Krishna Karnamrita
Krishna Karnamrita
Krishna Karnamrita
Text 4 cturyaika-nidna-sma-capalp"ga-ccha#-manthara lvaym ta-vci-lolita-d a lakm-katkd tam klind-pulin"gana-praayina kmvatr"kura blanlam amvaya mahurima-svrjyam rdhnuma cturya--amica#leness' amorous resti!eness; eka--only; nidna--cause of e(istence; sma--limit; capala--flic ering; ap"ga--sidelong glances; ccha#--the many; mantharam--#ecomes or ma es languid; lvaya--#eauty; am ta--nectar; vci--wa!es; lolita--mo!ing; d am--eyes; lakm--%adharani; katka--sidelong glances; ad tam--attenti!ely worshiped; klind--the )amun (daughter of *ount +alinda); pulina--the #an ; a"gana--the mil maids; praayinam--en"oys pastimes with; kma--supramundane lo!e; avatra--the incarnation; a"kuram--source or root; blam--adolescent #oy; nlam--dar #lue; am--is; vaya--#y us; madhurima--lo!e,s sweetness; svrjyam--unrestricted dominion; rdhnuma--worshiped& 5e (ors$ip t$at dark 2luis$ young 2oy in ($om #ulminate t$e prin#ipal stimuli &or amorous lo3e ($o #auses .d$ to 2e#ome languid (it$ t$e 2eauty o& )is dan#ing sidelong glan#es and ($o in turn 2e#omes languid (it$ lo3e ($en r .d$ and )er &riends #ast t$eir sidelong glan#es at )im" T$at 2oy6s 2eauty like (a3es o& ne#tar engenders an extreme t$irst in t$e eyes o& .d$ and )er #ompanions and #on3ersely t$eir ne#tarous 2eauty makes )im t$irsty to see t$em" )e is a&&e#tionately (ors$iped 2y .d$6s (ist&ul glan#es and )e en0oys lo3ing pastimes (it$ .d$ and )er &riends on t$e 2ank o& t$e 7amun" 5e (ors$ip t$at young 2luis$ 2oy t$e sour#e o& t$e god o& lo3e ($o $as attained un#$allenged dominion o3er lo3e6s s(eetness" Text 8 barhottasa-vilsa-kuntala-bhara mdhurya-magnnana pronmlan-nava-yauvana pravilasad veu-pradm tam pna-stana-ku$albhir abhito gopbhir rdhita jyoti cetasi na cakstu jagatm ekbhirmdbhutam bharottasa--peacoc feather; vilsa--charming; kuntala--loc of hair; bharam-wearing; mdhurya--sweetness; magna--steeped; nanam--face; pronmlat-manifesting; nava--fresh; yauvanam--youthfulness; pravilasat--shining forth #rightly' re!ealing itself; veu--of the flute; pranda--murmur or sound of rapture; am tam-nectar; pna--udderli e; stana--#reasts; ku$malbhi--with #uds; abhitah--on all sides; gopbhi--the mil maids of -ra"a; rdhitam--adore' worship; jyoti--the effulgence' i&e&' +./a; cetasi--in our hearts; na--of us; cakstu--let it shine; jagatm--in the uni!erse; eka--the only; abhirma--en"oyer or source of en"oyment; adbhutam--wonderful' ama0ing& 9et t$e e&&ulgen#e personi&ied -i"e" Ka/ s$ine (it$in our $earts" )e is (earing a 2rig$t pea#o#k plume on )is $ead )is &a#e is steeped in s(eet 2eauty )is &res$ yout$&ulness is 2ursting &ort$ and )is &lute is pouring out murmuring ne#tarous sounds o& rapture" :n all sides t$e milkmaids o& ;ra0a ($o $a3e 2looming 2udlike 2reasts (ors$ip )im in adoration" <ndeed )e is ama=ingly t$e only en0oyer and t$e only sour#e o& en0oyment in t$e entire uni3erse"
Text > madhuratara-smitm ta-vimugdha-mukhmburuha mada-ikhi-picha-lchita-manoja-kaca-pracayam viaya-vimia-grasana-g dhnuni cetasi me vipula-vilocana kim api dhma cakstu ciram madhuratara--!ery sweet; smita--smiles; am ta--the nectar; vimugdha--!ery charming; mukha--the face; amburuham--the lotus; mada--proud; ikhi--peacoc ; picha--feather; lchita--decorated; manoja--charming' pleasing; kaca--loc s of hair; pracayam--profusion; viaya--that which #inds the mind; either worldly o#"ects of attachment or +./a 1imself; via--poison' or pain of separation from +./a; amia--meat' or any co!eted thing; grasana--to swallow; g dhnuni--greedy; cetasi-mind; me--my; vipula--wide' li e long lotus petals; vilocanam--eyes; kim api-indescri#a#le; dhma--em#odiment of #rightness; cakstu--let it shine; ciram-fore!er& r Ka6s eyes are long like petals o& a 2looming lotus and )is 3ery #$arming lotuslike &a#e is made all t$e more #$arming 2y )is extremely 2eauti&ul and s(eet ne#tarous smiles" )is pro&use #urling lo#ks look delig$t&ul (it$ t$eir de#oration o& a proud pea#o#k6s tail-&eat$er" 9et )im t$e em2odiment o& all e&&ulgen#e &ore3er s$ine (it$in my $eart ($i#$ is -out(ardly/ greedy &or t$e poisonous meat o& sense o20e#ts ?or -in(ardly/ greedy &or t$e 2eauty o& r Ka a 2eauty t$at 2inds t$e de3otee6s mind and #auses 2urning pain at t$e time o& separation &rom )im"@ Text A mukulya-mna-nayanmbuja vibhor mural-ninda-makaranda-nirbharam mukuryamna-m du-ga$a-ma$ala mukha-pa"kaja manasi me vij mbhitm mukulya--#uds; mna--resem#ling; nayana--eyes; ambujam--lotus; vibho--of the 2ord; mural--flute; ninda--sound; makaranda--nectar' honey; nirbharam--full of; mukurya--mirror; mna--resem#ling; m du--delicate; ga$a--of the chee s; ma$alam--the or#s; mukha--face; pakajam--the lotus; manasi--heart' mind; me-my; vij mbhitm--open within& Bay t$e lotus o& my 9ord6s &a#e 2lossom (it$in ?t$e lake o&@ my mind" T$e eyes o& t$at &a#e resem2le lotus 2uds 2eing $al&-#losed and t$e deli#ate mirrorlike or2s o& its #$eeks are pu&&ed (it$ t$e ne#tarous $oney o& t$e &lute-sound" Text C kamanya-kiora-mugdha-mrte kala-venu-kvaitd tnanendo mama vci vij mbhit murrer madhurima kai-kpi kpi kpi
kamanya--enrapturing; kiora--adolescent; mugdha--artless; mrte--the figure; kala--medodies; veu--flute; kvanita--sounding; ad ta--worshiped; nana--face; indo--the moon; mama--my; vci--words; vij mbhitm--let there #e e(presse(; murre--who is irreproacha#le and !ery #eautiful' or the enemy of the *ura demon; madhurima--of the sweet #eauty; kani--a small particle; ka api--e!en a particle; ka api--of a particle; ka api--of a particle& 9et my (ords express e3en a tiny parti#le o& a parti#le o& a parti#le o& t$e lus#ious 2eauty o& Burri ($ose artless adoles#ent &igure enraptures me and ($ose moon-&a#e is (ors$iped 2y t$e so&t melodies o& )is &lute" Text D mada-ikha$i-ikha$a-vibhaa madana-manthara-mugdha-mukhmbujam vraja-vadh-nayanjana-rajita vijayat mama v"maya-jvitam mada--of the impassioned; ikha$i--peacoc ; ikha$a--the feathers; vibhaam--decorated; madana--Cupid' or lo!e; manthara--languid; mugdha-charming' artless; mukha--face; ambujam--lotus; vraja-vadh--the wi!es of -ra"a (the mil maids); nayana--from the eyes; ajana--collyrium; rajitam--decorated; vijayatm--all glories; mama--my; v"maya--of words; jvitam--the life& All glories to ?Ka@ t$e li&e o& my (ordsE T$e #ollyrium &rom t$e eyes o& t$e young girls o& ;ra0a de#orates )is #$arming lotus &a#e ($i#$ is languid (it$ lo3e and an impassioned pea#o#k6s &eat$er adorns )is $ead" Text F pallavrua-pi-pa"kaja-sa"gi-veu-ravkula phulla-p#ala-p#al-parivdi-pda-saroruham ullasan-madhurdhara-dyuti-majar-sarasnana ballav-kuca-kumbha-ku"kuma-pa"kila prabhum raye pallava--li e twigs; arua--reddish; pi--hands; pa"kaja--lotus; sa"gi--in contact; veu--flute; rava--sound; kulam--agitated; phulla--fully #lossomed; p#ala--#lossom; p#ali--the p#al flower; parivdi--reproach; pda--feet; saroruham--lotus; ullasan-"oyful; madhura-adhara--of sweet lips; dyuti--the glow; majar--#lossoms; sarasa-amia#le' luscious; nanam--face; ballav--of the mil maids; kuca--#reasts; kumbha-pitcherlli e; ku"kuma-- un uma powder; pa"kilam--muddied up; prabhum--the 2ord; raye--3 ta e shelter& < take s$elter o& t$e 9ord ?Kra@ ($o 2e#omes agitated (it$ passion ($en )e $ears t$e sound o& )is o(n &lute $eld in )is lotus $ands ($i#$ resem2le ne(ly sprouted reddis$ t(igs" )is lotus &eet reproa#$ &ully 2lossomed pal &lo(ers (it$ t$eir 2eauty and )is amia2le &a#e sends &ort$ 2lossoms o& 2rillian#e &rom )is delig$t&ully s(eet lips" )e is smeared (it$ t$e kukuma po(der &rom t$e milkmaids6 pit#$erlike 2reasts"
Text 1G ap"ga-rekhbhir abha"gurbhir ana"ga-rekh-rasa-rajitbhi anukaa ballava-sundarbhir abhyarcyamna vibhum rayma ap"ga--from the corners of the eyes; rekhbhi--direct glances; abha"gurbhir-un#ro en; ana"ga--Cupid (4the #odiless one4); rekh--direct; rasa--with emotion; rajitbhi--ruddy; anukaam--at e!ery moment; ballava--of the cowherd men; sundarbhih--the #eauties (i&e&' the mil maids of -ra"a); abhyarcyamnam--who is always worshiped; vibhum--of the 2ord; rayma--3 ta e shelter& < take s$elter o& my 9ord ?Ka@ ($om t$e 2eauti&ul milkmaids (ors$ip at e3ery moment (it$ un2roken sidelong glan#es &rom eyes tinged red (it$ passion" Text 11 h daye mama h dya-vibhram h daya hara-vila-lola-netram tarua vraja-bla-sundarn tarala kicana dhma sannidhattm h daye--to the heart; mama--my; h dya--in the hearts; vibhramm--confusions; h dayam-- nower of the hearts (of the mil maids); hara--e(treme pleasure; vila--wide open; lola--wantonly restless; netram--the eyes; taruam--a youth; vraja--of -rnda!ana; bla--young; sundarnm--of #eautiful women; taralam-mo!ing to and fro' or the central gem of a nec lace; kicana--ine(pressi#le; dhma--effulgence; sannidhattm--come near& 9et t$at e&&ulgent yout$ ?Ka@ #ome near to my $eart" )is (antonly restless (ideopen eyes are &ull o& 0oy and 2eing &ully a(are o& t$e $earts o& t$e 2eauti&ul young girls o& ;ra0a )e &ills t$em (it$ t$e &luttering #on&usions o& lo3e" HH)e is &i#kle yet )e is like t$e #entral 0e(el in t$e ne#kla#e o& t$e milkmaids" Text 11 nikhila-bhuvana-lakm-nitya-llspadbhy kamala-vipina-vth-garva-sarva kabhym praamad-abhaya-dna-prau$hi-g$hd tbhy kim api vahatu ceta k a-pdmbujbhym nikhila--all; bhuvana--the worlds; lakm--#eauties (i&e&' the mildmaids); nitya-eternal; ll--pastimes; padbhym--home; kamala--lotus; vipina--vth--thic ets or clusters; garva--pride; sarvam--all; kabhym--#rea down; praamad--those who #ow down (i&e&' 1is de!otees); abhaya--fearlessness; dna--gi!ing; prau$hi-assurance; g$ha--e(cessi!ely; ad tbhym--worshiped; kim api--something in e(pressi#le' ine(pressi#le #liss; vahatu--attain; ceta--my mind; k a--of +./a; pda--the feet; ambujbhym--lotus&
9et my mind attain some inexpressi2le 2eati&i# 2liss &rom ?t$inking o&@ Ka6s lotus &eet ($i#$ are t$e $ome o& t$e eternal pastimes o& t$e most 2eauti&ul maidens in all t$e (orlds ($i#$ destroy t$e pride o& ($ole #lusters o& lotuses and ($i#$ are $ig$ly esteemed &or t$eir great eagerness in pro3iding sa&ety &or t$e 9ord6s $um2le de3otees" Text 14 praaya-pariatbhy r-bharlambanbhy prati-pada-lalitbhy pratyaha ntanbhym prati-muhur adhikbhy prasphural-locanbhy pravahatu h daye na pra-ntha kiora praaya--#y lo!e (for %dh); pariatbhym--#ecome full' de!eloped; r--of #eauty; bhara--e(cessi!e; alambanbhym--the a#ode; prati--e!ery; pada--step; lalitbhym--ac5uired charm and elegance; prati--e!ery; ahan--day; ntanbhym-fresh' no!el; prati--e!ery; muhu--moment; adhikbhym--more and more; prasphuram--spar ling; locanbhym--the eyes; pravahatu--continue to attain (a place); h daye--in hearts; na--of us; pra--of life; ntha--the 2ord; kiora--the fresh youth (+./a)& Bay t$e 9ord o& our li&e t$at young 2oy ?Ka@ s$ine in#essantly (it$in our $earts" )is eyes &ull o& lo3e &or .d$ are t$e a2ode o& in&inite 2eauty" I3ery day t$ey appear ne(er and ne(er at e3ery step t$ey in#rease t$eir #$arm and elegan#e and at e3ery moment t$ey sparkle more and more 2rilliantly" Text 18 mdhurya-vridhi-madmbu-tara"ga-bha"gi "gra-sa"kulita-ta-kiora-veam manda-hsa-lalitnana-candra-bimbam nanda-samplavam anu plavat mano me mdhurya--of sweetness; vridhi--ocean; mada--passion; ambu--water; tara"ga-wa!es; bha"gi--#rea ing; "gra--passionate ecstasy; sa"kulita--distress; ta--cools; kiora--of a youth; veam--the appearance; manda--!ery mild; hsa--#y the smile; lalita--sweetened' made charming; nana--face; candra--moon; bimbam--the or#; nanda--#liss; samplavam--a flood; anu--along; plavatm--may float; mana--mind; me--of me& Bay my mind &loat along in t$e &lood o& 2liss emanating &rom Ka6s moonlike &a#e made #$arming 2y a 3ery mild smile" Ka $as t$e appearan#e o& a young 2oy and 2eauti&ied 2y t$e (a3es o& )is passionate e#stasy 2reaking in t$e o#ean o& s(eetness )e soot$es all distress" Text 1> avyja-majula-mukhmbuja-mugdha-bhvair svdyamna-nija-veu-vinoda-ndam kr$atm arua-pda-saroruhbhym
