece, through the medieval Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist Roger Penrose, have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties. But the fascination with the Golden Ratio is not confined just to mathematicians. Biologists, artists, musicians, historians, architects, psychologists, and even mystics have pondered and debated the basis of its ubiquity and appeal. In fact, it is probably fair to say that the Golden Ratio has inspired thinkers of all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics. Mario Livio In mathematics, arts, life and in all the Universe, the two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger quantity is equal to the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one. The golden ratio is a mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887. The other names used for the golden ratio are the golden section and golden mean. Other terms encountered include extreme and mean ratio, medial section, divine proportion, divine section, golden proportion, golden cut, golden number, and mean of Phidias. The golden ratio is often denoted by the Greek letter phi, usually lower case ().

The figure on the right illustrates the geometric relationship that defines this constant. Expressed algebraically:

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This equation has one positive solution in the algebraic number

What do the pyramids in Egypt, Leonardo do Vinci's portrait of the Mona Lisa, sunflowers, the snail, the pine cone and your fingers all have in common? The answer to this question lies hidden in a sequence of numbers discovered by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci. The characteristic of these numbers, known as the Fibonacci numbers, is that each one consists of the sum of the two numbers before it. (Guy Murchie, The Seven Mysteries of Life, First Mariner Boks, New York, pp. 58-59)

Fibonacci numbers
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584,
Fibonacci numbers have an interesting property. When you divide one number in the sequence by the number before it, you obtain numbers very close to one another. In fact, this number is fixed after the 13th in the series. This number is known as the "golden ratio."

Golden Ratio = 1.618

233 / 144 = 1.618 377 / 233 = 1.618 610 / 377 = 1.618 987 / 610 = 1.618 1597 / 987 = 1.618 2584 / 1597 = 1.618

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Leonardo da Vinci used the golden ratio in setting out the proportions of the human body. Golden Ratio and the Human Body: The "ideal" proportional relations that are suggested as existing among various parts of the average human body and that approximately meet the golden ratio values can be set out in a general plan as follows: The M/m level in the table below is always equivalent to the golden ratio. M/m = 1.618 (J. Cumming, Nucleus: Architecture and Building Construction, Longman, 1985)

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The example of the golden ratio in the average human body is that when the distance between the navel and the foot is taken as 1 unit, the height of a human being is equivalent to 1.618. Some other golden proportions in the average human body are: The distance between the finger tip and the elbow / distance between the wrist and the elbow. The distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head / head length. The distance between the navel and the top of the head / the distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head. The distance between the navel and knee / distance between the knee and the end of the foot.

Golden Ratio Everywhere in our life and Universe:

In the universe there are many spiral galaxies containing the golden ratio in their structures. The molecule in which all the physical features of living things are stored, too, has been created in a form based on the golden ratio. The golden ratio also manifests itself in crystal structures. You will encounter Fibonacci series and the golden ratio in fields that fall under the sphere of physics. Three-dimensional forms that contain the golden ratio are very widespread in micro-organisms.

"My Lord encompasses all things in His knowledge so will you not pay heed?" (Sura al-An'am, 80)
What is even more interesting is that we can create a Golden Rectangle from Fibonacci Numbers too. Just square each Fibonacci Number

The above illustrated example of how Fibonacci Numbers are directly & intricately related to the Golden Ratio. In this case, the Golden Rectangle.

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Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Numbers and 19:

Is there a common factor in the Fibonacci Sequence? It was discovered in the 1960s that the Periodic Table of Elements - building blocks of everything are numerical structured based on the number 19. The Golden Ratio & Fibonacci Numbers relates to growth and creation of life and physical structures in our universe. In other words. the elements are the building blocks of all things and the Golden Ratio/Fibonacci Numbers is HOW these blocks come together. So, if the Periodic Table of Elements is government by 19. Why wouldnt the Fibonacci sequence be too. The 19th Number in the Fibonacci series is 2584

19th Fibonacci Number = 2584

If we add all the numbers in the Number 2584, the resulting number would be 19.

2584------- 2 + 5 + 8 + 4 = 19
Also 19 x 136 = 2584

19 x 136 = 2584
Also: There are 19 different Fibonacci numbers below 10,000. The following tables are the research work taken as a courtesy from ( to show the amazing results of Number - 19 Now we see the amazing relationship between Fibonacci sequence of numbers and Number 19 in the following tables: Only these Fibonacci Numbers are completely divided by Number - 19

Table 1:

Order in Fibonacci Numbers Fibonacci Series

19th 37th 55th 73rd 2584 14930352 86267571272 498454011879264

Divide by 19 results
136.00 785808.00 4540398.00 26234421677856.00 Page 158

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The Number 19 is not the common denominator of all the Fibonacci series of numbers. However the 19th, 37th, 55th and 73rd Fibonacci sequence are divisible by Number 19 The first Fibonacci number completely divided by 19 is 2584. Now we see the relationship of the Fibonacci numbers with Number 19 in the given tables:

Table 2:
Order Fibonacci No. Result Divide by 19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584


2584 1597 987 610 377 233 144 89 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1 0

2584 - 1596 988 -608 380 -228 152 -76 76 0 76 76 152 228 380 608 988 1596 2584

136.0 -84.0 52.0 -32.0 20.0 -12.0 8.0 -4.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 20.0 32.0 52.0 84.0 136.0

The numbers needed to make them divisible by 19, in fact, turned out to be the Fibonacci numbers in reverse (or flipped). It is the same phenomena as with the Golden Ratio in living organisms. It had to be flipped. It was only 19 that factored ALL results across the board. If you try this Fibonacci Flip formula with the first 16, 18, 17, 20 sequences etc instead of the 19th sequence, they would not divide evenly by 19. It had to be the first 19 Fibonacci numbers flipped for a common denominator (factor) to be found, and it happened to be the number 19. It is remarkable because the Fibonacci Sequence is generated by added each new number in the series to the number before it. They are all sums. They are not multiples of anything, yet we still find a common denominator. Now we see what would happen if we continued the sequence in Table - 3. Would it still be divisible by 19?

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Table 3:
Order Fibonacci No. Flipped Fibonacci No. Result Divide by 19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711


2584 1597 987 610 377 233 144 89 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1 0 1 1 2 3

2584 - 1596 988 -608 380 -228 152 -76 76 0 76 76 152 228 380 608 988 1596 2584 4180 6764 10944 17708

136.0 -84.0 52.0 -32.0 20.0 -12.0 8.0 -4.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 20.0 32.0 52.0 84.0 136.0 220.0 356.0 576.0 932.0

The formula still works. However, it is interesting to note that after the 19th Fibonacci sequence the calculation is always subtract. Which makes sense as the sequence started up again on at the 19th sequence. Now, lets see how far these numbers go

Table 4:
Fibonacci No. Flipped Fibonacci Numbers Result Divide by 19

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21


2584 1597 987 610 377 233 144 89 55

2584 - 1596 988 -608 380 -228 152 -76 76

136.0 -84.0 52.0 -32.0 20.0 -12.0 8.0 -4.0 4.0 Page 160

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34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465 14930352 24157817 39088169


34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765

0 76 76 152 228 380 608 988 1596 2584 4180 6764 10944 17708 28652 46360 75012 121372 196384 317756 514140 831896 1346036 2177932 3523968 5701900 9225868 14927768 24153636 39081404

0.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 20.0 32.0 52.0 84.0 136.0 220.0 356.0 576.0 932.0 1508.0 2440.0 3948.0 6388.0 10336.0 16724.0 27060.0 43784.0 70844.0 114628.0 185472.0 300100.0 485572.0 785672.0 1271244.0 2056916.0

Conclusion from the above tables:

As we can see, every single number in the above table is perfectly divisible by 19. Fibonacci Numbers & Golden Ratio are directly related to each other and the physical universe and the Fibonacci Numbers are also directly related to Number 19. When Fibonacci Flip formula applied ALL results divisible across the board specifically by number 19 on the same principle when we have to observe the Golden ratio in living organisms on opposite sides of their bodies, we have to reverse or Flip the Golden Ruler i.e. backside to bellyside.

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The building blocks of life - DNA. A perfect Copy / Flip phenomena:

Pi and Phi:

phi(19) - (19) = 1 + 9. 19 is the only prime with this property

Golden Ratio

= 1.618 The Numbers in the Golden Ratio can be added as: 1.618.. 1 + 618 = 619 619.114th Prime Number 6 x 19 = 114

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Perfect Sphere and 19

Nothing has afforded me so convincing a proof of the unity of the Deity as these purely mental conceptions of numerical and mathematical science which have been by slow degrees vouchsafed to man, and are still granted in these latter times by the Differential Calculus, now superseded by the Higher Algebra, all of which must have existed in that sublimely omniscient Mind from eternity. Mary Somerville When we observe the universe, we realize that all the heavenly and celestial bodies are spheres. So question raises in our minds why our God has created all His heavenly bodies likes Sun, moons, stars, earth, etc only in the shape of spheres and not in any other shape?

The eight planets and three dwarf planets of the Solar System

One cannot see pentagons or triangles or rectangles or squares as a heavenly body in our universe. Only sphere is the shape chosen by our creator. So there should be a secret in spheres. I call the Universe as: Perfect Spherical Expanding Universe When sphere is the only representative of the heavenly creations of God, then its standard or perfection should exist. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 163

When we manufacture or produce anything in our world as humans, we make a certain standard or model or symbol of perfection for that thing and compare the rest of the manufactured and produced things with that standard and that is called Standardization and Certification of the manufactured items. We send our manufactured items to the laboratories to gauge and measure them with the standards we accepted as perfect standards for those items. Its more like exploring underwater. Youre in the mud, and everything looks the same. Gregory Chudnovsky

Spherical Earth our living planet As humans we know standardization and perfection, so do we think that our God is ignorant about Standardization and Perfection. When our Creator created all the heavenly bodies as spheres, so there should a Perfect Sphere who would act as a Standard and Perfection for the other created spheres. That is why the ratio of the circumference and the diameter of that Perfect Sphere would be a constant in all the spheres of the universe. The Perfect Sphere should exist in our universe as a standard for all the other universal spheres and celestial spheres and thats why pi is a gods riddle till today. The Creator of our Universe also created our human body on the same principle. The representative of Sphere and Circle in our body is the Human Eye.

This image shows the pupil and iris of the human eye. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 164

Human eye is spherical in shape and the Pupil and the Iris a circular colored spot visible in front of our eyes, usually black or brown is circle in shape. So God has given us two Spherical Eyes with a Pupil and Iris encircling in the middle and front of eye to see all the spheres of the universe including all circles and cycles in human life and science. Eyes in the human body are the representatives of spheres in our world. Eyes are one of the most important organs of human body. We cannot enjoy our lives without eyes. We cannot ignore eyes in the study of medicine. Eyes also represent the feelings of a person. The creator of our Universe has well placed the spherical eye in our human body and we all know the importance of eye in their bodies.

Perfection and Perfect Attributes

One of the attributes of Perfection, I believe and define is that: Perfection can only be calculated or measured with its Perfect Attributes. Perfect attributes of Perfection can only be discovered or found out if searched correctly. We can judge the Perfect Attributes of Perfection by applying their values to other constants and formulae to verify their Perfection. We can calculate and measure Perfection by putting its Perfect Attributes into different formulas, constants, formulae, numbers and into different practical and theoretical examinations and can judge its perfection. We can know and understand Perfection by seeing its role in our universe and day to day lives. So if know the Perfect Sphere in our universe, we have to know its Perfect and Constant Attributes i.e. Perfect and Rational Circumference, Diameter, Radius, Pi, Degrees, Surface Area, and Volume.

Spherical Sun For example Gold has to be discovered and found first from the Gold mines, then we can calculate and measure the amount and the quality of Gold in that mine. We cannot start measuring Gold first and then discovering it. We have to follow a logical and rational path. First discover it and then found its attributes. But if we make a law that Gold does not exist in the first place, and then we did not even bother to search it in any Gold mine to find the natural Gold. Instead we make artificial and synthetic Gold and sell in the market saying that as natural Gold does not exist and we can make synthetic and artificial Gold which is very near to the Natural Gold, so please buy this Gold. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 165

This is what happened with the concept of Perfect Sphere and Perfect Circle. We made a law and conviction that as no Perfect Sphere or Perfect Circle exists, so we have to make artificial and synthetic circles and then calculate its attributes like Pi and we had to go through all the cumbersome process of calculating, estimating and approximating the value of Pi in the last 4000 years and are seeing the fruits of our efforts as irrational and abnormal Pi instead of finding a rational and normal Pi from the Perfect Sphere and Perfect Circle.

The terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars If had concentrated our efforts in finding a Perfect Sphere or a Perfect Circle in our science or Universe, then we could have saved much effort and time of our scientists and mathematicians in our history of calculating Pi. So that is the basis of my research of Perfect Sphere whose one of the big attributes is a Rational and Real Pi whose constant perfect number represents the Perfection of our Perfect Spherical Expanding Universe and One and Only Almighty Perfect God. I never tried to calculate and estimate Pi. I rather searched a Perfect Sphere in our Perfect Spherical Universe. Finally I discovered and found it in our universe and nature. When I discovered the Perfect Sphere, I draw many conclusions and results. The most important of them are: There should be One and Only Perfect Almighty God of our universe, as there are only Celestial Spheres in our universe and no other shape of a heavenly body. If two or more Gods ever existed, then they should have created something in the Universe different from the Celestial Spheres like Celestial Pentagons, Celestial Squares, Celestial Triangles, etc. to distinguish themselves from one another by creating different shapes of creations especially heavenly bodies. But the presence of only Celestial Spheres as heavenly bodies of our Universe is showing the Presence of Only One Perfect Almighty God and no other God. Secondly, it shows that our Universe is not the result of an accident. This is not an accidental or incidental Universe because if it is the result of an accident, then some heavenly bodies should be Celestial Triangles, some should be Celestial Rectangles, some should be Celestial Cubes and some should be of other irregular shaped bodies. But Page 166

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only the presence of Celestial Spheres proves that this Universe is a Perfect Universe created by One and Only Almighty God in a Perfect shape i.e. Spheres. So this universe should show perfection of Creator and the Created and show the organized planning and creation of its Planner and Creator Thirdly, with the presence of a Perfect Sphere, we can calculate its most important attribute, i.e. Perfect and Rational Pi. So I calculated the value of Rational and Perfect Pi and sharing it with the mankind now. All the other attributes and findings like squaring the circle, rectification of the circle, etc are also proved with the discovery of Perfect Sphere.

Spherical Saturn Once we know the Perfect Sphere, we can calculate and measure as many Universal constants and formulae based on pi to the degree of Perfection That is why the discovery of Perfect Sphere is a remarkable discovery of all times and on the basis of the finding of Perfect Sphere, we can calculate, Perfect and Rational Pi which is the symbol of our universe.

Perfection and Modeling:

The circle is one of the noblest representations of Deity, in his noble works of human nature. It bounds, determines, governs and dictates space, bounds latitude and longitude, refers to the sun, moon, and all the planets in direction, brings to the mind thoughts of eternity, and concentrates the mind to imagine for itself the distance and space it comprehends. It reflects all boundaries; it is the key to information of the knowledge of God. John Davis The Measure of the Circle, 1854 We are living in an age of Modeling and Perfection. We see lot of fashion models setting fashion standards for our young and modern generation boys and girls on media and shows. We make models for our lives, whether they belong to film or sports or religion or politics, etc. We follow models because we see Perfection in them in some areas which we want to excel.

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Perfection is the requirement for a Model, who wants to be followed. As humans we are in search of models and perfection. So do we think that our God while making His Spherical Creations heavenly bodies as Stars, moons, planets did not consider Perfection? We cannot imagine assuming that Perfection would not be in His mind when our God was creating this Spherical Universe and still more and more Spherical Stars are born every day in our Universe. In an industrial world, all the industries and factories make some models for their products and the rest of the production of the items or goods are solely based on the Perfect model they made for their industrial goods. For instance, the car manufacturers make some models for the production of rest of the cars of that model. Pharmaceutical industry makes model specimens for the medicine to be marketed later on. Construction industry makes architectural models for the construction projects whether it is a building, or a bridge or a highway. So we see that all the industries in our world follow the same rule of making a Perfect Model of their production and keeping that model as a standard for the rest of their goods, whether the goods would fulfill the requirements of a Perfect Model or not, that is a separate issue. But for standardization and perfection, the presence of a Perfect Model should have to be there. So Perfect Model of a Perfect Sphere should be the answer to this question. There should be a Perfect Model of a Perfect Sphere as a standard and reference for all the Spheres in our Universe like Sun, moon, earth, etc. The Perfect Ratio of circumference and the diameter of that Perfect Sphere is called the Perfect Pi. Perfect Sphere is a Perfect Model for all the Spheres of our Universe, life, time, space, mathematics and sciences. We are searching our numbers for the Perfect Sphere- Diameter and Circumference. So our search should start with the smallest and the Perfect Numbers in Mathematics. So what is the smallest and Perfect Number in Mathematics?

Number 6 is the First and the Smallest Perfect Number in Mathematics:

The mathematicians know that number 6 is the first and the smallest Perfect Number in mathematics. The number would be called Perfect Number in mathematics if the sum of the divisors of that number is equal to that Number. The divisors of Number 6 are: 1, 2 and 3. Their sum is:

Also amazingly, if multiply these 3 numbers, we would get the Number 6 again:

1x2x3=6 1+2+3=6=1x2x3

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Perfect Cube:
In arithmetic and algebra, the cube of a number n is its third power the result of the number multiplying by itself three times: n3 = n n n In mathematics, a perfect cube (also called a cube number, or sometimes just a cube) is a number which is the cube of an integer. The sequence of non-negative perfect cubes starts (sequence A000578 in OEIS): 0, 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000, 1331, 1728, 2197, 2744, 3375, 4096, 4913, 5832, 6859, 8000, 9261, 10648, 12167, 13824, 15625, 17576, 19683, 21952, 24389, 27000, 29791, 32768, 35937, 39304, 42875, 46656, 50653, 54872, 59319, 64000, 68921, 74088, 79507, 85184, 91125, 97736, 103823, 110592, 117649, 125000, 132651, 140608, 148877, 157464, 166375, 175616, 185193, 195112, 205379, 216000, 226981, 238328... (Reference:

As we are discussing the Perfect Number 6, so we would see the Perfect Cube of Number 6 and its relation with the Perfect Sphere.

