LP 2
LP 2
LP 2
Name: Nicholas Plourde Date: 4/10/14 Time: 84 minutes School: East Longmeadow High School Lesson #: 2 of 4 Facilities: Outdoor Multi-Purpose Turf Field Class Size: 24 Grade: 11 Unit/Theme: Flag Football Generic Level: Utilization/Proficiency Equipment: 4 Boundary Cones, 12 Footballs, 6 Blue Pinnies, 6 Red Pinnies, 6 Green Pinnies, and 6 Yellow Pinnies Focus of Lesson: Demonstrate Throwing and Catching a Football when Running Routes Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (NASPE #___; MA CF #___ ; Task/Activity #___)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(P) Perform throwing and catching of a football without dropping it while running 4 different routes by the end of the class period. (NASPE #1; MA CF #2.17; Activity #s 2, 3, and Modified Game) (C) Evaluate the influence that route running has on throwing, catching, and defense in football by answering a series of informal questions with 100% accuracy at given points throughout the class period. (NASPE #2; MA CF #2.19; Entire Lesson) (A) Follow the class rules without getting a warning during the entire class period. (NASPE #5; MA CF #2.26; Entire Lesson) Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate? Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will: 1. Present students with different tactics for running routes when throwing and catching a football by demonstrating to them how they should be applied in order to complete the correct motions by the end of the allotted lesson time. 2. Issue students the necessary feedback on their throwing, catching, and route running performances when using a football so that they can refine their execution accordingly. Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students in this class? Students need to be sure to stay in their own personal space when throwing, catching, and running routes with the football. Proper attire for physical activity (no jewelry, wearing sneakers, etc.) will be enforced at the beginning of class. If learners get tired during activity teacher needs to remind them to move to outside of the boundaries so they dont get injured. Students will also be made aware of any hazardous equipment for which the field presents. References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)
Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map: Physical Education [PDF File]. (2012, July 25). Austin Independent School District. Retrieved from http://curriculum.austinisd.org/pe_health/ms/pe/documents/pe_68_6fb_less_1112. pdf Darst, P. W., Pangrazi, R. P., Sariscsany, M., & Brusseau, T. A. (2012). Dynamic physical education for secondary school students (7th ed.). New York: Benjamin Cummings (pp. 422-426). Cleveland, J. (2003, May 22). Throwing Cues. P.E. Central. Retrieved from http://www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/Cues/ViewCues.asp?ID=56 Football for Kids: Passing Routes. (2014). Ducksters. Retrieved from http://www.ducksters.com/sports/football/passing_routes.php
0-7:00 min.
Opening: Ss will walk into the gymnasium and cooperating T will take attendance and order them to go into the locker room and change. Once complete, Ss will be made familiar with the lesson focus for the day, stop/go signals, safety procedures, and behavior expectations. Transition: Ss will be told to walk out to the turf field and find a personal space in a marked area indicated by the T at least arms-width apart from the nearest peer. Instant Activity: T will explain to the students that they will be performing interval training in 30 second increments for six different exercises. Boot Camp Exercises1. Planks 2. Speed Skaters 3. Squats 4. High Knee Jumps 5. Crunches 6. Burpees Demonstration: T will issue students with brief presentation in how to perform these exercises before they are used.
Opening Diagram: T T S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
7:00-7:20 min.
7:20-10:20 min.
10:20-10:40 min.
Transition: Ss will jog to a specific area expressed by the T outside the boundaries and form a semicircle across from them. Informing: Explain to Ss that they will learn how to throw and catch a football. Make Ss aware about why throwing and catching is an integral part of a football game. Skill Cues (Football Throw): Spread fingers on laces gripping ball toward the back (the end closest to you). Turn sideways to target. Step forward with the foot
10:40-13:40 min.
opposite your throwing arm. Bring ball back to your ear. Lead with the throwing elbow and extend arm fully toward target. Snap wrist downward as you release the ball and follow thru across your body as you release the ball.
