Krishna Karnamrita

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The document discusses the glories and pastimes of Lord Krishna as described in the text 'Krishna Karunamrita'.

The first two pages describe Krishna's beauty and pastimes with the gopis on the bank of the Yamuna river. It mentions how Krishna enchants the gopis with his flute playing.

Page 2 further describes Krishna's dark blue complexion and how he is the source of divine love. It discusses how he enjoys pastimes with Radha and the gopis.

r Ka-karmta

by rla Bilvamagala hkura

Text 1* cintmair jayati somagirir gurur me ik-guru ca bhagavn ikhi-picha-mauli yat-pda-kalpataru-pallava-ekhareu ll-svayavara-rasa labhate jayar cintmai jayati--all glories to Cintma; soma-giri--Somagiri (the initiating guru); guru--spiritual master; me--my; ik-guru--instructing spiritual master; ca--and; bhagavn--the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ikhi-picha--with peacoc feathers; mauli--whose head; yat--whose; pda--of the lotus feet; kalpa-taru--li e desire trees; pallava--li e new lea!es; ekhareu--at the toenails; ll-svayam-vara-of con"ugal pastimes; rasam--the mellow; labhate--o#tains; jaya-r--$rmat %dhr& All glories to Cintmin and my initiating spiritual master !omagiri" All glories to my instru#ting spiritual master t$e !upreme %ersonality o& 'od$ead ($o (ears pea#o#k &eat$ers in )is #ro(n" *nder t$e s$ade o& )is lotus &eet ($i#$ are like desire trees +aya,r -.d$r/ en0oys t$e trans#endental mello( o& an eternal #onsort" Text 1 asti svastaru-kargra-vigalat-kalpa-prasnapluta vastu prastuta-veu-nda-lahar-nirva-nirvykulam srasta-srasta-niruddha-nvi-vilasad-gopsahasrv ta hasta-nyasta-natpavargam akhilodra kisork ti asti--there is; svastaru--damsels of hea!en; kara-agra--fingertips; vigalat--falling; !alpa--of desire trees; prasna--flowers; plutam--co!ered; vastu--an entity; prastuta-famed; veu-nda--flute sound; lahar--wa!es; nirva--transcendental #eatitude; nirvykulam--carefree; srasta-srasta--repeatedly falling; niruddha--held up; nvi-undergarments; vilasad--shining; gop--mil maids; sahasra--thousands; av tam-surrounded; hasta--into the hads; nyasta--placed; nata--of the surrendered souls; apavargam--li#eration; akhila--of all; udram--most munificent; kiora--of an adolescent #oy; ak ti--ha!ing the appearance or form& T$ere is an entity ($o $as t$e appearan#e o& an adoles#ent 2oy and ($o is 2eing inundated (it$ desire-tree &lo(ers &alling &rom t$e &ingertips o& t$e damsels o& $ea3en" T$at 2oy is #ompletely #are&ree situated in trans#endental 2eatitude as )e sends &ort$ (a3es o& sound &rom )is &amed &lute" )e is en#ir#led 2y t$ousands o& e&&ulgent milkmaids ($ose garments are 2e#oming loose again and again -&rom t$eir extreme pleasure at $earing t$e &lute/ and ($o are trying to $old t$em up" T$at adoles#ent 2oy t$e pinna#le o& muni&i#en#e pla#es li2eration &rom 2irt$ and deat$ into t$e $ands o& )is surrendered de3otees"

Text 4 cturyaika-nidna-sma-capalp"ga-ccha#-manthara lvaym ta-vci-lolita-d a lakm-katkd tam klind-pulin"gana-praayina kmvatr"kura blanlam amvaya mahurima-svrjyam rdhnuma cturya--amica#leness' amorous resti!eness; eka--only; nidna--cause of e(istence; sma--limit; capala--flic ering; ap"ga--sidelong glances; ccha#--the many; mantharam--#ecomes or ma es languid; lvaya--#eauty; am ta--nectar; vci--wa!es; lolita--mo!ing; d am--eyes; lakm--%adharani; katka--sidelong glances; ad tam--attenti!ely worshiped; klind--the )amun (daughter of *ount +alinda); pulina--the #an ; a"gana--the mil maids; praayinam--en"oys pastimes with; kma--supramundane lo!e; avatra--the incarnation; a"kuram--source or root; blam--adolescent #oy; nlam--dar #lue; am--is; vaya--#y us; madhurima--lo!e,s sweetness; svrjyam--unrestricted dominion; rdhnuma--worshiped& 5e (ors$ip t$at dark 2luis$ young 2oy in ($om #ulminate t$e prin#ipal stimuli &or amorous lo3e ($o #auses .d$ to 2e#ome languid (it$ t$e 2eauty o& )is dan#ing sidelong glan#es and ($o in turn 2e#omes languid (it$ lo3e ($en r .d$ and )er &riends #ast t$eir sidelong glan#es at )im" T$at 2oy6s 2eauty like (a3es o& ne#tar engenders an extreme t$irst in t$e eyes o& .d$ and )er #ompanions and #on3ersely t$eir ne#tarous 2eauty makes )im t$irsty to see t$em" )e is a&&e#tionately (ors$iped 2y .d$6s (ist&ul glan#es and )e en0oys lo3ing pastimes (it$ .d$ and )er &riends on t$e 2ank o& t$e 7amun" 5e (ors$ip t$at young 2luis$ 2oy t$e sour#e o& t$e god o& lo3e ($o $as attained un#$allenged dominion o3er lo3e6s s(eetness" Text 8 barhottasa-vilsa-kuntala-bhara mdhurya-magnnana pronmlan-nava-yauvana pravilasad veu-pradm tam pna-stana-ku$albhir abhito gopbhir rdhita jyoti cetasi na cakstu jagatm ekbhirmdbhutam bharottasa--peacoc feather; vilsa--charming; kuntala--loc of hair; bharam-wearing; mdhurya--sweetness; magna--steeped; nanam--face; pronmlat-manifesting; nava--fresh; yauvanam--youthfulness; pravilasat--shining forth #rightly' re!ealing itself; veu--of the flute; pranda--murmur or sound of rapture; am tam-nectar; pna--udderli e; stana--#reasts; ku$malbhi--with #uds; abhitah--on all sides; gopbhi--the mil maids of -ra"a; rdhitam--adore' worship; jyoti--the effulgence' i&e&' +./a; cetasi--in our hearts; na--of us; cakstu--let it shine; jagatm--in the uni!erse; eka--the only; abhirma--en"oyer or source of en"oyment; adbhutam--wonderful' ama0ing& 9et t$e e&&ulgen#e personi&ied -i"e" Ka/ s$ine (it$in our $earts" )e is (earing a 2rig$t pea#o#k plume on )is $ead )is &a#e is steeped in s(eet 2eauty )is &res$ yout$&ulness is 2ursting &ort$ and )is &lute is pouring out murmuring ne#tarous sounds o& rapture" :n all sides t$e milkmaids o& ;ra0a ($o $a3e 2looming 2udlike 2reasts (ors$ip )im in adoration" <ndeed )e is ama=ingly t$e only en0oyer and t$e only sour#e o& en0oyment in t$e entire uni3erse"

Text > madhuratara-smitm ta-vimugdha-mukhmburuha mada-ikhi-picha-lchita-manoja-kaca-pracayam viaya-vimia-grasana-g dhnuni cetasi me vipula-vilocana kim api dhma cakstu ciram madhuratara--!ery sweet; smita--smiles; am ta--the nectar; vimugdha--!ery charming; mukha--the face; amburuham--the lotus; mada--proud; ikhi--peacoc ; picha--feather; lchita--decorated; manoja--charming' pleasing; kaca--loc s of hair; pracayam--profusion; viaya--that which #inds the mind; either worldly o#"ects of attachment or +./a 1imself; via--poison' or pain of separation from +./a; amia--meat' or any co!eted thing; grasana--to swallow; g dhnuni--greedy; cetasi-mind; me--my; vipula--wide' li e long lotus petals; vilocanam--eyes; kim api-indescri#a#le; dhma--em#odiment of #rightness; cakstu--let it shine; ciram-fore!er& r Ka6s eyes are long like petals o& a 2looming lotus and )is 3ery #$arming lotuslike &a#e is made all t$e more #$arming 2y )is extremely 2eauti&ul and s(eet ne#tarous smiles" )is pro&use #urling lo#ks look delig$t&ul (it$ t$eir de#oration o& a proud pea#o#k6s tail-&eat$er" 9et )im t$e em2odiment o& all e&&ulgen#e &ore3er s$ine (it$in my $eart ($i#$ is -out(ardly/ greedy &or t$e poisonous meat o& sense o20e#ts ?or -in(ardly/ greedy &or t$e 2eauty o& r Ka a 2eauty t$at 2inds t$e de3otee6s mind and #auses 2urning pain at t$e time o& separation &rom )im"@ Text A mukulya-mna-nayanmbuja vibhor mural-ninda-makaranda-nirbharam mukuryamna-m du-ga$a-ma$ala mukha-pa"kaja manasi me vij mbhitm mukulya--#uds; mna--resem#ling; nayana--eyes; ambujam--lotus; vibho--of the 2ord; mural--flute; ninda--sound; makaranda--nectar' honey; nirbharam--full of; mukurya--mirror; mna--resem#ling; m du--delicate; ga$a--of the chee s; ma$alam--the or#s; mukha--face; pakajam--the lotus; manasi--heart' mind; me-my; vij mbhitm--open within& Bay t$e lotus o& my 9ord6s &a#e 2lossom (it$in ?t$e lake o&@ my mind" T$e eyes o& t$at &a#e resem2le lotus 2uds 2eing $al&-#losed and t$e deli#ate mirrorlike or2s o& its #$eeks are pu&&ed (it$ t$e ne#tarous $oney o& t$e &lute-sound" Text C kamanya-kiora-mugdha-mrte kala-venu-kvaitd tnanendo mama vci vij mbhit murrer madhurima kai-kpi kpi kpi

kamanya--enrapturing; kiora--adolescent; mugdha--artless; mrte--the figure; kala--medodies; veu--flute; kvanita--sounding; ad ta--worshiped; nana--face; indo--the moon; mama--my; vci--words; vij mbhitm--let there #e e(presse(; murre--who is irreproacha#le and !ery #eautiful' or the enemy of the *ura demon; madhurima--of the sweet #eauty; kani--a small particle; ka api--e!en a particle; ka api--of a particle; ka api--of a particle& 9et my (ords express e3en a tiny parti#le o& a parti#le o& a parti#le o& t$e lus#ious 2eauty o& Burri ($ose artless adoles#ent &igure enraptures me and ($ose moon-&a#e is (ors$iped 2y t$e so&t melodies o& )is &lute" Text D mada-ikha$i-ikha$a-vibhaa madana-manthara-mugdha-mukhmbujam vraja-vadh-nayanjana-rajita vijayat mama v"maya-jvitam mada--of the impassioned; ikha$i--peacoc ; ikha$a--the feathers; vibhaam--decorated; madana--Cupid' or lo!e; manthara--languid; mugdha-charming' artless; mukha--face; ambujam--lotus; vraja-vadh--the wi!es of -ra"a (the mil maids); nayana--from the eyes; ajana--collyrium; rajitam--decorated; vijayatm--all glories; mama--my; v"maya--of words; jvitam--the life& All glories to ?Ka@ t$e li&e o& my (ordsE T$e #ollyrium &rom t$e eyes o& t$e young girls o& ;ra0a de#orates )is #$arming lotus &a#e ($i#$ is languid (it$ lo3e and an impassioned pea#o#k6s &eat$er adorns )is $ead" Text F pallavrua-pi-pa"kaja-sa"gi-veu-ravkula phulla-p#ala-p#al-parivdi-pda-saroruham ullasan-madhurdhara-dyuti-majar-sarasnana ballav-kuca-kumbha-ku"kuma-pa"kila prabhum raye pallava--li e twigs; arua--reddish; pi--hands; pa"kaja--lotus; sa"gi--in contact; veu--flute; rava--sound; kulam--agitated; phulla--fully #lossomed; p#ala--#lossom; p#ali--the p#al flower; parivdi--reproach; pda--feet; saroruham--lotus; ullasan-"oyful; madhura-adhara--of sweet lips; dyuti--the glow; majar--#lossoms; sarasa-amia#le' luscious; nanam--face; ballav--of the mil maids; kuca--#reasts; kumbha-pitcherlli e; ku"kuma-- un uma powder; pa"kilam--muddied up; prabhum--the 2ord; raye--3 ta e shelter& < take s$elter o& t$e 9ord ?Kra@ ($o 2e#omes agitated (it$ passion ($en )e $ears t$e sound o& )is o(n &lute $eld in )is lotus $ands ($i#$ resem2le ne(ly sprouted reddis$ t(igs" )is lotus &eet reproa#$ &ully 2lossomed pal &lo(ers (it$ t$eir 2eauty and )is amia2le &a#e sends &ort$ 2lossoms o& 2rillian#e &rom )is delig$t&ully s(eet lips" )e is smeared (it$ t$e kukuma po(der &rom t$e milkmaids6 pit#$erlike 2reasts"

Text 1G ap"ga-rekhbhir abha"gurbhir ana"ga-rekh-rasa-rajitbhi anukaa ballava-sundarbhir abhyarcyamna vibhum rayma ap"ga--from the corners of the eyes; rekhbhi--direct glances; abha"gurbhir-un#ro en; ana"ga--Cupid (4the #odiless one4); rekh--direct; rasa--with emotion; rajitbhi--ruddy; anukaam--at e!ery moment; ballava--of the cowherd men; sundarbhih--the #eauties (i&e&' the mil maids of -ra"a); abhyarcyamnam--who is always worshiped; vibhum--of the 2ord; rayma--3 ta e shelter& < take s$elter o& my 9ord ?Ka@ ($om t$e 2eauti&ul milkmaids (ors$ip at e3ery moment (it$ un2roken sidelong glan#es &rom eyes tinged red (it$ passion" Text 11 h daye mama h dya-vibhram h daya hara-vila-lola-netram tarua vraja-bla-sundarn tarala kicana dhma sannidhattm h daye--to the heart; mama--my; h dya--in the hearts; vibhramm--confusions; h dayam-- nower of the hearts (of the mil maids); hara--e(treme pleasure; vila--wide open; lola--wantonly restless; netram--the eyes; taruam--a youth; vraja--of -rnda!ana; bla--young; sundarnm--of #eautiful women; taralam-mo!ing to and fro' or the central gem of a nec lace; kicana--ine(pressi#le; dhma--effulgence; sannidhattm--come near& 9et t$at e&&ulgent yout$ ?Ka@ #ome near to my $eart" )is (antonly restless (ideopen eyes are &ull o& 0oy and 2eing &ully a(are o& t$e $earts o& t$e 2eauti&ul young girls o& ;ra0a )e &ills t$em (it$ t$e &luttering #on&usions o& lo3e" HH)e is &i#kle yet )e is like t$e #entral 0e(el in t$e ne#kla#e o& t$e milkmaids" Text 11 nikhila-bhuvana-lakm-nitya-llspadbhy kamala-vipina-vth-garva-sarva kabhym praamad-abhaya-dna-prau$hi-g$hd tbhy kim api vahatu ceta k a-pdmbujbhym nikhila--all; bhuvana--the worlds; lakm--#eauties (i&e&' the mildmaids); nitya-eternal; ll--pastimes; padbhym--home; kamala--lotus; vipina--vth--thic ets or clusters; garva--pride; sarvam--all; kabhym--#rea down; praamad--those who #ow down (i&e&' 1is de!otees); abhaya--fearlessness; dna--gi!ing; prau$hi-assurance; g$ha--e(cessi!ely; ad tbhym--worshiped; kim api--something in e(pressi#le' ine(pressi#le #liss; vahatu--attain; ceta--my mind; k a--of +./a; pda--the feet; ambujbhym--lotus&