Relationship between Perfect Cube and Perfect Sphere:

Perfect Attributes of Perfect Cube of first and the smallest Perfect Number in Mathematics Number 6. Length of the Perfect Cube = 6 Width of the Perfect Cube = 6 Height of the Perfect Cube = 6

Surface Area of the Perfect Cube = 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 Volume of the Perfect Cube = 6 x 6 x 6 = 216
19 The Secret Code of God Page 169

The Perfect Cube of Number 6 is the only Perfect Cube whose surface area and the volume shows the same Number 216 irrespective of their units.

Surface Area of the Perfect Cube of 6 = 216 = Volume of the Perfect Cube of 6
It is the only Perfect Cube of Number 6, which shows this amazing result and it becomes a unique model for all other Perfect Cubes in Mathematics as this cube has additional mathematical properties in addition to other Perfect Cubes. As we are searching the Perfect Attributes and Perfect Numbers for the Perfect Sphere, so let us see if any relationship exists between the Perfect Cube of Number 6 and the Perfect Sphere.

Symbolic Relationship between Perfect Cube of 216 and Perfect Sphere:

When all sides of a Perfect cube = 6

Perfect Cube ------------------------------- 216

Perfect Cube of 6


Perfect Sphere of Diameter- ?

216 -------------------------------------------? (Searching for the Perfect Dimensions)

In Mathematics:

2 --------------------- 1st Prime Number --------------- 1 1 --------------------- 1st Odd Number ----------------- 1 6 --------------------- 4th Even Number ---------------- 4

216 ------------------------------------------------- 114

So the mathematical position of the Numbers 2, 1 and 6 are 1, 1 and 4. The Number 216 is giving us a clue and indication of another Number 114.

The Number 114 = 6 x 19 114 ---- 1 + 1 + 4 = 6. First and Smallest Perfect Number in Mathematics
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Cube of Number 19 and its relationship with Number - 216

When all sides of the cube = 19 The Surface Area of the Cube of 19 = 19 x 6 x 19 = 114 x 6 = 2166 In the above example of Perfect Cube of Number 6, the Surface Area and Volume of the Cube of 6 are 216. The Number 216 is:

2 1- 6 -------------- 1 1 - 4 (mathematical position of numbers 2, 1 and 6)

2166. 114 x 19
Surface Area of Cube of 19 .2166. 114 x 19

2166 ------------------- 114 x 19

Also, the Number 216 is the 109th Even Number

216109th Even Number

109.Prime Number containing Numbers 1 and 9
If we add the numbers in Number 216 as:

21621 + 6 = 27 19..8th Prime Number19 + 8 = 27

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Perfect Sphere and its Perfect Dimensions:

Now we have to see whether we can have a Perfect Sphere with the Numbers 6 and 19 showing the same amazing results as Perfect Cube of Number 6 are showing. Let us assume, the diameter of the Sphere is 6 and the circumference is 19. What is the surface area and the volume of the sphere

Diameter of the Sphere = 6 Circumference of the Sphere = 19 Surface Area of the Sphere = 6 x 19 = 114 Volume of the Sphere = 6 x 19 = 114 Surface Area of the Sphere = 114 = 6 x 19 = Area of the Sphere
This sphere is showing the same amazing results as we have seen with one and only Perfect Cube of Number 6, i.e. the number of the Surface Area is the same as that of Volume of the Sphere irrespective of the units of measurement. Also:

619114th Prime Number in Mathematics Perfect Sphere with Perfect Dimensions:

On the same mathematical grounds, when we say that a Perfect Cube of Number 6 is a model for all the other Perfect Cubes with the special and perfect results and numbers, we can say that mathematically we have found out the Perfect Sphere showing the same perfect results and numbers with the following Perfect Dimensions

Perfect Circumference of a Perfect sphere = 19 Perfect Diameter of a perfect sphere = 6

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Perfect Sphere Mathematically, a sphere can be defined as: A sphere is a perfectly symmetrical geometrical object. This term is used in non-mathematical usage to refer either to a round ball or to its two-dimensional surface. In mathematics, a sphere is the set of all points in three-dimensional space (r3) which are at distance r from a fixed point of that space, where r is a positive real number called the radius of the sphere. The fixed point is called the centre, and is not part of the sphere itself. The special case of r = 1 is called a unit sphere.

I define the Perfect Sphere as: Definition of a Perfect Sphere:

A Perfect Sphere is a solid circular sphere of 360 degrees having a perfect constant diameter of six (6), circumference of nineteen (19), its Surface area and the Volume should be equal to one hundred and fourteen (114) and the Perfect constant ratio of circumference to its diameter is 19/6.

Six 6 - Perfect constant Dimensions and Attributes of a Perfect Sphere: 1. Circumference 2. Diameter 3. Surface Area 4. Volume 5. Degrees 6. Pi () = 19 =6 = 19 x 6 = 114 = 19 x 6 = 114 = 360 = (19 1) x (19 + 1) = 19/6

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Perfect Sphere and Reflective Symmetry:

Perfect Hemisphere Half of a Perfect Sphere The Perfect Sphere also fulfils the requirement of 'reflective symmetry' or line symmetry. Reflective symmetry is in which a shape can be divided into two parts by a line or plane, such that each part of the shape is a mirror image of the other. So if we divide a Perfect Sphere (having circumference of 19, diameter of 5, surface area of 114, volume of 114) into two (2) equal parts, the mathematical attributes of a Perfect Hemisphere would be:

Surface Area of 1st Part = 57 = 19 x 3 = Surface Area of a Hemisphere Surface Area of 2nd part = 57 = 19 x 3 = Surface Area of a Hemisphere Volume of 1st part = 57 = 19 x 3 = Volume of a Hemisphere Volume of 2nd part = 57 = 19 x 3 = Volume of a Hemisphere (19 x 6) / 2 for 1st part = 57 (19 x 6) / 2 for 2nd part = 57
All figures are showing symmetry in all dimensions. Area of 1st part =Volume of 1st part

57 = 57 = 57 = 19 x 3
Similarly for 2nd part, the same value for surface area and volume. Area of 2nd part =Volume of 2nd part

57 = 57 = 57 = 19 x 3
Sphere is a Perfect Solid shape in all the geometrical solid shapes. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 174

Super Cycle and 19

Cycles in our World:

We observe different cycles in different fields of life in our world. The few examples of different cycles in different fields of life are: History Cycles Sports Cycles Arts Cycles Culture and Literature Cycles Science Cycles Astronomy Cycles Biology and Medical cycles Agriculture cycle Chemistry cycles Physics cycles Geology cycles Meteorology cycles Engineering cycles Mathematics cycles Computer science cycles Political science cycle Business Cycles Economics cycle Social Cycles Crime cycles Poverty cycle War Cycle

The cycles are circular in nature and everything comes to start, when it completes and finishes the cycle. So 0 degrees is the start in the circle or cycle and 360 degrees is the end of the cycle or circle. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 175

19 x 19 = Super cycle
19 x 19 = 361 = (360 + 1)

360 degrees = Total degrees in a complete circle = 360 = (19 1) x (19 + 1) 360 = (19 1) x (19 + 1)

If we add all the numbers in 361 and 360, we see:

361 360----------- 3 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 0 = 19 Analysis of 360 and 361 360 = 6 x 6 x 10 = (19 1) x (19 + 1) 361 = 19 x 19 x 01 = (6 + 6 + 6 + 1) x (6 + 6 + 6 + 1)
If we look closely at the Numbers 360 (6 x 6 x10) and 361 (19 x 19 x 01), we notice that the first two numbers 3 and 6 are the same in both the Numbers. The only difference is 0 and 1. 360 ----------------- 36 361 ------------------ 36

0 1

0 and 1 are the two different Numbers in 360 and 361. Where:

0 Zero is basically Circle in shape and represents the Circumference of a Circle. 1 One is basically Line in shape and represents the Diameter of a Circle.
If we analyze further, we see that Zero 0 degrees in a complete circle is at the same position as 360 degrees. So the position of 0 degrees and 360 degrees is the same. So we can say that: 0 Degrees = 360 degrees --------- according to their position in the complete circle 19 The Secret Code of God Page 176

Now the position of 360 degrees = is at 0 degrees .A And 361 degrees = 360 degrees + 1 degree 361 degrees = 0 degrees (as per equation- A) + 1 degree 361 degrees = (0 + 1) degree, as 0 degrees is at the position of 360 degreesB

360 = 0 degree 361 = 0 + 1 degree Another way to look at 361 and 360:
There are so many ways to look and analyze these two magical numbers. Now if we add both the numbers separately and take their root numerical value and then put the root numbers in order to see what would be the resulting number.

361 = 3 + 6 + 1 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 360 = 3 + 6 = 9
Now 361 = 1 and 360 = 9

361 360 ----------- 1 9 or 19 Also 19 x 19 = 361 = [(3 x 6) + 1] x [(3 x 6) + 1]

If we put 361 and 360 as a single number, we may write:

361 360 as 361360 or 19 3 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 0 = 19

So the resulting number would be 19, which is the Constant Circumference of a Perfect Sphere or a Perfect Circle.

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Formation of All New Cycles by Nineteen 19 and Six 6:

19 x 19 is the Super Cycle, which not only completes the cycle but also generates or creates another cycle of the same nature and characteristics. How? Number Nineteen 19 is the Mother of all new perfect cycles.

Mathematical Proof:
Multiply 19 with 19 degrees, we get (360 +1) degrees. If we start rotating around the cycle with (19 x 19 degrees) at 0 degrees and take 1 rotation, we would finish at (360 + 1) degrees, i.e., one complete cycle of 360 degrees plus 1 degree. Now take another rotation starting from 1st degree, we will complete the rotation of (19 x 19) at 2nd degree and now keep on rotating like that way. When we complete 360 rotations, a new cycle would generate and the super cycle of (19 x 19 degrees) would finish at 360 degrees after completing 360 rotations or you can say at 0 degrees, because it will complete the cycle of 360 rotations and come to an end from where it has started the cycle. 1st Rotation of (19 x 19 degrees) ---- Super Cycle 19 x 19 degrees = 360 + 1 degree 2nd Rotation starting at 1st degree, where the 1st rotation ends 2nd Rotation of (19 x 19 degrees) = 361 would finish at 2nd degree. So keep on rotating in this manner and take 360 rotations with the Super cycle of 19 x 19 = 361 degrees, we would complete the circle at 360th rotation and a new circle would born of 360 degrees at the last 360th rotation. 360 Rotations of (19 x 19 degrees) Super Cycle ----- New Cycle would create A New Cycle of 360 degrees would generate or create from 360 rotations of Super Cycle i.e. 19 x 19

Super Cycle = 19 x 19 = 361 = (360 + 1) Degrees

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(361 - Super Cycle) x (360 - Rotations) = (1 New Cycle x 360 Degrees) + (360 Cycles x 360 Degrees)...?
[(19 x 19 x 01)] x [6 x 6 x 10] = (1 new cycle x 360 Degrees) + (360 cycles x 360 Degrees) [(19 x 19) x (6 x 6)] x (01 x 10) = (1 new cycle x 360 Degrees) + (360 cycles x 360 Degrees) [(19 x 6) x (19 x 6)] x (01x 10) = (1 new cycle x 360 Degrees) + (360 cycles x 360 Degrees) (114 x 114) x (01 x 10) = (1

new cycle x 360 Degrees) + (360 cycles x 360 Degrees)

1 new cycle of 360 is created by 360 rotations of the Super Cycle 19 x 19

19 x 19 is considered as the super cycle and Mother of all New Perfect Circles.

So a new cycle of 360 degrees is created and the original cycle completes it rotation at 360 degrees after 360 rotations of the Super Cycle i.e. 19 x 19. So without any change in the original cycle of 360 degrees, a new and complete cycle of 360 degrees is created

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Perfect Pi () and 19

Most Famous and Mysterious Mathematical Constant - Pi A Gods riddle:

- Most Famous Ratio in the History of Mankind Probably no symbol in mathematics has evoked as much mystery, romanticism, misconception and human interest as the number pi. William L. Schaaf Nature and History of Pi Pi is the most famous and the most mysterious ratio in mathematics and most renowned mathematical unsolved number in our world. It is also one of the most ancient numbers known to humanity. By definition, Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. That means how much bigger is the circumference as compared to the diameter of a circle. Pi is always the same number, no matter which circle you use to compute it.

Pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419711.24 trillion dps.

In the book, Introduction to Pi, L.Berggren, J.Borwein and P.Borwein describe pi as: The story of pi reflects the most seminal, the most serious and sometimes the silliest aspects of mathematics. A surprising amount of the most important mathematicians and a significant number of the most important mathematicians have contributed to its unfolding directly or otherwise. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 180

Pi is one of the few concepts in mathematics whose mention evokes a response of recognition and interest in those not concerned professionally with the subject. It has been a part of human culture and the educated imagination for more than twenty five hundred years. Chris Witcombe from Sweet Briar College writes in his article on Pi as: Pi, which is denoted by the Greek letter , is the most famous ratio in mathematics, and is one of the most ancient numbers known to humanity. Pi has had various names through the ages, and all of them are either words or abstract symbols, since pi is a number that cant be shown completely and exactly in any finite form of representation. Pi is a transcendental number. A transcendental number is a number but cant be expressed in any finite form of either arithmetical or algebraic operations. Pi slips away from all rational methods to locate it. It is indescribable and cant be found. Ferdinand Lindermann, a German mathematician, proved the transcendence of pi in 1882. Pi possibly first entered human consciousness in Egypt. We know that the Egyptians and the Babylonians knew about the existence of the constant ratio pi, although they approximated and estimated its value as we do today. They had figured out that it was a little bigger than 3. The constant is named pi because it is the first letter of the Greek words, Periphereia or periphery in English. One of the oldest surviving mathematical writing is the Rhind Papyrus, named after the Scottish Egyptologist A Henry Rhind who purchased it in Luxor in 1858. It is a scroll nearly about 6 meters long and 1/3 of a meter wide and was written around 1650 BC by the scribe Ahmes who copied a document which is 200 years older. This gives date for the original papyrus of about 1850 BC but some experts believe that Rhind Papyrus is based on the work going back to 3400 BC. So the earliest known reference to pi occurs in a Middle Kingdom papyrus scroll. Chris Witcombe described the history of pi as: Ahmes began scroll with the words: The Entrance into the Knowledge of All Existing Things and remarks in passing that he composed the scroll in likeliness to writings made of old. Towards the end of the scroll, which is composed of various mathematical problems and their solutions, the area of a circle is found using a rough sort of pi. In the Rhind Papyrus, Ahmes gives a rule to construct a square of area nearly equal to that of a circle. The rule is to cut 1/9 off the circles diameter and to construct a square on the remainder. It shows that the problem of constructing a square of area equal to that of a circle goes back to the beginning of the mathematics. This is quite a good approximation, corresponding to a value of 3.1605, rather than 3.14159 for pi. The Babylonians had an approximation of 3.125 and the Egyptians had an estimation of 3.160484. Around 200 BCE, Archimedes of Syracuse, one of the greatest mathematicians of the ancient world, approximated that pi is somewhere about 3.14 in fractions because Greeks did not have decimals. Archimedes was the first to give a scientific method for calculating pi to arbitrary accuracy. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 181

Principle of Archimedes' method to approximate :

Archimedes of Syracuse discovered, by considering the perimeters of 96-sided polygons inscribing a circle. When a circle's diameter is 1, its circumference is . He estimated the area of a circle by using the Pythagorean Theorem to find the areas of two regular polygons: the polygon inscribed within the circle and the polygon within which the circle was circumscribed. Since the actual area of the circle lies between the areas of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons, the areas of the polygons gave upper and lower bounds for the area of the circle. Archimedes knew that he had not found the value of pi but only an approximation within those limits.

A little known verse of the Bible reads and mentions about Pi: 19 The Secret Code of God Page 182

And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it about. (I Kings 7, 23) And it gives the value of Pi equal to 3. Rabbi Nehemiah explained this in his 'Mishnat ha Middot' (the earliest known Hebrew text on geometry, 150 AD) by saying that the diameter was measured from the outside of the brim while the circumference was measured along the inner rim. The stated dimensions would be exact if measured this way on a brim about four inches wide. This is disputed, however, and other explanations have been offered, including that the measurements are given in round numbers (as the Hebrews tended to round off measurements to whole numbers), or that the basin may not have been exactly circular or that the brim was wider than the bowl itself. Many reconstructions of the basin, in fact, show a wider brim extending outward from the brim itself by several inches, which might account for the discrepancy. According to Galileo a famous scientist once said: 'Mathematics is the language with which God created the universe'. Knowledge of pi then bogged down until the 17th century. Pi was then called the Ludophian number, after Ludolph van Ceulen, a German Mathematician. The first Person to use the Greek letter Pi for the number was William Jones, a Welsh mathematician, who coined it in 1706.

