Complete Reading Reports From All Weeks
Complete Reading Reports From All Weeks
Complete Reading Reports From All Weeks
Week # 1 Reading Report Doctrine and Practice of Prayer
No Easy Road Notes:
Chapter 1: There were a couple things that stood out to me from this chapter. First of all, the illustration
given right at the beginning of the chapter regarding the communist editor who compared the price
communists are willing to pay to the laziness of Christians in spreading the gospel. The story of Praying
Hyde also touched me that his heart was physically damaged because of so much praying! I also liked
the thought that whereas only certain people are called by God to be missionaries or preachers we can
all pray! I really want God to help me in the area of prayer, and I believe that He is already is and will
Chapter 2: What a powerful statement was made in chapter two regarding the fact that faith is never
just almost it is always a wholehearted belief! It is not just almost persuaded, but it is persuaded. The
life of faith George Muller lived stands as a monument and inspiration for all Christians in his time and
since him. I know that this is one area I want God to help me in! For some reason it is very easy to go
through the motions of praying without reaching out in faith, believing that God is hearing and will
answer my prayers.
Week # 2 Reading Report Doctrine and Practice of Prayer
No Easy Road Notes:
Chapter 3: Something that stood out to me was the thought that there are three parties involved when
we pray. There is oneself of course and God, but Satan also is involved. He tries to hinder our prayers.
The proof of this would be seen in the story of Daniels prevailing prayer and finally when the angel
showed up he explained the delay of the answer. We must prevail at prayer to get past Satans efforts to
defeat us.
Chapter 4: Chapter four talked about how we allow ourselves to make excuses which hinder our prayer
life. There are many excuses we make such as being too busy or not a convenient time, but we must put
excuses aside and take the responsibility of prayer. Lord, help me!
Touch the World Through Prayer Notes:
Chapter 5:
Something that stood out to me in the chapter was the fact that Jesus is always praying for us.
He rules the world through prayer. I dont know why that had not ever really stuck out to me before, but
it caught my attention today. Jesus also desires for us to be his prayer partner and help pray for people
and situations.
Chapter 6:
There was a really good quote in chapter six that would put many of us under conviction no
doubt! Satan wants you to talk about people and their needs; the Holy Spirit wants you to intercede in
prayer for them. How often do we talk about people and their needs and never intercede in the place
of prayer for them? God help me!
Chapter 7:
Chapter seven was about angels. God uses angels to help answer our prayers. It is a wonderful
thought that angels are always available to us. All we have to do is ask God specifically for angels, and
He will send them. We may ask for them regarding some special need that we have, the needs of a
certain cause or organization, or on behalf of others such as missionaries who may be in need of
strengthening or protection. I want to remember this lesson and learn to ask more specifically for the
aid of angels.
Chapter 8:
Prayer is talked about in chapter eight as a long arm that can reach across the world to help in
situations. There were very moving stories of how people prayed and situations were changed, or
people aided because of that prayer. I wish God to help me more in the place of prayer that I may
partner with Him and release the power available to us in prayer!
Chapter 9:
The thing that really stood out to me from this chapter was the thought the author had
regarding fatalities of useful Christian workers. One night He was suddenly burdened in prayer, and He
prayed for about ten minutes and then it lifted. He found out shortly that his parents were in severe
danger of a head-on collision, but God intervened. It makes him wonder who failed to pray when
Christian workers have tragic accidents. I want to be in close enough communion with God that He can
put on me sudden needs for prayer and I will respond.
Chapter 10:
There were a couple of different things that stood out to me in this chapter. One of them is the
verse that mentions, if any two of you agree on earth as touching anything, it shall be done the
Greek word for agree actually means to sound together in harmony and particularly refers to
musical instruments. So we could say that when two Christians harmonize about a prayer need God
will answer. The other big thing that stood out to me was the fact that God gives us the keys of
obedience and prayer. It is our responsibility to use them in order that God can entrust us with more
Week # 3 Reading Report Doctrine and Practice of Prayer
No Easy Road Notes:
Chapter 5: A very thought provoking statement was in this chapter about our habit of prayer. If people
had eating habits similar to their prayer habits, one would be fearful of their physical conditions. God
help me to make meaningful prayer a habit that is never broken! There is no right time of day for
prayer, it will vary from individual to individual, but we need to choose a time and make a habit of it!
Another quote that really stuck out to me was, Everything that we intend to do for God must be now.
I dont want to have the attitude that I will learn to have a better pray life later, it must be now if it ever
will be!
Chapter 6: If we wish to become an intercessor there are some things we will have to do because it
doesnt come naturally to us. We need to learn a few different types of prayer. The first is communion
with God or being at peace with God. Secondly, we have petition when we take our needs before God.
And thirdly, we have intercession for others which is the peak or climax of prayer.
Touch the World Through Prayer Notes:
Chapter 13:
I am very glad that this chapter was in the book. It was a very timely motivator regarding fasting
and I want to get back in the habit of systematic fasting.