9et my mind attain some inexpressi2le 2eati&i# 2liss &rom ?t$inking o&@ Ka6s lotus &eet ($i#$ are t$e $ome o& t$e eternal pastimes o& t$e most 2eauti&ul maidens in all t$e (orlds ($i#$ destroy t$e pride o& ($ole #lusters o& lotuses and ($i#$ are $ig$ly esteemed &or t$eir great eagerness in pro3iding sa&ety &or t$e 9ord6s $um2le de3otees" Text 14 praaya-pariatbhy r-bharlambanbhy prati-pada-lalitbhy pratyaha ntanbhym prati-muhur adhikbhy prasphural-locanbhy pravahatu h daye na pra-ntha kiora praaya--#y lo!e (for %dh); pariatbhym--#ecome full' de!eloped; r--of #eauty; bhara--e(cessi!e; alambanbhym--the a#ode; prati--e!ery; pada--step; lalitbhym--ac5uired charm and elegance; prati--e!ery; ahan--day; ntanbhym-fresh' no!el; prati--e!ery; muhu--moment; adhikbhym--more and more; prasphuram--spar ling; locanbhym--the eyes; pravahatu--continue to attain (a place); h daye--in hearts; na--of us; pra--of life; ntha--the 2ord; kiora--the fresh youth (+./a)& Bay t$e 9ord o& our li&e t$at young 2oy ?Ka@ s$ine in#essantly (it$in our $earts" )is eyes &ull o& lo3e &or .d$ are t$e a2ode o& in&inite 2eauty" I3ery day t$ey appear ne(er and ne(er at e3ery step t$ey in#rease t$eir #$arm and elegan#e and at e3ery moment t$ey sparkle more and more 2rilliantly" Text 18 mdhurya-vridhi-madmbu-tara"ga-bha"gi "gra-sa"kulita-ta-kiora-veam manda-hsa-lalitnana-candra-bimbam nanda-samplavam anu plavat mano me mdhurya--of sweetness; vridhi--ocean; mada--passion; ambu--water; tara"ga-wa!es; bha"gi--#rea ing; "gra--passionate ecstasy; sa"kulita--distress; ta--cools; kiora--of a youth; veam--the appearance; manda--!ery mild; hsa--#y the smile; lalita--sweetened' made charming; nana--face; candra--moon; bimbam--the or#; nanda--#liss; samplavam--a flood; anu--along; plavatm--may float; mana--mind; me--of me& Bay my mind &loat along in t$e &lood o& 2liss emanating &rom Ka6s moonlike &a#e made #$arming 2y a 3ery mild smile" Ka $as t$e appearan#e o& a young 2oy and 2eauti&ied 2y t$e (a3es o& )is passionate e#stasy 2reaking in t$e o#ean o& s(eetness )e soot$es all distress" Text 1> avyja-majula-mukhmbuja-mugdha-bhvair svdyamna-nija-veu-vinoda-ndam kr$atm arua-pda-saroruhbhym

rdre madya-h daye bhuvanrdram oja avyja--open' not deceitful; majula--lo!ely; mukha--face; ambuja--lotus; mugdha-amia#le' charming' artless; bhvai--emotions' ecstasies; svdymna--eagerly tasted; nija--1is own; veu--flute; vinoda--playing; ndam--sound; dr$atm--may it play; arua--reddish; pda--feet; saroruhbhym--#y the lotus; rdre--moistened; madya--my; h daye--in the heart; bhuvana--the uni!erse; rdram--moistening; oja--force (of the o!erflowing current of #liss emanating from +./a,s moonli e face)& 9et t$e &or#e ?o& t$e &lood o& 2liss emanating &rom Ka6s &a#e@ ($i#$ saturates t$e ($ole uni3erse play (it$in my $eart ($i#$ is moistened 2y #onta#t (it$ Ka6s lotus &eet 2y t$e display o& #$arming artless emotions on )is open lo3ely lotus &a#e and 2y t$e melody o& )is &lute ($i#$ is relis$ed 2y .d$" Text 1A mai-npura-vcla vande tac caraa vibho lalitni yadyni lakmi vraja-vthiu mai--"eweled; n6pura--an lets; vclam--sound' tin le; vande--3 #ow down; tad-those; caraam--the feet; vibho--of the 2ord; lalitni--decorate; yadyni--whose; lakmi--the mar s (of the feet); vraja--of -.nd!ana; vthiu--the paths& < 2o( do(n to t$e &eet o& 9ord Ka ($ose 0e(eled anklets tinkle and ($ose &ootprints de#orate t$e pat$s o& ;ra0a" Text 1C mama cetasi sphuratu vallav-vibhor mai-npura-praayi maju ijitam kamal-vanecara-kalinda-kanyakkalahasa-ka#ha-kala-kjitd tam mama--in my; cetasi--mind; sphuratu--let there #y manifested; vallav--of the mil maids; vibho--the master; mai--"eweled; npura--an lets; praayi--pro!ided with; maju--sweet; sijitam--"ingling; kamal--of +amal (%dha); vanecara--lotus-filled ponds; kalinda--kanyak--the daughter of *ount +alinda (i&e&' the )amuna %i!er); kalahasa--white swans; ka#ha--in the throats; kala--war#ling cries; kujita-melodious; ad tam--worshiped' accorded welcome& Bay t$e s(eet 0ingling o& t$e 0e(led anklets o& Ka t$e master o& t$e milkmaids 2e mani&est in my mind" Kamal6s ?.d$6s@ ($ite s(ans s(imming in t$e lotus-&illed ponds o& t$e 7amun a##ord t$at s(eet 0ingling a (arm (el#ome (it$ t$e melodious (ar2ling &rom t$eir t$roats" Text 1D

tarurua-karumaya-vipulyata-nayana kamal-kuca-kala-bhara-vipul-k ta-pulakam mural-rava-taral-k ta-muni-mnasa-nalina mama khelatu mada-cetasi madhurdharam am tam tarua--li e the sun; arua--red; karumaya--full of compassion; vipulyata-#road' wide open; nayanam--eyes; kamal--%dh; kuca--#reasts; kalai--pitcherli e; bhara--hea!y; vipul--pressing; k ta--caused; pulakam--standing of the hairs on end; mural--flute; rava--sound; taral--loose' li5uified; k ta--made; muni--of the sages; mnasa--the minds; malinam--lotuses; mama--my; khelatu--play; mada--into(icated with glee; cetasi--mind; madhura--sweet; adharam--lips; am tam--(filled with) nectar& Bay Ka6s ne#tar-&illed s(eet lips play in my mind intoxi#ated (it$ delig$t" )is 2road eyes reddis$ like t$e rising sun are &ull o& #ompassion )is $air is standing on end 2e#ause o& tou#$ing Kamal6s ?.d$6s@ $ea3y pit#$erlike 2reasts and )e $as melted t$e lotuslike $earts o& t$e sages (it$ t$e sound o& )is &lute" Text 1F mugdham ardha-nayanmbuja-cumbyamnaharkula-vraja-vadh-madhurnanendo rabdha-veu-ravam rta-kiora-mrter virbhavantu mama cetasi ke %pi bhv mugdham--of the completely charming one; ardha--half-closed; nayana--eyes; ambuja--lotus; cumbyamna--as if issing; hara--with "oy; kula--agitated; vrajavadh--the wi!es of -ra"a (i&e&' the mil maids); madhura--sweetly #eautiful; nana-faces; indo--moon; rabdha--commencement; veu--flute; ravam--sounding; rta-assumed; kiora--youth; mrte--form; virbhavantu--may there appear; mama--in my; cetasi--mind; ke api--some; bhv--ecstatic states& Bay t$ere appear in my mind some o& t$e e#stati# states o& 3ery #$arming r Ka" As )e glan#es at t$e milkmaids6 s(eet moonlike &a#es agitating t$em (it$ 0oy )e seems to 2e kissing t$em (it$ )is $al&-#losed eyes" As )e 2egins sounding )is &lute )e assumes t$e attitude o& an adoles#ent yout$" Text 1G kala-kvaita-ka"kaa kara-niruddha-ptmbara klama-pras ta-kuntala galita-barha-bha vibho puna prak ti-cpala praayi-bhuj-yantrita mama sphuratu mnase madana-keli-ayyotthitam kala--soft sound; kvaita--sounding; ka"kaam--#racelets; kara--#y the hand; niruddha--grasped; pta--yellow; ambaram--cloth; klama--fatigue; pras ta-dishe!eled; kuntalam--hair; galita--slips; barha--peacoc ; bham--plume; vibho--of the 2ord; puna--again; prak ti--natures; cpalam--fic le; praayi--of the #elo!ed; bhuj--#y the arms; yantritam--held; mama--my; sphuratu--let it manifest; mnase--in the mind; madana--amorous; keli--play' pastimes; ayya--the #ed; utthitam--rising&

Bay t$ere a(aken in my mind a 3ision o& t$e 9ord arising &rom t$e 2ed o& amorous play" T$e 2ra#elets o& .d$ and Ka tinkle so&tly and Ka6s yello( #lot$ is grasped 2y T$em 2ot$" T$eir $air is dis$e3eled &rom &atigue and Ka6s pea#o#k plume slips &rom )is $air" Again T$eir &i#kle play&ul natures mani&est and at last .d$ $olds Ka (it$ )er arms" Text 11 stoka-stoka-nirudhyamna-m dula-prasyandi-manda-smita premodbheda-nirargala-pras mara-pravyakta-romodgamam rotu rotra-mano-hara vraja-vadh-ll-mitho-jalpita mithy-svpam upsmahe bhagavata kr$ni-mlad-d a stoka-stoka--drop #y drop; nirudhyamna--although held #ac ' or as if held #ac ; m dula--softly' gently; prasyandi--oo0es; manda--gentle; smitam--smile; prema-transcendental lo!e; udbheda--rising; nirargala--unchec a#le; pras mara--streaming forth; pravyakta--e!ident; roma--hair standing on end; udgamam--appearing; rotum--in order to hear; rotra--to the ear; mana--the mind; haram--pleasing; vraja--vadh--the wi!es of -ra"a (i&e&' the mil maids); ll--playful; mitha--mutual; jalpitam--tal s; mithy--false; svpam--sleep; upsmahe--we worship; bhagavata--the 2ord; kr$ni--playfully; mlan--closed; d a--with eyes& 5e (ors$ip 9ord Ka ($o is mis#$ie3ously keeping )is eyes #losed pretending to sleep in order to $ear t$e milkmaids6 play&ul talks ($i#$ are so pleasing to t$e ear and mind" T$oug$ Ka is trying to restrain )imsel& a gentle smile tri#kles &rom )is lips drop 2y drop and )e #annot #$e#k t$e rising tide o& lo3e ($i#$ #auses )is $air to 2egin standing on end" Text 11 vicitra-patr"kura-li-blstanntara yma vanntara v apsya v ndvana-pda-lsyam upsyam anya na vilokayma vicitra--drawn decorations; patra--with lea!es; a"kura--with sprouts; li-resplendent; bl--of the young girl (%dh); stana--greasts; antaram--filled with memories; yma--going; vana--the forest; antaram--inside; v--or; apsya--ha!ing disregarded; v ndvana--the forests of -.nd!ana; pda--whose feet; lsyam-dancing' or #eauty; upsyam--o#"ect of worship; anyam--other; na--not; vilokayma--we do see& 5e do not see any o20e#t o& (ors$ip ot$er t$an 9ord Ka ($et$er )e is deeply in t$oug$t remem2ering $o( )e de#orated t$e 2reasts o& t$e resplendent young girl .d$ (it$ pi#tures dra(n (it$ lea3es and sprouts or ($et$er )e is (andering in ;nd3ana Jorest ($i#$ is adorned (it$ t$e 2eauty o& )is dan#idng &eet" Text 14

srdha sam ddhair am tyamnair atyamnair mural-nindai mrdhbhiikta madhurk tn bla kad nma vilokayiye srdham--along with; sam ddhai--fully endowed with musical em#ellishments; am tyamnai--li e nectar; atyamnai--pouring forth; mural--flute; nindai-sound; mrdha--as the head or ing; abhiiktam--uni!ersally ac nowledged; madhura--sweet; k tnm--those with forms; blam--the young #oy (+./a); kad-when; nma--if e!er; vilokayiye--shall 3 see& 5$en o$ ($en s$all < see t$at young 2oy Ka t$e un#$allenged king o& t$ose ($o are exKuisitely 2eauti&ul and ($en s$all < experien#e along (it$ t$at 3ision t$e &looding ne#tar o& )is &lute6s sound endo(ed (it$ t$e topmost musi#al em2ellis$mentsH Text 18 iir-kurute kad nu na ikhi-picch-bharaa iur d o yugala vigalan-madhu-dravasmita-mudr-m dun mukhendun iir--cooling; kurute--perform; kad--when; nu--indeed; na--of us; ikhi-peacoc ; picch--plumes; bharaa--adorned; iu--the child (+./a); d o--of our eyes; yugalam--the pair; vigalan--tric ling; madhu--honey; drava--mild; smita--of the smile; mudr--gesture; m dun--made soft and gentle; mukha--face; indun-moonli e& 5$en (ill t$at #$ild ?Ka@ adorned (it$ pea#o#k plumes soot$e and #ool our eyes (it$ a 3ision o& )is moonlike &a#e im2ued (it$ gentleness 2y t$e tri#kling $oney o& )is tender smilesH Text 1> kruya-karbura-ka#ka-nirkaena truya-savalita-aiava-vaibhavena puat bhuvanam adbhuta-vibhramena r-k a-candra iir-kuru locana me kruya--full of mercy; karbura--colored with !arious tints; ka#ka--from the corners of the eyes; nirkaena--with glances; truya--youth; savalita--touched; aiava--childhood; vaibhavena--with the magnificence; puat--nourishing; bhuvanam--the uni!erse; adbhuta--ama0ing; vibhramena--with playfulness; r-k a--of +./a; candra--7 moon; iir--cool down; kuru--please (do); locanam-eyes; me--my& : moonlike Ka please soot$e and #ool my eyes (it$ 7our sidelong glan#es tinged (it$ mer#yL (it$ t$e magni&i#en#e o& your #$ild$ood tou#$ed 2y yout$L and (it$ 7our (ondrous play&ulness ($i#$ nouris$es t$e ($ole uni3erse"

