Exxon Mobile Oil Indonesia Inc
Exxon Mobile Oil Indonesia Inc
Exxon Mobile Oil Indonesia Inc
Human Resource Department
Exxon Mobile Oil Indonesia Inc.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have seen your advertisement from Student Advisory Centre ITS (SAC
ITS! Therefore I"m intend to #oint $ith your %om&any in va%an%y &ro'ram as a
My name is Dedi (eriansyah and I)m 2* years o+d! I $as 'raduate from
Electrical Engineering Department of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of
Technolog !ITS" Surabaa &arti%u+ar+y $ith ma#or fie+d in
Telecommunication # Multimedia in Se&tember 2006 $ith $%& '())! I)m ab+e
to $or, both team and inde&endent, stron' +eadershi&, a fast +earner, se+f
motivated, hard $or,er and 'ood %ommuni%ation! I have some or'ani-ationa+
e.&erien%es, t$o of them are a $eneral Secretar of ITS Electrical
Engineering Student Organi*ation and an &ssistant of Telecommunication
Net+or, -aborator!
I fee+ that my s,i++s and e.&erien%es are a 'ood startin' &oint for #oinin'
to your %om&any! /or your %onsideration, I atta%h my %urri%u+um vitae,
a%ademi% Trans%ri&t, %ertifi%ate of my ba%he+or de'ree, and my re%ent
I $ou+d +i,e to ta,e the o&&ortunity to +earn and ta,e some res&onsibi+ities
to the best of my abi+ity, therefore I $i++in' to %ome over for an intervie$ and a
test at your %onvenient! It $ou+d be a 'reat honor for me if you ta,e me as the
&art of this &ro'ram!
Sin%ere+y yours,
Dedi (eriansyah