Early science, particularly geometry and astronomy/astrology, was connected to the divine for 19 The Secret Code of God Page 183

most medieval scholars. The compass in this 13th Century manuscript is a symbol of God's act of Creation, as many believed that there was something intrinsically "divine" or "perfect" that could be found in circles Johann Heinrich Lambert proved that pi is an irrational number and it is a lie to look for rational pi in 1761 because it cannot be written as the ratio of two integers. In 1882, Ferdinand von Lindemann showed that pi is also transcendental number, which means that there is no polynomial with rational coefficients of which Pi is a root. An important consequence of the transcendence of Pi is the fact that it is not constructible. Because the coordinates of all points that can be constructed with compass and straightedge are constructible numbers, it is impossible to square the circle: that it is impossible to construct using compass and straightedge alone, a square whose area is equal to the area of a given circle. The Indiana, USA - Pi Bill: The 'Indiana Pi Bill' of 1897 AD , which never passed out of committee, has been claimed to imply a number of different values for Pi, although the closest it comes to explicitly asserting one is the wording, ' the ratio of the diameter and circumference is as five-fourths to four' which would make Pi = 3.2 Pi = 3.2 (as proposed by Indiana Pi Bill in 1897 AD in USA).

Goodwin's model circle as described in section 2 of the bill. It has a diameter of 10 and a circumference of 32; the chord of 90 has length 7 Although the bill has become known as the "pi bill", its text does not mention the name pi at all, and Goodwin appears to have thought of the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle as distinctly secondary to his main aim of squaring the circle. Yet towards the end of Section 2 appears the following passage: Furthermore, it has revealed the ratio of the chord and arc of ninety degrees, which is as seven to eight, and also the ratio of the diagonal and one side of a square which is as ten to 19 The Secret Code of God Page 184

seven, disclosing the fourth important fact, that the ratio of the diameter and circumference is as five-fourths to four ... which comes close to an explicit claim that = 4/1.25 = 3.2, as well as . This quote is often read as three mutually incompatible assertions, but they fit together well if the statement about is taken to be about the inscribed square (with the circle's diameter as diagonal) rather than the square on the radius (with the chord of 90 as diagonal). Together they describe the circle shown in the figure, whose diameter is 10 and circumference is 32; the chord of 90 is taken to be 7. Both of the values 7 and 32 are within a few percent of the true lengths for a diameter-10 circle which, of course, does not justify Goodwin's presentation of them as exact.

Squaring the circle was the dream of all Greek mathematicians for more than 4000 years but
as the great mathematicians proved and showed that pi is an irrational number, a transcendental number so the effort to square the circle was stopped and discouraged by almost all mathematicians of the world till today. The quest to prove whether circle can be squared was stopped by the scientists and mathematicians 120 years ago because of the irrationality and transcendental properties of Pi. Pi is approximately 3.1415926.. the number of times that a circles diameter will fit around the circle. Pi goes on forever. The exact value of Pi has an infinite decimal expansion of various numbers: its decimal expansion never ends and does not repeat, since Pi is accepted and proved as an irrational and transcendental number. This infinite sequence of digits has fascinated mathematicians and laymen alike, and much effort over the last few centuries has been put into computing more digits and investigating the numbers properties. To ask for the system in pi is like asking, Is there life after death? When you die, youll find out. ---Richard Preston, The Mountains of Pi The Pi was also calculated by taking the square root of Number 10 as:

Pi = 10 = 3.16227766
In the book, Introduction to Pi, L.Berggren, J.Borwein and P.Borwein write about the calculation of Pi as: The computation of Pi is virtually the only topic from the most ancient stratum of mathematics that is still of serious interest to modern mathematical research. And to pursue this topic as it 19 The Secret Code of God Page 185

developed throughout the millennia is to follow a thread through the history of mathematics that winds through geometry, analysis and special functions, numerical analysis, algebra and number theory. It offers a subject which provides mathematicians with examples of many current mathematical techniques as well as a palpable sense of their historic development. 'God exists since mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists since we cannot prove it.' Andre' Weil, French Mathematician


Famous Mathematicians Who Tried to Calculate Pi in the History:

Many famous mathematicians and scientists worked to calculate the exact value of Pi. Some famous mathematicians and scientists who worked on Pi are: 1. Egyptian Rhind 2. Babylonians 3. Archimedes 4. Chang Hong 5. Zu Chongzhi 6. Brahmagupta 7. Al Khwarizmi 8. Fibonacci Pi from now on calculated in decimal places. 9. Madhava of Sangamagrama discovered the infinite power series expansion of pi 10. Jamshid Masud Al Kashi 11. Ludolph Van Ceulen 12. Isaac Newton 13. Kamata 14. Leonhard Euler used letter pi in his book and pointed that pi may be transcendental 15. Johann Heinrich Lambert who proved that pi is irrational 16. Rutherford 17. Lehmann 18. Srinivasa Ramanujan 19 The Secret Code of God Page 186

19. D.F. Ferguson 20. Felton 21. J.Guillord 22. Yasumasa Kanada 1.24 trillion places on Hitachi SR8000/MPP (64 nodes), 600 hours Pi 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375101.24 trillion dps Despite much analytical work, and supercomputer calculations that have determined over 1trillion digits of pi, no simple pattern in the digits has ever been found. Digits of pi are available on web pages, and there is software for calculating pi to billions of digits on any personal computer. Recently in Japan, Yasumasa Kanada and team have calculated its value up to 1.24 trillion decimal places. Pi has had various names through the ages and all of them are either words or abstract symbols, since pi is a number that cannot be shown completely and exactly in any finite form of representation till today. Theres a beauty to pi that keeps us looking at itThe digits of pi are extremely random. They really have no pattern, and in mathematics thats really the same as saying they have every pattern. ---Peter Borwein, 1996

Symbol :
The symbol ' ' for Archimedes constant was first introduced in 1706 AD by William Jones when he published 'A New Introduction to Mathematics'. Although, the same symbol had been used earlier to indicate the circumference of a circle. The notation became standard after it was adopted by Leonhard Euler. In earlier case, 'Pi' is the first letter of 'Peripheria', the Greek word for periphery or 'perimetron', meaning 'measure around' in Greek. Mathematicswould certainly have not come into existence if one had known from the beginning that there was in nature no exactly straight line, no actual circle, no absolute magnitude.

Friedrich Nietzsche Human, All Too Human

Circle Different Concepts and Myths

The circle or circumference was always one of the primary feminine signs, as opposed to the line or diameter representing masculine sprit. Early matrifocal villages had round hearths, round houses, round fences and round defensive shapes. Page 187

19 The Secret Code of God

The circle was associated with the idea of a protected or consecrated space, the space where all participants are equal. Worship places like the Hindu Chakra or Arabic Halka were those in which female influence was prevalent. Pagan sacred dances were circular, as are European folk dances to this day. Prehistoric stone circles, like Stonehenge ------------ known as the Giants Dance --------attest to the ancient love of circularity. The concept of equality was still connected with the circle in medieval legends. The circle invoked by analogy the full face of the moon, the pupil of the All-Seeing Eye, the circle of the visible horizon and a thousand other natural forms.

Circle and Definition of God in Hinduism

God is a circle whose circumference is nowhere and whose center is everywhere. It is a famous clich cribbed from a Hindu catechism concerning the deity called the One as: An unbroken circle with no circumference, for it is no-where and everywhere. The idea of the Cosmos as an unbroken circle was repeated in the Gnostic image of the world Serpent forming a circle with its tail in its mouth.

Squaring the Circle Quadrature:

The end of circle-squaring will come only as a consequence of the end of civilization. --Underwood Dudley, Mathematical Cranks In relation with Pi, the most famous problem of all time squaring the circle is still not solved till today.


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No amount of attestation of innumerable and honest witnesses would ever convince anyone versed in mathematical and mechanical science, that a person had squared the circle or discovered perpetual motion. ---Baden Powell, Essays and Reviews, 1860 An article published on internet about the Squaring the circle in 1997 by an anonymous writer mentions that: In the mansions of mathematics today, there is no room for one who still thinks about the most popular problem i.e. can circle be squared or squaring the circle. For one hundred and twenty years all mathematicians have been convinced that the nearly 4000 year old problem of squaring the circle is sufficiently understood and it is insoluble or there is no solution to it as we dont know the rational, real and exact value of pi. With a prickliness perhaps betraying some lingering anxiety, anyone who wastes further time on this most famous puzzle is regarded as Mathematically incompetent. God ever geometrizes

Quietly demurring from this starkly intimidating judgment stands ancient Greek civilization itself. They were an extraordinary people, naming whole branches of knowledge we venerate. Hardly the kind to waste their time on a fools errand. One can only marvel at the work of Apollonius of Perga 247-205 BC on conic sections. What impelled this great mind to master such an obscure subject that would no utility for 1800 years? And then we move forward and study Isaac Newtons 1642 1727 AD, Principia Mathematica 1687 and realize that he could not have made the principles of the ellipse, parabola and hyperbola with which to build on Johannes Keplers (1571-1630) interpretation of Tycho Braes (1546-1601) naked eye measurements of the motion of the planets. And that Kepler himself first needed Apollonius conics to derive his laws of planetary motion from Braes data. From this rich perspective, the instinct that prompted the ancient Greek mathematicians to study conics becomes even more remarkable. It is utterly impossible for one to accomplish the work in a physical way; it must be done metaphysically and geometrically, not mathematically. When approached in this manner the problem is easy of solution. It is stated by occultists that the number 12 squares the circle and it is necessary to take into consideration the process before we can understand this; when correctly understood we know it to be perfectly true. A. S. Raleigh, Occult Geometry, 1932 Then when we learn that it was the challenge of squaring the circle which gave birth to the original interest in conics, something warns us to be more careful about dismissing as fruitless any matter the greatest of the Greeks found intellectually most important, but instead strive to reexamine and adjust our own idea of it. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 189

According to historians, leading mathematicians in Greek antiquity would occupy themselves with this geometrical problem known as the quadrature. What it involves, essentially, is constructing an ideal square with an area equal to that of a given circle, where the radius of the circle is one, an area equal to pi and doing so in a finite number of operations using only a straight edge and a compass. Let us all give thank, loudly and daily, that we are not cranks devoting all of our energies to convincing the world that Pi is exactly 3.125, 22/7 or 10. The chance that our lives will be rich, delightful, and full of meaning may be small, but it is greater than the non-zero chance of the circle-squarer. --Underwood Dudley, Mathematical Cranks

Rectification of the Circle:

The Squaring of the Circle is of great importance to the geometer-cosmologist because for him the circle represents pure, un-manifest spirit-space, while the square represents the manifest and comprehensible world. When a near-equality is drawn between the circle and square, the infinite is able to express its dimensions or qualities through the finite. --- Robert Lawlor, Sacred Geometry, 1982 A practically identical problem is the rectification of the circle i.e. Constructing an ideal straight line equal in length to the circumference of the circle. This is a modern mathematical and scientific dilemma that scientists and mathematicians themselves stopped even thinking to solve the mystery. Instead they blocked even the efforts of all the people of the world by saying that it is Impossible to square the circle till today. The British Association for the Advancement of Science may assume infallibility and authoritatively proclaim that the solution of the problem is impossible; and may consequently decline to permit the consideration of the subject to be introduced into their deliberations..And yet, the solution of the problem is extremely simple after all. It would almost appear as if its very simplicity had been the grand obstacle which had hitherto stood in the way of its discovery.I have subjected my theory to every conceivable test, both mathematical and mechanical, with an honest determination to find a flaw if possible; and having failed to do so, I now unhesitatingly propound it, as the true theory on this important question. ---James Smith, The Quadrature of the Circle, 1861 Now what is accepted and believed today about Pi: 1. 2. 3. 4. Pi is an irrational number. Pi is a transcendental number and non-algebraic. Pi is an approximate and estimated number. Pi is an unending infinite decimal. Page 190

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5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Is pi normal to base 10? We are not sure about it. Circles cannot be squared an unaccomplished dream of Greek mathematicians Perfect circle and sphere doesnt exist There is no definite pattern of numbers in pi. Pi cannot be solved or calculated so we have to go with the approximations.

Hundreds of approximations have been done so far to calculate the good approximate value of Pi.

This mysterious pi which comes in at every door and window and down every chimney --Augustus De Morgan, A Budget of Paradoxes

The matter of the normalcy or non-normalcy of pi will never, of course, be resolved by electronic computers. We have here an example of a theoretical problem which requires profound mathematical talent and cannot be solved by computations alone. The existence of such problems ought to furnish at least a partial antidote to the disease of computeritis, which seems so rampant today. --- Howard Eves, Mathematical Circles Revisited, 1971 Once Goethe quoted: It has been said that figures rule the world. Maybe, but I am sure that figures show us whether it is being ruled well or badly. We have seen in this book that: Perfection and Symmetry is the first rule of God and His Universe and the answer is the same everywhere, i.e. Number 19.

Perfect Pi and Mathematical Perfection:

As we have seen that hundreds of famous mathematicians and scientists tried to calculate and prove the value of Pi throughout the history. We take the opposite approach and method to find and reach the exact value of Pi in Mathematics. Instead of calculating and proving the mathematical value of Pi. Let us assume the values of the Circumference and Diameter of a sphere (Circle in 3 dimensions) with special numbers and after seeing their special and Perfect results with those special numbers, we would reach the 19 The Secret Code of God Page 191

conclusion and prove the value of exact Pi. This approach would be opposite to the conventional approach of calculating and proving the mathematical value of Pi. Let us assume:

Circumference of the Sphere = 19 Diameter of the Sphere = 6 Pi = Circumference/ Diameter of the Sphere = 19/6 Pi = 19/6 = 3.1666666666
We are looking for mathematical perfection in all aspects. Let us see whether we can calculate the Perfect mathematical results by these Special and Perfect Numbers, i.e. 6 and 19.

Perfect Results with the Perfect Attributes of a Perfect Sphere:

1. Surface Area of a sphere = 114 = 6 x 19 2. Volume of a sphere = 114 = 6 x 19 3. Diameter x Circumference of a sphere = 114 = 6 x 19 4. 619 -------------------------114 5. 6 x 19 = 114

Prime Number

6. Number 6 is the first and the smallest Perfect Number in Mathematics.

Also 114.1 + 1 + 4 = 6.Perfect Diameter of a Perfect Sphere 7. Perfect Hemisphere (57) + Perfect Hemisphere (57) = 114 = 19 x 6 8. All Perfect Numbers end either with Number 6 (first and smallest perfect number) or Number 8 (Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number).

61st and Smallest Perfect NumberPerfect Diameter of the Perfect Sphere 198th Prime Number Perfect Circumference of the Perfect Sphere
9. 19 x 19 ..Perfect Super Cycle producing new cycles or circles of 360

Perfect Super Cycle = 19 x 19 = 361

19 The Secret Code of God Page 192

10. The surface area of cube of Number 6 is 216 and the surface area of cube of Number 19
is 2166. The Number 216 is the 109th Even Number.

216109th Even Number

11. The Number 19 contains two numbers 1 and 9. The Pi expressed in these two numbers would be:

Pi =(1 + 9) + (1 + 9)
12. The Number 19 .. 1 + 9 = 10 Perfect Pi can be expressed in Number 10 as:

Pi = 10 + 10 = 10.027777777 = 3.166666
13. There are 360 in a complete and Perfect Circle. 360 can be expressed as:

360 = (19 + 1) x (19 1)

14. The Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number in Mathematics. 19.8th Prime Number Adding 19 and 8, we would get ----- 19 + 8 = 27

19 + 8 = 27
The value of 1 in 360 is equal to:

1 = 1/ 360 = 0.0027.............
The value of 1 contains the Number 27 15. The Super Cycle 19 x 19 = 361 may be expressed as:

361. 19 x 19 x 01 16. 360 is equal to: 360 .6 x 6 x 10

17. The Super cycle is 19 x 19 = 361. The number 361 contains 3 numbers 3, 6 and 1. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 193

The Perfect Pi also contains 3 numbers, i.e.

Pi = 3.16.. 3, 1 and 6
Same numbers of the Super Cycle 3, 6 and 1 18. Pi can also be written as a fraction of 3 numbers as:

Pi = 3 (1/6)..contains 3 numbers of 3, 1 and 6. The Super Cycle 19 x 19 = 361

also have these 3 numbers 3, 6 and 1. 19. Perfect Pi = 3.1666. If we add the 4 numbers of Perfect Pi after the decimal, we see:

19 = 1 + 6 + 6 + 6
Why to add 4 Numbers of Perfect Pi after decimal?

Number 6 is the 4th Even number in Mathematics.

(Even Numbers: 0, 2, 4, 6,8,..)

There are 4 perfect numbers below 10,000.

20. Perfect Pi = 3.1666. If we round the numbers of Pi, we would see:

Perfect Pi = 3.167. 6719th Prime Number

21. Perfect Pi = 3.16. The Super Cycle = 19 x 19 = 361. It can be expressed as:

19 x 19 = 361 = [(3 x 6) + 1] x [(3 x 6) + 1]

The result of 19 x 19 = 361 contains 3 Numbers 3, 6 and 1. If we see the Perfect Pi, it also contains 3 Numbers, 3, 1 and 6 starting with Number 3 Perfect Pi = 3.163, 1 and 6 ----- same as 3, 6 and 1 of 361 22. Perfect Pi = 3.16. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 194

If we add the numbers on the left side of the decimal and the number to the right side of the decimal of the Perfect Pi, we see:

Perfect Pi = 3.16.. 3 + 16 = 19
23. Perfect Pi = 3.16. Pi value contains the number 16 to the right side of the decimal. If we upside down the Number 16 it becomes Number 19 and vice versa as:

16. 19 19. 16 1619also a Prime Number

24. 19 x 19 = 361. The reversal of the Number 361 is 163. There is a special pattern of numbers in the number - 36163 and if we add the numbers of 36163, we see:

36163. = 3 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 3 = 19
If we see the Numbers carefully, we see a clear pattern of numbers that 3 is coming in the start and end, Number 1 is coming in the middle of the numbers and Number 6 is the number next to Number 1 from both sides. The numeric sum of all these numbers in this special pattern is also Number 19. 25. All the Perfect Numbers in Mathematics end either with Number 6 or Number 8. The Perfect Pi is ending with: Perfect Pi = 3.16666. Number 6Perfect Numbers end with 6 or 8 & Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number..8.Perfect Numbers end with 6 or 8 26. The Perfect Pi = 19/6 contains two numbers 19 and 6. Now we see the special effects of the numbers in 19 and 6 There are 3 numbers in 19 and 6 as: 1, 9 and 6. There are 3 perfect squares containing these 3 numbers as:

13 x 13 = 169

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31 x 31 = 961 14 x 14 = 196
619....114th Prime Number

6 x 19 114
The reversal number of 169 (13 x 13) is 961 (31 x 31). Amazingly, the reversal number of 13 is 31. 27. Perfect Pi = Super Cycle/ 114

Perfect Pi = 361/ 114 = 3.1666

28. Perfect Pi expressed in 114 and 360 as:

Perfect Pi = 114 x 10/ 360

29. The Volume and the Surface Area of the Perfect Sphere is 114.

114. 1 + 1 + 4.. 6
114..6.Number 6 is the first and the smallest Perfect Number

114 .. 6 x 19. Number 19 x 6 times

30. The mathematical value of the Golden Ratio is:

Golden Ratio = 1.618.