Text 1A kad v klind-kuvalaya-dala-yma-taral ka#k lakyante kim api karu-vci-nicit kad v kandarpa-pratibha#a-ja#-candra-iir kam apy antas toa dadhati mural-keli-ninad kad--when; v--alas; klind--the )amun; kuvalaya--#lue lotus; dala--petals; yma--#lue; taral--mo!ing to and fro; katk--sidelong glances; lakyante-mar ed #y; kim api--wonderful; karu--mercy or grace; vci--wa!es; nicit--full of; kad--when; v--indeed; kandarpa--of Cupid; pratibha#a--the enemy (i&e&' $i!a); ja#--matted loc s; candra--moon; iir--cooler; kam api--ineffa#le; anta--my heart; toam--"oy; dadhati--gi!e; mural--of the flute; keli--playful; ninad--notes& 5$en (ill Ka #ast upon me )is sidelong glan#es ($i#$ are as dark 2lue as t$e 2lue lotuses gro(ing in t$e 7amun and tremulous (it$ (a3es o& mer#yH And ($en (ill my $eart &ind ine&&a2le 0oy in t$e play&ul notes o& )is &lute ($i#$ are more #ooling t$an t$e moon $eld on t$e $ead o& i3a Cupid6s enemyH Text 1C adhram lokitam rdra-jalpita gata ca gambhra-vilsa-mantharam amandam li"gitam kulonmadasmita ca te ntha vadanti gopik adhram--fic le; lokitam--glances; rdra--tender' witty (4moist4); jalpitam-tal ing; gatam--gait; ca--and; gambhra--profound swell; vilsa--passion; mantharam--slowness; amandam--fast' deep' eager; li"gitam--em#race; kula-distracting' agitating; unmada--intolicating; smitam--smile; ca--and; te--)our; ntha--7 2ord; vadanti--descri#ing; gopik--the mil maids& : 9ord t$e milkmaids are des#ri2ing your &i#kle glan#es your tender (itty talking 7our slo( gait made gra#e&ul 2y t$e s(ell o& deep passion 7our eager em2ra#es and 7our distra#ting agitating intoxi#ating smile" Text 1D astoka-smita-bharam yatyatka niea-stana-m ditm vraj"ganbhi nisma-stabakita-nla-knti-dhra d ysa tribhuvana-sundara mahas te astoka--continuous; smita--smilings; bharam--#earing; yatyata--long and wide; akam--eyes; niea--tightly' completely; stana--#reasts; m ditam-em#raced; vraja-of -ra"a; a"ganbhi-#y the mil maids of -ra"a; nisma-#oundless; stabakitacluster of #lossoms; nla-#lue; knti-of effulgence; dhram-diffusing a flood; drysam-may 3 see; tribhuvana-in the three worlds; sundaram-most magnificently #eautiful; maha-the splendor; te-of )ou&

?:9ord@ please let me see 7our 2odily spendor ($i#$ is t$e most magni&i#ently 2eauti&ul in all t$e t$ree (orlds ($i#$ 2ears 7our #ontinuous smiles and 7our long (ide eyes ($i#$ is tig$tly em2ra#ed 2y t$e milkmaids o& ;ra0a to t$eir 2reasts and ($i#$ di&&uses an endless &lood o& 2luis$ e&&ulgen#e like #lusters o& 2lossoms" Text 1F mayi prasda madhurai katkair va-nindnucarair vidhehi tvayi prasanne kim ih %parair nas tvayy aprasanne kim ih %parair na mayi--to me; prasdam--mercy; madhurai--charming; katkai--with sidelong glances; va--of the flute; ninda--the sounds; anucarai--accompanying' mo!ing with; vidhehi--please grant me; tvayi--#y )ou; prasanne--#lessed; kim ih--what (need); aparai--other' else; na--for us; tvayi--#y )ou; aprasanne--not #lessed; kim ih--what (use); aparai--other' else; na--for us& : 9ord please s$o( me 7our mer#y 2y #asting upon me 7our #$arming sidelong glan#es mo3ing to t$e a##ompaniment o& 7our &lute-song" <& < $a3e 7our 2lessings ($at use are ot$ers6H And i& <6m (it$out 7our 2lessings ($at use are ot$ers6H Text 4G nibaddha-mrdhjalir ea yce nrandhra-dainyonnati-mukta-ka#ha day-nidhe deva bhavat-ka#kadkinya-leena sak n niica nibaddha--fi(ed; mrdha--on the head; ajali--folded palms; ea--this one (3); yce--prays; nrandhra--gapless (constant); dainya--pitia#le misery (i&e&' pain of separation from +./a); unnati--increasing; mukta--opened; ka#ha--throat; day-of mercy; nidhe--7cean; deva--7 2ord; bhavad--)our; katka--sidelong glance; dkinya-- indness; leena--a drop; sak t--once; niica--anoint& < &ix my &olded palms upon my $ead and gi3en 3oi#e 2y my in#reasing #easeless pitia2le misery pray M: 9ord : o#ean o& mer#y please anoint me 0ust on#e (it$ a drop o& kindness &rom 7our sidelong glan#e"M Text 41 picchvatasa-racanocita-kea-pae pna-stan-nayana-pa"kaja-pjanye candrravinda-vijayodyata-vaktra-bimbe cpalyam eti nayana tava aiave na piccha--peacoc feather; avatasa--crown; racana--adorned; ucita--delightful; kea--hair; pae--mass; pna--plump; stan-those who ha!e (plump) #reasts (i&e&' the mil maids); nayana-#y the eyes; pa"kaja-lotus; pjanye-worshiped; candra-

moon; aravinda-lotus; vijaya-defeating; udyata-#egun; vaktra-face; bimbe-or#; cpalyam-resti!e; eti-ha!e #ecome; nayanam-eyes; tava-)our; aiave-childli e form; na-of us& : 9ord our eyes $a3e 2e#ome restless to see 7our #$ildlike &orm (it$ its #lustered lo#ks delig$t&ully adorned (it$ a pea#o#k &eat$er" T$at &orm ($i#$ is (ors$iped 2y t$e 2uxom milkmaids6 lotus eyes possesses a &a#e t$at $as 2egun de&eating t$e 2eauty o& t$e moon and t$e lotus" Text 41* tvac-chaiava tri-bhuvandbhutam ity avehi mac-cpala ca tava v mama vdhigamyam tat ki karomi virala mural-vilsi mugdha mukhmbujam udkitum kabhym tvat--)our; aiavam--early age; tri--bhuvana--within the three worlds; adbhutam-wonderful; iti--thus; avehi-- now; mat--cpalam--*y unsteadiness; ca--and; tava--of )7u; v--or; mama--of *e; v--or; adhigamyam--to #e understood; tat--that; kim-what; karomi--3 do; viralam--in solitude; mural-valas--7player of the flute; mugdham--attracti!e; mukha-ambujam--lotusli e face; udkitum--to see sufficiently; kabhym-#y the eyes& : Ka : &lute-player t$e s(eetness o& 7our early age is (onder&ul (it$in t$ese t$ree (orlds" 7ou kno( By unsteadiness and < kno( 7ours" No one else kno(s a2out t$is" < (ant to see 7our 2eauti&ul attra#ti3e &a#e some($ere in a solitary pla#e 2ut $o( #an t$is 2e a##omplis$edH Text 44 parycitm ta-rasni padrtha-bha"gvalgni valgita-vila-vilocanni blydhikni mada-vallava-bhvinbhir bhve lu#hanti suk t tava jalpitni parycita--a#undantly full of; am ta--nectar; rasni--mellows' feelings of lo!e; pada--artha--witty meanings; bha"g--array' wa!es; valgni--!ery pleasant; valgita-with dancing; vila--wide; vilocanni--eyes; blya--to #oyishness; adhikni--natural; mada--impassioned; vallava--of the cowherd men; bhvinbhi--wi!es; bhve--the state of #eing' heart; luthanti--e(hilarate' stir; suk tm--the luc y' the good; tava-)our; jalpitni--!er#al duels' tal s& : Ka 7our 3er2al duels (it$ t$e impassioned 3i3a#ious milkmaids ex$ilarate t$e $earts o& t$e &ortunate" T$ese talks are &illed (it$ t$e ne#tar o& t$e ex#$anges o& lo3e rendered 3ery pleasant 2y (a3es o& (itty meanings im2ued (it$ 7our natural 2oyis$ness and pun#tuated 2y t$e mo3ements o& 7our (ide dan#ing eyes" Text 48

puna prasannendu-mukhena tejas puro %vatrasya k p-mahmbudhe tad eva ll-mural-ravm ta samdhi-vighnya kad nu me bhavet puna--again; prasanna--spotless; indu--moon; mukhena--of the face; tejas-effulgence; pura--#efore me; avatrasya--appearing; k p--mercy; mah--great; ambudhe--ocean; tad--that; eva--certainly; ll--(e(pressi!e of) pastimes; mural-flute; rava--sound; am tam--nectar; samdhi--meditation' or great disease; vighnya--interrupt' or remo!e; kad--when; nu--certainly' indeed; me--of me; bhavet--will it& :$ ($en (ill Ka t$e great o#ean o& mer#y appear 2e&ore me again (it$ )is spotless e&&ulgent moon-&a#eH And ($en (ill t$e ne#tarous sound o& )is &lute expressi3e o& )is pastimes remo3e my great diseaseH ?or Minterrupt my deep meditationHM@ Text 4> blena mugdha-capalena vilokitena man-mnase kim api cpalam udvahantam lolena locana-rasyanam kaena ll-kioram upaghitum utsuko %smi blena--tender; mugdha--artless' charming; capalena--fic le; viloketena--glances; man--in my; mnase--mind; kim api--indescri#a#le; cpalam--unsteadiness' agitation; udvahantam--produces; lolena--restless' longing; locana--to the eyes; rasyanam--gi!ing pleasure; kaena--with the eyes; ll--playful; koram-adolescent (+./a); upaghitum--em#race; utsuka--!ery eager; asmi--3 am& < am 3ery eager to em2ra#e t$at play&ul young 2oy Ka (it$ my restless longing eyes" )e is delig$t&ul to see and (it$ )is tender artless darting glan#es )e &ills my mind (it$ an indes#ri2a2le agitation" Text 4A adhra--bimbdhara-vibhramena harrdra-veu-svara-sampad ca anena kenpi mono-harea h hanta h hanta mano dunoi adhra--restless; bimba--red' li e a #im#a fruit; adhara--lips; vibhramena--sporti!e mo!ements; hara--glee' "oy; rdra--full of feeling; veu--flute; svara--sound; sampad--e(cellence' glory' a#undance; ca--and; anena kenpi--other such things; mana8--the mind; harea--stealing away (i&e&' !ery attracti!e); h hanta--alas' alas; h hanta--alas' alas; mana--mind; dunoi--)ou are tormenting& : Ka t$e play&ul mo3ements o& 7our restless red lips t$e &lood o& 7our 0oyous &lute sounds and ot$er su#$ en#$antments o& 7ours are alas alas tormenting meE

Text 4C yvan na me mikhila-marma-d dhbhigta nisandhi-bandhanam upaiti na ko %pi tpa tvad vibho bhavatu tvaka-vaktra-candracandrtapa-dvigunit mama citta-dhr yvan--until; na--not; me--of me; nikhila--all; marma--!ital' tender parts; d dha-!iolently; abhightm--stri ing; nisandhi--tight; bandhanam--#onds' tendons or "oints; upaiti--arises' comes a#out; na--not; ka api--some ind of; tpa--torment; tvad--till then; vibho--7 2ord; bhavatu--may )ou; tvaka--)our; vaktra--face; candra--moon; candrtapa--awaning; dvigunit--twofold; mama--my; citta--of consciousness; dhr--current& : 9ord until some terminal disease #omes to strike 3iolently at my 3ital parts and #ripple my lim2s and 0oints may t$e moon o& 7our &a#e 2y t$e dou2le-t$i#k a(ning &or t$e #urrent o& my #ons#iousness ?against t$e 2urning $eat o& separation@" Text 4D yvan na me nara-da daam kuto %pi randhrd upaiti timir-k ta-sarva-bhv lvaya-keli-sadana tava tvad eva lakysam utkvaita-veu mukhendu-bimbam yvat--until; na--not; me--my; nara--of man; da--stage; daam--tenth (4the tenth stage of man'4 death); kuta api--somehow; randhrd--through some flaw; upaiti-attains; timir--in dar ness; k ta--producing; sarva--all; bhv--states of e(istence' or senses; lvaya--of #eauty; keli--os pastimes; sadanam--a#ode; tava--)our; tvat-till then; eva--certainly; lakysam--seen' o#ser!ed (#y me); utkvaita--high sounding; veu--flute; mukha-indu-face li e the moon; bimbam-or#& Till t$e tent$ stage o& man -deat$/ #omes upon me t$roug$ some p$ysi#al de&e#t en3eloping me in total darkness let me e3er see t$e or2 o& 7our moon-&a#e ($i#$ is t$e a2ode o& 2ot$ t$e pastimes o& 2eauty and 7our $ig$-sounding &lute" Text 4F lola-locana-vilokita-keli-dhrnrjitgra-caranai karumbure rdri veu-ninadai pratinda-prair kara-ymi mai-npura-sijitni lola--rolling; locana--eyes; vilokita--the glance; keli--playful; dhr--wa!es; nrjita--illuminated; agra--caranai--the forefeet; karu--of mercy; ambure--the ocean (+./a); rdri--wetted or sweetened; veu--flute; ninadai--sound; pratinda--resonances; prai--full of; dara--ear; ymi--3 gi!e; mai--#e"eweled; npura--an lets; sijitni--tiln ling&