rdre madya-h daye bhuvanrdram oja avyja--open' not deceitful; majula--lo!ely; mukha--face; ambuja--lotus; mugdha-amia#le' charming' artless; bhvai--emotions' ecstasies; svdymna--eagerly tasted; nija--1is own; veu--flute; vinoda--playing; ndam--sound; dr$atm--may it play; arua--reddish; pda--feet; saroruhbhym--#y the lotus; rdre--moistened; madya--my; h daye--in the heart; bhuvana--the uni!erse; rdram--moistening; oja--force (of the o!erflowing current of #liss emanating from +./a,s moonli e face)& 9et t$e &or#e ?o& t$e &lood o& 2liss emanating &rom Ka6s &a#e@ ($i#$ saturates t$e ($ole uni3erse play (it$in my $eart ($i#$ is moistened 2y #onta#t (it$ Ka6s lotus &eet 2y t$e display o& #$arming artless emotions on )is open lo3ely lotus &a#e and 2y t$e melody o& )is &lute ($i#$ is relis$ed 2y .d$" Text 1A mai-npura-vcla vande tac caraa vibho lalitni yadyni lakmi vraja-vthiu mai--"eweled; n6pura--an lets; vclam--sound' tin le; vande--3 #ow down; tad-those; caraam--the feet; vibho--of the 2ord; lalitni--decorate; yadyni--whose; lakmi--the mar s (of the feet); vraja--of -.nd!ana; vthiu--the paths& < 2o( do(n to t$e &eet o& 9ord Ka ($ose 0e(eled anklets tinkle and ($ose &ootprints de#orate t$e pat$s o& ;ra0a" Text 1C mama cetasi sphuratu vallav-vibhor mai-npura-praayi maju ijitam kamal-vanecara-kalinda-kanyakkalahasa-ka#ha-kala-kjitd tam mama--in my; cetasi--mind; sphuratu--let there #y manifested; vallav--of the mil maids; vibho--the master; mai--"eweled; npura--an lets; praayi--pro!ided with; maju--sweet; sijitam--"ingling; kamal--of +amal (%dha); vanecara--lotus-filled ponds; kalinda--kanyak--the daughter of *ount +alinda (i&e&' the )amuna %i!er); kalahasa--white swans; ka#ha--in the throats; kala--war#ling cries; kujita-melodious; ad tam--worshiped' accorded welcome& Bay t$e s(eet 0ingling o& t$e 0e(led anklets o& Ka t$e master o& t$e milkmaids 2e mani&est in my mind" Kamal6s ?.d$6s@ ($ite s(ans s(imming in t$e lotus-&illed ponds o& t$e 7amun a##ord t$at s(eet 0ingling a (arm (el#ome (it$ t$e melodious (ar2ling &rom t$eir t$roats" Text 1D
tarurua-karumaya-vipulyata-nayana kamal-kuca-kala-bhara-vipul-k ta-pulakam mural-rava-taral-k ta-muni-mnasa-nalina mama khelatu mada-cetasi madhurdharam am tam tarua--li e the sun; arua--red; karumaya--full of compassion; vipulyata-#road' wide open; nayanam--eyes; kamal--%dh; kuca--#reasts; kalai--pitcherli e; bhara--hea!y; vipul--pressing; k ta--caused; pulakam--standing of the hairs on end; mural--flute; rava--sound; taral--loose' li5uified; k ta--made; muni--of the sages; mnasa--the minds; malinam--lotuses; mama--my; khelatu--play; mada--into(icated with glee; cetasi--mind; madhura--sweet; adharam--lips; am tam--(filled with) nectar& Bay Ka6s ne#tar-&illed s(eet lips play in my mind intoxi#ated (it$ delig$t" )is 2road eyes reddis$ like t$e rising sun are &ull o& #ompassion )is $air is standing on end 2e#ause o& tou#$ing Kamal6s ?.d$6s@ $ea3y pit#$erlike 2reasts and )e $as melted t$e lotuslike $earts o& t$e sages (it$ t$e sound o& )is &lute" Text 1F mugdham ardha-nayanmbuja-cumbyamnaharkula-vraja-vadh-madhurnanendo rabdha-veu-ravam rta-kiora-mrter virbhavantu mama cetasi ke %pi bhv mugdham--of the completely charming one; ardha--half-closed; nayana--eyes; ambuja--lotus; cumbyamna--as if issing; hara--with "oy; kula--agitated; vrajavadh--the wi!es of -ra"a (i&e&' the mil maids); madhura--sweetly #eautiful; nana-faces; indo--moon; rabdha--commencement; veu--flute; ravam--sounding; rta-assumed; kiora--youth; mrte--form; virbhavantu--may there appear; mama--in my; cetasi--mind; ke api--some; bhv--ecstatic states& Bay t$ere appear in my mind some o& t$e e#stati# states o& 3ery #$arming r Ka" As )e glan#es at t$e milkmaids6 s(eet moonlike &a#es agitating t$em (it$ 0oy )e seems to 2e kissing t$em (it$ )is $al&-#losed eyes" As )e 2egins sounding )is &lute )e assumes t$e attitude o& an adoles#ent yout$" Text 1G kala-kvaita-ka"kaa kara-niruddha-ptmbara klama-pras ta-kuntala galita-barha-bha vibho puna prak ti-cpala praayi-bhuj-yantrita mama sphuratu mnase madana-keli-ayyotthitam kala--soft sound; kvaita--sounding; ka"kaam--#racelets; kara--#y the hand; niruddha--grasped; pta--yellow; ambaram--cloth; klama--fatigue; pras ta-dishe!eled; kuntalam--hair; galita--slips; barha--peacoc ; bham--plume; vibho--of the 2ord; puna--again; prak ti--natures; cpalam--fic le; praayi--of the #elo!ed; bhuj--#y the arms; yantritam--held; mama--my; sphuratu--let it manifest; mnase--in the mind; madana--amorous; keli--play' pastimes; ayya--the #ed; utthitam--rising&
Bay t$ere a(aken in my mind a 3ision o& t$e 9ord arising &rom t$e 2ed o& amorous play" T$e 2ra#elets o& .d$ and Ka tinkle so&tly and Ka6s yello( #lot$ is grasped 2y T$em 2ot$" T$eir $air is dis$e3eled &rom &atigue and Ka6s pea#o#k plume slips &rom )is $air" Again T$eir &i#kle play&ul natures mani&est and at last .d$ $olds Ka (it$ )er arms" Text 11 stoka-stoka-nirudhyamna-m dula-prasyandi-manda-smita premodbheda-nirargala-pras mara-pravyakta-romodgamam rotu rotra-mano-hara vraja-vadh-ll-mitho-jalpita mithy-svpam upsmahe bhagavata kr$ni-mlad-d a stoka-stoka--drop #y drop; nirudhyamna--although held #ac ' or as if held #ac ; m dula--softly' gently; prasyandi--oo0es; manda--gentle; smitam--smile; prema-transcendental lo!e; udbheda--rising; nirargala--unchec a#le; pras mara--streaming forth; pravyakta--e!ident; roma--hair standing on end; udgamam--appearing; rotum--in order to hear; rotra--to the ear; mana--the mind; haram--pleasing; vraja--vadh--the wi!es of -ra"a (i&e&' the mil maids); ll--playful; mitha--mutual; jalpitam--tal s; mithy--false; svpam--sleep; upsmahe--we worship; bhagavata--the 2ord; kr$ni--playfully; mlan--closed; d a--with eyes& 5e (ors$ip 9ord Ka ($o is mis#$ie3ously keeping )is eyes #losed pretending to sleep in order to $ear t$e milkmaids6 play&ul talks ($i#$ are so pleasing to t$e ear and mind" T$oug$ Ka is trying to restrain )imsel& a gentle smile tri#kles &rom )is lips drop 2y drop and )e #annot #$e#k t$e rising tide o& lo3e ($i#$ #auses )is $air to 2egin standing on end" Text 11 vicitra-patr"kura-li-blstanntara yma vanntara v apsya v ndvana-pda-lsyam upsyam anya na vilokayma vicitra--drawn decorations; patra--with lea!es; a"kura--with sprouts; li-resplendent; bl--of the young girl (%dh); stana--greasts; antaram--filled with memories; yma--going; vana--the forest; antaram--inside; v--or; apsya--ha!ing disregarded; v ndvana--the forests of -.nd!ana; pda--whose feet; lsyam-dancing' or #eauty; upsyam--o#"ect of worship; anyam--other; na--not; vilokayma--we do see& 5e do not see any o20e#t o& (ors$ip ot$er t$an 9ord Ka ($et$er )e is deeply in t$oug$t remem2ering $o( )e de#orated t$e 2reasts o& t$e resplendent young girl .d$ (it$ pi#tures dra(n (it$ lea3es and sprouts or ($et$er )e is (andering in ;nd3ana Jorest ($i#$ is adorned (it$ t$e 2eauty o& )is dan#idng &eet" Text 14
srdha sam ddhair am tyamnair atyamnair mural-nindai mrdhbhiikta madhurk tn bla kad nma vilokayiye srdham--along with; sam ddhai--fully endowed with musical em#ellishments; am tyamnai--li e nectar; atyamnai--pouring forth; mural--flute; nindai-sound; mrdha--as the head or ing; abhiiktam--uni!ersally ac nowledged; madhura--sweet; k tnm--those with forms; blam--the young #oy (+./a); kad-when; nma--if e!er; vilokayiye--shall 3 see& 5$en o$ ($en s$all < see t$at young 2oy Ka t$e un#$allenged king o& t$ose ($o are exKuisitely 2eauti&ul and ($en s$all < experien#e along (it$ t$at 3ision t$e &looding ne#tar o& )is &lute6s sound endo(ed (it$ t$e topmost musi#al em2ellis$mentsH Text 18 iir-kurute kad nu na ikhi-picch-bharaa iur d o yugala vigalan-madhu-dravasmita-mudr-m dun mukhendun iir--cooling; kurute--perform; kad--when; nu--indeed; na--of us; ikhi-peacoc ; picch--plumes; bharaa--adorned; iu--the child (+./a); d o--of our eyes; yugalam--the pair; vigalan--tric ling; madhu--honey; drava--mild; smita--of the smile; mudr--gesture; m dun--made soft and gentle; mukha--face; indun-moonli e& 5$en (ill t$at #$ild ?Ka@ adorned (it$ pea#o#k plumes soot$e and #ool our eyes (it$ a 3ision o& )is moonlike &a#e im2ued (it$ gentleness 2y t$e tri#kling $oney o& )is tender smilesH Text 1> kruya-karbura-ka#ka-nirkaena truya-savalita-aiava-vaibhavena puat bhuvanam adbhuta-vibhramena r-k a-candra iir-kuru locana me kruya--full of mercy; karbura--colored with !arious tints; ka#ka--from the corners of the eyes; nirkaena--with glances; truya--youth; savalita--touched; aiava--childhood; vaibhavena--with the magnificence; puat--nourishing; bhuvanam--the uni!erse; adbhuta--ama0ing; vibhramena--with playfulness; r-k a--of +./a; candra--7 moon; iir--cool down; kuru--please (do); locanam-eyes; me--my& : moonlike Ka please soot$e and #ool my eyes (it$ 7our sidelong glan#es tinged (it$ mer#yL (it$ t$e magni&i#en#e o& your #$ild$ood tou#$ed 2y yout$L and (it$ 7our (ondrous play&ulness ($i#$ nouris$es t$e ($ole uni3erse"
Text 1A kad v klind-kuvalaya-dala-yma-taral ka#k lakyante kim api karu-vci-nicit kad v kandarpa-pratibha#a-ja#-candra-iir kam apy antas toa dadhati mural-keli-ninad kad--when; v--alas; klind--the )amun; kuvalaya--#lue lotus; dala--petals; yma--#lue; taral--mo!ing to and fro; katk--sidelong glances; lakyante-mar ed #y; kim api--wonderful; karu--mercy or grace; vci--wa!es; nicit--full of; kad--when; v--indeed; kandarpa--of Cupid; pratibha#a--the enemy (i&e&' $i!a); ja#--matted loc s; candra--moon; iir--cooler; kam api--ineffa#le; anta--my heart; toam--"oy; dadhati--gi!e; mural--of the flute; keli--playful; ninad--notes& 5$en (ill Ka #ast upon me )is sidelong glan#es ($i#$ are as dark 2lue as t$e 2lue lotuses gro(ing in t$e 7amun and tremulous (it$ (a3es o& mer#yH And ($en (ill my $eart &ind ine&&a2le 0oy in t$e play&ul notes o& )is &lute ($i#$ are more #ooling t$an t$e moon $eld on t$e $ead o& i3a Cupid6s enemyH Text 1C adhram lokitam rdra-jalpita gata ca gambhra-vilsa-mantharam amandam li"gitam kulonmadasmita ca te ntha vadanti gopik adhram--fic le; lokitam--glances; rdra--tender' witty (4moist4); jalpitam-tal ing; gatam--gait; ca--and; gambhra--profound swell; vilsa--passion; mantharam--slowness; amandam--fast' deep' eager; li"gitam--em#race; kula-distracting' agitating; unmada--intolicating; smitam--smile; ca--and; te--)our; ntha--7 2ord; vadanti--descri#ing; gopik--the mil maids& : 9ord t$e milkmaids are des#ri2ing your &i#kle glan#es your tender (itty talking 7our slo( gait made gra#e&ul 2y t$e s(ell o& deep passion 7our eager em2ra#es and 7our distra#ting agitating intoxi#ating smile" Text 1D astoka-smita-bharam yatyatka niea-stana-m ditm vraj"ganbhi nisma-stabakita-nla-knti-dhra d ysa tribhuvana-sundara mahas te astoka--continuous; smita--smilings; bharam--#earing; yatyata--long and wide; akam--eyes; niea--tightly' completely; stana--#reasts; m ditam-em#raced; vraja-of -ra"a; a"ganbhi-#y the mil maids of -ra"a; nisma-#oundless; stabakitacluster of #lossoms; nla-#lue; knti-of effulgence; dhram-diffusing a flood; drysam-may 3 see; tribhuvana-in the three worlds; sundaram-most magnificently #eautiful; maha-the splendor; te-of )ou&
