Mode of Communication, Perceived Level of Understanding, and Perceived Quality of Life in Youth Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

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Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

Mode of Communication, Perceived Level of Understanding,

and Perceived Quality of Life in Youth Who Are Deaf or Hard
of Hearing
P. Kushalnagar*
, T. D. Topolski
, B. Schick
, T. C. Edwards
, A. M. Skalicky
, D. L. Patrick
University of Rochester Medical Center
University of Washington
University of ColoradoBoulder
Received October 6, 2010; revisions received March 4, 2011; accepted March 12, 2011
Given the important role of parentyouth communication
in adolescent well-being and quality of life, we sought to
examine the relationship between specic communication
variables and youth perceived quality of life in general and
as a deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) individual. A conve-
nience sample of 230 youth (mean age = 14.1, standard
deviation = 2.2; 24% used sign only, 40% speech only,
and 36% sign 1 speech) was surveyed on communica-
tion-related issues, generic and DHH-specic quality of
life, and depression symptoms. Higher youth perception
of their ability to understand parents communication was
signicantly correlated with perceived quality of life as well
as lower reported depressive symptoms and lower perceived
stigma. Youth who use speech as their single mode of com-
munication were more likely to report greater stigma asso-
ciated with being DHH than youth who used both speech
and sign. These ndings demonstrate the importance of
youths perceptions of communication with their parents
on generic and DHH-specic youth quality of life.
For youth with hearing loss, there is consensus by both
clinicians and researchers that having access to
communication at home, school, and with peers is
important for language as well as cognitive and socio-
emotional development (Kushalnagar et al., 2010;
Marschark, 2007; Steinberg, Brainsky, Bain, &
Montoya, 1999; Vaccari & Marschark, 1997).
Meadow-Orlans, Spencer, and Koester (2004)
reported that deaf children who share the same
language as their parents, as in an all-deaf family,
demonstrated comparable social and emotional devel-
opment as hearing children. However, these families
are in the minority. More than 96% of deaf children
are born to hearing parents, with little or no prior
knowledge or experience with providing an accessible
communication environment to the child who has
a hearing loss (Mitchell & Karchmer, 2004; Vaccari
& Marschark, 1997). Although common language be-
tween deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) youth and
parents can help facilitate communication, it is the
successful exchange of ideas and information between
parent and child that is critical for overall develop-
ment in youth who are DHH (Calderon & Greenberg,
2003; Mayberry, 2010; Moeller & Schick, 2006;
Schick, de Villiers, de Villiers, & Hoffmeister, 2007).
When communication at home is not accessible, the
youth experiences a social barrier and has difculty
participating in conversations with their parents. This
barrier in the youths home environment can result in
adverse impacts on the youths overall socioemotional
well-being as well as parental participation in the
youths academic success.
It is not the modality of the language (i.e., signed,
spoken, or mixed), but rather, the communicative
competence in the language shared by both parent
and child that promoted the childs socioemotional
development (Hintermair, 2006). This conclusion
*Correspondence should be sent to P. Kushalnagar, Department of
Community and Preventive Medicine, National Center for Deaf Health
Research, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, PO
Box 278990, Rochester, NY 14627-8990 (e-mail: poorna_kushalnagar
The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:
Advance Access publication on May 2, 2011
was drawn based on parental psychosocial adjustment
and child socioemotional functioning data from 213
sets of parents and their DHH children (ages 4.0
12.9 years). Although Hintermairs study used
parents evaluations of childrens communicative
competence and not the youths perception of own
competency in understanding parentyouth dialogues,
the ndings lend some support that communication
competency rather than communication modality
underlies the ability to exchange ideas and information
and allows children to internalize thoughts, contem-
plate other peoples thinking, and use inner language
to moderate social behaviors as they engage in dia-
logues with their parents. Indeed, in a study of 57 deaf
adolescents with and without cochlear implants (CIs)
using both a generic instrument and a Deaf Accultur-
ation Scale, it was found that perceived satisfaction
with communication at home was signicantly corre-
lated with higher self-esteem in social competence and
high scholastic self-esteem as well as higher overall life
satisfaction (Leigh, Maxwell-McCaw, Bat-Chava, &
Christiansen, 2009). In this study, the majority of
the youth participants had hearing parents and
satisfaction with communication at home. Home
satisfaction was associated with youths perceived
identication with the hearing community. The
researchers attributed this to the ease of communica-
tion that developed at home during the early years and
suggested that this promoted higher social competence
and increased self-esteem outside of the home.
