Screenplay by
SPACEBALLS Once upon a time warp. . . . In a galaxy very, very, very, very, far away, there lived a ruthless race of beings known as . . . Spaceballs. CHAPTER ELEVEN The evil leaders of Planet Spaceball, having foolishly spuandered their precious atmosphere, have devised a secret plan to take every breath of air away from their peace-loving neighbor, Planet Druidia. Today is Princess Vespa's wedding day. Unbeknownest to the princess, but knowest to us, danger lurks in the stars above. . . If you can read this, you don't need glasses. EXT. SPACEBALL 1 SPACE SPACEBALL 1 passes by at a slow speed. It takes the ship about two minutes to pass. At the end of the ship is a bumper sticker that says, "WE BRAKE FOR NOBODY." INT. SPACEBALL 1 SPACE SANDURZ is standing in the front of the ship. RICO Colonel Sandurz. SANDURZ What is it, Sergeant Rico? RICO You told me to let you know the moment Planet Druidia was in sight, sir. So. SANDURZ
RICO Planet Druidia is in sight, sir. SANDURZ You're really a Spaceball. You know that, don't you? RICO Thanks, sir.
2. CONTINUED: SANDURZ Have you notified Lord Helmet? RICO Yes, sir. I took the liberty. He's on his way. VOICE (O.S.) Make way for Dark Helmet. SANDURZ All rise in the presence of Dark Helmet. A door opens revealing DARK HELMET, he resembles Darth Vader, walking toward camera. He stops in front of camera, and is having trouble breathing with the mask down. HELMET (pulls mask up) I can't breathe in this thing. SANDURZ We're approaching Planet Druidia, sir. HELMET Good. I'll call Spaceball City, and notify President Skroob immediately. RICO I already called him, sir. He knows everything. HELMET What? You went over my helmet? RICO Well, not exactly over it, sir. More on the side. I'll always call you first. It'll never happen again. Never, ever! HELMET puts on Schwartz ring. RICO (CONTD) Oh shit! No, no, no, no, no, please, no, no, please, no, not that. (covers his neck) HELMET (pulls mask down) Yes. That. (shoots a green ray at Rico's crouch)
3. CONTINUED: (2) RICO Whaoooooooo! Owwwwwwwwww! GUARDS take him away. Sandurz. HELMET
HELMET I don't see Planet Druidia. Where is it? SANDURZ We don't have visual contact yet, sir, but we have it on the radar screen. Shall I punch it up for you? HELMET Na, nevermind. I'll do it myself. HELMET and SANDURZ walk to the radar screen. HELMET stops in front of the coffee maker. SANDURZ Very good, sir. HELMET What's the matter with this thing? What's all that churning and bubbling? You call that a radar screen. SANDURZ No, sir. We call it, "Mr. Coffee." (points at label, "Mr. Coffee") Care for some? HELMET Yes! I always have coffee when I watch radar. You know that. SANDURZ Of course I do, sir. HELMET Everybody knows that. EVERYBODY (covers their crouch) Of course we do, sir.
4. CONTINUED: (3) HELMET (takes coffee) Now that I have my coffee, I'm ready to watch radar. Where is it? SANDURZ (points to label "Mr. Radar") Right here, sir. HELMET Switch to teleview. RADAR changes to a picture of Planet Druidia. HELMET (CONTD) There it is, Planet Druidia, and underneath the air shield, ten thousand years of fresh air. We must get through that air shield. SANDURZ We will, sir. Once we kidnap the princess, we will force her father, King Roland, to give us the combination to the air shield. Thereby destroying Planet Druidia and saving Planet Spaceballs. HELMET Everybody got that. Good! When will the princess be married? SANDURZ Within the hour, sir. HELMET Well, I hope it's a long ceremony, 'cause it's gonna be a short honeymoon. (takes a drink of coffee) Mmmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm. SANDURZ hits his back. HELMET spits out coffee and his mask falls down. HELMET (CONTD) (mask down) Hot! Too hot! PLANET DRUIDIA - EXT. CHAPLE - DAY Sign reads, "Today, the Royal Wedding of Princess Vespa to Prince Valium. Tomorrow, Bingo."
5. INT. CHAPLE - DAY The USHER is fixing something on KING ROLAND'S outfit. PRINCESS VESPA is pacing. ROLAND Oh, if only your mother were alive to see this day. All right, is everyone ready? USHER Yes, your majesty. VESPA No! Where's my droid of honor? USHER Oh dear, yes. Where's Dot? Dot? Dot Matrix? Oh, thank god. Where've you been? DOT Here I am. I'm sorry. I had to make a pit stop. I'm so excited, I couldn't hold my oil. USHER All right, people. It's magic time. ROLAND All right, everyone, starting on the left foot. (puts his right foot out) VESPA Daddy that's your right foot. ROLAND It's too late. Keep going. They start walking down the aisle. The organ is playing "Here Comes the Bride." VESPA (stops) Daddy. Organ player stops. VESPA (CONTD) Must I go through with this. ROLAND I'm sorry, my dear, you have to. They start walking again. The organ starts up again.
6. CONTINUED: VESPA (stops) But, daddy. Organ stops again. VESPA (CONTD) I don't love him. ROLAND I'm sorry, Vespa, he's the last prince left in the galaxy. VALIUM yawns. They reach the altar. MINISTER Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this most joyous occasion, to witness Princess Vespa, daughter of King Roland.... VESPA starts running toward the door, while Dot is dragging behind. MINISTER (CONTD) ....going right past the alter, heading down the ramp, and out the door. ROLAND Stop her! Someone, stop her! Stop her! EXT. CHAPEL - DAY VESPA and DOT come out of the chapel. They head for the getaway car. DOT Hey wait! You forgot to get married. Will you stop? They get to the car. VESPA opens the door. DOT (CONTD) What are you doing? VESPA (starts to get in the getaway car) No questions, Dot. Get in. Car starts up, and the ramp starts to tilt upward. Everyone else comes out of the chapel.
7. CONTINUED: ROLAND What is she doing? Where is she going? The car takes off toward space. VALIUM Come baaaaack! (yawns while saying back) INT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE The Eagle cream and half dog. drunk. He flashing. 5 is a Winnebago with wings. BARF is eating ice dancing to music. BARF is a mog. He's half man, LONE STARR is at the wheel, asleep. LONE STARR is is a normal human. "AUTOMATIC PILOT" is The phone starts ringing. LONE STARR (wakes up) Barf. Barf. Barf! Huh? Barf! BARF LONE STARR (O.S)
BARF Always when I'm eating. BARF puts down the ice cream, and picks up some Milkbones. Barf! LONE STARR
BARF What can I do you for, boss? LONE STARR Where ya been? BARF Oh, just grabbin' myself a snack. You want some? (offers a Milkbone to Lone Starr) No! LONE STARR
BARF C'mon. A little hair on the dot. LONE STARR Answer that for me. Will ya?
8. CONTINUED: BARF Ah, sure. (hits Lone Starr with his tail) LONE STARR Will you watch that thing? BARF Oh, sorry. I'll just put it on audio. That way they won't see ya. (hits the video switch) Yello. VINNIE appears on the screen. VINNIE is a half robot, half man. VINNIE Hello, Lone Starr. BARF Sorry, wrong switch. LONE STARR Hello, Vinnie, what do you want? VINNIE No, no, no, no, no. It's not what I want. It's what he wants. BARF & LONE STARR Pizza the Hut. PIZZA THE HUT is half man, half pizza. PIZZA Well, if it isn't Lone Starr, and his side kick, Puke. BARF That's Barf. PIZZA Barf, Puke, whatever. Where's my money? LONE STARR Don't worry, Pizza. You'll have it by next week. PIZZA No, no. I gotta have it by tomorrow. LONE STARR A hundred thousand spacebucks, by tomorrow?
9. CONTINUED: (2) PIZZA A hundred thousand? Ha, ha, ha. No way. You forgot late charges, which brings it up to, um, one million spacebucks. LONE STARR A million? That's unfair. PIZZA Unfair to pay all, but enough to pay eee, but you gonna pay it, or else. BARF Or else what? PIZZA Tell 'em, Vinnie. VINNIE Or else Pizza is gonna send out for you. VINNIE & PIZZA (laughs) VINNIE takes a lick off of Pizza. VINNIE Mmmm. You're delicious. PIZZA Chow, boys. INT. VESPA'S CAR - SPACE VESPA is listening to music in headphones. DOT Can we talk? Okay, we all know Prince Valium is pilled, but you could've married him for your father's sake, and have a headache for the next 25 years. VESPA can't hear her. DOT Will you turn that thing off. VESPA What? (takes off the headphones) What is it?
10. CONTINUED: DOT I was saying, do realize what you've done. VESPA Yes, and I'm glad. Glad, glad, glad, glad, glad. (puts the headphones back on) DOT I wonder if she's glad. SPACEBALL CITY - INT. PRESIDENT SKROOB'S OFFICE - NIGHT SKROOB is talking to someone on the phone. SKROOB Don't be ridiculous. As president of Planet Spaceball, I can assure both you and your viewers, that there is absolutely no air shortage whatsoever. Yes, of course, I've heard the same rumor myself. Thanks for calling, and not reversing the charges. Bye. (hangs up phone) Shithead. He opens a desk drawer. It has a lot of cans in it. He takes one and opens it. The can says, "Perrier Salt-Free Air." He starts breathing the air. COMMANDERETTE (appears on the wall) President Skroob. SKROOB (throws can behind him and closes the drawer)
COMMANDERETTE This is Central Control, Spaceball Commanderette Zarican speaking, sir. SKROOB Yes, what is it Commanderette? COMMANDERETTE Lord Helmet has informed us that Princess Vespa is in sight, and Spaceball 1 is closing in on her.
11. CONTINUED: SKROOB Good, good. COMMANDERETTE We have both ships coming up on the teledar, sir, if you wish to observe. SKROOB I'll be down immediately. COMMANDERETTE Shall I have Snotty beam you down? SKROOB I don't about that beaming stuff. Is it safe? COMMANDERETTE Oh yes, sir. Snotty beamed me twice last night. It was wonderful. SKROOB All right, I take a shot at it. What the hell, it works on Star Trek. (steps into the beaming pod) COMMANDERETTE Snotty, beam him down. SNOTTY (O.S.) Yes, sir. Immediately, sir. SKROOB beams out of his office. INT. CENTRAL CONTROL - NIGHT SKROOB reappears. His head is on backwards. VOICE (O.S.) Gees feesetes, what's happened to his head? COMMANDERETTE It's on backwards. SKROOB This is terrible. Do something. SNOTTY I'm sorry, sir. There must have been a microconverter malfunction.
