8 Strategies For Teaching Academic Language Edutopia
8 Strategies For Teaching Academic Language Edutopia
8 Strategies For Teaching Academic Language Edutopia
"Change your language and you change your thoughts." -- Karl Albrecht
Where to Start
It would be a mistake to think that academic language is a garbage pail category involving any word, depending on the context. A banana daiquiri is a fine adult beverage that most first graders cannot define, but is not an example of academic language. Nor do Tier 1 words (1) such as and or house fit the category, although these basic words are important to teach English-language learners (ELLs). If you are new to incorporating academic language into your lessons, a good place to begin is with Tier 2, high-frequency, general instruction words (such as paraphrase, summarize, predict and justify) that learners need to know for completing an activity, but that are not a lesson's primary learning objectives. These words are critical to students' successful
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processing of academic tasks and appear in the Common Core State Standards and on standardized tests.
8 Specific Strategies
1. Encourage Students to Read Diverse Texts Reading and then thinking and talking about different genres is a robust sequence for learning academic language. 2. Introduce Summary Frames Summarizing is the AK-47 of academic language activities -- simple and fail-safe. Students read a section of text to themselves before verbally summarizing the passage to a partner. Alternatively, learners can complete sentence frames -- guides for summarization. Here are some examples among many others created by Miss Hultenius (3): If the main idea of the paragraph is problem/solution, use the frame: "_____ wanted _____ but ______ so ______." If the main idea of the paragraph is cause/effect, use the frame: "_____ happens because ______." 3. Help Students Translate from Academic to Social Language (and Back) Model how to say something in a more academic way or how to paraphrase academic texts into more conversational language. Provide students with a difficult expository passage, like the inventor's paradox (4), and have teams reinterpret the text using everyday language. 4. Have Students Complete Scripts of Academic Routines Some discourse routines seem obvious to adults, but are more complex than NASA for young learners unless you provide scaffolding, like these speech (5) examples: "The topic of my presentation is ______." "In the first part, I give a few basic definitions. In the next section, I will explain ______. In part three, I am going to show ______."
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5. Dynamically Introduce Academic Vocabulary Repeated encounters with a word in various authentic contexts can help students internalize the definition. They also benefit when teachers make their first encounters with vocabulary sticky. Use the word in a funny or personal story. Show a short video from VocabAhead (6) that features 300 SAT words and categorizes vocabulary by grade level. 6. Help Students Diagram Similarities and Differences When students generate a list of similarities and differences between words and complete a Venn diagram, like this one (7) comparing and contrasting moths and butterflies, they are working with one of Robert Marzano's high-yield instructional strategies (8). 7. Have Students Write with a Transition Handout Formal academic writing challenges students of all ages. Before students write, give them a handout of transitions (9). Model where transitions fit, and describe how they help the reader. 8. Teach Key Words for Understanding Standardized Test Prompts Kechia Williams teaches 10 Terms (10) that help students understand prompts and ace standardized tests. In the comments section below, please share how you teach academic language.
Source: www.edutopia.org/blog/8-strategies-teaching-academic-language-todd-finley Links 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 www.superduperinc.com/handouts/pdf/182_VocabularyTiers.pdf www.amazon.com/English-Learners-Academic-Literacy-Thinking/dp/0325012032 ell.www.esu13.org/modules/locker/files/get_group_file.phtml?gid=1519707&fid=12991152 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inventor's_paradox www.it-sudparis.eu/lsh/ressources/ops2.php www.vocabahead.com/StudyRoom/tabid/61/Default.aspx thesmarties2.blogspot.com/2011/03/fruit-from-cactus.html www.palmbeachschools.org/qa/documents/Handout5-MarzanoHighYieldStrategies.pdf
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