If we add the numbers on both sides of the decimal, we would get: 1.618. 1 + 618 = 619

619..114th Prime Number in Mathematics

31. The Circumference of the Perfect Sphere is 19. The Number 19 contains two numbers: 9 and 1

9 + 1 = 10.. Number 19 is the 10th Odd number in Mathematics 9 1 = 8 Number 19 is the 8th Odd number in Mathematics
32. The Perfect Pi is the perfect ratio of 19 and 6. Now we see the amazing relationship of 19 and 19 The Secret Code of God Page 196

6 by applying mathematical operations on these numbers:

6 x 19 = 114 Surface Area and Volume of the Perfect Sphere 619.. 114th Prime Number
19 6 = 13.6th Prime Number----------- 13 + 6 = 19.Perfect Circumference 19 + 6 = 2513th Odd Number----------25 + 13 = 38 = 19 x 2 = 38 19/6 = Perfect Ratio of Perfect Circumference to the Perfect Diameter of a Perfect Sphere 33. The Perfect Cube of Number 6 has a perfect Surface Area 216 and a perfect Volume of 216. Surface Area of Perfect Cube of Number 6 = 216 = Volume of Perfect Cube of 6 The mathematical positions of the numbers in 216 are: 2..1st Prime Number 1..1st Odd Number 6..4th Even Number The Number 216 is indicating another number 114 (19 x 6) 34. The Perfect Pi = 3.166 Perfect Pi = 3.166.. If we add the numbers on the right side of the decimal as: 1 + 66 = 67..19th Prime Number 35. Hemisphere is half the Sphere. Perfect reflective symmetry is achieved in the Hemisphere with the perfect Pi as: Surface Area of the Perfect Hemisphere = 57 = 19 x 3 Volume of the Perfect Hemisphere = 57 = 19 x 3 Surface Area of the Perfect Hemisphere = 57 = 19 x 3 = Area of the Hemisphere (irrespective of the units of Surface Area and the Volume) 19 The Secret Code of God Page 197

The Surface Area of 57 of one part of the Sphere is reflecting equally in the other part of the Sphere i.e. 57 Surface Area of 1st equal part of the sphere = 57 = Surface Area of 2nd equal part of the Sphere Volume of 1st equal part of the sphere = 57 = Volume of 2nd equal part of the Sphere Hence, the Reflective symmetry is achieved, i.e. the surface area and volume of a hemisphere is 57 of both equal parts of a sphere.

57 = 3 x 19Hemisphere showing reflective symmetry

36. Perfect rotational symmetry is also achieved with the perfect Pi as Pi is real, rational and perfect ratio of two integers i.e. 19 and 6

Pi = 19/6 37. Squaring the Circle is now possible with the Perfect Pi as we can see in the following example: Area of a Square = Area of a Circle

Now suppose the area of a Square = 15 x 15 = 225 Area of a circle = Pi x (radius) = 225 If Pi = 19/6, Radius = 225 x 6/19 Radius = [(225 x 6)/19] Diameter = [(225 x 4 x 6)/19] Circumference = (19/6) x [(225 x 4 x 6)/19]) Area of a Circle = Pi x (Radius) Area of a Circle = (19/6) x [(225 x 6)/19] Area of a Circle = 19/6 x [(225 x 6)/19] 19 The Secret Code of God Page 198

= 225

Area of a Circle = 225 = Area of a Square

Squaring of a Circle is possible only with the Perfect value of Pi as 19/6.

If radius = 1 Area of a Circle = r = x (1) = (19/6) x 1 = 19/6 Side of a Square = Area of a Square = x = = 19/6

Area of a Circle = 19/6 = Area of a Square

38. Rectification of a circle is another unsolved geometry problem. But it is now possible with Perfect Pi 3.16666666666 Rectification of the circle means constructing an ideal straight line equal in length to the circumference of the circle. If the diameter of a circle is 6, then circumference of a circle is 19, we can draw a straight line of 19. If the diameter of a circle is 36, then circumference of a circle is 114, we can draw a straight line of 114. If the diameter of a circle is 114, then circumference is 361, we can draw a straight line of 361. Page 199

19 The Secret Code of God

If the diameter of a circle is 60, then circumference is 190, we can draw a straight line of 190. 39. Like Squaring the Circle is now possible with the Perfect value of Pi as 19/6. Cubing the Sphere is also possible with this Perfect Pi. Suppose the Surface Area of a sphere = 216. Radius of a sphere = (1296/76) Diameter of a sphere = 2 x (1296/76) Perfect Pi = 19/6 = 3.166666 Surface Area of a sphere with radius equal to = 4 x pi x (r) = 216

Surface Area of a sphere = Surface Area of a cube

Surface Area of a cube = 6 (a x a) And a = one side of a cube, which has 6 equal sides. Surface Area of a Sphere = Surface Area of a Cube

216 = 6 (a x a) (a x a) = 6 x 6 = 36
Take the square root on both sides to get the value of a a = 36 a=6 So Area of a Cube = 6 (6 x 6) = 216.

216 = 216 Surface Area of a Sphere = Surface Area of a Cube

The science of mathematics presents the most brilliant example of how pure reason may successfully enlarge its domain without the aid of experience. Emmanuel Kant 40. The Number 496 is the 3rd Perfect Number in mathematics.

496 = 31 x 16
If we see the equation closely, we would notice that 31 x 16 are the numbers appearing in the Perfect Pi as:

Perfect Pi = 3.16
19 The Secret Code of God Page 200

The Number 1 is common in both the Numbers 31 and 16, so writing Number 1 only one time, we would see that 3, 1 and 6 are common numbers in Ali Pi and 31 x 16. 41. The numeric sum or root number of 3rd Perfect Number 496 is:

496 = 4 + 9 + 6 = 19Perfect Circumference of a Perfect Sphere

42. The 4th Perfect Number 8128 in Mathematics is written as:

8128 = 8 + 1 + 2 + 8 = 19..Perfect Circumference of a Perfect Sphere

43. The 6th and 19th Powerful numbers in Mathematics are:

25 --------------- 6th Powerful Number 144 ------------- 19th Powerful Number

(6 x 19) -- Powerful Numbers -------- 25 x 144 = 3600 = 360 x 10 (6 x 19) Powerful Numbers -------- 360 x 10 360 = (19 + 1) x (19 1) 10 = (1 + 9)

(6 x 19) Powerful Numbers-------------- [(19 + 1) x (19 1)] x [(1 + 9)]

44. The 19th and 6th Even Numbers in Mathematics are: 3619th Even Number 10.. 6th Even Number

(19 x 6) Even Numbers----------------------- 36 x 10 = 360 360 = (19 + 1) x (19 1) 360.360 degrees in a Perfect Sphere
45. There are 57 Even Numbers below --------------------------------- 114 There are 57 Odd Numbers below ---------------------------------- 114

57 Even Numbers + 57 Odd Numbers ------------------------------- 114

19 The Secret Code of God Page 201

57 .. Perfect Hemisphere (19 x 3) Even Numbers + (19 x 3) Odd Numbers . 114

57 (Even Hemisphere) + 57 (Odd Hemisphere) .. 114

46. There are 30 Prime Numbers below ---------------------------------- 114

Number 30 19th Composite Number

30 x 12 = 360 = (19 + 1) x (19 1)

Number 12 is the 7th Even Number. Adding both the number 12 and number 7, we see: 127th Even Number 12 + 7 = 19.Perfect Circumference of a Perfect Sphere

47. We all know that Perfection and Completion means 100%

Perfection and Completion = 100%

All Perfect Numbers in Mathematics end either with Number 6 or Number 8.

100 = (6 x 6) + (8 x 8)
6 -------- 6 is the 1st Perfect Number ----------6 = Perfect Diameter of a Perfect Sphere 8 ------ 19 is the 8th Prime Number -----------19 = Perfect Circumference of a Perfect Sphere

100 = (36) + (64) = (3 + 6) + (6 + 4) = (9) + (10) 100 ---------------------------------------- 19 -----------------------------Perfection

48. There is a Geometrical link between 114 (19 x 6) and Perfect Pi 19/6 We know that:

1 Circle = 360 degrees

1 degree = 1/ 360 = 0.00277777777

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10 degrees = 10/360 = 0.02777777.. 36 = 36/360 = 0.1

Pi = 19/6 = 3.166666 If divide the Perfect Pi by 114

Pi/114 = 0.027777777777 . 10 degrees

That is the exact value of 10 degrees of a Circle of 360 degrees (36 x 10 equal parts).

1 complete circle = 360 = 36 x 10 = 36 x (Pi/114) = 36 x 0.02777777777.. = 1

36 equal parts of 10 degrees in a circle = 0.02777777 x 36 = 1 complete circle of 360 degrees. 49. All the Perfect numbers in mathematics end either with Number 6 or with Number 8 as we have seen in the previous chapter.

Perfect Numbers 6, 28, 496, 8128,..

Adding both the numbers 6 and 8, we would get:

6 + 8 = 14
Now we multiply the number 14 with number 14 or take the square of Number 14, we would get an amazing result with amazing numbers as:

14 x 14 = 196 196..19 and 6

The square of (6 + 8 = 14) yields amazing numbers 19 and 6. All the perfect numbers have a relationship with numbers 6 and 8 and hidden relationship with 19 and 6. 50. The square root of number -19 has the continued fraction expansion Square root of 19 = 4 + + 1/1 + 1/3 + 1/1 + + 1/8 + + 1/1 + 1/3 + 1/1 + + 1/8 + + 1/1 + 1/3 + 1/1 +

It recurs with length Six - 6

The Convergent immediately before the point from which it repeats is 170/39 and Lagranges theorem will be the smallest solution to Pells equation. 19 The Secret Code of God Page 203

X= 39 and Y = 170 Pells equation: 19(x * x) + 1 = (y * y) [where * = multiply] The relationship of Number 19 with Number 6 is shown above in Pells equation, where the square root of Number 19 has continued fraction expansion recurring at length of 6. 51. Perfect Pi = 3.1666.. The Number 666 in Perfect Pi is the sum of the squares of the first seven prime numbers:

22 + 32 + 52 + 72 + 112 + 132 + 172 = 666

666 is the largest three-digit rep-unit such that the product of itself and all truncations of itself plus one is prime number. 666 x 66 x 6 + 1 is prime number. 52. The Perfect Pi is the Perfect ratio of a Perfect Pair of 19 and 6, where the Perfect Circumference is 19 and Perfect Diameter is 6.

Perfect Pi = 19/6 = Perfect Pair of 19 and 6

And all things, We have created by pairs, so that you can learn from them. Holy Quran (Chapter 51, Verse 49) Glory be to Him, Who created all the pairs, of that which the earth growth, and of themselves, and of that which they know not! Holy Quran (Chapter 36, Verse -36) 53. Number 6 is the first and the smallest Perfect Number in Mathematics. All the Perfect Numbers also end either with Number 6 or Number- 8. Perfect Pi is ending with the first and the smallest perfect number in mathematics as: Perfect Pi = 3.166666666666666666666666666666.. Infinite recurrence of Perfection of the smallest Perfect Number 6 in Perfect Pi Also Pi = 19/6.. Number 6 is the perfect denominator in the Perfect value of Pi

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Infinite Perfection of Perfect Number 6 in Perfect Pi..3.1666666..

Authentication and Approval from the renowned Mathematicians of all times:

Leonhard Euler (1773 CE), famous Swiss mathematician developed a famous equation for Pi as:

Pi = lim(n )[ (1/n) + (1/6n) + 4n{(1/n+1) + (1/n+2) +...+ (1/n+n)}] For n = 1, the value of Pi = 3.166666666
Perfect Pi = 3.16666666666666 as calculated by the famous mathematician of all times Leonhard Euler (Reference: This famous equation is discovered in a correspondence to Christian Goldbach, Castellanos, The Ubiquitous , Page 73 mentioned in A Biography of the Worlds Most Mysterious Number by Alfred S. Posamentier & Ingmar Lehmann, Page 152) John Davis, a University Professor and a renowned mathematician of his times, wrote a book, A measure of the Circle in 1854 and claimed that he calculated the real value of Pi as:

Pi = 19/ calculated by John Davis in 1854

I have found by the operation of figures that this proportion is as 6 to 19. Now, in order to make a ratio, I divide the 19 by 6, which gives 3.166666I am asked what evidence I have to prove that the proportion the diameter of a circle has to its circumference is as 6 to 19? I answer, there is no other way to prove that an apple is sour, and why it is so, than by common consent. John Davis, The Measure of the Circle, 1854 (Reference: The Joy of Pi by David Blatner - Pg:100) I have travelled with Mr. John Davis, in England and the United States, for six years; we have visited all the most learned mathematicians that we could hear of, but have never found one that attempted a disapproval of his work. I have examined, to the best of my ability, the works of writers on mathematics since the time of Euclid; and without a doubt, according to mathematics, he has solved the wonderful problem, surprising as it may appear to many. Weights and measures can now be made perfect, and to the satisfaction of every man, woman, and child. Space and distance, which have never been known, and now found by John Davis. Sabin Smith (Reference: Testimonials - The Measure of the Circle - John Davis) All the mathematicians of that era approved the mathematical work and calculation of Pi as 19 divided by 6.

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Pi calculated by John Davis & approved by the mathematicians of his era:

I have examined the measure of the circle by John Davis, and beyond all doubt it is perfect measure. Henry R. Savory, Civil and Military Engineer I have examined the measure of the circle by Mr. John Davis, and find it, in my opinion, a most complete, scientific, mathematical measure of the circle. Thomas Guille, Professor of Mathematics (Reference: Testimonials The Measure of the Circle, John Davis)

Pi calculated by John Davis = 19/6 = 3.16666..

Hon Han Shu in 130 AD and Brahmagupta in 640 AD calculated the value of Pi as:

Pi = 10 = 3.162277..
Had they added 10 to the number 10, they would have got the exact and real value of Pi. If we just add 10 to the above formula of Pi, we would get the exact and perfect value of Pi as:

Perfect Pi = 10 + 10 = 10.027777777 = 3.166666

Amazingly, lack of formal education can be an advantage. We get stuck in our old ways. Sometimes, progress is made when someone from the outside looks at mathematics with new eyes. Doris Schattschneider, Los Angeles Times

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Egyptian Scribe Ahmes First Ever Pi 3.16049 Known in History:

The First ever value found by Egyptians 2000 BC - Rhind Papyrus, approximately 4000 years ago was 3.160493827, which is approximately equal to the Final Perfect Value of Pi discovered by me. The Egyptian scribe Ahmes wrote the oldest known text to give an approximate value for Pi, citing a Middle Kingdom Papyrus, corresponding to the value of 256 divided by 81 or 3.1605

Egyptian Scribe Ahmes Pi () = 256/ 81 = 3.160493827 Perfect Pi () = 3.16666666

Correction to the First and the Oldest Known Value of Pi:

The Egyptian scribe Ahmes calculated the oldest known pi, the first pi in the history as 256 divided by 81. Had they calculated the value of pi to be 247 divided by 78, they would have got the correct and rational value of Pi at that time.

Egyptian Scribe Ahmes Pi () = 256/81 = 3.1605

Perfect Pi () = 247/ 78 = (19 x 13) / (6 x 13) = 3.166666.
The difference in circumference of a circle is 256 247 = 9 and the difference in diameter of that circle is 81- 78 = 3. So the corrected value of Egyptian scribe -Ahmes would be: Perfect Pi = 247/78 = (19 x 13)/ (6 x 13) = 3.166666.

Perfect Pi () = 247/78 = 3.1666corrected value I define the Perfect Pi as:

Perfect Pi = Signature of the God on the Universe/ Perfection of God in the Universe

Perfect Pi = 19/6
Perfect Pi () = Perfect Circumference/Perfect Diameter = 19/6

Perfect Pi = 3.1666...... is a constant, rational and real value of Pi ()

When all mathematicians and scientists agree that Mathematics is the language of God, then why 19 The Secret Code of God Page 207

do we think that God would speak an irrational language with us like the present irrational mathematical pi accepted by the mathematicians and scientists, which is also the most famous mathematical constant and a symbol of our universe. It should be rather a perfect rational mathematical number with full representation of our universe and the language of God which should be a rational mathematical language.

