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PSS A319 / A320 / A321

Systems Manual

February 23, 2002

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Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Panel Overview 3

Main Panel Components 5

General Notes 6

Primary Flight Display 7

Navigation Display 15

Engine / Warning Display 24

System Display 28

Autoight 30


Backup Instruments 66

Landing Gear 67

Controls on Center Pedestal 68

APU 71

Electrical System 72

Fuel System 74

Powerplane 76

Hydraulics 77

Pneumatics 79

Air Conditioning 81

Pressurization 83


Other Controls 86

Chronometer 87

Panel Conguration utility 88

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Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Panel views

The Phoenix Airbus A3xx panel has several pop-up windows and can be represented in different views, as shown below:

Full panel view is the default view. It shows all EFIS displays
and all gauges on the main panel. To return to full view from
Compact or Overhead view, press NUMPAD 8 key.

Full panel view

Compact panel view provides good outside view while including

the most important displays, instruments and controls. Compact
view is accessed by pressing and holding NUMPAD 2 key. To
keep this view active, press and hold NUMPAD 2, then press
CTRL, then release both.

Compact (“VFR”) panel view

MCDU window shows expanded view and allows operation of

Multipurpose Control Display Unit. This window is opened or
closed by clicking on MCDU screen image on main panel view,
or by pressing Shift+2 key.

MCDU window open

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Each of EFIS displays presents a wealth of information. To

help reading these displays, each of them can be expanded
by clicking on it. Expanded displays are pop-up windows and
can be moved and resized to your taste, or even undocked and
dragged to another monitor. An expanded display can be closed
by clicking on its upper right part.
Shortcut keys for displays are,
Shift+4 for PFD,
Shift+5 for ND,
Shift+6 for Upper ECAM, and
Shift+7 for Lower ECAM.

Expanded EFIS displays

Overhead panel contains controls for aircraft systems such as

Electrical, Fuel, Pressurization etc. Overhead view is accessed
by pressing and holding NUMPAD 5 key. To keep this view
active, press and hold NUMPAD 5, then press CTRL, then
release both.

Overhead panel view

Central pedestal carries thrust levers, aps and spoilers con-

trols, engine starting controls, etc. Central pedestal window is
opened and closed by pressing Shift+2 key.

Virtual cockpit view

Central pedestal window open

Flight Simulator Virtual Cockpit view contains full set of gauges.

Although, due to FS limitation, the custom-drawn (“vector”)
gauges are inoperative in Virtual Cockpit, and thus the EFIS
displays are replaced with different versions with some ele-
ments missing. Also, mouse clicks do not work in this mode.
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The Airbus has a modern glass cockpit. Mechanical gauges are replaced by an Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) which
includes six CRT displays representing all information in most convenient form. The displays include Captain and FO Primary Flight
Displays (PFD), Captain and FO Navigation Displays (ND), and two Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) displays:
Engine/Warning Display (E/WD) and System Display (SD). Mechanical backup instruments are also provided.
Automatic ight is controlled from Flight Control Unit (FCU). Fully automatic ight along a programmed route is possible and is
guided by Flight Management System (FMS). The FMS is programmed and operated using Multi-function Control and Display
Units (MCDU).

Chronometer EFIS Control Flight Control

button Panel Unit (FCU)

Primary Flight Navigation Engine/Warning Gear panel

Display (PFD) Display (ND) Display (E/WD)

GPWS Backup DDRMI System Display Clock

indicatior Instruments (SD)


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A319/320/321 GENERAL NOTES
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

EFIS displays

EFIS displays contain a wealth of information. At standard display resolutions, they can be hard to read. To solve this, any display
can be expanded by clicking it with the mouse. This brings a pop-up window with enlarged display picture. Such windows are
standard Flight Simulator pop-up windows. They can be resized, moved to any position and arranged to your taste. You can drag
a window clicking at any place, except for the area in upper right corner - clicking there will close the window. A window can be
undocked by right-clicking it and selecting “Undock” in pop-up menu. This allows the window to be moved outside main FS window
and placed anywhere on desktop, or on second monitor. The same can be done with MCDU pop-up window.

Thrust control

The A320 aircraft thrust levers are different from those found on Boeing-type or other common aircraft. The thrust levers move
through distinct detents, or gates, marked “MREV”, “IDLE”, “CL”, “FLX/MCT”, and “TO-GA”. Takeoff power is applied by moving
the levers to TO-GA or FLX-MCT gate, which commands autothrust system to produce computed takeoff thrust corresponding
to current conditions. At thrust reduction altitude, thrust levers are retarded to CL gate, which automatically engages autothrust
system. From this point, the levers are normally left in CL detent through all the ight until just before touchdown.
Autothrust system controls engine thrust corresponding to active thrust modes and thrust limits. The A320 thrust levers are not
back-driven by autothrust system, and don’t move as the thrust is automatically adjusted. Unless needed, they are left in CL gate
until synthesized voice announces “RETARD” 20 feet above landing runway.

Due to this, thrust control is implemented differently than on other Flight Simulator panels. Instead of using joystick throttle or Flight
Simulator keys, the panel uses custom keys (Numpad PLUS and Numpad MINUS by default) to move thrust levers between gates.
You can also use pedestal view and move levers with the mouse. Thrust levers position can be checked by looking at thrust Flight
Mode Annunciator on PFD, the thrust limit name on E/WD, or by checking the pedestal view.

Manual thrust control is still possible, using joystick throttle or Flight Simulator keys. Make sure that the panel-simulated thrust
levers are left at IDLE, or set at CL but the autothrust is disengaged.

Please check Autothrust discussion in Autoight section of this manual for further information.

Flight controls

The PSS A320 panel attempts to simulate electronic y-by-wire ight control system of the real aircraft. The conventional ight
yokes are replaced on Airbus aircraft with side-sticks, much like a computer joystick. Sidesticks send electronic signals to ight
computers, which drive the control surfaces.
Left-right stick deection controls bank rate, and computers will not allow to exceed bank limits of ±67° bank.
Forward-aft stick deection controls aircraft G load. Neutral stick position commands load of 1 G, resulting in level ight or constant
vertical speed, regardless of airspeed, altitude or weight. This is simulated in PSS panel by auto-trimming the aircraft, although
this can be done only when the joystick is centered.

The joystick inputs to Flight Simulator are disabled when the autopilot is engaged. This is done to prevent joystick noise from
interferring with autopilot operation.
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The Primary Flight Display (PFD) is the outer display on Captain and FO panels. It provides information on:
• Attitude and Guidance commands
• Airspeed
• Barometric and radio altitude and vertical speed
• Heading and track
• Flight Mode Annunciations
• Vertical and lateral deviations

The PFD is divided into several sections:

Flight Mode Attitude and

Annunciations Guidance

Airspeed Altitude and

Vertical Speed

Heading and

Flight Mode Annunciations

Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) are indications of current status of FMS operation. The FMA is divided into 5 columns which
• Thrust modes
• Active and armed Pitch modes
• Active and armed Roll modes
• Approach capabilities
• Autopilot, Flight Director and Autothrust engagement status
The Flight Mode Annunciations are discussed in detail in Autoight and FCU section.
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Attitude data ‚ Roll Scale ƒ Roll/Sideslip Index

„ Pitch Scale

… Attitude Limits
 Aircraft symbol

† Radar Altitude

 Aircraft symbol
Fixed aircraft symbol indicates position of aircraft relative to the horizon.

‚ Roll Scale
The scale is graduated at 0, 10, 20, 30 and 45 bank degrees.

ƒ Roll/Sideslip Index
Upper part of the index indicates current bank. The lower part moves below roll part and shows amount of side slip.

„ Pitch Scale
Graduated each 2.5 degrees, indicates current aircraft pitch.

… Attitude Limits
Green ‘=’ symbols are displayed at ±67° on roll scale, at 15° nose down and at 30° nose up on pitch scale. They represent the
pitch and bank limits of Normal law protections.

† Radar Altitude
Radar altimeter readout is displayed when below 2500 feet AGL. At low altitudes, the white line which separates pitch scale and
solid bottom part, moves up as aircraft gets closer to the ground, covering the pitch scale, and meets the horizon line at touchdown.
Radar altimeter readout turns yellow when below DH, if it was set.

Specic indications on ground

‚ Sidestick position
 Ground roll
command bar
ƒ Max sidestick

 Ground roll command bar

Indicates ground roll guidance command in RWY mode, which keeps runway course

‚ Sidestick position
Indicates the position of sidestick (joystick). Appears after second engine start and is removed at takeoff power application.

ƒ Max sidestick deection

Four corners dene maximum sidestick deection.
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Flight guidance commands generated by FMS are depicted by Flight Director

(FD) symbols. Flight Director system allows the pilot to manually y the aircraft
while following the guidance commands. The FD symbols are only visible when
FD button on EFIS control panel is illuminated.

There are two different modes of FD operation, with different symbology. The
FD button,
displayed FD symbols corresponds to selection of HDG-V/S or TRK-FPA mode EFIS Control Panel
on the FCU.

HDG-V/S Mode
In this mode, the FD symbols include two bars. Vertical FCU
bar indicates commanded bank, and horizontal bar shows
commanded pitch.
To follow the commands, steer the aircraft so that the bars
cross at the center if static aircraft symbol.
In this example, a left bank and present pitch is com-


In this mode, the FD symbols include a ight path vector symbol and a ight path director
symbol. Flight path vector symbol (“Bird”) represents the aircraft vertical ight path angle, drift
angle and bank. The command symbol (“Moustache”) shows commanded ight path angle, as
vertical distance between the symbols, and roll, as the difference in symbols rotation.
To follow the commands, steer the aircraft so that the two symbols are aligned.
In this example, a left bank and pitch up is commanded.

Drift angle

Bank angle Bank


Vertical ight path Vertical ight path

angle Flight Path Vector difference Flight Path Director
symbol commands
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Guidance (continued)

ILS Indications

When ILS receiver is automatically tuned for destination airport approach by FMS, or ILS frequency is manually entered on MCDU
Rad Nav page, the localizer and glideslope deviation bars can be displayed on PFD. To do so, push the ILS button on EFIS control
panel. Second push removes ILS information from PFD.

 Localizer deviation ‚ Glideslope deviation

ƒ ILS front course

 Localizer deviation
‚ Glideslope deviation
The magenta indexes represent horizontal and vertical deviation from localizer and glideslope. In this example, the aircraft is to the
right and above the glide path. When a deviation diamond index reaches a limit of a scale, it turns to magenta arrow.

ƒ ILS front course

Magenta dagger on heading scale indicates the selected landing runway ILS course, or course manually entered on MCDU
Rad Nav page.
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 Actual Airspeed
Indicated by a yellow line as referenced to speed tape moving behind the line.
If the airspeed is below 30 knots, the scale is xed at 30 knots.

‚ Speed Trend
An arrow extending from the actual airspeed line shows aircraft acceleration and
 Actual Airspeed displays the speed which will be attained in 10 seconds if present acceleration
‚ Speed Trend remained constant.

ƒ Target Airspeed
ƒ Target Airspeed Gives the active FMS speed target. If the target is outside the displayed scale, the
triangle is replaced by a numeric readout above or below the scale.
The triangle or readouts are magenta if target is Managed speed automatically
computed by FMS according to ight plan or active ight stage, and are cyan if the
target is speed manually selected on FCU.

„ Mach Number „ Mach Number

Appears if current Mach number is greater than 0.5

 VMAX Lowest of:
- Maximum operating speed if in clean conguration
- Maximum gear down speed if gear down
- Maximum aps extended speed for current ap conguration

Mimimum selectable speed
ƒ Alpha Protection
Speed corresponding to angle of attack at which alpha protection becomes active
ƒ Alpha Protection
„ Alpha Max
Speed corresponding to maximum angle of attack that may be reached in pitch
„ Alpha Max normal law
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Airspeed (continued)

Decision Speed (V1) S speed

1 S
V1 speed selected through MCDU. Digitally Minimum slat retraction speed, visible when
shown in top part of the scale if outside visible aps are in conguration 1
range. Displayed only on the ground. If V speeds
are not selected, a red “SPD SEL” ag is dis-
played above airspeed scale.
Maximum aps extended speed for the next
(greater) ap lever position

F speed Green Dot

F Minimum ap retraction speed, visible when O Maneuvering speed in clean conguration
aps are in conguration 3, 2 or 1+F

Managed Descent speed range

When aircraft is in Managed Descent (DES) guidance mode, and in managed speed, the airspeed may vary
to maintain the computed descent path. In these modes the target speed triangle is replaced by a = mark
and two brackets indicate allowable airspeed range. The range is managed speed target plus minus 20
knots, accounting for ight plan speed limits and minimum and maximum operating speeds.
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‚ Target Altitude  Altitude

Displays current aircraft barometric altitude. If altitude is negative, white “NEG”
ag appears near the readout window. The window will ash yellow when aircraft
ƒ Vertical Speed approaches altitude target, and ash amber when it deviates from the target. The
readout turns amber if aircraft descents below MDA (if dened).

‚ Target Altitude
 Altitude
Indicates altitude selected on FCU. If the target is outside visible scale, it is
displayed in numeric form above or below the scale. If managed vertical guidance
mode (CLB or DES) and ight plan contains a constraint altitude which is closer
than one selected on FCU, displayed target shows this constraint in magenta

ƒ Vertical Speed
„ Baro Reference The VS scale is marked at 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 fpm. Digital readout appears
and moves together with the needle at greater than ±200 fpm. Readout turns
amber at excessive climb or descent rates.

„ Baro Reference
STD (standard) or QNH altimeter settings in selected units, as selected on EFIS
control panel. If reference is STD and aircraft is below transition altitude, or
reference is QNH and aircraft is above transition level, the Baro indication will be
boxed in ashing yellow.

Select hPa

Select in Hg Toggle
settings Increase
Baro controls,
EFIS control panel

Terrain indication
Ground level, based on radar altimeter.

Descent Path Indicator

This symbol is automatically displayed during FMS
Descent and Approach phases. The indicator displays
aircraft’s vertical relationship to computed descent
path. In this example, the aircraft is slightly below
the path. Maximum symbol movement represents
±500 ft deviation.
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 Actual Heading ƒ Target Heading

or Track

‚ Ground Track „ ILS Course

 Actual Heading
Shows current aircraft heading on the moving heading scale. The ticks on the scale are repeated on the horizon line of attitude

‚ Ground Track
Green diamond indicates current ground track, which will be different from aircraft heading in crosswind conditions.

ƒ Target Heading or Track

Blue triangle marks the heading or track selected in FCU Heading window. If indicator is outside visible scale, it is replaced by a
digital readout located at the side of heading scale which is closest to target heading. If aircraft is in managed lateral mode (NAV)
following ight plan route, the target heading indicator is removed.