Chapter 14:
Chapter fourteen was a great reminder that God has ultimately defeated Satan. When we go to
prayer we can know that the victory is the Lords, and He will answer prayer!
Chapter 15:
This chapter was about using the command of faith to defeat Satan. There was a part that really
stuck out to me. Sometimes continued prayer indicates a lack of faith. God wants us to give the
command of faith and go forward. Sometimes we need to act in faith instead of just praying on and on.
Chapter 16:
This chapter spoke about the importance of praying especially for Gods power to be manifested
to non-Christians in countries where they have been worshipping false Gods. In this way they will be
convinced that God is powerful and will turn to Him. The author gives five things we should pray about
concerning this: 1) Place these power encounters on your daily prayer list, 2) Pray for Christ to be
manifest in miracle power, 3) Pray for God to keep the Christian workers spiritually victorious and
empowered by the Holy Spirit, 4) Pray for daily guidance for these Christian workers, 5) Pray for
Gods protection for these Christian workers. I want to do better remembering in prayer the specific
missionaries our church helps support.
Chapter 17: Chapter seventeen gave seven different things that we can do to defeat Satan as we are
praying for some needs that have been long-term prayer needs. This was my favorite part of the chapter
because I felt like it gave some definite things that we as Christians can do when we are discouraged
when no answer seems to be coming to our prayers. First of all, we can rejoice in Christs victory over
Satan at the cross. Secondly, we can rejoice in Christs sovereign authority and almighty power. We
can also plead the blood of Jesus, use the name of Jesus, take the Sword of the Spirit, march forward
praising Him, and lastly we can command Satan in Jesus name. There were several things that stood
out to me in this chapter! It mentioned developing a conversational prayer with the Lord throughout the
day. I thought that was very good and have already been working some on praying more throughout the
day. It is very easy to just have my devotions and then go on with my day not really focusing much on
prayer for the rest of the day. This chapter also had several good stories about the importance of
bearing the burden of prayer when God gives us to it.
Chapter 18:
There are many times when it is more important to praise God than to continue in petition.
The eighteenth chapter was about praise, which is something that I need to incorporate more into my
prayer life. It is so easy to just petition, petition, petition, and spend so little time in praising God. There
are probably more Bible verses about praising the Lord than praying!
Week # 4 Reading Report Doctrine and Practice of Prayer
No Easy Road Notes:
Chapter 7:
A quote that stood out to me from this chapter was, Our prayers are worth what we are
worth! If we are not deeply spiritual then our prayers will not be. May God help me to live in such a
way that my prayers may be deep and reach out to touch the lives of people!
Chapter 8:
Prayer is not just using God to get what we want. We should seek His will and find out what He
would have us pray for! I liked Mullers six-point plan to understanding Gods will.
1. I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in
regard to a given matter.
2. Having done this, I do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression. If I do so, I make
myself liable to great delusions.
3. I seek the will of the Spirit through, or in connection with, the Word of God.
4. Next I take into account providential circumstances. These often plainly indicate Gods will
in connection with His Word and Spirit.
5. I ask God in prayer to reveal His will to me aright.
6. Thus, through prayer to God, the study of the Word, and reflection, I come to a deliberate
judgment according to the best of my ability and knowledge.
Touch the World Through Prayer Notes:
Chapter 19:
This chapter was about the promises in the Bible still being valid for us today. It is important
though before claiming a promise that we understand its context and make sure that we apply it in very
near the same way that it was given to the original person or group of people. One thought that really
struck me came from the thought given in the book that if we pray for an hour we should spend a half
hour with our Bible. This made me thing that I separate my prayer and Bible reading too much. I am
going to experiment with taking my open Bible to the place or prayer more, and praying Scriptures etc
Chapter 20:
Chapter twenty was an encouraging and motivating chapter. It brought out different patriarchs
of the Bible and history, and how they each had their weaknesses, but they were still men of prayer and
spiritual victories. They were human just as we are which means we can accomplish great things through
prayer just as they did. The writer also brought out that they didnt start out as great men of prayer, but
they took steps until they had established a great prayer life. If they did that so can I!
Chapter 21:
This chapter spoke about the need for revival and how God has always used pray-ers to prepare
the way for revival. We need a nation-wide revival along with local revivals in such a bad way! I want to
step up and take my place as a pray-er for souls and a revival!
Chapter 22:
This chapter was very practical with helpful suggestion given for praying for revival. One of the
suggestions given for during your prayer time was to obey anything that the Lord asked of you otherwise
it would hinder answers to your prayers. I want to be sensitive to anything the Lord talks to me about in
the place of prayer so that the channel will be open between me and God!
Chapter 23:
This chapter challenged me to pray for revival in my own heart, and on a bigger scale for our
church. We desperately need revival in this day and age. It seems like the altars are barren and soul-
winning is very slow going! Could it all be from a lack of prayer?
Chapter 24:
My response from this chapter would be to ask the Lord to help me to see every person I meet
as a needy soul on their way to eternity, and that I might pray for them!