Pi () Day: Pi () Day is celebrated every year in Europe and USA on 14th March as the accepted value of

= 3.14
Pi () Day --------- 14th March------------- = 3.14 3..refers to March 14...14th March

Now with the Perfect Pi, the Pi () Day would be celebrated on 16th March every year as:

Perfect Pi () = 3.16 Pi () Day ------------ 16th March

It would be amazing to know that 16th March is the 76th Day in a leap year of 366 days and the Number 76 is:

16th March ----- 76th Day in a leap year of 366 days 76th Day ------------------- 19 x 4 = 76th Day
19 The Secret Code of God Page 208

Completion of the World by God and Pi () Day:

It is mentioned in the Holy Bible Book of Genesis - 2, By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. (Reference: Genesis 2, The Holy Bible) Chapter one of the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible describes God's creation of the world by divine speech in six days and the designation of the seventh day as Sabbath, a divinely ordained day of rest.

Sabbath -------------- Saturday

It is also written in Exodus 20.19f as: Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work.For in Six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. All Christians and Jews consider Saturday as the Holy Day and that is why there is an official holiday on Saturday every week in most part of the world. So according to the Holy Bible, God started the creation of the world on Sunday, He would have finished the work on Friday, i.e. the sixth day and on the Seventh day of Saturday he rested from all his work and that is why God blessed the seventh day i.e. Saturday and made it Holy. If we assume that God started the creation of the world on 16th March, then 16th March would had fallen on Sunday and God finished the work on the Seventh day of Sabbath, i.e. Saturday and 21st March would be Saturday as per our assumption.

16th March -------------- Sunday 21st March --------------- Saturday

21st March is also the start of the first Astrological month of Aries and many Persian nations like Iran, Azerbaijan, etc celebrate the new year of Naurooz on 21st March every year.

Pi () Day ----------- 16th March ------------------ Sunday

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Sunday is also the official holiday in most countries of the world. So both the Start of the
creation of the world by God and Finishing of the work by God are on Sunday and Saturday and both days are the official holidays every week in most countries of the world.

Pi () Day and Sunday: Pi () Day ----------- 16th March ------------------ Sunday Sunday is the 7th day of the week.
There are 12 months in a year and the Number 12 is the 7th Even Number

12 + 7 = 19
There are 7 days in a week and 52 weeks in a year. The Number 52 is the 27th Even Number. There are also 52 Sundays in a year usually. We also know that 19 is the 8th Prime Number.

52.27th Even Number 19..8th Prime Number .. 19 + 8 = 27

There are 4 weeks in a month and usually 4 Sundays every month. We also know that March 16th is the 76th Day in a complete leap year of 366 days.

4 Sundays --------------------------- Every month (usually) 19 x 4 = 76th Day ------------- 16th March in any leap year of 366 days

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19 Perfect Results with Perfect Pi ():

The Perfect results are showing with the Perfect Numbers of Perfect Pi. So we can say that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perfect Sphere exists in the universe and mathematics. Perfect Circle exists in science and mathematics. Perfect Circle can be Squared Quadrature is possible. Perfect Sphere can be Cubed. Rectification of the Perfect Circle is possible i.e. the circumference can be drawn as a straight line. 6. Pi is a rational and real number and ratio of two real perfect integers. 7. Pi is a normal number and shows a regular pattern of decimal expansion of only one number i.e. Number 6. 8. Pi is normal to base 10 with unique infinite decimal expansion ending with recurring decimal. 9. Pi is a perfect and exact mathematical number. 10. Pi is a symmetrical and flawless number. 11. Pi is a plane solution to a geometry problem. 12. Pi is a unique and independent number. 13. Pi is a natural and definite number. 14. Pi is a universal constant number. 15. Pi is an algebraic number. 16. Pi has perfect dimensions of circumference of 19 and diameter of 6. 17. Pi is a symmetrical number. 18. Pi is a real number. 19. Pi is a perfect ratio of 19 divided by 6.

7 - Perfect Formulas of Perfect Pi:

1. Perfect Pi = 19/6 = 3.16666 2. Perfect Pi = 10 + 10 = 10.0277777. = 3.16666.. 3. Perfect Pi = 114/36 = 3.16666.. 4. Perfect Pi = 361/114 = 3.166666.. 5. Perfect Pi = 3 + 1/6 = 3.1666666 6. Perfect Pi = 3 + 60/360 = 3.16666666. 7. Perfect Pi = (1 + 9) + (1 +9) = 3.16666..
Knowledge is a point, ignorant people spread it. Ali

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Perfect Circle and 19

Alexander Pope wrote in His Essay on Man:

Order is heavens first law. Mathematicians throughout the history of mankind strongly believed that the Perfect Circle does not exist because they could not find the perfect circumference, perfect diameter and perfect pi for that perfect circle. However, they tried so many ways to find the exact and perfect value of Pi. But: Circle is itself a Perfect and Universal shape in all the geometrical shapes.

Pi is also described as How much bigger is the circumference of a circle than the diameter. In 19 The Secret Code of God Page 212

Euclidean plane geometry, Pi is defined either as the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter, or as the ratio of a circles area to the area of a square whose side is a radius. Now we would see the model of a Perfect Circle by putting the same perfect values of a Perfect Sphere. We dont have to prove the perfect circle because perfect circle attributes are based on Perfect Sphere attributes and they are:

1. Circumference of a Perfect Circle = 19 2. Diameter of a Perfect Circle = 6 3. Radius of a Perfect Circle = 3

Perfect Pi = Circumference of a Perfect Circle/ Diameter of a Perfect Circle

Perfect Pi = 19/6 = 3.1666..

Now we calculate: So the Area of a Perfect Circle = Pi x (r x r) = x Pi x (d x d) Area of a Perfect Circle = 19/6 x (3 x 3) = x 19/6 x (6x 6)

Area of a Perfect Circle = 28.5

Now pi is equal to Ratio of a Prefects Circles Area to the area of a square whose side is a radius.

Now the side which is a radius = 3 Area of a Square = 3 x 3 = 9

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Perfect Pi = Prefects Circles Area / Area of a Square whose side is a radius Perfect Pi = 28.5 / 9 = 3.1666666666

Perfect Pi = 3.1666666. or 19/6 or 3 + 1/6

Perfect 6 -Dimensions of a Perfect Circle:

1. Circumference 19 2. Diameter 6 3. Radius 3 4. Degrees 360 5. Area = 28.5 6. Pi = 19/6
So, the Perfect Circle can be defined as:

Definition of a Perfect Circle:

A circle of 360 degrees from all sides in 2 dimensions with a perfect constant diameter of six (6), radius of three (3) , circumference of nineteen (19) and the ratio of the area of a Perfect circle to the area of a square whose side is the radius and the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a Perfect Circle should be same i.e. 3.1666 and its area would be 28.5 and all its values of circumference, radius and diameter should be equal to that of a Perfect Sphere is called a Perfect Circle.

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360 and 19:

There are 360 degrees in a complete and perfect Circle.

360 = 12 x 30 127th Even Number and 12 + 7 = 19 30 ------------19th Composite Number 360 = (19 1) x (19 + 1) 360 = 6 x 6 x 10 360 = 12 x 30 = (19 1) x (19 + 1) = 6 x 6 x 10

Area of a Perfect Circle and 19:

1. Two third of the Area of a Perfect Circle:
Area of a Perfect Circle = 28

Two third of the Area of a Perfect Circle = 28.5 x (2/3) = 19 19 = two third of the Area of a Perfect Circle
2. One Ninth of the Area of a Perfect Circle:

Area of a Perfect Circle = 28

One ninth of the Area of a Perfect Circle = 28.5 x (1/9) = 3.166666. 28.5 x (1/9) = 3.1666666666. = Perfect Pi Perfect Pi = (1/9) x Area of a Perfect Circle (28.5) = 3.16666.

Perfect Pi = (1/9) x (28.5) = 3.1666..

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So a Perfect Circle with an Area of 28.5, when divided into 9 equal parts gives every part equal to Perfect Pi = 3.16666.. or 19/6 The Area of every 9th Part of a Perfect Circle is equal to Ali Pi = 19/6 = 3.16666.. If we note the numbers carefully, we see that ratio 1/9 contains two numbers 1 and 9, which are the same numbers in Number 19. So both the numbers 1 and 9 are very important in the calculations of the Perfect Circle.

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Number 9 and 19

Number 19 can be written as 9 + 1 + 9 = 19 Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number and 19 + 8 = 27 2 + 7 = 9 360 = 9 x [(19 + 1) + (19 + 10] 360 .. 3 + 6 + 0 = 9.360 = (19 1) x (19 + 1) The square of 9 is 81. The difference of 100 and 19 is 100 19 = 81 = 9 x 9 The difference of 19 and 9 is 10 as: 19 9 = 10.6th Even Number If we add 19 and 9, we would get: 19 + 9 = 28.2nd Perfect Number 19 x 9 = 171 1 + 7 + 1 = 9 The root number of all these numbers in a circle of 360 is 9 as: 90.180.270..360 90..9 + 0 = 9.. 109 19 = 90 1801 + 8 = 0 = 9.199 19 = 180 2702 + 7 + 0 = 9. 19 is the 8th Prime Number ---- 19 + 8 = 27.. 2 + 7 = 9 3603 + 6 + 0 = 9 and 360 = (19 1) x (19 + 1)

Perfect Pi = 19/6 = 3 + (9/54) = 3.1666666..

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Number 6 and 19

6 x 19 = 114
The total number of Chapters of the Holy Quran are 6 times 19, i.e. 6 x 19 = 114 The Number 19 are mentioned 6 times in the Holy Bible. 6 x 19 = 114 The total number of Sayings of Jesus Christ listed in the Gospel of Thomas is 114. Sayings of Jesus Christ in Gospel of Thomas = 6 x 19 = 114 th 619 is the 114 Prime Number 6 x 19 = 114 The Volume of the Perfect Sphere is 6 x 19 = 114 The Surface Area of the Perfect Sphere is 6 x 19 = 114 The numerical value of the name of Allah, Al-Jami' meaning the Gatherer is 114, i.e. 6 x 19 = 114. The Arabic word Kul e Shai meaning Everything is mentioned 114 times in the Holy Quran, i.e. 6 x 19 = 114. There are 6 prime numbers mentioned in the Holy Quran as: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 19. The Number 19 is the highest prime number mentioned in the Holy Quran. The Mandala - 9 of the Rig-Veda is comprised of 114 hymns, entirely devoted to Soma Pavamana, the plant of the sacred portion of the Vedic religion, i.e. 6 x 19 = 114. Perfect Pi () = 19 divided by 6 = 19/6 = 3.1666.. The Number 13 is the 6th Prime Number --------------- 13 + 6 = 19 The Number 6 + 6 = 12 is 7th Even Number -------------- 12 + 7 = 19 The square of Number 14 is: 14 x 14 = 196196.19 and 6. The reversal of Number 19 is 91. Adding both numbers, we get: 19 + 91 = 110 and the Number 110 is written in Hexadecimal as 6E16. The Number 114 is represented by the six fold heart of the sevenfold Logos Star.

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Number 12 and 19

Number 12 is the 7th Even Number. Adding 12 and 7, we would get: 12 + 7 = 19 19 x 12 = 228.. 2 + 2 + 8 = 12 12 x 30 = 360 = (19 1) x (19 + 1) Perfect Pi = 19/6 = 3 + (12/72) = 3.166666 19 + 12 = 31. 31 x 31 = 961 and 13 x 13 = 169. Both numbers contain same numbers 1, 9 and 6 19 12 = 7 12 is the 7th Even Number The Arabic name of God is Allah and the numeric value of Allah is 66. Adding the numbers, we would get ---- 666 + 6 = 127th Even Number and 12 + 7 = 19..the numeric value of name of God Wahid meaning One. 12 x 12 = 144.19th Powerful Number in Mathematics 12 x 3 = 36.19th Even Number in Mathematics 12 Months in a year and 12 is the 7th Even Number. So 12 + 7 = 19

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Number 14 and 19

19 x 14 = 266. 2 + 6 + 6 = 14 19 + 14 = 33.. 3 + 3 = 6..Perfect Diameter of a Perfect Circle or Sphere 19 14 = 519 + 6 = 25 = 5 x 5..square of 5 Number 14 is the 8th Even Number and Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number. Number 26 is the 14th Even Number and 26 2 + 6 = 8..8th Prime Number = 19 Number 27 is the 14th Odd Number and 19 is the 8th Prime Number. The sum of 19 and 8 is also 27. Number 43 is the 14th Prime Number. The Number 43. 4 + 3 = 7 and 7 + 7 = 14. Also Number 12 is the 7th Even Number and 12 + 7 = 19 14 x 14 = 196..19 and 6Perfect Circumference and Perfect Diameter of a Perfect Circle or Sphere 14 + 41 = 55. The reversal of 55 is also 55. Adding both numbers, we would get 55 + 55 = 110, which is equal to 110 = 55 + 55 = [(14 + 41) + (41 + 14)] = 19 + 91 19 x 6 = 114Total Suras in the Holy Quran.. 1 and 14 14 = 2 x 7. 2 is the 1st Prime Number and 7 is the 4th Prime Number. So 14 = (1st x 4th) Prime Numbers Number 100 is the 14th Powerful Number in mathematics. All Perfect Numbers in mathematics end either with Number 6 or Number 8. Adding both the numbers 6 and 8, we would get: 6 + 8 = 14. Now take the squares of the numbers 6 and 8 and then add = (6 x 6 ) +(8 x 8) = (36) + (64) = 100.14th Powerful Number 36 3 + 6 = 9 and 64 6 + 4 = 10. Adding 9 and 10, we would get 19 The reversal of the number 14 is Number 41. The Number 41 is the 13th Prime Number and the Number 13 is the 6th Prime Number----- 13 + 6 = 19 14 + 14 = 28..2nd Perfect Number and 09 + 19 = 28 There are 8 Arabic names of Allah, the sum of the numeric value of those 8 names of Allah is 14 and Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number. Perfect Pi = 2 + (14/12) = 19/6 = 3.166666

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Gregorian Hijri Calendars, Real Pi and 19

The year is the period taken by the Earth to complete an orbit around the Sun and, again, there are a number of ways in which this can be measured. But for calculating a calendar that is to remain in step with the seasons, it is most convenient to use the tropical year, since this refers directly to the Sun's apparent annual motion. The tropical year is defined as the interval between successive passages of the Sun through the vernal equinox (i.e., when it crosses the celestial equator late in March) and amounts to 365.242199 mean solar days. The tropical year and the synodic month (lunar month) are incommensurable, 12 synodic months amounting to 354.36706 days, almost 11 days shorter than the tropical year. The Muslim Era is computed from the starting point of the year of the emigration (Hijri); that is, from the year in which Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, emigrated from Mecca to Medina, AD 622. The first day of the month Muharram which is the beginning of the year was set as:

1st Muharram, Hijri = July 16, 622 (Friday)

The years of the Muslim calendar are lunar and always consist of 12 (lunar) months, each month beginning approximately at the time of the New Moon. The months are alternately 30 and 29 days long except for the 12th Islamic month, Dhu al-Hijjah, the length of which is varied in a 30-year cycle intended to keep the calendar in step with the true phases of the Moon. In 11 years of this cycle, Dhu al-Hijjah has 30 days, and in the other 19 years it has 29. Thus the year has either 354 or 355 days. No months are intercalated, so that the named months do not remain in the same seasons but retrogress through the entire solar, or seasonal, year (of about 365.25 days) every 32.5 solar years. Now the following equation shows the in time relation between the Islamic year, the Gregorian year and the perfect rational magical number Pi =19/6 = 3.166666.... It's to say that also history and dates are mathematically linked to each other. The conversion is usually made by special software. Try the below equation to see the accuracy of the results and control the precision with a Hijri/Gregorian converter. (Reference:

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622 AD is the year of Hijri. If you are in the second half of the year use 622 Use 622.5 if you are in the first half of the year Perfect Pi = 19/6 = 3.1666666..

Mysterious Formula Conversion of Gregorian calendar to Hijri calendar

1. For the second half of the Gregorian year

(Gregorian - 622) x (Pi/100 + 1) = Hijri Year

2. For the first half of the Gregorian year

(Gregorian 622.5) x (Pi/100 + 1) = Hijri Year Where Pi = 19/6

Illustration: Gregorian Month and Year October, 2010. Convert to Hijri year
For the second half of the Gregorian year

(Gregorian 622) x (Pi/100 + 1) = Hijri Year

= (2010 622) x [(19/ (6 x 100)) + (1)]

= 1431.95 .Hijri Year

1431 Hijri and 0.95.indicate that 1431 Hijri year is at the end because next Hijri year would start on 8th December, 2010 (1st Muharram, 1432 Hijri). 19 The Secret Code of God Page 222

Chemistry and 19

Both the chemistry as well as the physics are material sciences, even natural sciences, that till now differs from the immaterial sciences or humanities. The chemistry deals more with the elements as well as materials, from which the Earth is made up, whereas the physics deals with energies and (complex) bodies that have been composed from these elements and materials. While for the chemistry the analysis of the components of substances and the creation of synthetic materials of decisive meaning is, the physics deals with laws, which bodies and energies are subject to. One of the important differentiation of the chemistry, is the organic and inorganic substances, the two building materials of the Universe. On the other hand, to the important measurementresearch of the physics belongs the Time, the Room and the Movement, through which physical objects define themselves in their existence. For centuries, the scientists had essentially devoted time to the outer behavior of bodies and materials. Only in the course of the last century, increased efforts were undertaken, to explore atomic and subatomic structures of all Earth's material manifestations. From this are the nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry originated. Within these physical and chemical nuclear-sciences, one has discovered that no more than only three observable particles, which in interplay form the matter: protons, neutrons and electrons.One could determine that protons has a positive electric charge, and the electrons a negative charge.While by neutrons is apparently missing every sort of charge, thus their name. Neutrons and protons form together the atomic nucleus. Whereas electrons normally whirl around in the atomic cosmos, and only, if they come into the proximity of an atomic nucleus, sit up like "sparrows on wires" (Dr. Peter Plichta) around the atomic shells on the atomic nucleus. If it becomes them too hot, they begin to "jump" and vanish again. Neutrons can likewise, also leave the atomic nucleus - in which each one is disintegrated into an electron and proton. Until now, differently than the nuclear-scientists and theoretical physicists , Peter Plichta, like Arnold Sommerfeld, supposed that some structural phenomenon of the nuclear construction of the matter have to do with the numbers theory and it could led back on quite simple formulas and knowledge. Had not Albert Einstein predicted that a future physics will born without complicated formulas and 19 The Secret Code of God Page 223

lead to quite simple numbers-relation? Since then, Plichta is tormented, and if it is true then the entire Science will collapse in a day like a house of cards. In this moment, he just remembered his earlier chemical and biochemical knowledge. Already as chemistry-student, he had noticed that each earthly life is built on 19 left built amino acids and an amino acid without optical center, (therefore neither left-nor right-built). As Hamlet from Shakespeare is also composed out of only nineteen consonants. Others than these nineteen + one amino acids can be produced only artificially, thus they never appear as natural product. Amino acids are not only vital but also a life-requirement, since they make enzymes and proteins, which are our basis of life. The German chemist wondered quite nervously why God has decided exactly in favor of 19+1 amino acids? How would he be able to know also, that all great traditions transmitted the number 19 as number of the Life? (Reference: Dr. Peter Plichta, a renowned German chemist, physicist and biologist has run into number 19 frequently during his search for Gods secret formula. He asked himself, does this remarkable number have a similar outstanding meaning for the Nature, in which we live, and for the material conception of the world? Dr. Peter Plichta

The response that Dr. Peter Plichta discovered after years of great struggle, is Yes. Dr. Plichta realized through his work that chemistry, physics and biology and their derivatives for e.g. biochemistry are all together connected to the number 19. It is the SECRET CODE, which helps the Nature in its organizations and structures.