„ ILS Course
Magenta dagger on heading scale indicates the selected landing runway ILS course, or course manually entered on MCDU Rad
Nav page. If indicator is outside visible scale, it is replaced by a digital readout located at the side of heading scale which is
closest to ILS course.
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Navigation displays (ND) are inboard displays on Captain and FO panels. The NDs present all information for navigating the aircraft,
including ight plan route display, moving map of database navaids / waypoints / airports, tuned navaid bearing pointers and
information, TCAS (Trafc Alert and Collision Avoidance system) display etc.

The navigation display has 5 different modes of operation: ROSE ILS, ROSE VOR, ROSE NAV, ARC and PLAN.


EFIS Control Panel,

ND Mode and Range selectors
ARC Mode PLAN Mode

ND Modes

ND Modes are selected using selector knob on EFIS Control Panel. Another selector knob changes display Range, from 10 to
320 NM.
ROSE ILS and ROSE VOR modes are mainly used during ILS and VOR approaches; they display selected course needle, course
deviation indicator, and glideslope deviation indicator, along with all other common information. Other three modes display active
ight plan route. ROSE NAV and ARC modes show a map with overlaid route display, ROSE NAV mode showing full 360 degrees
around aircraft, and ARC showing forward sector. PLAN mode allows to review entered route by stepping and centering through
all waypoints on the route.
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ND Common information
 Heading
‚ Groundtrack ƒ Selected heading

„ GS / TAS

… Wind

† Bearing pointers

ˆ Range marks

‡ Selected Navaids

 Heading
A yellow index marks present aircraft heading on the rotating heading rose.

‚ Groundtrack
Green diamond mark displays current aircraft ground track, which is different from heading in crosswind conditions.

ƒ Selected heading
Blue triangle shows heading selected on FCU. It is removed when ying in managed lateral (NAV) mode. In ND ARC mode,
if selected heading is outside visible arc of heading rose, it is numerically displayed at the heading arc side closest to the
selected heading.

„ GS / TAS
Digital indication of current Groundspeed and True Airspeed.

… Wind
Digital indication of current wind direction and speed. If wind is present, a green arrow shows wind direction relative to aircraft

† Bearing pointers
Needles point to tuned navaid stations. Appear only when a navaid is selected for display on EFIS control panel (see below).

‡ Selected Navaids
Information on tuned navaids, selected on EFIS control panel. Include selected receiver, navaid identier, and DME distance if
available. A letter “M” is added after navaid name if navaid is manually tuned on MCDU Rad Nav page. A letter “R” is added if a
frequency is manually tuned on Radio Management Panel (RMP, located on center pedestal). No letters are added when navaid is
autotuned by the FMS. Arrow symbols show which bearing pointer on the rose display represents this navaid.

ˆ Range marks
Located at range circles and dene corresponding circle range from the aircraft symbol. In ND ARC mode, the outer circle
represents the range selected on EFIS control panel. In all other (ROSE and PLAN) modes, the outer circle has half the range
selected on EFIS control panel.
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ND Common information (continued)

Bearing pointers
Bearing pointers represent bearing to stations received by radios selected for display on
EFIS control panel:



EFIS Control Panel,

ADF Navaid selectors

Chronometer display
The ND can display an elapsed time chronometer independent from one on the aircraft clock. The ND chronometer is controlled by
a Chronometer button located on the glareshield above the ND. Pressing this button performs these functions:
• First push: Starts the chronometer and displays it on ND
• Second push: Stops the chronometer
• Third push: Resets the chronometer and removes it from ND.


Chronometer button,
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ROSE ILS mode provides ILS deviation display similar to a conventional Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI), and is used during
ILS approaches.

 ILS course „ ILS info

‚ Localizer deviation ƒ Glideslope deviation

 ILS course
Magenta dagger needle shows the selected ILS localizer course. It is automatically selected when an ILS is auto-tuned by FMS for
landing, or can be manually selected on MCDU Rad Nav page.

‚ Localizer deviation
Magenta bar moving across a dotted scale represents lateral deviation from the localizer course.

ƒ Glideslope deviation
Magenta diamond shows vertical deviation from ILS glideslope. When deviation is greater than that represented by full scale, the
diamond turns into a half-diamond arrow.

„ ILS info
Additional ILS information includes:
• ILS receiver (always ILS1),
• ILS frequency,
• Selected ILS course, and
• ILS ID name.
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ROSE VOR mode provides localizer deviation display similar to a conventional Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI), and is used
during VOR approaches or VOR navigation.

„ VOR information

‚ Course deviation

ƒ TO-FROM indicator

 VOR course

 VOR course
Blue dagger needle shows the selected VOR radial. The radial selection is performed on MCDU Rad Nav page.

‚ Course deviation
Blue bar moving across a dotted scale represents lateral deviation from the selected VOR radial course.

ƒ FROM-TO indicator
A blue arrow on the course deviation bar acts as a TO-FROM indicator. The arrow always points towards the station. If the
arrow is on the same side as the course dagger head, the aircraft ies TO the station. If it is on the other side, the aircraft
ies FROM the station.

„ VOR information
Additional VOR information includes:
• VOR receiver (always VOR1, as this is Captain’s ND),
• VOR frequency,
• Selected VOR course, and
• VOR ID name.
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ROSE NAV mode, or similiar ARC mode, are the primary modes used during the ight. They display aircraft position with reference
to active ight plan route, moving map of selected type of database navaids / waypoints / airports, as well as all other common
information. ROSE NAV is preferred to ARC mode when it is desired to monitor the area behind the aircraft, like when being
vectored around airport prior to approach, or navigating using VORs to keep head and tails of bearing needles visible.

‚ TO waypoint info

 Flight Plan ƒ Database Map

„ TCAS contacts

 Flight Plan

Displays the legs and waypoints of ight plan entered to the FMS. Different ight plan types can be recognized by different colors
used to draw ight plan segments. The color usage corresponds to that used on MCDU:

Active Flight Plan: Active route legs are drawn in green color. When the aircraft is in Managed lateral mode and guidance follows
the entered ight plan, the route lines are solid green. When aircraft is in Selected heading mode (HDG or TRK), the route
is dashed green.

Temporary Flight Plan: Most route modications done through MCDU result in creation of temporary ight plan, which can be
inserted in place of original ight plan, or cancelled. Temporary ight plan legs are drawn using dashed yellow color.

Alternate Flight Plan: The alternate ight plan, if entered, is displayed in dashed blue color.

Flight plan legs are not drawn for legs which don’t have a dened trajectory (such as “intercept XXX course to YYY” legs on a SID or
STAR) and when a ight plan Discontinuity exists between waypoints.

Flight Plan waypoints

The waypoints forming the ight plan are drawn as diamonds. The active (“TO”) waypoint is shown in white, and all others
are in green.

If a waypoint has associated constraint, a circle is drawn around it. Circle is magenta if the aircraft follows ight plan and obeys
the constraint, and white if aircraft is not following the plan (ying a selected heading). Waypoint constraints can be viewed on
ND by pushing CSTR button on EFIS control panel.
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ROSE NAV Mode (continued)

Pseudo waypoints
During vertical ight prole calculation, the FMS automatically inserts Pseudo Waypoints into ight plan. These waypoints represent
points on ight plan route where aircraft will start climb or descent or will level off. They are displayed on ND as follows:

Level off: A point where the aircraft will level off at altitude constraint
or at cruise altitude (Top of Climb). Constraint level-offs are drawn in
magenta, TOC is in blue.

Top of Descent: A point where descent from cruise altitude should start.
Symbol is white before descent mode is armed, and is blue then
descent is armed.

Speed change: A point where the aircraft will automatically accelerate

or decelerate to meet speed constraint or speed limit.

DECEL: Deceleration point is automatically inserted before approach

segment. Overying this waypoint will engage Approach ight stage and
aircraft will automatically decelerate to approach speed.

Airports and runways

Origin and destination airports and runways are depicted on ND in white
color. If a runway is not selected, and asterisk with airport identier is
displayed. áEGLL
When a runway is specied, it is drawn to scale and properly oriented, and EGLL
labelled with airport ID and runway name. 09L

‚ TO waypoint info
Information on active (TO) waypoint is displayed in the upper right corner. The information includes:
• Waypoint name,
• Bearing to waypoint,
• Distance to waypoint,
• Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) at TO waypoint.

ƒ Database Map
ND can display a moving map of database navaids, waypoints or airports by pushing corresponding button on EFIS control panel.
Selected button is indicated by a light. Only one type can be selected at a time. Second push on lighted (selected) button removes
the map display. Displayed symbols are magenta.

Display Display Display

ight plan VORs Airports Waypoint



Display Display
waypoints NDBs
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ROSE NAV Mode (continued)

„ TCAS contacts
Trafc Alert and Collision Avoidance system utilizes transponder returns from other aircraft. It determines range, bearing, and
relative altitude of other aircraft and displays a map of aircraft contacts on ND.

An aircraft is represented by a white diamond. If contact is at different altitude

than own ship, the altitude difference, in 100s of feet, is displayed above or +20
below the symbol. If contact aircraft is climbing or descending, an arrow is
drawn beside the symbol to indicate this. In the example, the left aircraft is
2000 feet above and ies level, and the right aircraft is 500 ft below and is
Displayed is the trafc at up to 40 nm distance and within 2700 feet vertically.

Trafc alerts and advisories are not modelled.

ARC Mode

ARC mode is similiar to ROSE NAV mode, and is the most used mode. It displays the same information as ROSE NAV mode, but
own aircraft symbol is shifted to the bottom of the display and displayed is forward sector ahead of the aircraft. This gives bigger
display area for controlling forward space while ying enroute.
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The PLAN mode allows the pilot to preview future portions of ight plan not displayed in ROSE NAV or ARC mode. In PLAN mode,
the display is north-oriented and displays a full compass scale with true north at the top.

The PLAN mode displays ight plan in similiar way to ROSE NAV or ARC modes, but centers the display on waypoint visible
on line 2 of MCDU F-Plan mode (or next line, if line 2 contains a pseudo waypoint or ight plan discontinuity). The pilot can
scroll through entire ight plan using MCDU slew keys, and ND display will shift together with scrolling, keeping centered on
second listed waypoint.

If present aircraft position is within displayed range, the yellow aircraft symbol indicates current position and course relative to
ight plan route.

The TCAS information, navaids and bearing pointers are not displayed in PLAN mode.
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Engine / Warning Display (E/WD) is the upper of two Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) displays. It is organized in
two areas, the Engine display and Warning / Memo display.

The aircraft equipped with CFM and IAE engines have different E/WD indications. CFM engines have N1 as main control parameter,
while IAE engines use EPR.

Secondary engine parameters can be displayed on lower ECAM (SD).

E/WD, IAE engines E/WD, CFM engines

Engine parameters - IAE engines

 EPR … Thrust limit

‚ EGT † FF

ƒ N1 ‡ FOB

„ N2

 EPR … Thrust limit

Engine Pressure Ratio Thrust limit mode - TO-GA, FLX, CL, MREV mode
selected by thrust lever. Corresponding EPR is shown.
Exhaust Gas Temperature, in °C † FF
Fuel ow per engine, in current units (Lb/hour or Kg/hour)
ƒ N1
LP Rotor speed, in % ‡ FOB
Total fuel on board, in current units (Lbs or Kg)
„ N2
HP Rotor speed, in %
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Engine parameters - CFM engines

 N1 … Thrust limit


ƒ N2

„ FF

 N1 … Thrust limit
LP Rotor speed, in % Thrust limit mode - TO-GA, FLX, CL, MREV mode
selected by thrust lever. Corresponding EPR is shown.
Exhaust Gas Temperature, in °C † FOB
Total fuel on board, in current units (Lbs or Kg)
ƒ N2
HP Rotor speed, in %

„ FF
Fuel ow per engine, in current units
(Lb/hour or Kg/hour)

Main control parameter

The topmost indicator, EPR (IAE engines) or N1 (CFM engines) , has several additional elements:

‚ Command arc ƒ Thrust limit

 Actual value „ REV indication

 Actual value
Actual engine EPR or N1 is shown by a needle and displayed in digital readout.

‚ Command arc
Arc extends from current thrust to value commanded by autothrust system. Visible only when A/THR is active.

ƒ Thrust limit
Shows thrust corresponding to current thrust limit mode.

„ REV indication
Appears in green when thrust reversers are fully opened. Amber if reversers are in transit.
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Flaps / Slats indicator

 FLAP indicator
„ Flaps position

‚ Positions
… Selected position

ƒ Lever position

 FLAP indicator
“FLAP” indication appears whenever aps or slats are not fully retracted. White when selected position is achieved, Blue when
aps in transit.

‚ Positions
White dots mark selectable positions. Not displayed when in clean conguration.

ƒ Lever position
Flap lever position - 0, 1, 1+F, 2, 3, or FULL. Green when selected position is achieved, Blue when aps in transit.

„ Flaps position
Actual slats and aps position indicated by green arrows.

… Selected position
Blue marks indicate selected position. Marks disappear when selected position is achieved.

Warning / Memo display

This area is used to display Memo messages, takeoff and landing checklists, and
warning and caution messages.

Memo messages
Memo messages are used to remind that certain system is in use. They are
normally displayed in green color. Following messages can be displayed:

SEAT BELTS “Seat Belts” passenger signs are on

NO SMOKING “No Smoking” passenger signs are on
OUTER TK FUEL XFRD Fuel is transferred from outer wing tanks into inner wing tanks
N.WHEEL STRG DISC Nosewheel steering is disconnected during pushback
STROBE LT OFF Strobe light is off while airborne
SPEED BRK Speed brakes extended
GND SPLRS ARM Ground spoilers are armed
CTR TK FEEDG Any pump in center tank is running
FUEL X FEED Fuel crossfeed is on
HYD PTU Hydraulic power transfer unit is in use
RAT OUT Ram air turbine is not in stowed position
PARK BRK Parking brake applied
APU AVAIL APU is running and available
APU BLEED APU bleed is selected ON
RAM AIR ON RAM AIR button is selected ON
MAN LDG ELEV Landing elevation selector is not in AUTO position
ENG A.ICE Engine anti-icing is activated
WING A.ICE Wing anti-icing is activated
LDG LT Landing lights are on
GPWS FLAP 3 LDG FLAP 3 is selected on GPWS panel
GPWS FLAP OFF GPWS Flaps alerts are inhibited

T.O INHIBIT Some messages are automatically inhibited during takeoff

LDG INHIBIT Some messages are automatically inhibited during landing
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Takeoff Memo
A takeoff memo is automatically displayed on the left side of message
area 2 minutes after second engine start. Pressing T.O CONFIG button on
ECAM control panel also displays the takeoff memo.

Takeoff Memo contains a checklist of items required prior to takeoff.

Uncompleted items are shown in Blue color. Completed items are dis-
played in Green color.
Last item, “T.O CONFIG...TEST” requires a push of T.O CONFIG button on
ECAM control panel. This push simulates application of takeoff power and
will generate appropriate warnings if something is not properly congured.