?:9ord@ please let me see 7our 2odily spendor ($i#$ is t$e most magni&i#ently 2eauti&ul in all t$e t$ree (orlds ($i#$ 2ears 7our #ontinuous smiles and 7our long (ide eyes ($i#$ is tig$tly em2ra#ed 2y t$e milkmaids o& ;ra0a to t$eir 2reasts and ($i#$ di&&uses an endless &lood o& 2luis$ e&&ulgen#e like #lusters o& 2lossoms" Text 1F mayi prasda madhurai katkair va-nindnucarair vidhehi tvayi prasanne kim ih %parair nas tvayy aprasanne kim ih %parair na mayi--to me; prasdam--mercy; madhurai--charming; katkai--with sidelong glances; va--of the flute; ninda--the sounds; anucarai--accompanying' mo!ing with; vidhehi--please grant me; tvayi--#y )ou; prasanne--#lessed; kim ih--what (need); aparai--other' else; na--for us; tvayi--#y )ou; aprasanne--not #lessed; kim ih--what (use); aparai--other' else; na--for us& : 9ord please s$o( me 7our mer#y 2y #asting upon me 7our #$arming sidelong glan#es mo3ing to t$e a##ompaniment o& 7our &lute-song" <& < $a3e 7our 2lessings ($at use are ot$ers6H And i& <6m (it$out 7our 2lessings ($at use are ot$ers6H Text 4G nibaddha-mrdhjalir ea yce nrandhra-dainyonnati-mukta-ka#ha day-nidhe deva bhavat-ka#kadkinya-leena sak n niica nibaddha--fi(ed; mrdha--on the head; ajali--folded palms; ea--this one (3); yce--prays; nrandhra--gapless (constant); dainya--pitia#le misery (i&e&' pain of separation from +./a); unnati--increasing; mukta--opened; ka#ha--throat; day-of mercy; nidhe--7cean; deva--7 2ord; bhavad--)our; katka--sidelong glance; dkinya-- indness; leena--a drop; sak t--once; niica--anoint& < &ix my &olded palms upon my $ead and gi3en 3oi#e 2y my in#reasing #easeless pitia2le misery pray M: 9ord : o#ean o& mer#y please anoint me 0ust on#e (it$ a drop o& kindness &rom 7our sidelong glan#e"M Text 41 picchvatasa-racanocita-kea-pae pna-stan-nayana-pa"kaja-pjanye candrravinda-vijayodyata-vaktra-bimbe cpalyam eti nayana tava aiave na piccha--peacoc feather; avatasa--crown; racana--adorned; ucita--delightful; kea--hair; pae--mass; pna--plump; stan-those who ha!e (plump) #reasts (i&e&' the mil maids); nayana-#y the eyes; pa"kaja-lotus; pjanye-worshiped; candra-
moon; aravinda-lotus; vijaya-defeating; udyata-#egun; vaktra-face; bimbe-or#; cpalyam-resti!e; eti-ha!e #ecome; nayanam-eyes; tava-)our; aiave-childli e form; na-of us& : 9ord our eyes $a3e 2e#ome restless to see 7our #$ildlike &orm (it$ its #lustered lo#ks delig$t&ully adorned (it$ a pea#o#k &eat$er" T$at &orm ($i#$ is (ors$iped 2y t$e 2uxom milkmaids6 lotus eyes possesses a &a#e t$at $as 2egun de&eating t$e 2eauty o& t$e moon and t$e lotus" Text 41* tvac-chaiava tri-bhuvandbhutam ity avehi mac-cpala ca tava v mama vdhigamyam tat ki karomi virala mural-vilsi mugdha mukhmbujam udkitum kabhym tvat--)our; aiavam--early age; tri--bhuvana--within the three worlds; adbhutam-wonderful; iti--thus; avehi-- now; mat--cpalam--*y unsteadiness; ca--and; tava--of )7u; v--or; mama--of *e; v--or; adhigamyam--to #e understood; tat--that; kim-what; karomi--3 do; viralam--in solitude; mural-valas--7player of the flute; mugdham--attracti!e; mukha-ambujam--lotusli e face; udkitum--to see sufficiently; kabhym-#y the eyes& : Ka : &lute-player t$e s(eetness o& 7our early age is (onder&ul (it$in t$ese t$ree (orlds" 7ou kno( By unsteadiness and < kno( 7ours" No one else kno(s a2out t$is" < (ant to see 7our 2eauti&ul attra#ti3e &a#e some($ere in a solitary pla#e 2ut $o( #an t$is 2e a##omplis$edH Text 44 parycitm ta-rasni padrtha-bha"gvalgni valgita-vila-vilocanni blydhikni mada-vallava-bhvinbhir bhve lu#hanti suk t tava jalpitni parycita--a#undantly full of; am ta--nectar; rasni--mellows' feelings of lo!e; pada--artha--witty meanings; bha"g--array' wa!es; valgni--!ery pleasant; valgita-with dancing; vila--wide; vilocanni--eyes; blya--to #oyishness; adhikni--natural; mada--impassioned; vallava--of the cowherd men; bhvinbhi--wi!es; bhve--the state of #eing' heart; luthanti--e(hilarate' stir; suk tm--the luc y' the good; tava-)our; jalpitni--!er#al duels' tal s& : Ka 7our 3er2al duels (it$ t$e impassioned 3i3a#ious milkmaids ex$ilarate t$e $earts o& t$e &ortunate" T$ese talks are &illed (it$ t$e ne#tar o& t$e ex#$anges o& lo3e rendered 3ery pleasant 2y (a3es o& (itty meanings im2ued (it$ 7our natural 2oyis$ness and pun#tuated 2y t$e mo3ements o& 7our (ide dan#ing eyes" Text 48
puna prasannendu-mukhena tejas puro %vatrasya k p-mahmbudhe tad eva ll-mural-ravm ta samdhi-vighnya kad nu me bhavet puna--again; prasanna--spotless; indu--moon; mukhena--of the face; tejas-effulgence; pura--#efore me; avatrasya--appearing; k p--mercy; mah--great; ambudhe--ocean; tad--that; eva--certainly; ll--(e(pressi!e of) pastimes; mural-flute; rava--sound; am tam--nectar; samdhi--meditation' or great disease; vighnya--interrupt' or remo!e; kad--when; nu--certainly' indeed; me--of me; bhavet--will it& :$ ($en (ill Ka t$e great o#ean o& mer#y appear 2e&ore me again (it$ )is spotless e&&ulgent moon-&a#eH And ($en (ill t$e ne#tarous sound o& )is &lute expressi3e o& )is pastimes remo3e my great diseaseH ?or Minterrupt my deep meditationHM@ Text 4> blena mugdha-capalena vilokitena man-mnase kim api cpalam udvahantam lolena locana-rasyanam kaena ll-kioram upaghitum utsuko %smi blena--tender; mugdha--artless' charming; capalena--fic le; viloketena--glances; man--in my; mnase--mind; kim api--indescri#a#le; cpalam--unsteadiness' agitation; udvahantam--produces; lolena--restless' longing; locana--to the eyes; rasyanam--gi!ing pleasure; kaena--with the eyes; ll--playful; koram-adolescent (+./a); upaghitum--em#race; utsuka--!ery eager; asmi--3 am& < am 3ery eager to em2ra#e t$at play&ul young 2oy Ka (it$ my restless longing eyes" )e is delig$t&ul to see and (it$ )is tender artless darting glan#es )e &ills my mind (it$ an indes#ri2a2le agitation" Text 4A adhra--bimbdhara-vibhramena harrdra-veu-svara-sampad ca anena kenpi mono-harea h hanta h hanta mano dunoi adhra--restless; bimba--red' li e a #im#a fruit; adhara--lips; vibhramena--sporti!e mo!ements; hara--glee' "oy; rdra--full of feeling; veu--flute; svara--sound; sampad--e(cellence' glory' a#undance; ca--and; anena kenpi--other such things; mana8--the mind; harea--stealing away (i&e&' !ery attracti!e); h hanta--alas' alas; h hanta--alas' alas; mana--mind; dunoi--)ou are tormenting& : Ka t$e play&ul mo3ements o& 7our restless red lips t$e &lood o& 7our 0oyous &lute sounds and ot$er su#$ en#$antments o& 7ours are alas alas tormenting meE
Text 4C yvan na me mikhila-marma-d dhbhigta nisandhi-bandhanam upaiti na ko %pi tpa tvad vibho bhavatu tvaka-vaktra-candracandrtapa-dvigunit mama citta-dhr yvan--until; na--not; me--of me; nikhila--all; marma--!ital' tender parts; d dha-!iolently; abhightm--stri ing; nisandhi--tight; bandhanam--#onds' tendons or "oints; upaiti--arises' comes a#out; na--not; ka api--some ind of; tpa--torment; tvad--till then; vibho--7 2ord; bhavatu--may )ou; tvaka--)our; vaktra--face; candra--moon; candrtapa--awaning; dvigunit--twofold; mama--my; citta--of consciousness; dhr--current& : 9ord until some terminal disease #omes to strike 3iolently at my 3ital parts and #ripple my lim2s and 0oints may t$e moon o& 7our &a#e 2y t$e dou2le-t$i#k a(ning &or t$e #urrent o& my #ons#iousness ?against t$e 2urning $eat o& separation@" Text 4D yvan na me nara-da daam kuto %pi randhrd upaiti timir-k ta-sarva-bhv lvaya-keli-sadana tava tvad eva lakysam utkvaita-veu mukhendu-bimbam yvat--until; na--not; me--my; nara--of man; da--stage; daam--tenth (4the tenth stage of man'4 death); kuta api--somehow; randhrd--through some flaw; upaiti-attains; timir--in dar ness; k ta--producing; sarva--all; bhv--states of e(istence' or senses; lvaya--of #eauty; keli--os pastimes; sadanam--a#ode; tava--)our; tvat-till then; eva--certainly; lakysam--seen' o#ser!ed (#y me); utkvaita--high sounding; veu--flute; mukha-indu-face li e the moon; bimbam-or#& Till t$e tent$ stage o& man -deat$/ #omes upon me t$roug$ some p$ysi#al de&e#t en3eloping me in total darkness let me e3er see t$e or2 o& 7our moon-&a#e ($i#$ is t$e a2ode o& 2ot$ t$e pastimes o& 2eauty and 7our $ig$-sounding &lute" Text 4F lola-locana-vilokita-keli-dhrnrjitgra-caranai karumbure rdri veu-ninadai pratinda-prair kara-ymi mai-npura-sijitni lola--rolling; locana--eyes; vilokita--the glance; keli--playful; dhr--wa!es; nrjita--illuminated; agra--caranai--the forefeet; karu--of mercy; ambure--the ocean (+./a); rdri--wetted or sweetened; veu--flute; ninadai--sound; pratinda--resonances; prai--full of; dara--ear; ymi--3 gi!e; mai--#e"eweled; npura--an lets; sijitni--tiln ling&
By ear #at#$es t$e tinkling o& t$e 2e0e(elsed anklets o& Ka t$e o#ean o& mer#y" T$at tinkling is s(eetened 2y )is e&&ulgent &ore&eet ($i#$ are re#ei3ing (a3es o& play&ul glan#es &rom )is rolling eyes and 2y t$e &looding resonan#es o& )is &lute-song" Text 8G* he deva he dayita he bhuvanaika-bandho he ! a he capala he daruaika-sindho he ntha he ramaa he nayanbhirma h h kad nu bhavitsi pada d or me he deva--7 lord; he dayita--7 most dear one; he bhuvana--eka--bandho--7 only friend of the uni!erse; he k a--7 2ord +./a; he capala--7 restless one; he karua--eka--sindho--7 only ocean of mercy; he ntha--7 my 2ord; he ramaa--7 my en"oyer; he nayana--abhirma--7most #eautiful to my eyes; h h--alas' alas; kad-when; nu--certainly; bhavitsi--will )ou #e; padam--the dwelling place; d o me--of my !ision& : my 9ordE : dearest oneE : only &riend o& t$e uni3erseE : Ka : restless one : only o#ean o& mer#yE : my 9ord : my en0oyer : 2elo3ed to my eyesE Alas ($en (ill 7:u again 2e 3isi2le to meH Text 81* amny adhanyni dinntari hare tvad-lokanam antarea anrtha-bandho karuaika-sindho h hanta h hanta katha nayami amni--all those; adhanyni--inauspicious; din--antarni--other days; hare--7 may 2ord; tvat--of )ou; lokanam--seeing; antarea--without; antha--bandho-7friend of the helpless; karua--ika--sindho--7 only ocean of mercy; h hanta--alas' alas; h hanta--alas' alas; katha--how; naymi--shall 3 pass& : my 9ord : !upreme %ersonality o& 'od$ead : &riend o& t$e $elplessE 7ou are t$e only o#ean o& mer#yE Oe#ause < $a3e not met 7ou By inauspi#ious days and nig$ts $a3e e#ome un2eara2le" < do not kno( $o( < s$all pass t$e time" Text 81* kim iha k uma kasya brma k ta k ta ay kathayata kathm any dhanym aho h daye aya madhura-madhur-smerkre mano-nayanotsave k pana-k pan k e t cira bata lambate kim--what; iha--here; k uma--shall 3 do; kasya--to whom; brma--shall 3 spea ; k tam--what is done; k tam--done; ay--in the hope; kathayata--please spea ; kathm--words; anym--other; dhanym--auspicious; aho--alas; h daye--within *y heart; aya--lying; madhura--madhur--sweeter than sweetness; smera--smiling;