By ear #at#$es t$e tinkling o& t$e 2e0e(elsed anklets o& Ka t$e o#ean o& mer#y" T$at tinkling is s(eetened 2y )is e&&ulgent &ore&eet ($i#$ are re#ei3ing (a3es o& play&ul glan#es &rom )is rolling eyes and 2y t$e &looding resonan#es o& )is &lute-song" Text 8G* he deva he dayita he bhuvanaika-bandho he ! a he capala he daruaika-sindho he ntha he ramaa he nayanbhirma h h kad nu bhavitsi pada d or me he deva--7 lord; he dayita--7 most dear one; he bhuvana--eka--bandho--7 only friend of the uni!erse; he k a--7 2ord +./a; he capala--7 restless one; he karua--eka--sindho--7 only ocean of mercy; he ntha--7 my 2ord; he ramaa--7 my en"oyer; he nayana--abhirma--7most #eautiful to my eyes; h h--alas' alas; kad-when; nu--certainly; bhavitsi--will )ou #e; padam--the dwelling place; d o me--of my !ision& : my 9ordE : dearest oneE : only &riend o& t$e uni3erseE : Ka : restless one : only o#ean o& mer#yE : my 9ord : my en0oyer : 2elo3ed to my eyesE Alas ($en (ill 7:u again 2e 3isi2le to meH Text 81* amny adhanyni dinntari hare tvad-lokanam antarea anrtha-bandho karuaika-sindho h hanta h hanta katha nayami amni--all those; adhanyni--inauspicious; din--antarni--other days; hare--7 may 2ord; tvat--of )ou; lokanam--seeing; antarea--without; antha--bandho-7friend of the helpless; karua--ika--sindho--7 only ocean of mercy; h hanta--alas' alas; h hanta--alas' alas; katha--how; naymi--shall 3 pass& : my 9ord : !upreme %ersonality o& 'od$ead : &riend o& t$e $elplessE 7ou are t$e only o#ean o& mer#yE Oe#ause < $a3e not met 7ou By inauspi#ious days and nig$ts $a3e e#ome un2eara2le" < do not kno( $o( < s$all pass t$e time" Text 81* kim iha k uma kasya brma k ta k ta ay kathayata kathm any dhanym aho h daye aya madhura-madhur-smerkre mano-nayanotsave k pana-k pan k e t cira bata lambate kim--what; iha--here; k uma--shall 3 do; kasya--to whom; brma--shall 3 spea ; k tam--what is done; k tam--done; ay--in the hope; kathayata--please spea ; kathm--words; anym--other; dhanym--auspicious; aho--alas; h daye--within *y heart; aya--lying; madhura--madhur--sweeter than sweetness; smera--smiling;

kre--whose form; mana--nayana--to the mind and eyes; utsave--who gi!es pleasure; k pana--k pan--the #est of misers; k e--for +./a; t --thirst; ciram--at e!ery moment; bata--alas; lambate--is increasing& Alas ($at s$all < doH To ($om s$all < speakH 9et ($ate3er < $a3e done in $opes o& meeting Ka 2e &inis$ed no(" %lease say somet$ing auspi#ious 2ut do not speak a2out Ka" Alas Ka is lying (it$in By $eart like CupidL t$ere&ore $o( #an < possi2ly gi3e up talking o& )imH < #annot &orget Ka ($ose smile is s(eeter t$an s(eetness itsel& and ($o gi3es pleasure to my mind and eyes" Alas my great t$irst &or Ka is in#reasing moment 2y momentE Text 84 bhy vilocanbhym amburuha-vilocana blam dvbhym api parirabdhu dre mama hanta daiva-smagr bhym--far away; vilocanbhym--the sight; amburuha--lotus; vilocanam--with eyes; blam--young #oy (+./a); dvbhym--dou#ly far away; api--e!en; parirabdhum--em#racing; dre--far away; mama--my; hanta--alas; daiva--luc ; smagr--the entirety& AlasE Jor me a glimpse o& t$at young 2oy (it$ lotus eyes is &ar a(ay-dou2ly so )is em2ra#es" Alas < am #ompletely unlu#kyE Text 88 arnta-smitam arurudharo#ha harrdra-dvigua-manoja-veu-gtam vibhrmya-dvipula-vilocanrdha-mugdha vikiye tava vadanmbuja kad nu arnta--always; smitam--smiling; arua-arua-!ery red; adhara-o#ham-upper and lower lips; ha sa-with "u#ilation; rdra-moistened; dviguna-dou#ly; manojacharming; veu-flute; gtam-song; vibhrmya-wandering; dvipula-!ery wide; vilocana-eyes; ardha-half-closed; mugdham-!ery charming' artless; vikiye-3 shall see; tava-)our; vadana-face; ambujam-lotus; kad-when; nu-alas' oh& : KaE 5$en o$ ($en s$all < see 7our lotus &a#e (it$ its deep red lips its #onstant smiling its 3ery #$arming &lute-song saturated (it$ 0u2ilation and its delig$t&ul $al&#losed eyes t$at sometimes open 3ery (ide and (ander $ere and t$ereH Text 8> llyitbhy rasa-talbhy nlru&ebhy nayanmbujbhym lokayed adbhuta-vibhrambhy kle kad krunika kiora

llyitbhym--playful; rasa--with mellows' with feelings of lo!e; talbhym-cooling' soothing; nla--#lue (at the irises); aru&ebhym--reddish (at the corners); nayana--eyes; ambujbhym--lotus; lokayed--loo upon; adbhuta--wonderful; vibhrambhym--rolling' mo!ing' dancing; kle-the time; kad-when; krunika- ind' merciful; kiora-adolescent (+./a)& 5$en (ill t$e time #ome ($en t$at mer#i&ul 2oy Ka (ill look upon me (it$ )is play&ul lotus eyes ($i#$ are soot$ing and #ooling (it$ lo3ing emotion reddis$ at t$e #orners and dark 2luis$ at t$e irises and (onder&ully rolling and dan#ingH Text 8A bahula-cikura-bhra baddha-picchvatasa capala-capala-netra cru-bimbdharot#ham madhura-m dula-hsa mandaroddhra-lla m gayati nayana me mugdha-veam murre bahula--thic ; cikura--loc s; #hram--ha!ing a large 5uantity; baddha--tied; piccha--peacoc feather; avatasam--adorned; capala--capala--!ery unsteady' 5uic ly mo!ing; netram--eyes; cru--fascinating' lo!ely; bimba--red (li e #im#a fruits); adhara--o#ham--upper and lower lips; madhura--sweet; m dula--gentle; hsam--laughter; mandara--*ount *andara; uddhra--lifting; llam--pastime; m gayati--searching for; nayanam--eyes; me--of me; mugdha--enchanting' artless; veam--appearance; murre--*urari& By eyes sear#$ &or t$at en#$antingly adorned one Burari ($ose t$i#k lo#ks 2ear a pea#o#k plume and ($ose ga=e darts $ere and t$ere 3ery Kui#kly" )is lo3ely lips are red like 2im2a &ruits and (it$ )is s(eet gentle laug$ter $e seems to 2e #$urning ?t$e o#ean o& my $eart@ (it$ Bount Bandara" Text 8C bahula-jalada-cchy-cora vilsa-bharlasa mada-ikhi-sikh-lilottasa manoja-mukhmbhjam kam api kamalp"godagra-prasa"ga-jada jaganmadhurima-parpkodreka vaya m gaymahe bahula--thic ' dense; jalada--clouds; cchy--effulgence; coram--stolen; vilsa-playing; bhara--much; lasam--languid; mada--impassioned; ikhi--peacoc ; sikh-feathers; ll--playful; uttasam--crest; manoja--fascinating; mukha--face; ambujam--lotus; kam api--someone; kamal--%dh; ap"ga--sidelong glances; udagra--upward--pointing; prasa"ga--long contact; jadam--stunned; jagat--the uni!erse; madhurima--sweetness; parpka--perfection; udrekam--e(cess; vayam-we; m gaymahe--search for& 5e are sear#$ing &or t$at person ($o $as stolen t$e e&&ulgen#e o& t$i#k #louds ($o $as gro(n a 2it languid &rom playing so mu#$ ($o (ears a #rest made &rom t$e play&ul &eat$ers o& an impassioned pea#o#k ($ose lotus &a#e is so &as#inating ($o $as 2e#ome

stunned 2y long and #lose #onta#t (it$ t$e up(ard-pointing sidelong glan#es o& Kamal -.d$/ and ($o is t$e 3ery o3era2undan#e o& per&e#tion o& all t$e s(eet 2eauty in t$e uni3erse" Text 8D parmrya dre pathi pathi munn vraja-vadhd d ya avat tribhuvana-mano-hri-vadanam anm ya vc muni-samudaynm api kad dard ye deva dara-dalita-nlotpala-rucim parmryam--sought for; dre--further away; pathi pathi--(further and further) along the path; munnm--of the sages; vraja--of -ra"a; vadh--the wi!es (i&e&' the mil maids); d --to the eyes; d yam--!isi#le; avat--always; tribhuvana--in all three worlds; mana--minds; hri--stealing (i&e&' enchanting); vadanam--face; anm yam--not found or descri#ed; vc--in words; muni--of sages (li e -ysa' etc&); samudaynm--multitude; api--indeed; kad--when; dard ye--3 shall see; devam--that God; dara--a little; dalita--opened; nlotpala--#lue lotus; rucim--luster& 5$en s$all < see to my $eart-s content my 2ord (+./a)' for whom the sages must always search further along the path' #ut whose face' which enchants all the three worlds' is always !isi#le to the eyes of the mil maids of -ra"a9 :lhen shall 3 see 1im' whose luster resem#les a slightly open #lue lotus #ud' and who is always #eyond the reach of the words of the great sages li e -ysa9 Text 8F llnanmbujam adhram udkamna narmni ve&eu-vivareu niveayantam dolyamna-nayana nayanbhirmam deva kad nu dayita vyatilokayiye ll--sporti!e; nana--face; ambujam--lotus; adhram--fic le; udkamnam-loo ing out; narmni--amorous "o ing; ve&eu--flute; vivareu--holes; niveayantam-re!eals; dolyamna--rolling; devam--the 2ord (+./a); kad--when; nu--indeed; dayitam--my darling; vyatilokayiye--3 shall see& 5$en s$all < see my darling 9ord -Ka/ ($o is so &i#kle yet so delig$t&ul to my eyesH )is eyes are rolling and as )e looks out &rom )is sporti3e lotus &a#e )e sends a song o& lo3ing 0okes t$roug$ t$e $oles o& )is &lute" Text >G lagna muhur manasi lampa#a-sampradyalekhvalehini rasaja-manoja-veam rajyan-m du-smita-m dllasitdharu rkendu-llita-mukhendu mukunda-blyam lagnam--clings; muhur--constantly' again and again; manasi--mind; lampa#a--

de#auchee; sampradya--tradition; lekha--drawings; avalehini--fond (of tasting dainties); rasaja--those nowledgea#le of the taste; manoja--enraptures; veam-appearance; rajyan--reddened; m du--gentle; smita--smile; m du--ullasita--softly glowing' or unda flowers; adhara--au--lip--rays' or teeth; rka--indu--full moon; llita--cherished; mukha--indu--face li e a moon; mukun$a--of *u unda; blyam-adolescent lo!eliness& T$e adoles#ent lo3eliness o& Bukunda ($ose appearan#e enraptures t$e #onoisseurs #lings to my mind ($i#$ is al(ays &ond o& dra(ings &rom t$e li2ertine tradition" )is moon&a#e is #$eris$ed 2y t$e moon itsel& and t$e so&tly glo(ing rays o& $is lips redden )is gentle smile ?or )is kunda-&lo(er-like teet$ are reddened 2y t$e e&&ulgen#e o& )is gentle smile@" Text >1 ahimakara-kara-nikara-m du-m dita-lakmsarasatara-sarasiruha-sad a-d i deve vraja-yuvati-rati-kalaha-vijayi-nija-llmada-mudita-vadana-ai-madhurima&ei lye ahimakara--the sun; kara--rays; nikara--mass; m du--gently; m dita--de!eloping; lakm--#eauty; sarasatara--with much taste' luscious; sarasiruha--lotuses; sad a-resem#le; d i--eyes; deve--my 2ord; vraja--yuvati---ra"a--s young girls (i&e&' the mil maids); rati--smorous; kalaha--5uarrels; vijayi--triumph; nija--1is own; ll-sports; mada--e(hilarated; mudita--delighted; vadana--face; ai--moon; madhurima&ei-sweet #eauty; lye-3 am a#sor#ed& < am a2sor2ed in #ontemplating my 9ord ($ose eyes resem2le lus#ious lotuses gently de3eloping t$eir 2eauty under t$e rays o& t$e sun and ($ose moon-&a#e is &ull o& 2eauty 2eing ex$ilarated (it$ delig$t at )is $a3ing de&eated t$e milkmaids in t$e lo3ers6 Kuarrels" Text >1 kara-kamala-dala-kalita-lalitatara-vakala-ninada-galad-am ta-ghana-sarasi deve sahaja-rasa-bhara-bharita-dara-hasita-vthsatata-vahad-adhara-ma&ei-madhurima&ei liye kara--hands; kamala--lotus; dala--petals (i&e&' petalli e fingers); kalita--held; lalitatara--!ery melodious; va--of the flute; kala--war#ling; ninada--sounds; galad--oo0ing; am ta--of nectar; ghana--deep; sarasi--la e; deve--my 2ord; sahaja-natural; rasa--of mellow' of tastiness of lo!e; bhara--great 5uantity; bharita--filled with; dara--gentle' slight; hasita--laughter; vth--series; satata--constantly; vahad-#earing; adhara--lips; ma&ei--rugyli e; madhurima&ei--sweetness' sweet #eauty; lye--3 am a#sor#ed& < am lost in t$oug$ts o& my 9ord ($o is a deep lake o& ne#tar tri#kling &ort$ as t$e 3ery melodious (ar2ling o& )is &lute ($i#$ )e $olds (it$ )is lotus-petallike &ingers" < am a2sor2ed in t$oug$ts o& t$e s(eetness o& )is ru2y-red lips ($i#$ 2ear a #onstant series o& tender laug$s &illed (it$ an a2undan#e o& )is innate lo3ing mello(s"