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The Chemical Elements

This page describes the mystery of 19 according to the theories of Peter Plichta as set out in his book "God's Secret Formula".

There are 81 stable Chemical Elements.

Potassium (19) Beryllium (4) Helium (2) Carbon (6) Lithium (3) Multiple Isotopes Oxygen (8) Magnesium (12) Nickel (28) Germanium (32) Multiple Isotopes Neon (10) Silicon (14) Argon (18) Titanium (22)

Single Isotope Fluorine (9) Phosphorus (15) Scandium (21) Manganese (25)

Double Isotopes Hydrogen (1) Boron (5) Nitrogen (7) Chlorine (17)

(atomic numbers are odd) (atomic numbers are odd) (atomic number divisible by 4) (atomic number divisible by 2)

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Cobalt (27) Arsenic (33) Yttrium (39) Rhodium (45) Caesium (55) Terbium (65) Thulium (69) Sodium (11) Aluminum (13) Niobium (41) Iodine (53) Praseodymium (59) Holmium (67) Gold (79) Bismuth (83)

Vanadium (23) Copper (29) Gallium (31) Rubidium (37) Silver (47) Lutetium (71) Tantalum (73) Bromine (35) Indium (49) Antimony (51) Lanthanum (57) Europium (63) Rhenium (75) Iridium (77) Thallium (81)

Zirconium (40) Ruthenium (44) Barium (56) Neodymium (60) Gadolinium (64) Osmium (76) Mercury (80) Sulfur (16) Chromium (24) Calcium (20) Krypton (36) Erbium (68) Hafnium (72) Cadmium (48) Tellurium (52)

Zinc (30) Tungsten (74) Molybdenum (42) Samarium (62) Dysprosium (66) Ytterbium (70) Xenon (54) Iron (26) Strontium (38) Cerium (58) Lead (82) Selenium (34) Palladium (46) Platinum (78) Tin (50)

The table above shows an amazing mathematical order. It divides the building blocks of Nature into 4 x19 chemical elements, where four elements (Beryllium, Helium, Carbon and Lithium), are set above in a super-order. Over them all, sits outstanding, the key-number of this whole system, the number 19, which represents Potassium. The whole system is structured on the number 19.

Of the 81 stable elements:

The total number of pure isotopes is exactly 20.

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The total number of double isotopes is exactly 20. The total number of multiple isotopes divisible by 2 is 20. The total number of multiple isotopes divisible by 4 is 20. The largest Neutron number for any stable isotope=209=11x 19.

209 = 11 x 19
From unstable element 43 to unstable element 61 inclusively we have 19 elements. The total neutron number for all the stable isotopes=30704=1616 x 19.

30704 = 19 x 1616
The total electron number for all the stable elements=1+2+3...83-(43+61) = 3382 = 178 x 19.

3382 = 19 x 178
Therefore the total proton number for all the stable elements also=1+2+3...83-(43+61)=3382.

3382 = 19 x 178
The addition of the above 3 totals=37468 = 19 x 1972.

37468 = 19 x 1972
He noticed that each earthly life is built on 19 left-built amino acids and an amino acid without optical center, just as the Hamlet Shakespeare is composed also from only 19 consonants. Amino acids are not only vital but a life requirement, since they form enzymes and proteins, that are our life-bases. The Duesseldorfer chemist wondered why God has decided exactly in favor of 19 + 1 amino acids? How would He be able to know also, that all great traditions have passed on the number 19 as the number of life? Dr. Peter Plichta described that there are actually only 81 natural existing stable elements. From 83 theoretically possible elements, only 81 occur in the Nature. Then the scientist found out that from these 81 natural occurring stable elements of the Chemistry, 19 are pure isotopes. Pure isotopes are chemical elements that exist only in one isotope form, that is to say that occurs with same number of protons and neutrons. With astonishment, the chemist noticed that all pure isotopes are elements with odd atomic numbers in the periodic table. The 19 pure isotopes with odd atomic numbers in the periodic table are: 19 The Secret Code of God Page 227

9, 11, 13, 15, 21, 25, 27, 33, 39, 41, 45, 53, 59, 65, 67, 69, 79, 83 ---- 19 isotopes
He also found out that the number of the double isotopes is also 19 with odd atomic number, that is to say that elements with two mass numbers or isotopes. He further noticed that there are 38 multiple isotopes (19 x 2 = 38) with even atomic numbers.

The Stable Isotopes

Element Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper 1 1 3 6 9 10 12 14 16 19 21 23 24 27 28 31 32 35 36 39 40 45 46 50 50 55 54 59 58 63 2 2 7 11 13 15 17 22 25 29 33 37 38 40 42 47 51 52 56 60 65 3 18 26 30 34 40 41 43 48 53 57 61 4 36 44 49 54 58 62 5 46 50 64 6 48 7 8 9 10 Total 3 3 13 9 21 25 29 51 19 43 23 75 27 87 31 135 72 114 120 263 45 240 101 209 55 225 59 305 128

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Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Neodymium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium

64 69 72 75 74 79 78 85 84 89 90 93 92 96 96

66 71 73 76 81 80 87 86 91 94 98 -

67 74 77 82 87 92 95 99 -

68 76 78 83 88 94 96 -

70 80 84 96 97 -

82 86 98 -

335 140 295 75 467 160 493 172 345 89 463 93 672 700 96 635 216 790 228 244 873 127 1170 133 942 277 556 141 1018 1044 304 1092 159 1124 165 997 169 1031 351

100 -

100 101 102 104 -

102 104 105 106 108 110 107 109 113 115 121 123 127 133 -

106 108 110 111 112 113 114 116 -

112 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 122 124 1177 120 122 123 124 126 128 130 -

124 126 128 129 130 131 132 134 136 130 132 134 135 136 137 138 138 139 136 138 140 142 -

Praseodymium 141 -

142 143 144 145 146 148 150 144 147 148 149 150 152 154 151 153 159 165 169 152 154 155 156 157 158 160 156 158 160 161 162 163 164 162 164 166 167 168 170 168 170 171 172 174 176 175 176 -

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Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth 81 Stable

174 176 177 178 179 180 180 181 185 187 191 193 197 180 182 183 184 186 -

1064 361 915 372 1316 384 1165 197 1400 408 825 209 30704

184 186 187 188 189 190 192 190 192 194 195 196 198 -

196 198 199 200 201 202 204 203 205 209 204 206 207 208 -

30704 =19 x 1616 3382 =19 x 178 3382 =19 x 178 37468 =19 x 1972
Dr. Peter Plichta had reached a crucial breakthrough. In his own words,

He says:
I understand that nature strictly divided the stable elements according to the type of their divisibility in four nineteenth columns. It assigned a twentieth number to each of the four categories, that stands in the table over this nineteen numbers, without violating the Nineteen rule which regulates the divisibility. The coding effect of the number 19 is distinct and clear. The whole system is subject to one 19-Code system. The biochemical components of life, the amino acids are coded by the number 19. The structure of the 81 stable, natural existing chemical elements, the components of the Nature are in many ways subject to the same code. A lonely number, the unique number 19, proves to be the King of the Chemistry.

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19 Gods Secret Formula and Chemistry Facts:

- The largest Neutron number for any stable isotope = 209 = 11 x 19.
- From unstable element 43 to unstable element 61 inclusively, we have 19 elements. - The total neutron number for all stable isotopes =30704 = 19 x 1616 - The total electron number for all the stable elements = 3382 = 19 x 178 - The total proton number for all the stable elements also = 3382 = 19 x 178 - If we add the total neutron numbers, the electron numbers and the proton numbers, we would get: 37468 = 19 x 1972 - The atomic number of Potassium is 19. (Reference:

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Computer Science and 19

19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 01

19 = 01
We all know that the language of the Computer Sciences is 0 and 1. Whatever we write or draw or take picture or do anything on computer in any language, the computer only understands and interprets into its own language of 0 and 1. Secondly, all the information in the Computers is stored in bits and bytes. The byte is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications, that most commonly consists of eight bits. Historically, a byte was the number of bits used to encode a single character of text in a computer and it is for this reason the basic addressable element in many computer architectures. In general, the size of a byte may be hardware dependent, as no definitive standards exist that mandate its size. The modern de facto standard of eight bits is a convenient power of two permitting the values 0 through 255 for one byte. Each byte consists a combination of 8 bits of 0 and 1.

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Now we know that 19 = 01 and 19 is the 8th Prime Numbers. So whatever data or information we are exchanging on computers today is only 0 and 1 and the root of 0 and 1 is 19. Even the numbers of bits in a Byte are also 8 as 19 is the 8th Prime Number. Is it a coincidence that our modern technology of Computers and the language of Computers is also indicating the secret messages of Number 19 and its mathematical properties.

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Medical Science and 19

Length of Pregnancy and 19:

'Langman's Medical Embryology' by T.W. Sadler, is used as a textbook in most of the Medical Schools in the USA. On page 88 of the Fifth edition, it is written: "In general the length of pregnancy for a full term fetus is considered to be 280 days or 40 weeks after onset of the last menstruation, or more accurately, 266 days or 38 weeks after fertilization." The numbers are 266 and 38 are both multiples of 19.

266 days = 19 x 14 ..A 266 days = 38 weeksB 38 = 19 x 2C 38 weeks = 19 x 2 x 7 = 266 days...D

Human Bones in a new born baby and 19:

It is medically accepted all over the world that the average number of bones in a new born baby are 209.

Average Number of Bones in a New Born Baby = 209

209 = 19 x 11 209 Bones in a new born baby = 19 x 11

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Human Hand and 19:

The Human Hand has 19 bones. We have 14 bones in our 5 fingers and 5 bones in the palm of our hand.

Human Hand = 19 Bones 19 = 19 x 1 The median height of the new born babies (boys and girls) is 19 inches as documented
and recorded in medical science.

Average Height of a New Born Baby = 19 inches Every square inch of the human body has about 19 million skin cells. Every Square Inch of human body = 19 million skin cells

It takes about 57 to 76 seconds for the blood cell to circle the whole body when we
are resting as a range because it differs from person to person.

57 = 19 x 3 and 76 = 19 x 4
57 and 76 when written as a single number as:

577619 x 304 = 5776 and 304 = 19 x 16 5776 19 x 16 x 19

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Body Systems and 19

There are 12 major Body Systems in the human body:

1. Circulatory System (heart, blood, vessels) 2. Respiratory System (nose, trachea, lungs) 3. Immune System (many types of protein, cells, organs, tissues) 4. Skeletal System (bones) 5. Excretory System (lungs, large intestine, kidneys) 6. Urinary System (bladder, kidneys) 7. Muscular System (muscles) 8. Endocrine System (glands) 9. Digestive System (mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines) 10. Nervous System (brain, spinal cord, nerves) 11. Reproductive System (male and female reproductive organs) 12. Integumentary System (skin and tissues)
Number 12 is the 7th Even Number. Adding 12 and 7, we would get: 12 Body Systems ---------------12----------7th Even Number------------12 + 7 = 19

12 + 7 = 19

Flower of Life Symbol and 19:

The flower of life symbol consists of 19 interlocking circles.

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Creation of Humans and 19

(Reference: Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

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Astral Body and 19

The astral body is said to be composed of 19 elements:

1. 2. 3. 4. Intelligence Ego Feeling Mind

Five Senses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch

Five Instruments of Action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mental correspondence for the executive abilities to procreate Excrete Talk Walk Exercise manual skill.

Five Instruments of Life Force: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Empowered to perform the crystallizing Assimilating Eliminating Metabolizing Circulating functions of the body.

This subtle astral encasement of 19 elements survives the death of the physical body.
(Quoted from Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda)

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Chakra Levels and 19

Anodea Judith (1996: p. 5) provides a modern interpretation of the chakras: A chakra is believed to be a center of activity that receives, assimilates, and expresses life force energy. The word chakra literally translates as wheel or disk and refers to a spinning sphere of bio-energetic activity emanating from the major nerve ganglia branching forward from the spinal column. Generally, six of these wheels are described, stacked in a column of energy that spans from the base of the spine to the middle of the forehead, the seventh lying beyond the physical world. It is the six major chakras that correlate with basic states of consciousness... It is said that there are basically 19 Main Chakra levels The base Chakra has been the 7th and the Crown Chakra being the 13th. So there are 3 sets of 7 which share Chakras 7 and 13, so that 7 Chakras x 3 sets = 21 Chakras are actually 19 Chakras. The 3 levels correspond with the 3 gunas.


If God speaks to man, he undoubtedly uses the language of mathematics. -Henri Poincare

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Energy and 19

(Reference: Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

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Plants and 19

(Reference: Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

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Insects and 19

(Reference: Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

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Matter and 19

(Reference: Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

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Engineering and 19

The research work done by Dr. Zaid Kasim Mohammad Ghazzawi shows that 19 again plays a pivotal role in the field of Engineering. He explained that the Number 19 can be represented by 19 spheres and the most stable configuration for these spheres is a hexagonal pattern as shown in figure 1

Figure (1): Number 19 representation from a mathematical point of view He explained that if we look at the design of God for the habitation of bees we see the hexagonal shape on which God designed creation upon as shown in figure (2). We also notice a perfect match between the representation of number 19 from a mathematical point of view and the pattern on which God created and designed the hexagonal structure of bee hives.

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Figure (2): Hexagonal design of a bee hive. He explained that God teaches us that the best way to build structures is to arrange the basic units comprising it in a hexagonal pattern like the geometrical shape of the number 19. And your Lord taught the honey bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (mens) habitations (Sura 16, Verse 68, Holy Quran) Bees have been using the hexagonal structure for the construction of the honeycombs for millions of years. There is a bee fossil is found dating 100 million years. It is a wonder why they have chosen the hexagonal structure rather than octagonal, or pentagonal? The answer is given by the mathematicians: hexagonal structure is the most suitable geometric form for maximum use of unit area If the honeycomb cells were constructed in another form, then there would be areas left out of use; thus less honey would be stored, and less bees would be able to benefit from it.

Magic Hexagon Numbers 1 to 19

= 38 = 19 x 2

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As long as their depths are the same, a triangle or quadrangle cell would hold the same amount of honey as a hexagonal cell. But, among all these geometric forms, hexagon is the one with the shortest circumference. Whilst they have the same volume, amount of wax required for hexagonal cells is less than that required for a triangular or quadrangular one. So, the conclusion is: Hexagonal cell requires minimum amount of wax for construction while it stores maximum amount of honey. This result, obtained after many complex geometrical calculations, can surely not have been calculated by bees themselves. These tiny animals use the hexagon form innately, just because they are taught and inspired so by their Lord. The hexagonal design of the cells is practical in many aspects. Cells fit to each other and they share each others walls. This, again, ensures maximum storage with minimum wax. Although the walls of the cells are rather thin, they are strong enough to sustain a few times of their own weight. Besides the side walls, the same principle of maximum saving is considered also while the bottom edges are constructed. Combs are built as a slice with two lines lying back to back, where the connection point problem occurs. This problem is solved by constructing the bottom surfaces of cells by combining three equilateral quadrangles. When three cells are built on one face of the comb, the bottom surface of one cell on the other face is automatically constructed. As the bottom surface is composed of equilateral quadrangle wax plaques, the depth increases in these cells, which results in an increase in the volume and thus in the amount of honey to be stored. This is a diameter-5 magic hexagon. Each integer from 1 to 19 appears exactly once, and the sum of the numbers along any column or diagonal is the same (38 = 19 x 2). It is easy to prove that 1 and 5 are the only possible magic hexagon diameters, using the numbers from 1 to the hexagon size. The diameter-1 magic hexagon is trivial, and the diameter-5 magic hexagon is essentially unique. There are 12 variations which arise by rotating and reflecting the hexagon under the action of the dihedral group of order 12. (Reference: Now if we want to build a house from boards as the ones shown in figure (3) then the design that we learn from the Holy Quran is to build the house by arranging these boards in a hexagonal shape as shown in figure (4).

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Figure (3): Boards comprising a house

He made a study to investigate the resistance of the design shown in figure (4) to lateral displacements like those generated when an earthquake occurs. He explained that the devastating effect of an earthquake results from lateral displacements on the walls of a structure. The study involved building a model shown in figure (5) where 1000 N force is applied on the horizontal wall to generate a lateral displacement like the one produced in an earthquake.