Skill Cues (Football Catch): Extend arms for the ball. Keep eye on the ball. Triangle formation and wrap fingers around ball. Absorb ball and bring it close to the body. Switch ball to one arm, using the hand to cover the forward tip of the ball. Demonstration: The T will call on 1 S volunteer who is willing to simulate throwing and catching a football with them by applying the aforementioned skill cues in order to provide the class with a series of visual aides to mimic the demonstrators execution form off of. Checking for Understanding: 1. Why is learning how to throw and catch a football an important aspect to learn in relation to playing an actual game? 2. Is there any point in time during a game of football when throwing and catching is best to use? 3. What quality about throwing and catching in football makes it an efficient play-calling option?
Informing Diagram: S S S S S S S S S S S S S S T T
13:40-14:00 min.
Transition: Ss will be assigned a partner by the T counting them off. Ss will be told to pick up one football per group from a pile prearranged. Partners will be asked to find their own space within a designated area on the turf field in the indicated boundaries at least at least 10 feet away from any other classmate. Activity #1: Partners facing each other 10 feet across from one another to
Transition Diagram: TT SS SS SS SS SS SS SS
14:00-21:00 min.
throw and catch football. T will walk around with their back to the wall to issue feedback to them on their throwing and catching execution. Motivational ObjectiveComplete as many passes as possible in a row.
Extension Up: Have partners throw and catch football 15, 20, or 30 feet away from each other. Extension Down: Have partners throw and catch football 5 feet away from one another. Transition: Partners will be instructed to place football down at their feet and jog to an area indicated by the T outside of the boundaries to form a semicircle across from them. Informing: Ss will be made aware of how critical it is to get open in order to successfully throw and catch in the sport of football. Ss will be presented with how running routes are extremely helpful in the throwing and catching process in football. The T will introduce the students to two basic routes, the hitch and slant, and skills in how they can be effectively applied in the game of football (leading the pass, cuts, etc.). Skill Cues(Running Routes): Hitch Route1. Run straight at a certain distance. 2. Stop motion. 3. Turn around and take few steps towards thrower. Slant Route1. Run straight at a certain distance. 2. Make a cut in either direction at 45 degree angle. 3. Continue to run straight in new direction. Demonstration: The T will call on 1 S volunteer
Activity #1 Diagram: S S S S S S S S S S S T S S
21:00-21:20 min.
Transition Diagram: TT SS SS SS SS SS SS SS
21:20-24:20 min.
Informing Diagram: S S S S S S S S S S S S S S T T
who is willing to simulate these routes through the throwing and catching of a football by applying the aforementioned skill cues in order to provide the class with a series of visual aides to mimic the demonstrators execution form off of. Checking For Understanding: 1. What is the purpose of running routes in football? 2. Where should the football be aimed towards when throwing it at a receiver running a route? 3. Does the thrower need to know what route the receiver is running before the play begins in football?
24:20-24:40 min.
Transition: Ss will be asked to get with same partner from prior task. Partners will go back and work in their own space from other task.
Transition Diagram: TT SS SS SS SS SS SS SS
24:40-39:40 min.
Activity #2: Partners practice the two routes just introduced by throwing and catching football 10 feet apart from one another. T will walk around with their back to the wall to issue feedback to groups on how they are incorporating the skills explained for these pre-designed motions. Motivational ObjectiveComplete as many passes as possible in a row. Extension Up: Have partners run routes at greater distances by having them throw and catch the football at 15, 20, or 30 feet away from each other. Extension Down: Have partners run routes at a shorter distance by having them throw and catch the football at 5 feet away from one another. Transition: Partners will be instructed to place football down at their feet and jog to an area indicated by the T outside of the boundaries to form a semicircle across from
Activity #2 Diagram: S S S S S S S S S S S T S S
39:40-40:00 min.
Transition Diagram: TT SS SS SS SS SS SS SS
40:00-43:00 min.