Takeoff memo disappears at application of takeoff power. During takeoff, a

magenta “T.O INHIBIT” memo is displayed.

Landing Memo
Landing memo is automatically displayed prior to landing, below 1500 feet
when gear down, or below 800 feet with gear up. Landing memo disappears
at touchdown.

The FLAPS...FULL or FLAPS...CONF 3 item depends on selection of

GPWS LDG FLAP 3 button and requires corresponding ap selection.

During landing, a manenta “LDG INHIBIT” message is displayed.

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System display (SD), the lower of ECAM displays, has multiple pages dedicated to different aircraft systems. The pages include:

• BLEED (air bleed system)

• PRESS (pressurization)
• ELEC (electrical)
• HYD (hydraulic)
• APU (auxiliary power unit)
• COND (air conditioning)
• DOOR/OXY (doors / oxygen)
• WHEEL (landing gear)
• F/CTL (ight controls)
• CRUISE (common reference data)

Individual pages are described in detail in chapters dedicated to corresponding systems.

SD Page selection

The SD will automatically display a page corresponding to current ight phase or for monitoring of certain systems. Manual selection
can also be performed using ECAM control panel. Manual selection overrides automatic page sequencing.

Phase of Flight
The SD automatically displays specic pages as next phase of ight becomes active:
Power up DOOR/OXY
1st engine start WHEEL
T/O power ENGINE
1500 ft CRUISE
Gear down WHEEL
Engine shutdown DOOR/OXY

System monitoring
The SD automatically displays appropriate page for monitoring of a system status:
• When APU Master button switched ON, SD will display APU page. It is removed 1.5 minutes after APU is running.
• During engine start, ENGINE page is automatically displayed.
• On the ground, before takeoff, if control stick or rudder pedals are moved, F/CTL page will be displayed to allow
checking the operation of control surfaces. Page is removed 20 seconds after controls are returned to neutral.
• During landing gear retraction or extension, WHEEL page is displayed.

Manual page selection

Any page except CRUISE can be manually displayed by pushing corresponding button on ECAM control panel. Selected button
is lighted, and selection overrides automatic page switching. To return to automatic operation, deselect the page by pushing
lighted button again.

ECAM control panel,

BLEED page selected

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The CRUISE page is automatically displayed in ight, above 1500 feet when landing gear is up. The cruise page displays most
important information gathered from different aircraft systems. CRUISE page cannot be manually called via ECAM control panel.

Fuel used per engine Engine N1 vibration

Engine N2 vibration
Oil quantity

Cabin differential Landing elevation

Cabin climb rate
Cabin zone
Cabin altitude

Permanent data display

The bottom section of SD display is common and is displayed on all SD pages.

Total Air Temperature

Gross weight
Static Air Temperature

UTC Clock display

Aircraft gross weight is a sum of zero fuel weight and total fuel quantity. Until ZFW is entered through MCDU, the gross weight is
not available and amber XX is shown in this readout.
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The Autoight system is a part of Flight Management System (FMS). It controls the Autopilots, Flight Directors, and Autothrust
system laterally and vertically throughout the ight. Fully automatic ight on the programmed route is possible from takeoff to

The aircraft can be own automatically by using Autopilots and Autothrust. The pilot can manually y the aircraft following the Flight
Director commands, which tell what the autopilot would do if it was controlling. The Autothrust system is independent of autopilot
and can be used when manually ying.

The operation modes of Autoight system are selected using the Flight Control Unit (FCU), located on glareshield. All ight
plan information, performance data and other initialization is done via Multi-purpose Control and Display units (MCDU) on center
pedestal (separate pop-up window in PSS A-3xx panel). Autothrust modes are automatically controlled by moving the thrust levers
through different gates.

The ight plan entry and operation of MCDU is discussed in separate chapter, MCDU.

The operation modes and status of FMS is displayed in Flight Mode Annunciations area of the Primary Flight Display.

Flight Control Unit (FCU)

The FCU is centrally located on the glareshield. It provides control of autopilots and ight directors, control of airspeed, horizontal
modes, climb/descent modes, and vertical speed or ight path angle.

The four knobs on FCU provide control of airspeed, lateral, and vertical modes. Each knob can be rotated, pushed and pulled.
Knobs are springloaded to neutral position.

If a knob is pulled, the pilot takes direct control of this function. This is called a Selected Guidance. If a knob is pushed, the
control is given to FMS which guides the aircraft according to entered route and optimum values according to current ight phase.
This is Managed Guidance.

Turning a knob selects a value in corresponding FCU window, which becomes a target for active modes if in Selected guidance.
If a function is in Managed Guidance, a white dot appears in corresponding window, and the window is dashed.
Altitude window is never dashed, and vertical speed knob doesn’t have a managed guidance function.

Flight Directors

Flight directors are controlled with FD button on EFIS control panel. Two different ight director types are
displayed depending on HDG-VS / TRK-FPA mode selection (see PFD chapter).

When FD is switched on with autopilot off, default guidance modes are engaged. In ight, the default
modes are HDG and V/S (or TRK and FPA, depending on selection). On the ground, CLB and NAV
are armed.
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The Airbus has two identical autopilots. The autopilots are engaged or disengaged by pressing AP1 or
AP2 button on FCU. Normally, only one autopilot autopilot can be engaged. Selecting second autopilot
automatically disengages rst one. On approach stage, however, with LOC/GS modes armed or active, both
autopilots can be simultaneously engaged for ILS approach and autolanding.

Autopilot can be engaged immediately after takeoff.

If ight director was previously engaged, an autopilot will engage in current active modes. If FD was off,
engaging autopilot will engage default guidance modes, which are HDG/VS in ight.

A/P and F/D indications on FMA

The last column of FMA display on PFD shows engagement status of autopi-
lots and ight directors. First line is autopilot status, which can be AP 1,
AP 2, AP 1+2 (both a/p engaged), and blank (none engaged).
Second line shows FD status, which is 1FD2 (FDs engaged) or blank (FDs
swithced off).


The Autothrust (A/THR) system automatically controls engine thrust according to vertical guidance modes and speed target. Several
modes of autothrust operation include:
• Fixed thrust, engines maintain constant computed thrust.
• Variable thrust, the system adjusts thrust to maintain target airspeed.

The A/THR system can be in one of following states:

OFF: The thrust isn’t controlled.
Armed: Thrust is xed and corresponds to thrust levers position. A/THR changes to active when thrust levers are moved
to A/THR active range (see below).
Active: A/THR is automatically controlling thrust. Thrust modes automatically change according to active vertical modes.

Thrust levers

The A320 aircraft thrust levers are different from those found on Boeing-type or other
common aircraft. The thrust levers move through distinct detents, or gates, marked
“MREV”, “IDLE”, “CL”, “FLX/MCT”, and “TO-GA”. Takeoff power is applied by moving
the levers to TO-GA or FLX-MCT gate, which commands autothrust system to produce
computed takeoff thrust corresponding to current conditions. At thrust reduction altitude,
thrust levers are retarded to CL gate, which automatically engages autothrust system.
From this point, the levers are normally left in CL detent through all the ight until just
before touchdown.

Autothrust system controls engine thrust corresponding to active thrust modes and
thrust limits. The A320 thrust levers are not back-driven by autothrust system, and don’t
move as the thrust is automatically adjusted. Unless needed, they are left in CL gate
until synthesized voice announces “RETARD” 20 feet above landing runway.

Due to this, thrust control is implemented differently than on other Flight Simulator
panels. Instead of using joystick throttle or Flight Simulator keys, the panel uses custom
keys (Numpad PLUS and Numpad MINUS by default) to move thrust levers between gates. You can also use pedestal view and
move levers with the mouse. Thrust levers position can be checked by looking at thrust Flight Mode Annunciator on PFD, the thrust
limit name on E/WD, or by checking the pedestal view.

Manual thrust control is still possible, using joystick throttle or Flight Simulator keys. Make sure that the panel-simulated thrust
levers are left at IDLE, or set at CL but the autothrust is disengaged.
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A/THR status

Initially, with thrust levers in IDLE (0) detent, the A/THR is OFF.

During takeoff, when levers are moved into TO-GA or FLX, A/THR becomes Armed. The
engines are providing computed Takeoff, Go-around or Flex thrust.

At thrust reduction altitude, levers are moved back to CL gate. The area between IDLE
and CL gates is Active A/THR range. This means that, as the A/THR was Armed,
it will automatically switch to Active status. A/THR will automatically
control thrust according to any thrust demands. Thus, thrust levers
are normally left in CL gate for the duration of ight.

Retarding levers to IDLE (0) de-activates A/THR system.

When A/THR is Armed or Active, a light on FCU A/THR button is

illuminated. Pushing this button allows to disarm or deactivate A/THR
system. Pushing this button with A/THR off will Activate the system if
levers are at CL, or Arm the system if levers are ahead of CL.

Autothrust modes

Autothrust provides xed maximum takeoff / go around thrust. This mode is active when thrust levers are in TO-GA gate, and

Flex thrust, used at reduced thrust takeoffs. The xed reduced thrust is calculated based on an assumed temperature entered on
MCDU Perf Takeoff page. The reduced thrust is equal to the takeoff thrust that would be available at the assumed temperature.
This mode is active when thrust levers are moved to FLX/MCT gate.

Fixed thrust equal to the climb thrust rating available at current ambient conditions. This mode is available only with A/THR Active,
and is automatically used during climbs, with airspeed controlled by pitch.

Autothrust commands xed idle thrust. This mode is available only with A/THR Active, and is automatically used during descents.

Autothrust controls engine thrust to maintain selected or managed airspeed. This mode is available only with A/THR Active, and is
automatically used in level ights, ights with selected VS or FPA, or when the aircraft is following a specied vertical path.

This mode is identical to SPEED but is used when target is Mach number. The SPEED mode automatically transitions to MACH
at predetermined altitude, and vice versa.
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Autothrust Flight Mode Annunciations

The Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) on PFD shows current modes and status of A/THR system. A/THR modes are shown in rst
FMA column, and last column indicates current status of A/THR.

A/THR Mode A/THR Status

Thrust modes
Fixed TO-GA and FLX mode are shown in white and are boxed in white frame. MAN is FLX 42
added above mode name. For FLEX mode, assumed temperature is shown.

Other, active autothrust modes, are shown in green. “THR” is added before xed thrust
modes. When a mode automatically changes, the new mode is surrounded in white box THR CLB
for several seconds.

A/THR status
When autothrust is armed, A/THR is shown in status column in Blue.
When autothrust is active, A/THR is shown in status column in White.
No indication is present with A/THR off.

Thrust reduction prompt

After takeoff, when passing Thrust reduction altitude which defaults to 1500 ft AGL, the MAN
system reminds you to move thrust levers back to CL detent, so that A/THR can become
active. White “LVR CLB” ashes on thrust mode FMA until levers are placed in CL. LVR CLB

Alpha Floor

To aid in recovering from low speed / high angle of attack conditions, Alpha Floor autothrust mode is provided. Alpha Floor
automatically activates below a predetermined airspeed, if above 100 feet radio altitude, and commands TOGA thrust. Alpha Floor
engages regardless of A/THR status, and is available even with autothrust off and thrust levers at IDLE.

When Alpha Floor activates, green A.FLOOR in amber box ashes on thrust FMA.

During high alpha conditions, engaged Alpha Floor mode is the only possible autothrust
mode. When engagement conditions no longer exist, the thrust remains locked at TOGA
power. This condition is called TOGA LOCK. To unlock the thrust, the A/THR system must
be rst deactivated.
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Speed guidance

Selected speeds

Pilot uses selected speed guidance to manually set the desired speed. The target speed is displayed in
FCU SPD/MACH window, and is selected with SPD selector knob. Regardless of selected speed, the
autothrust will not exceed maximum or minimum aircraft speed limits for current conguration.

Selected speed guidance is activated by Pulling the SPD selector knob. This action opens the
SPD/MACH window to current airspeed or mach. Selector knob can be rotated to select desired
speed target.

SPD/MACH button toggles between Airspeed and Mach modes. In Mach mode, the FCU window
shows mach number. The current mode automatically switches from Speed to Mach at predetermined
altitude, and vice versa.

Managed speeds

Managed speed guidance automatically controls computed speeds according to ight plan perform-
ance speeds, speed constraints and limits, or default ight phase speeds if ight plan is not followed.

Managed speed guidance is activated by Pushing the SPD selector knob. The FCU speed window
becomes dashed, and a white dot appears next to the window indicating that this function is in
managed guidance mode.

Using selector knobs in Flight Simulator

Turn knob left Turn knob right

Push or Pull

The selector knobs are controlled with mouse.

To Push a knob, click its center with LEFT mouse button.
To Pull a knob, click its center with RIGHT mouse button.
To rotate, click to the left or right of the knob. Right-clicking will turn the knob with increased rate.
You can also turn knobs by moving the mouse to one if its sides and scrolling the mouse wheel.
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Lateral guidance

Selected lateral modes

Two selected lateral modes are available, HDG and TRACK. These modes maintain selected heading
or ground track.

Selected lateral guidance is activated by pulling the HDG/TRK selector knob. HDG/TRK window opens
with current heading or track.

With selected lateral guidance active, turning the HDG selector knob will select a new heading or
track. The aircraft will turn towards the new target in the direction of knob turn. The turn will continue
in this direction even if a turn of more than 180° will be required. This is different to Boeing aircraft
which will reverse the turn when the heading window is scrolled through the heading reciprocal to the
existing one.

The guidance is toggled between HDG and TRACK by pushing the HDG-VS / TRK-FPA button on FCU. When such toggle occurs,
the value in HDG window switches from heading to track and back.

Managed NAV mode

NAV mode provides lateral guidance along the ight plan entered into FMS. It is manually engaged by
pushing the HDG/TRK selector knob. NAV mode is also automatically armed on the ground after a ight
plan is entered.

In managed lateral modes, the HDG/TRK window is dashed and a white managed guidance dot is visible.

NAV mode disengages and switches to selected HDG mode when aircraft enters a ight plan discontinuity.

Armed NAV mode automatically engages several seconds after takeoff.

LOC mode

LOC mode is used during approaches to track localizer front course signals. It is armed by pressing the LOC button on FCU.
Pressing APPR button arms both LOC and G/S modes for an ILS approach. LOC mode can only be armed if the ILS frequency is
tuned. LOC mode cannot be used to track VOR radials.

Armed modes appear in blue color below active mode indication on Flight Mode Annunciator.

To disarm armed LOC mode, press the lighted LOC button.

Armed LOC mode engages (becomes active) at localizer capture.

LOC* mode

LOC* mode is a submode which occurs during localizer capture. It is an indication that localizer intercept is in progress but
not yet completed.