Gilman, Easterbrooks, and Frey (2004) used the
Multidimensional Students Life Satisfaction Scale
to compare DHH youth, ages 818 years, to their
hearing peers and found signicant group differences
with DHH youth reporting signicantly lower scores
on overall satisfaction with life, friendships, and family
and living environment. Frustration with communica-
tion was cited as a possible explanation for these group
differences. In a comparative study of German DHH
and hearing children (ages 616 years), self-rated
reports and interviews using an inventory of life qual-
ity revealed group differences (Fellinger, Holzinger,
Sattel, & Laucht, 2008). Youth with hearing loss
reported greater satisfaction with school and family,
but lower satisfaction with quality of life, in general,
and fewer recreational activities and interests than
children with normal hearing ability. Within the hear-
ing loss group, however, children with varying degrees
of hearing loss did not differ in their self-rating scores
on the quality of life measure, except in one domain in
which children with CIs were signicantly less satis-
ed with their school quality of life.
Reduced communication, especially with parents
who struggle to communicate in the DHH youths
language, has the potential of negatively impacting
the youths quality of life and emotional well-being.
The impact becomes greater when the youth perceives
basic understanding of parentyouth communication
to be difcult, even if the actual rating of the commu-
nication quality is higher than the youths perception.
By understanding the relationship between how DHH
youth perceived communication at home and their
quality of life, psychologists, healthcare providers,
and school personnel will be able to work more effec-
tively with youth to improve and maintain a positive
quality of life.
Specic Aims
Given the important role of parentyouth communi-
cation in adolescent well-being and quality of life, we
sought to assess the relationship between specic com-
munication variables and youth perceived quality of
life in general and as a DHH individual. A multivar-
iate modeling framework was used to address the
following specic aims:
1. Specic Aim 1: Compare youth generic and
DHH-specic quality of life across their pre-
ferred modes of communication.
2. Specic Aim 2: Compare youth perceived ge-
neric and DHH-specic quality of life across
the youths perception of their understanding
of parents communication.
Participant Procedure
Approval for all aspects of this research was received
from the Institutional Review Boards of Seattle Child-
rens Hospital, Seattle, WA, and the University of
Colorado, Boulder. In order to assure that different
Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Youth: Communication and QoL 513
subgroups were included, stratied sampling of hear-
ing level and school type was conducted. Youth
participants between 11 to 18 years old in Washington,
Colorado, Texas, Arizona, and other states were
recruited by disseminating yers through schools,
audiology listserves, parent and DHH community list-
serves, and social community network Web sites.
Telephone and videophone screening calls with
a primary caregiver assessed youth eligibility for par-
ticipation in the study. Eligibility included having
a hearing loss of more than 26 dB in the better ear
and the ability to read English at least at the Grade 4
level. Youth were excluded if their primary caregiver
indicated that they had a comorbid mental or physical
condition that currently had a greater impact on their
life than their hearing loss. For example, if a parent
reported that the youths cerebral palsy had a greater
impact on his or her quality of life than hearing loss at
the time of survey participation, then this youth was
Audiologic records were requested for all partici-
pants. An audiologist certied by the American
Speech, Language, and Hearing Association reviewed
all received audiograms. Based on Clark, Tong,
Martin, and Busby (1981), degree of hearing loss
guidelines, we classied participants degree of hearing
loss based on the better ear pure tone average (PTA)
or the average unaided air conduction thresholds at
500, 1,000, and 2,000 Hz. Degree of hearing loss
was categorized as mild (PTA 5 2640 dB),
moderate (PTA 5 4155 dB), moderate-severe
(PTA 5 5670 dB), severe (PTA 5 7190 dB), or
profound (PTA . 90 dB). Participants using a CI
were characterized as cochlear implant. Children or
youth who had a PTA 26 dB but who had signicant
hearing loss in the higher frequencies only were
entered as mild.