Text >4 kusumaara-ara-samara-kupita-mada-gopkuca-kalaa-ghus &ea-rasa-lasad-urasi deve mada-mudita-m du-hasita-muita-ai-obhmuhur-adhika-mukha-kamala-madhurima&ei lye kusumaara--he who shoots flower arrows (i&e&' Cupid)' ara--arrows' samara--in the #attle' kupita--pro!o ed' mada--ardent' gop--the mil maids' kuca--#reasts' kalaa--"ar--li e' ghus &ea--sandalwood' rasa--paste' lasad--shines' urasi--chest' deve--my 2ord' mada--amorous' mudita--delightful' m du--gentle' hasita--smile' muita--stolen' ai--moon' obh--splendor' muhu--at e!ery moment' adhika-increasing' mukha--face' kamala--lotus' madhurima&ei--sweet #eauty' lye--3 am a#sor#ed& < am a2sor2ed in t$inking o& my 9ord" )is #$est s$ines (it$ t$e sandal(ood paste &rom t$e pit#$erlike 2reasts o& t$e ardent milkmaids ($o $a3e 2een in#ited to amorous 2attle 2y Cupid6s &lo(er arro(s and t$e s(eet 2eauty o& )is lotus &a#e is magni&ied at e3ery moment 2y )is gentle smile ($i#$ is &ull o& passionate delig$t and ($i#$ $as stolen t$e splendor o& t$e moon" Text >8 namrm asita-bhruvor upacitm akna-pakm"kurev lolm anurginor nayanayor rdr m dau jalpite tmrm adharm te madakalm amlna-va-svanev ste mama locana vraja-ior mrti jagan-mohinm namrm--cur!ed; asita--dar ; bhruvo--eye#rows; upacitm--furnished a#undantly with; akna--thic ; pakm--eyelashes; a"kureu--li e sprouts; lolm-rolling; anurgino--passionate; nayanayo--eyes; rdrm--full of feeling; m dau-gentle; jalpite--speech; tmrm--!ery red; adhara--of the lips; am te--nectar; madakalm--soft' slurred; amlna--clear; va--of the flute; svaneu--deep notes; ste--desires; mama--my; locanam--eye; vraja--io---ra"a,s child (+./a); mrtim--the form; jagat--the uni!erse; mohinm--enchanter& By eye desires to see t$e &orm o& t$e young #$ild o& ;ra0a ($o en#$ants t$e ($ole uni3erse" )is dark eye2ro(s are #ur3ed )is 2lossoming eyelas$es Kuite t$i#k )is rolling eyes &ull o& passion and )is gentle spee#$ saturated (it$ &eeling" )is ne#tarous lips are 3ery red and )e sounds lo( #lear so&t notes on )is &lute" Text >> tat kaiora tac ca vaktrravinda tat kru&eya te ca ll-ka#k tat saundarya s ca manda-smita-r satya satya durlabha daivate %pi tat--that; kaioram--adolescence' #oyishness; tat--that; ca--and; vaktra--

aravindam--face li e a lotus; tat--that; kru&eyam--compassion' tenderness; te-those; ca--and; ll--playful; ka#k--sidelong glances; tat--that; saundaryam-#eauty; s--of 1is; ca--and; manda--mild; smita--smile; r--lo!eliness; satyam-truly; satyam--truly; durlabham--hard to find; daivate--among the demigods; api-e!en& Truly truly e3en among t$e demigods it (ould 2e $ard to &ind su#$ 2eauty su#$ s(eet adoles#en#e su#$ a lotus &a#e su#$ tender #ompassion su#$ play&ul sidelong glan#es or su#$ lo3ely mild smiling as (e &ind in Ka" Text >A vivopaplava-amanaika-baddha-dka vivsa-stabakita-cetas jannm prayma-pratinava-knti-kandalrdra payma pathi pathi aiavam murre viva--all' e!ery one of; upaplava--afflictions; amana--relie!e; eka--one' only; baddha--fi(ed; dkam--!ow' or purpose; vivsa--with faith; stabakita--#lossoming with; cetasm--hearts; jannm--people; prayma--#right #luish; pratinava--newer and newer; knti--glow; kandala--chee s; rdrm--moist' fresh; payma--we see; pathi pathi--on e!ery path' in e!ery direction; aiavam--the childli e form; murre--of *urri& :n e3ery pat$ (e see t$e #$ildlike &orm o& Burri ($ose one &ixed 3o( is to relie3e all t$e a&&li#tions o& t$e people ($ose $earts are 2lossoming (it$ &ait$ in )im" )is so&t 2rig$t 2luis$ #$eeks glo( (it$ e3er ne( e&&ulgen#e" Text >C mauli candraka-bha&eo marakata-stambhbhirma vaktra citra-vimugdha-hsa-mudhura ble vilole d au vca aiava-tal mada-gaja-lghy vilsa-sthitir manda mandam aye ka ea mathur-vthm ito ghate mauli--head; candraka--peacoc feather; bha&eo--adorned; marakata--emerald; stambha--than a column; abhirmam--more capti!ating; vapu--#ody; vaktram--face; citra--wonderfully; vimugdha--!ery fascinating' !ery artless; hsa--smiles; madhuram--sweet; ble--7 girlfriend; vilole--rolling; d au--eyes; vca--words; aiava--innate to adolescence; tal--cooling; mada--in rut; gaja--elephant; lghy--praised; vilsa--graceful; sthiti--nature; mandam--slowly; mandam--slowly; aye--oh; ka esa--who is this' who is 1e; mathur--*athur; vthm--the way to; ita-along; ghate--coming& : girl&riend ($o is t$is slo(ly #oming along t$e pat$ to Bat$urH )is $ead is adorned (it$ a pea#o#k &eat$er and )is 2ody is more #apti3ating t$an an emerald #olumn" )is eyes are rolling and )is &a#e is 2eauti&ied 2y t$e s(eetness o& )is (onder&ully &as#inating smiles" )is (ords (it$ t$eir natural 2oyis$ness are 3ery soot$ing and )is natural gra#e (ould (in praise &rom an elep$ant in rut"

Text >D pdau vda-vinirjitmbuja-vanau padmlaylambitau p&e ve&eu-vinodana-pra&eayi&eau parypta-ilpa-riyau bh daurh da-bhjana m ga-d mdhurya-dhr-kirau vaktra vg-viaytila"ghitam aho bla kim etan maha pdau--feet; vda--in a contest; vinirjita--completely defeated; ambuja--vanau--a cluster of lotuses (on a pond); padmlaya--2a /m' who rests on a lotus; lambitau--ta en shelter; p&e--hands; ve&eu--flute; vinodana--playing; pra&eayi&eau--e(pressing lo!e; parypta--seats; ilpa--artistic; riyau--#eauty; bh-arms; daurh da--of the o#"ect of desire; bhjanam--!essel; m ga--d m--the doe-eyed (mil maids); mdhurya--sweetness; dhr--flood; kirau--fiffusing; vakram-face; vk--viay--words, scope (a#ility to descri#e); atila"ghitam--#eyond; aho--oh; blam--in the form of an adolescent youth; kim--what; etat--this; maha--luster& :$ ($at is t$is luster in t$e &orm o& a young 2oyE )is &eet $a3ing in a #ontest totally #onKuered #lusters o& lotuses are t$e s$elter &or 9akm-de3" )is $ands ($i#$ express )is lo3e ($ile playing t$e &lute are seats o& artisti# 2eauty" )is arms di&&using a &lood o& s(etness are t$e 3essel o& desire6s &ul&illment &or t$e doe-eyed milkmaids" And )is &a#ea$ )is &ae is 2eyond (ords" Text >F etan nma vibha&ea bahumata veya eair ala vaktra dvi-tri-viea-knti-lahar-vinysa-dhanydharam ilpair alpa-dhiy agamya-vibhavai "gra-bha"g-maya citra citra aho vicitram aha ho citra vicitra maha etat--this (face of +./a,s); nma--indeed; vibha&eam--adorned; bahumatam-sufficiently' a#undantaly; veya--ornamentation; eai--further (ornamentation); alam--no need; vaktram--face; dvi--tri--two or three; viea--special; knti--glow; lahar--wa!es; vinysa--arrangement; dhanya--ma ing lo!ely; adharam--lips; ilpai--wealth of artistic attri#utes; alpa--dhiym--(those of) little understanding; agamya--not comprehended; vibhavai--manifestations; "gra--amorous; bha"g-gestures; mayam--full of; citram--wonderful; citram--ama0ing; aho--oh; vicitram--so ama0idng; aha ho--oh' oh; citarm--!ery wonderful; vicitram--!ery ama0ing; maha-luster& <ndeed )is &a#e a2undantly adorned (it$ lo3ely lips t$at possesses t(o or t$ree spe#ially arranged (a3es o& luster needs no ot$er ornament" T$e (ealt$ o& )is artisti# attri2utes and amorous gestures are 2eyond t$e understanding o& &ools" :$ o$ o$ $o( (onder&ul $o( ama=idng $o( e3ery 3ery (onder&ully ama=ing is t$is splendor ?in t$e &orm o& t$e young 2oy Ka@E Text AG agre samagrayati km api keli-lakmm anysu dikv api vilocanam eva ski h hanta hasta-patha-dram aho kim etad

-kioramayam amba jagat-traya me agre--#efore me; samagrayati--re!eals to thefullest e(tent; km api-indescri#a#le; keli--sporti!e; lakmm--#eauty; anysu--other' all; diku--in directions; api--e!en; vilocanam--eye; eva--indeed; aki--witness; h hanta--alas' alas; hasta--of my hands; patha--the path; dram--#eyond; aho--oh; kim--what; etad--(is) this; --longed--for; kioramayam--filled with youth; amba--7 mother; jagat--worlds; trayam--three; me--my& :$ ($at an ine&&a2le sporti3e 2eauty Ka $as &ully re3ealed 2e&ore meE <n all dire#tions my eye (itnesses t$is 2eauty" Out alas alas )e is 2eyond my graspE : mot$er t$e t$ree (orlds are &illed (it$ my longed-&or yout$ KaE Text A1 cikura bahula virala bhramara rdula vacana vipula nayanam adhara madhura vadana madhura capala carita ca kad nu vibho cikuram--loc s of hair; bahulam--thic ; viralam--separated; bhramaram--(li e rows of) #ees; m dulam--mild; vacanam--words; vipulam--#ig; nayanam--eyes; adharam-lips; madhuram--sweet; vadanam--face; madhuram--sweetly #eautiful; capalam-fic le; caritam--disposition' acti!ities; ca--and; kad--when (shall 3); nu--indeed; vibho--of my 2ord& :$ ($en ?s$all < again &asten into a top-kno(@ my 9ord6s t$i#k lo#ks ?lying@ like separate ro(s o& 2ees ?on )is s$oulders@H 5$en ?s$all < $ear@ )is mild (ords ?see@ )is large eyes ?kiss@ )is s(eet lips ?see@ )is s(eetly 2eauti&ul &a#e and ?experien#e@ )is &i#kle natureH Text A1 pariplaya na k playe %ty asak t kranditam rta-bndhava mural-m dula-svanntare vibhur kar&eayit kad nu na pariplaya--protect; na--us; k playe--7 a#ode of mercy; iti--thus (saying); asak t--repeated; kranditam--cries; rta--of the distressed; bndhava--friend; mural--flute; m dula--mild; svana--sound; antare--within' surrounded #y; vibhu-the 2ord; kar&eayit--hear; kad--when; nu--indeed; na--of us& <& t$e 9ord t$e &riend o& t$e distressed is surrounded 2y t$e 2eguiling (ound o& )is &lute ($en (ill )e 2e a2le to $ear us repeatedly #rying out M: a2ode o& mer#y please prote#t usEM Text A4 kad nu kasy nu vipad-day

kaiora-gandhi karu&embudhir na vilocanbhy vipulyatbhym lokayiyan viay-karoti kad--when; nu--indeed; kasym--what; nu--indeed; vipad--dangerous; daym-circumstances; kaiora--of youth; gandhi--the fragrance; karu&e--mercy; ambudhi--ocean; lokayiyan--will loo at; viay--an o#"ect of attention; karot-ha!ing #een made& Ka an o#ean o& mer#y 2ears t$e &ragran#e o& &res$ yout$" 5$en o$ ($en (ill some danger to me &o#us )is attention so t$at )e looks upon me (it$ )is (ide eyesH Text A8 madhuram adhara-bimbe majula manda-hse iiram am ta-nde tala d #i-pte vipulam aru&ea-netre viruta ve&eu-nde marakata-ma&ei-nla blam alokaye nu madhuram--sweet; adhara--lips; bimbe--li e #im#a fruit; majulam--charming; manda--mild; hse--smile; iiram--soothing; am ta--nectarous; nda--words' !oice; talam--cooling; d #i pte--glances; vipulam--large; aru&ea--reddish li e dawn; netre--eyes; virutam--famous; ve&eu--nde--flute--song; marakata--of sapphire (9 emerald); ma&ei--"ewel; nlam--deep #lue color; blam-#oy (+./a); lokaye-3 shall see; nu-oh& :$ t$at < may see t$at young 2oy ($o $as a #omplexion as deep 2lue as a sapp$ireL s(eet lips like 2im2a &ruitL #$arming mild smilingL soot$ing ne#tarous (ordsL #ooling glan#esL and large da(n-red eyes and ($o is &amous &or )is &lute-song" Text A> mdhuryd api madhura manmatha-ttasya kim api kaioram cpalyd api capala ceto bata harati hanta ki kurma mdhuryd--sweeter than; api--e!en; madhuram--sweetness; manmatha--Cupid; ttasya--the father; kim api--ineffa#le; kaioram--adolescence; cpalyd--more fic le than; api--e!en; capalam--fic leness; ceta--my heart; bata--oh' alas; harati--steals; hanta--alas; kim--what; kurma--should 3 do& T$e ine&&a2le adoles#en#e o& Ka t$e &at$er o& Cupid is s(eeter t$an s(eetness yet &i#kler t$an &i#kleness" Alas t$at adoles#en#e $as stolen a(ay my $eartE 5$at s$all < do no(H Text AA

vaka-sthale ca vipula nayanotpale ca manda-smite ca m dula mada-jalpite ca bimbdhare ca madhura mural-rave ca bla vilsa-nidhim kalaye kad nu vaka--sthale--chest; ca--and; vipulam--wide; nayana--eyes; utpale--lotus; ca--and; manda--soft' gentle; smite--smiles; ca--and; m dulam--mild; mada--passionate; jalpite--tal s; ca--and; bimba--li e #im#a fruits' cherry--red and luscious; adhare-lips' lips; ca--and; blam--the #oy ( ./;ea); vilsa--of "u#ilation or playfulness; nidhim--an ocean or treasury; kalaye--3 shall see; kad--when; nu--oh& :$ ($en s$all < see t$at young 2oy -Ka/ ($o is an o#ean o& 0u2ilation and a treasury o& play&ulnessH Oroad are )is lotus eyes and )is #$est mild are )is gentle smiles and )is lo3ing talks s(eet are )is #$erry-red lips and )is &lute-song" Text AC rdrvalokita-dhur pari&eaddha-netram vik ta-smita-sudh-madhurdharo#ham dya pumasam avatasita-barhi-barham lokayanti k tina k ta-pu&eya-puj rdra--tender; avalokita--glance; dhur--e(tremely; pari&eaddha--#rought under control; netram--eyes; vik ta--open; smita--smile; sudh--nectar; madhura--sweet; adhara--o#ham--upper and lower lips; dyam--foremost' original; pumsam--man' person; avatasita--adorned; barhi--of a peacoc ; barham--a fether; lokayanti--they se; k tina--the fortunate; k ta--performed; pu&eya--pious deeds; puj--heaps& T$e &ortunate ($o $a3e $eaped up pious merit #an see -Ka/ t$e original person ($o 2rings t$eir eyes under #ontrol (it$ )is extremely tender glan#es ($ose lips are s(eet (it$ t$e ne#tar o& $is open smile and ($o $as adorned )is $ead (it$ a pea#o#k &eat$er" Text AD* mra svaya nu madhura-dyuti-ma&e$ala nu mdhuryam eva nu mano-nayanm ta nu ve&e-m jo nu mama jvita-vallabho nu k &eo %yam abhyudayate mama locanya mra--Cupid; svayam--personally; nu--whether; madhura--sweet; dyuti--of effulgence; ma&e$alam--encirclement; nu--whether; ndhuryam--sweetness; eva-e!en; nu--certainly; mana--nayana--am tam--nectar for the mind and eyes; nu-whether; ve&e--m ja--loosening of the hair; nu--whether; mama--my; mvita-vallabha--the pleasure of the life and soul; nu--whether; k &ea--2ord +./a; ayam--this; abhyudayate--manifests; mama--my; locanya--for the eyes& By dear &riends ($ere is t$at Ka Cupid personi&ied ($o $as t$e e&&ulgen#e o& a kadam2a &lo(er ($o is s(eetness itsel& t$e ne#tar &or my eyes and mind )e ($o loosens t$e $air o& t$e gops ($o is t$e supreme sour#e o& trans#endental 2liss and my li&e and