Week # 5 Reading Report Doctrine and Practice of Prayer
No Easy Road Notes:
Chapter 9:
In this chapter the balance between prayer and work is talked about. It also talks about how
Christians think since the Bible says to tithe 10% that we only have to give 10% of our time. Many
Christians may pay their 10% tithe, but do not give quality time to praying. They can give their in the
work place, but to God they only give 10%. God help me not to excuse lack of devotional time spent with
him because I am too tired from giving my all to other things!
Chapter 10:
This chapter was about persistence. Many prayers will not be answered without persistence!
We are in a day and age where we want things now, but God still needs some persistent prayers who
will hold on until they get an answer! Persistence is also not always the amount of time, but can be the
intensity of our prayers.
Touch the World Through Prayer Notes:
Chapter 25:
Something that stood out to me in this chapter was the thought that after revival we slack off
our praying when we should be praying for the seed that was planted to be watered. Many times it
takes some time for the seed to take hold and sprout up, but we need to keep on praying! I guess this
just really stood out to me since we are about four weeks away from our fall revival starting.
Chapter 26:
This chapter was about prevailing prayer, and I would like to quote from the book. We see so
few great spiritual victories because we fight so few prayer battles. We are powerless and fruitless
because we engage in prayer so casually. We have never learned prayer warfare. I thought that sums
up the prayer life of many people, and explains why we lack revival and power! Lord, teach me how to
prevail in prayer!
Chapter 27:
This chapter spoke about how we can prevail in prayer. There was a portion that I will quote
here that stuck out to me. God is not moved by feeble desires, listless prayer, and spiritual laziness.
The only way that we can prevail in prayer though is if God will help us and give us the burden we need!
God help me!
Chapter 28:
One thing that I really liked from this chapter was the illustration given of enrolling the help of
others in prayer. Rev. Duewel enlisted over 1,000 prayer partners to pray 15 minutes a day for their
work in China. They saw tremendous results! I guess maybe the reason it struck with me was because of
the Bible Club our church has. What would God do if our church people devoted part of their prayer
time each day to our Bible Club ministry? In counting yesterday our ministry has the potential of
reaching twice the amount of people that even attend our church! Would God please help us in some
way to pray until we see spiritual victories in the lives of the children and their parents!
Chapter 29:
This chapter talked about prayer as an investment. Something that stuck out to me from this
chapter was that even if we have only a minute here and there throughout the day we should take that
minute and pray. I dont really feel that I can get in the spirit of prayer or that a short prayer here and
there in between customers at work does any good, but this chapter said that those prayers multiply our
prayer investments.
Chapter 30:
This chapter mentioned different types of prayers that are in Gods will and that we can pray
for. One area that I havent thought about praying much for is that God would send forth laborers into
the harvest. Jesus specifically told us to pray for that area too!
Week # 6 Reading Report Doctrine and Practice of Prayer
No Easy Road Notes:
Chapter 11:
Let me insert from the book, Vision is seeing a need in our mind before it arises in the physical.
Burden is feeling a need in our heart before it happens. I want God to give me a burden for souls!
Chapter 12:
This chapter reinforced what I have been learning through this class that prayer is power. Only
through prayer do we receive the power for our lives to be lived as God wants them to be lived. And
only through the power of prayer will we see anything done in Gods Kingdom. This chapter also
mentioned that Satan will fight prayer, and that is so true, but thankfully if we ask God can help us to
overcome the things Satan throws in our pathway.
Touch the World Through Prayer Notes:
Chapter 31:
This chapter was about how to hold your own prayer retreat. At first I was thinking about how
busy my life is right now, and that it isnt really possible to set aside a whole day for prayer. However I
got to thinking that if I can take time off to have fun why not for spiritual reasons? Also why not use
some Sunday afternoon as the author suggested. This was a though provoking chapter!
Chapter 32:
This chapter had many ideas on how to pray for a person that needs to be saved. I guess one
thing that I hadnt considered before was never to criticize the person that you are praying for. Satan
will try and use that for his good, and he is the accuser of the brethren. The author pointed out that a
critical spirit will short-circuit our prayers for that person. Instead we need to thank God for the good
qualities they do have, and that you know that the Holy Spirit is already at work in their life, etc
Chapter 33:
This chapter was about how to make a prayer list. The part that they really stuck out to me that I
need to add to my prayer list is the government leaders. I really do need to work on adding them to
those that I pray for on a regular basis. Rev. Duewel pointed out the Scripture passage in 1 Timothy 2:1-
4 about praying for our leaders.
Chapter 34:
This chapter concentrated on agreeing in prayer with someone else. Sometimes you may be
able to meet with that person and pray together, other times you may have to pray separately, but you
agree on specific prayer needs and pray for those. Maybe we would see more results if more of us
covenanted together for prayer needs.
Prayer Commitment:
I liked the paragraph about God teaching me how to discipline my life so that I take time to
intercede. It is an matter of priorities and I want prayer to be at the top of my priority list!