Attribute Lesson Plan
Attribute Lesson Plan
Attribute Lesson Plan
INFORMATION ABOUT THE LESSON Standards and Grade Level Expectations (GLE)
CCSS.Math.Content.1.G.A.1 Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size); build and draw shapes to possess defining attributes.
Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Question What is an attribute and how can I sort objects using attributes? Objective(s): To reinforce sorting by attribute rules; to facilitate the learning of addition facts. Academic Language related to the lesson attribute Prior Learning/Prior Thinking Day one of this week introduced the concepts of attributes. LESSON IMPLEMENTATION Procedures 1. Anticipatory Set (Review/Preview) Draw a fact triangle on the white board. Read the three numbers on the triangle. Have students write the numbers and the fact family for those numbers on their exit slip. Tell students that as they hand in the exit slips, they can pick up an attribute block. 2. Ask students for an example of an attribute. Repeat this until color, size, and shape are all mentioned. 3. Remind the students that when we use tools, they are not to be treated as toys. Also, let the students know that we will be working in groups a lot today. Go over expectations: -quiet voices -walking feet -stay on task 4. Purpose Statement Today we are going to do some exploring with attribute blocks. 5. Yesterday we sorted blocks by their attributes and in reading we read about Frog and Toad sorting their buttons by attributes. Today, we are going to play a quick game. I am going to have a group of students stand up. You have to figure out what attribute each of those students have in common. Raise your hand if you think you know. 6. Play Guessing the Rule game. Pick a group of students who have a common attribute to stand up, have the other students guess what the rule is (boys/girls, color of shirt, jeans/not). 7. Check that everyone is staying on task and paying attention. 8. Hold up a blue, small, triangle and a red, small triangle. Draw a name for what is alike and different on the shapes. Have each student list only one thing. 9. In groups of four that I pick, we are going to play a game called the Attribute Train Game. First, 1|Page
make sure your blocks are in the center where everyone can reach. Then, the person whose name I said first will go first. Take a block and put it down to start a train. Then, the second person has to take a block that is different in only one attribute. This continues until there are no blocks left that can be played. Model this with the Smart Board. Ask students for advice when modeling and continue until students seem to understand the concept of the game. Split students into groups to begin the games (Group 1-gray table. Group 2-brown table. Group 3foor by calendar. Group 4-floor by behavior chart). Give students five minutes (put paper on their desk in the meantime). Have students head back to their desks and put attribute blocks away. Wait for full attention. Closure: Dismiss students to carpet by writing attributes or non-attributes about the students on the board (wearing pink, not a boy, wearing boots, etc.).
Materials and Resources Attribute blocks Smart Board Technology Exit Slips Everyday Mathematics Curriculum Classroom Management/Democratic Practices Take a brain break if needed. (jumping jacks, hop on one foot, run in place for 30 seconds) Use proximity as a way to get attention from students. Say something that is obviously not true to see if they catch it. For example: say this blue triangle when it is red. Use clip chart as needed. Give only one verbal warning and one non-verbal warning.
ASSESSMENT Formative Before the lesson Summative Students are making adequate progress if they can write two addition facts using the fact triangle numbers.
Students are making adequate progress if they can name specific attributes that were mentioned the previous day. Some students may be able to transfer the term attribute to the Guessing the Rule game without any help. Students leave for the carpet as appropriate (closure).