12. CONTINUED: SKROOB (lifts up the tail on his suit) Why didn't somebody tell me ass was so big. Everyone else looks and snickers. SNOTTY Hold on, sir. We'll try and reverse the beam. Could be the interlocking system. SKROOB scratches his leg. SNOTTY (flipping switches) Lock 1, Lock 2, Lock 3, Lock lone. SKROOB beams out. INT. PRESIDENT SKROOB'S OFFICE - NIGHT SKROOB reappears, back to normal. COMMANDERETTE appears on the wall. COMMANDERETTE Are you all right, Mr. President. SKROOB Fine, fine, no thanks to you. COMMANDERETTE We'll beam you back, sir. SKROOB Forget it. Forget it. No more beaming. This time I'm gonna walk. (walks through the door) INT. CENTRAL CONTROL - NIGHT COMMANDERETTE President Skroob, Salute. ALL (salute) ) Hail Skroob! SKROOB salutes. CHARLENE & MARLENE Hello, President Skroob.
13. CONTINUED: SKROOB Oh, uh. Hello, Charlene. MARLENE I'm Marlene. SKROOB Hello, Marlene. CHARLENE I'm Charlene. SKROOB Chew your gum. Where's the Princess. COMMANDERETTE Right there, sir. On the left side of the screen of the screen, approaching Spaceball 1, at fifteen hundred light leagues per minute. SKROOB Good, good. She almost in our grasp. Tell Dark Helmet he must take the Princess alive. EXT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE In front of Spaceball 1 is Vespa's car. INT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE SANDURZ and HELMET are standing in the front. SANDURZ Princess Vespa's spaceship within range, sir. HELMET (mask down) Good. Fire a warning shot across her nose. Guns start firing. INT. VESPA'S CAR - SPACE VESPA takes off the headphones. The car is shaking. VESPA What's going on?
14. CONTINUED: DOT It either the 4th of July, or someone trying to kill us. VESPA Hey! I don't have to put up with this. I'm rich. (picks up phone) DOT What you doing? VESPA I'm calling my father. 1-800DRUIDIA. (dials the phone) INT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE HELMET (lifts up mask) Careful, you idiot. I said across her nose, not up it. GUNNER (lifts up eye guard) Sorry, sir. (he is cross-eyed) Doing my best. HELMET Who made that man a gunner? MAJOR I did, sir. He's my cousin. (he is cross-eyed, too) Who is he? HELMET
SANDURZ He's an Asshole, sir. HELMET I know that. What's his name? SANDURZ That is his name, sir. Asshole, Major Asshole. HELMET And his cousin? SANDURZ He's an Asshole, too, sir. Gunner'smate, 1st Class, Philip Asshole.
15. CONTINUED: HELMET How many Assholes we got on this ship, anyhow? All, but few, stand up. Yo! ALL
HELMET I knew it. I'm surrounded by Assholes. (pulls down mask) Keep firing, Assholes. INT. VESPA'S CAR - CAR VESPA is on the phone. VESPA Hurry, Daddy, hurry. They're laser blasts all around us. I'm so scared. EXT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE ROLAND'S VOICE King Roland to Lone Starr. King Roland to Lone Starr. Are you there? INT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE LONE STARR and BARF are talking to ROLAND on the phone. ROLAND Lone Starr, you've got to help me. Please, save my daughter. She's being attacked by Spaceballs. LONE STARR Spaceballs? Forget it. Too dangerous. Besides, I'm already numero uno on Dark Helmet's hit list. BARF Look, your highness, it's not that we're afraid. Far from it. It's just we got this thing about them. It's not us.
16. CONTINUED: ROLAND Please, you must. You're the only ones who can save her. I'll give anything. Did you her me? Anything. Anything? BARF
ROLAND Yes! Anything! LONE STARR Okay, we'll do it for a million. A million? ROLAND
BARF Whoa, you startin' to fade here. We're losing picture, your highness. ROLAND All right, all right, I'll pay it. Only find her, save her. LONE STARR All right, King, you just made a deal. BARF One princess for one million spacebucks. LONE STARR What's she drivin'? ROLAND A brand new, white Mercedes, 2001 SEL Limited Edition. Moon roof, all leather interior. I got it at a very good price. I paid cash. My cousin, Prince Murray, has a dealership in the valley. He was very nice to me. LONE STARR We get the idea. Where was she last seen. ROLAND She was just passing Jupiter 2. LONE STARR We'll find her.
17. CONTINUED: (2) ROLAND Please, bring her back safely. And, if it's all possible, try to save the car. (disappears off T.V.) BARF One million spacebucks. We'll be able to pay off Pizza the Hut. LONE STARR Gimmie paw. BOTH (howl like a dog) Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. INT. VESPA'S CAR - SPACE Spaceball 1 fires their magnetic beam at Vespa's car. VESPA What's happening? What's that glow? We're not moving. DOT Oh, we're moving all right, backwards. INT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE LONE STARR Look, there's our princess. She's got company. BARF Oh, no, Spaceballs. And they've already got her in their magnetic beam. Oh, well, we're too late. What a shame. I'll just throw her in reverse, and we'll get outta here. (reaches for the reverse switch) LONE STARR (stops him) Barf. No. Bad. BARF Oh, what are we doing risking our lives for a runaway princess? I know we need the money...
18. CONTINUED: LONE STARR Listen. We're not just doing this for money. We're doing it for a shit load of money! BARF Oh, you're right, and when you're right, you're right, and you, you're always right. Okay, we save her, but how? The minute we move in there, they're spot us on their radar. Uh-uh. Uh-huh. Uh-uh. Uh-huh. LONE STARR BARF LONE STARR BARF
LONE STARR Uh-uh, not if we jam it. BARF Ah, ha! You're right. LONE STARR Down scope. BARF Down scope. The scope comes down. BARF looks through the scope and focuses on the radar. BARF (CONTD) Radar, about to be jammed. Jam comes flying and crashes the radar. INT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE The radar is screwing up. The RADAR TECHNICIAN is trying to figure out the problem. RADAR TECH (he is making the sound effects) Shit. (makes more sound effects and dials phone) (MORE) (CONTINUED)
SANDURZ What is it? RADAR TECH (O.S.) (in microphone) Can I talk to for a minute, please, sir. SANDURZ & HELMET walk over to him. Well. SANDURZ
RADAR TECH (in microphone) I'm having trouble with the radar, sir. SANDURZ You don't need that, Private, we're right here. (hangs up microphone) Now, what is it? RADAR TECH (in microphone voice) I'm having trouble with radar, sir. HELMET (rips out the microphonemask up) Now, what is it? RADAR TECH I'm having trouble with the radar, sir. HELMET What's wrong with it? RADAR TECH I've lost the bleeps, I've the lost the sweeps, and I've lost the creeps. The what? The what? HELMET SANDURZ
20. CONTINUED: (2) RADAR TECH You know. The bleeps, (makes bleeps sounds) the sweeps, (makes sweeps sounds) and the creeps. (makes creeps sounds) HELMET (to Sandurz) That's not he's lost. RADAR TECH Sir. The radar, sir. It appears to be.... Jam starts dripping down the screen. RADAR TECH (CONTD) ....jammed. HELMET Jammed? (takes a taste of the jam) Raspberry. There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry. (pulls down mask) Lone Starr! CAMERA hits HELMET. HELMET falls backwards. INT. VESPA'S CAR - SPACE Eagle 5 comes in on top of Vespa's car. There's a thump on the car. VESPA What was that? BARF knocks on the door. DOT Nevermind that. What was that? The roof opens revealing BARF smiling. Ah. Hi. VESPA & DOT BARF
DOT Not in here, mister. This is a Mercedes. BARF Na, that's my name. Barf. VESPA Barf? What are you? BARF I'm a mog. Half-man, half-dog. I'm my own best friend. VESPA What do you want? BARF Your father hired Captain Lone Starr and me to save ya. C'mon, we gotta hop up this ladder and get outta here. DOT Go, hurry, quick, darling, follow the dog. BARF Mog. I'm a mog. VESPA Wait. What about my matched luggage? BARF starts whimpering. EXT. EAGLE 5 - LADDER - SPACE VESPA is climbing up, followed by DOT, then BARF with a load of luggage. DOT Hey. Stop looking up my can. Sorry. INT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE LONE STARR looks back at BARF. BARF still has a load of luggage on him. BARF
22. CONTINUED: LONE STARR Checking in? What the hell is all that? BARF (with strap in mouth) It's her royal highness's matched luggage. What? LONE STARR (O.S.)
BARF (takes strap out of mouth) Her royal highness's matched luggage. LONE STARR Matched luggage, huh? What's she think this is.... BARF hits him with tail. LONE STARR (CONTD) ....a princess cruise. BARF Well, she wouldn't go without it. LONE STARR Oh, yeah? (picks up microphone) BARF hits him again. LONE STARR (CONTD) (in microphone) Now hear this, as soon as we get outta hear, the first thing we do is dump the matched luggage. DOT What was that? VESPA (turns on intercom) Now you hear this, whoever you are, you will not touch that luggage, and furthermore, I want this pigsty cleaned up. I will not be rescued in such filth. LONE STARR (in microphone) Listen. On this ship, I don't take orders, I give 'em. This is my dream boat, sweetheart.
VESPA How dare you speak to me that way. You will address me in the proper manner as your royal highness. I am Princess Vespa, daughter of Roland, King of the Druids. LONE STARR Oh. That's all we needed, a Drewish princess. BARF Funny. She doesn't look Drewish. INT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE Vespa's car is coming through the floor. SANDURZ and HELMET come in. HELMET (mask down) Now, we will show her who is in charge of this galaxy. GUARD cocks weapon. HELMET (CONTD) Hold it. I'll handle this personally. GUARD Ya-ho, Lord Helmet. HELMET (looks at him) So, Princess Vespa, you thought you could outwit the imperious forces of Planet Spaceball. Well, you were wrong. You are now our prisoner, and you will held hostage until such time, as all of the air is transferred from your planet to ours. HELMET opens the door and looks inside. He lifts his mask up. HELMET (CONTD) (mask up) She's not in there. ALL drop guns and cover their crouch.
24. CONTINUED: (3) VOICE (O.S.) Radar repaired, sir. We're picking up the outline of a Winnebago. HELMET Winnebago? Lone Starr. Lone Starr! HELMET bangs on the car. The door falls on him, pushing him inside. INT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE Spaceball 1 is coming on the radar. LONE STAR Uh-oh. Here comes the the bad year blimp. BARF We'd better get outta here in a hurry. LONE STARR Switch to secret hyperjets. BARF Switching to secret hyperjets. LONE STARR (in microphone) Buckle up back there, we're going into hyperactive. INT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE HELMET and SANDURZ are standing in front. EAGLE 5 is in front of them. SANDURZ We're closing in on them, sir. In less than minute, Lone Starr will be ours. HELMET (mask down) Good. Prepare to attack. SANDURZ Prepare to attack. HELMET On the count of three. One, two.... Eagle 5 takes off into hyperactive.
25. CONTINUED: HELMET (CONTD) Wait. (lifts up mask) What happened? Where are they? SANDURZ I don't know, sir. They must have hyperjets on that thing. HELMET And what have we got on this thing a quezinart. No, sir. SANDURZ
HELMET Well, find them catch them. SANDURZ Yes, sir. (over loudspeaker) Prepare ship for light speed. HELMET No, no, no, light speed is too slow. SANDURZ Light speed, too slow? HELMET Yes, we're gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed. ALL gasp. SANDURZ (gasp) Ludicrous speed? Sir, we've never gone that fast before. I don't know if this ship can take it. HELMET What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz, chicken? SANDURZ (in high pitch) Prepare ship, (back to normal) prepare ship for ludicrous speed. Fasten all seat belts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the 3ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo....