kre--whose form; mana--nayana--to the mind and eyes; utsave--who gi!es pleasure; k pana--k pan--the #est of misers; k e--for +./a; t --thirst; ciram--at e!ery moment; bata--alas; lambate--is increasing& Alas ($at s$all < doH To ($om s$all < speakH 9et ($ate3er < $a3e done in $opes o& meeting Ka 2e &inis$ed no(" %lease say somet$ing auspi#ious 2ut do not speak a2out Ka" Alas Ka is lying (it$in By $eart like CupidL t$ere&ore $o( #an < possi2ly gi3e up talking o& )imH < #annot &orget Ka ($ose smile is s(eeter t$an s(eetness itsel& and ($o gi3es pleasure to my mind and eyes" Alas my great t$irst &or Ka is in#reasing moment 2y momentE Text 84 bhy vilocanbhym amburuha-vilocana blam dvbhym api parirabdhu dre mama hanta daiva-smagr bhym--far away; vilocanbhym--the sight; amburuha--lotus; vilocanam--with eyes; blam--young #oy (+./a); dvbhym--dou#ly far away; api--e!en; parirabdhum--em#racing; dre--far away; mama--my; hanta--alas; daiva--luc ; smagr--the entirety& AlasE Jor me a glimpse o& t$at young 2oy (it$ lotus eyes is &ar a(ay-dou2ly so )is em2ra#es" Alas < am #ompletely unlu#kyE Text 88 arnta-smitam arurudharo#ha harrdra-dvigua-manoja-veu-gtam vibhrmya-dvipula-vilocanrdha-mugdha vikiye tava vadanmbuja kad nu arnta--always; smitam--smiling; arua-arua-!ery red; adhara-o#ham-upper and lower lips; ha sa-with "u#ilation; rdra-moistened; dviguna-dou#ly; manojacharming; veu-flute; gtam-song; vibhrmya-wandering; dvipula-!ery wide; vilocana-eyes; ardha-half-closed; mugdham-!ery charming' artless; vikiye-3 shall see; tava-)our; vadana-face; ambujam-lotus; kad-when; nu-alas' oh& : KaE 5$en o$ ($en s$all < see 7our lotus &a#e (it$ its deep red lips its #onstant smiling its 3ery #$arming &lute-song saturated (it$ 0u2ilation and its delig$t&ul $al&#losed eyes t$at sometimes open 3ery (ide and (ander $ere and t$ereH Text 8> llyitbhy rasa-talbhy nlru&ebhy nayanmbujbhym lokayed adbhuta-vibhrambhy kle kad krunika kiora
llyitbhym--playful; rasa--with mellows' with feelings of lo!e; talbhym-cooling' soothing; nla--#lue (at the irises); aru&ebhym--reddish (at the corners); nayana--eyes; ambujbhym--lotus; lokayed--loo upon; adbhuta--wonderful; vibhrambhym--rolling' mo!ing' dancing; kle-the time; kad-when; krunika- ind' merciful; kiora-adolescent (+./a)& 5$en (ill t$e time #ome ($en t$at mer#i&ul 2oy Ka (ill look upon me (it$ )is play&ul lotus eyes ($i#$ are soot$ing and #ooling (it$ lo3ing emotion reddis$ at t$e #orners and dark 2luis$ at t$e irises and (onder&ully rolling and dan#ingH Text 8A bahula-cikura-bhra baddha-picchvatasa capala-capala-netra cru-bimbdharot#ham madhura-m dula-hsa mandaroddhra-lla m gayati nayana me mugdha-veam murre bahula--thic ; cikura--loc s; #hram--ha!ing a large 5uantity; baddha--tied; piccha--peacoc feather; avatasam--adorned; capala--capala--!ery unsteady' 5uic ly mo!ing; netram--eyes; cru--fascinating' lo!ely; bimba--red (li e #im#a fruits); adhara--o#ham--upper and lower lips; madhura--sweet; m dula--gentle; hsam--laughter; mandara--*ount *andara; uddhra--lifting; llam--pastime; m gayati--searching for; nayanam--eyes; me--of me; mugdha--enchanting' artless; veam--appearance; murre--*urari& By eyes sear#$ &or t$at en#$antingly adorned one Burari ($ose t$i#k lo#ks 2ear a pea#o#k plume and ($ose ga=e darts $ere and t$ere 3ery Kui#kly" )is lo3ely lips are red like 2im2a &ruits and (it$ )is s(eet gentle laug$ter $e seems to 2e #$urning ?t$e o#ean o& my $eart@ (it$ Bount Bandara" Text 8C bahula-jalada-cchy-cora vilsa-bharlasa mada-ikhi-sikh-lilottasa manoja-mukhmbhjam kam api kamalp"godagra-prasa"ga-jada jaganmadhurima-parpkodreka vaya m gaymahe bahula--thic ' dense; jalada--clouds; cchy--effulgence; coram--stolen; vilsa-playing; bhara--much; lasam--languid; mada--impassioned; ikhi--peacoc ; sikh-feathers; ll--playful; uttasam--crest; manoja--fascinating; mukha--face; ambujam--lotus; kam api--someone; kamal--%dh; ap"ga--sidelong glances; udagra--upward--pointing; prasa"ga--long contact; jadam--stunned; jagat--the uni!erse; madhurima--sweetness; parpka--perfection; udrekam--e(cess; vayam-we; m gaymahe--search for& 5e are sear#$ing &or t$at person ($o $as stolen t$e e&&ulgen#e o& t$i#k #louds ($o $as gro(n a 2it languid &rom playing so mu#$ ($o (ears a #rest made &rom t$e play&ul &eat$ers o& an impassioned pea#o#k ($ose lotus &a#e is so &as#inating ($o $as 2e#ome
stunned 2y long and #lose #onta#t (it$ t$e up(ard-pointing sidelong glan#es o& Kamal -.d$/ and ($o is t$e 3ery o3era2undan#e o& per&e#tion o& all t$e s(eet 2eauty in t$e uni3erse" Text 8D parmrya dre pathi pathi munn vraja-vadhd d ya avat tribhuvana-mano-hri-vadanam anm ya vc muni-samudaynm api kad dard ye deva dara-dalita-nlotpala-rucim parmryam--sought for; dre--further away; pathi pathi--(further and further) along the path; munnm--of the sages; vraja--of -ra"a; vadh--the wi!es (i&e&' the mil maids); d --to the eyes; d yam--!isi#le; avat--always; tribhuvana--in all three worlds; mana--minds; hri--stealing (i&e&' enchanting); vadanam--face; anm yam--not found or descri#ed; vc--in words; muni--of sages (li e -ysa' etc&); samudaynm--multitude; api--indeed; kad--when; dard ye--3 shall see; devam--that God; dara--a little; dalita--opened; nlotpala--#lue lotus; rucim--luster& 5$en s$all < see to my $eart-s content my 2ord (+./a)' for whom the sages must always search further along the path' #ut whose face' which enchants all the three worlds' is always !isi#le to the eyes of the mil maids of -ra"a9 :lhen shall 3 see 1im' whose luster resem#les a slightly open #lue lotus #ud' and who is always #eyond the reach of the words of the great sages li e -ysa9 Text 8F llnanmbujam adhram udkamna narmni ve&eu-vivareu niveayantam dolyamna-nayana nayanbhirmam deva kad nu dayita vyatilokayiye ll--sporti!e; nana--face; ambujam--lotus; adhram--fic le; udkamnam-loo ing out; narmni--amorous "o ing; ve&eu--flute; vivareu--holes; niveayantam-re!eals; dolyamna--rolling; devam--the 2ord (+./a); kad--when; nu--indeed; dayitam--my darling; vyatilokayiye--3 shall see& 5$en s$all < see my darling 9ord -Ka/ ($o is so &i#kle yet so delig$t&ul to my eyesH )is eyes are rolling and as )e looks out &rom )is sporti3e lotus &a#e )e sends a song o& lo3ing 0okes t$roug$ t$e $oles o& )is &lute" Text >G lagna muhur manasi lampa#a-sampradyalekhvalehini rasaja-manoja-veam rajyan-m du-smita-m dllasitdharu rkendu-llita-mukhendu mukunda-blyam lagnam--clings; muhur--constantly' again and again; manasi--mind; lampa#a--
de#auchee; sampradya--tradition; lekha--drawings; avalehini--fond (of tasting dainties); rasaja--those nowledgea#le of the taste; manoja--enraptures; veam-appearance; rajyan--reddened; m du--gentle; smita--smile; m du--ullasita--softly glowing' or unda flowers; adhara--au--lip--rays' or teeth; rka--indu--full moon; llita--cherished; mukha--indu--face li e a moon; mukun$a--of *u unda; blyam-adolescent lo!eliness& T$e adoles#ent lo3eliness o& Bukunda ($ose appearan#e enraptures t$e #onoisseurs #lings to my mind ($i#$ is al(ays &ond o& dra(ings &rom t$e li2ertine tradition" )is moon&a#e is #$eris$ed 2y t$e moon itsel& and t$e so&tly glo(ing rays o& $is lips redden )is gentle smile ?or )is kunda-&lo(er-like teet$ are reddened 2y t$e e&&ulgen#e o& )is gentle smile@" Text >1 ahimakara-kara-nikara-m du-m dita-lakmsarasatara-sarasiruha-sad a-d i deve vraja-yuvati-rati-kalaha-vijayi-nija-llmada-mudita-vadana-ai-madhurima&ei lye ahimakara--the sun; kara--rays; nikara--mass; m du--gently; m dita--de!eloping; lakm--#eauty; sarasatara--with much taste' luscious; sarasiruha--lotuses; sad a-resem#le; d i--eyes; deve--my 2ord; vraja--yuvati---ra"a--s young girls (i&e&' the mil maids); rati--smorous; kalaha--5uarrels; vijayi--triumph; nija--1is own; ll-sports; mada--e(hilarated; mudita--delighted; vadana--face; ai--moon; madhurima&ei-sweet #eauty; lye-3 am a#sor#ed& < am a2sor2ed in #ontemplating my 9ord ($ose eyes resem2le lus#ious lotuses gently de3eloping t$eir 2eauty under t$e rays o& t$e sun and ($ose moon-&a#e is &ull o& 2eauty 2eing ex$ilarated (it$ delig$t at )is $a3ing de&eated t$e milkmaids in t$e lo3ers6 Kuarrels" Text >1 kara-kamala-dala-kalita-lalitatara-vakala-ninada-galad-am ta-ghana-sarasi deve sahaja-rasa-bhara-bharita-dara-hasita-vthsatata-vahad-adhara-ma&ei-madhurima&ei liye kara--hands; kamala--lotus; dala--petals (i&e&' petalli e fingers); kalita--held; lalitatara--!ery melodious; va--of the flute; kala--war#ling; ninada--sounds; galad--oo0ing; am ta--of nectar; ghana--deep; sarasi--la e; deve--my 2ord; sahaja-natural; rasa--of mellow' of tastiness of lo!e; bhara--great 5uantity; bharita--filled with; dara--gentle' slight; hasita--laughter; vth--series; satata--constantly; vahad-#earing; adhara--lips; ma&ei--rugyli e; madhurima&ei--sweetness' sweet #eauty; lye--3 am a#sor#ed& < am lost in t$oug$ts o& my 9ord ($o is a deep lake o& ne#tar tri#kling &ort$ as t$e 3ery melodious (ar2ling o& )is &lute ($i#$ )e $olds (it$ )is lotus-petallike &ingers" < am a2sor2ed in t$oug$ts o& t$e s(eetness o& )is ru2y-red lips ($i#$ 2ear a #onstant series o& tender laug$s &illed (it$ an a2undan#e o& )is innate lo3ing mello(s"
Text >4 kusumaara-ara-samara-kupita-mada-gopkuca-kalaa-ghus &ea-rasa-lasad-urasi deve mada-mudita-m du-hasita-muita-ai-obhmuhur-adhika-mukha-kamala-madhurima&ei lye kusumaara--he who shoots flower arrows (i&e&' Cupid)' ara--arrows' samara--in the #attle' kupita--pro!o ed' mada--ardent' gop--the mil maids' kuca--#reasts' kalaa--"ar--li e' ghus &ea--sandalwood' rasa--paste' lasad--shines' urasi--chest' deve--my 2ord' mada--amorous' mudita--delightful' m du--gentle' hasita--smile' muita--stolen' ai--moon' obh--splendor' muhu--at e!ery moment' adhika-increasing' mukha--face' kamala--lotus' madhurima&ei--sweet #eauty' lye--3 am a#sor#ed& < am a2sor2ed in t$inking o& my 9ord" )is #$est s$ines (it$ t$e sandal(ood paste &rom t$e pit#$erlike 2reasts o& t$e ardent milkmaids ($o $a3e 2een in#ited to amorous 2attle 2y Cupid6s &lo(er arro(s and t$e s(eet 2eauty o& )is lotus &a#e is magni&ied at e3ery moment 2y )is gentle smile ($i#$ is &ull o& passionate delig$t and ($i#$ $as stolen t$e splendor o& t$e moon" Text >8 namrm asita-bhruvor upacitm akna-pakm"kurev lolm anurginor nayanayor rdr m dau jalpite tmrm adharm te madakalm amlna-va-svanev ste mama locana vraja-ior mrti jagan-mohinm namrm--cur!ed; asita--dar ; bhruvo--eye#rows; upacitm--furnished a#undantly with; akna--thic ; pakm--eyelashes; a"kureu--li e sprouts; lolm-rolling; anurgino--passionate; nayanayo--eyes; rdrm--full of feeling; m dau-gentle; jalpite--speech; tmrm--!ery red; adhara--of the lips; am te--nectar; madakalm--soft' slurred; amlna--clear; va--of the flute; svaneu--deep notes; ste--desires; mama--my; locanam--eye; vraja--io---ra"a,s child (+./a); mrtim--the form; jagat--the uni!erse; mohinm--enchanter& By eye desires to see t$e &orm o& t$e young #$ild o& ;ra0a ($o en#$ants t$e ($ole uni3erse" )is dark eye2ro(s are #ur3ed )is 2lossoming eyelas$es Kuite t$i#k )is rolling eyes &ull o& passion and )is gentle spee#$ saturated (it$ &eeling" )is ne#tarous lips are 3ery red and )e sounds lo( #lear so&t notes on )is &lute" Text >> tat kaiora tac ca vaktrravinda tat kru&eya te ca ll-ka#k tat saundarya s ca manda-smita-r satya satya durlabha daivate %pi tat--that; kaioram--adolescence' #oyishness; tat--that; ca--and; vaktra--