Informed written consent from parent and assent
from youth were obtained prior to participation in the
study. Eligible participants completed a reading
screener to determine appropriateness of the different
modes of questionnaire administration: English paper-
and-pencil, Web based, or DVD administration in
American Sign Language (ASL) or Pidgin Signed
English (PSE). Participants who scored below the
required cutoff for paperpencil and Web mode (at
least four correct responses out of eight items on read-
ing screener) were given a choice of completing the
DVD questionnaire in ASL or PSE, both of which
included signed video clips and English text for each
question on the screen. Time to complete paper
pencil/Web was approximately 45 min. DVD
administration took approximately 1 hr to complete.
Following completion, participants were given a $25
gratuity for their participation time and effort.
All instruments are self-administered and available in
both English print and DVD in ASL or PSE versions.
Permission to adapt existing instruments to ASL and
PSE was obtained from the test publishers. Many of
the Colorado Individual Performance Prole (CIPP)
items are teacher report and were reworded to be
completed by the youth themselves. Materials were
translated by two bilingual signers on the research
team, and two uent DHH youth signers served as
sign models for the DVDs. Cognitive debrieng with
DHH youth was used to validate survey items.
Youth Quality of Life-Revised. The Youth Quality of
LifeRevised (YQoL-R) is a 41-item previously
validated generic quality of life measurement designed
for all youth ages 1118 years (Edwards, Huebner,
Connell, and Patrick, 2002; Patrick, Edwards, &
Topolski, 2002). It is a self-administered questionnaire
readable at the fourth-grade level, which assesses QoL
in four domains: sense of self, social relationships,
environment, and general quality of life.
Psychometric analyses of the YQoL-R perceptual
scales have yielded scores with acceptable internal
consistency (Cronbachs alpha 5 .77.96), reproduc-
ibility (intraclass correlation coefcients [ICCs] 5
0.740.85), expected associations with other measured
concepts, and ability to distinguish among known
groups. It takes approximately 15 min to complete.
Youth Quality of LifeDeaf and Hard-of-Hearing
module. The Youth Quality of LifeDeaf and
Hard-of-Hearing (YQoL-DHH) is a validated quality
of life instrument specic to youth ages 1119 years
who are DHH (Patrick et al., 2011). A readability
514 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 16:4 Fall 2011
analysis has conrmed that this instrument is readable
at the fourth-grade level using the HomanHewitt
formula, which takes into account number of words
per thought unit, number of words unfamiliar (below
75% fourth-grade level of Living Word Vocabulary),
and number of words with seven letters or more
(Homan, Hewitt, & Linder, 1994). The instrument
assesses youth QoL as a DHH person in three
domains: participation, self-acceptance and advocacy,
and perceived stigma. Psychometric analyses of the
YQoL-DHH perceptual scales have yielded scores
with acceptable internal consistency (Cronbachs
alpha 5 .84.87), reproducibility (ICCs 5 0.79
0.88), and expected associations with other measured
concepts. It takes approximately 15 min to complete
the paper version and 30 min to complete the DVD
Childrens Depression InventoryShort Form. The
Childrens Depression InventoryShort Form
(CDI-S; Kovacs, 1992) has 10 items that assess the
presence of depressive symptomatology over the past
2 weeks, with higher scores indicating increased symp-
tom severity. The CDI-S is highly correlated with the
longer 27-item CDI (r 5 .89), which has good internal
consistency (r 5 .71.88). Depressive symptoms as
measured by the CDI are signicantly correlated with
quality of life among youth with and without disabil-
ities (Patrick, Edwards, & Topolski, 2002).
Colorado Individual Performance Prole: Classroom
Participation Questionnaire. The CIPP is a multipur-
pose tool with items related to hearing loss and age at
diagnosis, history of amplication use, type of school
placement, family information, and language modality
usage (Colorado Department of Education, 2002).
The CIPP consists of two partsStudent Demo-
graphic Information and Student Assessment. Only
the classroom participation questionnaire was drawn
from the student assessment part, adapted for ease of
self-administration and used in the current study.