26. CONTINUED: (2) HELMET (takes the microphone) Gimme that you peddy excuse for an officer. SANDURZ sits in his seat and buckles up. HELMET (in microphone) Now hear this, ludicrous speed.... SANDURZ Sir, hadn't you better buckle up. HELMET Aah, buckle this. (in microphone) Ludicrous speed, Go! The ship takes off. The display lights up: Light Speed, Ridiculous Speed, and then Ludicrous Speed. Helmet is being pulled back. HELMET (CONTD) Whoaaa! What have I done? My brains are going into my feet. INT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE Spaceball 1 passes over them leaving a plaid shadow. BARF What the hell was that? LONE STARR Spaceball 1. BARF They've gone to plaid. INT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE HELMET We passed them. Stop this thing. SANDURZ We can't stop. It's too dangerous. We have to slow down first. HELMET Bullshit. Just stop this thing. I order you. Stooooop!
27. CONTINUED: SANDURZ pulls on emergency brake which reads, "Emergency Stop, never use." The ship stops and HELMET goes flying into a panel. SANDURZ (picks Helmet up) Are you all right, sir? HELMET Fine. How've you been? Fine, sir. Good. SANDURZ HELMET
SANDURZ It's a good thing you were wearing that helmet. Yeah. HELMET
SANDURZ What should we do now, sir? HELMET Well, are we stopped? SANDURZ We're stopped, sir. HELMET Good. Well, why don't we take a five minute break. SANDURZ Very good, sir. HELMET Smoke if you got 'em. (falls forward) INT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE LONE STARR Take her out of hyperactive. BARF Takin' her out of hyperactive. (pulls down switch) Ah, congrads, boss, we did it. They must of overshot us by a week and a half.
28. CONTINUED: LONE STARR (laughs) Okay, let's set a course for Druidia. BARF Settin' a course for (Eagle 5 starts shaking) Drui, ie, ie, ie. LONE STARR What's that? BARF I don't know. I don't know. We're losing power. Why? 'Cause we're outta gas. LONE STARR We must've burned it up in hyperactive. BARF I told you we should've put more that five bucks worth in. LONE STARR Okay, we'll have to set her down. Prepare for emergency landing. Quick, give me a reading. BARF (prays) How, oh Father, be in heaven. Thou will be Thy name, by kingdom come.... LONE STARR Will you stop that? (in microphone) Keep your seat belts fastened back there. You okay, princess. VESPA No, you idiot. Where'd you learn how to fly. LONE STARR Okay, Eagle 5, coming in. MOON OF VEGA - EXT. EAGLE 5 - DESERT - DAY Eagle 5 starts coming down on the sands of Vega.
29. INT. EAGLE 5 - DESERT - DAY BARF is panicing. BARF Ahh. Left, right, I mean right. Pull up, pull up. They crash on a sand dune. gets up. VESPA
DOT Where you going? VESPA I'm going to tell him off once and for all. DOT Wwwwwwwait. We'll need him to get us outta here. LONE STARR Called me an idiot? I'm going back there and explain a few things to her. DOT Besides, he's gotta a sexy voice. He might be cute. BARF Yeah, but, you don't know what she looks like. LONE STARR I know what she looks like. If you've seen one princess, you've seen 'em all. VESPA Cute? I know these space bums. They're all alike. Fat, ugly.... LONE STARR Bucked-toothed, knocked-knees.... VESPA, pigs. LONE STARR, space dogs. (gets up and goes to the back)
30. CONTINUED: BARF Yeah, well, I normally I'd, (gets up with seat belt still on) ow, that's gonna leave a mark. VESPA Now listen you.... LONE STARR You listen. On this ship, you're to refer to me as idiot not you captain. I mean, you know what I mean. VESPA And you will not call me you. You will never address me as you. You will call me your royal highness. LONE STARR You are royal pain in the.... BARF Whoa, hold it, time. What? LONE STARR & VESPA
BARF May I make a small suggestion? Any minute now, Spaceballs is gonna make a major U-turn, head back this way, and make us all dead. LONE STARR He's right. Let's go. VESPA Wait. My things. LONE STARR Listen, you royal.... Mmmm. VESPA
LONE STARR ....highness. Take only what need to survive. BARF Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
31. DESERT - DAY VESPA is walking down with an umbrella. DOT is following her with a cart. LONE STARR and BARF are following with a trunk. DOT Please, slow down. I'm getting sand up my gears. BARF Gees. I hope she didn't forget anything. LONE STARR All right, wait a minute, Barf, put it down. What the hell's in this thing. LONE STARR opens the trunk and pulls out a huge hair dryer. LONE STARR (CONTD) What's this? I said take only what you need to survive. VESPA It's my industrial strength hair dryer, and I can't live without it. LONE STARR Okay, princess. That's it. The fairy-tale is over. Welcome to reallife. You want this hot-air machine, you carry it. (drops it in the sand) VESPA You pick that up. LONE STARR You pick that up. VESPA How dare you, you insolent peasant. Nobody talks to me that way. Nobody. Nobody. (echoes) LONE STARR Well, what have we got here? Will you look at her. Oooooo. BARF
LONE STARR Those flashy eyes. Those flushy cheeks. Those trembling lips. (MORE) (CONTINUED)
32. CONTINUED: LONE STARR (CONT'D) You know something princess, you are ugly when you're angry. Uh-oh. DOT
VESPA That's it. You and your dog are f.... BARF Please, please. Total humans, droids, if I may. It's going to be very dark soon, so I suggest we find a place to camp for the night. DOT Come darling. DOT and VESPA walk away pulling some luggage. LONE STARR and BARF walk off with the trunk. They leave the hair dryer behind. LONE STARR See, it's lighter. BARF Oh yeah. This is best. I could carry two of three of these. INT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE HELMET, SANDURZ, and CORPORAL are watching the radar. HELMET (mask down) Have you found them yet? CORPORAL No, Lord Helmet. They're still not on the scanners. HELMET Well, keep looking for them. (drinks coffee through his mask) SANDURZ Pardon me, sir. I have an idea. Corporal, get me the video cassette of Spaceballs-the Movie. Yes, sir. CORPORAL
33. CONTINUED: CORPORAL walks to a wall labeled, "Mr. Rental." The wall opens. He looks through the selections. HELMET Colonel Sandurz, may I speak with you, please? Yes, sir. SANDURZ
HELMET (lifts up mask) How could there be a cassette of Spaceballs- the Movie. We're still in the middle of making it. SANDURZ That's true, sir, but there's been a new breakthrough in home-video marketing. There has? HELMET
SANDURZ Yes. Instant cassettes. They're out in stores before the movie is finished. Naaaaa. HELMET
CORPORAL Here it is, sir. Spaceballs. SANDURZ Good work, Corporal. Punch it up. CORPORAL starts the tape. It starts on the FBI Warning. SANDURZ (CONTD) Started much too early. Prepare to fast-forward. CORPORAL Preparing to fast-forward. SANDURZ Fast-forward. CORPORAL Fast-forwarding, sir. Starts fast-forwarding through the ludicrous speed scene. Helmet is thrown into the panel at a high-speed.
34. CONTINUED: (2) HELMET Nnnnno. Go past this, past this part. In fact, never play this again. SANDURZ Try here. Stop. The movie stops at the exact same thing that is actually happening now. HELMET looks at the camera, then he turns back to the monitor. SANDURZ looks at the camera when HELMET looks back at the monitor, then he looks back at the monitor. HELMET looks at the camera when SANDURZ looks back at the monitor. When HELMET turns back, he waves his hand. He turns back to the camera. HELMET What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie? SANDURZ Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now, is happening now. HELMET What happened to then? SANDURZ We passed then? When? HELMET
SANDURZ Just now. We're at now, now. HELMET Go back to then. When? Now. Now? Now. I can't. Why? SANDURZ HELMET SANDURZ HELMET SANDURZ HELMET
35. CONTINUED: (3) SANDURZ We missed it. When? Just now. HELMET SANDURZ
HELMET When will then be now? CORPORAL rewinds the tape. He stops at the point when LONE STARR, BARF, VESPA, and DOT are walking through the desert. Soon. How soon? Sir. What? SANDURZ HELMET CORPORAL HELMET
CORPORAL It's the Moon of Vega. SANDURZ Good work. Set a course, and prepare for our arrival. When? HELMET
CORPORAL Nineteen-hundred hours, sir. SANDURZ By high-noon, tomorrow, they will be our prisoners. HELMET Hoooooo. (mask falls down)
36. DESERT - NIGHT DOT is sleeping with a light going that says, "Sleep Mode." VESPA is cold and trying to keep warm. LONE STARR offers her his coat. VESPA No thank you. I'm perfectly all right. LONE STARR Take it. It's freezing (puts the jacket on her) VESPA If you insist. (smells the alcohol on the coat) Won't you be cold? LONE STARR Na, cold never bothers me. VESPA I can't seem to find Druidia. LONE STARR It's right there. Where? VESPA
LONE STARR Right there. (points to a blue star) It's that bright, blue one, right there. See? VESPA Oh, yeah. But it's so far away. LONE STARR Don't worry. I'll get ya there. VESPA Which one's yours? Who knows. LONE STARR
VESPA You don't know where your from? LONE STARR Not really. I was found on the doorstep of a monastery.