soulH )as )e #ome 2e&ore my eyes againH Text AF blo %yam lola-vilocanena vaktre&ea citr-k ta-di"mukhena vee&ea ghoocita-bha&eena mugdhena dugdhe nayanotsava na bla--#oy (+./a); ayam--this; lola--dancing; vilocanena--with eyes; vaktre&ea-with face; citr--#eauty; k ta--ma ing (i&e&' #eautifying); di"mukhena--in all directions; vee&ea--with dress; ghoa--for a cowherd; ucita--suita#le; bha&eena-with ornaments' trappings; mugdhena--charming' artless; dugdhe--e(tracts mil ; nayana--for the eyes; utsavam--"oy; na--us& T$is 2oy -Ka/ (it$ )is dan#ing eyes )is &a#e 2eauti&ying all dire#tions and )is #$arming out&it 0ust suita2le &or a #o($erd $as extra#ted t$e milk o& 0oy &or our eyes" Text CG ndolitgra-bhujam kula-lola-netra ma&e$a-smitrdra-vadanmbuja-candra-bimbam ijna-bha&ea-ata ikhi-piccha-mauli ta vilocana-rasyanam abhyupaiti ndolita--swinging; agra--bhujam--the forearms; kula--agitated (with lo!e); lola-restless; netram--eyes; ma&e$a--gentle; smita--smile; rdra--tender; vadana--face; ambuja--lotus; candra--of the moon; bimbam--the or#; ijna--tin ling; bha&ea--of ornaments; atam--a large num#er; ikhi--of a peacoc ; piccha--feather; mauli--on the head; tam--cooling; vilocana--for the eyes; rasyanam--#alm; abhyupaiti-comes #efore us& )e #omes 2e&ore us-t$e #ooling 2alm &or our eyes-(earing many tinkling ornaments on )is 2ody and a pea#o#k &eat$er on )is $ead" )es &orearms are s(inging )is eyes mo3e restlessly (it$ t$e agitation o& lo3e and t$e moon o& )is lotus &a#e displays a tender gentle smile" Text C1 pau-pla-bla-pariad-vibhan iur ea tala-vilola-locana m dula-smitrdra-vadanendu-sampad madayan madya-h daya vighate pau--pla--cowherd #oys or girls; bla--young; pariad--intimate group; vibha&ea--adorning; iu--the chird (+./a); ea--this; tala--cooling' refreshing; vilola-li!ely; locana-eyes' ga0e; m dula-soft; smita-smiles; rdra-tender; vadana-face; indu-moon; sampad-wealth; madayan-gladdening; madya-my;

h dayam-heart; vighate-enters deep within& T$is #$ild -Ka/ ($o is t$e ornament &or t$e intimate #ommunity o& #o($erd 2oys and girls ($ose li3ely glan#es are so soot$ing and ($ose moon-&a#e $as a (ealt$ o& so&t tender smiles gladdens my $eart and enters deep (it$in it" Text C1 kim idam adhara-vth-k(pta-va-nindam kirati nayanayor na km api prema-dhrm tad idam amara-vth-durlabha vallabha nas tribhuvana-kamanya daivata jvita ca kim idam--1ow wonderful this is<; adhara--of the lips; vth--on the path; k(pta-affi(ed; va--the flute; nindam--sound; kirati--pouring; nayanayo--#efore eyes; na--our; km api--indescri#a#ly; preme--of di!ine lo!e; dhrm--flood; tad--1e' that; idam--this; amara--the demigods' deathless ones; vth--in the planets; durlabham--difficult to find; vallabham--darling; na--our; tribhuvana--#y the three worlds; kamanyam--pleasing' delighting; daivatam--our God; jvitam--our life; ca-and& )o( (onder&ulE T$e sound o& t$e &lute Ka is $olding to )is lips is pouring &ort$ an indes#ri2a2le &lood o& di3ine lo3e 2e&ore our 3ery eyesE T$is is rare e3en among t$e planets o& t$e demigods" Ka our darling our 'od our 3ery li&e delig$ts t$e t$ree (orlds" Text C4 tad idam upanata tamla-nla tarala-vilocana-trakbhirmam mudita-mudita-vaktra-candra-bimba mukharita-ve&eu-vilsi jvitam me tad--that one (+./a); idam--this one (me); upanatam--near; tamla--li e a tamala tree; nlam--#luish; tarala--restless; vilocana--eyes; trak--pupils or stars; abhirmam--charming' friendly; mudita )or muditam*--delightful; mudita )or udita*-!ery delightful' or rising; vaktra--face; candra--moon; bimbam--shining or#; mukharita--sounding; ve&eu--flute; vilsi--sporti!ely; jvitam--life; me--my& T$is person approa#$ing me is dark 2luis$ like a tamla tree" )is #$arming eyes ($i#$ resen2le stars mo3e restlessly t$e s$ining or2 o& )is moon-&a#e is o3er&lo(ing (it$ delig$t ?or )is &a#e radiates 0oy like t$e rising moon@ and )e sporti3ely 2egins sounding )is &lute" )e is my 3ery li&e" Text C8 cpalya-sma capalnubhavaika-sma cturya-sma caturnana-ilpa-sma saurabhya-sma sakaldbhuta-keli-sma saubhgya-sma tad idam vraja-bhgya-sma

cpalya--of fic leness; sma--the acme; capal--anubhava--of those who ha!e unsteady natures (i&e&' the mil maids); eka--the one; sma--ultimate goal of e(istence; cturya--of cle!erness; sma--epitome; catur--nana--the four--faced one (i&e&' =rahm); ilpa--artistic s ill; sma--e(treme perfection; saurabhya--of fragrance; sma--the limit; sakala--all; adbhuta--wonderful; keli--pastimes; sma-utmost em#odiment; saubhgya--of good fortune; sma--culmination; tad--that (!ery life of mine); idam--this is' here is; vraja--bhgya---ra"a,s auspicity; sma--0enith& )ere is t$at Ka my 3ery li&eE )e is t$e a#me o& &i#kleness t$e one ultimate end o& t$e existen#e o& t$e &i#kle-minded milkmaids t$e epitome o& #le3erness t$e extreme per&e#tion o& t$e artisti# skill o& &our-&a#ed Ora$m t$e limit o& good &ragran#e t$e utmost em2odiment o& all sorts o& astounding pastimes t$e #ulmination o& good &ortune and t$e =enit$ o& auspi#ity &or ;ra0a" Text C> mdhurye&ea dvigu&ea-iira vaktra-candra vahnat va-vth-vigalad-am ta-srotas secayant mad-v&en vihara&ea-pada matta-saubhgya-bhj mat-punyn pari&eatir aho netrayo sannidhatte mdhuryena--with sweet tenderness; dvigu&ea--dou#ly; iira--refreshing; vaktra--face; candram--moon; vahant--#earing; va--flute; vth--holes; vigalad-oo0ing; am ta--nectar; srotas--current; secayant--sprin ling; mat--my; v&enm-words; vihara&ea--scope; padam--ground; matta--mad; saubhgya--luc ; bhjm-possessing; mat--my; punynm--!irtuous merit; pari&eati--(reached a) culmination; aho--oh; netrayo--eyes; sannidhatte--appears #efore& :$E By good deeds $a3e rea#$ed t$eir #ulminationP Ka $as appeared 2e&ore my eyesE T$e moon o& )is &a#e is made dou2ly re&res$ing 2y its s(eet tenderness and )e sprinkles me (it$ t$e #urrent o& ne#tar dropping note 2y note &rom t$e $oles o& )is &lute" )e is t$e o20e#t o& my (ords ($i#$ t$oug$ mad are &ortunate ?to 2e des#ri2ing )im@" Text CA tejase %stu namo dhenupline loka-pline rdh-payodharotsa"gayine ea-yine tejase--the splendor (+./a); astu--let (me); nama--o#eisances; dhenu--cows; pline--the protector; loka--the worlds; pline--protector; rdh--of %dh; payodhara--that which holds mil (i&e&' #reasts); utsa"ga--slope; yine--reclining; ea--$e/a--nga; yine--reclining& < 2o( do(n to t$e personi&ied splendor -Ka/ ($o is t$e prote#tor o& t$e #o(s-and also all t$e (orlds-and ($o re#lines on t$e sloping 2reasts o& .d$-and also on eanga"

Text CC dhenu-pla-dayit-stana-sthaldhanya-ku"kuma-santha-kntaye ve&eu-gta-gati-mla-vedhase brahma-ri-mahase namo nama dhenu--cow; pla--protectors; dayit--the darlings' the wi!es; stana--the #reasts; sthal--a position' a place; dhanya--glorified; ku"kuma--"u> uma powder; santha-possessing; kntaye--possessing a glow' comple(ion; ve&eu--gta--flute--sone; gati-way of sounding; mla--the original; vedhase--creator; brahma--of =rahms; ri--a multitude; mahase--greatness' luster; nama8--obeisances' nama8--obeisances again+ < 2o( again and again 2e&ore )im -Ka/ ($ose glo(ing #omplexion is em2ellis$ed (it$ t$e kuQkuma po(der glori&ied 2y its pla#e on t$e 2rests o& t$e #o($erd men6s (i3es ($o is t$e original #reator o& t$e &lute song and ($o possesses t$e glory o& innumera2le Ora$ms" Text CD m du-kva&ean-npura-mantharena blena pdmbuja-pallavena anusmaran-majula-ve&eu-gtam yti me jvitam ttakeli m du--softly; kva&ean--tin ling; npura--an lets; mantharena--slowed down; blena--youthful' tender; pda--feet; ambuja--pallavena--lotus flower; anusmaran-recollecting; majula--charming; ve&eu--gtam--flute songs; yti--here comes; me-of me; jvitam--!ery life; ttakeli--ha!idng assumed a sporting attitude& )ere #omes my 3ery li&e ?Ka@E )a3ing assumed a sporting attitude )e slo(ly approa#$es on tender lotus &eet (eig$ed do(n 2y so&tly tinkling anklets as )e re#olle#ts 3arious #$arming &lute-songs" Text CF so %yam vilsa-mural-ninadm tena sicann udacitam ida mama kar&ea-yugmam yti me nayana-bandhur ananya-bandhor nanda-kandalita-keli-katka-lakm sa--1e (+./a' my !ery life); ayam--this (is); vilsa--sporti!e; mural--flute; nind--tunes; am tena--with nectar; sicann--sprin ling; udacitam--per ed up' coc ed; idam--this; mama--my; kar&ea--ears; yugmam--two; yti--here comes; me-of me; nayana--eyes; bandhu--#efriending; ananya--no other; bandho--friend; nanda--#liss; kandalita--o!erflowing; keli--playful; katka--of sidelong glances; lakm--the #eauty& )ere #omes ?my 3ery li&e Ka@E T$e 2eauty o& )is play&ul sidelong glan#es o3er&lo(s

(it$ 2liss and )e sprinkles my t(o perked-up ears (it$ t$e ne#tar o& )is sporti3e &lutesongs" )e is t$e only &riend &or my eyes" Text DG drd vilokayati vra&ea-khela-gm dhr-katka-bharitena vilokitena rd upaiti h daya"-gama-ve&eu-ndave&e-mukhena daanu-bharena deva drad--from a distance; vilokayati--seeing (me); vra&ea--elephant; khela-sporti!e; gm--gait; dhr--flood; katka--sidelong glances; bharitena--filled with; vilokitena--with glances; rd--near; upaiti--coming; h.dayam--the heart; gama-touching (going to); ve&eu--nda--flute sound; ve&ei--current; mukhena--from the mouth' daan--teeth; au--glowing rays; bharena--with great; deva--the 2ord !eeing me &rom a distan#e (it$ a &lood o& sidelong glan#es my 9ord (alks to(ard me (it$ t$e sporti3e gra#e o& an elep$ant and mo3es my $eart (it$ t$e #urrent o& &lute-sound emanating &rom )is mout$ ($i#$ is &illed (it$ 2rig$tly glo(ing teet$" Text D1 tribhuvana-sarasbhy divya-ll-kulbhy dii dii taralbhy dpta-bhdarbhym aara&ea-ara&ebhym adbhutbhy padbhym ayam ayam anukjad-ve&eur yti deva tribhuvana--the three worlds; sarasbhym--with mellows of lo!e; divya--ll-di!ine sports; kulbhym--ha!idng an a#undance; dii dii--in all directions; taralbhym--with fic leness; dpta--glowing; bha--ornaments; adarbhym--many; aara&ea--for the shelterless' the forlong; ara&ebhym--the shelter; adbhutbhym--wondrous; padbhym--feet; ayam ayam--this (is 1e)' this (is 1e); anukjad--playing; ve&eu--flute; yti--coming (here); deva--the 2ord (i&e&' sporti!e +./a)& T$is is )eE T$is is )e-my 9ord ?Ka@ playing on )is &luteE )e possesses t(o (ondrous &eet ($i#$ are t$e s$elter &or t$e s$elterless ($i#$ glo( (it$ t$e 2rillian#e o& many ornaments ($i#$ mo3e t$is (ay and t$at ($i#$ are a2undant (it$ di3ine pastimes and ($i#$ &ill t$e t$ree (orlds (it$ t$e mello(s o& lo3e" Text D1 so %ya munndra-jana-mnasa-tpa-hr so %ya mada-vraja-vadh-vasanpahr so %ya t tya-bhuvanevara-darpa-hr so %ya madya-h daymburuhpahr sa--1e; ayam--this; muni--indra--the leaders of the sages; jana--the people; mnasa--of the heart; tpa--#urning pain; hr--too away; sa--1e; ayam--this;

mada--impassioned; vraja--of -ra"a; vadh--the wi!es; vasana--the clothes; apahr-stole; sa--1e; ayam--this; t tya--bhuvana--the third world (i&e&' the hea!enly realm); vara--the lord (i&e&' 2ord 3ndra); darpa--pride; hr--cur#ed; sa--1e; ayam--this; madya--my; h daya--heart; amburuha--lotus; apahr--has stolen away& T$is is )e ($o remo3ed t$e 2urning distresses o& great sages" T$is is )e ($o stole t$e #lot$es o& t$e impassioned (i3es o& t$e #o($erd men o& ;ra0a" T$is is )e ($o #ur2ed t$e pride o& <ndra lord o& t$e t$ird (orld -t$e $ea3enly realm/" T$is is )e ($o $as stolen t$e lotus o& my $eart" Text D4 sarva-jtve ca maugdhye ca sarva-bhaumam ida maha nirvian nayana hanta nirv&ea-padam anute sarva--jtve--omniscience; ca--and; maugdhye--innocense; ca--and; sarva--all; bhaumam--e(cellence; idam--this; maha--glory' luster (i&e&' +./a); nirvian--has entered; nayanam--my eye; hanta--oh; nirv&ea--of great #liss; padam--situation; anute--en"oys& T$is personi&ied glory ?Ka@ $as attained all ex#ellen#e 2ot$ in )is omnis#ien#e and )is inno#en#e" )a3ing entered my eye )e is en0oying great 2liss" T$is is a great (onderE Text D8 pu&enam etat punarukta-obhm u&eetaror udayn mukhendo t &emburi dvigu&e-karoti k &ehvaya kicana jvita me pu&enam--nourishing; etat--this; punarukta--faded' superfluous; obham--luster; u&ea--itara--other than hot (i&e&' cool); ao--that which possesses rays (i&e&' the moon); udayn--rise' appear; mukha--indo--moon--face; t &ea--thirst; amburim-ocean; dvigu&e--dou#le; karot--ma ing; k &ea--+./a; hvayam--named; kicana--certain (person); jvitam--life; me--of me& 5it$ t$e rising o& )is moon-like &a#e t$is #ertain person kno(n as Ka is nouris$ing t$e &aded luster o& t$e #ooling moon and dou2ling t$e o#ean o& my t$irst ?to see )im@" )e is my 3ery li&e" Text D> tad etad tmra-vilocana-rsambhvitea-vinamra-vargam muhur murrer madhurdharo#ha mukhmbuja cumbati mnasa me