aravindam--face li e a lotus; tat--that; kru&eyam--compassion' tenderness; te-those; ca--and; ll--playful; ka#k--sidelong glances; tat--that; saundaryam-#eauty; s--of 1is; ca--and; manda--mild; smita--smile; r--lo!eliness; satyam-truly; satyam--truly; durlabham--hard to find; daivate--among the demigods; api-e!en& Truly truly e3en among t$e demigods it (ould 2e $ard to &ind su#$ 2eauty su#$ s(eet adoles#en#e su#$ a lotus &a#e su#$ tender #ompassion su#$ play&ul sidelong glan#es or su#$ lo3ely mild smiling as (e &ind in Ka" Text >A vivopaplava-amanaika-baddha-dka vivsa-stabakita-cetas jannm prayma-pratinava-knti-kandalrdra payma pathi pathi aiavam murre viva--all' e!ery one of; upaplava--afflictions; amana--relie!e; eka--one' only; baddha--fi(ed; dkam--!ow' or purpose; vivsa--with faith; stabakita--#lossoming with; cetasm--hearts; jannm--people; prayma--#right #luish; pratinava--newer and newer; knti--glow; kandala--chee s; rdrm--moist' fresh; payma--we see; pathi pathi--on e!ery path' in e!ery direction; aiavam--the childli e form; murre--of *urri& :n e3ery pat$ (e see t$e #$ildlike &orm o& Burri ($ose one &ixed 3o( is to relie3e all t$e a&&li#tions o& t$e people ($ose $earts are 2lossoming (it$ &ait$ in )im" )is so&t 2rig$t 2luis$ #$eeks glo( (it$ e3er ne( e&&ulgen#e" Text >C mauli candraka-bha&eo marakata-stambhbhirma vaktra citra-vimugdha-hsa-mudhura ble vilole d au vca aiava-tal mada-gaja-lghy vilsa-sthitir manda mandam aye ka ea mathur-vthm ito ghate mauli--head; candraka--peacoc feather; bha&eo--adorned; marakata--emerald; stambha--than a column; abhirmam--more capti!ating; vapu--#ody; vaktram--face; citra--wonderfully; vimugdha--!ery fascinating' !ery artless; hsa--smiles; madhuram--sweet; ble--7 girlfriend; vilole--rolling; d au--eyes; vca--words; aiava--innate to adolescence; tal--cooling; mada--in rut; gaja--elephant; lghy--praised; vilsa--graceful; sthiti--nature; mandam--slowly; mandam--slowly; aye--oh; ka esa--who is this' who is 1e; mathur--*athur; vthm--the way to; ita-along; ghate--coming& : girl&riend ($o is t$is slo(ly #oming along t$e pat$ to Bat$urH )is $ead is adorned (it$ a pea#o#k &eat$er and )is 2ody is more #apti3ating t$an an emerald #olumn" )is eyes are rolling and )is &a#e is 2eauti&ied 2y t$e s(eetness o& )is (onder&ully &as#inating smiles" )is (ords (it$ t$eir natural 2oyis$ness are 3ery soot$ing and )is natural gra#e (ould (in praise &rom an elep$ant in rut"
Text >D pdau vda-vinirjitmbuja-vanau padmlaylambitau p&e ve&eu-vinodana-pra&eayi&eau parypta-ilpa-riyau bh daurh da-bhjana m ga-d mdhurya-dhr-kirau vaktra vg-viaytila"ghitam aho bla kim etan maha pdau--feet; vda--in a contest; vinirjita--completely defeated; ambuja--vanau--a cluster of lotuses (on a pond); padmlaya--2a /m' who rests on a lotus; lambitau--ta en shelter; p&e--hands; ve&eu--flute; vinodana--playing; pra&eayi&eau--e(pressing lo!e; parypta--seats; ilpa--artistic; riyau--#eauty; bh-arms; daurh da--of the o#"ect of desire; bhjanam--!essel; m ga--d m--the doe-eyed (mil maids); mdhurya--sweetness; dhr--flood; kirau--fiffusing; vakram-face; vk--viay--words, scope (a#ility to descri#e); atila"ghitam--#eyond; aho--oh; blam--in the form of an adolescent youth; kim--what; etat--this; maha--luster& :$ ($at is t$is luster in t$e &orm o& a young 2oyE )is &eet $a3ing in a #ontest totally #onKuered #lusters o& lotuses are t$e s$elter &or 9akm-de3" )is $ands ($i#$ express )is lo3e ($ile playing t$e &lute are seats o& artisti# 2eauty" )is arms di&&using a &lood o& s(etness are t$e 3essel o& desire6s &ul&illment &or t$e doe-eyed milkmaids" And )is &a#ea$ )is &ae is 2eyond (ords" Text >F etan nma vibha&ea bahumata veya eair ala vaktra dvi-tri-viea-knti-lahar-vinysa-dhanydharam ilpair alpa-dhiy agamya-vibhavai "gra-bha"g-maya citra citra aho vicitram aha ho citra vicitra maha etat--this (face of +./a,s); nma--indeed; vibha&eam--adorned; bahumatam-sufficiently' a#undantaly; veya--ornamentation; eai--further (ornamentation); alam--no need; vaktram--face; dvi--tri--two or three; viea--special; knti--glow; lahar--wa!es; vinysa--arrangement; dhanya--ma ing lo!ely; adharam--lips; ilpai--wealth of artistic attri#utes; alpa--dhiym--(those of) little understanding; agamya--not comprehended; vibhavai--manifestations; "gra--amorous; bha"g-gestures; mayam--full of; citram--wonderful; citram--ama0ing; aho--oh; vicitram--so ama0idng; aha ho--oh' oh; citarm--!ery wonderful; vicitram--!ery ama0ing; maha-luster& <ndeed )is &a#e a2undantly adorned (it$ lo3ely lips t$at possesses t(o or t$ree spe#ially arranged (a3es o& luster needs no ot$er ornament" T$e (ealt$ o& )is artisti# attri2utes and amorous gestures are 2eyond t$e understanding o& &ools" :$ o$ o$ $o( (onder&ul $o( ama=idng $o( e3ery 3ery (onder&ully ama=ing is t$is splendor ?in t$e &orm o& t$e young 2oy Ka@E Text AG agre samagrayati km api keli-lakmm anysu dikv api vilocanam eva ski h hanta hasta-patha-dram aho kim etad
-kioramayam amba jagat-traya me agre--#efore me; samagrayati--re!eals to thefullest e(tent; km api-indescri#a#le; keli--sporti!e; lakmm--#eauty; anysu--other' all; diku--in directions; api--e!en; vilocanam--eye; eva--indeed; aki--witness; h hanta--alas' alas; hasta--of my hands; patha--the path; dram--#eyond; aho--oh; kim--what; etad--(is) this; --longed--for; kioramayam--filled with youth; amba--7 mother; jagat--worlds; trayam--three; me--my& :$ ($at an ine&&a2le sporti3e 2eauty Ka $as &ully re3ealed 2e&ore meE <n all dire#tions my eye (itnesses t$is 2eauty" Out alas alas )e is 2eyond my graspE : mot$er t$e t$ree (orlds are &illed (it$ my longed-&or yout$ KaE Text A1 cikura bahula virala bhramara rdula vacana vipula nayanam adhara madhura vadana madhura capala carita ca kad nu vibho cikuram--loc s of hair; bahulam--thic ; viralam--separated; bhramaram--(li e rows of) #ees; m dulam--mild; vacanam--words; vipulam--#ig; nayanam--eyes; adharam-lips; madhuram--sweet; vadanam--face; madhuram--sweetly #eautiful; capalam-fic le; caritam--disposition' acti!ities; ca--and; kad--when (shall 3); nu--indeed; vibho--of my 2ord& :$ ($en ?s$all < again &asten into a top-kno(@ my 9ord6s t$i#k lo#ks ?lying@ like separate ro(s o& 2ees ?on )is s$oulders@H 5$en ?s$all < $ear@ )is mild (ords ?see@ )is large eyes ?kiss@ )is s(eet lips ?see@ )is s(eetly 2eauti&ul &a#e and ?experien#e@ )is &i#kle natureH Text A1 pariplaya na k playe %ty asak t kranditam rta-bndhava mural-m dula-svanntare vibhur kar&eayit kad nu na pariplaya--protect; na--us; k playe--7 a#ode of mercy; iti--thus (saying); asak t--repeated; kranditam--cries; rta--of the distressed; bndhava--friend; mural--flute; m dula--mild; svana--sound; antare--within' surrounded #y; vibhu-the 2ord; kar&eayit--hear; kad--when; nu--indeed; na--of us& <& t$e 9ord t$e &riend o& t$e distressed is surrounded 2y t$e 2eguiling (ound o& )is &lute ($en (ill )e 2e a2le to $ear us repeatedly #rying out M: a2ode o& mer#y please prote#t usEM Text A4 kad nu kasy nu vipad-day
kaiora-gandhi karu&embudhir na vilocanbhy vipulyatbhym lokayiyan viay-karoti kad--when; nu--indeed; kasym--what; nu--indeed; vipad--dangerous; daym-circumstances; kaiora--of youth; gandhi--the fragrance; karu&e--mercy; ambudhi--ocean; lokayiyan--will loo at; viay--an o#"ect of attention; karot-ha!ing #een made& Ka an o#ean o& mer#y 2ears t$e &ragran#e o& &res$ yout$" 5$en o$ ($en (ill some danger to me &o#us )is attention so t$at )e looks upon me (it$ )is (ide eyesH Text A8 madhuram adhara-bimbe majula manda-hse iiram am ta-nde tala d #i-pte vipulam aru&ea-netre viruta ve&eu-nde marakata-ma&ei-nla blam alokaye nu madhuram--sweet; adhara--lips; bimbe--li e #im#a fruit; majulam--charming; manda--mild; hse--smile; iiram--soothing; am ta--nectarous; nda--words' !oice; talam--cooling; d #i pte--glances; vipulam--large; aru&ea--reddish li e dawn; netre--eyes; virutam--famous; ve&eu--nde--flute--song; marakata--of sapphire (9 emerald); ma&ei--"ewel; nlam--deep #lue color; blam-#oy (+./a); lokaye-3 shall see; nu-oh& :$ t$at < may see t$at young 2oy ($o $as a #omplexion as deep 2lue as a sapp$ireL s(eet lips like 2im2a &ruitL #$arming mild smilingL soot$ing ne#tarous (ordsL #ooling glan#esL and large da(n-red eyes and ($o is &amous &or )is &lute-song" Text A> mdhuryd api madhura manmatha-ttasya kim api kaioram cpalyd api capala ceto bata harati hanta ki kurma mdhuryd--sweeter than; api--e!en; madhuram--sweetness; manmatha--Cupid; ttasya--the father; kim api--ineffa#le; kaioram--adolescence; cpalyd--more fic le than; api--e!en; capalam--fic leness; ceta--my heart; bata--oh' alas; harati--steals; hanta--alas; kim--what; kurma--should 3 do& T$e ine&&a2le adoles#en#e o& Ka t$e &at$er o& Cupid is s(eeter t$an s(eetness yet &i#kler t$an &i#kleness" Alas t$at adoles#en#e $as stolen a(ay my $eartE 5$at s$all < do no(H Text AA
vaka-sthale ca vipula nayanotpale ca manda-smite ca m dula mada-jalpite ca bimbdhare ca madhura mural-rave ca bla vilsa-nidhim kalaye kad nu vaka--sthale--chest; ca--and; vipulam--wide; nayana--eyes; utpale--lotus; ca--and; manda--soft' gentle; smite--smiles; ca--and; m dulam--mild; mada--passionate; jalpite--tal s; ca--and; bimba--li e #im#a fruits' cherry--red and luscious; adhare-lips' lips; ca--and; blam--the #oy ( ./;ea); vilsa--of "u#ilation or playfulness; nidhim--an ocean or treasury; kalaye--3 shall see; kad--when; nu--oh& :$ ($en s$all < see t$at young 2oy -Ka/ ($o is an o#ean o& 0u2ilation and a treasury o& play&ulnessH Oroad are )is lotus eyes and )is #$est mild are )is gentle smiles and )is lo3ing talks s(eet are )is #$erry-red lips and )is &lute-song" Text AC rdrvalokita-dhur pari&eaddha-netram vik ta-smita-sudh-madhurdharo#ham dya pumasam avatasita-barhi-barham lokayanti k tina k ta-pu&eya-puj rdra--tender; avalokita--glance; dhur--e(tremely; pari&eaddha--#rought under control; netram--eyes; vik ta--open; smita--smile; sudh--nectar; madhura--sweet; adhara--o#ham--upper and lower lips; dyam--foremost' original; pumsam--man' person; avatasita--adorned; barhi--of a peacoc ; barham--a fether; lokayanti--they se; k tina--the fortunate; k ta--performed; pu&eya--pious deeds; puj--heaps& T$e &ortunate ($o $a3e $eaped up pious merit #an see -Ka/ t$e original person ($o 2rings t$eir eyes under #ontrol (it$ )is extremely tender glan#es ($ose lips are s(eet (it$ t$e ne#tar o& $is open smile and ($o $as adorned )is $ead (it$ a pea#o#k &eat$er" Text AD* mra svaya nu madhura-dyuti-ma&e$ala nu mdhuryam eva nu mano-nayanm ta nu ve&e-m jo nu mama jvita-vallabho nu k &eo %yam abhyudayate mama locanya mra--Cupid; svayam--personally; nu--whether; madhura--sweet; dyuti--of effulgence; ma&e$alam--encirclement; nu--whether; ndhuryam--sweetness; eva-e!en; nu--certainly; mana--nayana--am tam--nectar for the mind and eyes; nu-whether; ve&e--m ja--loosening of the hair; nu--whether; mama--my; mvita-vallabha--the pleasure of the life and soul; nu--whether; k &ea--2ord +./a; ayam--this; abhyudayate--manifests; mama--my; locanya--for the eyes& By dear &riends ($ere is t$at Ka Cupid personi&ied ($o $as t$e e&&ulgen#e o& a kadam2a &lo(er ($o is s(eetness itsel& t$e ne#tar &or my eyes and mind )e ($o loosens t$e $air o& t$e gops ($o is t$e supreme sour#e o& trans#endental 2liss and my li&e and