RWY mode

RWY mode is automatically engaged at takeoff, if NAV is not armed. It keeps ground track equal to the departure runway course.
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Vertical guidance

Open Climb (OP CLB)

Open Climb is a selected guidance mode. It is used when climbing directly to selected altitude. No ight plan
constraints are honored.
Open Climb mode uses THR CLB autothrust mode to maintain climb thrust, and maintains target airspeed
by controlling aircraft pitch.
Open Climb mode is engaged by Pulling the ALT selector knob, if altitude selected in ALT window is above
current aircraft altitude. When approaching selected altitude, the aircraft will start to level off, and modes will
switch to ALT and SPEED (or MACH).
Open Climb is automatically engaged at the acceleration altitude if managed CLB mode doesn’t engage
(aircraft is not following a ight plan).

Open Descent (OP DES)

Open Descent mode is used to descend directly to selected altitude. It controls aircraft pitch to maintain target speed, and
commands idle thrust.
Open Descent mode is engaged by Pulling the ALT selector knob, if altitude selected in ALT window is below current aircraft
When approaching selected altitude, the aircraft will level off and switch to ALT mode.

Expedite modes

Expedite Climb (EXP CLB) and Expedite Descent (EXP DES) modes use pitch to control aircraft speed similiar to OP CLB and
OP DES. Although, these modes engage managed speed guidance. EXP CLB mode commands Green Dot speed or maneuvering
speed if not in clean conguration, while EXP DES commands 340 kts or 0.8 Mach.
Expedite modes are engaged by pushing the EXPED button on FCU. If altitude selected in FCU ALT window is above current
altitude, EXP CLB will engage. If selected altitude is below, EXP DES engages.

Vertical Speed (V/S)

V/S mode controls vertical speed selected in V/S window. The autothrust maintains target speed using
SPEED or MACH mode.

V/S window is dashed unless V/S or FPA mode is engaged.

The V/S mode can be engaged in two ways. Pulling the V/S knob will engage V/S mode and will open V/S
window to the existing vertical speed. Pushing this knob will engage V/S mode and open the window with
zero vertical speed, which will result in aircraft levelling off.

The selected vertical speed can be changed by turning the selector knob.

Flight Path Angle (FPA)

FPA mode will be used instead of V/S mode if TRK-FPA is set with HDG-VS / TRK-FPA selector button.
Its use and operation is the same, except that this mode will maintain selected Flight Path Angle, shown
in degrees in V/S window.
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Vertical guidance (continued)

Managed vertical guidance

The managed vertical modes, CLB, DES and ALT CST, provide automatic vertical control of aircraft, following vertical prole
associated with ight plan entered into the FMS. Autothrust modes are automatically selected to comply to speed prole of ight
plan. All speed and altitude constraints and speed limits entered in ight plan are obeyed. Speed guidance can be set to selected
speeds; in this case the speed prole will be ignored.

Managed vertical guidance is engaged by Pushing the altitude selector knob. Engagement is indicated by white managed guidance
dot next to FCU altitude window.

FCU altitude window is not dashed when in managed guidance. The altitude selected in ALT window always have priority over
vertical ight plan prole. For example, if managed guidance is performing a climb to FL340, and altitude window is set at 18000,
the aircraft will level off at 18000 ft and selected ALT mode will engage. To resume climb, select higher altitude (or cruise FL)
and push altitude selector.

CLB mode is used during climbs. It maintains target airspeed using aircraft pitch, with thrust xed at CLB.

DES mode follows computed descent vertical path. This path is automatically calculated by FMS and uses thrust setting near

If NAV managed lateral mode is active, the managed CLB mode will automatically engage when aircraft climbs above acceleration
altitude, which defaults to 1500 ft AGL.

When ight plan contains altitude constraints, the aircraft will level off at such constraints, and ALT CST mode will engage. As soon
as a waypoint with the constraint is passed, the climb or descent will continue automatically.

When cruise altitude is reached, the aircraft levels off and ALT CRZ mode engages. The descent doesn’t start automatically. To
initiate the descent when near Top of Descent point displayed on ND, change FCU altitude window to a lower altitude, and push the
altitude selector - this will engage managed DES mode. If DES mode is not engaged after passing the Top of Descent point, a white
“DECELERATE” message will appear under Flight Mode Annunciators on PFD.

Sometimes the computed descent prole can contain a steep segment and guidance will be unable to keep target speed even
using idle thrust. In this case, a white “MORE DRAG” message is displayed asking you to add more drag by partially extending
speed brakes.

When ying at cruise altitude and it is desired to change the cruise FL, select new altitude on FCU and push ALT selector knob. This
action will update the cruise FL entered in the FMS, and initiate ight level change.

Altitude acquire modes

The acquire modes, ALT*, ALT CRZ* and ALT CST*, provide the transition between previous vertical modes and altitude hold
(ALT / ALT CRZ / ALT CST) mode. When acquire modes engage, the speed guidance switches to SPEED or MACH, and vertical
speed is gradually decreased as aircraft approaches the level-off altitude.

Vertical mode reversions

Certain conditions or pilot actions will cause the active vertical mode to be switched to another mode. This happens in following

• If descending in V/S or FPA, and aircraft approaches maximum speed limit (Vmax), OP DES engages.
• If climbing in V/S or FPA, and aircraft approaches minimum speed limit (Vls), OP CLB engages.
• If climbing in OP CLB or EXP CLB, and FCU altitude window is changed to a value below current altitude, V/S is engaged
with current vertical speed.
• If descending in OP DES or EXP DES, and FCU altitude window is changed to a value above current altitude, V/S is engaged
with current vertical speed.
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Vertical guidance (continued)

Speed Reference System

Speed Reference System (SRS) vertical mode is automatically engaged at takeoff or a go-around, ensuring optimum climb
performance. This mode commands aircraft pitch to maintain reference speed. During takeoff, this speed is V2+10. During
go-around, the reference speed is Vapp or speed existed at go-around initiation, whichever is higher.

The SRS mode automatically disengages and is replaced by CLB after passing acceleration altitude. This doesn’t happen, however,
if FCU altitude is set below acceleration altitude.

Approach and landing modes

LOC and G/S modes

These two modes are used for ILS approaches. Both modes are armed by pushing APPR button on FCU. LOC and G/S modes can
only be armed when an ILS frequency is tuned (automatically or manually). During localizer and glidesplope interception, LOC* or
G/S* modes are activated, which change to LOC and G/S after capture. Armed LOC and G/S modes can be disarmed by pressing
APPR button second time, if autoland procedure is not yet active.

When LOC and G/S are armed or active, second autopilot can be engaged for enhanced redundancy.


Automatic landing is initiated with LOC and G/S modes engaged, at 400 ft above runway. The guidance mode controls on FCU
become locked until touchdown, autopilot disconnect or go-around initiation.

The LAND mode becomes active lateral and vertical mode. LAND mode maintains ILS localizer and glideslope. At about 40-50
feet, LAND mode is replaced by FLARE mode, which reduces vertical speed prior to touchdown. At about 10 feet, aural “RETARD”
call is heard which instructs the pilot to move thrust levers to IDLE position. At touchdown, ROLLOUT mode engages.
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Flight Mode Annunciation

The FMA section on PFD displays current armed and engaged modes, autoight status, and approach capabilities.

Vertical Lateral Autoight

Active Active status


Vertical Lateral Approach

Armed Armed capabilities

Active vertical and lateral modes are normally shown in green, armed modes are displayed in blue. When a mode is replaced by
another mode, it’s indication is boxed in white for several seconds.

When autoland common modes LAND, FLARE or ROLLOUT are active, the mode name is written across lateral and vertical
mode columns.

Approach capabilities are only shown when LOC and G/S modes are armed or active. This column also displays Decision Height
(DH) or Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA), if an entry is made on MCDU.

Autoight status column includes information on active autopilots, active ight directors, and autothrust status. A/THR is shown in
blue when autothrust is armed, in white when it is active, and is removed if autothrust is off.
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The Multi-Function Control and Display Unit (MCDU) is the primary pilot
interface with the ight management system. It is used ight plan entry,
monitoring and revision, insertion of gross weight, fuel, temperatures, etc.

The MCDU contains a display screen, line select keys, and a keyboard.

The color MCDU screen has 14 lines. The top line displays page title.
Most pages contain data elds, with labels above them. MCDU keyboard
input appears on the bottom line, called the Scratchpad. Left and right Line
Select Keys (LSK) are located next to screen lines. LSKs are used to insert
information from scratchpad into corresponding eld, to select on-screen
prompts, etc.

Some pages have additional sub-pages avaiable. In this case, a next page
arrow is drawn in the top right corner of the screen, on the title line. Next
page in a page set is displayed by pressing the NEXT PAGE button on
MCDU keyboard.

Some pages, such as F-PLAN page shown here, contain many lines and
some of them do not t on the display. This is indicated by white Scroll
arrows in bottom right corner of the display. The display can be scrolled line
by line using the Slew (arrow) keys on the MCDU keyboard.

Data is entered into any displayed eld by typing the data on MCDU
keyboard - the entry appears on scratchpad - and then pressing a Line
Select Key (LSK) adjacent to desired eld.

Some elds contain prompts. Fields marked with Carets (‘<’ or ‘>’) will call
up different MCDU page when selected with LSK. Fields containing an
arrow prompt will perform certain action when selected.

Color use

Different colors are used to simplify interpretation of displays. These general rules are used:

WHITE is used to display titles, data eld labels, page selection prompts, and messages. Data regarding “TO” waypoint and
destination is also white.
BLUE indicates data which can be modied by the pilot. Alternate ight plan is also shown in blue.
AMBER indicates mandatory entry elds, and prompts which require pilot conrmation.
GREEN is used to display data that cannot be modied by pilot. Active route waypoints except “TO” are also shown in green.
YELLOW is used to display a temporary ight plan.


The keyboard contains alpha-numeric keys for data entry, page selection keys, and some special keys. Page selection keys in
the upper part call up corresponding MCDU page. CLR key erases input from the scratchpad, character at a time. If scratchpad
is empty, pushing CLR will display “CLR” on scratchpad; this is used to clear or revert to defaults the data elds which support
OVFY key is used to mark a waypoint on ight plan as Overy waypoint.
Slash (‘/’) is used to separate parts of entries for elds which support two entries at once (for example, speed and altitude entry
for constraint waypoint).
For ease of MCDU keyboard entry, you can use your PC keyboard. The input method is dened using the Panel Conguration
Utility. It defaults to holding down Ctrl and Windows keys while performing an entry.
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General principles

Flight plans

The ight plans represent the routing between the origin and destination airports, and consist of a set of waypoints. A ight plan can
be manually entered on F-PLN pages. Flight plans can be saved to les, and later can be loaded from a le. Entering a company
route name on INIT page also allows to automatically load a ight plan, if a le with such name exists.

A lateral ight plan can include the following elements:

• Takeoff runway
• Standard instrument departure (SID)
• Enroute waypoints and airways
• Standard terminal arrival route (STAR)
• Landing runway and approach
• Alternate ight plan

An alternate airport and alternate ight plan can be specied. If diversion is desired, the alternate destination can be activated at any
point, and alternate ight plan will be inserted into active ight plan starting from a selected waypoint.

Vertical ight plan

The vertical ight plan is automatically created by the FMS based on selected cruise ight level, entered performance data, and
all speed and altitude constraints associated with waypoints. Vertical ight plan is computed to provide best performance altitude
and speed prole of the ight. When vertical ight plan is computed, the FMS is able to provide altitude, speed, time and fuel
predictions for each waypoint and for destination.

Each waypoint can contain an associated Altitude and Speed constraints. Such constraints require that the waypoint is passed at,
above, or below specic altitude, and at given speed.

Speed limits set the maximum allowable speed below specic altitude. Speed limits can exist for origin and destination airports.

The computed vertical prole provides optimum climb, when possible, to cruise ight level, longest possible ight on cruise FL, and
descent path targetting minimum power settings.

After vertical ight plan is computed, the FMS automatically inserts oating Pseudo-waypoints into ight plan which represent the
points on the route where speed change, level off or start of descent will occur. Pseudo waypoints can move on the ight plan or
disappear as the vertical ight plan is recalculated, due to guidance mode or performance changes.

Performance data

The MCDU accepts entries of such gures as Cost Index, Cruise FL, Zero Fuel Weight, Block Fuel, Assumed temperature, etc.
Based on this entry, FMS automatically computes engine thrust limits, economy speeds for all phases of ight, ight envelope limits,
and other parameters required for automatic ight.
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General principles (continued)

Flight phases

The vertical ight plan is divided into ight phases. For each phase, FMS computes the optimum speed prole.

Flight Phase Optimum Speed Switching condition to next phase

PREFLIGHT - SRS takeoff mode engaged, Takeoff power set

TAKEOFF V2+10 At acceleration altitude

CLIMB ECON CLB Reaching Cruise FL

CRUISE ECON CRZ Descent initiation within 200 nm of destination

DESCENT ECON DES Overying DECEL pseudo waypoint, or manual activation of approach phase

APPROACH Vapp To DONE: soon after landing

To GO AROUND: thrust levers set at TO-GA
To CLIMB: inserting new Cruise FL

GO AROUND Highest of Vapp or Current To APPROACH: manual activation of approach phase

To CLIMB: Above acceleration altitude

DONE - To PREFLIGHT: in several seconds

Managed speed guidance in DESCENT phase allows speed variation within certain range of target speed. This is done to maintain
descent path while minimizing fuel consumption. The speed may vary for up to 20 knots above or below target speed, if existing
speed limits and constraints permit so.

When APPROACH phase becomes active, the managed speed guidance will automatically decelerate the aircraft to maneuering
speed for current conguration. As aps are extended, the speed target will decrease and Vapp will be commanded when landing
aps conguration is reached.
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MCDU Menu page

Pressing the MCDU MENU key displays the MCDU MENU page.

On real aircraft, the MCDU provides interface to various systems. Such systems as DATA LINK or AIDS are not modelled in this
simulation. Due to this, the only available system is FMGC.

Selecting FMGC or RETURN prompt will open the INIT page.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R
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INIT A page

INIT A page is accessed by pressing INIT key. The ight crew uses this page to initialize the ight plan. A subpage, INIT B, is
available by pressing the NEXT PAGE key.

1L 1R 1L 1R

2L 2R 2L 2R

3L 3R 3L 3R

4L 4R 4L 4R

5L 5R 5L 5R

6L 6R 6L 6R

1L CO RTE: Company route name. If entry is made, and a saved route le exists with such name, a route selection page
appears allowing you to load this route le. If ight plan will be manually entered, this entry is not necessary.

2L ALTN RTE: Alternate route name. Not modelled.

3L FLT NBR: Flight number. Any ight number can be entered here. Flight number is displayed on F.PLN and PROG pages.

4L LAT: Displayed is the latitude of origin airport, for IRS alignment. The value can be changed by selecting it with LSK 4L
(slew arrows appear) and using MCDU slew keys.

5L COST INDEX: Cost index is used in economy speed computation. Effective range is 0..100. Lower value results in lower
speeds and lower fuel consumption, higher value gives higher speeds and increased fuel costs.