37. CONTINUED: VESPA Monastery? Where? LONE STARR Somewhere in the Ford Galaxy. VESPA Well, didn't the monks tell you who your parents? LONE STARR They couldn't. They took a vowel of silence. All I got was this. He pulls a medallion out from his shirt. It has some type of writing. LONE STARR (CONTD) It was around my neck. VESPA What is it? LONE STARR I don't know. I've taken it to every wise man in the universe. No one can tell me what it means. VESPA It's beautiful. You know I.... It's beautiful. LONE STARR puts the medallion back in his shirt. LONE STARR So, how come you ran away from your wedding? VESPA Well, if you must know, I wasn't in love with the groom. LONE STARR Why were you gonna marry him? VESPA Because, I'm a princess, and I have to marry a prince. LONE STARR Ah, and he doesn't do it for you, huh? VESPA No, he doesn't do it for me. I really must go back. I shouldn't have run away. (MORE) (CONTINUED)
38. CONTINUED: (2) VESPA (CONT'D) I realize, now, that love is one luxury a princess cannot afford. LONE STARR You're probably right. VESPA I know, now, that I must live without love. LONE STARR I guess so. VESPA Besides, love isn't that important. LONE STARR Naaa, never was. VESPA I could be perfectly happy the rest of my life without love. (looks at him) LONE STARR Sure you could. VESPA Without physical contact. Yeah. LONE STARR
VESPA Without being held. (moves closer to him) LONE STARR Yeah. (moves in closer) Or kissed. VESPA
VESPA and LONE STARR are about to kiss when an alarm starts going off. DOT'S Virgin Alarm is going off. BARF (wakes up) Abandon ship. Abandon ship. Women and mogs first. DOT walks over to VESPA and LONE STARR. DOT We'll have none of that, mister. (to Vespa) (MORE) (CONTINUED)
39. CONTINUED: (3) DOT (CONT'D) How far did he get? Where'd he touch? Where'd he touch? VESPA Nothing happened. LONE STARR What the hell was that noise? DOT That was my Virgin Alarm. It's programmed to go off before you do. You get back to bed, miss. And as for you, sex-fiend.... LONE STARR All right. All right. Let's all get some sleep. We gotta get moving before dawn. BARF Why so early? LONE STARR Because, we're in the middle of the desert, and we're not gonna get far once that blazing sun gets overhead. DISSOLVE TO: A BLAZING SUN. BARF'S VOICE Nice dissolve. DESERT - MORNING LONE STARR is walking, followed by BARF, DOT, then VESPA. They are all getting tired. LONE STARR Water, water. BARF (panting) Water. Oil, oil. DOT
40. CONTINUED: A BLAZING SUN. DESERT - DAY LONE STARR is carrying VESPA. BARF is carrying DOT. VESPA and DOT are asleep. BARF and LONE STARR are really tired. BARF I can't, I can't, I can't go, I can't go any further. I can't go any further. LONE STARR Just one more dune to go. BARF Nope. you said that three dunes ago. I got no more left. Oh, waiter, check please. (falls down) LONE STARR Must go on. Must go on. Must go on. Who am I kidding. (drops Vespa then falls down) The DINKS walk on the screen. They are short people with goldbrownish skin. DINKS (sing) Dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink.... DINKS see LONE STARR, VESPA, BARF, and DOT lying on the ground. They go to their aid. HEAD DINK Dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink. DINKS split up and start giving water and oil to VESPA, LONE STARR, BARF, and DOT. DINK (with Barf) Dink, dink, dink, dink, dink. Dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink. BARF'S TAIL starts wagging. DINK (CONTD) Dink, dink, dink, dink.
41. CONTINUED: BARF Oh, thanks little guy. (starts lapping the water) Thank you. LONE STARR
DINKS Dink, dink, dink. LONE STARR Did I miss something? When did we get to Disneyland? LONE STARR, VESPA, DOT, and BARF are being led by the DINKS to somewhere. DINKS (sing) Dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink.
DESERT - HELMET'S CRUISER - DAY HELMET and SANDURZ are in a cruiser. HELMET is standing up, looking though binoculars. He has different type of uniform with a different type of helmet. HELMET (mask on) I don't see them, Sandurz. SANDURZ I've sent the troops on up to Vector 78, sir. HELMET Good. Let's get moving. SANDURZ Yes, sir. Driver, prepare to move out. HELMET What are you preparing. You're always preparing. Just go! Just go. SANDURZ
SANDURZ Sir, shouldn't you sit down. The cruiser takes off, and HELMET is thrown in his seat. EXT. TEMPLE - DAY The DINKS are opening a secret door in the sand, and lead LONE STARR, BARF, VESPA, and DOT inside. They walk down a set of stairs. INT. TEMPLE - DAY DINKS Dink, dink, dink. Dink, dink, dink. BARF What are they sayin'? VESPA Well, it's obvious they want us to go with them. They start walking down a tunnel with a huge statue at the end. VESPA (CONTD) What is this place? BARF It looks like the Temple of Doom. DOT Sure ain't Temple Bethresel. LONE STARR C'mon. I think we'd better follow 'em. Steam starts coming out of the ears of the statue. BARF Ah-oh. I think we woke it up. DOT Goodbye, folks. (turns around and starts running to the door) Let me know how it turns out. VESPA Comeback here, Dot. We need you.
43. CONTINUED: LONE STARR C'mon, we gotta keep going. VESPA What's gonna happen now? LONE STARR Don't ask, maybe it won't. BARF Well, what if it does? I don't about know about you, but I'm all for leaving. I think we oughtta get outta here.... Fire comes out of the statue's eyes. Wow! LONE STARR, VESPA, DOT, & BARF
YOGURT'S VOICE Silence! Who dares enter the sacred and awesome presence of the everlasting know-it-all, Yogurt. Yogurt? LONE STARR, VESPA, DOT, & BARF
The bottom of the statue opens up. A small man about 3 feet tall comes out. YOGURT You heard of me? LONE STARR Heard of ya? Who hasn't of Yogurt? VESPA Yogurt, the wise. DOT Yogurt, the all powerful. BARF Yogurt, the magnificent. YOGURT Please, please, don't make a fuse. I'm just plain Yogurt. LONE STARR But you're the one.... YOGURT Yes. I am the keeper of a greater magic. A power known throughout the universe, known as....
YOGURT No. The Schwartz. LONE STARR, VESPA, DOT, & BARF The Schwartz? YOGURT Yes. The Schwartz. He holds his Schwartz ring. His is different than the ring HELMET has. LONE STARR But, Yogurt, what is this place? What is that you do here? YOGURT Merchandising. BARF Merchandising? What's that? YOGURT Merchandising. Come. I'll show. Open up this door. DINKS open a slab in the wall. In it, is a whole bunch of "Spaceballs - The Movie" merchandise. YOGURT (CONTD) Ha, ha, ha, come. Walk this way. Take a look. We put the pictures name on everything. Merchandising. Merchandising. Where the real money from the movie is made. Spaceballsthe T-shirt, Spaceballs-the Coloring Book, Spaceballs-the Lunch box, Spaceballs- the Breakfast Cereal, Spaceballs-the Flame Thrower. (turns it on) Ooooooo. DINKS
YOGURT The kids love this one. Last, but not least, Spaceballs - the Doll. (hold up a doll of himself) Me. (pulls on the string)
45. CONTINUED: (3) YOGURT DOLL May the Schwartz be with you. DINKS giggle. Adorable. YOGURT
SPACEBALL CITY - INT. SKROOB'S BEDROOM - NIGHT MARLENE & CHARLENE are in Skroob's bed. SKROOB is under "Spaceballs - the Sheet" fondling the twins. MARLENE & CHARLENE Wew, wew, wew, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ohh, weeew.... COMMANDERETTE appears on the wall. COMMANDERETTE President Skroob. MARLENE & CHARLENE hide under the sheet. SKROOB comes out from under the sheet. He is holding a book upside-down. SKROOB What is it? COMMANDERETTE I have an urgent message from Lord Helmet. He's lost the princess. Where? SKROOB
COMMANDERETTE Somewhere on the sands of Vega. SKROOB Tell him to comb the desert. Do you hear me? Comb the desert. Yes, sir. COMMANDERETTE
MOON OF VEGA - DESERT - DAY Six guards are moving large combs across the desert. HELMET and SANDURZ are in the cruiser. Sir. SANDURZ
46. CONTINUED: HELMET (mask off; in bullhorn) What? SANDURZ Are we being too literal. (in No, you orders. desert, HELMET bullhorn) fool. We're following We were told to comb the so we're combing it.
HELMET puts down the bullhorn and shouts to the troopers. HELMET (CONTD) (shouts) Found anything yet? TROOPER WITH COMB Nothing yet, sir. HELMET (shouts) How about you? TROOPER WITH 2ND COMB Not a thing, sir. HELMET (shouts) What about you guys? TROOPER WITH MINI COMB We ain't found shit. INT. TEMPLE - DAY YOGURT and LONE STARR are standing in front the big statue. LONE STARR is showing YOGURT his medallion. LONE STARR It's a big mystery. None of the wise men can tell me what it means. YOGURT Wise men, pa sha. Wise guys, you mean. What do they know. Here, let me take a look. (he takes the medallion) Whuck, whuck, munuck, munck, muck, muck. LONE STARR You can read it?
47. CONTINUED: YOGURT No, I was just clearing my throat. Here, let me take look at this. Ohh, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, of course. LONE STARR You understand it? Yes. YOGURT
LONE STARR What's it say? YOGURT I cannot tell you that now. It will be revealed to you at the proper time. LONE STARR Great. (puts the medallion back in his shirt) YOGURT C'mon, don't be disappointed. Back to your Schwartz training. Here, take the ring. Point it at that big statue. LONE STARR (puts the ring on) ) Okay, but I still don't understand how I'm going to lift that big statue with this little ring. YOGURT Never underestimate the power of the Schwartz. LONE STARR points the ring to statue. YOGURT C'mon, concentrate. Ooghuh, ooghugh. ooghuh. The statue starts lifting off the ground. YOGURT (CONTD) Lone Starr, you're doing it. You're doing it. (laughs)
48. CONTINUED: (2) LONE STARR I can't believe it. The Schwartz, it's working. BARF walks by the statue and puts his foot under it. BARF Hey, boss, how'd you do that? LONE STARR puts the ring down. The statue falls on Barf's toe. BARF (CONTD) Whaoooooooooooooo! Whao, whao, whao, ahhhh, who, who, whooo.... YOGURT Gimme the ring. Gimmie the ring. YOGURT takes the ring from LONE STARR. He points it at the big statue. YOGURT (CONTD) Upsidasi, upsimasi, upsidaisy. The statue lifts up, and BARF lifts his foot out. It is big and flat. BARF Owwwwwww, ooooooooooohohoooooo, ooooooo.... LONE STARR Sorry, Barf. BARF (growls) Oooooooooooooohohooooooo, oooooooooooohohooooooo. EXT. TEMPLE - NIGHT HELMET is standing next to the secret door. He can't see because it is covered in sand. SANDURZ is telling the troops what to do. SANDURZ Keep searching. (to Helmet) It's no use use, sir. We've searched everywhere. HELMET (mask off) Wait. I feel the presence of the Schwartz.
49. CONTINUED: SANDURZ The Schwartz? HELMET Yes. It's coming.... (gets his ring out of his pocket and puts it on) SANDURZ covers his crouch. HELMET (CONTD) ....from somewhere down....there. SANDURZ (bushes away the sand) You're right, sir. There's a secret entrance here. And look at this insignia, it's a Y. HELMET Yogurt. Yogurt. I hate Yogurt. Even with strawberries. SANDURZ I'll call the attack squad, sir. HELMET No, we can't go in there. Yogurt has the Schwartz. It's far too powerful. SANDURZ But, sir, your ring. Don't you have the Schwartz, too? HELMET No, he got the up-side. I got the down-side. You see, there's two kinds of every Schwartz. SANDURZ Well, how are we gonna go in there and get her? HELMET (flips his mask on) We will not go in there. She will come out to us. (holds up his ring) INT. TEMPLE - NIGHT VESPA is sleeping in a bed surrounded by candles. DOT is in Sleep Mode.