soulH )as )e #ome 2e&ore my eyes againH Text AF blo %yam lola-vilocanena vaktre&ea citr-k ta-di"mukhena vee&ea ghoocita-bha&eena mugdhena dugdhe nayanotsava na bla--#oy (+./a); ayam--this; lola--dancing; vilocanena--with eyes; vaktre&ea-with face; citr--#eauty; k ta--ma ing (i&e&' #eautifying); di"mukhena--in all directions; vee&ea--with dress; ghoa--for a cowherd; ucita--suita#le; bha&eena-with ornaments' trappings; mugdhena--charming' artless; dugdhe--e(tracts mil ; nayana--for the eyes; utsavam--"oy; na--us& T$is 2oy -Ka/ (it$ )is dan#ing eyes )is &a#e 2eauti&ying all dire#tions and )is #$arming out&it 0ust suita2le &or a #o($erd $as extra#ted t$e milk o& 0oy &or our eyes" Text CG ndolitgra-bhujam kula-lola-netra ma&e$a-smitrdra-vadanmbuja-candra-bimbam ijna-bha&ea-ata ikhi-piccha-mauli ta vilocana-rasyanam abhyupaiti ndolita--swinging; agra--bhujam--the forearms; kula--agitated (with lo!e); lola-restless; netram--eyes; ma&e$a--gentle; smita--smile; rdra--tender; vadana--face; ambuja--lotus; candra--of the moon; bimbam--the or#; ijna--tin ling; bha&ea--of ornaments; atam--a large num#er; ikhi--of a peacoc ; piccha--feather; mauli--on the head; tam--cooling; vilocana--for the eyes; rasyanam--#alm; abhyupaiti-comes #efore us& )e #omes 2e&ore us-t$e #ooling 2alm &or our eyes-(earing many tinkling ornaments on )is 2ody and a pea#o#k &eat$er on )is $ead" )es &orearms are s(inging )is eyes mo3e restlessly (it$ t$e agitation o& lo3e and t$e moon o& )is lotus &a#e displays a tender gentle smile" Text C1 pau-pla-bla-pariad-vibhan iur ea tala-vilola-locana m dula-smitrdra-vadanendu-sampad madayan madya-h daya vighate pau--pla--cowherd #oys or girls; bla--young; pariad--intimate group; vibha&ea--adorning; iu--the chird (+./a); ea--this; tala--cooling' refreshing; vilola-li!ely; locana-eyes' ga0e; m dula-soft; smita-smiles; rdra-tender; vadana-face; indu-moon; sampad-wealth; madayan-gladdening; madya-my;
h dayam-heart; vighate-enters deep within& T$is #$ild -Ka/ ($o is t$e ornament &or t$e intimate #ommunity o& #o($erd 2oys and girls ($ose li3ely glan#es are so soot$ing and ($ose moon-&a#e $as a (ealt$ o& so&t tender smiles gladdens my $eart and enters deep (it$in it" Text C1 kim idam adhara-vth-k(pta-va-nindam kirati nayanayor na km api prema-dhrm tad idam amara-vth-durlabha vallabha nas tribhuvana-kamanya daivata jvita ca kim idam--1ow wonderful this is<; adhara--of the lips; vth--on the path; k(pta-affi(ed; va--the flute; nindam--sound; kirati--pouring; nayanayo--#efore eyes; na--our; km api--indescri#a#ly; preme--of di!ine lo!e; dhrm--flood; tad--1e' that; idam--this; amara--the demigods' deathless ones; vth--in the planets; durlabham--difficult to find; vallabham--darling; na--our; tribhuvana--#y the three worlds; kamanyam--pleasing' delighting; daivatam--our God; jvitam--our life; ca-and& )o( (onder&ulE T$e sound o& t$e &lute Ka is $olding to )is lips is pouring &ort$ an indes#ri2a2le &lood o& di3ine lo3e 2e&ore our 3ery eyesE T$is is rare e3en among t$e planets o& t$e demigods" Ka our darling our 'od our 3ery li&e delig$ts t$e t$ree (orlds" Text C4 tad idam upanata tamla-nla tarala-vilocana-trakbhirmam mudita-mudita-vaktra-candra-bimba mukharita-ve&eu-vilsi jvitam me tad--that one (+./a); idam--this one (me); upanatam--near; tamla--li e a tamala tree; nlam--#luish; tarala--restless; vilocana--eyes; trak--pupils or stars; abhirmam--charming' friendly; mudita )or muditam*--delightful; mudita )or udita*-!ery delightful' or rising; vaktra--face; candra--moon; bimbam--shining or#; mukharita--sounding; ve&eu--flute; vilsi--sporti!ely; jvitam--life; me--my& T$is person approa#$ing me is dark 2luis$ like a tamla tree" )is #$arming eyes ($i#$ resen2le stars mo3e restlessly t$e s$ining or2 o& )is moon-&a#e is o3er&lo(ing (it$ delig$t ?or )is &a#e radiates 0oy like t$e rising moon@ and )e sporti3ely 2egins sounding )is &lute" )e is my 3ery li&e" Text C8 cpalya-sma capalnubhavaika-sma cturya-sma caturnana-ilpa-sma saurabhya-sma sakaldbhuta-keli-sma saubhgya-sma tad idam vraja-bhgya-sma
cpalya--of fic leness; sma--the acme; capal--anubhava--of those who ha!e unsteady natures (i&e&' the mil maids); eka--the one; sma--ultimate goal of e(istence; cturya--of cle!erness; sma--epitome; catur--nana--the four--faced one (i&e&' =rahm); ilpa--artistic s ill; sma--e(treme perfection; saurabhya--of fragrance; sma--the limit; sakala--all; adbhuta--wonderful; keli--pastimes; sma-utmost em#odiment; saubhgya--of good fortune; sma--culmination; tad--that (!ery life of mine); idam--this is' here is; vraja--bhgya---ra"a,s auspicity; sma--0enith& )ere is t$at Ka my 3ery li&eE )e is t$e a#me o& &i#kleness t$e one ultimate end o& t$e existen#e o& t$e &i#kle-minded milkmaids t$e epitome o& #le3erness t$e extreme per&e#tion o& t$e artisti# skill o& &our-&a#ed Ora$m t$e limit o& good &ragran#e t$e utmost em2odiment o& all sorts o& astounding pastimes t$e #ulmination o& good &ortune and t$e =enit$ o& auspi#ity &or ;ra0a" Text C> mdhurye&ea dvigu&ea-iira vaktra-candra vahnat va-vth-vigalad-am ta-srotas secayant mad-v&en vihara&ea-pada matta-saubhgya-bhj mat-punyn pari&eatir aho netrayo sannidhatte mdhuryena--with sweet tenderness; dvigu&ea--dou#ly; iira--refreshing; vaktra--face; candram--moon; vahant--#earing; va--flute; vth--holes; vigalad-oo0ing; am ta--nectar; srotas--current; secayant--sprin ling; mat--my; v&enm-words; vihara&ea--scope; padam--ground; matta--mad; saubhgya--luc ; bhjm-possessing; mat--my; punynm--!irtuous merit; pari&eati--(reached a) culmination; aho--oh; netrayo--eyes; sannidhatte--appears #efore& :$E By good deeds $a3e rea#$ed t$eir #ulminationP Ka $as appeared 2e&ore my eyesE T$e moon o& )is &a#e is made dou2ly re&res$ing 2y its s(eet tenderness and )e sprinkles me (it$ t$e #urrent o& ne#tar dropping note 2y note &rom t$e $oles o& )is &lute" )e is t$e o20e#t o& my (ords ($i#$ t$oug$ mad are &ortunate ?to 2e des#ri2ing )im@" Text CA tejase %stu namo dhenupline loka-pline rdh-payodharotsa"gayine ea-yine tejase--the splendor (+./a); astu--let (me); nama--o#eisances; dhenu--cows; pline--the protector; loka--the worlds; pline--protector; rdh--of %dh; payodhara--that which holds mil (i&e&' #reasts); utsa"ga--slope; yine--reclining; ea--$e/a--nga; yine--reclining& < 2o( do(n to t$e personi&ied splendor -Ka/ ($o is t$e prote#tor o& t$e #o(s-and also all t$e (orlds-and ($o re#lines on t$e sloping 2reasts o& .d$-and also on eanga"
Text CC dhenu-pla-dayit-stana-sthaldhanya-ku"kuma-santha-kntaye ve&eu-gta-gati-mla-vedhase brahma-ri-mahase namo nama dhenu--cow; pla--protectors; dayit--the darlings' the wi!es; stana--the #reasts; sthal--a position' a place; dhanya--glorified; ku"kuma--"u> uma powder; santha-possessing; kntaye--possessing a glow' comple(ion; ve&eu--gta--flute--sone; gati-way of sounding; mla--the original; vedhase--creator; brahma--of =rahms; ri--a multitude; mahase--greatness' luster; nama8--obeisances' nama8--obeisances again+ < 2o( again and again 2e&ore )im -Ka/ ($ose glo(ing #omplexion is em2ellis$ed (it$ t$e kuQkuma po(der glori&ied 2y its pla#e on t$e 2rests o& t$e #o($erd men6s (i3es ($o is t$e original #reator o& t$e &lute song and ($o possesses t$e glory o& innumera2le Ora$ms" Text CD m du-kva&ean-npura-mantharena blena pdmbuja-pallavena anusmaran-majula-ve&eu-gtam yti me jvitam ttakeli m du--softly; kva&ean--tin ling; npura--an lets; mantharena--slowed down; blena--youthful' tender; pda--feet; ambuja--pallavena--lotus flower; anusmaran-recollecting; majula--charming; ve&eu--gtam--flute songs; yti--here comes; me-of me; jvitam--!ery life; ttakeli--ha!idng assumed a sporting attitude& )ere #omes my 3ery li&e ?Ka@E )a3ing assumed a sporting attitude )e slo(ly approa#$es on tender lotus &eet (eig$ed do(n 2y so&tly tinkling anklets as )e re#olle#ts 3arious #$arming &lute-songs" Text CF so %yam vilsa-mural-ninadm tena sicann udacitam ida mama kar&ea-yugmam yti me nayana-bandhur ananya-bandhor nanda-kandalita-keli-katka-lakm sa--1e (+./a' my !ery life); ayam--this (is); vilsa--sporti!e; mural--flute; nind--tunes; am tena--with nectar; sicann--sprin ling; udacitam--per ed up' coc ed; idam--this; mama--my; kar&ea--ears; yugmam--two; yti--here comes; me-of me; nayana--eyes; bandhu--#efriending; ananya--no other; bandho--friend; nanda--#liss; kandalita--o!erflowing; keli--playful; katka--of sidelong glances; lakm--the #eauty& )ere #omes ?my 3ery li&e Ka@E T$e 2eauty o& )is play&ul sidelong glan#es o3er&lo(s
(it$ 2liss and )e sprinkles my t(o perked-up ears (it$ t$e ne#tar o& )is sporti3e &lutesongs" )e is t$e only &riend &or my eyes" Text DG drd vilokayati vra&ea-khela-gm dhr-katka-bharitena vilokitena rd upaiti h daya"-gama-ve&eu-ndave&e-mukhena daanu-bharena deva drad--from a distance; vilokayati--seeing (me); vra&ea--elephant; khela-sporti!e; gm--gait; dhr--flood; katka--sidelong glances; bharitena--filled with; vilokitena--with glances; rd--near; upaiti--coming; h.dayam--the heart; gama-touching (going to); ve&eu--nda--flute sound; ve&ei--current; mukhena--from the mouth' daan--teeth; au--glowing rays; bharena--with great; deva--the 2ord !eeing me &rom a distan#e (it$ a &lood o& sidelong glan#es my 9ord (alks to(ard me (it$ t$e sporti3e gra#e o& an elep$ant and mo3es my $eart (it$ t$e #urrent o& &lute-sound emanating &rom )is mout$ ($i#$ is &illed (it$ 2rig$tly glo(ing teet$" Text D1 tribhuvana-sarasbhy divya-ll-kulbhy dii dii taralbhy dpta-bhdarbhym aara&ea-ara&ebhym adbhutbhy padbhym ayam ayam anukjad-ve&eur yti deva tribhuvana--the three worlds; sarasbhym--with mellows of lo!e; divya--ll-di!ine sports; kulbhym--ha!idng an a#undance; dii dii--in all directions; taralbhym--with fic leness; dpta--glowing; bha--ornaments; adarbhym--many; aara&ea--for the shelterless' the forlong; ara&ebhym--the shelter; adbhutbhym--wondrous; padbhym--feet; ayam ayam--this (is 1e)' this (is 1e); anukjad--playing; ve&eu--flute; yti--coming (here); deva--the 2ord (i&e&' sporti!e +./a)& T$is is )eE T$is is )e-my 9ord ?Ka@ playing on )is &luteE )e possesses t(o (ondrous &eet ($i#$ are t$e s$elter &or t$e s$elterless ($i#$ glo( (it$ t$e 2rillian#e o& many ornaments ($i#$ mo3e t$is (ay and t$at ($i#$ are a2undant (it$ di3ine pastimes and ($i#$ &ill t$e t$ree (orlds (it$ t$e mello(s o& lo3e" Text D1 so %ya munndra-jana-mnasa-tpa-hr so %ya mada-vraja-vadh-vasanpahr so %ya t tya-bhuvanevara-darpa-hr so %ya madya-h daymburuhpahr sa--1e; ayam--this; muni--indra--the leaders of the sages; jana--the people; mnasa--of the heart; tpa--#urning pain; hr--too away; sa--1e; ayam--this;
mada--impassioned; vraja--of -ra"a; vadh--the wi!es; vasana--the clothes; apahr-stole; sa--1e; ayam--this; t tya--bhuvana--the third world (i&e&' the hea!enly realm); vara--the lord (i&e&' 2ord 3ndra); darpa--pride; hr--cur#ed; sa--1e; ayam--this; madya--my; h daya--heart; amburuha--lotus; apahr--has stolen away& T$is is )e ($o remo3ed t$e 2urning distresses o& great sages" T$is is )e ($o stole t$e #lot$es o& t$e impassioned (i3es o& t$e #o($erd men o& ;ra0a" T$is is )e ($o #ur2ed t$e pride o& <ndra lord o& t$e t$ird (orld -t$e $ea3enly realm/" T$is is )e ($o $as stolen t$e lotus o& my $eart" Text D4 sarva-jtve ca maugdhye ca sarva-bhaumam ida maha nirvian nayana hanta nirv&ea-padam anute sarva--jtve--omniscience; ca--and; maugdhye--innocense; ca--and; sarva--all; bhaumam--e(cellence; idam--this; maha--glory' luster (i&e&' +./a); nirvian--has entered; nayanam--my eye; hanta--oh; nirv&ea--of great #liss; padam--situation; anute--en"oys& T$is personi&ied glory ?Ka@ $as attained all ex#ellen#e 2ot$ in )is omnis#ien#e and )is inno#en#e" )a3ing entered my eye )e is en0oying great 2liss" T$is is a great (onderE Text D8 pu&enam etat punarukta-obhm u&eetaror udayn mukhendo t &emburi dvigu&e-karoti k &ehvaya kicana jvita me pu&enam--nourishing; etat--this; punarukta--faded' superfluous; obham--luster; u&ea--itara--other than hot (i&e&' cool); ao--that which possesses rays (i&e&' the moon); udayn--rise' appear; mukha--indo--moon--face; t &ea--thirst; amburim-ocean; dvigu&e--dou#le; karot--ma ing; k &ea--+./a; hvayam--named; kicana--certain (person); jvitam--life; me--of me& 5it$ t$e rising o& )is moon-like &a#e t$is #ertain person kno(n as Ka is nouris$ing t$e &aded luster o& t$e #ooling moon and dou2ling t$e o#ean o& my t$irst ?to see )im@" )e is my 3ery li&e" Text D> tad etad tmra-vilocana-rsambhvitea-vinamra-vargam muhur murrer madhurdharo#ha mukhmbuja cumbati mnasa me