Communication Variables
Youth preferred mode of communication. Youth indi-
cated their preferred mode of communication; choices
included sign, speech, and sign plus speech as possible
choices for the youths mode of communication at
home, with friends, and at school. In addition, parents
were asked about the youths mode of communication
as part of the initial parent screen to determine eligi-
bility for the study. Youth report and parent report
were cross-referenced for questions related to mode
of communication used in the home, school, and with
friends. Consistent mode of communication across
setting was automatically assigned as the selected
mode of communication. If the mode of communi-
cation was the same for two settings (e.g., speech for
home and speech for school, but speech and sign for
friends), then speech was assigned as the youths
overall mode of communication. If each mode of
communication was different (e.g., speech for home,
speech and sign for school, and sign for friends),
then speech and sign was assigned as the youths
overall mode of communication (MoC_Overall).
Final overall preference counts were 56 for sign, 92
for speech, and 82 for sign plus speech. Overall
mode of communication is correlated with hearing
levels, with higher trend of oral usage among those
with mild/moderate hearing loss and sign language
usage among those with profound hearing loss (non-
CI users).
Perceived parentyouth communication variable. Alth-
ough an actual assessment of competence and interac-
tion between the parentyouth dyads would have
provided a direct measure of how much the youth
understood what their parents said, the cost involved
in employing clinically trained interviewers to observe
and document youths understanding level would have
been prohibitive in this large-scale study. We have re-
stricted ourselves to obtaining youths perception of
how much they understood what their parents said.
The item How much do you understand when your
parents communicate with you at home? was selected
as the variable of interest for youths perceived level of
understanding what their parents said. Of 228 youth
who answered this item, 41% of youth participants
(N 5 94) stated that they understood all of what their
parents said and 46% of youth participants (N 5 105)
understood most of what their parents said. The
remaining 13% of youth participants (N 5 29)
Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Youth: Communication and QoL 515
reported that they understood some, little, or none of
what their parents said.
Statistical analyses. For the rst aim, direct statistical
comparison using multiple one-way analysis of covari-
ance (ANCOVA) was conducted to test for signicant
differences between means of generic youth quality
of life (YQoL-R) and DHH-specic youth quality of
life (YQoL-DHH) across youth preferred mode of
communication. For the second specic aim, multiple
one-way ANCOVAs were also conducted to test for
signicant differences between means of generic youth
quality of life (YQoL-R) and DHH-specic youth
quality of life (YQoL-DHH) across perceived
parentyouth communication. For these multiple
comparisons, p values were adjusted using Sidak
correction (Nakagawa, 2004). We preferred Sidak
correction over the more conservative Bonferroni cor-
rection to reduce the risk of committing a Type I error
based on multiple comparisons.
Demographic and health-related variables were
examined for signicant correlations with any of the de-
pendent variables in this study and entered in respective
ANCOVA models. Evaluation of the youths level of
hearing loss as a possible covariate was not associated
with any of the dependent variables and therefore not
entered as a covariate in any of ANCOVA models.
For the rst specic aim with mode of communi-
cation (MoC_Overall) as the predictor variable,
ANCOVA models included youth reported depressive
symptoms (CDI-S), age, and parents hearing status as
covariates. Perceived level of parentyouth under-
standing signicantly correlated with all generic
(YQoL-R) and DHH-specic YQoL (YQoL-DHH)
domains and was added to the list of covariates in
the ANCOVA model.
For the second specic aim, similar covariates were
entered in separate ANCOVA models with perceived
level of parentyouth understanding as the predictor
variable. Mode of communication was also entered as
a covariate in the model. Welchs test was used in
analyses where assumptions for homogeneity were
not met. To remedy skewed perceived stigma data in
the YQoL-DHH data set, a constant of 1 was added to
bring all data to nonzero value and log-transformation
method was applied to positive scores prior to model
analysis, and adjusted geometric means were obtained
by back transformation.
Pairwise comparisons with Sidak corrections were
conducted. For the univariate analyses, n 5 230
proved sufcient using Cohens (1988) calculations
of sample size based on power analysis to detect a small
effect size (partial g
5 .05).
Youth demographic characteristics are presented in
Table 1. The nal sample included 230 youths
(mild/unilateral 5 27, moderate/moderate-severe 5
46, severe/profound 5 94, CI 5 63). Mean age was
14 years old (standard deviation 5 2.2). Approxi-
mately 44% of youth participants were educated at
schools where there was no DHH program, whereas
25% attended schools that provided DHH services.
The rest of the youth either attended day/residential
programs for the deaf (27%) or were homeschooled
(4%). The sample was approximately 51% male,
which is representative of youth with various degrees
of hearing loss (Gallaudet Research Institute, 2006).
