Edu234 Explicit Lesson Plan Template 201
Edu234 Explicit Lesson Plan Template 201
Edu234 Explicit Lesson Plan Template 201
Level: 2 Class Period: Day 4 & 5 Subject: Language Arts Lesson # & Title: Letter Writing Big Idea/Lesson Focus: Letter writing Essential Question: How does one address an envelope and send a letter to a professional in desired job? Context for Learning: 20 students in classroom. 3 IEP, 2 Gifted and Talented, 5 ELL Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):
Review Remediation/Re-teaching
Content Standards: W2.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.
Learning Objectives: At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to correctly address and envelope to desired sender with 80% accuracy. At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to use proper sentence structure, including capitalization and punctuation with 80% accuracy. At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to formulate their thoughts into a cohesive letter with 60% accuracy on their own. Academic Language (Academic Language Demands and/or Academic Language Objectives):
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Letter Writing Parts of the Letter Header Greeting Body Closing Sentences Communication Professional
Instructional Materials and Support: Prior Knowledge: How to formulate a sentence. The students will have the ability to use proper grammar and sentence structure. Assessment Plan: The students will be assessed based on their ability to properly formulate a cohesive letter that has been addressed and mailed to a professional in their desired field.
Pre-Assessment for the unit: Use this information to design your lessons Assessment(s) during the lesson: Only assess what was taught
Assessment(s) at the end of the lesson: Clear up misconceptions Post-Assessment for the unit: Assess all that was taught in the unit
Strategies & Learning Tasks Introduction/Opening: I would introduce this lesson to my classroom by engaging the students through the use of letter writing. Im sure that they write notes to their friends still, so they will get to do this for an actual class assignment. This would allow me to complete a pre-assessment as well. By starting the lesson this way, I would be able to see where the students stand on their ability to formulate a letter through a familiar form of communication. Presentation/Explicit Instruction: 1) Once the students have completed their note, I would evaluate them and use this as a guideline to base the rest of my lesson on. If the students have a good understanding of what goes into a letter, then we will not spend much time going over the parts of a letter, but if they need it we will make that the main priority. 2) The students will be able to deliver their notes to their friends once the lesson is done, that way they are continued to be excited about learning about a letter. 3) To introduce the students to the parts of a letter, I will use the YouTube video to hook the students. I think this will be beneficial to the students because this is relating this lesson to their everyday personal lives, making it a little more interesting. 4) To teach the parts of a letter, I would use a large Post-It note to be the paper for the letter. This would allow all students to see the letter clearly as they are seated around the board. I would use a concept that is similar to what is shown in this YouTube video. 5) I would begin with the heading, and then go to the greeting, body, and closing. 6) Once I introduce all parts of the letter to the students, I will use the large Post-It and together as a class we will create a class letter based on what we just learned using the YouTube video and Post-It note technique. 7) I will then teach the students how to address the envelope for the letter. 8) The students will most likely know their home address, but if they do not I will have it available for them to learn. 9) I will teach the students where the senders address goes as well as their own address. I will also teach the students the location of the stamp and how to place the letter inside the envelope properly. 10) This lesson probably seems like one of the past because of how obsolete handwritten communication is and snail mail is becoming a thing of the past. But it is very important for students to understand how this form of communication works. Students will be applying for jobs one day and sending employers/employees letters and other documents. So, I think it is very important that students learn these simple tools that will be valuable through their life no matter how much technology advances. 11) Just like the letter writing Post-It, I will have one turned horizontal so that as a class we can practice how to address an envelope that goes with the letter we wrote. 12) Day One is now complete; students will continue to work on this lesson the following day DAY TWO 1) To start the second day of this lesson, I will have students create another large Post-It letter to a new friend describing what they had learned the previous day. 2) The students will then create a large Post-It envelope and address it to their new made up imaginary friend. 3) Once the class has created their Post-Its, they will be displayed on the chalk board for them to see and view from their seats as a reference. 4) Previously in the week, the students had the opportunity to choose a career they would like to learn about. At this time, they will be assigned a professional within that career to write a letter too. Theyre letter must be clear and cohesive with proper grammar and format like we learned in class. 5) The students will have time to work on this during class. 6) Once they finish the letters, the students must then properly address an envelope to the professional within their chosen careers. The addresses will be provided and the students will just need to properly copy it in the correct place and include their own home address, as well. 7) The students will be graded on this assignment using the rubric that is attached. The completion of the letter and envelope will then be graded and mailed by the teacher to the professional. 8) The rest of day two will be spent in the library following the activity plan that is attached.
Structured Practice/Exploration: I do The structured practice that will be used during this lesson is that I will initially show the students the video The students will be able to relate the parts of a letter to a more memorable part of their life. The use of songs, especially music they listen too, can help students better understand the topic at hand. Guided Practice/Specific Feedback: We do The guided practice for this lesson is creating the large Post-It note letters as a class. This will help the students better grasp what was being taught during the I do part of the lesson. Independent Practice/Application: You do The independent application for this lesson is the completion of the letters that the students will write to the professionals. This will really give me an idea of how well the students understood what was being taught to them. Closure: I would close this lesson by describing to the students how important letter writing is in the future for careers and jobs. I would ask the students if they can think of other ways that this topic will tie into their future, even just as students. Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment: For the ELL students, this lesson can be modified by allowing them to use a translator prior to writing their letter or allowing their letter to be written in their native language. For the gifted and talented students, they will be required to formulate more proper sentences as well as ask the professional a question and request a response. For the IEP students, they will have additional assistance, whether it is from a peer, aide, or me. Research and Theory: Piaget- Activate Stimulus. The students will activate their prior knowledge and get their minds working by the hooks I have instilled within this lesson. It is important to get the students attention from the beginning that way they are able to focus through the whole lesson. Vygotsky- Social Learning Theory. The students will work as a class, and then work to help each other write letters to their professionals. The students will need to use collaborative learning in order to do this, so they will be developing their social skills.