6L CRZ FL/TEMP: Cruise ight level and temperature at cruise FL. Flight level entry range is 001...390. Both values can
be entered at once, separated by a slash. If temperature is not entered, it will be calculated using standard atmosphere

1R FROM/TO: Origin and Destination airport ICAO codes are entered here, separated by a slash. Entry erases any previous
ight plan and creates a new ight plan consisting of just two airports. This entry is required.

2R ALTN: Alternate airport ICAO code can be entered here. Entry creates basic alternate ight plan, which is added to
the end of active ight plan.

3R ALIGN IRS: When FROM/TO entry is made, the LAT/LON of origin airport appears at 4L and 4R. Coordinates can be
adjusted as needed. After this, the Inertial Reference System must be aligned, this is indicated by amber ALIGN IRS prompt
appearing here. Line select this prompt to align the IRS.

4R LONG: Displayed is the longitude of origin airport, for IRS alignment. The value can be changed by selecting it with LSK 4R
(slew arrows appear) and using MCDU slew keys.

5R WIND: Not modelled

6R TROPO: Default tropopause altitude is 36090 feet. It can be modied by entering new altitude here. Clearing the eld
(Press CLR and Line Select this line) will reset it to default value.
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INIT B page

INIT B page is accessed from INIT A page pressing NEXT PAGE key. The ight crew uses this page to initialize aircraft weights. All
weights are displayed and entered in current units (LBS or KG), depending on Flight Simulator International settings.

1L 1R 1L 1R

2L 2R 2L 2R

3L 3R 3L 3R

4L 4R 4L 4R

5L 5R 5L 5R

6L 6R 6L 6R

1L TAXI: Fuel used for taxi. Default value is 400 lbs. Another quantity may be entered.

2L TRIP/TIME: Trip fuel and time are displayed when predictions become available.

3L RTE RSV%: Route fuel reserves, as quantity and percentage of trip fuel.

4L ALTN/TIME: Alternate trip fuel and time. Not modelled.

5L FINAL/TIME: Hold fuel and time associated with continued ight to alternate airport. Not modelled.

6L EXTRA/TIME: Extra fuel and time available. Equals to BLOCK - (TAXI+TRIP+RSV+ALTN+FINAL).

1R ZFWCG/ZFW: Zero fuel weight Center of Gravity, and Zero Fuel Weight. ZFWCG entry is not modelled. Zero Fuel Weight
is mandatory gure that allows the system to compute speed management and predictions. Entered in 1000s of Lbs (Kg)

2R BLOCK: Displayed after ZFW is entered. Enter total fuel quantity here.

4R TOW: Aircraft Takeoff weight. Displayed after ZFW and BLOCK entries are made.

5R LW: Aircraft landing weight. Displayed after ZFW and BLOCK entry, when predictions become available.
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FUEL PRED page is used in ight to display fuel and time predictions at destination airport. It is accessed by pressing FUEL PRED
key on MCDU.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

1L AT - UTC/TIME - EFOB: Displayed is destination airport, time and fuel predictions at destination. Before takeoff, TIME of
ight is displayed. After takeoff, UTC time is displayed.

2L ALTERNATE: Trip fuel and time predictions for alternate airport are not modelled.

3L GW/CG: Aircraft gross weight and center of gravity is displayed after weights are initialized on INIT B page.

4L RTE RSV%: Route fuel reserves, as quantity and percentage of trip fuel.

5L FINAL/TIME: Hold fuel and time associated with continued ight to alternate airport. Not modelled.

6L EXTRA/TIME: Extra fuel and time available. Equals to BLOCK - (TAXI+TRIP+RSV+ALTN+FINAL).

3R FOB: Fuel on board, computed from Fuel Flow (FF) and fuel quantity sensor (FQ)

4R CRZ TEMP/TROPO: Cruise FL temperature and tropopause are displayed.

5R CRZ WIND: Cruise wind, not modelled.

6R ALTN WIND: Alternate airport wind, not modelled.

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Flight plan pages display all waypoints of the active and alternate ight plans, along with associated predictions. The pilot can
make all revisions to the lateral and vertical ight plans through these pages. Left line selection keys perform lateral revisions,
and right LSKs are used for vertical revisions.
The page can be scrolled using MCDU slew keys. If Navigation Display is in PLAN mode, its map is centered on waypoint displayed
in line 2 (or next line if line 2 contains ight plan discontinuity or pseudo waypoint).
F-PLN B page is accessed by pressing NEXT PAGE key.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

Page Title

This line displays ight number, if entered. “FROM” is displayed if the page is not scrolled up and the “FROM” waypoint is shown in
line 1. When temporary ight plan is shown, this line displays “TMPY”.

Waypoints (Line 1..5)

Each line displays:

• Waypoint name
• Leg routing in white above waypoint name. This can be airway name, SID or STAR name, or special procedure
• Time to go or UTC time of arrival at waypoint
• Distance between waypoints
• Speed and altitude predictions. An asterisk indicates that a constraint exists at this waypoint.

The active (“TO”) waypoint is always shown in white, while the rest of waypoints are green (or blue, if they belong to alternate route).
For “TO” waypoint, bearing to it and track to next waypoint is displayed.

Destination (Line 6)

Line 6 shows destination airport ICAO code, time predictions, distance to go and estimated fuel on board at destination. Before
takeoff, time to go is displayed. After takeoff, estimated UTC time of arrival is shown.

Route modication

Pressing left Line Select Key brings up a Lateral Revision page based on selected waypoint. Pressing Right LSK displays Vertical
Revison page. These pages allow any route modications to be performed. Some revisions, although, can be done directly on
F-PLN pages, as described below.
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FLIGHT PLAN A page (continued)

Inserting a waypoint

To insert a waypoint directly on F-PLN page, type its name on the scratchpad and press left Line Selection Key at desired
waypoint in ight plan. The selected waypoint will shift down, and new waypoint will be inserted before it, followed by a Flight Plan
Discontinuity. Flight Plan Discontinuity indicates a break in the routing. It can be cleared with the CLR key.

If several waypoints with entered name exist, you will be presented with a DUPLICATE NAMES page, which lists all waypoints with
this name found in the database. For each entry, the distance from present position, coordinates, and type of entry is displayed.
Select desired entry from the list.

Custom waypoints can be inserted, which can be one of the following:

• LAT/LONG, entered as N5122.9/W00243.2 or 5122.9N/243.2W. Such waypoints are labelled LL01, LL02 etc
• PLACE/BEARING/DISTANCE, entered as DET/065/15. Such waypoints are labelled PBD01, PBD02 etc
• PLACE-BEARING/PLACE-BEARING, for example, CPT-175/BDN-092. These entries are labelled PBX01, PBX02 etc.

If the pilot inserts a waypoint which is already present in the ight plan, the segment between selected waypoint, including it, and
entered existing waypoint will be removed. This is used to quickly remove several waypoints.

Deleting a waypoint

A waypoint can be deleted by pressing CLR key - “CLR” appears on scratchpad - and pressing left LSK next to desired waypoint.
Deleting (SPD LIM) pseudo waypoint removes corresponding climb or descent speed limit. Deleting other pseudo waypoints has
no effect.

Setting waypoint constraints

Waypoint speed and altitude constraints can be entered directly on F-PLN page. Entry format is,
Speed entries above 100 are treated as Airspeed, entries between 0.15 and 0.82 are Mach numbers.
Altitude can be entered as either baro altitude (5 digits) or ight level (3 digits).

Both speed and altitude constraints can be cleared from a waypoint by pressing CLR key and selecting waypoint wiht Right LSK.


F-PLN B page is accessed by pressing NEXT PAGE from F-PLN A page, and displays fuel predictions for all waypoints of the
ight plan. Also displayed are wind predictions, which are not modelled. F-PLN B page provides the same ight plan revision
functions as F-PLN A page.
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Lateral Revision pages

These pages give the pilot a list of lateral revisions which can be used to change ight plan. The pilot calls up these pages from
F-PLN page by pressing left LSK at desired waypoint.

Different lateral revisions are available for different waypoints.

1L 1R 1L 1R

2L 2R 2L 2R

3L 3R 3L 3R

4L 4R 4L 4R

5L 5R 5L 5R

6L 6R 6L 6R

LAT REV at the origin LAT REV at a waypoint

Most functions on revision pages result in creation of tempo- 1L 1R

rary ight plan. Temporary ight plan is displayed on MCDU
and ND in yellow color, and can be reviewed before accepting. 2L 2R
The “INSERT” prompt on temporary revision page accepts
the revision and inserts it in the active ight plan. “ERASE” 3L 3R
prompt, when selected, cancels the revision and returns to
4L 4R
F-PLN page.
5L 5R

6L 6R

LAT REV at a the destination

1L DEPARTURE: Gives access to Departure pages, where the pilot can select runways, SIDs and Transitions.

3L HOLD: Hold pages are not modelled.

4L ENABLE ALTN: Allows to enable alternate destination and switch to alternate ight plan at the revision waypoint. The
alternate ight plan becomes active and replaces the segment from revision waypoint to destination airport.

5L ALTN: The alternate ight plans selection page is not modelled.

6L RETURN: Select this prompt to return to F-PLN page without performing any revisions.

1R ARRIVAL: Accesses Arrival pages, where the pilot can select runways, STARs and Transitions.

2R VIA/GO TO: Inserts an airway segment after revision waypoint. Enter airway name, a slash, and ending waypoint.

3R NEXT WPT: Entering a waypoint name will insert this waypoint after revision one. Custom waypoints can be entered.

4R NEW DEST: Sets new destination airport, which erases all waypoints following revision waypoint, and inserts new
destination preceeded by a ight plan discontinuity.
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Departure pages

Departure pages allow to review departure procedures (Runway, SID, Transition) and enter them into the active ight plan. These
pages are accessed by selecting DEPARTURE prompt on a Lateral Revision page for the origin.

First page lists available runways, second page shows available SIDs and Transi-
tions. NEXT PAGE key can be used to switch between the pages. Use slew keys to
scroll the pages to review all available choices.

Line select a desired runway. This displays temporary selected runway in yellow in
the top line, and SIDs page is automatically displayed. Only SIDs compatible with
selected runway are displayed. It is possible, though, to select a SID without selecting
a runway.

When a selection is performed, it is highlighted in yellow, and is displayed at the

top line. If a SID contains different enroute transitions, they are listed in the right
column for selection.

As soon as any choice is made, the bottom line displays ERASE and INSERT
prompts. INSERT prompt will accept the selection and insert procedures into the
active ight plan. ERASE will cancel any selections made and return to original ight
plan. You can select all portions including Runway, SID and TRANS before inserting

SID or TRANS selection can be removed by selecting “NO SID” or “NO TRANS”
located at the bottom of the lists.

If a runway or SID was already selected before performing the revision, it is displayed
in green in choices list and in top line. Temporary selected choices are yellow, and
other choices are blue.

Selecting a runway changes origin airport waypoint to a runway waypoint. If only a

runway and no SID has been selected, a “conditional” waypoint is added after runway
waypoint, which instructs to climb straight ahead on runway heading until reaching
1500 ft AGL.

Arrival pages

Arrival pages allow to review arrival procedures (Approaches, VIAs, STARs, Transitions) and enter them into the active ight plan.
These pages are accessed by selecting ARRIVAL prompt on a Lateral Revision page for the destination. Their organization and
functionality is the same as for Departure pages.
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Direct To page

Pressing the DIR key on MCDU keyboard brings up the Direct To page. It allows to create a direct leg from aircraft’s present
position to any selected waypoint. This action automatically engages managed NAV lateral mode and the aircraft proceeds direct
to selected waypoint.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

Waypoint entry at 1L activates the Direct To function, adding the present position (Turn Point, “T-P”) waypoint followed by entered
waypoint at the top of ight plan.

If the pilot enters a waypoint which is present in active ight plan, all waypoints before this waypoint are removed, and a direct
leg to it is created.

You can also select any waypoint from the list in lines 2-6, which will place the selected waypoint into “DIR TO” eld and produce
the same result as manually entering waypoint name. The waypoint list is identical to F.PLN A page and can be scrolled using
slew keys.

If entered waypoint is not present in active ight plan, it is added on top of the ight plan following by a ight plan discontinuity.
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Vertical Revision pages

These pages contain a menu of available vertical plan revisions that can be applied at a selected waypoint. The pilot calls up these
pages by pressing right line select keys on F-PLN pages.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

2L CLB or DES SPD LIM: Climb or Descent speed limit, depending on which ight phase the waypoint belongs to. New speed
and altitude values can be entered. Speed limit can be cleared by using CLR key.

3L SPD CSTR: Speed constraint for the waypoint. Airspeed is entered as 100..350, Mach is entered as 0.15 .. 0.82. Entry
can be cleared.

3R ALT CSTR: Altitude constraint. Entry can be cleared.

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PERF pages

The ight plan is divided into several phases: PREFLIGHT, TAKEOFF, CLIMB, CRUISE, DESCENT, APPROACH, GO-AROUND,
DONE. Each phase except the preight and done phases has a performance (PERF) page. The PERF pages display performance
data, speeds, and predictions.

Pressing the PERF key on MCDU calls up performance page for current active ight phase. Pages for next phases can be viewed
by selecting “NEXT PHASE” prompt. Pages for phases already own are not available.

The page title for PERF page corresponding to active ight phase is green. Titles of pages for next phases are white

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

6L PREV PHASE: Select this prompt to access PERF page for previous phase. Not available for phases already own.

6L ACTIVATE APPR PHASE: Shown on page corresponding to active phase. Selecting and conrming this prompt will
activate APPROACH phase.

6R NEXT PHASE: Select this prompt to access PERF page for next phase.

Note: When APPROACH phase is activated, the managed speed guidance will target Vapp speed or maneuvering speed for current
aircraft conguration. If Approach phase is activated by a mistake using PERF pages, the CLIMB phase can be activated by
re-inserting the Cruize FL value at PROG or INIT page.
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This page is displayed when pressing PERF key during preight.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

1L V1, Vr, V2: Takeoff V speeds. Speeds are NOT automatically computed, and pilot entry is required as indicated by amber
boxes. Airbus pilots use performance tables to determine these speeds. You can, however, make the FMS compute the
V speeds by clicking the line select keys with right mouse buttons.

4L TRANS ALT: Origin airport transition altitude. The barometric reference should be switched to STD when climbing above
this altitude. Transition altitude is called up from database when origin airport is entered on INIT page.

5L THR RED/ACC: Thrust reduction and acceleration altitude. At thrust reduction altitude, the pilot retards thrust levers and
thrust is reduced from TO to CLB. At acceleration altitude the SRS pitch mode is replaced by CLB mode, and speed target
changes from V2+10 to climb speed. Both altitudes default to eld elevation plus 1500 feet.

6L UPLINK TO DATA: Data link is not modelled.