More than 85% of the current youth sample reported
that they understood most or all of what their parents
Based on the entire sample (n 5 230), a one-way
ANCOVA with mode of communication as the in-
dependent variable was nonsignicant for YQoL
(generic) outcomes. Mode of communication vari-
able accounted for less than 0.5% of variances in
the model. Youth who used solely sign language or
spoken language to communicate were not signi-
cantly different from youth who used a combination
of sign and speech in their perception of generic
quality of life. However, for DHH-specic quality
of life, signicant group differences emerged only
for perceived stigma domain, F(2,213) 5 5.00; p ,
.008, n
5 .05. Within this domain, youth who used
speech as their primary mode of communication
had signicantly worse perceived stigma score than
other youth who used combination of speech and
sign as their preferred mode of communication
(see Figure 1). No signicant group differences
emerged for participation and self-acceptance and
advocacy domains.
516 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 16:4 Fall 2011
Separate one-way ANCOVA with perceived level
of parentyouth understanding as the independent
variable (Table 2) showed that the greater the percep-
tion that (s)he understood what her or his parents said,
the more likely the youth reported both better generic
and hearing lossspecic quality of life. Youth per-
ceived level of parentyouth understanding variable
accounted for between 7 and 12% of variances in
the models. Pairwise comparisons with Sidak cor-
rections were conducted (see Table 3). Results indi-
cated that youth who reported full understanding of
what their parents said also reported signicantly bet-
ter quality of life related to self, environment, and
relationship on YQoL-R instrument than youth who
Table 1 Sample characteristics of youth by mode of communication, shown in percent of sample
Mode of communication
Total sample (n 5 230) Sign (n 5 56) Speech (n 5 92) Sign and speech (n 5 82)
Hearing level
Mild/unilateral 11.7 0.0 19.6 11.0
Moderate/moderate-severe 20.0 3.6 33.7 15.9
Severe/profound 40.9 87.5 10.9 42.7
Cochlear implant 27.4 8.9 35.9 30.5
Deaf/hard of hearing 16.1 39.3 1.1 17.1
Hearing 83.9 60.7 98.9 82.9
Male 51.3 44.6 54.3 52.4
Female 48.7 55.4 45.7 48.7
White 61.1 55.4 64.4 61.3
Hispanic/Latino 15.0 23.2 10.0 15.0
African American 6.6 5.4 6.7 7.5
Asian/Pacic Island 3.1 5.4 1.1 3.8
Native American 4.0 3.6 5.6 2.5
Biracial/other 10.2 7.1 12.2 10.0
Figure 1 Marginal means of perceived stigma scores by youth mode of communication. *Alpha 5 .05, adjusting for
perceived level of understanding, depression, age, and parents hearing status. Note. Lower perceived score is better.
Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Youth: Communication and QoL 517
reported partial understanding of what their parents
said. Signicant group differences between youth who
understood all of what their parents said and youth
who understood some to none of what their parents
said also emerged on most domains of the YQoL-
DHH instrument.
For the participation domain of the YQoL-
DHH instrument, pairwise comparison revealed
signicantly higher scores among youth who under-
stood all of what their parents said than youth who
reported that they understood most of what their
parents said. In contrast, pairwise comparison for
self-acceptance and advocacy domain within
YQoL-DHH instrument indicated that youth who un-
derstood all or most of what their parents said had
signicantly higher scores than youth who understood
some or none of what their parents said. For the per-
ceived stigma domain, youth who reported that they
understood some to none of what their parents said
had comparable perception of stigma associated with
being DHH as do youth who reported that they un-
derstood most or all of what their parents said.
When youth reported depressive symptomatology
(CDI-S) was entered as a covariate in the ANCOVA
models, its effect size ranged from 15 to 25% of the
variance in the models. Depressive symptoms
accounted for greater variance in its contribution to
perceived quality of life than either youth preferred
mode of communication or perceived level of parent
youth understanding, both of which yielded small
effect sizes in ANCOVA models for YQoL-R and
Post hoc contrast analyses were conducted on the
CDI-S as a dependent variable with mode of com-
munication and perceived level of parentyouth un-
derstanding as independent variables in ANCOVA
model. Reported depressive symptoms did not differ
across the three modes of communication (p 5 not
signicant). However, signicant main effect emerged
for perceived level of parent understanding, F(2,207) 5
4.98; p , .008, n
5 .05. As shown in Figure 2, pair-
wise comparison indicated that depressive symptoms
were signicantly higher among youth who reported
that they understood some or little of what their parents
said compared with those who said they understood
most or all of what their parents said. There were no
signicant group differences in the depressive symptom
scores between youth who understood most of what
their parents said and youth who understood all of what
their parents said.