50. CONTINUED: ROLAND'S VOICE Vespa. Vespa, my child. Where are you? VESPA (wakes up) Daddy? ROLAND'S VOICE Vespa, it's your father, King Roland. Come to me. VESPA Daddy. Daddy, I hear you. I hear you. Where are you? (starts walking out the door) ROLAND'S VOICE Follow my voice. Come to me. Come to me. DOT (wakes up) Vespa, where are you going? EXT. TEMPLE - NIGHT ROLAND is standing outside in the desert. ROLAND Vespa, come to me. VESPA (opens the door and walks on the desert toward Roland) Daddy, is it really you? ROLAND Yes, my dear. I guarantee it. Would I lie? Daddy. VESPA
DOT walks out and turns on the Supervision Mode. DOT Oh, Vespa, don't. When VESPA reaches to hug ROLAND, he turns into HELMET.
51. CONTINUED: VESPA Ah! Ohhhhh. (faints and falls into Helmet's arms) HELMET (mask down) Fooled you. Ha, ha, ha, ha. A guard covers Dot's eyes and she shuts down. HELMET Take them both aboard, and put the princess in my quarters. Hands her to Sandurz. SANDURZ Yes sir. (walks off screen with Vespa) HELMET Now she is mine. INT. TEMPLE - NIGHT LONE STARR and BARF come from their room. The DINKS are dinking, "They've taken the princess" LONE STARR What are they sayin'? YOGURT They've taken the princess. LONE STARR and BARF run outside. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT Spaceball 1 takes off toward space. LONE STARR and BARF just now get out the door. LONE STARR Spaceballs, too late. BARF Don't worry, boss. We'll get her back. DESERT - EAGLE 5 - NIGHT LONE STARR and BARF are getting ready to leave. LONE STARR Thanks for the gas, Yogurt.
52. CONTINUED: YOGURT You're welcome, and here. (throws a fortune cookie at Lone Starr) Just encase you get hungry. LONE STARR (catches it) A fortune cookie? YOGURT Yes. Remember, open it before you eat it. LONE STARR Thanks. Well, we'd better get going. I wonder, we will we ever see each other again. YOGURT Who knows. God willing we'll all meet again in Spaceballs II: The Search for More Money. Good-bye, Lone Starr. LONE STARR Good-bye, Yogurt. LONE STARR and YOGURT shake hands. When LONE STARR pulls his hand back, he pulls back the ring. LONE STARR (CONTD) The ring of the Schwartz. No, I can't take this. YOGURT Take it. Take it. You might need it. LONE STARR Thanks. I'll never forget you. Wish me luck. DINKS Dink, dink. LONE STARR climbs into Eagle 5. It starts up and takes off toward space. INT. SPACEBALL 1 - HELMET'S ROOM - SPACE HELMET is apparently talking to VEPSA. HELMET (mask up; talking in his mask down voice) (MORE) (CONTINUED)
53. CONTINUED: HELMET (CONT'D) So, Princess Vespa. At last, I have you in my clutches. To have my way with you. The way I want to.
He is playing with dolls. HELMET (CONTD) (imitating Vespa) No. No, please, leave me alone. (mask down voice) No you are mine. (imitating Lone Starr) Not so fast, Helmet. (mask down voice) Lone Starr. (imitating Lone Starr) Yes, it's me. I'm here to save my girlfriend. Hi, honey. (mask down voice) Now you are going to die. (imitating Lone Starr) Oh, oh, ohhhh. (imitating Barf) Hey, what did you do to my friend? (mask down voice) The same thing I'm going to do to you, big boy. (imitating Barf) Oh, ohhh. (mask down voice) And you too. (imitating Dot) Oh, ohh. (mask down voice) Now, Princess Vespa, at last we are alone. (imitating Vespa) No, no, I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Leave me alone....yet, I find you strangely attractive. (mask down voice) Of course you do. Drewish princesses are always attracted to money and power. And I have both, and you know it. (imitating Vespa) No, leave me alone. (mask down voice) No, kiss me. (imitating Vespa) No, yes, no, yes, yes, no, no, ah, oh, oh, oh, ah, ohh, oh, you're helmet is so big. SANDURZ opens the door behind him.
54. CONTINUED: (2) SANDURZ Lord Helmet. HELMET (holds all the dolls out of Sandurz's sight) What? SANDURZ You're needed on the bridge, sir. HELMET Knock on my door. Knock next time. Yes, sir. SANDURZ
HELMET Did you see anything? SANDURZ No, sir. I didn't see you playing with your dolls again. Good. HELMET
PLANET SPACEBALL - SPACEBALL CITY - INT. SKROOB'S BATHROOM NIGHT SKROOB is standing in front of the toilet. He is peeing. His back is to the camera. COMMANDERETTE appears on the wall in front of him. COMMANDERETTE President Skroob. SKROOB (covers crouch) Aaa. I told you never to call me on this wall. This is an unlisted wall. COMMANDERETTE Sorry, sir, but it's very urgent. Princess Vespa has just been brought to your office, and Lord Helmet and Colonel Sandurz are awaiting you there. SKROOB All right, all right. Tell them I'll be right there.
55. CONTINUED: COMMANDERETTE Yes, sir. (salutes) SKROOB returns salute. He realizes he uncovered his crouch. He covers it back up. COMMANDERETTE smirks and disappears off the wall. SKROOB flushes the toilet and walks out. INT. SKROOB'S OFFICE - NIGHT HELMET and SANDURZ are talking to ROLAND on the screen. Behind them is VESPA on a table turned vertically. Also is DR. SCHLOTKINS, GRETCHEN, and ARNOLD. ROLAND Helmet, you fiend, what's going on? What are you doing to my daughter? HELMET (mask down) Permit me to introduce the brilliant, young plastic surgeon, Dr. Philip Schlotkins. The greatest nose-job man in the entire universe and Beverly-Hills. SCHLOTKINS Your highness. ROLAND Nose-job? I don't understand. She's already had a nose. It was a sweet16 present. HELMET No, it's not what you think. It's much, much, worse. If you do not give me the combination to the air shield, Dr. Schlotkins will give your daughter back (holds up picture) her old nose. VESPA Nooooooooooooooooooo. Where did you get that? ROLAND All right, I'll tell. I'll tell. VESPA No, daddy, no. You mustn't. ROLAND You're right my dear. I'll miss your new nose. (MORE) (CONTINUED)
56. CONTINUED: ROLAND (CONT'D) But I will not tell them the combination no matter what. HELMET Very well. Dr. Schlotkins, do your worst. SCHLOTKINS My pleasure. The table turns horizontal. VESPA faints. ROLAND No, wait, wait. I'll tell. I'll tell. HELMET I knew it would work. HELMET and SANDURZ go closer to the screen. SANDURZ is going to write the combination down. HELMET (CONTD) All right, give to me. ROLAND The combination is one. One. One. HESITATES HELMET SANDURZ (writes) ROLAND HELMET SANDURZ (writes) ROLAND HELMET
Three. Three.
SANDURZ Five. (writes) HELMET So the combination is one, two, three, four, five. (lifts mask) That's the stupidest combination I've ever heard in my life. That's the kinda thing an idiot would have on his luggage. SANDURZ Thank you, your highness. SANDURZ takes a remote out of his pocket, points it at the wall, and hits a button. Instead of turning off the wall, he turned off the whole movie. A blank screen appears. GRETCHEN is making sensual noises. HELMET What'd you do? SANDURZ I turned off the wall. HELMET No you didn't. You turned off the whole movie. SANDURZ Well I must have pressed the wrong button. HELMET Well, turn it back on. Put the movie back on.
58. CONTINUED: (3) SANDURZ Yes, sir. Yes, sir. The screen comes back on. HELMET and SANDURZ are standing in front. SCHLOTKINS is kissing on GRETCHEN'S breasts. She is still making sensual noises. HELMET We gotta get that thing fixed. We're back, and we have the combination. Schlotkins. SCHLOTKINS (turns around) What? GRETCHEN zips up her dress. HELMET We're done with you. Go back to the golf course and work on your puts. SCHLOTKINS Let's go Arnold. Come Gretchen. Of course, you know, I'll still have to bill you for this. SCHLOTKINS, ARNOLD, and GRETCHEN walk out the door. GRETCHEN looks at HELMET and SANDURZ before she walks out. HELMET I bet she gives great helmet. SKROOB walks in. SKROOB Well, did it work? Where's the king? HELMET It worked, sir. We have the combination. SKROOB Great. Now we can take every last breath fresh air from planet Druidia. What's the combination? SANDURZ One, two, three, four, five. SKROOB One, two, three, four, five? That's amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage. Prepare Spaceball 1 for immediate departure.
SKROOB, SANDURZ, and HELMET start walking out the door. SKROOB And change the combination on my luggage. HELMET walks through the door. The door closes on him. Aaaaaa. HELMET
PLANET SPACEBALL - INT. EAGLE 5 - NIGHT LONE STARR and BARF are in the front. LONE STARR is driving. BARF There it is. Spaceball City straight ahead. LONE STARR Good. I'm takin' her in. SPACEBALL CITY - EXT. PRISON BALL - NIGHT EAGLE 5 lands on the road. It is a no parking zone. Two DOOR GUARDS are standing at the door. SLENDER DOOR GUARD What the hell is that thing? CHUBBY DOOR GUARD It looks like a Winnebago with wings. SLENDER DOOR GUARD Gees. Hey you can't park here. CHUBBY DOOR GUARD Yeah, can't you guys read: No parking. BARF opens the door and flicks them off. He also makes kissing noises. BARF is hinting they're lovers. SLENDER DOOR GUARD That son of a.... (cocks gun) The SLENDER DOOR GUARD and CHUBBY DOOR GUARD go to the door that BARF went back in.
60. CONTINUED: SLENDER DOOR GUARD (CONTD) All right, hands up. You're under arrest for illegal parking. Yeah. CHUBBY DOOR GUARD
They walk in. The EAGLE 5 starts rocking back and forth. The guards are shouting. Afterwards, LONE STARR comes out in the SLENDER DOOR GUARD'S uniform. BARF comes out in the CHUBBY DOOR GUARD'S uniform. His tail is sticking out the back of the pants. They walk to the door. LONE STARR unlocks the door with the key on the uniform. They walk in. INT. PRISON DOME - FRONT HALL - NIGHT LONE STARR and BARF walk down a hall. They notice a PRISON GUARD walking down the hall towards them. LONE STARR and BARF stand against the wall. The PRISON GUARD walks past them. LONE STARR and BARF start walking the way they were going. The PRISON GUARD looks back at them. He notices BARF'S TAIL. He looks forward again. Nah. PRISON GUARD
INT. PRISON DOME - ROYAL PRISONS - NIGHT LONE STARR and BARF walk in. They notice a sign above the doorway. It says, "ROYAL PRISONERS ONLY. MAXIMUM SECURITY." LONE STARR She's gotta be in one of these cells. BARF Yeah, but which one. They search in each door. They open the eye slot on each door they look through. No. No. BARF (CONTD) LONE STARR
VESPA (O.S. (sings in deep voice) Nobody knows.... LONE STARR It's coming from there.