tat--of that (+./a); etad--this; tmra--slightly reddish; vilocana--eyes; r-#eauty' gracious loo s; sambhvita--to honor' to #less; aea--all; vinamra--those who are hum#le; vargam--groups of; muhu--repeatedly; murre--of *urri; madhura--sweet; adhara--o#ham--lower and upper lips; mukha--face; ambujam-lotus; cumbati-- iss; mnasam--with the mind; me--of me& Again and again < mentally kiss Burri6s lotus &a#e (it$ its s(eet lips and its 2eauti&ul slig$tly reddis$ eyes ($i#$ gra#e all )is $um2le de3otees" Text DA karau aradijmbuja-krama-vilsa-ik-gurau padau vibudha-pdapa-prathama-pallavoll"ghinau d au dalita-durmada-bribhuvanopamna-riyau vilokaya vilocanm tam aho maha aiavam karau--1is hands; aradija--#orn in the season of $arat; ambuja--lotus; krama-gestures; vilsa--graceful; ik--gurau--instructing spiritual masters; padau--1is feet; vibudha--of the gods (i&e&' hea!enly); pdapa--tree (i&e&' desire tree); prathama--first; pallava--sprouts; ull"ghinau--e(cel; d au--1is eyes; dalita--destroy; durmada--pride; tribhuvana--in all three worlds; upamna--comparisons; riyau--the #eauty; vilokaya--#ehold<; vilocan--for the eyes; am tam--nectar; aho--7h<; maha--luster' glory; aiavam--adolescent (+./a)& Oe$old t$is ne#tar &or t$e eyes t$e luster o& t$is young 2oy KaE )is $ands tea#$ gra#e&ul gestures to t$e autumnal lotus )is &eet ex#el &res$ly gro(n desire-tree sprouts in tenderness and t$e 2eauty o& )is eyes destroys t$e pride o& all #ompara2le t$ings" Text DC cinvnam ahany ahany ahani skrn vihra-kramn rundhnam arundhat-h dayam apy rdra-smitrdra-riy tanvnam ananya-janma-nayana-lghym anarghy dam nandam vraja-sundar-stana-ta#-smrjyam ujj mbhate cinvnam--generating; ahani--e!ery day; ahani--e!ery moment; ahani--e!ery twin ling of an eye; skrn--with form' em#odied; vihra--of sports; kramn-arrangements; rundhnam--attracting; arundhat--of ?rundhat; h dayam--the heart; api--e!en; rdra--tender; smita--smile; rdra--gentle; riy--charm; tanvnam--spreading; ananya--none other; janma--#irth (than the mil maids); nayana--eyes; lghym--appreciation; anarghym--priceless; dam--condition' stage; nandam--the #liss; vraja--sundar---ra"a,s #eauties (i&e&' the mil maids); stana--#reasts; ta#--the slopes; smrjya--reigning supreme; ujj mbhate-manifesting itself& T$e 2liss mani&esting itsel& ?in t$e (ondrous luster o& t$e young 2oy Ka@ reigns supreme 2et(een t$e sloping 2reasts o& t$e 2eauti&ul milkmaids o& ;ra0a" T$at spreading glo(ing 2liss rea#$es a rari&ied stage &ar 2eyond t$e appre#iation o& t$e eyes o& anyone 2y
t$e milkmaids o& ;nd3ana and e3ery day e3ery moment and e3ery t(inkling o& an eye t$at 2liss em2odied as Ka arranges pastimes and attra#ts e3en Arund$at ?#$astity personi&ied@ (it$ t$e gentle #$arm o& )is tender smile" Text DD tad ucchvasita-yauvana tarala-aiavlak ta mada-cchurita-locana madana-mugdha-hsm tam prati-kana-vilobhana pra&eaya-pta-va-mukha jagat-traya-vimohanam jayati mmaka jvitam tad--that (+./a); ucchvasita--"ust #egun; yauvanam--youth; tarala--flic ering; aiava--childhood; alak tam--adorned; mada--delight' passion; cchurita--flashing; locanam--eyes; madana--Cupid; mugdha--#ewilders; hsa--smile; am tam--nectar; prati--kana--e!ery second; vilobhanam--#eguiling; pra&eaya--out of lo!e; pta-drin ing; va--flute; mukham--mouth; jagat--worlds; traya--three; vimohanam-enchants; jayati--all glories<; mmakam--my; jvitam--life& All glories to Ka my 3ery li&e and t$e en#$anter o& t$e t$ree (orldsE )is no(2looming yout$ is adorned (it$ t$e last &li#kering o& #$ild$ood" )is eyes &las$ing (it$ delig$t )e 2e(ilders Cupid (it$ t$e ne#tar o& )is smile" )is 2eauty 2eguiles at e3ery moment and out o& lo3e )e drinds &rom t$e mout$ o& )is &lute" Text DF citra tad etac cara&eravinda citra tad etan nayanravindam citra tad etad vadanravinda citra tad etad vapurasya citram citram--wondrous; tat--of that one (+./a); etat--these; cara&ea--aravindam--lotus feet; citram--wondrous; tat--of that one; etat--these; nayana--aravindam--lotus eyes; citram--wondrous; tat--of that one; etat--this; vadana--aravindam--lotus face; citram--wondrous; tat--of that one; etat--this; vapurasya--#ody of 1is; citram-wondrous& )o( (ondrous are t$ese lotus &eet o& t$at ?9ord Ka@E )o( (ondrous t$ese lotus eyesE )o( (ondrous t$is lotus &a#eE :$ $o( (ondrous (ondrous is t$is 2odyE Text FG akhila-bhuvanaika-bha&eam adhibhita-jaladhi-duhit -kuca-kumbham vraja-yuvati-hra-vallmarakata-nyaka-mah-ma&ei vande akhila--of all; bhuvana--the worlds; eka--the #est or only; bha&eam--ornament; adhibhuita--who is adorned with; jaladhi--of the sun (i&e&' -/a#h@nu)' or of the sea; duhit--the daughter (i&e&' %dh' daughter of -/a#h@nu' or 2a /m'
daughter of the sea); kuca--#reasts; kumbham--"ars; vraja--yuvati---ra"a,s young girls; hra--the nec lace; vall--string; marakata--emerald; nyaka--principal; mah-great' large; maim--"ewel; vande--3 #ow& < 2o( do(n to ?Ka ($o is@ t$e only ornament o& t$e entire (orld yet ($o is ornamented 2y t$e pit#$er-like 2reasts o& .d$" )e is t$e great #entral 0e(el among t$e ne#kla#e o& emerald-like young girls o& ;ra0a" Text F1 knt-kuca-grahaa-vigraha-labdha-lakmkha$"ga-rga-nava-rajita-majula-r ga$a-sthal-mukura-ma$ala-khelamnagharm"kura kim api khelati ! a-deva knt--darling,s; kuca--#reasts; grahaa--gra##ing; vigraha--#ody; labdha-o#tained; lakm--lo!eliness; kha$a--scattering; a"ga--on their #odies; rga--red u> uma; nava--fresh; rajita--colored; majula--delightful; r--#eauty; ga$a--of 1is chee s; sthal--place; mukura--mirrors; ma$ala--round; khelamna--as if playing; gharm"kura--drops of perspiration; kim api--ineffa#le' oh<; khelati-sporti!e; ! a--deva--2ord +./a& :$ ($at ine&&a2le 2eauty my 9ord Ka is displaying-a delig$t&ul 2eauty en$an#ed 2y a lo3eliness a#Kuired ($en t$e &res$ kuQkuma on )is darling6s ?.d$6s@ 2reasts s#attered o3er )is o(n 2ody as )e gra22ed t$em ?and !$e &oug$t )im o&&@ and en$an#ed as (ell 2y t$e drops o& perspiration t$at seem to play on t$e mirror-like or2s o& )is #$eeks" Text F1* madhura madhura vapur asya vibhor madhura madhura vadanam madhuram madhu-gandhi mdu-smitam etad aho madhura madhura madhura madhura madhuram--sweet; madhuram--sweet; vapu--the transcendental form; asya--1is; vibho--of the 2ord; madhuram--sweet; madhuram--sweet; vadanam--face; madhuram--sweet; madhu--gandhi--the fragrance of honey; mdu--smitam--soft smiling; etat--this; aho--7h<; madhuram--sweet; madhuram--sweet; madhuram-sweet; madhuram' sweet& : my 9ord t$e trans#endental 2ody o& Ka is 3ery s(eet and )is &a#e is e3en s(eeter t$an )is 2ody" T$e so&t smile on )is &a#e ($i#$ is like t$e &ragran#e o& $oney is s(eeter still" Text F4 "gra-rasa-sarvasva ikhi-piccha-vibhaam a"g-kta-narkram
raye bhuvanrayam "gra--con"ugal; rasa--mellow; sarvasvam--the #e--all and end--all; ikhi--piccha-peacoc feather; vibhaam--adorned; a"g--form; kta--accepted; nara--kram--a human #eing; raye--3 ta e shelter; bhuvana--of e!eryone in the uni!erse; rayam--the shelter& < take s$elter o& ?Ka@ ($o is t$e s$elter o& e3eryone in t$e uni3erse ($o $as t$e &orm o& a $uman 2eing ($o is adorned (it$ a pea#o#k &eat$er and t$o is t$e 2e-all and end-all o& t$e #on0ugal mello(" Text F8 n %dypi payate kadpi na daranya citte tatho %paniad sur sahasram sa tva cira nayanayor anayo padavy svmin kay nu kpay mama sannidhatse n--not; adya--till today; api--e!en; payati--sight; kadpi--e!er; na--not; daranya--a glimpse' !ision; citte--mental; tath--in the same way; upaniadm-the Apani/ads; sudm--seers; sahasram--thousands; sa--that (!ision); tvam--of )ou; ciram--for so long; nayanayo--of the eyes; anayo--unluc y' distressed (9); padavym--range; svmin--7 master; kay--in what manner; nu--indeed; kpay-grace' mercy; mama--my; sannidhatse--come near& : 9ord e3en to t$is 3ery day t$ousands o& *paniadi# sages $a3e not seen you (it$ t$eir eyes or in t$eir $earts" !o 2y ($at great mer#y o& 7ours $a3e 7ou #ome (it$in t$e range o& my distressed 3ision &or so longH Text F> ke %ya knti keava tvan mukendo ko %ya vea kpi vc abhmi se %ya so %ya svdatm ajalis te bhyo bhyo bhyaas tv nammi ke--what9; ayam--this; knti--#right glow; keava--7 +eBa!a; tvam--of )our; mukha--indo--face li e a moon; ka--what9; ayam--this; vea--whose appearance; ka api--e!en; vcm--words; abhmi--#eyond the scope; se ayam--that (glow); sa ayam--that (appearance); svdatm--let them #e relished; ajali--with folded hands; te--unto )ou; bhya--again; bhya--again; bhyaa--again; tvm--unto )ou; nammi--o#eisances& : Ke,a3a ($at is t$is 2rig$t glo( o& 7our moon-&a#eH 5$at is t$is appearan#e o& 7ours ($i#$ is 2eyond des#riptionH 9et t$at ?glo(@ and t$at ?appearan#e@ 2e relis$ed ?2y 7oursel& or 2y tose souls #ompetent to do so@" < simply 2o( do(n 2e&ore 7ou again and again and yet again"
Text FA vadanendu-vinirjita a daadh deva pada prapadya te adhika riyam anutetar tava kruya-vijmbhitam kiyat vadana--indu--face li e the moon; vinirjita--ha!ing #een con5uered; a--the moon; daadh--di!iding into ten parts (the toenails of +./a); deva--7 2ord; padam--)our feet; prapadya--ta en shelter; te--)our; adhikam--greater; riyam-#eauty' #rightness; anut--gaining' en"oying; itaram--than #efore; tava--)our; kruya--of mercy; vijmbhitam-slight spreading; kiyat-how great< : 9ord t$e moon $a3ing 2een #onKuered 2y 7our moonlike &a#e $as taken s$elter at 7our &aeet and split into ten parts-t$at is 7our toenails-t$ere2y gaining mu#$ greater 2rillian#e and 2eauty t$an 2e&ore" : 9ord $o( great is e3en a slig$t mani&estation o& 7our mer#yE Text FC tat tvan mukha katham ivmbuja-tulya-kakya vcm avci nanu parvai parvando tat ki bruve kim apara bhuvanaika-knta ! a tvad nanam anena sama nu yat syt tat--that; tvat--)our; mukham--face; katham--how; iva--li e; ambuja--lotus; tulya-e5ual; kakyam--similarity; vcm--#y words; avci--unspea a#le; nanu--certainly; parvai--on the new--moon day; parvai--indo--the new moon; tat--that; kim--what; bruve--3 say; kim-what; aparam-else; bhuvana-in the uni!erse; eka-only; kntamlo!eliness; ! a-7 +./a; tvat-)our; nanam-face; anena-other; samam-e5ual; nucertainly; yat-to that; syt-#e& : Ka $o( #an anyone #ompare 7our &a#e to t$e lotusH And as &or t$e moon-it attains a simply unmentiona2le state on t$e ne(-moon day" !o ($at else #an < sayH 5$at ot$er t$ing in t$e uni3erse #ould possi2ly eKual t$e lo3eliness o& 7our &a#eH Text FD urase u yadi praidhna-prva prvair aprva-kavibhir na katkita yat nrjana-krama-dhur bhavadnanendor nirvyjam arhati cirya ai-pradpa urase--you want to hear; su--hear; yadi--if; praidhna--prvam--with careful attention; prvai--of old; aprva--unprecedented; kavibhi--poets; na--not; katkitam--ta e notice; yat--that; nrjana--ceremony )rati*' krama--#earing; dhurm--#urden; bhavad--)our; nana--face; indo--moon; nirvyjam--without pretense; arhati--ought; cirya--for a long time; ai--of the moon; pradpa--the lamp&