In sum, our results demonstrate that youth who per-
ceived that they understood all or most of their
parents expressive communication, report a higher
Table 2 ANCOVA models on YQoL-R and YQoL-DHH domains by perceived parentyouth level of understanding
All of what
they say
Most of what
they say
Some to none
of what they
Partial g
mean (SE)
mean (SE)
mean (SE)
YQoL-self 72.18 (1.4) 69.48 (1.3) 63.83 (2.6) 3.80 .02 .038
YQoL-environment 87.06 (1.3) 84.79 (1.1) 79.40 (2.3) 4.05 .02 .038
YQoL-relationship 84.34 (1.5) 80.60 (1.4) 73.95 (2.8) 5.18 .01 .048
YQoL-generic Welch test 87.68 (1.7) 83.55 (1.6) 79.68 (3.1) 6.63 .002 .026
YQoL_DHH-participation 67.40 (1.9) 54.55 (1.8) 50.71 (3.6) 14.07 .001 .119
YQoL_DHH-acceptance/advocacy 78.00 (1.4) 75.43 (1.3) 66.74 (2.6) 6.60 .002 .059
YQoL_DHH-perceived stigma
(0.01) 18.89
(0.01) 18.57
(0.03) 2.05 .13 .019
Note. ANCOVA, analysis of covariance; DHH, deaf or hard of hearing; ns, not signicant; SE, standard error; YQoL-R, Youth Quality of Life-Revised;
YQoL-DHH, Youth Quality of LifeDeaf and Hard-of-Hearing.
Adjusted for mode of communication, age, parent hearing status, and reported depression symptoms (CDI-S score).
YQoL_DHH-perceived stigma: Higher scores are associated with greater perceived stigma. To remedy highly skewed perceived stigma data, a constant
of 1 was added to bring all data to non-zero value and log-transformation method was applied to positive scores prior to model analysis, and adjusted
geometric means are obtained by back-transformation.
Adjusted geometric means.
518 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 16:4 Fall 2011
perceived quality of life related to their sense of self,
their relationships and their environment as well as
better quality of life related to being DHH. Within
the YQoL-DHH module for youth quality of life in-
strument, the youths perception of full understanding
of parents communication is important for high
participationrelated quality of life. Youth who under-
stood most or all of what their parents say were likely
to report higher quality of life related to self-
acceptance and advocacy and also lower perceived
stigma related to being DHH. These perceptions did
not differ by degree of hearing loss but rather were
consistent across the range of loss from mild to severe
as well as among youth with CIs. Preferred commu-
nication modality was not related to the youths eval-
uation of how much she or he understood the parent,
perceived quality of life associated with participation
and self-acceptance/advocacy, or the youths report of
depressive symptoms. Perceived stigma associated
with being DHH, however, was signicantly associated
with mode of communication. Specically, youths who
reported strong preference for speech were much
more likely to report greater stigma associated with
being DHH than youths who reported preference for
combination of sign language and speech. The addi-
tion of sign language to the DHH youths daily
Table 3 Pairwise comparison of models on YQoL-R and YQoL-DHH domains across levels of youths perceived ability to
understand parent communication
YQoL-self Mean difference SE Signicance
All of what they say versus most of what they say 2.71 1.92 ns
Most of what they say versus some to none of what they say 5.65 2.81 ns
All of what they say versus some to none of what they say 8.35 3.04 .02
All of what they say versus most of what they say 2.27 1.73 ns
Most of what they say versus some to none of what they say 5.39 2.50 ns
All of what they say versus some to none of what they say 7.66 2.7 .02
All of what they say versus most of what they say 3.75 2.06 ns
Most of what they say versus some to none of what they say 6.65 3.04 ns
All of what they say versus some to none of what they say 10.39 3.27 .01
All of what they say versus most of what they say 4.47 2.45 ns
Most of what they say versus some to none of what they say 4.28 3.56 ns
All of what they say versus some to none of what they say 8.75 3.81 ns
All of what they say versus most of what they say 12.84 2.65 .001
Most of what they say versus some to none of what they say 3.84 3.90 ns
All of what they say versus some to none of what they say 16.68 4.18 .001
All of what they say versus most of what they say 2.57 2.00 ns
Most of what they say versus some to none of what they say 8.69 2.90 .009
All of what they say versus some to none of what they say 11.26 3.11 .001
YQoL_DHH-perceived stigma
All of what they say versus most of what they say 0.02
0.02 ns
Most of what they say versus some to none of what they say 0.04
0.03 ns
All of what they say versus some to none of what they say 0.06
0.03 ns
Note. DHH, deaf or hard of hearing; ns, not signicant; SE, standard error; YQoL-R, Youth Quality of Life-Revised; YQoL-DHH, Youth Quality of
LifeDeaf and Hard-of-Hearing.