Figure (5): Placing forces and fixation on the model taken from the number 19

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He mentioned that he concentrated on the results which are the overall displacement and stresses within the model, and the figures (6) and (7) show these results within the model.

Figure (6): Overall displacements generated within the model

Figure (7): Overall state of stress within the model. If we compare the results shown in figures (6) and (7) with the results obtained from the current design of buildings where T-sections are used to erect rooms in a house shown in figures (8) and (9)

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Figure (8): Overall displacement in a model based on the current design of walls in a building

Figure (9): Overall state of stress in a model based on the current design of walls in a building. Table (1) shows a comparison between the results for the current design for buildings and the design based on the number 19.

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Table (1): Comparison between the overall displacement and stress for two designs We clearly find from the above results showed in table (1) that there is a significant reduction in the overall displacement and stress in a design based on the number 19 compared to the current design for buildings. The reduction in displacements means an increased stability for the structure under lateral loading and the reduction in stresses indicates an increased strength in the structure. (Reference:

We can conclude that if design structures on Number 19, they can resist earthquakes more effectively as proven from the results of study. We now also understand now why bee hives remain stable and strong under the effect of large vibrations generated from the bees surrounding the hive.

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Time and 19

We see the relationship between the Time and the Number 19 in different ways. In first case, if we look at our watch, we would see these numbers:

If we put all these numbers as:

12 3 6 9 = 19 x 651
This circle of time is divided into 4 major parts. Each part represents 15 minutes. From 12, 15 minutes to 3, 15 minutes to 6, 15 minutes to 9, 15 minutes to 12 (12 appear just 1 time)

12 15 3 15 6 15 9 15 = 19 x 63963979785
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Now from 12, 30 minutes to 6 and from 6, 30 minutes to 12 (12 appear just 1 time)

12 30 6 30 = 19 x 64770
1 hour = 60 minutes, 1 minute = 60 seconds, 1 day = 24 hours 3 basics of time & day

60 60 24 = 19 x 31896
60 minutes can be divided into 15, 15, 15, and 15 minutes, so replace 60 minutes to those numbers as: 15 15 15 15 60 24 = 19 x 7974481896 1 hour = 60 minutes, 1 day = 24 hours. Thus 1 day = 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes. 1440 minutes represent 1 day.

1440 + 1440 + 1440 + 1440 + 1440 + 1440 + 1440 = 7 days (1 week) Now if we write the numbers representing 7 days of a week as: 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 7 = 19 x 757970533895494812639158653

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1 day = 24 hours = 12 + 12 hours

12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 = 7 days Now if we write the numbers as: 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 7 = 19 x 637958532695374800637958533 (Reference:

12 Months and 19:

There are 12 months in a year. The Number 12 is the 7th Even Number. Adding 12 and 7, we would get:

12 months --------- 1 year ---------12 ------------7th Even Number 12 + 7 = 19

30 days of a month and 19:

There are months of 30 days in a year. The Number 30 is the 19th Composite Number.

30 days---------- month---------------30 ---------------- 19th Composite Number 3019th Composite Number

Our time and the Number 19 are directly linked with each other as illustrated in the above examples and so the Number 19 is also the secret code of Time. "He Who has made everything which He has created most good" (Holy Quran 32:7) 19 The Secret Code of God Page 253

Meton Cycle and 19

The number nineteen is of special significance to the cycles of the moon in their interaction with the solar year. The ancients noted that every nineteen years the full Wolf Moon arose on the first day of the new year, December 23, and it was often eclipsed. In addition to this, the moon also stayed at its northernmost latitude almost constantly at this time, appearing to "stand still" in the north. In fact, each moon repeated itself in a nineteen year cycle and thus became symbolized by Brigit's 19 priestesses. Arienrhod has been associated with this cycle, as has Dn, Caillech & Brigantia. The myth description was that Belenos was at the moment of this great northernmost full moon eclipse, visiting the Moon Goddess in her northern temple - or, in an alternate version, the moon god Lugh stays with the Mother in her northern castle as representative of the rite of sovereignty. It is said that at this time our blessd Sun comes among us to dance and play. Brigantia, the northern mother goddess and the lunar Bridget, was the one usually so strongly associated with this cycle that her priestesses became synonymous with it. The cycle is called, by modern astronomy, the Metonic Cycle, and by the ancients the Lunar Great Year. The megaliths of our people show this same geometry. Nineteen and 30 stone patterns, both indicating the lunar pattern of 19 solar years and 29 or 30 days. These are then coordinated with the 8 high days of the solar year by visual sunrise and sunset alignment in the stones. One of the mysteries of Caer Manon (Stonehenge) is the so-called "heel" stone. Modern archeologists have continually debated its purpose, frequently assuming that it was a winter solstice sunrise marker. This theory, though it has many proponents, is disappointing as, unfortunately, the midwinter sun doesn't rise above the stone. The solstice full moon, however, does. There is another stone placement that has been found slightly to the left of the "heel" stone whose purpose is in this day not known. It may be a solar marker, it may be a lunar marker for the "minor" standstill of the moon approximately 9 years, or halfway through the cycle. It is yet to be understood. This minor standstill does have its own mythic cycle. At the minor standstill which occurs at the summer solstice the full Mead Moon arises, heralding the beginning of a new eclipse season. The bright lord of the sun visits the Lady in her southern temple. At this time the moon is frequently seen to be eclipsed also. This is followed by a time wherein the moon has gained ascendancy eclipsing the sun as Lugh did eclipse his solar father, Balor, the dark sun. Another aspect of this is the moon's ascendancy or gaining sovereignty by his wedding the Sun Mother in southern 19 The Secret Code of God Page 254

castle. Yes, as the solar year has a bright and a dark half, so does the Lunar Greater Year. Our moon cycle and our sacred circle have been synthesized into a core of that which our ancestors created the megaliths for. Consider this aspect of the geometry. The megaliths were all constructed with a special set of measurements, now called Megalithic Yards and Megalithic Rods. The Megalithic Yard was 2.72 of our modern measurement of feet. Our current use of multiples of three in measuring our magic circle comes from an approximation of this. But it doesn't stop here. We consider the phases of the moon especially appropriate and herein lies the Megalithic Rod. A Megalithic Rod is 2.5 times the length of the Megalithic Yard, or 6.8 feet - so very close, that we approximate it as 7 modern feet, or the number of days of one of the moon's four phases. Each of the 30 Saracsen stones in the circle of Caer Manon is one Megalithic Yard across, with a Megalithic Rod in between - which makes its circumference 45 Megalithic Rods, a multiple of 9, the other "lunar" number. A direct relationship between the solar and lunar cycles can be seen again in the 56 so-called "Aubrey Circle" post holes which form the outermost circle inside the embankment around Caer Manon. These represent a more exact reckoning of the lunar great year which is actually not 19 years, precisely, but 18.61 - three cycles of which become 56 years - seen as three cycles consisting of 19, 19 and 18 years. Even so, the difference is so minor that, although eclipses may not be accurately predicted, for the purpose of predicting full moons, the charts that follow will certainly be accurate in my lifetime and in those of my children future grandchildren. It may fail for future generations and I leave it to my successors to provide corrections so that its information may be of use to them. Each of the 19 solar years of the Lunar Great Years has a goddess patroness whose attributes are often seen throughout the year. Details of an individual year's events can be foreseen and the pattern of potential challenges which may occur understood by a contemplation of the "ruling" goddess and also by being aware of its position in the 9 solar year aspect cycle called the Cycle of the Sun Mother.

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The 19 Solar Years and Patronesses of the Lunar Greater Year are:
1. Nimu - the Lady of the Lake who rules the Year of the Sky Father's Spear. 2. Rosemerta - the Cornmother who rules the Year of the Threshing. 3. Dn - the White Sow who rules the Year of The Sacred Sowing. 4. Etain/Edain - Twin Chained Swans who rules the Year of Fertilization. 5. Elen - Leader of Hosts who rules the Year of the Emerging Goat. 6. Rhiannon - the Queen Mare who rules the Year of the Flying Crane. 7. Arienrhod - the Queen of the Heavens who rules the Year of the Lady. 8. Morrigan - the Queen of the Ravens who rules the Year of the Ram's Head Serpent. 9. Caillech - the Veiled One who rules the Year of the Ancient Oak. 10. Hertha - the Horned Cow who rules the Year of the Golden Bull Reborn. 11. Artio - the She Bear who rules the Year of the Huntress. 12. Bridget - Exalted One of the Perpetual Flame who rules the Year of the Sun. 13. Andraste - the Winged Victory who rules the Year of the Sky. 14. Blodeuedd - the Flower Faced who rules the Year of the Wild Rose. 15. Brigantia - of the Herds who rules the Year of the Harvest Gathering. 16. Vivian - Maiden Queen of the Land of Women who rules the Year of the Rising Moon. 17. Fliodhas - the Doe-eyed who rules the Year of the Stag King of the Forest. 18. D'Anu - Mother of Civilization who rules the Year of Man. 19. Gabba - the Crystalline Faced who rules the Year of the Devouring Earth. (Reference:

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Universe and 19

The Sun, Moon and Earth lineup in the same relative positions once every 19 years. The Metonic cycle used to calculate the date of Easter is 19 years long. Halley's Comet passes through the solar system once every 76 years, which is a multiple of 19.

19 x 4 = 76 years

Number 19 is symbolized as Sun in Numerology and Sun has 8 planets.

Sun has 8 planets

Number 19 is also the 8th Prime Number

Earth Mass and Volume and 19:

Earth's mass (5.9736 x 1024) and volume (1.083 x 1012) are both multiples of 19. Earth's volume is in fact a multiple of 192.

Earths Mass = 5.9736 x 10^24 Multiple of 19 = 19 x 3.144 x (10^23) Earths Volume = 1.083 x 1012 Multiple of 192 = 19 x 3 x (10^ 9)

In the issue of 'National Geographic' Magazine of December, 2006, a chart was published on universe, stars, change of planets from nine (9) to eight (8) and also stated: 19 The Secret Code of God Page 257

"19 Trillion miles to explore in space

So even the modern scientists and astronomers come to the conclusion that nineteen (19) is playing role in our universe. Then there is a link between 19 and 8, because Number 19 is the 8th Prime. So with the Universe with 19 trillion miles to explore, there are 8 planets in our Solar System as per the latest research and findings by NASA scientists. If we add 19 + 8 = 27

27 = 3 x 3 x 3 ------- perfect cube of 3

Our Spherical Universe is showing a clear pattern of repeated numbers in all areas of life, time and space.

The following is the extract taken from: ( showing the role of Number 19 in our planets and their volcanoes Our solar system is largely unexplored, with only a small number of probes having been sent out to the major planets and moons. Not all of these probes have functioned as advertised and some have even been "lost" in mysterious circumstances! However, some of them have returned very useful information on the planets like the Viking 1 & 2 Mars spacecraft that have had the honor of being the first to photograph Extra-Terrestrial Structures on our neighboring planet. From these and other photographs, it now is apparent to several researchers that there seems to be a link that connects every single object in our universe including our Earth, the Sun, and the other planets to a source of energy in a higher dimension. This discovery was the result of decoding a message, an ancient message, left to us by another civilization in the geometrical layout of the structures which they built at Cydonia, Mars! Below are the planetary anomalies discovered so far that confirm the Cydonia hypothesis. If energy cascades down from a higher dimension (up to 27 have been mathematically proven) as a result of a rotating, spherical, liquid body (a planet), this energy enters our dimension at circa 19 The Secret Code of God Page 258

19.5 degrees N or S latitude in the form of volcanic upwellings(as on Earth and Mars) and
atmospheric phenomena (Jupiter, Neptune). This has been called Tetrahedral Hyper-dimensional Physics by some researchers. It may be the same type of energy described by others as "free energy" or "zero-point energy"

Venus Alpha & Beta Regio, two active volcanoes on Venus are at 19.5 degrees Earth The Hawaiian islands on Earth are located at roughly 19.6 degrees North latitude. This is also the location of MaunaKea one of the most active volcanoes on Earth Luna (Earth's moon) Tsiolkovskii is a unique farside "marelike" lava extrusion at 19.6 degrees South. Mars Olympus Mons, the solar system's largest volcano with a height of 28 kms is 3 times the size of Mount Everest, and just happens to be located at 19.3 degrees North latitude Jupiter The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is located at ~19.5 degrees South latitude. In January 1996, the spacecraft Galileo successfully launched a probe into Jupiter's atmosphere and found that the atmosphere was different from what had been previously thought. It also found that winds were much stronger and could only be attributed to some heat being generated deep within the planet. This heat is probably caused by 19 The Secret Code of God Page 259

a vorticular upwelling of tetrahedral energy, which in turn causes the Great Red Spot Saturn The spacecraft Voyager took some very interesting time-lapse images of Saturn's North Pole, showing a hexagonal pattern of clouds. This may be the second "signature pattern" for tetrahedral hyper-dimensional energy. At this location, the energy would be "in welling" (entering) from a higher dimension, while "upwelling" at the 19.5 N or S latitude locations. View Saturn's North Polar Hexagonal Cloud Pattern. Neptune Neptune's Great Dark Spot was found at roughly 19.5 degrees South latitude by the Hubble Space Telescope. This discovery was predicted months previously by Richard Hoagland just by following the "Cydonia Hypothesis" These are a few of the anomalies. There are others - for example, the peak latitude of the 11-year sunspot cycle, and the peak latitude of solar temperature emission corresponding to that cyclic sunspot maximum, occurs at roughly 19.5 degrees North and South! And guess where the massive solar flare erupted on mid-April, 1997 ... ~ 20 degrees S as can be seen from this picture. Extremely active volcanoes on Io are arrayed on two "rings of fire" each circling the moon at 19.5 degrees North & South, They are so active that they are literally turning the planet inside out. And more anomalies are out there, just waiting to be discovered when we send spacecraft to photograph Pluto and Charon from close range. If we can somehow tap into this energy source, we wouldn't need fossil fuels anymore. We would have unlimited energy available for every person on this planet without pollution. And we may already have discovered ways of harnessing this energy: the so-called "cold fusion" demonstrated in 1989 by Pons & Fleischmann, and the Patterson Power Cell first demonstrated in January 1996 and presented nationwide on ABC's Good Morning America show of the 11 June 1997, may not be cold fusion at all but may be drawing on hyper-dimensional energy to produce 1300 W from an input of 1.4 W! (Reference: 19 The Secret Code of God Page 260

Music and 19

19 is the debut album from English soul and jazz singer Adele. 19 is the fourth studio album from Russian pop singer Alsou. 19 is Evan Yo's first album, because Yo was nineteen years old when the album was released. "19" is a 1985 song by Paul Hardcastle, including sampled sound bites taken from a documentary about the Vietnam War in which 19 is claimed to have been the average age of United States soldiers killed in the conflict (an assertion which is widely disputed).[1] The song was parodied by British satirist Rory Bremner as N-n-nineteen, Not Out - the title referring to the English cricket team's risible performance against the West Indies in the previous year. With a similar name and anti-Vietnam War theme, "I Was Only Nineteen" by the Australian group Redgum reached number one on the Australian charts in 1983. In 2005 a hip hop version of the song was produced by The Herd. Other songs titled 19: "Nineteen" by Bad4good "Nineteen" by Buck-O-Nine "Nineteen" by Phil Lynott "Nineteen" by the Old 97's "Nineteen" by Tegan and Sara Nineteen has been used as an alternative to twelve for a division of the octave into equal parts. This idea goes back to Salinas in the sixteenth century, and is interesting in part because it gives a system of mean tone tuning, being close to 1/3 comma mean tone. Some organs use the 19th harmonic to approximate a minor third. The composer Bla Bartk finished his Opus 19 in 1919, when he was 38 (19 x 2) years old; the title in his native Hungarian (A csodlatos mandarin) has 19 letters. Steely Dan had a hit song called "Hey Nineteen." 19th Nervous Breakdown was a hit for the Rolling Stones in 1966. It reached No 2 in both the UK and USA charts.


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Games and 19

In the game of Go, which originated in China more than four thousand years ago, two players alternate in placing black and white stones on a large 19 x19 line ruled board, with the aim of surrounding territory. The board of the ancient game of GO has 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines.

19 x 19 Go Board

19 is the command in Age of Empires for the laughing emote. This was an easier way to laugh before "LOL" existed. Though the maximum score for a hand of cribbage is 29, there is no combination of cards that adds up to 19 points. Many cribbage players, therefore, jokingly refer to a zero-point hand as "19 points." In Ecuadorian card game "40", when counting the amount of cards gathered in a hand, the limit is 19, after which the count starts at 6 and represents the points achieved during that hand. Checkmate in a King + Opposite Colored Bishops versus King end game requires, at most, 19. A hoax chess machine nicknamed "the Turk" once sent Napoleon Bonaparte into a fury by beating him in 19 moves. (Reference:

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Sports and 19

In golf the "19th hole" is the clubhouse bar. In miniature golf it is an extra hole on which the winner earns an instant prize. 19 is a number retired by several teams in North American sports. (Except as noted, all players are in the Hall of Fame of their respective sport.) In the NFL: Lance Alworth, by the San Diego Chargers. Johnny Unitas, by the Baltimore Colts. The team has honored this retirement in its current home of Indianapolis. He used to wore jersey number 19. In Major League Baseball: Bob Feller, by the Cleveland Indians. Tony Gwynn, by the San Diego Padres. Robin Yount, by the Milwaukee Brewers. In the NBA: Willis Reed, by the New York Knicks. In the NHL: Bill Masterton, by the Minnesota North Stars. The team has honored this retirement in its current home of Dallas. Masterton is not in the Hockey Hall of Fame; his number was retired after he died from an on-ice injury in 1968. He is the only NHL player to have died as a direct result of an injury suffered during an NHL game. Larry Robinson, by the Montreal Canadians. Joe Sakic, by the Colorado Avalanche. Sakic is not yet eligible for the Hall of Fame, as he retired in 2009. Bryan Trottier, by the New York Islanders. Steve Yzerman, by the Detroit Red Wings. Some Red Wings fans collectively refer to themselves as "the 19" in his honor. In NASCAR NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Elliott Sadler drives the #19 Best Buy Ford Fusion for Richard Petty Motorsports. (Reference:

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Literature and 19

Stephen King's seven book epic The Dark Tower saga employs the number 19 in books The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla, and The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah as a mysterious and important number. They refer to the "ka-tet of 19", many names add up to 19, 19 seems to permeate every aspect of Roland and his traveler's lives. In addition, the number ends up being a powerful key. In Jodi Picoult's bestseller book Nineteen Minutes, the number 19 is referenced multiple times. It is most commonly referenced when referring to the main subject of the book, the school shooting rampage that took place over a span of 19 minutes. (Reference:


The Hamlet from Shakespeare is also composed out of only nineteen consonants. In his August 1941 Afterward to Thomas Wolfe's book The Hills Beyond, NY, Wolfe's editor, Edward C. Aswell, remarks that Thomas Wolfe's second book, never published, was to have been titled K19. When Wolfe died, Aswell watched the train carrying his coffin goes by Train K19! Hangeul (the Korean alphabet) has 19 consonants.