tat--of that (+./a); etad--this; tmra--slightly reddish; vilocana--eyes; r-#eauty' gracious loo s; sambhvita--to honor' to #less; aea--all; vinamra--those who are hum#le; vargam--groups of; muhu--repeatedly; murre--of *urri; madhura--sweet; adhara--o#ham--lower and upper lips; mukha--face; ambujam-lotus; cumbati-- iss; mnasam--with the mind; me--of me& Again and again < mentally kiss Burri6s lotus &a#e (it$ its s(eet lips and its 2eauti&ul slig$tly reddis$ eyes ($i#$ gra#e all )is $um2le de3otees" Text DA karau aradijmbuja-krama-vilsa-ik-gurau padau vibudha-pdapa-prathama-pallavoll"ghinau d au dalita-durmada-bribhuvanopamna-riyau vilokaya vilocanm tam aho maha aiavam karau--1is hands; aradija--#orn in the season of $arat; ambuja--lotus; krama-gestures; vilsa--graceful; ik--gurau--instructing spiritual masters; padau--1is feet; vibudha--of the gods (i&e&' hea!enly); pdapa--tree (i&e&' desire tree); prathama--first; pallava--sprouts; ull"ghinau--e(cel; d au--1is eyes; dalita--destroy; durmada--pride; tribhuvana--in all three worlds; upamna--comparisons; riyau--the #eauty; vilokaya--#ehold<; vilocan--for the eyes; am tam--nectar; aho--7h<; maha--luster' glory; aiavam--adolescent (+./a)& Oe$old t$is ne#tar &or t$e eyes t$e luster o& t$is young 2oy KaE )is $ands tea#$ gra#e&ul gestures to t$e autumnal lotus )is &eet ex#el &res$ly gro(n desire-tree sprouts in tenderness and t$e 2eauty o& )is eyes destroys t$e pride o& all #ompara2le t$ings" Text DC cinvnam ahany ahany ahani skrn vihra-kramn rundhnam arundhat-h dayam apy rdra-smitrdra-riy tanvnam ananya-janma-nayana-lghym anarghy dam nandam vraja-sundar-stana-ta#-smrjyam ujj mbhate cinvnam--generating; ahani--e!ery day; ahani--e!ery moment; ahani--e!ery twin ling of an eye; skrn--with form' em#odied; vihra--of sports; kramn-arrangements; rundhnam--attracting; arundhat--of ?rundhat; h dayam--the heart; api--e!en; rdra--tender; smita--smile; rdra--gentle; riy--charm; tanvnam--spreading; ananya--none other; janma--#irth (than the mil maids); nayana--eyes; lghym--appreciation; anarghym--priceless; dam--condition' stage; nandam--the #liss; vraja--sundar---ra"a,s #eauties (i&e&' the mil maids); stana--#reasts; ta#--the slopes; smrjya--reigning supreme; ujj mbhate-manifesting itself& T$e 2liss mani&esting itsel& ?in t$e (ondrous luster o& t$e young 2oy Ka@ reigns supreme 2et(een t$e sloping 2reasts o& t$e 2eauti&ul milkmaids o& ;ra0a" T$at spreading glo(ing 2liss rea#$es a rari&ied stage &ar 2eyond t$e appre#iation o& t$e eyes o& anyone 2y

t$e milkmaids o& ;nd3ana and e3ery day e3ery moment and e3ery t(inkling o& an eye t$at 2liss em2odied as Ka arranges pastimes and attra#ts e3en Arund$at ?#$astity personi&ied@ (it$ t$e gentle #$arm o& )is tender smile" Text DD tad ucchvasita-yauvana tarala-aiavlak ta mada-cchurita-locana madana-mugdha-hsm tam prati-kana-vilobhana pra&eaya-pta-va-mukha jagat-traya-vimohanam jayati mmaka jvitam tad--that (+./a); ucchvasita--"ust #egun; yauvanam--youth; tarala--flic ering; aiava--childhood; alak tam--adorned; mada--delight' passion; cchurita--flashing; locanam--eyes; madana--Cupid; mugdha--#ewilders; hsa--smile; am tam--nectar; prati--kana--e!ery second; vilobhanam--#eguiling; pra&eaya--out of lo!e; pta-drin ing; va--flute; mukham--mouth; jagat--worlds; traya--three; vimohanam-enchants; jayati--all glories<; mmakam--my; jvitam--life& All glories to Ka my 3ery li&e and t$e en#$anter o& t$e t$ree (orldsE )is no(2looming yout$ is adorned (it$ t$e last &li#kering o& #$ild$ood" )is eyes &las$ing (it$ delig$t )e 2e(ilders Cupid (it$ t$e ne#tar o& )is smile" )is 2eauty 2eguiles at e3ery moment and out o& lo3e )e drinds &rom t$e mout$ o& )is &lute" Text DF citra tad etac cara&eravinda citra tad etan nayanravindam citra tad etad vadanravinda citra tad etad vapurasya citram citram--wondrous; tat--of that one (+./a); etat--these; cara&ea--aravindam--lotus feet; citram--wondrous; tat--of that one; etat--these; nayana--aravindam--lotus eyes; citram--wondrous; tat--of that one; etat--this; vadana--aravindam--lotus face; citram--wondrous; tat--of that one; etat--this; vapurasya--#ody of 1is; citram-wondrous& )o( (ondrous are t$ese lotus &eet o& t$at ?9ord Ka@E )o( (ondrous t$ese lotus eyesE )o( (ondrous t$is lotus &a#eE :$ $o( (ondrous (ondrous is t$is 2odyE Text FG akhila-bhuvanaika-bha&eam adhibhita-jaladhi-duhit -kuca-kumbham vraja-yuvati-hra-vallmarakata-nyaka-mah-ma&ei vande akhila--of all; bhuvana--the worlds; eka--the #est or only; bha&eam--ornament; adhibhuita--who is adorned with; jaladhi--of the sun (i&e&' -/a#h@nu)' or of the sea; duhit--the daughter (i&e&' %dh' daughter of -/a#h@nu' or 2a /m'

daughter of the sea); kuca--#reasts; kumbham--"ars; vraja--yuvati---ra"a,s young girls; hra--the nec lace; vall--string; marakata--emerald; nyaka--principal; mah-great' large; maim--"ewel; vande--3 #ow& < 2o( do(n to ?Ka ($o is@ t$e only ornament o& t$e entire (orld yet ($o is ornamented 2y t$e pit#$er-like 2reasts o& .d$" )e is t$e great #entral 0e(el among t$e ne#kla#e o& emerald-like young girls o& ;ra0a" Text F1 knt-kuca-grahaa-vigraha-labdha-lakmkha$"ga-rga-nava-rajita-majula-r ga$a-sthal-mukura-ma$ala-khelamnagharm"kura kim api khelati ! a-deva knt--darling,s; kuca--#reasts; grahaa--gra##ing; vigraha--#ody; labdha-o#tained; lakm--lo!eliness; kha$a--scattering; a"ga--on their #odies; rga--red u> uma; nava--fresh; rajita--colored; majula--delightful; r--#eauty; ga$a--of 1is chee s; sthal--place; mukura--mirrors; ma$ala--round; khelamna--as if playing; gharm"kura--drops of perspiration; kim api--ineffa#le' oh<; khelati-sporti!e; ! a--deva--2ord +./a& :$ ($at ine&&a2le 2eauty my 9ord Ka is displaying-a delig$t&ul 2eauty en$an#ed 2y a lo3eliness a#Kuired ($en t$e &res$ kuQkuma on )is darling6s ?.d$6s@ 2reasts s#attered o3er )is o(n 2ody as )e gra22ed t$em ?and !$e &oug$t )im o&&@ and en$an#ed as (ell 2y t$e drops o& perspiration t$at seem to play on t$e mirror-like or2s o& )is #$eeks" Text F1* madhura madhura vapur asya vibhor madhura madhura vadanam madhuram madhu-gandhi mdu-smitam etad aho madhura madhura madhura madhura madhuram--sweet; madhuram--sweet; vapu--the transcendental form; asya--1is; vibho--of the 2ord; madhuram--sweet; madhuram--sweet; vadanam--face; madhuram--sweet; madhu--gandhi--the fragrance of honey; mdu--smitam--soft smiling; etat--this; aho--7h<; madhuram--sweet; madhuram--sweet; madhuram-sweet; madhuram' sweet& : my 9ord t$e trans#endental 2ody o& Ka is 3ery s(eet and )is &a#e is e3en s(eeter t$an )is 2ody" T$e so&t smile on )is &a#e ($i#$ is like t$e &ragran#e o& $oney is s(eeter still" Text F4 "gra-rasa-sarvasva ikhi-piccha-vibhaam a"g-kta-narkram

raye bhuvanrayam "gra--con"ugal; rasa--mellow; sarvasvam--the #e--all and end--all; ikhi--piccha-peacoc feather; vibhaam--adorned; a"g--form; kta--accepted; nara--kram--a human #eing; raye--3 ta e shelter; bhuvana--of e!eryone in the uni!erse; rayam--the shelter& < take s$elter o& ?Ka@ ($o is t$e s$elter o& e3eryone in t$e uni3erse ($o $as t$e &orm o& a $uman 2eing ($o is adorned (it$ a pea#o#k &eat$er and t$o is t$e 2e-all and end-all o& t$e #on0ugal mello(" Text F8 n %dypi payate kadpi na daranya citte tatho %paniad sur sahasram sa tva cira nayanayor anayo padavy svmin kay nu kpay mama sannidhatse n--not; adya--till today; api--e!en; payati--sight; kadpi--e!er; na--not; daranya--a glimpse' !ision; citte--mental; tath--in the same way; upaniadm-the Apani/ads; sudm--seers; sahasram--thousands; sa--that (!ision); tvam--of )ou; ciram--for so long; nayanayo--of the eyes; anayo--unluc y' distressed (9); padavym--range; svmin--7 master; kay--in what manner; nu--indeed; kpay-grace' mercy; mama--my; sannidhatse--come near& : 9ord e3en to t$is 3ery day t$ousands o& *paniadi# sages $a3e not seen you (it$ t$eir eyes or in t$eir $earts" !o 2y ($at great mer#y o& 7ours $a3e 7ou #ome (it$in t$e range o& my distressed 3ision &or so longH Text F> ke %ya knti keava tvan mukendo ko %ya vea kpi vc abhmi se %ya so %ya svdatm ajalis te bhyo bhyo bhyaas tv nammi ke--what9; ayam--this; knti--#right glow; keava--7 +eBa!a; tvam--of )our; mukha--indo--face li e a moon; ka--what9; ayam--this; vea--whose appearance; ka api--e!en; vcm--words; abhmi--#eyond the scope; se ayam--that (glow); sa ayam--that (appearance); svdatm--let them #e relished; ajali--with folded hands; te--unto )ou; bhya--again; bhya--again; bhyaa--again; tvm--unto )ou; nammi--o#eisances& : Ke,a3a ($at is t$is 2rig$t glo( o& 7our moon-&a#eH 5$at is t$is appearan#e o& 7ours ($i#$ is 2eyond des#riptionH 9et t$at ?glo(@ and t$at ?appearan#e@ 2e relis$ed ?2y 7oursel& or 2y tose souls #ompetent to do so@" < simply 2o( do(n 2e&ore 7ou again and again and yet again"

Text FA vadanendu-vinirjita a daadh deva pada prapadya te adhika riyam anutetar tava kruya-vijmbhitam kiyat vadana--indu--face li e the moon; vinirjita--ha!ing #een con5uered; a--the moon; daadh--di!iding into ten parts (the toenails of +./a); deva--7 2ord; padam--)our feet; prapadya--ta en shelter; te--)our; adhikam--greater; riyam-#eauty' #rightness; anut--gaining' en"oying; itaram--than #efore; tava--)our; kruya--of mercy; vijmbhitam-slight spreading; kiyat-how great< : 9ord t$e moon $a3ing 2een #onKuered 2y 7our moonlike &a#e $as taken s$elter at 7our &aeet and split into ten parts-t$at is 7our toenails-t$ere2y gaining mu#$ greater 2rillian#e and 2eauty t$an 2e&ore" : 9ord $o( great is e3en a slig$t mani&estation o& 7our mer#yE Text FC tat tvan mukha katham ivmbuja-tulya-kakya vcm avci nanu parvai parvando tat ki bruve kim apara bhuvanaika-knta ! a tvad nanam anena sama nu yat syt tat--that; tvat--)our; mukham--face; katham--how; iva--li e; ambuja--lotus; tulya-e5ual; kakyam--similarity; vcm--#y words; avci--unspea a#le; nanu--certainly; parvai--on the new--moon day; parvai--indo--the new moon; tat--that; kim--what; bruve--3 say; kim-what; aparam-else; bhuvana-in the uni!erse; eka-only; kntamlo!eliness; ! a-7 +./a; tvat-)our; nanam-face; anena-other; samam-e5ual; nucertainly; yat-to that; syt-#e& : Ka $o( #an anyone #ompare 7our &a#e to t$e lotusH And as &or t$e moon-it attains a simply unmentiona2le state on t$e ne(-moon day" !o ($at else #an < sayH 5$at ot$er t$ing in t$e uni3erse #ould possi2ly eKual t$e lo3eliness o& 7our &a#eH Text FD urase u yadi praidhna-prva prvair aprva-kavibhir na katkita yat nrjana-krama-dhur bhavadnanendor nirvyjam arhati cirya ai-pradpa urase--you want to hear; su--hear; yadi--if; praidhna--prvam--with careful attention; prvai--of old; aprva--unprecedented; kavibhi--poets; na--not; katkitam--ta e notice; yat--that; nrjana--ceremony )rati*' krama--#earing; dhurm--#urden; bhavad--)our; nana--face; indo--moon; nirvyjam--without pretense; arhati--ought; cirya--for a long time; ai--of the moon; pradpa--the lamp&