Adjusted for age, parent hearing status, mode of communication, and reported depression symptoms (CDI-S score).
YQoL_DHH-perceived stigma: Higher scores are associated with greater perceived stigma. To remedy highly skewed perceived stigma data, a constant
of 1 was added to bring all data to nonzero value and log-transformation method was applied to positive scores prior to model analysis, and adjusted
geometric means are obtained by back-transformation.
Adjusted geometric means.
Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Youth: Communication and QoL 519
communication appears to carry a benecial effect in
reducing youth perceived stigma associated with hear-
ing loss. Finally, the relationship found between
youths perceived ability to understand what their
parents said and generic quality of life is consistent
with previous research that suggest a link between
communicative competence (as opposed to preferred
mode of communication) and socioemotional develop-
ment among youth who are DHH (Hintermair, 2006).
Our nding of the association between perceived
quality of life and youths perceptions of their ability
to understand what their parents say underscores the
importance of the quality of communication at home.
Conversely, the parents perception of the DHH
youths communication may be equally important in
shaping developmental outcomes. In other words, the
outcomes of the DHH childs early experience are
inuenced by a combination of factors intrinsic to the
child and environmental modications (Marschark,
2007). Closer examination of this bidirectional rela-
tionship, rather than the youth or parents character-
istics, is necessary in order to adequately understand
the impact that basic parentyouth communication
would have on DHH-specic quality of life outcomes.
Research has shown that better problem solving
skills among parents are associated with better academic
and socioemotional development in their deaf children
(see Calderon & Greenberg, 2003, for a review). Lower
parental stress and depression are associated with better
socioemotional development in children who are DHH
(Hintermair, 2006; Kushalnagar et al., 2007). These
studies point to the same conclusion: early communi-
cation difculties appear to be associated with parental
stress and socioemotional difculties among children
who are DHH. As we tie in these data with current
study ndings, it may be logical to conclude that the
quality of communication at home is not only just re-
lated to the childs early socioemotional and language
development but also related to later quality of life
issues in adolescence. It emphasizes the need to con-
sider home communication across the age span as a mal-
leable factor that deserves attention for its proximal role
in satisfaction with school and life.
The relatively small percentage of youth who
reported less than optimal understanding of parents
expressive communication also reported more depres-
sive symptoms than youth who reported that they
understood most or all of what their parents said.
The association between perceived level of ability to
understand what parents said and depressive symp-
toms remained moderately strong after taking in
consideration the youths preferred mode of
Figure 2 Means of youth reported depressive symptoms (CDI-S) by youths perceived ability to understand parent com-
munication. *Alpha level 5 .05, adjusting for perceived level for mode of communication, age, and parents hearing status.
Note. Lower CDI-S T-score is better.
520 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 16:4 Fall 2011
communication, age, parents hearing status, and the
youths level of hearing loss. If the depressed youth
does not perceive communication with hearing parents
to be accessible, this youth may sense a loss of belong-
ing, thus negatively impacting his or her perceive
quality of life related to life at home. This can poten-
tially place the youth at increased risk for engaging in
health-risk behaviors such as tobacco use, alcohol use,
illicit drug use, and high-risk sexual behavior, which
has also previously been shown to be associated with
a poor quality of life (Topolski et al., 2001). These
health-risk behaviors also have been shown to be as-
sociated with depression and anxiety that emerge dur-
ing adolescence (see DiClemente, Santelli, & Crosby,
2009, for a review), and depression and hopelessness
have been shown to be associated with lower perceived
quality of life (Moore, Hofer, McGee, & Ring, 2005).