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Age and 19

19 is the minimum age that is legal to buy tobacco products in Alabama, Alaska, New Jersey, Utah, and Nassau, Suffolk, and Onondaga counties in New York. 19 is the minimum age at which one can drink and buy alcohol in Canada except for the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec where the drinking and purchase age of alcohol is 18. 19 is the minimum age to marry in the state of Nebraska. 19 is the command in Age of Empires for the laughing emote. This was an easier way to laugh before "LOL" existed. The average age of U.S. soldiers serving during the Vietnam War was 19.

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Holidays, Observances and 19

19th January:

Birthday of Edgar Allan Poe (commemorated by the Poe Toaster at his grave in Baltimore) Christian Feast Day Henry of Uppsala Maris, Martha, Abachum and Audifax Mark of Ephesus Pontianus. Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester January 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Confederate Heroes Day (Texas) Feast of Sultn (Sovereignty), first day of the 17th month of the Bah' calendar (Bah' Faith) Founders Day (Kappa Alpha Order Convivium) Theophany / Epiphany (Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy, who follow the Julian Calendar)

19th February:

Birthday of Shivaji or Shivaji Jayanti (Maharashtra) Chaoflux (Discordianism) Christian Feast Day: o Barbatus of Benevento o Conrad of Piacenza o February 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Flag Day, the birthday of the President Saparmurat Niyazov, established in 1997 (Turkmenistan) Narconon Day (Church of Scientology) The hanging of Bulgaria's Apostle of Freedom Vassil Levski (Bulgaria)

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19th March:

Christian Feast Day: Joseph (Western Christianity) March 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Earliest day on which Maundy Thursday can fall, while April 22 is the latest; celebrated on Thursday before Easter. (Christianity) Mojoday (Discordianism) Saint Joseph's Day (Roman Catholicism and Church of England) related observances: Father's Day (Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Honduras, and Bolivia) Las Fallas, celebrated on the week leading to March 19. (Valencia) "Return of the Swallow", annual observance of the swallows' return to Mission San Juan Capistrano in California. The Kashubians' Unity Day. The first day of Quinquatria, held in honor of Minerva. (Roman Empire)

19th April:

April 19 is the 109th Day of the year and 110th Day (110 = 19 + 91) in leap year. Beginning of the Independence Movement (Venezuela) Bicycle Day Christian Feast Day: lfheah of Canterbury Emma of Lesum Expeditus George of Antioch Pope Leo IX April 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Dutch-American Friendship Day (United States) Earliest day on which First Day of Summer or Sumardagurinn fyrsti can fall, while April 25 is the latest; celebrated on the first Thursday after April 18. (Iceland) King Mswati III's birthday (Swaziland) Landing of the 33 (Uruguay) Patriots' Day (Traditional) (Massachusetts, Maine, and Wisconsin, USA) Primrose Day (United Kingdom) The last day of the Cerealia (Roman Empire)

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19th May:

Christian Feast Day Calocerus (Eastern Orthodox Church) Dunstan Ivo of Kermartin Joaquina Vedruna de Mas Maria Bernarda Btler Peter Celestine Pudentiana (Roman Catholic Church) May 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Commemoration of Atatrk, Youth and Sports Day (Turkey, Northern Cyprus) Greek Genocide Remembrance Day (Greece) H Ch Minh's Birthday (Vietnam) World Hepatitis Day (International)

19th June:

satr Alliance Founding Day (Germanic Neopaganism) Birthday of Jos Gervasio Artigas (Uruguay) Christian Feast Day Gervasius and Protasius (Roman Catholic Church) Juliana Falconieri Romuald Zosimus June 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Feast of Forest (Palawan) Juneteenth (United States, especially African Americans) Labour Day (Trinidad and Tobago) Laguna Day (Laguna) Surigao del Sur Day (Surigao del Sur)

19th July:

Burmese Martyrs' Day (Burma) Christian Feast Day: Arsenius (Roman Catholic Church) Bernold, Bishop of Utrecht Justa and Rufina Kirdjun Macrina the Younger, Sister of St. Basil the Great Symmachus Page 268

19 The Secret Code of God

July 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Sandinista Day or Liberation Day (Nicaragua)

19th August:

Christian Feast Day: Jean-Eudes de Mzeray Louis of Toulouse Magnus of Anagni Magnus of Avignon Sebaldus August 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Independence Day, commemorates the Treaty of Rawalpindi in 1919, granting independence from Britain. (Afghanistan) Manuel Luis Quezn Day (Quezon City) National Aviation Day (United States) Saviour's Transfiguration, popularly known as the "Apples Feast". (Russian Orthodox Church and Georgian Orthodox Church), and its related observances: Buhe (Ethiopian Orthodox Church) Vinalia Rustica (Roman Empire) World Humanitarian Day (International)

19th September:

Armed Forces Day (Chile) Christian Feast Day: Goeric of Metz Januarius (Western Christianity) Theodore of Tarsus (Church of England) Trophimus, Sabbatius, and Dorymedon September 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Saint Kitts and Nevis from the United Kingdom in 1983. International Talk Like a Pirate Day (popular)

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19th October:

Armilustrium (Roman Empire) Christian Feast Day: Aaron (Coptic Church) Frideswide Isaac Jogues, Jean de Brbeuf, and Companions October 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Constitution Day, in honor of the country's independence (self-governing in free association with New Zealand) in 1974. (Niue) Mother Teresa Day (Albania)

19th November:

Christian Feast Day: Obadiah (Eastern Catholic Church) Raphael Kalinowski Severinus, Exuperius, and Felician Discovery of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) Flag Day (Brazil) International Men's Day (Australia, Canada, Ghana, Hungary, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Malta, Singapore, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States) World Toilet Day (World Toilet Organization)

19th December:

Christian Feast Day O Radix Pope Anastasius I Liberation day (Goa) Opalia (Roman Empire)


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Websites and 19

The following websites contain the Number 19 in their domain names:

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World and 19

An idiot is someone with an intelligence quotient (I.Q.) less than 19.

Amendment 19 to the United States Constitution gave women the right to vote. A Street in Rome named St. John's Lane is only 19 inches wide. Renault 19, a car that was produced by French automobile manufacturer Renault.

19 European nations who endorsed the first international ban on human cloning. Product 19 is a multi-vitamin and mineral cereal of toasted corn, oats, wheat and rice. Pont du Gard aqueduct in southern France was built in 19 B.C. A gene on Chromosome 19 has been linked to Alzheimer's disease. The largest prime on the Ishango Bone. It is currently located on the 19th floor of the Royal Institute for Natural Sciences of Belgium, in Brussels. Paul Erds is said to have lived on coffee, doing mathematics 19 hours a day. Scores of people once died from the Anthrax bacterium following an accident at "Compound 19," a Soviet military facility in the city of Sverdlovsk, now called Yekaterinburg. Flight 19 disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. The smallest number of neutrons is 19 for which there is no stable isotope. The main building of the North Dakota State Capitol is a 19-storey Art Deco skyscraper. It is the tallest building in North Dakota in terms of stories. Messier object M19, a magnitude 8.5 globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus. The Vice-President of the United States rates a 19-gun salute. 19 is the term used to describe a worthless hand in the game of cribbage. Freud was 19 years older than Jung. "The Sun" is numbered with 19 in Tarot cards. Page 272

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19 people had been hanged by the time the Salem witch hysteria died down in 1692. The Statue of Liberty's torch shines through leaded glass, illuminated by 19 lamps.

Statue of Liberty torch shines and illuminated by 19 lamps

The New General Catalogue object NGC 19, a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Andromeda. I-19 is the designation for a US interstate highway in Arizona

The speed limit (in miles per hour) on the private roads of the Cambourne development near Cambridge, England. Professor Barabasi and his team has found that the World Wide Web on average has 19 clicks of separation between web-pages.

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Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to the freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

The second (and last) trip of the USS Absaroka across the Atlantic to European waters ended in New York in February 1919. On December 24, 1941, the Japanese submarine I19 fired two torpedoes at that same ship, which was carrying a cargo of lumber, two miles off Pt. Fermin (San Pedro, California). The ship didn't sink but one sailor was killed by falling lumber.

The prime rate published in the Wall Street Journal was 19.00 for over a month in 1980 and 1981. This remains the highest prime-numbered prime rate ever published.

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The Nineteenth Air Force is a Numbered Air Force of the United States Air Force headquartered at Randolph Air Force Base and belonging to the Air Education and Training Command. It is responsible for managing all flying training in AETC.

USA Government had alleged 19 terrorists for their involvement in 9 -11 USA - World Trade Center terrorism. There is one of the expeditions known as Expedition 19 of NASA to the International Space Station. ( The name of the Chanel perfume - N19.

Galaxy 19 A TV Channel (Reference: The Saros number of the solar eclipse series which began on 2333 BC June 15 and ended on 1035 BC August 1. The duration of Saros series 19 was 1298.1 years, and it contained 73 solar eclipses. The Saros number of the lunar eclipse series which began on 2031 BC March 24 and ended on 731 BC May 11. The duration of Saros series 19 was 1298.1 years, and it contained 73 lunar eclipses. The Nineteen Propositions were demands put to Charles I by Parliament in 1642 intended to limit the power of the Crown. The king's rejection of them led to the English Civil War and his execution. To talk `nineteen to the dozen' is to talk `the hind legs off a donkey' or to talk `a blue streak'. Page 275

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Part of the name of a breakfast cereal: Product 19. The Soviet submarine K-19 was the first Soviet nuclear ballistic submarine. There is a world project of motto: 19 cities in the world with 20 million people in the 21st century. (Reference: October 31st is 304th day in the normal year of 365 days and 304 = 19 x 16. Some countries also celebrate Halloween Day on October 31st every year.

19 years is very close to 235 lunations.

With a similar name and anti-Vietnam War theme, "I Was Only Nineteen" by the Australian group Redgum reached number one on the Australian charts in 1983. In 2005 a hip hop version of the song was produced by The Herd. Nineteen has been used as an alternative to twelve for a division of the octave into equal parts. This idea goes back to Salinas in the sixteenth century, and is interesting in part because it gives a system of mean tone tuning, being close to 1/3 comma mean tone. Some organs use the 19th harmonic to approximate a minor third.

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Nineteen - 19 is also:

In golf the "19th hole" is the clubhouse bar. In miniature golf it is an extra hole on which the winner earns an instant prize. The number of Colorado Avalanche center and Captain Joe Sakic. It is not possible to earn a score of 19 in a single hand of cribbage.

June 19th is the birthday of Garfield, the comic strip created by Jim Davis. June nineteenth refers to June 19, 1865, the final surrender of the last forces of the Confederate States of America and the formal end of slavery anywhere in the USA. The number of brothers Nick and Steve Thiede. 19 is The TCP/IP port used for chargen. Nineteen has been used as an alternative to twelve for a division of the octave into equal parts. This idea goes back to Salinas in the sixteenth century, and is interesting in part because it gives a system of mean-tone tuning, being close to 1/3 comma mean-tone.

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The statues of Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson in their respective memorials are 19 feet in height. The nineteenth President of the United States was Rutherford B. Hayes. The nineteenth state to enter the Union of the United States was Indiana Afghanistan gained independence from the United Kingdom on 19th August, 1919. August is the 8th Month and Number 19 is the 8th Prime Number in mathematics. By 2010, the 19th tallest high rise building is the Almas Tower in Dubai with height of 363m or 1191ft having 68 floors and completed in 2009. The 19th largest country in the world is Mangolia with an area of 1,564,100 square kilometers according to the current world statistics in 2010. The Democratic Republic of Congo ranks 19th country with respect to Population in the world, with a population of 67,827,000 in 2010. The 19th Marriage Anniversary is known as Bronze Anniversary in Modern USA and known as Aquamarine in traditional USA. Each individual batch of Maker's Mark Whisky is less than 19 barrels. Eugenie Blanchard, a nun who was considered the world's oldest person, died in the French Caribbean island of St. Barts on Thursday, 4th November, 2010. She was born on 20th July, 1896. Her death leaves Eunice G. Sanborn of Jacksonville, Texas, as the world's oldest person, according to two organizations that monitor that status. She was 114 years old when she died. 114 years = 19 x 6 (Reference:

You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Surat al-Mulk, 3-4)

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

High School Certificate (Crescent Model School, Lahore) FSc. - Pre Engineering (Government College, Lahore) BSc. Civil Engineering (UET Lahore, Pakistan) DCS (PGD in Computer Science NCCS, Pakistan) Web Developer (Nikon, Pakistan) MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional, USA) MCSE +(Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, USA) MCSD (Microsoft Certified Systems Designer, USA) MCDBA (Microsoft Certified Data Base Administrator, USA) A+ (USA) Network + (USA) Internet + (USA) CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Analyst, USA) Certificate in Auditing (ISO 9000) Six Sigma Black Belt (Singapore) Lead Auditor ISO 9000 - IRQA (UK) SQC (Statistical Quality Control, AOTS, Japan) Certificate from American Society for Quality, ASQ, USA 5S (Japan)

19 Certifications

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Authors Date of Birth ------- 31st October, 1968

31st October ------- 304th Day of the Normal Year of 365 Days

304.. 19 x 16
31st October, 1968.. 31 10 68 31 10 68.. Day Month -- Year

31 10 68 = 19 x 16372 3110683 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 6 + 8 = 19 16372... 1 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 2 = 19


311068 = 19 x 16372
19 The Secret Code of God Page 280

311068 = 19 x 19
Now if we multiply the two numbers 311068 and 16372 and then divide by 19, we see:

311068 x 16372 = 5092805296 5092805296 = 19 x 268042384 26804238426 + 80 + 42 + 38 + 4 = 190 190 = 19 x 10 Now:

31st October ------- 304th Day of the Year and

31 10 68.. Day Month -- Year

If we place 304 before 31 10 68, we would see:

304 31 10 68 --------------------- 19 x 16016372

1601637216 + 01 + 63 + 72 = 152

152 = 19 x 8
19 is the 8th Prime Number and 31st October is the Scorpio month and Scorpio is the 8th Astrological month.

31st October --- Scorpio ---- 8th Astrological Month

19 The Secret Code of God Page 281

Now if we place 304 after 31 10 68, we would see:

31 10 68 304 --------------------- 19 x 16372016

If we multiply the numbers 304311068 and 311068304, we see:

304311068 x 311068304 = 19 x 19 x 16016372 x 16372016

Year of Birth 1968

The Year of Birth is 196819 and 68 19The Perfect Signature of God on His Universe 68.All Perfect Numbers in Mathematics end either with Number 6 or 8.

6 + 8 = 14 14 x 14 = 196.19 and 6

19 x 6 = 114 Chapters of the Holy Quran 19/6 = Perfect Pi = 3.16666..

We choose our own Servants

(The Holy Quran)

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Features of the Book and 19

76 Topics = 19 x 4 285 Pages = 19 x 15 Book completed on 12th October, 2010 2010 10 12 2010 10 12 = 19 x 1057948

Price = $ 19 = 19 x 1

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References and 19 Studies in Jewish Mysticism, pp. 88-89 Ramban 1971, Vol.1, p. 10 Page 284

19 The Secret Code of God

Highlights of 19

19 x 19 is the Super cycle in Bahais Calendar. 19 lamps shine in the torch of the Statue of Liberty, USA. 19 is the common denominator of the Holy Quran. The Sun, Moon and Earth lineup in the same relative positions once every 19 years. 19 is the smallest prime mentioned 6 times in the Holy Bible. There are 19 chapters of the book of the Wisdom of the Ancient Testament. The Astral body is said to be composed of 19 elements. 19 is the Gods Secret Formula applying in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and everywhere in the Universe. Perfect is equal to 19 divided by 6. 19 is the |1 - 9|th prime number. The total number of chapters in the Holy Quran is 19 multiplied by 6, i.e. 19 x 6 = 114. The numerical value of Allahs name, Wahid is 19. Number 19 is symbolized as Sun in Numerology. Halley's Comet passes through the solar system once every 76 years, which is a multiple of 19, i.e. 19 x 4 = 76. Earth's mass and volume are both multiples of 19. The half-life of oxygen-19 is only 19 seconds. There are 19 different shapes of Arabic alphabets in Arabic language. 19 is the Gods secret Formula according to Dr. Richard Plichta. 19 is the signature of God on the Universe, life, time and space. 19 is the Secret Code of One and Only Almighty God.
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19 The Secret Code of God

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