Informing: The T will issue the class with two more routes, the out/in and go, and skills in how they can be effectively applied in the game of football (leading the pass, cuts, etc.). The notions of how to react to a defender when running routes will also be expressed to the Ss ( deking, eyes on football, etc.). Skill Cues(Running Routes): Out/In Route1. Run straight at a certain distance. 2. Make a cut in either direction at 90 degree angle (out is towards the sideline, while in is towards the middle of the field). 3. Continue to run straight in new direction. Go Route1. Run straight at a certain distance. 2. Slow down speed of motion, but do not stop. 3. After a few steps, sprint straight up field. Demonstration: The T will call on 1 S volunteer who is willing to simulate these routes through the throwing and catching of a football by applying the aforementioned skill cues in order to provide the class with a series of visual aides to mimic the demonstrators execution form off of. Checking For Understanding: 1. When running routes, what are you trying to do to the defender? 2. What is one strategy that can be used to elude the defender when running routes? 3. Should your attention be focused on the defender when running routes?
Informing Diagram: S S S S S S S S S S S S S S T T
43:00-43:20 min.
Transition: Ss will be asked to get with same partner from prior task. Partners will go back and work in their own space from other task. Activity #3: Partners practice the two routes
Transition Diagram: TT SS SS SS SS SS SS SS
43:20-57:20 min.
just introduced by throwing and catching football 10 feet apart from one another. T will walk around with their back to the wall to issue feedback to groups on how they are incorporating the skills and notions explained for these predesigned patterns. Motivational ObjectiveComplete as many passes as possible in a row.
Extension Up: Have partners run routes at greater distances by having them throw and catch the football at 15, 20, or 30 feet away from each other. Extension Down: Have partners run routes at a shorter distance by having them throw and catch the football at 5 feet away from one another.
Activity #3 Diagram: S S S S S S S S S S S T S S
57:20-57:40 min.
Transition: Partners will be instructed to place football back in the pile they got it from and jog to an area indicated by the T outside of the boundaries to form a semicircle across from them. Informing: T will present to Ss that they are going to play game applying all the skills learned from the lesson. In their explanation, the format for how the activity is applied will be expressed. Format Played with a football. Teams will be made up of six players (two games at one time). Must complete 7 passes in a row in order to score a point. If pass falls to the ground or is intercepted it goes to the other team. No individual at any time can step outside of the boundaries, or else ball will go to other team. Games will be played to 15 minutes. The team with the most points when time has expired will be declared the winner. There will be no touching
Transition Diagram: TT SS SS SS SS SS SS SS
57:40-60:00 min.
Informing Diagram: S S S S S S S S S S S S S S T T
allowed. Ss will be encouraged to use routes that they have learned so that they can break free from their defenders. Each team will play each other before the class period is over.
Demonstration: The T will call on two teams to simulate a brief portion of the game as the T officiates so that the class is made aware what actions are and are not acceptable when playing it. Checking For Understanding: 1. How many passes must be completed in order to score a point? 2. What are the different ways the team on defense can get the ball back? 3. What should I be seeing implemented in each of your performances during the game? Transition: Ss will be divided into 4 teams by T counting them off, authorized a pinnie color, told what group will start with the ball, and assigned to their designated field (fields will be marked by cones prearranged upon the Ss arrival). T will ask Ss to jog to their playing area to get games started. Modified Game: The Ss will go into gameplay so that T can walk around around with their back to the wall to issue them with feedback on their throwing, catching, and route running execution. Extension Up: Increase the number of passes a team must successfully throw and catch the football in order to score a point. Extension Down: Decrease the number of passes a team must successfully throw and catch the football in order to score a point.
60:00-60:20 min.
60:20-80-20 min.
80:20-80:40 min.
Transition: Upon the tournaments conclusion, Ss will then be asked to pick up all the
equipment and place them in a pile by the fence. The T will then have the Ss jog to the middle of the field and form a semicircle across from where they are standing.
80:40-83:40 min.
At the meeting area, the T will thank the Ss for listening and cooperating during the lesson; only if they behaved respectfully. The following questions will be issued to the Ss reviewing the content presented during the class period: What role does throwing and catching have on the outcome of a football game? How does running routes affect ones ability to throw and catch a football? Why does running routes have an impact on a defender in football?
Informing Diagram: S S S S S S S S S S S S S S T T
83:40-84:00 min.
Transition: T will let Ss head into the locker rooms and change so that they are ready to go to their next class when the bell rings.
Key (Not exact number of students in class): T - Teacher S - Student - Moving Straight Ahead - Moving to the Left - Moving to the Right - Football - Boundary Cones