1R RWY: Selected departure runway is displayed here. Runway entry cannot be performed through this eld

2R TO SHIFT: Distance between takeoff position and runway threshold, used to update FMS navigation computation. Entry
is not required.

3R FLAPS/THS: Takeoff aps and trimmable horizontal stabilizer settings for takeoff. This eld allows entry and is used
for reminder only.

4R FLEX TO TEMP: Assumed temperature for FLEX takeoff thrust calculation is entered here, if derated takeoff is desired.
Entering high assumed temperature will reduce the takeoff thrust.

5R ENG OUT ACC: Engine out acceleration altitude.

The center column shows computed Flap retraction, Slat retraction, and Green Dot speed.
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1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

1L ACT MODE: Active target speed (ECON, selected SPD/MACH, or EXPEDITE). The pilot cannot modify it through this

2L CI: Cost Index, as entered on INIT page. Field accepts entry of new cost index.

3L ECON: ECON is the optimum speed considering cost index, altitude, and gross weight. Speed limits and speed
constraints, if any, may prevent the aircraft from ying at the ECON speed.

4L SPD/MACH: If CLIMB phase is not yet active, the pilot can preselect climb speed by entry in this eld. When CLIMB
phase becomes active, if speed was preselected, the speed guidance changes to Selected, and FCU speed opens with
preselected speed. In climb, entry in this eld cannot be made. Pushing the Speed selector knob on FCU reverts to
managed speed guidance and blanks this eld.


1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

1L ACT MODE: Active target speed (ECON or selected SPD/MACH). The pilot cannot modify it through this eld.

2L CI: Cost Index, as entered on INIT page. Field accepts entry of new cost index.

3L ECON: ECON is the optimum speed considering cost index, altitude, and gross weight. Speed limits and speed
constraints, if any, may prevent the aircraft from ying at the ECON speed.

4L SPD/MACH: If CRUISE phase is not yet active, the pilot can preselect climb speed by entry in this eld. When CRUISE
phase becomes active, if speed was preselected, the speed guidance changes to Selected, and FCU speed opens with
preselected speed. In cruise, entry in this eld cannot be made. Pushing the Speed selector knob on FCU reverts to
managed speed guidance and blanks this eld.
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1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

1L ACT MODE: Active target speed (ECON, selected SPD/MACH, or EXPEDITE). The pilot cannot modify it through this

2L CI: Cost Index, as entered on INIT page. Field accepts entry of new cost index.

3L ECON: ECON is the optimum speed considering cost index, altitude, and gross weight. Speed limits and speed
constraints, if any, may prevent the aircraft from ying at the ECON speed.

4L SPD/MACH: If DESCENT phase is not yet active, the pilot can preselect climb speed by entry in this eld. When
DESCENT phase becomes active, if speed was preselected, the speed guidance changes to Selected, and FCU speed
opens with preselected speed. In descent, entry in this eld cannot be made. Pushing the Speed selector knob on FCU
reverts to managed speed guidance and blanks this eld.
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1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

1L QNH: Entry eld for destination sea-level atmospheric pressure. Entry can be made either in hPa (for example 1003)
or in in Hg (29.92).

2L TEMP: Entry eld for destination temperature.

3L MAG WIND: Entry eld for destination magnetic wind direction and speed. Entry example is 15/270

4L TRANS ALT: Transition altitude for destination airport. When aircraft descends below this altitude, barometric reference
should be changed from STD to QNH and destination pressure selected on BARO panel. Transition altitude is called up
from database when destinatiom airport is entered on INIT page.

5L VAPP: The FMS computes this approach speed, using the formula Vapp = Vls + 5 +1/3•Headwind. The pilot can modify
this computed value. Clearing the eld reverts it to the computed speed.

1R FINAL: Selected landing runway is shown. The pilot cannot modify it through this eld.

2R MDA: Minimum descent altitude can be entered here. If DH is entered in 3R, the eld is blanked.

3R DH: Decision height can be entered here. If MDA is entered in 2R, the eld is blanked.

4R LDG CONF: Two elds at 4R and 5R list possible landing aps congurations, CONF 3 and FULL. Selected conguration
5R is shown in large font, and second conguration is in small font. Select desired conguration by pressing corresponding

The center column shows computed ap retraction, slat retraction, green dot speed, and Vls.
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1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

5L THR RED/ACC: Thrust reduction and acceleration altitude. At thrust reduction altitude, the pilot retards thrust levers and
thrust is reduced from TO to CLB. At acceleration altitude the SRS pitch mode is replaced by CLB mode, and speed target
changes from V2+10 to climb speed. Both altitudes default to eld elevation plus 1500 feet.

5R ENG OUT ACC: Engine out acceleration altitude.

The center column shows computed Flap retraction, Slat retraction, and Green Dot speed.
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PROG pages

Progress pages allow selecting of new cruise FL, monitoring optimum and maximum cruise ight levels, checking navigation
accuracy, and monitoring descent.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

PAGE TITLE: Shows current speed mode (ECON, selected SPD/MACH, EXPEDITE) and ight phase.

1 CRZ: Cruise ight level. Cruise FL can be changed by entering a new value here. Also, when ying at cruise FL, the
pilot can select a higher altitude in FCU altitude window and push ALT selector knob; this will automatically insert the
new selected cruise FL into the FMS.
OPT: The eld shows optimum ight level, based on gross weight, cost index and temperature.
REC MAX: Recommended maximum altitude.

2 VDEV: Field is displayed only during descent and approach. Vertical deviation from computed vertical prole is shown.

4 BRG/DIST TO: The pilot can enter any waypoint in the “TO” eld. After this, the “BRG/DIST” eld constantly shows
computed bearing and distance to this waypoint.

5 DIST: The two elds show required distance to land, following the routing of active ight plan, and direct distance to
destination airport.

6 ACCUR: The line displays estimated navigation accuracy, required accuracy for current ight phase, and accuracy level
(LOW or HIGH).
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DATA INDEX page provides a menu which gives access to different pages concerning the navigation data. The index page is
displayed by pressing DATA key.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

1L WAYPOINTS: lookup any waypoint in data base.

2L NAVAIDS: lookup any navaid in data base.

3L RUNWAYS: lookup any runway in data base

4L ROUTES: not implemented

5L A/C STATUS: aircraft status page

6L PRINT FUNCTION: not implemented

1R SAVE ROUTE: save active ight plan into le

2R LOAD ROUTE: load previously saved ight plan

3R IMPORT FS ROUTE: imports a route generated and saved by Flight Simulator built-in ight planner

5R POSITION MONITOR: displays current position computed by different systems

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WAYPOINT page is called from DATA INDEX page and allows to lookup any waypoint stored in navigation data base. After an entry
is made at 1L, the eld at 2L displays waypoint latitude and longitude.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R


NAVAID page is called from DATA INDEX page and allows to lookup any navaid stored in navigation data base. After an entry is
made at 1L, the navaid information is displayed which includes navaid class, latitude and longitude, radio frequency, and station
magnetic variation.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R
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RUNWAY page is called from DATA INDEX page and allows to lookup any runway stored in navigation data base. Enter ICAO
airport code and runway at 1L. After this, the screen displays runway coordinates, runway length, course, and ILS frequency if
runway has an ILS.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R


STATUS page is called from DATA INDEX page and displays aircraft model and engine types, and version of navigation data

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R
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SAVE ROUTE page is called from DATA INDEX page and allows to save the ight plan currently entered in FMS into a le.
First, enter a name into 1L, then select STORE prompt at 2L. If CO RTE prompt is selected without entering name, the name is
automatically created from origin and destination airport IDs merged together.
Please note that a route should be saved before ight, as passed waypoints are removed from ight plan.
Routes are stored in “PSS/Airbus A3xx” subfolder of Flight Simulator installation directory, and have le extension of “.AFP”

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R


LOAD ROUTE page is called from DATA INDEX page and allows to load one of previously saved ight plans. The page contains
a list of saved routes.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

Selecting any route from the list opens the LOAD ROUTE conrmation page. This page displays the routing of saved ight plan, and
provides options for Inserting the selected route into active ight plan, or cancelling the selection. This page is also displayed when
an entry is made into CO RTE prompt on INIT page, and a saved ight plan with entered name exists.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R
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IMPORT FS ROUTE page is called from DATA INDEX page and allows to import one of routes generated by Flight Simulator
built-in ight planner. The page contains a list of routes found in “Flights\myts” folder in Flight Simulator installation directory.
Selecting any entry will display a LOAD ROUTE conrmation page, with prompts for inserting selected route into active ight
plan or cancelling the selection.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R


POSITION MONITOR page is called from DATA INDEX page and allows to monitor present position calculated by different systems.
The page shows positions computed by the two identical FMGCs installed on the aircraft, position calculated from received navaid
bearings, average position of the three IRS’es, and deviation of each IRS position from FMS reference position.

The “FREEZE” prompt at 6L allows to freeze displayed data for close inspection. The prompt then changes to “UNFREEZE”,
selecting which will restore constant display update.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R
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RADIO NAV page is used to monitor and control the navigaion radios. It is displayed by pressing RAD NAV key.

The FMS automatically tunes NAV1 and NAV2 radios to the closest stations. Also, when approaching destination airport and
ILS approach is selected, the ILS frequency is automatically tuned. You can manually set any radio frequency, which overrides
the autotuning.

1L 1R

2L 2R

3L 3R

4L 4R

5L 5R

6L 6R

1L VOR1/FREQ: Station ID and frequency of NAV1 radio. Autotuned frequencies are shown in small font. You can enter
new frequency or station ID, which will be displayed in lagre font. This overrides the autotuning. To resume autotuning,
clear the eld using CLR key.

2L CRS: VOR1 course can be entered here. If an entry is made, the VOR1 autotuning stops.

3L ILS/FREQ: ID and frequency of ILS. When an ILS is automatically tuned for approach, the data is displayed in small
font. Manual entry is possible and is displayed in large font. Manual entry can be cleared. Until ILS is automatically or
manually tuned, the eld shows “--NAV--”. This is because Flight Simulator has only one radio for both NAV1 and ILS, and
this radio is used as NAV unless ILS is needed.

5L ADF1/FREQ: Frequency of ADF radio. New frequency can be entered in this eld.

1R VOR2/FREQ: Station ID and frequency of NAV2 radio. Autotuned frequencies are shown in small font. You can enter
new frequency or station ID, which will be displayed in lagre font. This overrides the autotuning. To resume autotuning,
clear the eld using CLR key.

2R CRS: VOR2 course can be entered here. If an entry is made, the VOR2 autotuning stops.
Phoenix Simulation Software
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A319/320/321 Backup instruments
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Standby instruments

Standby instruments serve as a backup to provide vital air data in case of electronic instrument sytstem failure. The instruments
include analog airspeed indicator, single-needle altitude indicator with numeric readout, and attitude indicator.


The Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator displays DME distances and bearings to the tuned VOR stations. Bearing
pointers are overlaid on magnetic heading compass rose.

VOR1 needle is single dashed, and VOR2 needle is double solid.

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A319/320/321 Landing gear
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Gear panel

Gear controls and indicators include gear lever, gear indicator lights, autobrake system
controls, and brake pressure indicator.

Gear lever can be controlled with the mouse, or using standard Flight Simulator keys.

Three indicator lights show status of left, nose and right gear. Green triangle indicates gear
down and locked, red “UNLK” is shown when gear unlocked (in transit). No indication means
gear up and locked, and bay doors closed.

Autobrake system provides automatic braking, and has 3 modes, “LO”, “MED” and “MAX”.
Modes are armed and disarmed by pushing corresponding button. LO and MED modes are
used for landings. At touchdown, if one of these modes is armed (blue “ON” is visible),
the anti-skid brakes will be automatically applied. LO and MED modes provide different
deceleration rates. When autobraking is in process, a green “DECEL” is illuminated on
selected button.

MAX autobrake mode is used for takeoffs. In case of rejected takeoff, with MAX autobrake
armed, speed above 80 knots and throttles retarded to IDLE or MREV, the system will
automatically apply maximum braking.

BRAKES indicator gauge shows hydraulic brake accumulator pressure and pressure applied
to left and right main wheel brakes.


 Gear status ‚ Bay door position

ƒ Brake temperature „ Temperature indication

… Release signals

† Autobrake mode

 Gear status
Triangles are green when gear down and locked, amber with gear unlocked, and not displayed when gear locked up.

‚ Bay door position

Position of bay doors is shown, in green when doors are closed, and amber when doors are not closed.

ƒ Brake temperature
Brakes temperature, amber when in caution range.

„ Temperature indication
Green arcs appear when brake temperature rises, and turn amber if the temperature is in caution range.

… Release signals
Green bars appear in ight, and on ground when amount of braking activates anti-skid system.

† Autobrake mode
Apprears when any autobrake mode is armed or active, and shows selected mode.
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A319/320/321 Controls on central pedestal
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Thrust levers

The modelled thrust levers have 5 positions, REV, 0 (IDLE), CL, FLX/MCT, and
TO/GA. They can be moved between these positions (gates) by dragging with the
mouse, or using special keyboard shortcuts (Numpad PLUS and MINUS). The levers
do not move when autothrust system is active and adjusts thrust.

Manual control of thrust is still possible. Leave the levers at IDLE or CL with A/THR
off, and use joystick throttle or Flight Simulator keyboard commands. You can monitor
resulting thrust on upper ECAM display (E/WD) engine indicators.

Engine panel

The engine panel contains fuel and ignition controls. The use of this panel during engine
startup and shutdown is described in POWERPLANT chapter.

Speed brakes

The speed brake handle controls extending and retracting of speed brakes. The handle is
dragged to desired position with the mouse. To arm ground spoilers for automatic deployment
at touchdown, click the “GND SPLRS ARMED” label above the handle. Please note that in
Flight Simulator you cannot arm spoilers while on ground, as they automatically deploy if
thrust is at idle.


Flaps lever controls aps and slats position. Lever positions are UP, 1, 2, 3, and FULL. If lever is
moved into position 1 on the ground, the CONF 1+F (aps+slats) conguration is commanded. In
ight, moving the lever into position 1 commands CONF 1 (slats only). Also, if in ight and in
CONF 1+F, the aps will automatically retract and CONF 1 reached at airspeed above 215 knots.

Parking brake

Parking brake is set and released by using this lever.

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A319/320/321 Controls on central pedestal
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Radio Management Panels

The Radio Management Panels (RMP) are used to tune COM1 and COM2 radios. Also, they can be used for standby nav tuning
of NAV and ADF radios. If standby tuning is activated, it overrides automatic FMS and manual radios tuning performed through
RAD NAV page of MCDU.
ƒ Swap button

 Active freq ‚ Standby freq

… VHF1
„ Tuning knob
† VHF2


 Active freq
This window shows active frequency of selected radio. Active frequency cannot be changed directly.