61. CONTINUED: BARF That can't be her. LONE STARR and BARF walk towards the cell VESPA'S singing is coming from. VESPA (O.S.) (sings in deep voice) ....the trouble I've seen. LONE STARR opens the eye slot. He finds VESPA inside. DOT is sleeping next to her. VESPA (CONTD) (sings in deep voice) Nobody knows but Jesus. It's her. looks in. LONE STARR BARF
VESPA (sings in deep voice) Nobody knows the trouble I've seen. BARF She's a bass. VESPA (sings in deep voice) Glory hallelujah. LONE STARR opens the door with the key he used to open the front door. He and BARF walk in. The door closes on BARF'S TAIL. Hieee. BARF
VESPA What do you what? DOT wakes up. LONE STARR (takes off helmet) It's me. BARF (takes off helmet) It's us. VESPA Lone Starr. How'd you find us?
62. CONTINUED: (2) LONE STARR No time to talk. C'mon. BARF We gotta move. DOT Barf. How'd you do it? LONE STARR pulls VESPA out of the cell. BARF follows with DOT. They sneak out of the hall. SPACEBALL CITY - INT. PRISON DOME - INNER HALLS - NIGHT LONE STARR, VESPA, BARF, and DOT start to run for the front door. LONE STARR stops. Freeze! SLENDER DOOR GUARD (O.S)
The SLENDER DOOR GUARD and the CHUBBY DOOR GUARD are standing in the hall with their guns. They are in their underwear. SLENDER DOOR GUARD (CONTD) Those are the guys that stole our uniforms. (cocks gun) CHUBBY DOOR GUARD And beat the shit out of us, too. (cocks gun) LONE STARR cocks his gun. He fires it at the door guards. The door guards run off. Laser blasts come from another hall. LONE STARR Ah-oh, we got company. LONE STARR kneels down and crawls over to the opposite wall. VESPA, BARF, and DOT follow. LONE STARR and BARF fire at the troopers that are firing at them. BARF Dammit. That's our only way out. VESPA We're trapped! DOT Oh, I hate these movies. LONE STARR and BARF keep firing at the troopers. BARF throws his gun down. BARF I'm outta ammo.
63. CONTINUED: LONE STARR Get back. I'll hold 'em off. LONE STARR and the TROOPERS keep firing at each other. BARF I got an idea. BARF walks over to a quad-pipe loop. LONE STARR stops firing and stands up. LONE STARR What are you doing? BARF starts to pull out the pipes. DOT What's he doing? BARF pulls out half of the pipes. He takes it to the hallway where the firing is coming from. He faces the openings to the TROOPERS. The TROOPERS fire at BARF. The shots go into the pipes. They enter the top and exit the bottom. All the shots hit each TROOPER. When each TROOPER is hit, they fall down. Good work. LONE STARR
Laser blasts come out of another hall. LONE STARR (CONTD) Ah-oh, more ping-pongs. Run for it. Let's go. BARF
BARF starts running down a hall. LONE STARR starts running. VESPA and DOT start running. VESPA It's closing. A door in front of them starts closing vertically. VESPA (CONTD) The door is closing. LONE STARR Go for the door. LONE STARR, BARF, DOT, and VESPA jump through the door just before it closes.
64. SPACEBALL CITY - INT. CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT TROOPERS come in through another door. LONE STARR, BARF, VESPA, and DOT start to get up. TROOPER Don't move, or you're dead! Stand up! Captain, we've got them! The CAPTAIN walks in behind them. CAPTAIN Spectacular stunt, my friends, but all for not. Turn around please. LONE STARR, BARF, VESPA, and DOT turn around. The stunts of LONE STARR, BARF, VESPA, and DOT turn around. CAPTAIN (CONTD) Ha. What a pity. What a pity. So, Princess, you thought you could outwit the imperious forces of.... CAPTAIN looks at VESPA with his mouth open. VESPA'S STUNT is a man with a cigar in his mouth. CAPTAIN (CONTD) You idiots! These are not them. You've captured their stunt doubles! Search the area. Find them! Find them! SPACEBALL CITY - EXT. PRISON DOME - NIGHT The real BARF, LONE STARR, VESPA, and DOT come out of the PRISON DOME. LONE STARR is firing at TROOPERS that follows them out the door. A laser blast hits the lock on a door of the EAGLE 5. BARF runs over to the that door. He tries to open it. VESPA Open the door. BARF I can't. It's fused. VESPA Well, what about this one? (pulls on another door) BARF It's locked. VESPA Well, where are the keys?
65. CONTINUED: Inside. Oh, great! Duck! BARF VESPA LONE STARR
BARF, DOT, and VESPA lean against the EAGLE 5. LONE STARR runs back towards the door that's fused. He hands his gun to VESPA. LONE STARR (CONTD) Here, you hold 'em off. I'll get the door. VESPA I ain't shootin' this thing. I hate guns. A TROOPER fires at VESPA'S hair. The laser blast hits it. Ah. DOT
VESPA My hair. He shot my hair. Son of a bitch. (cocks gun) VEPSA walks toward the TROOPERS. She starts firing at the them. She hits every one of them. BARF and LONE STARR look up. Holy shit! BARF
VESPA (blows the barrel) How was that. Not bad. LONE STARR
BARF Not bad for a girl. DOT Hey, that was pretty good for Rambo. VESPA Let's blow this joint.
66. EXT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE There are foot steps running somewhere on the ship. INT. SPACEBALL 1 - SPACE SKROOB is running down the ship towards HELMET and SANDURZ. VOICE (O.S.) President Skroob. Salute. ALL Hail Skroop. (salute) SKROOB (stops running) The ship is too big. If I walk, the movie would be over. Sir? Yes, uuh. SANDURZ SKROOB
SKROOB looks at HELMET. HELMET'S mask is down. SKROOB (CONTD) Never have that damn thing down in front of me. How do I know you're not making faces at me under there. HELMET lifts up his mask. He sticks his tongue out at SKROOB. SANDURZ President Skroob Yes. SKROOB
HELMET puts his tongue back in his mouth. SANDURZ There it is: Planet Druidia. SKROOB Ah, Planet Druidia, and ten thousand years of fresh air. HELMET (mask up; to Sandurz) The way he runs things, it last a hundred.
67. CONTINUED: What? HELMET shrugs. SANDURZ We're beginning metamorphosis, sir. SKROOB Good. Get on with it. HELMET Ready, Kafka? INT. EAGLE 5 - ORBIT OF DRUIDIA - SPACE LONE STARR, BARF, VESPA, and DOT are sitting up front. LONE STARR is driving. LONE STARR Look. It's Spaceball 1. They've reached the air shield. DOT And it's opening. BARF How they gonna get the air out? I don't see any hoses or anything. EXT. SPACEBALL 1 - ORBIT OF DRUIDIA - SPACE SPACEBALL begins to move. It starts to change form. VESPA (O.S.) What's happening? The ship it's changing. SPACEBALL 1 keeps on changing. Arms start to grow out of the side. The rockets turn into feet. INT. EAGLE 5 - ORBIT OF DRUIDIA - SPACE BARF Oh my gosh. It's not just a spaceship. It's a transformer. EXT. SPACEBALL 1 - ORBIT DRUIDIA - SPACE The front of the ship starts to turn over. DOT (O.S.) It's changing into.... SKROOB
68. CONTINUED: BARF( O.S.) ....a gigantic.... The front turns over to reveal a head similar the Statue of Liberty's head. SPACEBALL 1 has changed into a Statue of Liberty with a maid's outfit and a vacuum cleaner. ....maid. VESPA (O.S.)
LONE STARR (O.S.) With a vacuum cleaner. BARF (O.S.) So that's how they're gonna to get the air out. INT. MEGA MAID - ORBIT OF DRUIDIA - SPACE The front of the ship is almost the same, except for the escape pods at the top. SANDURZ Metamorphoses is completed, sir. Spaceball has now become.... (looks at the timpanist) The TIMPANIST plays a sort of fanfare on the timpani. SANDURZ (CONTD) ....Mega Maid. HELMET (mask up) ) Good. SKROOB Remarkable. HELMET Now, commence Operation: Vacu-suck. EXT. MEGA MAID - ORBIT OF DRUIDIA - SPACE A finger flips a switch on the vacuum to "ON." The vacuum starts up. PLANET DRUIDIA - SURFACE - DAY The vacuum sucks up snow off of a mountain. It sucks up trees out of a forest.
69. INT. MEGA MAID - ORBIT OF DRUIDIA - SPACE SKROOB, HELMET, & SANDURZ Suck. Suck. Suck. PLANET DRUIDIA - INT. PALACE - ROLAND'S ROOM - DAY ROLAND is looking at a picture of VESPA. He is having trouble breathing. ROLAND Goodbye, little Vespa. My little baby, Vespa. (faints) INT. EAGLE 5 - ORBIT OF DRUIDIA - SPACE VESPA The air bag, it's almost full. LONE STARR We've gotta act fast. Step 1, we reverse the vacuum and blow the air back on the planet; step 2, we destroy that thing. VESPA But isn't that dangerous? LONE STARR Extremely, plus, I don't know how the hell we're gonna do it. BARF What about that ring Yogurt gave you? Oh yeah. LONE STARR
LONE STARR pulls the Schwartz ring out of his pocket. But.... LONE STARR (CONTD)
BARF C'mon, boss, give it a shot. LONE STARR Okay. Here goes nothing. LONE STARR points the ring at the vacuum.
70. EXT. MEGA MAID - ORBIT OF DRUIDIA - SPACE The switch on the vacuum starts to glow and move towards the reverse part of the vacuum. VESPA (O.S.) Look at that. Wow. BARF (O.S.)'s working. VESPA (O.S.) C'mon Schwartz. VESPA, BARF, & DOT (O.S.) C'mon Schwartz. C'mon Schwartz. C'mon Schwartz. The switch flips over to the reverse part. The vacuum starts blowing air back on the planet. INT. MEGA MAID - SPACE SKROOB Helmet, what's going on? HELMET (mask down) Sandurz, what's going on? SANDURZ It's Mega Maid. She gone from suck to blow. HELMET and SANDURZ react. SKROOB What? They're getting all their air back. (to Helmet) Do something. HELMET (to Sandurz) Do something. SANDURZ (in microphone) Do something. PLANET DRUIDIA - SURFACE - DAY The snow is dumped back on the mountain. The trees are planted back in the same spots.
71. INT. PALACE - ROLAND'S ROOM - DAY AIR STARTS TO COME IN. ROLAND WAKES UP. ROLAND I'm breathing. Air. Air! EXT. MEGA MAID - ORBIT OF DRUIDIA - SPACE EAGLE flies in the ear of the head. INT. EAGLE 5 - INT. MEGA MAID - EAR CANAL - SPACE LONE STARR Dim the lights. BARF Dimming the lights. (hits a switch) The lights go out. LONE STARR Go to inferred. BARF Going to inferred. (turns a knob) LONE STARR Pray to God. BARF Praying to God. The inferred light comes on. The television monitor shows a layout of the ear canal. It shows how the EAGLE 5 is maneuvering through the canal. LONE STARR turns on the scanning switch. DOT Careful. Careful. BARF What are you doin'? LONE STARR Scanning. There's gotta be a selfdestruct mechanism somewhere in the central brain area. The scanner looks around the ship. LONE STARR (CONTD) I think we just found it.