For the general youth population without
disabilities, parental involvement and parentyouth
communication have been shown to be inuential on
various youth outcomes such as reduction in sexual
risk behaviors (DeVore & Ginsburg, 2005; Stoiber &
McIntyre, 2006), better academic achievement (Hill
et al., 2004), and overall adolescent adjustment (see
Proctor, Linley, & Malthy, 2009, for a review). Par-
ent monitoring has been found to signicantly
reduce adolescent risk behaviors, including tobacco,
marijuana, and illicit drug usage (Robertson, Baird-
Thomas, & Stein, 2008; Stanton et al., 2004). In
these parentyouth communication studies that
involve hearing youth and hearing parents, parent
youth communication is typically high level and
focuses on what messages are sent, what messages
are heard, and what messages are understood. For
deaf youth who do not have accessible communica-
tion at home, we must rst address the basic issue of
whether they felt that they understood how much
their parents said before we can move on to higher
level parentyouth communication. Another issue to
consider is the degree of language prociency that
may differ between the parent and youth. For exam-
ple, the parent may not be as procient in sign lan-
guage as the youth or the youth not as procient in
spoken English as the parent. This may add yet an-
other layer of complexity in understanding each
others basic communication and create stress within
the parentyouth relationship. Within this context,
both the parent and the youths ability to be exible,
recognize, and problem solve in communication
breakdowns can serve to improve the relationship
and maintain healthy parentyouth connection as
well as promote positive youth perceived quality of
life. These issues further emphasize the importance
of making entire families the participants or con-
sumers of communication interventions with DHH
children and youth; the goal of most early interven-
tion programs (see Sass-Lehrer & Bodner-Johnson,
2003; Stredler-Brown, 2010). Future mental health
and family communication intervention studies with
DHH youth are needed to discern the causal rela-
tionships among depressive symptoms, perceived
ability to understand parents communication, and
perceived quality of life.
One study limitation is the nature of conve-
nience sampling. A large percentage of youth par-
ticipants were recruited through schools, listserves,
and camps. Written consents from the parents were
required prior to surveying youth participants. The
self-selection process associated with parental con-
sent may be reective of educated and literate
parents who are already involved in their childrens
lives, which may explain the higher number of pos-
itive perception of parent expressive communication
and associated quality of life. Better sampling meth-
ods to include hard-to-recruit participants are
needed to provide a wider representation of the
young population and their perception of quality
of life in general and as DHH individuals.
The study bears important implications for improving
youth perceived quality of life and depressive
symptoms of DHH youth who perceive parent com-
munication to be difcult. It emphasizes that quality
of communication among family members remains
essential even when youth with hearing loss are in
their adolescent years. In keeping with reports of the
benets of positive perception on parents level of un-
derstanding and associated reduction in youths
depressive symptoms as well as an increase in per-
ceived quality of life, an effort should be made to
Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Youth: Communication and QoL 521
identify youth at risk for communication problems at
home. An important contribution of this study is that
youth report of their perceived level of communication
was found to be related to their quality of life. This
simple self-report should be an important component
in therapy, where providers may also need to ask about
home communication and consider it an important and
malleable factor in the youths life. By including
parents and youth in therapy sessions, providers may
be able to empower both the parent and the youth to be
active problem solvers in preventing communication
breakdowns. Whenever possible, measures (e.g., sign
language, assistive hearing devices if benecial to the
youth, family counseling) should be taken to provide
the youth with access to communication at home.
Combined together, these can help increase the youths
perception of self as well as overall quality of life.
University of Washington from the National Institute
on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (1
R01 DC008144-01A1; principal investigator: D.L.
Patrick, PhD).
Conicts of Interest
No conicts of interest were reported.
Katherine Sie, MD, of Childrens Hospital and Re-
gional Medical Center at the University of Washing-
ton deserves grateful acknowledgment for her review
and comment of this manuscript.
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