‚ Standby freq
Standby frequency for selected radio. This frequency can be selected using the Tuning knob, and then swapped into the Active
frequency window for activation.

ƒ Swap button
Pushing this button swaps the frequencies in Active and Standby window, thus making the frequency selected in Standby window
the active tuned frequency of currently selected radio

„ Tuning knob
Rotating the tuning knob changes the value displayed in Standby frequency window. The knob has Inner and Outer parts. Rotating
Inner part, which is done by clicking left or right of it with LEFT mouse button, changes the fractional part of displayed frequency.
Rotating Outer part by clicking with the RIGHT mouse button changes the whole part of frequency.

… VHF1
Pushing this button selects COM1 radio and displays its active and standby frequencies. The selected radio has a green triangle
light illuminated above its button.

† VHF2
Selects COM2 radio for tuning.

The guarded NAV button, when pushed, activates standby nav tuning, and enables the bottom row of buttons for selection. This
overrides the automatic and manual nav radio tuning via FMS.
Pushing lighted NAV button second time deactivates standby tuning.

Selects a NAV radio for tuning, if standby tuning is enabled. Left Radio Management Panel controls NAV1 radio, and right RMP
tunes NAV2 radio.

Selects ADF radio for tuning, if standby tuning is enabled.
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A319/320/321 Controls on central pedestal
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001


The transponder panel is used to set the “Squawk” code assigned by ATC. The transponder has a numeric keyboard for code input.
New code is entered by rst pushing the CLR button, which displays dashes on code display. First dash blinks, which indicates input
position. The four digits of the code are entered by pressing corresponding buttons. After a digit is entered, the next dash starts to
blink, until all four are entered. Any input mistake can be erased by pushing CLR button, which erases last entered digit.

The active transponder code is not altered until the new entry is complete.
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A319/320/321 APU
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001


The Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) is a small jet engine located in the aircraft tailcone. It allows the aircraft to be independent of
external pneumatic and electrical power supplies. The APU can provide bleed air for starting engines and for air conditioning, and
drives a generator that provides electrical power. The APU can be started and used on ground and in the air.

APU Controls and indications

The APU is controlled from APU panel on the overhead. Its operating status can be monitored on ECAM APU
page, which is automatically displayed during APU startup.

The MASTER SW button controls the power supply for automatic sequencing and protection during start up,
operation, and shutdown. When selected ON - blue “ON” illuminates - the APU system is armed for automatic
startup sequence. The APU intake ap automatically opens.
Pushing the button with APU running extinguishes the ON light and initiates automatic shutdown sequence,
during which the APU rpm decreases for a brief cooling period, after which APU is

The START button initiates APU startup sequence. It cannot be selected until APU
intake ap opens, which is indicated by green “FLAP OPEN” indication on ECAM
APU page.
When the START button is pushed, blue “ON” light illuminates on the button. APU
spools up. After automatic startup is complete, “ON” light disappears and green “AVAIL”
light illuminates. “AVAIL” is also shown on ECAM APU page. From this moment, the
APU is available.

The ECAM APU page shows gauges for APU rpm percentage and exhaust gas tem-
perature. Also, when APU is running, the APU generator load, voltage and frequency is
displayed, along with APU bleed air pressure and position of APU bleed valve.

The fuel for APU operation is automatically fed from left inboard wing tank. Fuel is normally available from tank pumps. If tank fuel
pumps are selected off, the APU uses its own dedicated pump to supply fuel.
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A319/320/321 Electrical system
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001


The electrical power system consists of an AC system and a DC system. The power is normally provided by engine driven
generators installed on each engine. The APU generator can be used before engine start.

On the ground, external power can be used. In case of loss of normal generation in ight, the aircraft can be supplied by an
emergency generator driven by automatically deployed ram air turbine.

An automatic bus tie maintains power to AC1 and AC2 buses regardless of power sources being used: engine generators, single
generator, APU or external power. Bus ties can be manually opened using BUS TIE overhead switch.

The power sources are prioritized. Each AC bus will use the rst available source in this order: Own engine generator, External
power, APU, opposite engine generator, Emergency generator, Batteries. If APU power was used and external power is connected,
the external power takes over the supply and APU is disconnected. If, after this, engine generator comes online, it replaces the
external power. A bus can be powered only from a single power source.

Each generator, and EXT PWR, can power entire aircraft electrical system with this exceptions:
• On the ground, if single engine generator powers entire system, the Main Galley is shed.
• In ight, if Any single generator powers entire system, the Main Galley is shed.

The AC ESSential bus powers most vital aircraft systems, and is normaly fed from AC 1 bus. If AC 1 is unpowered, the AC ESS can
be powered from AC 2 using AC ESS FEED switch on the overhead. If both AC buses are unpowered in ight, the Ram Air Turbine
is automatically deployed which powers AC ESS bus via Emergency Generator. RAT is disabled with landing gear down, and when
this occurs, the AC ESS bus is fed from Batteries via Static Invertor.

Two DC buses are fed from respective AC buses via Transformer Rectiers (TRs), and power the DC BAT bus. if one of AC
buses is unpowered, the corresponding DC bus is fed from opposite DC bus via DC BAT bus. if both AC buses unpowered,
the DC 1 and 2 buses are lost.

The DC ESSential bus is powered by DC BAT bus, or (DC1 and DC2 buses off) by AC ESS bus via ESS TR, or directly by

The two batteries are used for starting the APU and providing power when other sources are unavailable. The batteries automati-
cally charge from DC BAT bus when their voltage is below a certain level. Before ight, you must ensure that the batteries are
charged above 26 volts.

Controls and indications


The ECAM ELEC page shows electrical sources, buses, and power ow.

Each bus is represented by a gray rectangle with the name of the bus. The name
is green when bus is powered, and amber when bus is unpowered.

AC generators - GEN1, GEN2 and APU GEN - are shown as white boxes.
Listed are generator load percentage, voltage and frequency. When a generator
is selected OFF, this is indicated by white “OFF”. EXT PWR box, when available,
shows voltage and frequency.

Transformer-rectier units (TRs) are shown as TR1 and TR2, listing output
voltage and amperage.

Two battery indications show voltage and current.

Power ow is indicated by green lines, connecting power sources to the buses.
When the batteries are connected, green arrows to or from DC BAT bus indicate
charging or discharging.
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Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Controls and indications (continued)

ELEC control panel (overhead)

 BAT ‚ Bat voltage ƒ AC ESS FEED



The BAT buttons control the connection/disconnection of the corresponding battery to the aircraft electrical system.
NO LIGHT: Auto, a battery is automatically connected by the system logic for providing power or recharging.
OFF: A battery is manually disconnected.

‚ Bat voltage
The LCD windows show battery voltage. The readouts are always powered, and can be read without applying any power to
the aircraft.

Controls the selection of power source for AC essential bus.
NO LIGHT: Default, AC ESS is powered by AC1 bus.
ALTN: AC ESS is powered by AC2 bus.

Allows to manually disconnect engine 1 or 2 generator from the system.
NO LIGHT: Default, a generator is connected to the electrical system if an engine is running and electrical parameters are normal.
OFF: A generator is disconnected from the electrical system.
“FAULT” light is illuminated when a generator is selected ON and is not providing power. This is normally seen prior to engine

Allows to manually disconnect APU generator from the system.
NO LIGHT: Auto, APU generator is automatically connected to the electrical system when APU is running, electrical parameters
are normal and there are no higher-priority power sources available (Engine generator or EXT PWR).
OFF: APU generator is disconnected from the electrical system.

Controls the bus tie logic.
NO LIGHT: Auto, the bus tie automatically splits or connects the two AC buses to provide single source to each bus.
OFF: The bus tie opens, and the two AC buses are isolated.

Used for selection and deselection of external power. If external power is plugged to the aircraft and power parameters are in
normal range, the green “AVAIL” light illuminates. In the PSS Airbus panel, the external power is always available when engines
are shut down and parking brake is set.
Pushing the button when AVAIL light is on connects external power source to the electrical system. Blue “ON” light is illuminated,
and “AVAIL” light extinguishes.
Pushing the button again with EXT PWR connected (“ON” illuminated) disconnects the external power from the system (it stays
physically plugged to the aircraft though, and is disconnected by ground personnel).


Controls power supply to the main galley bus.
NO LIGHT: Auto, the galley is powered unless it is automatically shed by the system logic.
OFF: Removes electrical power to all galley equipment.
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A319/320/321 Fuel system
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001


The fuel is contained in one center and two wing tanks. The center tank is generally lled last and used rst. The wing tanks are
divided into outer and inner cells by sealed ribs with transfer valves installed.

The fuel is drawn by fuel pumps. There are two pumps in center tank and each wing tank inner cell. The operation of fuel pumps
is fully automatic. The wing tank fuel pumps are always used to supply fuel to the engines during takeoff and landings; center tank
pumps are automatically deactivated when slats are extended.

The wing tank fuel pumps are tted with pressure reducing valves to allow the center tank fuel pumps to preferentially supply the
engines when the center tank pumps are operating. This ensures that the center tank is emptied rst.

Wing tank fuel is drawn from inner cells. When fuel quantity in either inner cell reaches a preset level, all outer tank transfer valves
open to allow fuel from the outer cells to ow into the inner cells.

A crossfeed valve is located between the left and right fuel systems. It allows both engines to be fed from one wing tank to balance
the fuel load, or one engine to be fed from both sides to utilize all the fuel in a single engine situation.

A dedicated APU pump is located in left fuel manifold and automatically supplies fuel for APU if main pumps are not energized.

Controls and indications


This page shows a schematic diagram of fuel system operation.

The total fuel on board (FOB) is displayed, along with quantities in each tank
and cell. Wing transfer valves are represented as doors which open when a valve

Tank pumps are represented by boxes:

Pump is working

Pump is commanded OFF by system logic

Pump is manually selected OFF

Circles represent the position of engine and APU LP valves and crossfeed valve.

Fuel used by each engine is displayed above corresponding engine valve. It is shown in amber when engine is not running, and
automatically resets to zero at engine start.

Fuel temperature readouts are displayed below each wing tank.

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A319/320/321 Fuel system
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Controls and indications (continued)

FUEL control panel (overhead)


 Wing Pumps ‚ Center pumps ƒ MODE SEL

 Wing Pumps
The pump buttons control wing tank pumps.
NO LIGHT: Fuel pump is energized.
OFF: Fuel pump is deactivated.
“FAULT”: Amber FAULT light is illuminated if tank fuel quantity is low. It is inhibited when a pump is selected off.

‚ Center pumps
The pump buttons control center tank pumps.
NO LIGHT: Fuel pump is enabled and operates when commanded by system logic.
OFF: Fuel pump is deactivated.

Selects automatic or manual operation of center tank pumps.
NO LIGHT: Automatic, center pumps work when commanded by system logic.
MAN: Center pumps are controlled by position of CTR TK PUMP buttons.

Controls the position of fuel crossfeed valve.
NO LIGHT: Default, the valve is closed.
ON: Crossfeed valve opens.
“OPEN” light is illuminated green when crossfeed is selected ON and crossfeed valve fully opens.
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P 76
A319/320/321 Powerplant
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Controls and indications

The engine startup controls and indicators include engine panel on the central pedestal, manual engine start panel on overhead,
Engine/Warning Display (upper ECAM, see dedicated chapter) and ECAM ENG page of the Systems Display.

Engine panel

The engine panel is located on central pedestal. It contains engine MASTER switches for
both engines, and MODE selector with three positions, CRANK, NORM and IGN/START. This
panel is used for initiating automatic engine startup and shutdown sequences.

Manual engine start panel

This panel located on the overhead is used for manually starting up the engines. It includes two guarded
pushbuttons which select manual startup mode.


The Systems Display ENG page is automatically displayed during engine startup,
and can be manually called up using ECAM control panel. It includes the following:
• Fuel used per engine readouts,
• Oil quantity gauges,
• Oil pressure gauges,
• Oil temperature readouts,
• Engine nacelle temperature readouts,
• N1 and N2 vibration readouts.

Engine startup requirements

Engine startup procedure requires supply of fuel, electrical power, and bleed air. Electrical power and bleed air can be provided by
starting the APU or connecting the external power. If external power is used, the X BLEED switch on the AIR COND panel must be
moved from AUTO to OPEN position to provide bleed air for right side engine.

Without electrical power or bleed air, the engines WILL NOT START.

Automatic startup

The automatic startup sequence is performed for each engine by following steps:
• Rotate MODE selector to IGN/START position, this identies engine start.
• Move desired engine MASTER switch to ON position. The automatic startup sequence initiates.
• After engine is started, return MODE selector to NORM.

Engines can also be started using standard Flight Simulator “Autostart” key combination (Ctrl-E). Electrical and bleed air supply
must still be established.

Manual startup

To start an engine manually, do the following:

• Rotate MODE selector to IGN/START position, this identies engine start.
• Push corresponding MAN START button on overhead, this identies manual start and opens engine start vave.
• Monitor N2 rpm, at 15% move corresponding MASTER switch to ON. This opens fuel valve and engages the igniters.
• After engine is started, return MODE selector to NORM.


To shutdown an engine, move corresponding MASTER switch to OFF. After engines shutdown, the fuel pump buttons on overhead
panel are normally switched to OFF.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 77
A319/320/321 Hydraulics
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001


The hydraulic system is made up of three separate and independent systems: Green, Blue, and Yellow. Each is supplied by its
own hydraulic reservoir. Each system provides pressure to operate many major components, such as ight controls, slats and
aps, landing gear, cargo doors, and the emergency generator. Each system has its own pump (or pumps), reservoir, accumulator,
and except for the Blue system, a re valve.

The Green system is powered by Engine 1 driven pump. The Yellow system is powered by Engine 2 driven pump, or a backup
electrical pump. The Blue system is powered by an electrical pump, or by the Ram Air Turbine in case of emergency.

The Green and Yellow hydraulic systems have a power transfer unit (PTU) installed. The PTU allows transfer of pressure between
the Green and Yellow systems. When there is a predetermined pressure difference between the Green and Yellow systems, the
PTU operates to pressurize the low system.

Controls and indications

HYD control panel (overhead)




Control operation of engine pumps.
NO LIGHT: On, a pump pressurizes its hydraulic system when the engine is running.
OFF: Pump is depressurized.

Control operation of blue electrical pump.
NO LIGHT: Auto, the pump operates when AC power is supplied and any engine is running.
OFF: Pump is deenergized.

Control operation of yellow electrical pump.
NO LIGHT: Off, the pump is deenergized.
ON: Pump constantly works if AC power is available.

This guarded button, when pushed, extends the Ram Air Turbine to pressurize the Blue system.

Controls the operation of Power Transfer Unit.
NO LIGHT: Auto, the PTU automatically operates if the differential pressure between the Green and Yellow systems exceeds
a predetermined limit.
OFF: The PTU is deactivated.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 78
A319/320/321 Hydraulics
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Controls and indications (continued)


This page shows a diagram of hydraulics operation. The Green, Blue and Yellow systems are shown with their components. The
displayed components are (bottom to top):

• Hydraulic reservoir and hydraulic uid level

• Fire shutoff valves (Green and Yellow systems)
• Pumps
• Hydraulic pressure readout.