<& you (ant to $ear t$en listen #are&ully to somet$ing t$at e3en t$e in#ompara2le poets o& old did not take note o&" And t$at is t$isP T$e lamp o& t$e moon deser3es to 2ear &or a long time t$e 2urden o& (ors$iping your moon-&a#e in t$e rati #eremony" Text FF akha$a-nirva-rasa-pravhair vikha$itea-rasntari ayantritodvnta-sudhrnavni jayanti tni tava smitni akha$a--un#ro en; nirva--#liss; rasa--lo!ing mellow; pravhai--current; vikha$it--destroys; aea--all; rasa--mellows; antari--other; ayantrit--without restraint; udvnta--flows; sudh--of nectar; arnavni--an ocean; jayanti--all glories; tni--cooling; tava--)our; smitni--smiles& All glories to 7our #ooling smiles ($i#$ are an o3er&lo(ing o#ean o& ne#tar destroying all ot$er 0oys (it$ un2roken strams o& t$e elixir o& 2lissE Text 1GG kma santu sahasraa katipaye srasya-dhaureyak kma v kamanyat-parimala-svrjya-baddha-vrat naivaiva vividmahe na ca vaya deva priya brmahe yat satya ramanyat-parinatis tvayy eva pra gat kmam--let there #e; santu--#e; sahasraa--thousands; katipaye--some; srasya-relisha#le sweetness; dhaureyak--finest #earers; kmam--let there #e; v--or; kamanyat--attracti!e #eauty; parimala--fragrance; svrjya--glory; baddha-vrat--those who are steady' fi(ed in !ow; na--not; eva--certainly; evam--with them; vividmahe--5uarrel; na--not; ca--and; vayam--we; deva--7 2ord; priyam--well; brmahe--spea ; yat--that; satyam--truth; ramanyat--attracti!e #eauty' con"ugal #eauty; parinati--perfection; tvayi--in )ou; eva--certainly; pram--to its limit; gat-gone& 9et t$ere 2e t$ousands o& men ($o possess relis$a2le 2eauty and let t$ere 2e t$ousands o& men ($o are steady in t$e glory o& t$e &ragran#e o& attra#ti3eness" 5e s$all neit$er Kuarrel (it$ t$em nor speak (ell o& t$em" Out t$e trut$ : 9ord is t$at in 7ou t$e per&e#tion o& attra#ti3e 2eauty $as rea#$ed its limit" Text 1G1 galad-vr$ lol madana-vinit gopa-vanit mada-sphta gta kimapi madhur cpala-dhur samujjmbh gumbh madhurima-kir mda-gir tvayi sthne jte dadhati capala janma saphalam galat--destroyed; vr$--shyness; lol--restless; madana--with lo!e' #y Cupid; vinit--made hum#le; gopa--vanit--the cowherd men,s wi!es; mada--lustful
passion; sphtam--swollen; gtam--songs; kimapi--ineffa#le; madhur--sweetness; cpala--fri!olity; dhur--e(cess; samujjmbh--fully elated; gumbh--stringing a garland; madhurima--sweetness; kirm--scattering' spreading; mda--my; girm-words; tvayi--in )ou; sthne--situated; jte--achie!ement; dadhati--gotten; capalam-transient; janma--of #irth; saphalam--fruit& : Ka 2eing situated in 7ou t$e &ollo(ing t$ings $a3e a#$ie3ed t$e &ruit o& t$ier transient existen#esP t$e (i3es o& t$e #o($erd men ($o 2e#ome restless t$eir s$yness destroyed and ($o turn $um2le (it$ lo3e &or 7ouL songs ($i#$ 2e#ome s(ollen (it$ passionL 7our ex#ess o& &ri3olity ($i#$ 2e#omes 3ery s(eetL and my &ully elated (ords ($i#$ s#atter s(eetness 2y stringing a garland ?o& 3erses a2out 7ou@" Text 1G1 bhuvana bhavana vilsin rs tanayas tmara-ssanah smara ca paricra-parampar surendrs tad api tvac-carita vibho vicitram bhuvanam--uni!erse; bhavanam--()our) a#ode; vilsin--consort; r--2a /m' the goddess of fortune; tanaya--son; tmara--lotus; ssana--he who sits on (i&e&' =rahm@); smara--Cupid (Pradyumna); ca--also; paricra--attendants; parampar-series of; sura--indr--the demigods, leaders; tat--all of that; api--although; tvat-)our; caritam--pastimes (here in -ra"a); vibho--7 2ord; vicitram--!ery wonderful& : 9ord alt$oug$ t$e entire uni3erse is 7our a2ode 9akm is 7our #onsort 9ord Ora$mR and %radyumna and 7our sons and t$e #$ie&s o& t$e demigods are 7our attendants still 7our pastimes ?$ere in ;ra0a@ are most (onder&ul" Text 1G4 devas trilok-saubhgyakastur-tilak"kura jyd vraj"ganna"gakeli-llita-vibhrama deva--to the 2ord; trilok--of the three worlds; saubhgya--#eneficent; kastur-mus ; tilaka--tila a; a"kura--mar s (on the forehead); jyt--all glories; vraja-a"gan---ra"a,s #eautiful--lim#ed ones (i&e&' the mil maids); ana"ga--4the #odiless one4 (i&e&' Cupid); keli--sports; llita--"oy' pleasure; vibhrama--encouraged' increased& All glories to Ka t$e most 2ene&i#ent in all t$e t$ree (orlds ($ose &ore$ead is marked (it$ musk-tilaka and ($ose lo3e and 0oy are in#reased 2y t$e lo3e-sprots o& ;ra0a6s milkmaidsE Text 1G8 premada ca me kmada ca me
vedana ca me vaibhava ca me jvana ca me jvita ca me daivata ca me deva n %param premadam--gi!er of 1is lo!e; ca--and; me--for me; kmadam--fulfiller of desire; ca--and; me--for me; vedanam-- nowledge; ca--and; me--my; vaibhavam--power' wealth; ca--and; me--my; jvanam--cause of life' !ital energy; ca--and; me--my; jvitam--!ery life; ca--and; me--my; daivatam--god; ca--and; me--for me; deva--7 2ord; na--none; aparam--other& : 9ord 7ou and 7ou alone are my (ors$ip&ul Seity gi3er o& lo3e &ul&iller o& desire" 7ou alone are my kno(ledge my po(er and (ealt$ my 3ital &or#e and my 3ery li&e" Text 1G> mdhuryea vivardhant vco nas tava vaibhave cpalyena vijmbhant cint nas tava aiave mdhuryea--with sweetness; vivardhantm--increasing power; vco--words; na-our; tava--)our; vaibhave--wealth' #eauty; cpalyen--with eagerness; vijmbhantm-swell; cint--thoughts; na--our; tava--)our; aiave--childhood& : 9ord let our (ords 2e empo(ered to s(eetly des#ri2e 7our 2eauty and let our t$oug$ts s(ell (it$ eagerness ($en d(elling on 7our #$ild$ood" Text 1GA yni tvac-caritmtni rasanlehyni dhanytman ye v aiava-cpala-vyatikar ,dhvarodhonmukh y v bhvita-veu-gta-gatayo ll mukhmbhoruhe dhr-vhikay vahantu hdaye tny eva tny eva me yni--those which; tvat--)our; carita--of pastimes; amtni--nectar; rasan-tongues; alehyni--tasted; dhany--#lessed' fortunate; tmanm--sourls; ye--those; v--or; aiava--childhood; cpala--fri!olities; vyatikar--pran s; ,dh--of %dh; avarodha--o#struction; unmukh--laying in wait; y--those; v--or; bhvita--)our; veu--gta--flute--song; gatayah--modulations; ll--sporti!e gestures; mukha--face; ambhoruhe--lotus; dhr--flow; vhikay--#earing of the flow continuously; vahantu-let there #e; hdaye--heart; tni--those; eva--certainly; tni--those; eva--certainly; me--my& 9et t$ere e3er &lo( in my $eart t$e ne#tarous pastimes tasted 2y t$e tongues o& 2lessed &ortunate soulsL 7our mis#$ie3ous #$ild$ood pranks -su#$ as laying in (ait to o2stru#t .d$/L and t$e sporti3e gestures o& 7our lotus &a#e inspired 2y 7our rippling &lute-song" Text 1GC
bhaktis tvayi sthiratar bhagavan yadi syd daivena na phalati divya-kiora-mrti mukti svaya mukulitjali sevate %smn dharmrtha-kma-gataya samaya-pratkh bhakti--de!otional ser!ice; tvayi--unto )ou; sthiratar--fi(ed--up; bhagavan--7 2ord; yadi--if; syt--it may #e; daivena--as destiny; na--unto us; phalati--#ears the fruit; divya--transendental; kiora--mrti--the youthful form of +./a; mukti-li#eration; svayam--personally; mukulita--ajali--standing with folded hands; sevate--renders ser!ice; asman--unto us; dharma--religiosity; artha--economic de!elopment; kma--sense gratification; gataya--the final goals; samaya--near#y; pratk--e(pecting& : 9ord i& < am engaged in &irm de3otional ser3i#e to 7ou t$en < #an 3ery easily per#ei3e 7our di3ine yout$&ul &orm" And as &ar as li2eration is #on#erned s$e stands at my door (it$ &olded $ands (aiting to ser3e me and all material #on3enien#es o& religiosity e#onomi# de3elopment and sense grati&i#ation stand (it$ $er" Text 1GD jaya jaya jaya deva deva deva tribhuvana-ma"gala-divya-nmadheya jaya jaya jaya deva kna deva ravaa-mano-nayanmtyvatra jaya--all glories; jaya--all glories; jaya--all glories; deva--7 2ord; deva--7 2ord; deva--7 2ord; tribhuvana--the three world; ma"gala--auspicious; divya--di!ine; nmadheya--name; jaya--all glories; jaya--all glories; jaya--all glories; deva--7 2ord; ! a--7 +./a; deva--7 2ord; ravaa--the ear; mana--the mind; nayana--the eye; amta--nectar; avatra--an incarnation& All glories all glories all glories to 7ou : 9ord ($ose $oly name is auspi#ious &or all t$ree (orldsE All glories all glories all glories to 7ou 9ord KaE 7ou are t$e in#arnation ($o are ne#tar &or t$e ear mind and eyes" Text 1GF tubhya nirbhara-hara-vara-vivavea-sphutvir-bhavadbh+yua-cpala-bhiteu sukt bhveu nirhsine rmad-gokula-ma$anya manas vc ca dre sphuran mdhuryaika-mahravya mahase kasmai cid asmai nama tubhyam--to )ou; nirbhara--e(cess; hara--delight; vara--deluge; viva-spontaneous' unrestrained; vea--to cause; sphyta--manifest; virbhavad--)ou manifest; bhya--repeated; cpala--agitations; bhiteu--ornamented; suktm-!ery pious souls; bhveu--emotional states; nirbhsine--shine forth; rmat-glorious; gokula--Go ula; ma$anya--)ou adorn; manasm--mind; vcm--speech; ca--and; dre--#eyond; sphuran--shining; mdhurya--sweetness' lo!ing tenderness;
eka--e(clusi!e; maha--aravaya--great ocean; mahase--glory; kasmai--whate!er; cit-that Cspiriutal energyD (9); asmai--3; nama--o#eisances& < 2o( do(n to 7ou Ka ($o s$ine &ort$ in t$e e#stati# states o& t$ose 3ery pious souls adorned (it$ repeated agitations o##asioned 2y a spontaneous deluge o& ex#essi3e trans#endental delig$t" < 2o( to 7ou ($o are t$e ornament o& glorious 'okula and ($o are t$e uniKue o#ean o& s(eet lo3ing tenderness glo(ing in t$e distan#e 2eyond (ords and t$oug$t" To 7ou to ($ate3er glory 7ou em2ody < 2o( do(n" Text 11G na-deva-cara-bharaena nvdmodara-sthira-yaa stabakodgamena llukena racita tava ! a deva karmta vahatu kalpa-atntare %pi na--deva--the 2ord; cara--the feet; bharaena--with adornments; nv-wealth' capital; dmodara--of E@modara; sthira--lasting; yaa--fame; stabhaka-#ou5uet; udgamena--with the production; llukena--#y 2l@Bu a (=il!ama>gala Fh@ ura); racitam--composed; tava--for )our; ! a--7 +./a; deva--7 2ord; kara--amtam--the ear,s nectar (nectar for the ears of +./a); vahatu--may it flow' may it continue to e(ist; kalpa--a day of =rahm@; ata--antare--for one hundred; api--indeed& 5it$ t$e produ#tion o& t$is 2ouKuet o& 3erses ($i#$ $as t$e lasting &ame o& SRmodara as its #apital and ($i#$ adorns ,Rnade3a6s lotus &eet 9lR,uka $as (ritten a2out 7ou : 9ord Ka t$is ne#tar &or 7our ears" Bay it #ontinue to &lo( -to 2e $eard #$anted and sung/ &or one $undred days o& Ora$mR" Text 111 dhanyn sarasnulpa-sara-saurabhyam abhyasyat karn vivareu km api sudhvst#i duhna muhu ramyn sud mano-nayanayor magnasya devasya na karn vacas vijmbhitam aho ! asya karmtam dhanynm--the fortunate souls; sarasa--with sweetness; anulpa--poetic; sara-wa!es; saurabhyam--fragrance; abhyasyatm--repeat; karnm--of the ears; vivareu--the holes; km api--indescri#a#le; sudh--nectar; v#im--shower; duhnam--pours; muhu--repeatedly; ramynm--the mil maids; sudm--with #eautiful eyes; mana--in the minds; nayanayo--eyes' magnasya--sun ; devasya--of the 2ord; na--us; karnm--ears; vacasm--!oices; vijmbhitam--surges; aho--oh; ! asya--of +./a; kara--amtam--nectar for the ears& .epeatedly pouring an indes#ri2a2le s$o(er o& ne#tar into t$e ear-$oles o& t$ose &ortunate souls ($o relis$ t$roug$ repetition t$e &ragran#e o& its (a3es o& poeti# s(eetness t$is ne#tar &o t$e ears o& Ka ($o is sunk deep in t$e minds and eyes o& t$e 2eauti&ul-eyed milkmaids -and in ours/ surges in 3oi#es and ears"
Text 111 anugraha-dvigua-vila-locanair anusmaran mdu-mural-ravmtai yato yata prasarati me vilocana tatas tata sphurau tavaiva vaibhavam anugraha--with mercy; dvigua--dou#ly; vila--e(panded; locanaih--eyes; anusmaran--constant remem#rance; mdu--gentle' soft; mural--flute; rava--low sounds; amtai--nectar; yata--where!er; yata--where!er; prasarati--wanders; me--my; vilocanam--!ision; tata tata--there; sphuratu--)ou may manifest; tava-)our; eva--certainly; vaibhavam--#eauty' sweetness' wealth& : Ka al(ays remem2ering t$e ne#tarous lo( so&t sounds o& 7our &lute as (ell as 7our eyes dou2ly expanded (it$ mer#y < pray t$at ($ere3er my sig$t s$all (ander 7ou (ill al(ays mani&est 7our 2eauty s(eetness and opulen#e 2e&ore me"
r-! a-karmta sampta r-! a-karmtam-the nectar for +./a,s ears (the literary wor name); sampta-ends& r-Ka-karRmta ends $ere" #y that
- "-> -B .r - G