<& you (ant to $ear t$en listen #are&ully to somet$ing t$at e3en t$e in#ompara2le poets o& old did not take note o&" And t$at is t$isP T$e lamp o& t$e moon deser3es to 2ear &or a long time t$e 2urden o& (ors$iping your moon-&a#e in t$e rati #eremony" Text FF akha$a-nirva-rasa-pravhair vikha$itea-rasntari ayantritodvnta-sudhrnavni jayanti tni tava smitni akha$a--un#ro en; nirva--#liss; rasa--lo!ing mellow; pravhai--current; vikha$it--destroys; aea--all; rasa--mellows; antari--other; ayantrit--without restraint; udvnta--flows; sudh--of nectar; arnavni--an ocean; jayanti--all glories; tni--cooling; tava--)our; smitni--smiles& All glories to 7our #ooling smiles ($i#$ are an o3er&lo(ing o#ean o& ne#tar destroying all ot$er 0oys (it$ un2roken strams o& t$e elixir o& 2lissE Text 1GG kma santu sahasraa katipaye srasya-dhaureyak kma v kamanyat-parimala-svrjya-baddha-vrat naivaiva vividmahe na ca vaya deva priya brmahe yat satya ramanyat-parinatis tvayy eva pra gat kmam--let there #e; santu--#e; sahasraa--thousands; katipaye--some; srasya-relisha#le sweetness; dhaureyak--finest #earers; kmam--let there #e; v--or; kamanyat--attracti!e #eauty; parimala--fragrance; svrjya--glory; baddha-vrat--those who are steady' fi(ed in !ow; na--not; eva--certainly; evam--with them; vividmahe--5uarrel; na--not; ca--and; vayam--we; deva--7 2ord; priyam--well; brmahe--spea ; yat--that; satyam--truth; ramanyat--attracti!e #eauty' con"ugal #eauty; parinati--perfection; tvayi--in )ou; eva--certainly; pram--to its limit; gat-gone& 9et t$ere 2e t$ousands o& men ($o possess relis$a2le 2eauty and let t$ere 2e t$ousands o& men ($o are steady in t$e glory o& t$e &ragran#e o& attra#ti3eness" 5e s$all neit$er Kuarrel (it$ t$em nor speak (ell o& t$em" Out t$e trut$ : 9ord is t$at in 7ou t$e per&e#tion o& attra#ti3e 2eauty $as rea#$ed its limit" Text 1G1 galad-vr$ lol madana-vinit gopa-vanit mada-sphta gta kimapi madhur cpala-dhur samujjmbh gumbh madhurima-kir mda-gir tvayi sthne jte dadhati capala janma saphalam galat--destroyed; vr$--shyness; lol--restless; madana--with lo!e' #y Cupid; vinit--made hum#le; gopa--vanit--the cowherd men,s wi!es; mada--lustful

passion; sphtam--swollen; gtam--songs; kimapi--ineffa#le; madhur--sweetness; cpala--fri!olity; dhur--e(cess; samujjmbh--fully elated; gumbh--stringing a garland; madhurima--sweetness; kirm--scattering' spreading; mda--my; girm-words; tvayi--in )ou; sthne--situated; jte--achie!ement; dadhati--gotten; capalam-transient; janma--of #irth; saphalam--fruit& : Ka 2eing situated in 7ou t$e &ollo(ing t$ings $a3e a#$ie3ed t$e &ruit o& t$ier transient existen#esP t$e (i3es o& t$e #o($erd men ($o 2e#ome restless t$eir s$yness destroyed and ($o turn $um2le (it$ lo3e &or 7ouL songs ($i#$ 2e#ome s(ollen (it$ passionL 7our ex#ess o& &ri3olity ($i#$ 2e#omes 3ery s(eetL and my &ully elated (ords ($i#$ s#atter s(eetness 2y stringing a garland ?o& 3erses a2out 7ou@" Text 1G1 bhuvana bhavana vilsin rs tanayas tmara-ssanah smara ca paricra-parampar surendrs tad api tvac-carita vibho vicitram bhuvanam--uni!erse; bhavanam--()our) a#ode; vilsin--consort; r--2a /m' the goddess of fortune; tanaya--son; tmara--lotus; ssana--he who sits on (i&e&' =rahm@); smara--Cupid (Pradyumna); ca--also; paricra--attendants; parampar-series of; sura--indr--the demigods, leaders; tat--all of that; api--although; tvat-)our; caritam--pastimes (here in -ra"a); vibho--7 2ord; vicitram--!ery wonderful& : 9ord alt$oug$ t$e entire uni3erse is 7our a2ode 9akm is 7our #onsort 9ord Ora$mR and %radyumna and 7our sons and t$e #$ie&s o& t$e demigods are 7our attendants still 7our pastimes ?$ere in ;ra0a@ are most (onder&ul" Text 1G4 devas trilok-saubhgyakastur-tilak"kura jyd vraj"ganna"gakeli-llita-vibhrama deva--to the 2ord; trilok--of the three worlds; saubhgya--#eneficent; kastur-mus ; tilaka--tila a; a"kura--mar s (on the forehead); jyt--all glories; vraja-a"gan---ra"a,s #eautiful--lim#ed ones (i&e&' the mil maids); ana"ga--4the #odiless one4 (i&e&' Cupid); keli--sports; llita--"oy' pleasure; vibhrama--encouraged' increased& All glories to Ka t$e most 2ene&i#ent in all t$e t$ree (orlds ($ose &ore$ead is marked (it$ musk-tilaka and ($ose lo3e and 0oy are in#reased 2y t$e lo3e-sprots o& ;ra0a6s milkmaidsE Text 1G8 premada ca me kmada ca me

vedana ca me vaibhava ca me jvana ca me jvita ca me daivata ca me deva n %param premadam--gi!er of 1is lo!e; ca--and; me--for me; kmadam--fulfiller of desire; ca--and; me--for me; vedanam-- nowledge; ca--and; me--my; vaibhavam--power' wealth; ca--and; me--my; jvanam--cause of life' !ital energy; ca--and; me--my; jvitam--!ery life; ca--and; me--my; daivatam--god; ca--and; me--for me; deva--7 2ord; na--none; aparam--other& : 9ord 7ou and 7ou alone are my (ors$ip&ul Seity gi3er o& lo3e &ul&iller o& desire" 7ou alone are my kno(ledge my po(er and (ealt$ my 3ital &or#e and my 3ery li&e" Text 1G> mdhuryea vivardhant vco nas tava vaibhave cpalyena vijmbhant cint nas tava aiave mdhuryea--with sweetness; vivardhantm--increasing power; vco--words; na-our; tava--)our; vaibhave--wealth' #eauty; cpalyen--with eagerness; vijmbhantm-swell; cint--thoughts; na--our; tava--)our; aiave--childhood& : 9ord let our (ords 2e empo(ered to s(eetly des#ri2e 7our 2eauty and let our t$oug$ts s(ell (it$ eagerness ($en d(elling on 7our #$ild$ood" Text 1GA yni tvac-caritmtni rasanlehyni dhanytman ye v aiava-cpala-vyatikar ,dhvarodhonmukh y v bhvita-veu-gta-gatayo ll mukhmbhoruhe dhr-vhikay vahantu hdaye tny eva tny eva me yni--those which; tvat--)our; carita--of pastimes; amtni--nectar; rasan-tongues; alehyni--tasted; dhany--#lessed' fortunate; tmanm--sourls; ye--those; v--or; aiava--childhood; cpala--fri!olities; vyatikar--pran s; ,dh--of %dh; avarodha--o#struction; unmukh--laying in wait; y--those; v--or; bhvita--)our; veu--gta--flute--song; gatayah--modulations; ll--sporti!e gestures; mukha--face; ambhoruhe--lotus; dhr--flow; vhikay--#earing of the flow continuously; vahantu-let there #e; hdaye--heart; tni--those; eva--certainly; tni--those; eva--certainly; me--my& 9et t$ere e3er &lo( in my $eart t$e ne#tarous pastimes tasted 2y t$e tongues o& 2lessed &ortunate soulsL 7our mis#$ie3ous #$ild$ood pranks -su#$ as laying in (ait to o2stru#t .d$/L and t$e sporti3e gestures o& 7our lotus &a#e inspired 2y 7our rippling &lute-song" Text 1GC

bhaktis tvayi sthiratar bhagavan yadi syd daivena na phalati divya-kiora-mrti mukti svaya mukulitjali sevate %smn dharmrtha-kma-gataya samaya-pratkh bhakti--de!otional ser!ice; tvayi--unto )ou; sthiratar--fi(ed--up; bhagavan--7 2ord; yadi--if; syt--it may #e; daivena--as destiny; na--unto us; phalati--#ears the fruit; divya--transendental; kiora--mrti--the youthful form of +./a; mukti-li#eration; svayam--personally; mukulita--ajali--standing with folded hands; sevate--renders ser!ice; asman--unto us; dharma--religiosity; artha--economic de!elopment; kma--sense gratification; gataya--the final goals; samaya--near#y; pratk--e(pecting& : 9ord i& < am engaged in &irm de3otional ser3i#e to 7ou t$en < #an 3ery easily per#ei3e 7our di3ine yout$&ul &orm" And as &ar as li2eration is #on#erned s$e stands at my door (it$ &olded $ands (aiting to ser3e me and all material #on3enien#es o& religiosity e#onomi# de3elopment and sense grati&i#ation stand (it$ $er" Text 1GD jaya jaya jaya deva deva deva tribhuvana-ma"gala-divya-nmadheya jaya jaya jaya deva kna deva ravaa-mano-nayanmtyvatra jaya--all glories; jaya--all glories; jaya--all glories; deva--7 2ord; deva--7 2ord; deva--7 2ord; tribhuvana--the three world; ma"gala--auspicious; divya--di!ine; nmadheya--name; jaya--all glories; jaya--all glories; jaya--all glories; deva--7 2ord; ! a--7 +./a; deva--7 2ord; ravaa--the ear; mana--the mind; nayana--the eye; amta--nectar; avatra--an incarnation& All glories all glories all glories to 7ou : 9ord ($ose $oly name is auspi#ious &or all t$ree (orldsE All glories all glories all glories to 7ou 9ord KaE 7ou are t$e in#arnation ($o are ne#tar &or t$e ear mind and eyes" Text 1GF tubhya nirbhara-hara-vara-vivavea-sphutvir-bhavadbh+yua-cpala-bhiteu sukt bhveu nirhsine rmad-gokula-ma$anya manas vc ca dre sphuran mdhuryaika-mahravya mahase kasmai cid asmai nama tubhyam--to )ou; nirbhara--e(cess; hara--delight; vara--deluge; viva-spontaneous' unrestrained; vea--to cause; sphyta--manifest; virbhavad--)ou manifest; bhya--repeated; cpala--agitations; bhiteu--ornamented; suktm-!ery pious souls; bhveu--emotional states; nirbhsine--shine forth; rmat-glorious; gokula--Go ula; ma$anya--)ou adorn; manasm--mind; vcm--speech; ca--and; dre--#eyond; sphuran--shining; mdhurya--sweetness' lo!ing tenderness;

eka--e(clusi!e; maha--aravaya--great ocean; mahase--glory; kasmai--whate!er; cit-that Cspiriutal energyD (9); asmai--3; nama--o#eisances& < 2o( do(n to 7ou Ka ($o s$ine &ort$ in t$e e#stati# states o& t$ose 3ery pious souls adorned (it$ repeated agitations o##asioned 2y a spontaneous deluge o& ex#essi3e trans#endental delig$t" < 2o( to 7ou ($o are t$e ornament o& glorious 'okula and ($o are t$e uniKue o#ean o& s(eet lo3ing tenderness glo(ing in t$e distan#e 2eyond (ords and t$oug$t" To 7ou to ($ate3er glory 7ou em2ody < 2o( do(n" Text 11G na-deva-cara-bharaena nvdmodara-sthira-yaa stabakodgamena llukena racita tava ! a deva karmta vahatu kalpa-atntare %pi na--deva--the 2ord; cara--the feet; bharaena--with adornments; nv-wealth' capital; dmodara--of E@modara; sthira--lasting; yaa--fame; stabhaka-#ou5uet; udgamena--with the production; llukena--#y 2l@Bu a (=il!ama>gala Fh@ ura); racitam--composed; tava--for )our; ! a--7 +./a; deva--7 2ord; kara--amtam--the ear,s nectar (nectar for the ears of +./a); vahatu--may it flow' may it continue to e(ist; kalpa--a day of =rahm@; ata--antare--for one hundred; api--indeed& 5it$ t$e produ#tion o& t$is 2ouKuet o& 3erses ($i#$ $as t$e lasting &ame o& SRmodara as its #apital and ($i#$ adorns ,Rnade3a6s lotus &eet 9lR,uka $as (ritten a2out 7ou : 9ord Ka t$is ne#tar &or 7our ears" Bay it #ontinue to &lo( -to 2e $eard #$anted and sung/ &or one $undred days o& Ora$mR" Text 111 dhanyn sarasnulpa-sara-saurabhyam abhyasyat karn vivareu km api sudhvst#i duhna muhu ramyn sud mano-nayanayor magnasya devasya na karn vacas vijmbhitam aho ! asya karmtam dhanynm--the fortunate souls; sarasa--with sweetness; anulpa--poetic; sara-wa!es; saurabhyam--fragrance; abhyasyatm--repeat; karnm--of the ears; vivareu--the holes; km api--indescri#a#le; sudh--nectar; v#im--shower; duhnam--pours; muhu--repeatedly; ramynm--the mil maids; sudm--with #eautiful eyes; mana--in the minds; nayanayo--eyes' magnasya--sun ; devasya--of the 2ord; na--us; karnm--ears; vacasm--!oices; vijmbhitam--surges; aho--oh; ! asya--of +./a; kara--amtam--nectar for the ears& .epeatedly pouring an indes#ri2a2le s$o(er o& ne#tar into t$e ear-$oles o& t$ose &ortunate souls ($o relis$ t$roug$ repetition t$e &ragran#e o& its (a3es o& poeti# s(eetness t$is ne#tar &o t$e ears o& Ka ($o is sunk deep in t$e minds and eyes o& t$e 2eauti&ul-eyed milkmaids -and in ours/ surges in 3oi#es and ears"

Text 111 anugraha-dvigua-vila-locanair anusmaran mdu-mural-ravmtai yato yata prasarati me vilocana tatas tata sphurau tavaiva vaibhavam anugraha--with mercy; dvigua--dou#ly; vila--e(panded; locanaih--eyes; anusmaran--constant remem#rance; mdu--gentle' soft; mural--flute; rava--low sounds; amtai--nectar; yata--where!er; yata--where!er; prasarati--wanders; me--my; vilocanam--!ision; tata tata--there; sphuratu--)ou may manifest; tava-)our; eva--certainly; vaibhavam--#eauty' sweetness' wealth& : Ka al(ays remem2ering t$e ne#tarous lo( so&t sounds o& 7our &lute as (ell as 7our eyes dou2ly expanded (it$ mer#y < pray t$at ($ere3er my sig$t s$all (ander 7ou (ill al(ays mani&est 7our 2eauty s(eetness and opulen#e 2e&ore me"

r-! a-karmta sampta r-! a-karmtam-the nectar for +./a,s ears (the literary wor name); sampta-ends& r-Ka-karRmta ends $ere" #y that

- "-> -B .r - G

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