The pumps are represented by boxes. Following indications are used:

Pump is selected ON

LO Pump is selected ON but supplying low pressure

Pump is selected OFF

When PTU is operating, the arrows indicate the direction of power transfer.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 79
A319/320/321 Pneumatics
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001


The pneumatic system is designed to provide air pressure for air conditioning, engine starting, wing anti-icing and hydraulic
reservoir pressurization. High pressure air can be supplied by engine bleed systems, APU bleed, or external power.

Engine 1 and 2 bleed systems are connected by a common duct. APU and ground air sources are also connected to the duct.
System logic prevents the pneumatic duct from being pressurized by more than one source of air.

Engine bleed air is normally bled from the intermediate pressure (IP) stage of the engines’ high pressure compressor. This
minimizes fuel penalties. If pressure and/or temperature from the IP stage is not adequate, air is bled from a high pressure (HP)
stage of the same compressor. Engine bleed air pressure is regulated by the engine bleed valve, which also functions as a shutoff
valve. The engine bleed valve closes during engine start, or when APU bleed valve opens.

Air supplied by the APU compressor is available on the ground and in ight.

A crossbleed valve in the common duct allows the engine bleed systems to be connected or isolated.

Controls and indications

AIR COND control panel (overhead)



Control operation of engine bleed valves.
NO LIGHT: On, bleed valve opens when engine bleed air pressure and temp are normal, and the APU bleed valve is closed.
OFF: Bleed valve closes.

Control operation of APU bleed valve.
NO LIGHT: Off, the APU bleed valve is closed.
ON: APU bleed valve opens if APU bleed air is available.

Controls the crossbleed valve.
AUTO: Valve opens when APU bleed valve is open, and closes otherwise.
OPEN: Valve opens and remains open.
SHUT: Valve closes and remains closed.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 80
A319/320/321 Pneumatics
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Controls and indications (continued)


The lower part of ECAM BLEED page is dedicated to bleed air compressed air supply.


Engine bleed and temp
Compressor External APU bleed
stages power

This page shows all sources of compressed air. For engine bleed, the engine bleed valve and HP bleed valve positions are
displayed. Engine number is shown in amber when an engine is shut down.

APU air ow is shown when APU bleed valve is open.

Position of crossbleed valve is displayed on the common duct line.

For each half of air duct, the air pressure and temperature is displayed.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 81
A319/320/321 Air conditioning
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001


The air conditioning system provides ventilation, humidity, and temperature control for the cockpit and cabin. The air conditioning
system allows air in three independent zones to be continuously refreshed and maintained at the selected temperature. The three
zones are the cockpit, forward (FWD) cabin, and AFT cabin.

The air conditioning system is supplied by hot air from the pneumatic system which is routed through the pack control valves to the
two air conditioning packs. The conditioned air leaving the packs is then routed to the mixing unit, where recirculated cabin air is
added. This air is then distributed to the three zones.

Hot bleed air which bypasses the packs can be added to conditioned air that is routed to a particular zone. The valves that allow this
hot air to mix with air conditioned pack air are the trim air valves.

In ight a ram air inlet can be opened to supply the mixing unit with ambient air if both packs fail or if smoke removal is necessary.

Controls and indications

AIR COND control panel (overhead)


 PACK 1 ‚ PACK 2


 PACK 1
‚ PACK 2
Switch pack ow control valves.
NO LIGHT: Auto, valve is regulating the pack ow. Valve closes during engine start.
OFF: Pack ow control valve is closed.
“FAULT” light is illuminated when a disagreement between the actual and selected position of the pack ow control valve exists,
for example, when no bleed air is supplied.

This selector allows the pack volume ow to be varied manually..

Controls the hot air valve which supplies hot air to the zone trim valves.
NO LIGHT: On, the hot air valve regulates hot air pressure.
OFF: Hot air moves to fully closed position.

Guarded button is used to open the emergency ram air inlet.
NO LIGHT: Off, the ram air inlet is closed.
ON: Ram air inlet opens.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 82
A319/320/321 Air conditioning
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Controls and indications (continued)


The upper part of ECAM BLEED page shows the air conditioning packs and
mixing unit.

Each pack is controlled by pack ow control valve. Valve position is indicated
by a needle moving between LO and HI. For each pack, the pack compressor
outlet temperature (lower), pack bypass valve postition and pack outlet tem-
perature (upper) are displayed.

The packs are connected to the mixing unit, which is depicted as a horizontal
line. It turns amber if no air supply is provided.

Ram air inlet position is also displayed.


ECAM COND page is used for monitoring zone temperatures and operation
of conditioning system.

Depicted are the Cockpit, forward and aft cabin zones. For each zone, the
zone temperature and air conditioning duct temperature are displayed.

The position of trim valves (Cold-Hot) is displayed by the needles connected

to the hot air valve symbol.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 83
A319/320/321 Pressurization
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001


The pressurization system controls the aircraft cabin air pressure to maintain safe differential pressure between cabin air and
ambient air.

The cabin pressure is represented as cabin altitude. A cabin altitude of 2000 ft means that the cabin air pressure is the same
as it would be in the standard atmosphere at 2000 ft above sea level. Rate of change of cabin pressure is represented by
cabin vertical speed.

The pressurization system controls the cabin vertical speed by changing the position of the Outow valve, which vents cabin
air overboard. Cabin pressurization can be controlled automatically by pressure controllers, or manually controlling the cabin
vertical speed.

Two safety valves prevent excessive positive or negative differential pressure.

Automatic pressure control

The pressure controllers control cabin altitude using different pressurization modes, depending on ight phase:

• Ground - the aircraft is depressurized by fully opening the outow valve.

• Takeoff - to avoid a pressure surge at rotation, the aircraft is prepressurized to cabin altitude of 400 ft below eld elevation.
• Climb - cabin altitude is varied depending on the aircraft climb rate
• Cruise - the controllers maintain minimum cabin altitude compatible with maximum cabin differential pressure.
• Descent - the cabin altitude is decreased to reach the cabin altitude of selected landing elevation before touchdown.
• Touchdown - residual cabin pressure is released gradually, then outow valve fully opens.

Controls and indications

CABIN PRESS control panel (overhead)



NO LIGHT: AUTO, the pressurization is controlled automatically by the active pressure controller.
MAN: Manual control, the pressure controllers are deactivated and outow valve is manually controlled.


When MODE SEL button is set to MAN, this toggle switch gradually opens or closes the outow valve. The switch is springloaded to
neutral position. Use ECAM PRESS page to monitor cabin V/S, altitude and differential pressure

Landing elevation selector switch. When set to AUTO, the database elevation of DEST airport entered into FMS is used. Other
positions are marked in 1000s of feet and manually select the landing elevation.

Pushing this guarded button will close all aircraft openings located below otation line. The outow valve, emergency ram air inlet,
avionics ventilation inlet and extract valves, and pack ow control valves are automatically closed.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 84
A319/320/321 Pressurization
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Controls and indications (continued)


This page is used to monitor the operation of pressurization system.

The three big gauges show cabin differential pressure, cabin vertical speed, and cabin altitude. Selected landing elevation is
displayed above the gauges.

Pressurization system is depicted in the lower part of the page. The system is controlled by one of the two pressurization controllers.
The control is automatically switched between controller 1 and controller 2 after each ight. The active controller is shown by
“SYS 1” or “SYS 2” indication.

If MODE SEL is set to MAN (manual control), “MAN” indication is visible.

The aircraft pressurized area is depicted by the big rectangle with pressure valves shown. Position of each valve is indicated
by a needle.

Air ow from air conditioning packs is shown with arrows, which turn solid amber when a pack is not supplying the air.


The CRUISE page is automatically displayed in normal ight. Among other
information, it shows cabin differential pressure, vertical speed, altitude and
landing elevation. Also shown are the zone temperatures.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 85
A319/320/321 GPWS
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

The Ground Proximity warning system will provide aural and visual warnings when aircraft is in danger of ground impact. It detects
numerous dangerous conditions and can produce the following warnings:

“SINKRATE”: Warning of high barometric descent rate into terrain, or high sink rate near the runway threshold. The lower your
altitude is, the lower descent rate will trigger this alarm.

“PULL UP”: Excessive sink rate near ground, requires immediate action.

“TERRAIN TERRAIN”: Excessive terrain closure rate.

“DON’T SINK”: Alerts to an inadvertent descent into terrain after takeoff. The alert is given after signicant altitude loss, which
allows for small sinking due to ap retraction etc.

“TOO LOW, TERRAIN”: Insufciant terrain clearance while not in landing conguration. The warning envelope depends on
airspeed and radio height.

“TOO LOW, GEAR”: Too close to ground, at small airspeed and gear are not down. Can be inhibited.

“TOO LOW, FLAPS”: Too close to ground, at small airspeed, gear down and aps are not in landing position. Can be inhibited.

“GLIDESLOPE”: Descending below glideslope. Active when ILS is available and gear down. The warning envelope contains two
boundaries: “soft” warning and “hard” warning. Both boundaries are a function of glideslope deviation and radio altitdue. When
aircraft penetrates the “soft” alerting region, the pilot is given a “calm” warning; if the airplane subsequently enters the “hard” region,
the warning becomes loud. The lower your altitude and the closer you are to glideslope transmitter, the higher is the amount of
glideslope deviation required to trigger the warning.

Controls and indications

GPWS control panel (overhead)

NO LIGHT: ON, the GPWS system works and generates all warnings.
OFF: GPWS is disabled. No warnings will be generated.
NO LIGHT: ON, the GPWS system generates Glideslope warnings. ‚ G/S MODE „ LDG FLAP 3
OFF: Glideslope GPWS warnings are disabled.

NO LIGHT: ON, the GPWS system generates Flaps warnings.
OFF: Flaps GPWS warnings are disabled.

Selects landing ap conguration for “TOO LOW FLAPS” warning processing
NO LIGHT: Landing conguration is CONF FULL.
ON: Landing conguration is CONF 3.

GPWS - G/S button

This button is located on the center panel near the standby instuments (on real aircraft it is located
on the wing of glareshield).
When any GPWS warning is generated, an amber “GPWS” light is illuminated.
When Glideslope warning is active, “G/S” is illuminated. Pushing this button while Glideslope
warning is heard suppresses all glideslope warnings. This permits deliberate descent below
the glideslope in order to utilize the full runway length under certain conditions.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 86
A319/320/321 Other controls
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

Other controls on overhead panel

Wing anti ice Engine anti ice Window


Strobe Beacon Wing Taxi Seat belts No smoking

lights lights lights lights switch switch

Runway Landing Navigation

turnoff lights and Logo
lights lights

Wing and engine anti-icing is controlled by corresponding button. When a button is switched to ON, the anti-icing is engaged.
Probe and window heating is automatic with button deselected. Pushing the button - “ON” illuminates - manually engages the

Seat belts signs are switched on and off by the SEAT BELTS switch.
NO SMOKING can be switched on, off, or set to AUTO. In this case NO SMOKING signs are automatically illuminated when
landing gear are not locked up.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 87
A319/320/321 Chronometer
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

The chronometer is located on main panel. It includes an UTC time and date display, a chronometer and an elapsed time counter.
Also, a selector switch is added which controls Flight Simulator simulation rate (time compression).

DATE button Chronometer Chronometer Sim rate

display hand switch

Time / date Seconds

display indicator

Elapsed time Elapsed time Chronometer

switch display button

The central window displays UTC hours and minutes. The seconds indicator divides a minute into four parts. No marks are
displayed from 0-14 seconds, one mark is displayed from 15-29 seconds, two marks are displayed from 30-44 seconds, and
three marks are displayed from 45-59 seconds. A push of DATE button toggles the display between UTC and Date, showing
month and day.

The chronometer has a digital minutes window and an analog seconds hand. The chronometer is controlled by CHR button:
• First push starts the chronometer,
• Second push stops the chronometer and freezes the display and the hand,
• Third push resets the display and hand to zero.

The elapsed time counter displays elapsed hours and minutes on a digital display. It is controlled by ET switch which has three
STOP: The chronometer is stopped.
RUN: The chronometer is running. Moving the switch to STOP and then to RUN doesn’t reset the chronometer.
RST: Resets the chronometer. This position is springloaded to STOP.

The Simulation rate switch allows toggling between 2x / 4x time comression and returning to normal time rate.
Phoenix Simulation Software
P 88
A319/320/321 Panel conguration utility
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

The PSS Aibus panel package contains a panel conguration utility which allows to customize some features of the panel, and to
create a keyboard shortcuts for any control simulated by the panel.

Startup tab

The two options dene the panel state when Airbus aircraft is loaded into Flight Simulator:
Start with Engines Off: The engines will be shut down upon panel load
Start with Cold and Dark cockpit: The engines will be shut down, power sources disconnected and cockpit controls set according
to total aircraft shutdown and securing. This allows to perform the entire aircraft startup procedure.

Panel Sound Volume tab

The slider controls the volume of sounds generated by the panel, as their volume cannot be set from Flight Simulator options.

Keyboard Assignments tab

Each control on the PSS Airbus panel can be assigned a keyboard shortcut.

The Command list displays all available panel functions. Selecting any entry in the list displays currently assigned keyboard
shortcut, if it is dened. If no shortcut is dened, the Key combo box shows NONE.

To assign a new shortcut, select a desired key and shift keys. Windows keyboard WIN and MENU keys can be used as shift keys.
After this, push the Assign button.

To clear a shortcut, push the Clear button.

Phoenix Simulation Software
P 89
A319/320/321 Panel conguration utility
Systems Manual REV 01 SEQ 001

MCDU Keyboard tab

The entry to the Multi-Purpose Control and Display Unit can be done from the computer keyboard. One of two methods can
be used for this.

First method is to hold down a shift key combination while typing the entry. This is the default method, and default shift key
combination is Ctrl and Win keys held down.

The second method is using the keyboard “Lock” keys. Any combination of NUM LOCK, SCROLL LOCK and CAPS LOCK can be
used. While the selected key(s) are in the “ON” state, all keyboard input goes to the MCDU.

When you use the selected combination of keys and the MCDU will accept the pushed keys, a blue “K” symbol ashes on
the MCDU. It indicates that all keyboard input will be intercepted by the MCDU, and you cannot control other Flight Simulator
functions with the keyboard.

Finishing the setting up

After all desired options are customized, the OK button saves the panel conguration and exits the utility. Pressing Cancel button
will reset all modications and exit the utility.

Pressing the Defaults button resets all settings to their default state and clears all added keyboard shortcuts.

The panel conguration is saved in “cong.pnl” le located in “PSS\Airbus A3xx” folder in Flight Simulation installation directory.

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