LONE STARR hits a switch. The television monitor shows a a red flashing button. LONE STARR (CONTD) Bingo. There it is. It's right below us. Put her in hover, Barf. BARF Putting her hover. LONE STARR I'm goin' down there. (walks toward the door) BARF He's goin' down there. I wouldn't. EXT. EAGLE - INT. MEGA MAID - EAR CANAL - SPACE LONE STARR walks down the ladder. He walks over to the emergency exit door. He opens the door and walks in. When the door closes the silent emergency alarm goes off. INT. MEGA MAID - EXT. SELF-DESTRUCT ROOM - SPACE A GUARD is standing next to the door to the self destruct room. LONE STARR sneaks up on him and tries to knock him out with the Vulcan Neck Pinch. GUARD reacts. GUARD (MILA) What the hell are you doin'? LONE STARR The Vulcan Neck Pinch. GUARD (MILA) No, no, stupid, you've got it much too high. It's down here where the shoulder meets the neck. LONE STARR changes his hand position. Like this? LONE STARR
LONE STARR takes the key card from the GUARD'S belt. He uses it in the panel to open the door. The panel opens up showing an outline of a hand. PANEL'S VOICE Hand print identification, please. Hand print identification, please. PANEL'S VOICE keeps repeating. LONE STARR takes the glove off the hand of the guard. He puts it in the outline. The voice stops. It scans the hand. A door opens next to the panel. LONE STAR Thanks again. (knocks on Guard's helmet) LONE STARR goes in the door. INT. SELF-DESTRUCT ROOM - SPACE LONE STARR walks in. He notices green bars guarding the selfdestruct button. SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD Is that you Mila? LONE STARR reacts. He points the Schwartz ring at a can of Spaceballs-the Shaving Cream. It starts to move towards him. The SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD reacts. He turns around to LONE STARR who catches the can. SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD (CONTD) Who are you? What are you doing with that? This. LONE STARR
LONE STARR sprays shaving cream in the eyes of the SELFDESTRUCT GUARD. The SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD screams and opens his mouth. LONE STARR sprays the cream down his mouth. The SELFDESTRUCT GUARD falls down unconscious. LONE STARR (CONTD) Sweat dreams. LONE STARR takes the card off the SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD'S belt. He inserts it into a panel and moves a switch to pull up the green bars. The green bars disappear. LONE STARR walks up to the self-destruct button. It says, "DO NOT PUSH UNLESS YOU REALLY, REALLY, MEAN IT." LONE STARR begins to press the button.
74. CONTINUED: HELMET (mask down) Not so fast, Lone Starr. (walks in) LONE STARR Helmet. So, at last we meet for the first time for the last time. (thinks about what he said) Yeah. HELMET Before you die, there is something you should know about us, Lone Starr. What? LONE STARR
HELMET I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former room-mate. LONE STARR What's that make us? HELMET Absolutely nothing. Which is what you are about to become. Prepare to die. HELMET puts his Schwartz ring on. He puts his hands next to his crouch. A green light beam similar to a light saber. LONE STARR does the same. HELMET (CONTD) You have the ring, and I see your Schwartz is as big as mine. Both look at their beams. HELMET (CONTD) Now let's see how well you handle it. HELMET walks over to LONE STARR and starts to fight with him. They swipe at each other with their beams. HELMET pulls back a little too far and knocks off the sound manager from the stage crew. He screams and falls off a ledge. LONE STARR and HELMET stop fighting. HELMET (CONTD) Ummm, he did it. What? LONE STARR
75. CONTINUED: (2) LONE STARR swipes at HELMET. HELMET blocks it. They start fighting again. They swipe at each other until their beams become twisted. HELMET Shit. I hate it when I get my Schwartz twisted. Okay, maybe if my put leg up on yours we can split apart. HELMET puts his foot on LONE STARR'S leg. HELMET (CONTD) Good, yeah. On three; one, two, three, go. HELMET and LONE STARR pull away from each other. Their beams disappear. HELMET looks up and recreates his beam. He points it at LONE STARR. LONE STARR does the same and points his at HELMET. They move in closer. Their beams touch ends. They are trying to cause the other to lose their beam. HELMET loses his beam. LONE STARR swipes at HELMET'S helmet. It doesn't make a mark. He tries again, same. He tries again, same. HELMET lifts his mask up and laughs at him. LONE STARR'S beam disappears. He punches HELMET'S face. HELMET'S mask falls down. He recreates his beam and charges at LONE STARR. LONE STARR holds him back with his hand. HELMET swipes at him several times. LONE STARR lets go of HELMET. HELMET runs into a locker with his helmet. HELMET (CONTD) So, Lone Starr, Yogurt has taught you well. If there is one thing I despise, it is a fair fight. But if I must than I must. May the best man win. Put 'er there. (offers to shake his hand) LONE STARR goes to shake his hand. HELMET takes the ring off LONE STARR'S hand. HELMET (CONTD) The ring. I can't believe you fell for the oldest trick in the book. What a goof. What's with you man? Come on. You know what? No, here let me give it back to you. (offers the ring back) LONE STARR goes up to get the ring back. HELMET throws it in a grate. The ring goes in the grate. LONE STARR tries to catch it and falls to the grate.
76. CONTINUED: (3) HELMET (CONTD) Oh, look. You fell for that, too. I can't believe it man. LONE STARR gets up and runs to a corner. HELMET (CONTD) So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb. HELMET fires a green beam at LONE STARR. LONE STARR dodges. HELMET tries again. LONE STARR dodges. HELMET tries again. LONE STARR dodges. LONE STARR backs into another corner. HELMET (CONTD) Very impressive, Lone Starr. Too bad this isn't the Wide World of Sports. YOGURT'S VOICE Use the Schwartz, Lone Starr. Use the Schwartz. LONE STARR I can't. I lost the ring. YOGURT'S VOICE (O.S.) Forget the ring. The ring is pumpkin. I found it in a Cracker Jack box. The Schwartz is in you, Lone Starr. It's in you. LONE STARR All right. I'll try. HELMET Say goodbye to your two best friends, and I don't mean your pals in the Winnebago. LONE STARR points his fist at a mirror on a shelf. It starts to move towards him. HELMET fires another green beam at his crouch. LONE STARR catches the mirror, and cover his crouch. The beam reflects off the mirror to HELMET. It hits HELMET'S crouch. HELMET falls back into the self-destruct button and activates it. SHIP'S VOICE Thank you for pressing the selfdestruct button. This ship will self-destruct in three minutes. LONE STARR runs out of the room.
77. INT. MEGA MAID - SPACE An alarm starts going off. Red lights start flashing. SKROOB and SANDURZ react. SKROOB What's going on? Where the hell are we, Paris? SHIP'S VOICE Thank you for pressing the selfdestruct button. This ship will self-destruct in exactly two minutes and forty-five seconds. SKROOB You've got to stop it. Is there any to stop it? SANDURZ I can't. It's irreversible. SKROOB Like my raincoat. SANDURZ (in microphone) Attention. This is Colonel Sandurz in forward command. Abandon ship. Abandon ship. Everyone on the ship starts to panic and run like crazy. SANDURZ (CONTD) (in microphone) All personnel, proceed to escape pods. Close down the circus. Evacuate the zoo. Self-destruct mechanism has been activated. Abandon ship. SKROOB Sandurz, Sandurz, you've got to help me. I don't know what to do. I can't make decisions. I'm the president. SHIP'S VOICE This is your two minute warning. This ship will self-destruct in exactly two minutes. SANDURZ Launch all escape pods as soon as they are filled.
78. INT. EAGLE 5 - INT. MEGA MAID - EAR CANAL - SPACE VESPA What's happening? Where is he? Where is he? LONE STARR (walks in) Here. We've got a minute and forty before the end of the world. Hang on. EXT. EAGLE 5 - INT. MEGA MAID - EAR CANAL - SPACE Two troopers come out of the emergency door with guns. They get under the EAGLE 5 and start firing at the floor. INT. EAGLE 5 - INT. MEGA MAID - EAR CANAL - SPACE LONE STARR Full throttle. BARF Full throttle. (pulls on throttle) LONE STARR Go to hyperjets. BARF Going to hyperjets. (pulls on hyper-lever) EAGLE 5 takes off. Everyone inside is pushed back with the sudden burst of speed. INT. MEGA MAID - SPACE SANDURZ climbs the ladder and looks in the first escape pod. He moves on to the next one. SKROOB follows him. He looks in the first pod. SKROOB Hey, get outta there. Where do you think you're going? PIZZA GUY Pizza to go. (laughs) The PIZZA GUY pulls on a lever. The door closes from the top. The pod takes off. HELMET walks up a ladder to his pod. A bearded woman is getting into it.
79. CONTINUED: HELMET Hey, hey, that's my escape pod. Who are you? BEARDED LADY I'm the bearded lady. What are you? One of the freaks? The BEARDED LADY knees HELMET in the crouch. She laughs. She gets in the pod and takes off. HELMET looks in the window of the door. HELMET No. Come back you fat, bearded, bitch. SKROOB, SANDURZ, and HELMET don't notice a bear getting in the last pod. SKROOB One pod left, and three of us, and I'm the president. Well boys it's a very lovely ship. I think you should go down with it. Good-bye. SKROOB gets in the pod. He sits on the bear. He tries to buckle the arms of the bear like there are a seat belt. He looks at the bear and reacts. The bear chases him out of the pod. The bear closes the door and waves at SKROOB. The pod takes off. SHIP'S VOICE This ship will self destruct in twenty seconds. This is your last chance to push the cancellation button. SKROOB Cancellation button? Hurry. They all slide down a ladder. They run to the center of the ship. HELMET Where is it? Where is it. SANDURZ It's gotta be here. SANDURZ opens a panel to the self-destruct cancellation button. It has a sign on that says, "OUT OF ORDER." SANDURZ (CONTD) Out of order?
80. CONTINUED: (2) HELMET Fuck. Even in the future nothing works. SHIP'S VOICE This ship will self-destruct in exactly ten seconds. SKROOB, SANDURZ, and HELMET react. They scrunch up together. SHIP'S VOICE (CONTD) Counting down. Ten, nine, eight, six.... SKROOB Six? What happened to seven? SHIP'S VOICE Just kidding. SKROOB, SANDURZ, and HELMET react. INT. EAGLE 5 - INT. MEGA MAID - EAR CANAL - SPACE They are driving close to the end of the canal. VESPA There's the other end. Faster. SHIP'S VOICE Seven, six, five.... INT. MEGA MAID - SPACE SHIP'S VOICE ....four, three, two, one. Have a nice day. Thank you. SKROOB, SANDURZ, & HELMET
EXT. MEGA MAID - SPACE The EAGLE 5 comes out of the opposite ear, and it starts to fly away. MEGA MAID explodes. The EAGLE just makes it out of the explosion. We did it! VESPA (O.S.)
81. INT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE VESPA hugs BARF. DOT is dancing. LONE STARR is cheering. VESPA turns to hug LONE STARR. They start to kiss, but they stop. LONE STARR We all did it. PLANET DRUIDIA - INT. EAGLE 5 - MORNING LONE STARR and BARF are watching the news. NEWS MAN I guess you might call that a case of man bites druid. (laughs) On a sadder note, Pizza the Hut (famed half-man, halfpizza) was found dead earlier today in the back seat of his stretched limo. Evidently, the notorious gangster became locked in his car, and ate himself to death. Coming up, Pongo's review of Rocky five....thousand. Pongo. BARF laughs and turns off the television. BARF Did you here that? Pizza kicked the bucket. Now we don't have to pay him the million. We can keep it for ourselves. Yeah. EXT. PALACE - DAY EAGLE 5 flies in and circles around the palace then lands on the ground. INT. PALACE - THRONE ROOM - DAY The DOOR MAN opens the door to let VESPA, LONE STARR, BARF, and DOT in. VESPA runs to ROLAND. VESPA Daddy. (runs to hug Roland) Oh, daddy. LONE STARR
82. CONTINUED: ROLAND Vespa, my darling. I thought I'd never see you again. Oh, my sweet little daughter. I'm so happy that home and safe. And little Vespa, here's someone else who's happy to see you. ROLAND reveals VALIUM asleep in a chair. A man who was talking to ROLAND hits VALIUM. VALIUM wakes up. VALIUM Oh, hello. (yawns) Where've you been? EXT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE EAGLE 5 is flying into space away from the camera. EXT. DINER - SPACE EAGLE has landed on the platform. INT. DINER - SPACE A waitress is talking to the cashier. The cashier gives her something. WAITRESS Thanks, hon. LONE STARR and BARF walk in. They sit at the bar. The WAITRESS walks towards them. She gives them water. WAITRESS (CONTD) (to Barf) Hi, big stuff. (to Lone Starr) Hi, dream. (to both) What'll you have? LONE STARR We've just got a few minutes while were gasin' up. What's ready? WAITRESS I can give the Space Soup or the Space Special. LONE STARR Ummmmm, I'll have the soup.
83. CONTINUED: WAITRESS Okay. (writes the order) BARF I'll have the cleavage, ur, the special. WAITRESS Okay, I have one special and one soup. The WAITRESS comes up behind them to a table. BARF'S TAIL is wagging and is going up the waitress's mini-skirt. WAITRESS (CONTD) You ready to order? CUSTOMER Hi, yes. We'll both have the luna fish. WAITRESS Okay, anything to drink? (turns around) Hey, hey, watch you're stickin' that thing. BARF (turns around) Huh? Oh, look, it's got a mind of it's own, sweetheart. I can't do a thing with it. (laughs) The WAITRESS walks away to another table. BARF howls like a dog. LONE STARR hits him. What? BARF (CONTD)
Some people are sitting at the other end of the bar. One of them is telling a story. One of them (JOHN HURT) is eating. GUY AT BAR We were lost. None of us knew where we were. And then Harry began feelin' around on all the trees. And then he says, "I got it: we on Pluto. And we said, "Harry how can you tell?" He said, "From the bark you dummies. (laughs) From the bark." (laughs)
84. CONTINUED: (2) JOHN HURT starts to act like he's choking on his food. Then he grabs his stomach like he has indigestion. WOMAN AT BAR Is he all right? GUY AT BAR Yeah, this guy digs me. JOHN HURT spits out some of his food. They lie him down on the bar. LONE STARR and BARF look and react. WOMAN AT BAR Bring some water. GUY AT BAR Water my ass. Bring this guy some Pempto Bismal. BARF Waitress! Waitress, what did he order? The WAITRESS comes over to BARF. She looks over to JOHN HURT. WAITRESS Oh, he had the special. BARF The spec.... That's what I ordered. Change my order to the soup. Good move. LONE STARR
Something is trying to push out of JOHN HURT'S stomach. It eventually comes out. A little alien comes out of his stomach. It growls. JOHN HURT looks at it. JOHN HURT Oh, no. Not again. The ALIEN jumps out of his stomach on to Spaceballs-the Placemat. Some people scream. The ALIEN growls again. Then, it puts on a little hat and starts to dance down the bar. ALIEN Hello, my baby. Hello my honey. Hello my rag-time gal. Sonny my pitched my wild. Baby my heart's on fire. The ALIEN dances past LONE STARR and BARF. LONE STARR and BARF react.
85. CONTINUED: (3) ALIEN (CONTD) If you refuse me, honey, you lose me, then you'll be left alone. Oh baby, telephone and tell I'm your own. The ALIEN goes through doors in the wall. The doors close behind him. LONE STARR and BARF stand up. LONE STARR & BARF Check please. EXT. CHAPLE - DAY The sing outside says, "TODAY, THE ROYAL WEDDING OF PRINCESS VESPA TO PRINCE VALIUM, TAKE TWO." INT. CHAPLE - DAY ROLAND and VESPA are standing next to each other. DOT is behind VESPA. The USHER walks in. USHER Five minutes to magic time. ROLAND Are you all right, my dear. You look a little fighty. VESPA Don't worry about me, Father. I'm completely over him. Ha, didn't even stay for the wedding. Just grabbed his million spacebucks and ran. ROLAND He didn't take the million. He didn't? VESPA
ROLAND No. He just took two hundred and forty-eight spacebucks for lunch, gas, and tolls. INT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE BARF I still can't believe you turned down the money. (MORE)
86. CONTINUED: BARF (CONT'D) At least we could've stayed for the wedding feast. I'm starvin'. Have you got anything to eat. LONE STARR Na. Oh, wait. Yogurt gave me that fortune cookie. (gets the cookie out of his pocket) Here, chow down. (hands it to Barf) BARF (takes it) Wow, thanks. I'll split it with ya. No. Okay. LONE STARR BARF
BARF opens the cookie. A stream of gold glitter comes out of the cookie and flies over the doorway. LONE STARR and BARF react. The stream stops at the doorway. It turns into YOGURT. He has gold glittery streams coming out of him. Yogurt. LONE STARR & BARF
YOGURT Hello, boys. Well, you opened your fortune cookie, so here's your fortune. Lone Starr, you know that medallion that you wear around your neck, but you don't know what it means? LONE STARR takes the medallion out of his shirt. YOGURT (CONTD) Well, here's what it means: it's a royal birth certificate. Yes. Your father was a king. Your mother was a queen. Which makes you a certified prince. LONE STARR Hey, I'm a prince. I'm a prince. Which means.... YOGURT Which means, if you hurry, there could be a princess in your future. (MORE)
87. CONTINUED: (2) YOGURT (CONT'D) Now, if you want to get back there before she marries Sleeping Beauty, there's and special can of fuel in your glove compartment. Good luck, boys. BARF Bye, Yogurt. LONE STARR And, Yogurt, thanks. YOGURT You're welcome. And my the Schwartz be with you..... (starts to fade away) .....oh...oh....what a world, what a world. (completely fades out) LONE STARR Barf, open that glove compartment. BARF You got it, your highness. BARF opens the glove compartment and pulls out a can of Liquid Schwartz. BARF (CONTD) Wow, Liquid Schwartz. LONE STARR Quick, pour it in the emergency tank. Right. BARF
BARF opens the emergency tank lid in the floor. He pours the Liquid Schwartz in the tank. As he pours, the tank starts to glow yellow. LONE STARR Look at that. Done. BARF
BARF closes the lid and sits up. LONE STARR Hang on, Barfo, we're gonna make space-tracks. (turns the wheel shapely)
88. EXT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE EAGLE turns around sharply and leaves space-tracks where it turned. EXT. MEGA MAID'S HEAD - ORBIT OF PLANET OF THE APES - SPACE The head falls toward the planet. SKROOB, SANDURZ, and HELMET are screaming. PLANET OF THE APES - BEACH - DAY The head falls toward the beach and crashes on the sand. Two apes riding horses ride towards the head. They stop when they see something moving. APE Dear me, what are those things coming out of her nose? The 2ND APE looks through binoculars. He sees SANDURZ on the ground, HELMET is climbing down a rope, followed by SKROOB. SKROOB steps on HELMET'S helmet. HELMET (mask up) Hey, hey, watch my helmet. The 2ND APE stops looking in the binoculars. 2ND APE Spaceballs? APE Oh shit, there goes the planet. INT. CHAPLE - ALTAR - DAY The minister is conducting the wedding ceremony. MINISTER Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together (pause) again.... VESPA (to Roland) Why didn't you tell he didn't take the money? ROLAND I didn't think it was important.
89. CONTINUED: MINISTER May I continue, please? ROLAND Besides, he asked me not to tell you. MINISTER Thank you. join Princess Vespa and Princess Valium. I'm sorry, it's the hair. Prince Valium in the bonds of holy matrimony. VESPA I see it all now. Don't you see he loves me? MINISTER Excuse me, I'm trying to conduct a wedding here which has nothing to do with love. Please be quiet. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. VESPA ROLAND
VALIUM I'm sorry, too. MINISTER Don't be sorry, be quiet. I'm sorry. VESPA, ROLAND, & VALIUM
MINISTER join Princess Vespa and Prince Valium in the bonds of holy.... EAGLE 5 flies over. ....moly. AUDIENCE reacts. Matrimony. MINISTER (CONTD) MINISTER (CONTD)
90. CONTINUED: (2) MINISTER That's it. We're gonna take no more chances and to do it with the short version. (faster) Do you Prince Valium take Princess Vespa to be your lawfully wedded wife. VALIUM (yawns) Uh-huh. MINISTER (fast) Princess Vespa, do you take Prince Valium to be your lawfully wedded husband. VESPA Uh....well....I suppose. Oh, I don't know. LONE STARR and BARF walk in the doorway behind everybody. LONE STARR No, she doesn't What? MINISTER
ALL react. LONE STARR and BARF walk down the aisle. He stops half way. MINISTER (CONTD) Who the hell are you? LONE STARR Prince Lone Starr. Prince? VESPA
LONE STARR I just found out. That's what this says. I'm an honest to God prince. Will you marry me? VESPA Well, let me think about it. (pushes Valium) Yes. LONE STARR walks onto the altar.
91. CONTINUED: (3) MINISTER I'm sick of this. I don't give a damn who it is, but I'm gonna marry somebody today. (to Barf) Who are you? BARF I'm the best man. MINISTER What's you name? Barf. BARF
MINISTER Your full-name. BARF Barfolomew. MINISTER Are you the one getting married? No. BARF
MINISTER Then get over there. BARF reacts and moves to the left of the altar. MINISTER (CONTD) Okay. Here we go, the short-short version. (to Lone Starr) Do you? Yes. Do you? Yes. LONE STARR MINISTER VESPA
MINISTER Good. You're married. Kiss her. LONE STARR I love you. VESPA I love you.
92. CONTINUED: (4) LONE STARR and VESPA kiss. AUDIENCE applaud. BARF starts to cry. DOT Well, (sniff) good-bye Virgin Alarm. EXT. EAGLE 5 - SPACE EAGLE 5 takes off into space. It has, "JUST MARRIED" written on the back. The jets are leaving a stream of gold glitter behind. They form the words, "MAY THE SCHWARTZ BE WITH YOU." ROLL MAIN CAST and CREDITS. THE END